PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 11 ORLAND PARK CA R L S A N D B U R G H I G H S C H O O L 13300 S. LaGrange Road Orland Park, IL 60462 (708) 671-3100 C A R L S A N D B U R G H I G H S C H O O L N E W S L E T T E R • F E B R UA RY 2 0 1 5 Curriculum Fair The Daytime Curriculum Fair was held on Friday, January 9, 2015 during physical education classes. With registration upon us, it was a great opportunity for students to see which elective classes are available to them. Teachers from various elective classes set up display tables highlighting the curriculum. Teachers were available to offer information and answer questions about each course. Many elective courses were represented. Culinary arts, music, anatomy, psychology, art, computer maintenance, challenge education, world languages and early childhood education were just a few of the areas represented. The cosmetology program even offered free nail painting and hair styling! WHAT’S AHEAD AT SANDBURG FEBRUARY 2015 Turnabout Dance Saturday, February 7th - 7:00 pm Senior Honors Night Tuesday, February 24th - 7:00 pm PAC IMPORTANT DATES Saturday, February 7th - Turnabout Dance, 7:00 pm Monday, February 16th - President’s Day - No School Thursday - Saturday, February 19th -21st - Orchesis, 7:00 pm PAC Thursday, February 26th - International Fest- 7:00 pm PAC Event Calendar Link In addition to the Curriculum Fair, students had the opportunity to watch videos created by departments that offer electives during Advisory. The social studies, applied technology, science and business departments were a few of the departments who used their creativity to inform students about the electives their departments offer. GUIDANCE Registration Information - February 2015 AP Test Registration - Fri. February 6th Deadline AP Registration Link College Board (AP Testing Info) - AP College Board Free College Planning Resource - Financial Fit Link Guidance Link DEADLINES College Financial Aid - (FAFSA) Class of 2015 begins January 1st, 2015. Awards made until funds are depleted or June 30th. FAFSA Link SANDBURG LINKS Athletics Guidance Sandburg Website Sandburg Facebook Sandburg Twitter Event Calendar Link *Live links found at A CONSOLIDATED HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 230 SCHOOL THOUGHT MEANING ACTION CARL SANDBURG HIGH SCHOOL 2014-2015 School Calendar Dates to Remember February 16 President's Day - No School March 5 Parent/Teacher Conferences 12 - 8 pm No Student Attendance 6 School Holiday - No School April 2 Early Dismissal 1 pm 3 School Holiday 6-10 Spring Break 13 Classes Reconvene 24 Institute Day - All Staff School Prom No Student Attendance May 25 Memorial Day - No School 27, 28, 29 Final Exams* 29 Last Day of School* *Changed due to inclement weather days used. Subject to change if additional inclement weather days are needed. CONSOLIDATED HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 230 Rick Nogal, President Patrick O'Sullivan, Vice President Kathy Quilty, Secretary Susan Dalton Melissa Gracias Kate Murphy-Peterson Tony Serratore Dr. James M. Gay, Superintendent Deborah D. Baker, Principal Sandburg Pride is published by the Consolidated High School District 230 School Board. (708) 671-3100 | MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL Greetings Eagle Families and Friends, We can always count on Chicagoland winters to challenge our calendar and plans - especially in January. Students and staff “weathered” the two cancelled days of school beautifully, though, and we are back in the swing of things, hoping that Mother Nature cooperates. While we have acclimated to our second semester schedule and event calendar, we have also begun planning for the 2015-16 school year. All students have updated their four-year plans and attended our Curriculum Fair which enabled current freshmen, sophomores, and juniors to ask questions directly to elective teachers about course offerings. Junior students tell me that it is an especially valuable event to them, as their schedules offer the greatest opportunity of time with which to make elective selections. In January, registration meetings took place with Guidance Counselors. By mid-February, registration will be complete for all students, including our incoming freshman students, who will have attended an Open House and Saturday registration event as part of their transition process. We will be using course registration numbers to determine the number of sections for each course that will be offered next year. Course verification letters, which will indicate the classes making up your child’s schedule for the next school year, will be sent to families in April. By that time, Guidance Counselors will have contacted students who registered for courses that may not run due to low enrollment so that they can register for alternative courses. These final edits to registration are necessary for the development of next year’s Master Schedule. Spring Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Thursday, March 5th between the hours of noon and 8:00 pm. While regular use of the Skyward Family Access portal provides current information related to grades, assignments, absences, and discipline, the face-to-face conferences provide families and staff with the rich opportunity of more personal communication. Information about our parent-teacher conference scheduling process is located within this newsletter and posted on the Sandburg website. The season of standardized testing will begin on March 3rd when our Juniors take the ACT (with writing) and when our Freshmen take the PLAN test. No school for Seniors and Sophomores on Tuesday, March 