St. Anthony of Padua Roman Catholic Church May 3, 2015 Fifth Sunday of Easter PARISH OFFICE / CHAPEL 4275 N. Rancho Drive, Suite 120 Las Vegas, NV 89130 OFFICE PHONE Phone: (702) 399-6897 Fax: (702) 395-0787 E-mail: OFFICE HOURS Tuesday-Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon WEBSITE CELEBRATION OF HOLY MASS Saturday: 4:00 p.m. (at Centennial High School) Sunday: 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:00 Noon, 4:00p.m. (at Centennial High School) (Confessions before each Mass at Centennial HS) Monday thru Friday: 8:30 a.m. Mass at the Chapel Centennial High School: 10200 Centennial Parkway, just west of Hualapai Way Chapel: 4275 Rancho Drive, Suite 125, Las Vegas, NV 89130 ST. ANTHONY PARISH STAFF CLERGY Fr. Robert W. Puhlman, Pastor Fr. Steve Hoffer, Parochial Vicar Fr. Shawn Dresden Deacon Antonio Avila ********************************************************** Frank Singer, Parish Manager Jeanne McFarlane, Office Assistant Jessica Parrish, Director of Faith Formation Brian Kohl, Director of Youth Ministry Cheryl Singer, Parish Bookkeeper Carolyn Pope, Pastoral Assistant Kate Pia, Music Director Bill Freeman, Asst. Music Director Call parish office I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing, ~John 15:5 Excerpts from NABRE © 2010,1986,1970 CCD SACRAMENTS You must be a registered member of St. Anthony of Padua Parish, for at least 3 months, in order to receive the sacraments of Baptism and Matrimony. If you need permission to act as sponsors or have the sacraments administered at another parish, it is also required that you be registered. BAPTISM Baptisms for infants to six year olds are celebrated on the 3rd Saturday during mass, by appointment only. Both parents and godparents must attend a baptism class, please come by the Parish Office or call 399-6897. This class is the last Monday (excluding holidays) of the month at the parish life center suite 110 on Rancho at 7pm. MARRIAGE Couples planning marriage should contact the parish as soon as they become engaged because at least six months is ordinarily necessary to fulfill marriage preparation requirements. At least one party must be a registered , participating member of the parish. The first step is for both parties to meet with Fr. Steve Hoffer, 399-6897 or ANOINTING OF THE SICK The priest will often be able to anoint you after Mass. Please call the parish if you need to receive the anointing of the sick at home. In case of hospitalization, let the hospital staff know that you would like to have the Catholic priest /chaplain see you. R.C.I.A. ANNOUNCEMENT If you are a person who has never been baptized, or was baptized in another religion, and have the desire to become Catholic, please consider joining our RCIA classes. Also if you are a Baptized Catholic adult who has not made your first Holy Communion or have not been Confirmed, you can also be involved in RCIA. Or if you are a “lapsed” Catholic who wishes to return to a full sacramental life, then RCIA is for you. The entire process is focused on “conversion” and having the desire to journey as a fully active Catholic. PARISH REGISTRATION In order that we may better serve you, please register in the parish. This way you are known to us when requesting the services of the church. If you would like to become a registered parishioner complete the Registration Form located in the High School Lobby or the Chapel, or download it from the Diocese Webpage: Also, please notify the parish office of changes of address, phone, or email, or if you are moving out of the area. The completed form can be given to an usher or placed in the collection basket. ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is celebrated on the first Friday of the month following the 8:30 am Mass and concludes with Mass at 8:30 am Saturday. HOLY COMMUNION TO THE SICK If you are at home, please call the parish office and an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion will visit you. In case of hospitalization, inform the hospital staff that you are a Catholic and would like to receive Holy Communion. FUNERALS In the event of the death of a loved one, please contact the parish before making arrangements with a mortuary. Scripture Readings for the week of May 3, 2019 Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: Acts 9:26-31/1 Jn 3:18-24/Jn 15:1-8 Acts 14:5-18/Jn 14:21-26 Acts 14:19-28/Jn 14:27-31a Acts 15:1-6/Jn 15:1-8 Acts 15:7-21/Jn 15:9-11 Acts 15:22-31/Jn 15:12-17 Acts 16:1-10/Jn 15:18-21 Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48/1 Jn 4:7-10/Jn 15:9-17 Saturday, May 2 4:00 pm Sunday, May 3 Fifth Sunday of Easter ! Aurora P. Valdez-Agcopra Fifth Sunday of Easter 8:00 am ! Stanley Piestrsk 10:00 am ! Felisa Q. Luz 12:00 am Anh & Thomas Szvoren 4:00 pm Mass moved to 2pm 1st Communion Monday, May 4 8:30 am Tuesday, May 5 8:30 am Following Mass Wednesday, May 6 8:30 am Following Mass Thursday, May 7 8:30 am Following Mass Friday, May 8 8:30 am Easter Weekday Vanessa Smith Easter Weekday ! Kristin Pokrovac Novena-St. Anthony Easter Weekday ! Jim Kelly Novena-Our Lady of Perpetual Help Easter Weekday ! Gary Matsie Novena-St. Anthony Easter Weekday ! Leo Parrish With Mother’s Day and Father’s Day right around the corner, we here at St. Anthony’s have a unique opportunity this year to do something special. As you know we are in the process of building our future home, and we have made arrangements to include mementos (tiny items, like a small photo, or a hand written prayer or maybe a holy card) which will be placed in the concrete of the foundation. The item must fit in the small envelope which will be available in the lobby after the Mass. WE NEED BOTH MOTHER’S and FATHER’S DAY mementos by May 10th. YOU ONLY HAVE ONE WEEK TO GET THIS IN. (No Ashes) Blessings and Thanks ~Fr. Bob 2 St. Anthony of Padua Forgiveness at Mass Fifth Sunday of Easter Paul Turner For many non-churchgoers, Easter ended weeks ago. But the Easter season remains with us throughout the weeks until we celebrate the birthday of the church at Pentecost. We have an opportunity for Easter reflection and celebration for several Sundays, so if you feel Easter passed you by, fear not. Jesus tells us in John's Gospel this Sunday that he is the vine and we are the branches. We gain nourishment from the vine, and by staying firm and strong, we bear much fruit. Whereas Lent was a time of preparation for the Easter mysteries, this season of Easter is a time to offer the spiritual fruits resulting from our prayer, fasting, and penance. Of course, the nourishment that sustained us in Lent continues into Easter and throughout the year. Don't give up on Easter too soon. Stay connected to the vine and all the other branches that grow from it. They are fellow Christians trying to testify to the kingdom of God by their lives. Allow yourself to get caught up in the celebration of the risen Lord. Be nourished and grow into the wonderful creation God has made. St. Sharbel, Maronite Catholic Church, invites you to attend TOGETHER PRAYING FOR PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST. Please join all Eastern Churches in Christ to pray for Peace in the presence of religious & dignitaries of the City of Las Vegas, on Friday May 15th 7pm at St. Shaebel (10325 Rancho Destino Rd. Las Vegas, NV 89183) $tewardship Report April 19, 2015 Time * Talent * Treasure Offertory Collection $ 12,123.67 Minimum Weekly Need $ 13,300.00 Shortage Building fund —$ 1176.33 $ 4916.00 Attendance: 1,803 May God bless you for your generosity. The sacrament of reconciliation is the church’s special celebration of pardon, but forgiveness of sins is also one of the fruits of the Mass. There are many moments throughout the Eucharistic celebration when the texts and gestures of the Mass express the community’s sorrow for sins. We begin with the penitential act, which may include striking the breast in a simple gesture of sorrow. The presider then asks that God have mercy on us and forgive our sins. On Sundays this penitential rite may be replaced with a sprinkling rite, signifying our purification. While singing the Glory to God and the Lamb of God, we ask the One who takes away the sins of the world to have mercy on