SHIPPL\-G ASSOCIATIO\ OF ;:: ,Ot qiruqtg e.,tors 9 1fiI .jr;iins o^=il Y '"=__"yt,:; 1t/'Y/'Y"*s+ V Enctosed, ta; pU a1 P.,/-zta r plr:--l .-fS;"u- 1fl.Y/. \ try\f lo"l\d?? 6cr9it-r-rt f tJt-4 ..,L-jl * ,rr-L-,-r; I I " hlr 1J I r 4-.U*Dlf .cs.5 ,.s+ 'L''! , eY- l.t o)t+; e-Lj e*9#,4-. ,,----t---l 9 Ot--J-c )ru-,a,.s-+.|.;ql .-i1., ey+l JLrl)Ur.:-l ca3 "b a59r;.gjl.l " f r:a" uog-; C)Lr ,a d4Jt*" \t\oAto\Vf g:*r,JS Y..)L-.i,)q5.r5l:a1;5,-^;rA\W::-43bltar-,ta)J,Jtilr,,JlJ.g: jt5 AA1 .6t.f :rji AAlfVf d? r -t:;/l' ^A\rY?Y? No.30, Daneshkian Alley, Between Vallieasr Sq. & Zartosht St. Tehran 1415A45173 Tel : +009821 -88947646-9 & +009821 -88947 656 Fax : +009821 -88905604 E-mail : du,;, a t7<rl\\lfr''t" lrlt / ,\ 1 ,1'4'i t .l $tl,,Ttcltitttt a tUtt $slLsnCg)U -i;Jlo*.*k i5.i c&q1.*k c5i ..;fotJtii"1+{.s9. prsrr[*gl.t1uibl+l lttr. l..Y olrr-U or.1"rlrs lY osto (Jrt*f , ta dsr- €it crti s{r9i+" lt dql.r lo oliplgJl 9u 4lgl drr €Xtf : t*r g el,;cl Y..V 'lY cdgrdu cslJ.r, o,rL" U-f Jt ,yo#lf 6lj l.pYl pjY s.,-tir l{, ,rjl*,r..,}t5l q tf/tl/tY isr ,-rlf ,A.f ort'"j pY- l{ aoU gr+' )9b ,stl*l ,JiSt r:,*r9rr q,tf/t/YA b-jS jl r:,.;lo.rj a14.i 4l,r-1s r,*-tl sl.l.e,,[5 ollslls o.rj str- O9.*itis 1s gF o*s€. .rs.f .* Jt-rrl c5.1'i I a*ty gl q sLu-rlt{ 45 tb dgF L5jt" e1lli c4,t".- q d.tfr rr a.tlxll95 O*o.i.J 9 loU aa4l9rra | ,Ur.:-l .+15'i - ,)fl a;-19.5\,5.2i I ha.-S Ol$L ,:.',{19 dt&sp ,_Fs, q;L, p;>* 69t* - .,,),(-l cJ,r}&r+ af g){tl s,?6 c.{a \,,.5 3l(L c-a1 { ..dL-.P dl)r-l {.rL) g)ttl9,r.olfic.qp *.o151 a;-19 6y9) y u* a,-rb.;l oLs 9 ;lpj' g*l - al;l ,r"),{-l cr,rlQe+ ;lgJ .S r; .,.nltl - Jlll oi*ij ,rL .S yt l-./tr'iL.r *rK'i - .+t51 " .,"15'i .rUl,cl .sr+ o)) - ca3.r1[1r U-1 d$ o)) Adr 4dr€ cJ,l.c> 9 c,L:a oll.rl ob.;,-[ olltl *"Ki c-a; ,r^,-t ;.fl+bL" zir ,f.l ollrl ,.t51 cq;.r1L-r: cLU> 9 .' cap gbrg;lrr.29"1,[ o.;bl il\ ,s&g,ral5lc.€ \65 c; oll.rl I* q r)Glr.r.oLflc.{e (rtl;."|e;,U"J5-dyJ-X&p-6lrs;U-OU-*/r e 6L,**613y.,p-XJr-OL-;f),,rt+ qE "----*- *=l4,-=-..*,r= ^Aralllt tg(.,nlftr\ t -"---.€..-.. ,f ,6),1\ 6it ,.(/UU,rrtt)t-, ,jr;,'/,,iOb i/<rwww.pmo. n,"$t ,c), rgubt,4, ,.tonoo-zrivrto,rvo -nrrr:,l,Jo*",,0l^rrrtl ,,,?