3rd. Sophomores will take the P-ACT on Wednesday, March 4th; all freshmen, juniors, and seniors will have a normal attendance day on Wednesday, March 4th. The new State PARCC (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers) assessment will be administered to mostly freshman students. Details, including a testing schedule, will be mailed home to all families, so that you have a ready resource (a/k/a “fridge sheet”) to keep track of all of the testing dates and attendance information. I take this opportunity to repeat some information first reported in last month’s newsletter about new graduation protocols that impacts this year’s graduation. This year’s graduation ceremonies will begin at 7:00 P.M. on the following dates: Stagg High School – Monday, May 18 Sandburg High School – Tuesday, May 19 Andrew High School – Wednesday, May 20 ● The National Weather Service will be used to decide if we need to implement a rain date change. ● Rain date for Sandburg will be Friday, May 22, 2015, at 7:00 pm And, finally, we respectfully request that our Sandburg parents take time to complete the Statemandated 5Essentials Survey. Between now and March 15th, parents have the unique opportunity to provide input into five areas: Effective Leadership; Collaborative Teachers; Involved Families; Supportive Environment; and Ambitious Instruction. Our school’s results will be posted to our 2015 School Report Card and compared against state-wide results. You can click into the link from our website or type the following URL to get to the link: "An equal opportunity employer" I want to thank you in advance for taking the time to provide feedback to us through this survey. Best wishes and Go Eagles! Printed on Recycled Paper 30% Total Recycled Fiber Deborah D. Baker Principal ATHLETIC BOOSTERS MUSIC BOOSTERS Come on out from the cold and watch a game, match or meet. Girls’ Basketball, Boys’ Basketball with the Eaglettes and Cheerleaders performing during half-time, Girls’ and Boys’ Bowling, Girls’ Gymnastics, Boys’ Swimming and Wrestling have all been training hard with the assistance of their Coaches and Athletic Trainers. Regionals and Sectionals are right around the corner. Check out the Athletic website for times/dates. Go Eagles! Cold weather put a damper on the Winter Jazz Concert – the first concert of the year – but students regrouped and put on a great show two weeks later. On January 29, Jazz Ensemble I traveled to Peoria to perform at the Illinois Music Educators All-State Jazz Concert – a huge honor! Jazz I also had the honor of opening for a big band group at Mullen’s in Lisle before an enthusiastic crowd. Meanwhile, the Pep Band has been cheering on the girls’ and boys’ basketball teams, even at the United Center! All teams are doing exceptionally well. We have many talented athletes within our school. The Winter Sports Ad Book is available for purchase at all of the winter sports events so please support your team and school and purchase one. The Spring Sports Ad Book is now accepting ads. Please support the Athletic Boosters and advertise with us. E-mail Michaela Comiskey, Carl Sandburg Athletic Boosters at to place an ad for our spring book. In the near future we will begin our scholarship process. Please make sure your membership dues are paid to be considered. Please contact your sport rep or Board Member if you have any questions about becoming a member of the CSHS Athletic Booster Club. Three years ago freshman class (2011/2012) and from there on out, must have four years in good standing with our club to be considered for this award. The student athletes can pick up our application in the Guidance Office starting February 16th and return no later than March 13th. Spring tryouts are approaching quickly. Check with the coaches for dates / times or the athletic website. Athletic Booster meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at Carl Sandburg in Room E113E115. Please get involved and join us. Contact Mike Probasco at The next meeting is February 11th at 7:00 p.m. Come on out, we love your input! The Philharmonic Orchestra and a cappella groups performed in January at three junior high schools to encourage eighth graders to join the music program at Sandburg. In February, orchestra and choir students are going to the Lyric Opera downtown for Puccini’s “Tosca.” Check the Music Booster calendar on the website for the latest information because a full slate of activities is coming up: February 7 Vandercook College Day of Percussion February 10 Mid-year Band Concert February 12 SWSC Band Festival at Sandburg February 28 Midwest Music Festival at Lemont HS March 4 Choral Concert March 10 Percuss-O-Rama Concert March 12 SWSC Choir Festival March 12 Orchestra Concert To order a DVD or CD for any Sandburg concert, stop by the Music Booster table in the PAC foyer on concert evenings. It’s still winter, but music students are thinking spring. Auditions for “Titanic,” the spring musical, for the cast and pit orchestra were held in early February, and practices are now underway. Another spring event is the Music Boosters’ Craft Fair, scheduled for March 14-15, so watch for information on how you can help. Thanks to all who participated in our Golden Opportunity coupon book/buyout. This was the only mandatory fundraiser for your student to be eligible for senior and camp scholarships. In addition, families must be members of Music Boosters. Scholarship information will be coming out soon, so check the website for an application form and more details. The next Music Boosters meeting will be Tuesday, February 17, at 7 p.m. in E113-115. Please join us! Go Eagles! PFSA SCHOLARSHIPS - SENIORS: We are happy to announce that thanks to your support, the PFSA will once again be awarding scholarships to qualified graduating seniors. There are two categories – “Academic” and “Exemplary.” While participation in athletics and music is welcome, PFSA is seeking seniors that have impacted the Sandburg community through participation in clubs and organizations and how their participation has made a difference. Applications will be available in the Guidance Office starting Monday, February 16, 2015 and will be due on Friday, March 13, 2015. Applications will also be available on-line at In order for your senior to be eligible, your family must have been a paying member of PFSA for all years attending Sandburg. With that in mind, we are still accepting MEMBERSHIPS through March 1, 2015. You must complete a membership form and send it to the office, along with your $10.00 annual membership fee. If you have any questions regarding your membership for this year or previous years, please contact Ann Lindgren at SPIRIT WEAR: The next opportunity to purchase spirit wear will be at Spring ParentTeacher Conferences on Thursday, March 5th. Any questions regarding spirit wear should be emailed to Kim and Laurie at: VOLUNTEERS: Thanks for all volunteers who assisted with the Class of 2019 Freshmen Open House and Registration – serving refreshments and assisting with selling spirit wear. BOARD and COMMITTEE POSITIONS are open for the 2015-2016 school year. Now is an ideal time to shadow a current member so you can be up and running for the coming school year. It is both fun and rewarding to be a part of your student’s high school experience. Your leadership will make a difference; find a position for you to share your talents. Please contact Susan McCurdy at with any questions. Looking to show your Sandburg pride, PFSA has a new car decal available for $5. Be proud that your son or daughter is part of our great school. Mark your calendar NOW for our next meeting on Tuesday, March 3, 2015. “Follow” us - @SandburgPFSA, “Like” us, and check out our website at for all of Sandburg’s PFSA information as well as what is happening in the Sandburg community. CARL SANDBURG HIGH SCHOOL News From The Nurse’s Office WHAT YOU CAN DO TO AVOID INFLUENZA... AVOID CLOSE CONTACT – Avoid close contact with people who are sick. When you are sick, avoid contact with others to protect them from getting sick. STAY HOME WHEN YOU ARE SICK – Stay home from work, school, or day care when you are sick. You will help others from catching your illness. COVER YOUR MOUTH AND NOSE – Use a tissue to cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing; it will help to prevent others from getting sick. WASH YOUR HANDS – Washing your hands often will help protect you from germs. AVOID TOUCHING YOUR EYES, NOSE OR MOUTH – Germs are often spread when a person touches things that are contaminated with germs and then you touch your eyes, nose or mouth. Other ways to stay healthy during flu season and all year round: ● Get plenty of sleep ● Exercise regularly ● Manage your stress level ● Drink plenty of fluids ● Eat healthy foods (708) 671-3100 | Lunch Time Resource Centers Students are able to attend Literacy, Math, Science and Social Studies Resource Centers during their lunch time to receive help on their coursework and improve their skills with a focus on reading and writing. Students can also get assistance on homework, reviewing quizzes and tests or to get assistance on understanding new concepts. Resource Centers are staffed by a supervising teacher and trained student tutors during all lunch periods (4, 5, and 6). Freshman, sophomore, junior and senior students are welcome to simply “drop in” during their lunch or study hall period to receive assistance. The Literacy Lab offers periodic workshops and special events on a variety of literacy-related topics, including college essay writing, ACT Test preparation, and close reading skills. The staff welcomes all students and works to support students with whatever needs they have. The staff is excited to continue seeing the progress of our students resulting from such support. Spring Parent Teacher Conferences Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled to be held on Thursday, March 5, 2015 from 12:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Wednesday, March 25th Mandatory Pre-Prom Parent Meeting 7:00 pm • Eagle Gym Save the date! In order for students to buy prom tickets, their parents are required to attend this informative meeting. This is a great opportunity to discuss with teachers how your student is performing within courses and to discuss opportunities for intervention or enrichment. We will use Skyward Family Access to schedule appointments for these conferences. The Teacher Conference link will be available in Skyward Family Access from 9:00 am on Wednesday, February 25 until 11:59 pm on Tuesday, March 3. If you are unable to access a computer, please call 708-671-3101 for assistance on Wednesday, February 25 from 9:00 am -3:00 pm or Thursday, February 26 from 9:00 am-3:00 pm. Phone assistance is available on these two dates only. Step-by-step instructions will be emailed to you as well as posted on the school’s website. Sandburg Speech Scores Team High 9 Conference Champions These guidelines are recommended by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. There will be a presentation in April for junior and senior girls on health issues specific to women. This presentation will be given by an Advanced Practice Nurse and will include information about breast health and gynecologic care. The presentation will take place