CORPORATE PLAN 2012-2015 and BUSINESS PLAN 2012-13 ‘Building a Fair, Just and Safer Community’ Department of Justice Corporate Plan 2012-15 and Business Plan 2012-13 Content Page Foreword by the Minister 3 Introduction by the Permanent Secretary 5 Our Purpose 6 Our Department 7 Our Values 8 Our Planning Assumptions 10 The Strategic Context 11 Resourcing the Plan 14 Programme for Government 16 Business Plan 2012-13 22 DOJ Organisational Chart 43 2 Foreword by the Minister In the coming year my Department will continue to work to build a fair, just and safer community in Northern Ireland. The Programme for Government (PfG) sets out what each Department will deliver by 2015 and for the first time it has been developed with justice as an integral part. This is an important milestone in devolved justice. The PfG commitments, while challenging, will make a real difference to the entire community – whether that is in tackling anti-social behaviour, reducing serious crime or by positively engaging with communities who live near interfaces. Community engagement will remain a vital part of my Department’s work. For the first time we have made a commitment to support communities in ending segregation through the removal of interface structures. We know this works: engaging the local community has led to movement in relation to a number of interface structures in recent months, and I am determined to build on this. The Community Safety Strategy will also help build a safer, shared and confident community by addressing the issues that matter locally. The Reducing Offending Strategic Framework will help reshape our approach to crime, focusing on prevention and early intervention to divert people away from crime and towards a positive role in the community. 3 Making our justice system both faster and fairer is a core part of my vision for our community. I want to speed up justice and to improve the way we support victims of crime. This plan also includes the work to reform the Prison Service and the Youth Justice System. Effective and lasting change will not happen overnight, though this year of which will see the delivery of a number of key milestones. This is an ambitious programme of work and reform. I believe it is the right plan for Northern Ireland and my Department will be working hard to deliver it. DAVID FORD MLA MINISTER OF JUSTICE 4 Introduction by Permanent Secretary The second year of devolved justice has been another busy, and successful, one for the Department. A great deal has been achieved, in terms both of taking forward the Minister’s key reform objectives – Prisons, Legal Aid, Youth Justice, Reducing Offending, to name just a few – and of reorganising ourselves to align with the Minister’s priorities. The new Programme for Government, as the Minister brings out in his Foreword, is another important step forward, integrating Justice fully into the Executive’s agenda for change alongside other major programmes such as Health, Education and the Economy. It is a great opportunity for us to strengthen still further joined-up working with colleagues in other Departments and with outside organisations, and to ensure that we are focused on the needs of the community we serve. We are still a relatively young Department and we continue to learn and improve. While the programme of work set out in this Business Plan will be challenging I am confident, knowing the commitment and professionalism of staff right across the DOJ family, that we will achieve what we have set out to do. N P PERRY PERMANENT SECRETARY DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 5 Our Purpose The mission of the Department is to support the Minister of Justice in building a fair, just and safer community. The Department of Justice (DOJ) was established by the Department of Justice Act (Northern Ireland) 2010 and came into existence on 12 April 2010. It has a range of devolved policing and justice functions, set out in the Northern Ireland Act 1998 (Devolution of Policing and Justice Functions) Order 2010. It is responsible for the resourcing, legislative and policy framework of the justice system. The Minister has set out a number of themes which encompass the key roles of the Department. They are: Safer, Shared Communities - working to help build communities with lower levels of crime and anti social behaviour, where everyone’s rights are respected, including examining the steps that can be taken to address problems at interfaces; Faster, Fairer Justice - looking at how we ensure that everyone in Northern Ireland has access to justice without undue delay, taking particular account of the needs of victims and witnesses; Reformed Prisons & Youth Justice System – delivering fundamental reform of the Prison Service, with a professional and well trained workforce; progressing the out-workings of the Youth Justice Review and the Review of Community Sentences. 