/ Cl3|l srgJ tall.l 3r d+elg5 jlr L d9;r.rjL C.rl,i €+lgirc 4Qp ci"afl Q trtg oc gl5 olhl otQtr O[o rr.otifolqs )9$a g tOl-ui€ o+j ollsl lltt9F aHrlq[5 doJi.:t :99 ..:*,1 J.L,."rL f .r"r+ voL 6,",-l .5:19.,U...1t Abte;S -;,-U9 ..gpap jl .F_ t+$;5.::; r9L:"" q i)--l .5tr 9;lr;"ti rl rsly.#!.S,&; Lb)9U.:i /t*, p i og* ..r,-U*;:t"{lcrpt*;lrl- t+iit 6lac;.;S 4,"l}Y U- 9 olto olyJ it ayb 4,f)a ,Slylt.5r[; olrap 9la 4--1o sl9,' .f I )t.f c* v* *y* s"l-l 11 Y..Y G9y-V./Jl fro O4*;lyS a'.;,lyl./y-l c5,r*e? cJgr ,.gb,Jl ayl'j, e'-yo' { 4+f U hJ +-'bI.f)l-l ,Sl:yrJ:.. c9:L*a ,Wt tlj+i- oL.-",1t.r.r).rlpa: **.ilf4$;c-, jl., * a-J+ tF 9 65JL,ta,I9r :--lo ,)tl ,-frv.\r1f/\/YA e.,b' jl oi a-u lpYl p;Y 9 ,jt*F p;>* 6119 \rAl/y/\y ar y J*lf \Y orL, .rrU otl;Jl .5lpl ,Ff; ,,+.L t- l 4^* )9+r &Uoalf'\ Db 6* y. u+ tf ,-t*t' 4. .c,-l or,i ir9$ ;L cSt+,+; (*)i .:.:ti .5[o19Lli ,Sly sf u A#l# oLl;Jl t .11t" sl9; ,r, 6rlylrtrt lLr ,tjL u-,Ll rr,l y lJtCrr"l.J+.b'.xdf +t^j stL6l4.U*lf rjl o.:i,;ti6at;.,r**,lf +;*rS ;7-6:#;L.5b191;;i ,9W &Sf J"#, &d-) 9,r;-l .glo .-5*--, 6s, + bS)f dt-b {,_)a I ,-f* 6'-l p aLyy a."1.; a* t9 il-9t) ,fix Jb f aay a*,9* 6y As,*.,lf q.:L; .c*,1 a,l*llf a:;9,- rri )9Lii t? .irL; jl iU dlr lr s ail,;.sjL Ots g (.45 ,sjj5 +iLi; , ,r,_Lbi *. Lsrr .5191 6"r t- Lb d,-)a ir-l .-uli ,-* I .,;lj .gLt .r5l/l ,JjtJq q, bg4to t.rfl" Og+-l*5 ,;l u"l*rty .r.,,5,4l f. o;rLa srlt +oU aag dU$ rtgo s_1[ri:Y orb :,r*;5 (t-Y &, ,O,*r, Jl,-rd-l y.),($lf t elFtul tsfa),rfu,Jt.ih.,rl:j ,,-[*t't.r.r.^.rt4..-ti ,,--il*isl yl a'. aS srb &,.q,n..o : t** t-p ,sV:, ti.p;l i ;stp.stot'- S GU;.5Luul { rlt:; .rf- ,lf dr .u:..1J9;" osge t)tr r o$ 6.1r o>,: ,rl;,:i "5-- a3;q 6,1 a, o.r,.J; .li &.J 4,U+lf c*,1 oltns , tgh .$L ;19"c { .1Li-l FU 4t "pP l* 9 t- qE b-.1: ;*r.l.t " eb :o.t,;i c-jc$t cri*b .r,-l:.jl 1.,- (Y-Y Lra*,t s-l*il t- ,J-*J .c--i ;hi.i c"J.(Jl-,r9j .r. ,S*ls or.;; c.j;by o14, gl* * ,# J i 6 6F by S ory cJf c,.sJt Jb t+ "Xl .r:Jtr )9Lti "SJL .rr-U-.,r a.:.;L ..rLj .r, 45 aS 19; cr.9)atl c"fr; ' (casualty)o.;L (r-v [ ,,rb ,[il: p orl.: 61 elr- t- ,,.5:;9.,1r.2r + Ly.r eylf- fL I t+l Ou: f { ,[l19Lti :rr.l rri.r O'i a+P A9H )l 6 .4ly crtAJ,-rec !- .5rL olrlJ rl71l .*- ol s"-f ,* ".dL-r, 4rjL" iS*,Lt';'[;tq"ij)- 9 )9W.51;, c,l.;lJ U)l +-p 1,, : (wreck) a;er; \ o:L ,"Llr, aigr; L : or^;: o:y'a::,,J ,-[f + t_ ofi 6f ,,rLi.i- a 69s o,}J d; 1^a J-L; . o"u o.:/a::,,;j ,lS q U" o.rj jf .,tL-i, .i- ;l .51 a5; t- c*i p .b t*:,,rs : 1l ,- *l o-,t r Y..V ta a!9r; t;;; .rjL OE O%;lf (.