during their PE class. Please call Nancy Cassidy, School Nurse, with any questions or concerns at 671-3851. At the SWSC Speech Conference Tournament at Thornton on December 20, the Carl Sandburg Speech Team started their holiday break with a joyous All-Conference Championship including a Sandburg Speech Team record of 9 Conference Champions and 21 out of 28 competitors in final round. The champions include senior Angela Hatcher in Informative Speaking, seniors Colleen Bruton and Dean Papadopoulos in Dramatic Duet Acting, junior Helena Shaheen in Humorous Interpretation, senior Monique Torres in Oratorical Declamation, senior Moyo Abiona in both Extemporaneous Speaking and Impromptu Speaking, senior Nisha Riley in Special Occasion Speaking, senior Robert Kelly in Poetry Reading and sophomore Sara Toth in Dramatic Interpretation. “We are all thrilled at the results and are looking forward to a great State Series!” comments Nisha Riley. “We have the talent and the determination to take it all!” The Speech State Series begins with Regional on February 7 at Sandburg, continues with Sectional on February 14 at Oak Lawn and culminates at State on Febuary 20 and 21 in Peoria. CARL SANDBURG HIGH SCHOOL College-Bound Seniors Reminded to Check College Housing College bound seniors are reminded to review the deadlines for their college housing applications. Not all deposits are fully refundable. Please read your paperwork carefully as each college may have a different policy. College Representatives to visit Sandburg This Spring Several college representatives will visit Sandburg in March and April. Please view the calendar of those visits on the Guidance webpage under the “College” tab. To meet with a college representative, you must sign up at least one day in advance on the Guidance webpage. Remember, you must obtain your teacher’s permission to be excused from class. Local Scholarship Applications Available In February For Seniors (708) 671-3100 | AP Studio Art Financial Aid Forms Carl Sandburg students in AP Studio Art exhibited their work in a special show at The McCord Gallery and Cultural Center in Palos Park. McCord's entire gallery space was reserved for the exhibit, which ran from January 12th - February 9th. Students were able to select two to three works for the show in a huge variety of media, content and style. Reminder to Seniors… The Financial Aid Form is available online Haneen Abed, Alex Baldivino, Annie Connolly, Clare Crotty, Sarah Dolitsky, Alex Huff, Natalie Jachymiak, Alesia Karuntzos, Alyssa Lopez, Carly Mathis, Alyssa Mohn, Jack Pavletic, Nikki Rajewski, Aidi Rasmussen, Kailyn Slater, Kait Swaw, Sheila Walsh and Ally Wikstrom presented their work and hosted an opening reception on Sunday, January 26th. The reception was a huge success, with attendees coming from as far as the Wisconsin border! Family and friends joined students to celebrate their first formal exhibit at an art gallery. Most significantly, students learned the art of promoting their own work. Lynne Terr, Director of the gallery, was quoted as saying that it was one of the most well attended openings she has seen at the gallery. Congratulations, students! Other Helpful Financial Aid Resources Financial Fit – Illinois Student Assistance Commission Sandburg students are fortunate to be offered many scholarships from local community organizations. Details of these scholarships and applications will be available in the Guidance Office beginning Monday, February 16. Applications must be completed and submitted by Friday, March 13 at 3:15 pm. Eaglettes Win SWSC Championship Theaterfest In early January, twenty-two Sandburg students spent three days watching and learning about theatre at the 40th Annual Illinois High School Theatre Festival - the largest state theatre festival in the country. The highlight of the weekend was getting to see two of Sandburg's finest, Senior, Alyssa Mohn (crew) and Junior, Helena Shaheen (cast) perform in the stunning all-state production of "Pippin." Helena and Alyssa had to audition/interview last May and then rehearse and build the set over several threeday weekends last fall. Alyssa was selected from all the all-state crew to be one of the assistant stage managers of the production, helping to manage all of the scenery movement backstage. Additionally Alyssa had multiple college auditions and received twenty callbacks from institutions interested in her pursuing her Theatre degree with them. Orchesis Is Dancing On Broadway! Do you have a love for Broadway shows? If so, come check out this year’s show, “Orchesis: Dancing on Broadway!” The Eaglettes executed an outstanding performance on Thursday, January 15, 2015, clinching the SWSC Conference trophy! This group of girls demonstrated the true meaning of teamwork at this event after their music cut out 15 seconds into the routine. They continued dancing for the entire 2 minute and 20 second routine acapella, without music. This left the coaches, audience, competitors, and judges stunned and speechless. It was truly an amazing moment. This team demonstrates selfless personalities who possess dedication and trust for each other to reach and exceed a common goal. As Dr. Gay recently stated, “their perseverance and discipline that they portrayed in continuing on with their performance and showing the entire conference that they truly deserve to be the CHAMPIONS!!” Tickets will be on sale during lunch hours the week of February 16th or you can get tickets one hour before show time. All tickets are $8.00. The show starts at 7:00 pm on February 19, 20th and 21st. We look forward to seeing you there! CARL SANDBURG HIGH SCHOOL