6 Our Department In structural terms, the Department is headed by a Permanent Secretary and four Directors. Access to Justice Directorate is responsible for policy and legislation relating to criminal justice matters. It also has a strong focus on improving the operation of the justice system as a whole; Justice Delivery Directorate provides finance, HR, IT and other central services to the Department; Safer Communities Directorate is responsible for the lead interface with PSNI and for work on Community Safety, and Reducing Offending; and The Prison Service is responsible for the management of offenders in custody and the effective and efficient operation of prisons across Northern Ireland. We also have four Executive Agencies: Courts and Tribunals Service; Youth Justice Agency; Forensic Science Northern Ireland; and Compensation Agency. 7 Our Values “Many of the problems society faces cannot be resolved in isolation and everyone accepts that issues like anti-social behaviour, building safer communities or tackling re -offending needs a broader, joined-up approach.” Justice Minister David Ford MLA, April 2010 Over the past year the Department has developed a set of values to help us to build a fair, just and safer community. Our values set out how we work; the level of professionalism that can be expected from us and how we will deliver for everyone in Northern Ireland. Delivering Effectively achieving our key priorities and delivering our objectives; maximising the benefit from available resources, providing value for money; aspiring to always improve; and promoting imaginative and innovative ways to create a positive impact. Valuing our People treating everyone with respect and understanding different needs; listening, giving time, offering support and recognising success; being honest and open – with consideration and tact; developing and equipping staff to make the best use of their abilities and skills; and promoting a healthy work/life balance. 8 Working Together seeking opportunities for active and meaningful engagement; listening and responding to those who engage with us; upholding the principles of fairness and justice for all; promoting a coherent and joined-up approach in all we do; and being committed to equality and diversity. Being Outward Focused being open and transparent; responding to the needs of the community; establishing and maintaining good working relationships; and recognising the impact of our work in the community and delivering against our corporate and social responsibilities. Taking Responsibility assuming responsibility, taking on challenges and delivering solutions; acting with professionalism and integrity; and fostering proactive, candid and open relationships with all stakeholders. 9 Our Planning Assumptions The Departmental Board set out a number of planning assumptions to underpin the plan. They are: Northern Ireland Programme for Government (PfG) The PfG is the key document for the Department and the business plan will be developed to align with it. Delivering Reform The reform agenda will remain an integral part of our work. Finance An absolute requirement that the Department lives within its Budget 2010 allocations. The organisation needs to plan effectively for the delivery of key services. Deliver Value for Money and to ensure effective and efficient use of all resources. People Commitment to value and develop the skills and behaviours of our workforce, in areas of finance, good governance, stakeholder engagement and change management. Having the right people doing the right jobs at the right time. Good Governance A strong focus on good governance, particularly in our relationships with Arms Length Bodies and how finance, risk and delivery are managed. Stakeholder Engagement Continue to build public understanding of our work by listening and engaging with key internal and external stakeholders. 10 The Strategic Context The strategic priorities for the Department can be mapped against the commitments in the Programme for Government 2011-15 and in our three strategic themes of Safer, Shared Communities; Faster, Fairer Justice; and Reformed Prisons and youth justice system. Safer, Shared Communities Work is continuing to develop a comprehensive Reducing Offending Strategy which aims to fundamentally reshape the approach to tackling the problems that lead people into the criminal justice system and which hinder them from getting back out of it. The Community Safety Strategy will be published shortly, and is the product of extensive consultation both with the community and the departments and statutory agencies that have a role to play in delivery on the ground. Collaboration at all levels will also be the key to removing the barriers that physically divide the community at interfaces. These barriers are a practical and symbolic divide, representing reduced social and economic opportunities. This work will be taken forward in partnership with the communities directly affected. Faster, Fairer Justice The final report of the Access to Justice Review, carried out by Jim Daniell, was published in September 2011. The Minister for Justice has made a commitment within the Programme for Government to respond to the Review by June 2012 and to publish a departmental 11 action plan setting out how he proposes to take forward reforms to improve access to justice. That plan