-,-rE') p ,r.r& .* JS q [:r, cr 6f 6 o;l: ,lt^tl ,tly ,-* Ju t* q c*,1 Jlo^ " 6 :s!i &.c*; r.,9i.2,. J.,t Oi F ciLb,rllll: U )9[:j { ,5J 6ly,rii:,r,U.;,ll 'er ! L :c^-l o.u; Lo.; tr .-[l q.orj .9,2t U--r: p a5 r9L;3 .5., 1l o.u ,t.< a,tl U- 9 .C .d f-Y : Oti" l; dlr (remove/removal) (.s.iU4).5;L 6,l; 4 )tr i F,s+:; &; r..l;l t- I .-rot5 6F& rslu-,ls (A-Y r.:.r.hil uf * ,u-f ",56 :u9*;l,9;S .c*l (Y..Y.t:.xU ) b oitr ,gi OV ;%;les ,d#l# ,* 6p dr*.t .99r" cJp a3,Q ..:-l or; dr*r'JLJI ,tb :s)r )r cr 6f 9 ojsl cJ9: t-9; ,*)y af cJ9.: ,ti cs\tt or.ii;:L +-t;:.1r 4.+ crh{.,.J-U..* Fl$l b {sr dr.{ *jy csl+.;" t- bi 6 t^ oly ,s)b u:l^". (Y-Y dyi> e+b at 9,os oJgt 4.FEZ),5.:L-:il .g.;teol dlu" t+t ;l ot,.r-1r." ef (7-\ 61[,!- a"t*r195 trt> il,e 4itj. c*l o:25J C,,ro.l.r .51 ait]. .!.t Y" jl ,F..r 9 oj,i ixFJ.-l-LJl 1l ,rrl+.! .SjL etB .(.,- J#lf .1: )9b +c*,;.r,-lpl ..rrL- ,r^; :!t;p; (l-v o$ ;r*J Jt d{#; U * ,_ist ,J-l.l"Ll,nr ri:L;l {,jLjL :(tt 6.q; o.t$;:L d;,t -),5 o*l (t-f )* 9 o.ri 6!19 ,g!-'sl ;ss, aLjL by I P&I dt{d9lt I a^* .st+.SF GVs jSs q ;LjL &_L- ./9 .rr Oe ;t+" .St+;5F c*J p t4,{F 6,1 ol,-ni 9 pL; .sl o.:9,J c^i!-.;: .r'tf e \ oLy.r Jt .sL O*,.; )9b 3a"l=fl9f i Oe,u9,-; U &b I Jt.St.o d#, ltrol .r.*b (\.-Y t# +af Lo a!9r; .sjL A-rE c.U*blf 1l c,-l olLc :;L;L (\\-Y I cd.L_.p .gLo a"k^al9f ,9t- ai,$9 aS y:sy\st .*.1 r sLLc '[ ..:11.: oll:l ,*l tb o.r4.c 9 6tsylstg slls a-lsyl ,-f;s;,Jtl pb 6L1L sl*l s 6&, Drawing Rights) SDR.sle (\Y-Y '(Special eyrl r)sa lr I tlrl ,Yr .u;L [: ,-l- dbj)l ql, OI ,.-*, cYL af Jx ,#l ot 69rj..a.1: .:-l .5"s19 .u-LJ.r a*b:f orlo Oi. , o.r,.3 a,*{ J4 aib q :Lil L J9"oj Ol* q $lf .r. Atjl- p,b 4lr;l ,-,"f,, .r"Ll f; ,A1'*;lrg .:o.l.5ta19L; L,- f ..rlfl p; cori.ft ,,fb +S ,Sly. t^ o5f.r ef (aUL t-e; ou' ,5 c-+ "SjL ;*; cJ\{)- )l ^by.r tU c,iL...;: e.lB A"U*alf )9b *c**;;y5,rrtr;: b* q)* * ,sl^t# .r,-L; phil r& lr- jl .i_ ro ,o'..,,r f GT f . r ,JBU c+)ts gUU.!*,t:{ t{ orLo :$l o-u;,riil,.,i ;7-ltl ,-ySt dp-l J9^i;lr[i.5b.r9[:,Ji ..r+U .f iil .:;9. ra plY lrlr ..t;a) .,r"j ft.21.;l oL*o I t+{ .Stt+ &Jt O1-,*j,l?S e oilr," ! d d.fE.fbtfl.L3 .\ cn$JL coc;.5ta.19[:*i .Y r,, cJgl cJ9.: .5;l.ry st.lrt lr b$rtp o2a,1 U_ jf dt- P q*.