College-Bound Seniors Reminded to Check College Housing College bound seniors are reminded to review the deadlines for their college housing applications. Not all deposits are fully refundable. Please read your paperwork carefully as each college may have a different policy. College Representatives to visit Sandburg This Spring Several college representatives will visit Sandburg in March and April. Please view the calendar of those visits on the Guidance webpage under the “College” tab. To meet with a college representative, you must sign up at least one day in advance on the Guidance webpage. Remember, you must obtain your teacher’s permission to be excused from class. Local Scholarship Applications Available In February For Seniors (708) 671-3100 | AP Studio Art Financial Aid Forms Carl Sandburg students in AP Studio Art exhibited their work in a special show at The McCord Gallery and Cultural Center in Palos Park. McCord's entire gallery space was reserved for the exhibit, which ran from January 12th - February 9th. Students were able to select two to three works for the show in a huge variety of media, content and style. Reminder to Seniors… The Financial Aid Form is available online Haneen Abed, Alex Baldivino, Annie Connolly, Clare Crotty, Sarah Dolitsky, Alex Huff, Natalie Jachymiak, Alesia Karuntzos, Alyssa Lopez, Carly Mathis, Alyssa Mohn, Jack Pavletic, Nikki Rajewski, Aidi Rasmussen, Kailyn Slater, Kait Swaw, Sheila Walsh and Ally Wikstrom presented their work and hosted an opening reception on Sunday, January 26th. The reception was a huge success, with attendees coming from as far as the Wisconsin border! Family and friends joined students to celebrate their first formal exhibit at an art gallery. Most significantly, students learned the art of promoting their own work. Lynne Terr, Director of the gallery, was quoted as saying that it was one of the most well attended openings she has seen at the gallery. Congratulations, students! Other Helpful Financial Aid Resources Financial Fit – Illinois Student Assistance Commission Sandburg students are fortunate to be offered many scholarships from local community organizations. Details of these scholarships and applications will be available in the Guidance Office beginning Monday, February 16. Applications must be completed and submitted by Friday, March 13 at 3:15 pm. Eaglettes Win SWSC Championship Theaterfest In early January, twenty-two Sandburg students spent three days watching and learning about theatre at the 40th Annual Illinois High School Theatre Festival - the largest state theatre festival in the country. The highlight of the weekend was getting to see two of Sandburg's finest, Senior, Alyssa Mohn (crew) and Junior, Helena Shaheen (cast) perform in the stunning all-state production of "Pippin." Helena and Alyssa had to audition/interview last May and then rehearse and build the set over several threeday weekends last fall. Alyssa was selected from all the all-state crew to be one of the assistant stage managers of the production, helping to manage all of the scenery movement backstage. Additionally Alyssa had multiple college auditions and received twenty callbacks from institutions interested in her pursuing her Theatre degree with them. Orchesis Is Dancing On Broadway! Do you have a love for Broadway shows? If so, come check out this year’s show, “Orchesis: Dancing on Broadway!” The Eaglettes executed an outstanding performance on Thursday, January 15, 2015, clinching the SWSC Conference trophy! This group of girls demonstrated the true meaning of teamwork at this event after their music cut out 15 seconds into the routine. They continued dancing for the entire 2 minute and 20 second routine acapella, without music. This left the coaches, audience, competitors, and judges stunned and speechless. It was truly an amazing moment. This team demonstrates selfless personalities who possess dedication and trust for each other to reach and exceed a common goal. As Dr. Gay recently stated, “their perseverance and discipline that they portrayed in continuing on with their performance and showing the entire conference that they truly deserve to be the CHAMPIONS!!” Tickets will be on sale during lunch hours the week of February 16th or you can get tickets one hour before show time. All tickets are $8.00. The show starts at 7:00 pm on February 19, 20th and 21st. We look forward to seeing you there! CARL SANDBURG HIGH SCHOOL News From The Nurse’s Office WHAT YOU CAN DO TO AVOID INFLUENZA... AVOID CLOSE CONTACT – Avoid close contact with people who are sick. When you are sick, avoid contact with others to protect them from getting sick. STAY HOME WHEN YOU ARE SICK – Stay home from work, school, or day care when you are sick. You will help others from catching your illness. COVER YOUR MOUTH AND NOSE – Use a tissue to cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing; it will help to prevent others from getting sick. WASH YOUR HANDS – Washing your hands often will help protect you from germs. AVOID TOUCHING YOUR EYES, NOSE OR MOUTH – Germs are often spread when a person touches things that are contaminated with germs and then you touch your eyes, nose or mouth. Other ways to stay healthy during flu season and all year round: ● Get plenty of sleep ● Exercise regularly ● Manage your stress level ● Drink plenty of fluids ● Eat healthy foods (708) 671-3100 | Lunch Time Resource Centers Students are able to attend Literacy, Math, Science and Social Studies Resource Centers during their lunch time to receive help on their coursework and improve their skills with a focus on reading and writing. Students can also get