Fiesta Royal Court Lenten Lunch Theology of the Body Study Group

Friday, March 27
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
and Stations of the Cross
March 23 –29, 2015, 5th Week of Lent
Our parish is hosting once again the Pan de Vida
Youth Retreat on the weekend of Palm Sunday
(March 27, 28, 29). The retreat is for youth in 8th –12th
grades. All of the youth in the parish are encouraged to
attend this weekend of growing faith, knowledge of God’s
love, fellowship centered on the Eucharist.
More information and the registration form can be found
on the parish website
for the Pan de Vida Youth Retreat are needed:
snacks, chips, bottled water, drinks,
paper goods for the kitchen
Please take your donations to the Parish Office.
Pre-Kindergarten Half Day
at San Felipe School
San Felipe de Neri Catholic school is
offering a half-day Pre-Kindergarten class
in the Fall of 2015.
Our Pre-K program provides a safe, warm, and caring
Catholic environment where children can learn and
explore their creativity through age-appropriate
individual and group activities. Classes are 3 hours a
day, 5 days a week following the APS schedule.
Parents may choose between the 8:00-11:00 am or
12:00-3:00 pm sessions. Please call the School Office
at 242-2411 for our part time tuition costs and more
Fiesta Royal Court
Applications for the 2015-2016 Royal
Court are available at the Parish Office.
Students interested in running for the Royal
Court may pick-up an application and information.
Lenten Lunch
Join fellow parishioners each Wednesday of Lent for
fellowship, lunch, and faith sharing. in Moreno Hall
at 11:00am.
Theology of the Body Study Group
Tuesdays at 7:00pm in Moreno Hall. For the next
session, please read: Audience numbers 47 to 49.
Pan de Vida Retreat for Everyone
All parishioners can participate in the Pan de
Vida Youth Retreat by going to the school gym
for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on
Friday and Saturday nights from 10:00pm to
8:00am. The Blessed Sacrament is exposed in
the school gym throughout the retreat and
through Friday and Saturday night.
All parishioners are invited and asked to
participate in the Pan de Vida Youth Retreat by
signing-up to adore the Blessed Sacrament
throughout the night and Saturday.
Please sign-up to spend time with the Lord
during the night.
Call the Parish Office to sign-up.
Monday, March 23, St. Turibius of Mogrovejo
In thanksgiving to the Blessed Virgin Mary
by Evelyn Sanchez
Tuesday, March 24
School Mass
Wednesday, Marc 25, The Annunciation of the Lord
In thanksgiving to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
by Stacy Karpp
Thursday, March 26
Communion Service
Friday, March 27
Saturday, March 28
In thanksgiving to St. Teresa of Avila by Stacy Karpp
Sunday, March 29, Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord
For the health of Irene and Ambrosio Sais Jr.
by the family
In thanksgiving to St. Anthony and St. Jude
In thanksgiving to St. Jude for the health
of Jacob Baldonado
+Agustin Cruz and +Celeste Robles by the family
+Galvan Alva by Maria Hernandez
For the parishioners
For the health of Dora Lorenzo
by Angel, Nora, and Nicole
+Julia Sandoval by Cathy Maestas
+Agnes Black Peña by Terrie Flores
Sr. Blandina Segale, SC
Servant of God,
Pray for us
Offering Report:
March 14 & 15, 2015
Sunday Envelopes $ 6,244.00
Sunday Loose
$ 1,450.45
$ 7,694.45
Envelopes used 307
Building Fund
$ 1,304.00
Catholic Relief
$ 1,124.00
St. Vincent de Paul $ 282.00
6:00 pm
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Benediction with the
Blessed Sacrament
7:05pm LIVE Stations of the Cross presented
by the Youth and to begin the Pan de Vida Youth
Retreat. Everyone is invited.
The Fridays of Lent
are days of abstaining from eating meat.
Good Friday Pilgrimage
Our Parish Pilgrimage to Tome Hill on Good Friday,
April 3 will begin at 7:30am with Morning Prayer at
San Felipe Church. Meet at the church to carpool and
to caravan to Tome Hill.
The estimated time of return from Tome Hill is
12:30pm with plenty of time to get ready for the
3:00pm Good Friday Liturgy.
Tips for the pilgrimage:
Dress in layers for the weather
Wear comfortable shoes that are sturdy enough for
walking on rocks
Pack: Rosary, Stations of the Cross booklet, water, and
a light snack.
Adore the Lord
Next Sunday is Palm Sunday
Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday
(March 29), the commemoration of
Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem to begin the
week of his passion. The Mass Schedule
for Palm Sunday will be the normal Mass
Schedule. Palms will be distributed and blessed at all
of the Masses.
The 10:15am Mass will begin at the Gazebo for the
blessing of palms. The youth attending the youth
retreat will also be present at the Gazebo. A procession
will follow the blessing of palms from the Gazebo to
the Church and to the School Gym. You may join either procession and attend Mass in the Church or the
School Gym.
PLEASE NOTE: The church will be locked before
the 10:15am Mass until the procession arrives at the
church doors. Please meet at the Gazebo, participate in
the procession, and follow the directions of the ushers.
Holy Week, Triduum, and Easter Schedule 2015
Tuesday of Holy Week
March 31
Tenebrae 7:00pm
Holy Thursday
Mass of the Lord’s Supper
April 2
Good Friday
April 3
Good Friday Pilgrimage 7:30am
Liturgy of the Passion 3:00pm
Stations of the Cross and “Descendimiento” 7:00pm
The Blessed Sacrament is exposed in Gasparri
Chapel on Tuesday evenings from 5:00 - 9:00pm.
Holy Saturday
Easter Vigil
April 4
Religious Education
Easter Sunday
Regular Mass Schedule
April 5
Monday, March 23
Confirmation I: The Paschal Mystery, Ch. 6 of Didache
Confirmation II: What Would Jesus Do? Ch 20 of Chosen
Final letter to the Archbishop is due.
Tuesday, March 24
Regular Class Schedule for Spanish and English Catechism
Wednesday, March 25
RCIA: The Mystery of Redemption
Middle School and High School Youth Groups:
Movie Night: The Passion of Christ Part II
Call or e-mail Melany Gallegos for more information
Participate in the national 40 Days For Life campaign February
18 - March 29. This national campaign is an effort to bring
people of faith together in prayer and fasting to end the loss of
pre-born human life and to pray for the healing of those who
have been affected by abortion. Please join us for an hour or
more of peaceful vigil in front of Planned Parenthood at 701
San Mateo NE any time daily between 7am. and 7pm. For
more information go to, call 266-4100 or