*:o olb :.t9S dJL C4rg:,... .t 6L*ri-5 J*.- t*:*" J;;|#,:Lo, p,Ll;a 19Lu o-ui, c-J.SJt a"Ll a,-l y .o-l (.-,1 .5:;ytl)l ,rrl+ OLjb er ,tlX.l ,t) 9,* Ala:#,1: Jf..- ,f tl * c.-l9>r: a, b + ALy., &U+lf 19.r..a ,;.q.> t;i , ,tSt J9*;;l1;5 F rrS tU ;,,*;*! 4r &*j c,*,-U.r, r9L,;3,-$L &sf 6)b 1..s| 0.5;li5;,),1s, .dUt? LiLb {r-P .r-L- cfrf d.U+lf o.r;5 pLo e),,J19,s{,jLjl- :6t"1Lr dlrl Jt a;ta1*;.r-Ll+. I ta a,L; W. O*l9S * * .!-ki .r ,SGy-;i5 L*)t;l Xl- rot;.,o.J phil .:,-9*l oU9^, a*, ;lyl .5tq9L:.; U- 9 .t'y-l dlr-l cjrl&.?;y5,r*U-1: p;; C4,r,-. ef Al* cor.; .St.o,,Sb o-ui &i .SJL .Y +,-1LjL L-9; o.U ! .iU" t" usr ,S)b OV oyl+5 oLl;Jl coo&U+lf s9b a: il :a5lr* &b af.l95;.: o.r; e.f .fiU dU d;.",jiL_ a.b a*1 Db 4 .r.,-L;.r philY d-+;l j:19.,: e.rtt c4r$,,* o.lil,r..;JX "P r{ 1) o$ (i*i f q.c4rlt*^. .f .(Jt a-l9.>rr o"Ll rr f * J.:L.rlj.e + 9 \ ,:*,9-, tup ,o-Li di*i ft 4*.:9.s ol+ f orlj Jl),> di;9, tt &Jt'*- tt ,Jiiri 1,5.f At^;:;.$E .:ui-l^, a:lrl 1., to a!9p .sjL oE L)f** a. by.r c,L.s ,u^lrry a;JL+ ,5."* .st+sr 9 .:*l o9U; 6.r*i .:9 .gto:1.:.,1.2-i.,r ,l-,5.,- rt+d eytU ! ,(salvage) ot+ a.-p .,iix 1l c6ls osyqls cs& c*,-1,..r, ,jf l-o al9^x" L-;;5 O,_l .u-l; Jt".Stl +oU crrt<"i ;1t" lr_ .grl*l r#; aa^r:1 asto .t1L p?f ! t1. I r"?,r," c,>; ;l psl glyl .r:tq q :rri ;YU l Y.. .r.JtsU &j,g L .SLo.,rH .r.LJ' .t :ts Jt! 2.: ctlL^r; ul,o. st ,* ,5 a.*i dhg)- jl Jt 4"[; ,1.L t- aoU a*, .51;l: o*,-[" ..r;;t? i 49* 4.u,',-r9r*lrt (bX\), o:L;: o.:n; y \lr t" &Sr di Olr r:yl1i5 JIl.s c*"-! e sfl- d)."."r r1.,." :-i;L,1,-i )p + S \1VP vl-, cl_t*! cSl[sr \rv... ,ps e GT a.. .,,.JEu q|; ! .s[n,,:h y.... b a. \ daJtrU c+,S !.sLn,,tL:,i ,sl)l d., SDR \rv .GT SDR jtji'Lrtu_lfl jt;'dir.liil ,t pl.rll c*,-! ,r" ,J-i^L. Y.... t Y... \ Lr4Jt U 4P"rrh .r^.sljl + SDR AY ,GT Y.... :t *.pJEU ,rirb lr.slr.,rH d.' )a crljl a, SDR \YA .O, jb'd;:,_llil plK:-o .2: * "r a Lr;o:*;19! as9^r" .51;l: a5 .5i rf :rlsh-l .5to:brlr-i,D ,15 r+ Or { &+*; fu f ao# cjl{s)efB 4yL* }1. O*;; ,9t- .r;l ,r1, .jLq9Jf b drr .SjL :,r;,L; .Y Liabilities, costs and expenses in respect of the removal or disposal of, or the lighting and marking of: o . The wreck of the Entered Vessel(s). , h&Jt'..- 45 a';:Y ' o"u.-[* ,r!5 Jib .5Ytf U b,r,l1b.1U . o,tj a''* aigP Cargo, property or goods on board or which were carried on board the Entered Vessel(s) (other than oil or 1," ("rqY'i any other polluting substance). r Wr e.t& 9 ta qjn q5 .