assistance on homework, reviewing quizzes and tests or to get assistance on understanding new concepts. Resource Centers are staffed by a supervising teacher and trained student tutors during all lunch periods (4, 5, and 6). Freshman, sophomore, junior and senior students are welcome to simply “drop in” during their lunch or study hall period to receive assistance. The Literacy Lab offers periodic workshops and special events on a variety of literacy-related topics, including college essay writing, ACT Test preparation, and close reading skills. The staff welcomes all students and works to support students with whatever needs they have. The staff is excited to continue seeing the progress of our students resulting from such support. Spring Parent Teacher Conferences Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled to be held on Thursday, March 5, 2015 from 12:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Wednesday, March 25th Mandatory Pre-Prom Parent Meeting 7:00 pm • Eagle Gym Save the date! In order for students to buy prom tickets, their parents are required to attend this informative meeting. This is a great opportunity to discuss with teachers how your student is performing within courses and to discuss opportunities for intervention or enrichment. We will use Skyward Family Access to schedule appointments for these conferences. The Teacher Conference link will be available in Skyward Family Access from 9:00 am on Wednesday, February 25 until 11:59 pm on Tuesday, March 3. If you are unable to access a computer, please call 708-671-3101 for assistance on Wednesday, February 25 from 9:00 am -3:00 pm or Thursday, February 26 from 9:00 am-3:00 pm. Phone assistance is available on these two dates only. Step-by-step instructions will be emailed to you as well as posted on the school’s website. Sandburg Speech Scores Team High 9 Conference Champions These guidelines are recommended by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. There will be a presentation in April for junior and senior girls on health issues specific to women. This presentation will be given by an Advanced Practice Nurse and will include information about breast health and gynecologic care. The presentation will take place during their PE class. Please call Nancy Cassidy, School Nurse, with any questions or concerns at 671-3851. At the SWSC Speech Conference Tournament at Thornton on December 20, the Carl Sandburg Speech Team started their holiday break with a joyous All-Conference Championship including a Sandburg Speech Team record of 9 Conference Champions and 21 out of 28 competitors in final round. The champions include senior Angela Hatcher in Informative Speaking, seniors Colleen Bruton and Dean Papadopoulos in Dramatic Duet Acting, junior Helena Shaheen in Humorous Interpretation, senior Monique Torres in Oratorical Declamation, senior Moyo Abiona in both Extemporaneous Speaking and Impromptu Speaking, senior Nisha Riley in Special Occasion Speaking, senior Robert Kelly in Poetry Reading and sophomore Sara Toth in Dramatic Interpretation. “We are all thrilled at the results and are looking forward to a great State Series!” comments Nisha Riley. “We have the talent and the determination to take it all!” The Speech State Series begins with Regional on February 7 at Sandburg, continues with Sectional on February 14 at Oak Lawn and culminates at State on Febuary 20 and 21 in Peoria. CARL SANDBURG HIGH SCHOOL 2014-2015 School Calendar Dates to Remember February 16 President's Day - No School March 5 Parent/Teacher Conferences 12 - 8 pm No Student Attendance 6 School Holiday - No School April 2 Early Dismissal 1 pm 3 School Holiday 6-10 Spring Break 13 Classes Reconvene 24 Institute Day - All Staff School Prom No Student Attendance May 25 Memorial Day - No School 27, 28, 29 Final Exams* 29 Last Day of School* *Changed due to inclement weather days used. Subject to change if additional inclement weather days are needed. CONSOLIDATED HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 230 Rick Nogal, President Patrick O'Sullivan, Vice President Kathy Quilty, Secretary Susan Dalton Melissa Gracias Kate Murphy-Peterson Tony Serratore Dr. James M. Gay, Superintendent Deborah D. Baker, Principal Sandburg Pride is published by the Consolidated High School District 230 School Board. (708) 671-3100 | MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL Greetings Eagle Families and Friends, We can always count on Chicagoland winters to challenge our calendar and plans - especially in January. Students and staff “weathered” the two cancelled days of school beautifully, though, and we are back in the swing of things, hoping that Mother Nature cooperates. While we have acclimated to our second semester schedule and event calendar, we have also begun planning for the 2015-16 school year. All students have updated their four-year plans and attended our Curriculum Fair which enabled current freshmen, sophomores, and juniors to ask questions directly to elective teachers about course offerings. Junior students tell me that it is an especially valuable event to them, as their schedules offer the greatest opportunity of time with which to make elective selections. In January, registration meetings took place with Guidance Counselors. By mid-February, registration will be complete for all students, including our incoming freshman students, who will have attended an Open House and Saturday registration event as part of their transition process. We will be using course registration numbers to determine the number of sections for each course that will be offered next year. Course verification