will include measures to bring legal aid expenditure within the agreed budget and to improve governance and accountability of the management of legal aid in response to the Public Accounts Committee report on “Managing Criminal Legal Aid”. The work to speed up justice by tackling delay in criminal cases will continue to be a priority. The Minister announced in February his intention to introduce statutory time limits in the youth courts within this Assembly mandate. In addition, an ambitious multi-agency programme is underway to deliver structural and procedural reforms, some of which will be included in the forthcoming Faster, Fairer Justice Bill. We are working to improve the experience of victims in Northern Ireland. We look forward to receiving the report of Justice Committee’s inquiry into services for victims and witnesses of crime, which will inform the development of a new five-year strategy to improve victims’ and witnesses’ experience of the justice system. Reformed Prison and Youth Justice System The Strategic Efficiency and Effectiveness Programme was launched in June 2011 as part of a four-year transformational programme for NIPS. In October 2011, Dame Anne Owers published the Prison Service Review team final report which included recommendations on the conditions of detention, management and oversight of all prisons. 12 This report reinforced the need for end to end transformational reform of the Prison Service, and contained 40 recommendations to make the Prison Service and aspects of the wider Justice system more effective. The PRT report emphasised that responsibility for reform of the Prison Service extended beyond NIPS and DOJ, but needed the active support and involvement of other departments and from the Executive itself. NIPS is now in year two of a four-year change programme, with year two centring on delivering structural change and beginning cultural change. NIPS will focus this year on putting in place the necessary structures, systems and processes that will underpin transformation of NIPS into a modern, efficient, and effective Prison Service. NIPS will have the offender at the centre of its focus, providing the necessary interventions and support needed to assist them to address their risk of re-offending based on a “Desistance” 1 approach recommended in the PRT report. The Youth Justice review was published in Autumn 2011 and the conclusions have been the subject of a detailed consultation. The Minister will be announcing his proposed way forward in the coming months. 1 Desistance is the process of abstaining from crime among those who previously had engaged in a sustained pattern of offending. 13 Resourcing the Plan 2012/13 is the second year of the Budget 2011-15 period (2011/12 to 2014/15.) The Departmental Board is committed to prioritising and aligning resources to enable effective delivery of the Plan. The resource and capital allocations for 2012/13 are as follows: £m Resource DEL 1,188 Capital DEL 96 These figures exclude a separate funding package which has been agreed with the UK Government to deal with the exceptional security related pressures. By 2014/15, we plan to deliver recurring savings totalling £162m across the core Department, our agencies and arm’s length bodies. This year, our target is to deliver recurring savings of £88m by 31 March 2013. In allocating budgets, the Minister has considered the range of pressures and proposed new projects, across all spending areas, against his priorities and the available funding. Similarly, while recognising that all areas will need to deliver efficiencies the specific level of savings required from each area’s baseline has been set, again in line with the Minister’s priorities, in order to protect front line services as far as possible. As with all areas of the government, the DOJ faces significant challenges and rigorous financial management, sound corporate 14 governance and a sharp focus on best value for money will be essential. Again, there will be a focus on ensuring that decisions are supported by sound business cases and that procurement procedures are adhered to. Delivering the Plan Delivery of the plan will be through our staff, our most important asset. Strong and visible leadership at all levels will be critical in supporting staff and achieving our objectives. We must also be equipped with the necessary skills to deliver our Programme for Government commitments and additional business objectives to exercise effective financial management, to embrace the challenges ahead, and to provide first class services to our customers. At the strategic level, the Departmental Board will regularly review progress against the PfG 2011-15, and the 2012/13 Business Plan which will include ongoing monitoring of Departmental risks. At an operational level, Directorates, Divisions, and Branches will also monitor performance within their Business Area on a regular basis. Preparations are underway for a Faster, Fairer Justice Bill covering speeding up justice, improving efficiency, improving access to justice and tackling offending. The Department will introduce a Criminal Justice Bill to remedy incompatibilities with the ECHR in relation to sex offenders and retention of DNA and fingerprints; and to introduce new offences in relation to human trafficking. The Department is also working jointly with DHSSPS on a Mental Capacity (Health, Welfare and Finance) Bill covering the criminal justice system as well as the general population. 