-'.t.jx :y) t1ly.5.1li(;Vs 9 gil*'.<.- t-,-,lf-l ,.511*, 6Jtt, t{ .:19.;L t- c^il, ,o, a'.)Ai h-E ! o$ c^*l .,l.i511 o4t r7.-i ,;5 p a;Y . gl $tr .rb.r! U- e ,&) Jb f: );ft il The wreck of any vessel damaged by the Entered Vessel(s), by collision or otherwise or cargo on board such a wreck. o) ,h,,r! elr by f q 6U5r- t-9, o;rL Jt crrnt..'cdFirl 9 .*)t r: cJlqr" ,tb- a' .5JL c-lf;r r jU osy i.c*,1 ,r"l;Jl 15--2.1 lYr b- s stx r/->.p o.r.3.r-q.,r'tt;p;.-rl;r" 4l* olr.r {,!U_.1 Jrl," 61:9 aebu .r;t,4ti.o)rLO*."*a;1+"j c*{ XF sSsry f a\ f ;*+. -5* Af I .ci-lr1rr;15,1 )xS ttp e)t. ))y $ ;*";' (Y..Y s.t9rU)b dtr* L$L- OV ,Fx s a;:l a.rj +illl Jto ))s^ c*,-! .r" O#lf ou.qlb f q.rwr- (Salvage)ot2e C.l*l .r 9 +oU "yl :l ,-*St P o:L ciiLoi t- a.*f s{l.r-jr, :V orla .,Ll;Jl c,:o'a,t-*ol9f 19t- ,lb;-t &a-E o1ti.F* .A .rto ,e:,- .\ a.p,'lorle-,,b .Y g],l.6p.-; a.L; f , Y .ri.iU. Jt;5";';lr. .f 4"U.nlf cod .5tq9k'i .51.p aJ9- t{ <".sl ,orj +Jt ,5 a*, dQ5r- t-9r o,.:L !u6*alr a.u a-*r .lLl a"t+lf J9*;l9S 9* ,"- a!t..;i5 r"tr tr o.r:f ,-,-l9irr,lh ,l ..t,_L*i ,:L.r-rE rlgb U,,+-*l(il ,.1t{j { 9 ory aJt-,5,.,- cf pL ,x )gJ.^a oLjL t.rl.xl L Y &r9^r lkcl .5121:;5ls;[L 44- )l o.,rL * ! orlo .\ ,o?x 6_2rr a,l.*,^.19f .y r).F.* .19; .5;l-q.51; )9Al 6il .t,*ib. 9 JF dQjr, ,Jri *iit .itj c,n' .rb.,r$ .51; b'o.,rL a,L*olf ,"r*,lf .,ri ,.:L r€X r+L t# by q ,0.u; t#;,,i lr,->,t- c-.+.! ajlrl a;;, ..:#.5rhq5li r9L;,rlp r: 9 OqU,,:,&, 6l ye ,,- ,sbt..S jl ,F- p; a., c.q; c*,-!.r, a"Loolf J"-l ..(JL $_1. i"U.^lf asy f $L orgoj,:L cf ++ A.t+alf Oi a.t *o195 )9b )l Jt' .*-_L./ 4t -uiU .r 'rrrf clrl.,rL;,r+ ori9y.p. o) Jl+.,, ,,l1l ,ull c.a- *(;t?.-Fp s 4**J d.,- .f .xl,rr y-sll b &sr a.Lialgf J9*;lys jl ,-** 9 $y. ).;*cib &# :+ol.ipl9f t-9; ,/ .f .$t o-l9.rr ,.-,.s gLlL a:<.;l;' :ola+, &J 6b.Jl )i a:.j JU:el )9M rr;.r_;r:t orLo ,s)6611; a,t*al9f ssb Sy),.,L> + OLjb oLl;Jl *p ,,Llr,.