letters, which will indicate the classes making up your child’s schedule for the next school year, will be sent to families in April. By that time, Guidance Counselors will have contacted students who registered for courses that may not run due to low enrollment so that they can register for alternative courses. These final edits to registration are necessary for the development of next year’s Master Schedule. Spring Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Thursday, March 5th between the hours of noon and 8:00 pm. While regular use of the Skyward Family Access portal provides current information related to grades, assignments, absences, and discipline, the face-to-face conferences provide families and staff with the rich opportunity of more personal communication. Information about our parent-teacher conference scheduling process is located within this newsletter and posted on the Sandburg website. The season of standardized testing will begin on March 3rd when our Juniors take the ACT (with writing) and when our Freshmen take the PLAN test. No school for Seniors and Sophomores on Tuesday, March 3rd. Sophomores will take the P-ACT on Wednesday, March 4th; all freshmen, juniors, and seniors will have a normal attendance day on Wednesday, March 4th. The new State PARCC (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers) assessment will be administered to mostly freshman students. Details, including a testing schedule, will be mailed home to all families, so that you have a ready resource (a/k/a “fridge sheet”) to keep track of all of the testing dates and attendance information. I take this opportunity to repeat some information first reported in last month’s newsletter about new graduation protocols that impacts this year’s graduation. This year’s graduation ceremonies will begin at 7:00 P.M. on the following dates: Stagg High School – Monday, May 18 Sandburg High School – Tuesday, May 19 Andrew High School – Wednesday, May 20 ● The National Weather Service will be used to decide if we need to implement a rain date change. ● Rain date for Sandburg will be Friday, May 22, 2015, at 7:00 pm And, finally, we respectfully request that our Sandburg parents take time to complete the Statemandated 5Essentials Survey. Between now and March 15th, parents have the unique opportunity to provide input into five areas: Effective Leadership; Collaborative Teachers; Involved Families; Supportive Environment; and Ambitious Instruction. Our school’s results will be posted to our 2015 School Report Card and compared against state-wide results. You can click into the link from our website or type the following URL to get to the link: "An equal opportunity employer" I want to thank you in advance for taking the time to provide feedback to us through this survey. Best wishes and Go Eagles! Printed on Recycled Paper 30% Total Recycled Fiber Deborah D. Baker Principal ATHLETIC BOOSTERS MUSIC BOOSTERS Come on out from the cold and watch a game, match or meet. Girls’ Basketball, Boys’ Basketball with the Eaglettes and Cheerleaders performing during half-time, Girls’ and Boys’ Bowling, Girls’ Gymnastics, Boys’ Swimming and Wrestling have all been training hard with the assistance of their Coaches and Athletic Trainers. Regionals and Sectionals are right around the corner. Check out the Athletic website for times/dates. Go Eagles! Cold weather put a damper on the Winter Jazz Concert – the first concert of the year – but students regrouped and put on a great show two weeks later. On January 29, Jazz Ensemble I traveled to Peoria to perform at the Illinois Music Educators All-State Jazz Concert – a huge honor! Jazz I also had the honor of opening for a big band group at Mullen’s in Lisle before an enthusiastic crowd. Meanwhile, the Pep Band has been cheering on the girls’ and boys’ basketball teams, even at the United Center! All teams are doing exceptionally well. We have many talented athletes within our school. The Winter Sports Ad Book is available for purchase at all of the winter sports events so please support your team and school and purchase one. The Spring Sports Ad Book is now accepting ads. Please support the Athletic Boosters and advertise with us. E-mail Michaela Comiskey, Carl Sandburg Athletic Boosters at to place an ad for our spring book. In the near future we will begin our scholarship process. Please make sure your membership dues are paid to be considered. Please contact your sport rep or Board Member if you have any questions about becoming a member of the CSHS Athletic Booster Club. Three years ago freshman class (2011/2012) and from there on out, must have four years in good standing with our club to be considered for this award. The student athletes can pick up our application in the Guidance Office starting February 16th and return no later than March 13th. Spring tryouts are approaching quickly. Check with the coaches for dates / times or the athletic website. Athletic Booster meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at Carl Sandburg in Room E113E115. Please get involved and join us. Contact Mike Probasco at The next meeting is February 11th at 7:00 p.m. Come on out, we love your input! The Philharmonic Orchestra and a cappella groups performed in January at three junior high schools to encourage eighth graders to join the music program at Sandburg. In February, orchestra and choir students are going to the Lyric Opera downtown for Puccini’s “Tosca.” Check the Music Booster calendar on the website for the latest information because a full slate of activities is coming up: February 7 Vandercook College Day of Percussion February 10 Mid-year Band Concert