15 Programme for Government The Northern Ireland Programme for Government 2011-15 (PfG) was agreed by the Executive and endorsed by the Assembly in March 2012 following a public consultation. As set out in the Department’s Planning Assumptions the PfG is the key document against which the Department will be judged on performance. Diagram 1 – Relationship between Programme for Government and Departmental Planning Process The full Programme for Government can be accessed at The Department has lead responsibility for seven of the 82 commitments in the PfG. 16 DOJ COMMITMENTS IN THE PROGRAMME FOR GOVERNMENT 2011-15 KEY COMMITMENT MILESTONES 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 Substantially complete the construction of the new Police, Prison and Fire Training College Award construction contract At least 25% of the At least 70% of the Programme Capital Programme Budget will be utilised Capital Budget will be utilised Reduce the level of serious crime Publish final crossdepartmental Strategic Framework on Reducing Offending Implement 90% of agreed Youth Justice Review recommendations Deliver joined up oversight, evaluation and publication of reducing offending interventions. Finalise, and deliver against Protection and Justice elements of new Domestic and Sexual Violence Strategy Deliver against Protection and Justice elements of new Domestic and Sexual Violence Strategy Deliver against Protection and Justice elements of 12/13 domestic and sexual violence action plan and contribute to development of new domestic and sexual violence strategy and action plan. Develop and action a desistance strategy for offenders to cover custodial and non-custodial settings 17 Tackle crime against older and vulnerable people by more effective and appropriate sentences and other measures Consult Lord Chief Justice on inclusion of older and vulnerable people in sentencing guidelines initiative Any necessary Implement programme of measures legislative changes taken forward as part of DOJ legislative programme Develop programme of measures to reduce fear and increase confidence in older and vulnerable people 18 Improve community safety by tackling anti-social behaviour Policing and Community Safety Partnerships (PCSPs) fully operational. Establish baseline for percentage of people affected by Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Monitor quarterly and publish annually NI Crime Survey findings in respect of: Percentage who agree that police and other agencies are dealing with ASB and crime issues that matter in their local area; Increase the percentage of people who agree that police and other agencies are dealing with ASB and crime issues that matter in their area; A reduction in the percentage of people who perceive the level of ASB in their area to be high; And an improvement in the percentage of people whose quality of life is affected by ASB Percentage who perceive the level of ASB in their area to be high; Percentage whose quality of life is affected by ASB Statistically significant change 19 Improve access to Justice Publish Departmental response to Access to Justice Review and associated Departmental Action Plan Introduce legislation to give effect to reforms requiring primary legislation Implementation of reforms Actively seek local agreement to reduce the number of ‘peace walls’ (DOJ) Establish inter-agency collaborative approach to addressing interface structures Implementation of action plans Implementation of action plans Review existing arrangements for engagement with communities Identify funding gaps and seek partnership funding opportunities Reduction in the number of interface structures Reduction in the number of interface structures Ongoing monitoring of community tension and residents’ concerns Review of progress to identify further opportunities for change and lessons learned Develop action plans for individual areas involving stakeholders 20 Reform and modernise the Prison Service (DOJ) To have a new Operating Model in place and ready to launch To have a new Training and Development Package for all operational staff in place and ready to launch To have new certificates and licenses for professionalising the Service Implement 90% of the recommendations contained in the Prison Review Action Plan within the agreed timescales To have completed the selection of new Custody Officers to replace Prison Officers 21 DOJ Business Plan 2012-13 As set out in our planning assumptions the PfG is the key document and sets out the commitments against which the Department will deliver over the life of this Corporate Plan. Therefore each objective in the business plan that is directly aligned to the PfG has been highlighted accordingly. The purpose of this Business Plan is to translate the priorities, as set by the Minister, into a set of objectives and targets for the Department and set out how we will continue to take these forward and deliver on them in 2012/13. This plan is also firmly based upon the Department’s input into the Programme for Government 2011-15. The Plan focuses on the strategic priorities of the Department and therefore does not attempt to cover the Department’s day to day business and service delivery. It provides managers with the framework for their own more detailed business plans at Directorate, Divisional and Branch level and also for Performance Reports and Personal Development Plans. 