us. When the deacon or priest kisses the Gospel, he prays that its words may wipe away our sins. While washing his hands, the priest asks God to wash away his iniquity and cleanse him of sin. During the Lord’s Prayer we all ask God to forgive us our sins. And, of course, the sharing of communion itself forgives sins (Catechism of the Catholic Church 139394). The main purposes of Mass are to express thanks and praise to God and to sanctify the assembly through holy communion. But one of the other results is the forgiveness of sins. The faithful who are aware of grave sin should celebrate the sacrament of reconciliation before presenting themselves for communion. Reconciliation is advised for all, no matter how light our sins may be. But the faithful struggling with ordinary sinful lives may find assurance that their participation at Mass will grant forgiveness through word, gesture and sacrament. Copyright © Resource Publications, Inc. Outreach Committee Food Drive is May 9th and 10th. On March 25th, St. John Neumann's food pantry served 235 kids, 277 adults, 49 seniors and 116 families. If you know of anyone who is need, the pantry is open every Wednesday from 9:00am to 3:00pm. We appreciate your generosity donating to St. John Neumann's food pantry each month. Food Pantry is open to anyone in need. Should you know of anyone, please share the following requirements: 1. Picture I.D. showing current address 2. Utility bill (gas, water, etc.) 3. Birth certificate for children 17 years or under, or official school record 4. Names and I.D.s for all adults and seniors residing at the same address Service Zip Codes: 89031, 89032, 89081, 89084, 89086, 89130, 89131, 89143, and 89149 3 St. Anthony of Padua LEGEND: CPO = Chapel at the Parish Office, CHS = Centennial High School, Santa Fe Station: 4949 N. Rancho Dr May 3 May 4 May 5 May 6 May 7 May 8 May 9 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Mass @ CHS 8am 10 am , 12:00 pm, Mass @ CPO 8:30 am First Holy Communion @ 2pm Mass @ CPO 8:30 am Mass @ CPO 8:30 am 7pm RCIA Parish life Center Suite 110 Mass @ CPO 8:30 am Mass @ CPO 8:30 am 7pm Community Outreach Mass @ CHS 4:00 pm Food Drive No 4pm Mass 6:30pm Retrovaille Parish life Center Suite 110 May 10 May 11 May 12 May 13 May 14 May 15 May 16 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Mass @ CHS 8am 10 am , 12:00 pm, 4:00pm Mass @ CPO 8:30 am May Crowning @10am Mass @ CPO 8:30 am Mass @ CPO 8:30 am Mass @ CPO 8:30 am 11am to 1pm Women’s Society 6:30pm Youth Group Parish life Center Suite 110 7pm Community Events Mass @ CPO 8:30 am Mass @ CHS 4:00 pm Food Drive 6:30pm Retrovaille Parish life Center Suite 110 May 17 May 18 May 19 May 20 May 21 May 22 May 23 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Mass @ CHS 8am 10 am , 12:00 pm, 4:00pm 6:30pm Retrovaille Parish life Center Suite 110 Mass @ CPO 8:30 am Mass @ CPO 8:30 am Mass @ CPO 8:30 am Mass @ CPO 8:30 am Mass @ CPO 8:30 am Mass @ CHS 4:00 pm 6pm Knights of Columbus Why can’t a bike stand on it’s own? It is two tired. 4 St. Anthony of Padua 2015 First Holy Communion Class CLASS 2-A Catechist- Cheryl Singer Kaelyn Branish Jamie Espinosa Koa Ferraro Dale Flores, Jr. Connor Keigley Aiden McLeish Christian Meach Clinton Osa Derick Urbina Abigail Vlaming Eric Zapanta CLASS 2-B Catechists - Marta Rodriguez & Zoraida Caldera Izabella Andersen Arianna De La Cueva Rachael Engelberg Evan Kelty Lilliana Comstock Drew Ditto Abigail Games Kelsey Yanagihara Cade Daniels-Hejna Nolan Ditto Lilly Houle CLASS 2-C Catechists - Art Escoto & Jeanette Escoto Krystal Amparano Nadia Austin Gianna Fabre Malachi George Kendal Houghton Julianna Lee Abigail Lichte Isaac Meneses John Monato Cooper Nason Olivia Nuno Robert Ortega Anthony Panduro Alejandro Quintero Makaila Rocco CLASS 2-D Catechists - Nicole Noel & Domenique Gillo Colin Baudreau Greyden Gillo Vivienne Kovarik Aaron Rafnson Amelia Elsmore Patrick Jensen Cara Madrid Kirstyn Raney Shawn Garduno Nicholas Julian Leah Noel SSC Catechists - John Izzo and Cindi Flammini Casandra Andrade Ivanna Carrera Rogelio Castellanos Madison Flammini Mya Kelty Rochelle Ortiz Racquel Zapanta Daniel Arnold Nathan Carrera Chad Ceredon Sophia Flammini Alexis Meach Dionisio Trinidad Scott Arnold Mariah Castellanos Samantha De La Cueva Ethan Hankins Pearl Thida Meach Lily Yanagihara May the Body and Blood of Christ, which you received this weekend for the first time, be a source of strength each day of your life. Best wishes of joy and peace on this special day. With love, from your St. Anthony of Padua Family. 