February 12 SWSC Band Festival at Sandburg February 28 Midwest Music Festival at Lemont HS March 4 Choral Concert March 10 Percuss-O-Rama Concert March 12 SWSC Choir Festival March 12 Orchestra Concert To order a DVD or CD for any Sandburg concert, stop by the Music Booster table in the PAC foyer on concert evenings. It’s still winter, but music students are thinking spring. Auditions for “Titanic,” the spring musical, for the cast and pit orchestra were held in early February, and practices are now underway. Another spring event is the Music Boosters’ Craft Fair, scheduled for March 14-15, so watch for information on how you can help. Thanks to all who participated in our Golden Opportunity coupon book/buyout. This was the only mandatory fundraiser for your student to be eligible for senior and camp scholarships. In addition, families must be members of Music Boosters. Scholarship information will be coming out soon, so check the website for an application form and more details. The next Music Boosters meeting will be Tuesday, February 17, at 7 p.m. in E113-115. Please join us! Go Eagles! PFSA SCHOLARSHIPS - SENIORS: We are happy to announce that thanks to your support, the PFSA will once again be awarding scholarships to qualified graduating seniors. There are two categories – “Academic” and “Exemplary.” While participation in athletics and music is welcome, PFSA is seeking seniors that have impacted the Sandburg community through participation in clubs and organizations and how their participation has made a difference. Applications will be available in the Guidance Office starting Monday, February 16, 2015 and will be due on Friday, March 13, 2015. Applications will also be available on-line at In order for your senior to be eligible, your family must have been a paying member of PFSA for all years attending Sandburg. With that in mind, we are still accepting MEMBERSHIPS through March 1, 2015. You must complete a membership form and send it to the office, along with your $10.00 annual membership fee. If you have any questions regarding your membership for this year or previous years, please contact Ann Lindgren at SPIRIT WEAR: The next opportunity to purchase spirit wear will be at Spring ParentTeacher Conferences on Thursday, March 5th. Any questions regarding spirit wear should be emailed to Kim and Laurie at: VOLUNTEERS: Thanks for all volunteers who assisted with the Class of 2019 Freshmen Open House and Registration – serving refreshments and assisting with selling spirit wear. BOARD and COMMITTEE POSITIONS are open for the 2015-2016 school year. Now is an ideal time to shadow a current member so you can be up and running for the coming school year. It is both fun and rewarding to be a part of your student’s high school experience. Your leadership will make a difference; find a position for you to share your talents. Please contact Susan McCurdy at with any questions. Looking to show your Sandburg pride, PFSA has a new car decal available for $5. Be proud that your son or daughter is part of our great school. Mark your calendar NOW for our next meeting on Tuesday, March 3, 2015. “Follow” us - @SandburgPFSA, “Like” us, and check out our website at for all of Sandburg’s PFSA information as well as what is happening in the Sandburg community. PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 11 ORLAND PARK CA R L S A N D B U R G H I G H S C H O O L 13300 S. LaGrange Road Orland Park, IL 60462 (708) 671-3100 C A R L S A N D B U R G H I G H S C H O O L N E W S L E T T E R • F E B R UA RY 2 0 1 5 Curriculum Fair The Daytime Curriculum Fair was held on Friday, January 9, 2015 during physical education classes. With registration upon us, it was a great opportunity for students to see which elective classes are available to them. Teachers from various elective classes set up display tables highlighting the curriculum. Teachers were available to offer information and answer questions about each course. Many elective courses were represented. Culinary arts, music, anatomy, psychology, art, computer maintenance, challenge education, world languages and early childhood education were just a few of the areas represented. The cosmetology program even offered free nail painting and hair styling! What’S ahead at Sandburg february 2015 Turnabout dance Saturday, February 7th - 7:00 pm Senior Honors night Tuesday, February 24th - 7:00 pm PAC imporTAnT dATES Saturday, February 7th - Turnabout Dance, 7:00 pm Monday, February 16th - President’s Day - No School Thursday - Saturday, February 19th -21st - Orchesis, 7:00 pm PAC Thursday, February 26th - International Fest- 7:00 pm PAC Event Calendar Link In addition to the Curriculum Fair, students had the opportunity to watch videos created by departments that offer electives during Advisory. The social studies, applied technology, science and business departments were a few of the departments who used their creativity to inform students about the electives their departments offer. GuidAnCE registration information - February 2015 Ap Test registration - Fri. February 6th deadline Ap registration Link College board (Ap Testing info) - Ap College board Free College planning resource - Financial Fit Link Guidance Link dEAdLinES College Financial Aid - (FAFSA) Class of 2015 begins January 1st, 2015. Awards made until funds are depleted or June 30th. FAFSA Link SAndburG LinkS Athletics Guidance Sandburg Website Sandburg Facebook Sandburg Twitter Event Calendar Link *Live links found at A CONSOLIDATED HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 230 SCHOOL THOuGHT MEANING ACTION
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