22 DOJ Business Plan 2012-13 Objectives Measures Reduce the level of serious crime. Establishment of a strategic framework for reducing offending. A Shared & Safer Community Target Targets Ref SC1 Strategic Framework on Reducing Offending published by December 2012. Actions Target Owner Engage with Departments Brian on key strategic actions to Grzymek. prevent people getting involved in offending to October 2012. Publish final crossdepartmental Strategic Framework on Reducing Offending by December 2012. Develop implementation plan for safer communities led aspects of Owers report by September 2012. Delivery against recommendations of strategic reviews. Deliver against Protection and Justice elements of 12/13 domestic and sexual violence action plan; Develop implementation plan for the Youth Justice review by September 2012. Commence development of new domestic and sexual violence strategy for completion in Sept 2013, to inform business planning for 2013/14. Deliver against Protection and Justice strand of 2012/13 Domestic and Sexual violence action plan up to March 2013. Brian Grzymek. Declan McGeown. Work towards completion of new Domestic and 23 Sexual Violence Strategy. in 13/14 Business year. Effective institutions for combating serious crime in Northern Ireland. Maintain governance and accountability framework for policing in Northern Ireland. David Hughes. Deliver an ECHRcompliant DNA retention framework in legislation by [Dec 2012]. Put policy proposals to Minister on outcomes from 5-year review of the Police Ombudsman’s office by [Dec 2012]. Support the implementation of agreed aspects of the Winsor and Taylor reforms. Ensure suitable Northern Ireland means of setting police pay and conditions. Conclude and implement research on “Changing the Mindset” for the OCTF. Research for ‘Changing Simon the Mindset’ concluded by Rogers. October 2012. Implementation timetable to be developed thereafter. Legislate for the National Crime Agency (NCA) in Implement Northern Ireland aspects of the Simon Rogers. 24 Level of non-domestic violence with injury. Improving community safety. Endorsement of the Community Safety Strategy (CSS) by all Executive Departments. Working with other Executive Departments and other key stakeholders to implement the strategy. SC2 Northern Ireland during 2012/13. National Crime Agency (NCA) in line with overall implementation dates. Reduction in the level of nondomestic violence with injury. Monitor progress with Policing Board. David Hughes. Publish an agreed Community Safety Strategy by Spring 2012. Work with other partner organisations, and at a local level PCSPs, to tackle ASB, through: Declan McGeown. Take forward actions within agreed delivery plans within agreed timeframes. The % of people who perceive the level of ASB in their area to be high. Publication of the CS Strategy [May 2012]; Establishment of Delivery groups for the Strategy, including on tackling ASB, by end June 2012; Development of agreed delivery plans, including on ASB, by October 2012; The % of people whose quality of life is affected by ASB. Deliver actions within agreed delivery plans [ongoing]; The number of ASB incidents. Report progress on delivery plans by end of year. Effective partnership working arrangements. Policing and Community Safety Partnerships (PCSPs) fully operational: establishment of PCSPs by Support transitional Declan planning processes to McGeown. develop PCSP action plans for introduction from 25 April 2012. effective operation of the Joint Committee (DOJ and NIPB) on an ongoing basis; making of a designation order for public bodies to be formally designated across all PCSPs by summer 2012. Increased public confidence in policing. The % of people who agree the police and other agencies are dealing with ASB and crime issues that matter in their area. Tackle crime against older and vulnerable people by more effective and appropriate sentences and other measures. Endorsement by all SC3 Executive Departments of the Community Safety Strategy (CSS) which will include tackling fear of crime among older and vulnerable people. Working with other Executive Departments and other key stakeholders to implement the strategy including the agree Agree Memorandum of Understanding. Consult with PCSPs once established and take Designation order through the Assembly by July 2012. Increase in the number of people who believe that the Police and other agencies are dealing with the crime and ASB issues that matter. Publish an agreed Community Safety Strategy by