INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM CALL FOR ENTRIES 2015 THE GLOBAL ART AND DESIGN COMMUNITY WANTS YOU Santa Fe University of Art and Design wants to motivate young international students eager to launch their creative career in the United States: where art and design meets entrepreneurship. SFUAD offers scholarships to partially cover the tuition for international students applying for one of our Bachelor degree programs listed below. Santa Fe University of Art and Design is globally recognized for our faculty working in the industry, internship opportunities, and collaborative campus community. Our Film School has been repeatedly ranked as one of the top in the United States by Variety magazine, and our Theatre Program was listed as one of the Top Five outside of Los Angeles. We’ve also been repeatedly ranked in the Princeton Review’s Best of the West. SFUAD UNDERGRADUATE DEGREE PROGRAMS Bachelor of Arts in Contemporary Music Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing Bachelor of Arts in Photography Bachelor of Arts in Studio Art Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Design Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Performance Bachelor of Business Administration in Arts Management Bachelor of Fine Arts in Digital Arts (Animation) Bachelor of Fine Arts in Digital Arts (Digital Illustration) Bachelor of Fine Arts in Film (Production) Bachelor of Fine Arts in Film (Story Development) Bachelor of Fine Arts in Film (Visual Effects/Technical Animation) Bachelor of Fine Arts in Film (Post-Production) Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design Bachelor of Fine Arts in Photography (Commercial Studio Practice) Bachelor of Fine Arts in Photography (New Media Journalism) Bachelor of Fine Arts in Photography (Fine Art/Gallery Practices) Bachelor of Fine Arts in Studio Art Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre (Acting) Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre (Music Theatre) Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre (Design/Technical) 1/2 SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS SUBMISSION Scholarships offered are up to $7,460 (US dollars) per academic year, for the entire duration of the program. Students must remain in good academic standing, maintaining a minimum GPA of 2.0 per semester, and be continuously enrolled in an SFUAD program. Applicants must submit: AUDIENCE SFUAD’s International Student Scholarship Program is addressed to international students with a passion for art, creative writing, design, film, music, photography, performing arts, or the business of arts, or any related field that encourages an inquisitive mind and an attitude for critical thinking and investigation. Participants must have a high school diploma OR be in their senior year and expect to graduate from high school in 2015. PROJECT BRIEF BECOME A GLOBAL DESIGNER: Art and design is a global concept that is often influenced by our physical and cultural environment. Applicants must submit a creative project that expresses who they are as artists and how their international perspective has shaped their creative identity. Depending on the program of interest, each department has different requirements – visit portfolio-auditions and find your individual program. All projects should be submitted at Projects must be submitted in English, as it is the language of instruction at SFUAD. • A completed SFUAD online application form in the program of choice • A creative project based on the guidelines provided above • A personal statement answering the questions outlined here [PDF link to: default_site/files/Guidelines_for_Writing_Your_Personal_ Statement.pdf] Your creative project should be submitted to the SlideRoom URL provided above. The personal statement should be emailed to indicating in the subject “2015 International Student Scholarship Program”. Applications will be considered in the order that they are received. Candidates will be informed about the results of the scholarship via email. GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS • In order to be awarded this scholarship, students must be admitted to SFUAD. • SFUAD is entitled not to award the scholarship if the projects are deemed not to meet the suitable standards defined by the scholarship committee. The committee will judge at its own discretion and its decision is final. • The International Student Scholarship Program cannot be combined with any other economic reduction offered by SFUAD. • Scholarships awarded up to institutional aid limits. Deadline: 1 June 2015 To apply for the International Students Scholarship Program, visit MY.SANTAFEUNIVERSITY.EDU/APPLY SANTAFEUNIVERSITY.EDU 1600 St. Michael’s Drive, NM 87505, USA 877-732-5977 (USA) 2/2
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