(tL :l c:-o9*r* CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE OF LIABILITY FOR T}IE REMOVAL OF WRECKS NOT TRANSFERABLE Certificate Nol Certificate furnished as evidence of insurance pursuant to article 12 of the Nairobi International Convention on the Removal of Wrecks,2007 Name of Ship Grass Tonnage IMO Ship Call Sign Port of Registry Identi{ication Number Name and full address of the principal place of business of the recistered owner This is to certify that there is in force in respect of the above named ship while in the above ownership a policy of insurance satisfying the requirements of article l2 of the Nairobi International Convention on the Removal of Wrecks, 2007 Condition: To cover, Liabilities, costs and expenses in respect of the removal or disposal, or the lighting and marking of: o o The wreck of the Entered Vessel(s). Cargo, property or goods on board or which were carried on board the Entered Vessel(s) (other than oil or any othei polluting substance). o The wreck of any vessel damaged by the Entered Vessel(s), by collision or otherwise or cargo on board such a wreck. Limit of Liability: To meet the requirement of article 6 of the convention on Limitation of ........US$/€ Liability for Maritime Claims' 1976 and up to maximum... . Period of Insurance: from. .........(GMT) to . ....(GMT) Signature of Insurer: Date of Issue: Name and address of the insurer(s) and/or guarantor(s): 10 I (*J9, b dfr* djL.; arl,i'.}.*,9..- tf al^lfl ts Jb.5t{pl*6 rt" lr- 4..{ A.qnlf CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE OR OTHER FINANCIAL SECURITY IN RESPECT OF LIABILITY FOR THE REMOVAL OF WRECKS Issued in occordance with the provisions of arlicle 12 of the Nairobi International Convention on the Removal of Wrecks,2007 Name of Ship Grass Distinctive IMO Ship Tonnage Nurnber of Letters Identification Number Port of Registry Name and full address of the principal place ofbusiness the registered owner This is to certify that there is in force, in respect of the above-named ship, a policy of insurance or other financial security satisfying the requirements of article 12 of the Nairobi International Convention on the Removal of Wrecks, 2007. Typeof Security: POUCY OF INSURAI{CE Durationof Security: Noon (GMT) to Noon (GMf) Name and address of the insurer(s) and/or guarantor(s) Name: Address: This certificate is valid until: Noon (GMT) Issued or certified by the Government of Islamic Republic of IRAN Date of issue: Director General of Marine Operation & Maritime Safety 11 of
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