Spring 2012. Take forward actions within agreed delivery plans within agreed timeframes. David Hughes. Work with other partner organisations, and at a local level PCSPs, to reduce fear of crime and increase confidence in older and vulnerable people, through: Declan McGeown. Publication of the CS Strategy [May 2012]; Establishment of performance indicators in relation to tackling 26 delivery plans for tackling fear of crime among older and vulnerable people. fear of crime among older and vulnerable people, in the context of the Community Safety Strategy, developed by the Delivery group, by October 2012; and Other actions as noted under SC2. Actively seek local agreement to reduce the number of peace walls. Number of interface structures in which engagement has been initiated. Number of action plans developed. Number of new structures erected. More targeted crossgovernmental arrangements in place in areas of greatest need. SC4 To initiate engagement at 10 interface structures. To develop action plans in 5 cases. Establish Inter-agency Group to provide for a collaborative approach to addressing interface structures. Simon Rogers. Review existing arrangements for engagement with communities. Identify funding gaps and seek partnership funding. opportunities. Interagency Group will ensure that this work will align with that being taken forward through CSI, SIF, IFI and Belfast City Council. Develop and implement action plans for individual areas involving stakeholders. 27 Substantially complete the construction of the new Police, Prison and Fire Training College. Timely progress of the Desertcreat College Programme. SC5 Award of contract by February 2013. Complete curriculum phase II detailed design by [March 2013]. David Hughes. Ensure good governance of programme through Steering Group and Programme Board. 28 Objectives Measures Improve Access to Justice Publish Ministerial Response to Access to Justice Review. Publish Departmental Action Plan, setting out programme of legal aid reform. Faster, Fairer Justice Target Targets Ref FFJ8 Publication of response by June 2012. FFJ9 Establish a unified administration for Courts and Tribunals. Publication of Plan by June 2012. Agreed programme completed. DOJ assume statutory responsibility for DEL and DSD tribunals by end of 2012; Consultation on structural and jurisdictional reforms by end of 2013. Implement a multiagency strategy to speed up justice. FFJ4 Develop proposals for inclusion in the Faster, Fairer Justice Bill, in line with the Bill timetable. The Faster, Fairer Justice Bill includes measures on: Actions (i) Ministerial approval of draft response; (ii) Publication of response. (i) Ministerial approval of Departmental Action Plan; (ii)Justice Committee Consideration of Departmental Action Plan; (iii) Publication of Departmental Action Plan. Target Owner Robert Crawford. Robert Crawford. Transfer of Functions Order made; Consultation Paper issued. Siobhan Broderick. Analyse consultation responses and write reports; Maura Campbell. provide advice to minister and seek approvals; 29 encouraging earlier guilty pleas; committal reform; Develop a new 5 year strategy for victims and witnesses of crime that takes account of the Justice Committee inquiry into victims and witnesses. FFJ6 seek agreement of Committee to proceed with new policies; summons reform; and write instructions; and prosecutorial fines. include draft measures in the Faster Fairer Justice Bill. New Victim and Witness Strategy in place by end of March 2013. Deliver a statutory scheme on time limits for cases in the Youth Courts. STL scheme in place by Q1 2015. FFJ5 Provide the Departmental response to the Justice Committee Report; Launch a consultation process; Publish responses to the consultation; and Publish the new Strategy. Develop agreed proposals with Criminal Justice Board; secure ministerial approval; secure agreement of Justice Committee; and follow relevant legislative procedures (commencement/ regulations or new bill). Maura Campbell. Maura Campbell. 30 To champion the Contribute to delivery of the establishment of crossExecutive’s 20% departmental base-line target for increased drawdown of competitive EU funds (PfG commitment made by OFMDFM) Greater awareness and (i) expertise of competitive EU funding to increase drawdown of funds by 2014/15 across Government (ii) (iii) (iii) Create new mental capacity legislation in conjunction with DHSSPS. Policy consultation completed. Legislation drafted and introduced. Mental Capacity Act in place. FFJ3 Consultation concluded by August 2012. Bill introduced by December 2013. (i) Act in place by March 2015. (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Establish EU competitive funding drawdown by Justice to date; Identify relevant funding streams; Share info and best practice on funding through Justice network; Improve relationship with EU through Barroso Task force. provisions drafted to provide for oversight arrangements for substitute decision-making; project management groups operating; consultation completed; draft Bill prepared; Assembly passage of draft Bill. (i) Glyn Capper. (ii) onwards Siobhan Broderick. (i) Siobhan Broderick. (ii) onwards Gareth Johnston. 31 Complete the reconsideration of the Causeway system contract. Approved option to maintain the Causeway Data Sharing Mechanism and delivery process agreed. Respond to the recommendations of the review of the Northern Ireland Criminal Records Regime (Part 2). Approved consultation process completed and FFJ7 Agreed strategy for implementing approved option in place by June 2012. Respond to the outcome of the approved way forward from the Outline Business Case. Consultation launched during May 2012. Develop response and consultation proposals for approval by the Minister. Agreed strategy for implementing recommendations delivered by October 2012. Undertake a consultation process on accepted recommendations. Implementation strategy agreed. Maura Campbell. Develop an implementation strategy taking into account the outcome of the consultation. 32 Reformed Prison Service Objectives Measures Target Ref Targets Actions Target Owner Reform and modernisation of the Prison Service. Delivery against Year 2 of the SEE Programme PID and the 11-15 Corporate & Business Plan. RP 1 To implement the Voluntary Early Retirement Scheme, delivering within the targets outlined in the approved business case. Release 9 remaining officers who have been advised that they can leave the Service immediately by 30 April 2012 Ronnie Armour. Implement our transition plan and agree leaving dates for the 139 officers who have been advised they can leave the service with a date to be agreed In conjunction with DFP and DOJ, agree the final position for those 245 staff who have been advised that their application to the Voluntary Early Retirement Scheme is still under consideration. For those applications approved, agree final leaving date. Calculate financial implications of the Gary Boyd. 33 To launch a new Target Operating Model in all establishments on 1 April 2012, with full implementation by 31 October 2012. To complete the selection of up to 200 Custody Officers and have all those selected available for appointment, subject to final security clearance, by end of March 2013. Determine number of OSG/NCO staff who will move to Custody Officer Posts Ronnie Armour Complete assessment centre for applicants who have passed preliminary screening tests Undertake security vetting for applicants who pass assessment centre Appoint successful applicants following security clearance Commence training programme for new recruits in November 2012 34 To complete selection of new Offender Supervisors by 31 March 2013; Design assessment process, including guidance for applicants and application pack, assessment exercises Train assessors in assessment process Deliver assessments Inform applicants of outcome To complete the development of role descriptions and competency frameworks for new operational and management grades and design and deliver a training programme for operational staff. Competency framework for all management grades, Custody Officers and Offender Supervisors completed by September 2012; Training programme for new Custody Officers and for Operational Support and Night Custody Officers transitioning into the Custody Officer role (incorporating a formal Certificate of Practice) designed by August 2012 and 35 Training programme for staff transitioning into the four new levels of management designed by October 2012 and delivered by March 2013; Tender for external Custody Officer Training let by October 2012 Training Programme for Offender Supervisors designed by 31 March 2013; Tender prepared for external certification of Offender Supervisor Training. To work closely with the DOJ to develop a holistic strategy for reducing offending, then take forward practical implementation of this strategy within NIPS. Participate fully in DOJ led group tasked with developing a strategy on reducing offending Consider Director of 36 Offender Services Develop and implement a commissioning strategy aligned to the new needs assessment process In conjunction with PBNI examine opportunities for shared delivery of prisoner related services. Build the results of this review into the commissioning strategy Work with DOJ, DHSSPS and SET to develop a joint healthcare strategy Using the reducing offending strategy as a framework, develop a desistance strategy and take forward 37 To finalise the Estates Strategy, following public consultation, by October 2012 and implement those elements identified to be taken forward during 201213. Obtain DOJ approval to draft Estates Strategy April 2012 and issue for public consultation Director General Finalise Estates Strategy following public consultation in August 2012 Business case approvals for new 240 block at Maghaberry and Working Out Unit obtained and planning work completed Gary Boyd. 38 Resourcing and Service Delivery Objectives Measures Target Ref Targets Actions Target Owner Provide efficient and effective support for the delivery of business objectives. Business areas are appropriately staffed and skilled. RSD1 Resourcing plans agreed by Strategic Resources Committee. Quarterly HR Business Partner meetings with directorates. Karen Pearson. Business areas have appropriate accommodation and office services. Business areas have appropriate information and communication technology and information management services. Provision of corporate procurement policies and procedures. Provision of internal audit services. Business areas have appropriate records and information management services. Corporate Training Plan approved by Departmental Board. Service Level Agreement and contract targets delivered. SLAs and contracts reviewed, agreed and signed off. Metrics reported. Procurement assurance reports to Departmental Board. Quarterly meeting of Procurement Board and Forum. To compete the annual work plan for department and each agency by 31 March 2013. To agree a work plan with respective audit committees by April 2012. Annual Retention & Disposal Schedules (V2) submitted to NI Assembly by Nov 2012. Records and Information Management foundation policy submitted to IROC by May 2012. Retention & Disposal Implementation Project established by April 2012 to December 2013 Policy development. 39 DPA Policy submitted by Dec 2012 Update Information Management Strategy submitted by Mar 2013. Effective operation Causeway Data of Causeway. Sharing Mechanism continues to provide partner Criminal Justice Organisations with a high level of service. RSD2 All Causeway DSM1 contractual and SLA monthly targets achieved throughout the year. Effective and efficient management and delivery of Causeway supplier and Data Sharing Mechanism services. Ray Murray. Operate within available funding and deliver target savings through effective in-year financial management. RSD3 No overspend - Underspend less than 2% of budget. Quarterly meetings of Strategic Resources Committee, Departmental Audit and Risk Committee and Police Resources Group. Glyn Capper. 2012/13 expenditure within budget. 2012/13 savings target delivered. Savings of £88m by 31 March 2013. Effective financial governance and audit and risk procedures. Departmental Resource Accounts laid in line with DFP faster closing timescales. Compliance with all financial governance requirements. Develop a DOJ Asset Management Strategy and support the delivery of capital Agreed Asset Management Plan. Forensic Science accommodation Outline RSD4 Six monthly review of Savings Delivery Plans. Support business case preparation, monitoring and evaluation and quarterly test drilling of business cases and approvals. Asset Management Plan agreed by Strategic Resources Committee in June 2012. Mark McGuckin. Forensic Science Moira Doherty. 40 projects on time, within budget. To take forward a Reform Programme addressing the Organisation of the Department and the arrangements for delivery of corporate support services. Business Case (OBC) approval obtained from DFP. accommodation OBC by July 2012. NI Prison Service Estate Strategy agreed. NI Prison Service Estate Strategy agreed by July 2012. Consolidate the revised structure for the Department. RSD5 Identify any further actions on culture and identity by July 2012. Migration to IT Assist Confidential (April 2012 to March 2013). Migration to Account NI (July 2012). ICT shared services first phase (December 2012). Support the Programme Board in overseeing progress of individual corporate support services projects in line with programme plans. Relevant and timely information and advice to the Minister and Review the newly implemented structure and consider whether any further change is required. Obtain DOJ Board approval for any suggested change and arrange for implementation. Mark McGuckin. Work with the project managers and SROs to ensure clarity of objectives and delivery of outcomes. Monitor progress and manage the risks to Monitor the delivery of Programme/Project benefits in delivery. line with the programme plan. Monitor benefits delivery and take corrective action if necessary. Benefits realised in line with the Strategy and Plan. Provide effective support to the Minister and Obtain assurance on the new structure by July 2012. Max Murray. RSD6 Provide timely media handling To develop strategies, in agreement with communications strategy Executive Information Service, for Minister arising from Moira Doherty. 41 Departmental Board Departmental Board on Executive, Assembly, media and other business. Departmental commitments in PfG within three months being agreed. Timely, professional and Provide professional support relevant media handling to enable the Minister to fulfil strategies are provided to his Ministerial, Assembly and the Minister and officials Executive commitments and respond promptly to Assembly as required. and other business. Target for Review of information AQs of 99%. across the Department to Update content on NIDirect by ensure NI Direct is accurate. June 2012 and review after 6 months. Commission updates from business areas and Provide monthly updates to provide advice and the Departmental Board in recommendations to the relation to PfG goals and Board. Departmental priorities. other departments and external bodies. 42 ORGANISATIONAL CHART 43
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