5 St. Anthony of Padua Active Military Men and Women Please pray for our service men and women and their families. Byran Fuller, Cameron High, Lindsay High, Nicholas Hughes, Dreyson Kloss, Ryan Balcerzak, Angelina Maguiness, Robbie Mazza, Paul Mazzotti, Justin Lourenco, Timothy James Reilly, Jason Attaway, Victor I. Moreno II, Angela Olgin, Mark Sandle, Eddie Schaub, Patrick Simmons, Carole Thompson, Jonathan Houchins, Michael Thoreson, Freddy Morales, Randy Noel, George Bell, John Thompson, Charles Gill, Francisco Junior Castro Salas Please keep the following people in your prayers this week as we wish them a return to good health. Ingrid Masters, Rosalinda & Perfecto Soriano, Chuck Soldano, Elizabeth Smith, Leonard Balcerzak, Laura Jane Rogge, Andy Traveler, Erin Hikes, Doreen Morales, Lillian Vogelpohl, Betty Alessi, JoAnn Nardoni, Dominic Quinones Names will remain on this list for one month. Call the office to request additions to this prayer list. The Women's Society shoe drive for the Shade Tree Shelter's Workforce Readiness Program was a great success. Altogether, we were able to drop off over 200 pairs of shoes, dozens of purses and many boxes full of career clothing. These items help provide a fresh start in life for homeless and abused women who are preparing for job interviews as they re-enter the workforce. Thank you for your generosity and support! New Parishioners We pray for God’s blessings upon the newest members of our parish family. Sheila Brady As of March, 2015 we have a total of 1,735 active, registered families. Eternal Life Alejandro Rupisan May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. Spring Cleaning? When cleaning out closets and drawers please remember to save any gently used clothes for the 9000 homeless youth enrolled in the Clark County School District. The Outreach committee is having their 2nd Annual teen clothing drive the last weekend Help for the Homeless When staying in hotels, please remember our homeless. The travel size hygiene products are ideal for this ministry. This will be an ongoing collection, so keep bringing any donations that you can! There is a basket in the entry area of the high school where you can drop them off or feel free to bring them to our office. Worldwide Marriage Encounter Greece & Turkey Pilgrimage Following the footsteps of St. Paul and St. John October 27-November 8, 2015 Spiritual Director: Fr. Robert Puhlman $3,895 includes: roundtrip airfare from Las Vegas with a 7-day cruise on board the “Celestyal Cristal” Cruise ports: Thessaloniki, Kavala, Patmos, Syros, Greece/ Istanbul, Dikili, Kusadasi, Turkey. Land tour visitin Athens, Corinth and Meteora, Greece Call Gloria Serame (702) 361-9703 or more information. Our parish's Music Ministry is continues to grow. If you've ever sung in a choir, whether it's been in school or church, we'd love to have you join us. The 12pm Sunday choir practices right after Mass And the Praise and Worship group practices at 2:30pm before the 4pm Sunday Mass. If you're interested in joining, please email Bill Freeman at or call the parish office. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are on May 1-3rd and September 18-20th in the Las Vegas area. Early registration is highly recommended. For more information, call Steve and Terri Sharp at 702-589-0068 or go to For information on Spanish-language weekends, call Javier and Maria Lopez at 702-243-5934 or 702-206 -4270. Retrouvaille (Re-tro-vi) can Help Give Your Marriage a New Beginning!! If you are living in the disappointment and pain of a marriage in trouble, whether it is from lack of communication or something more serious and you have no hope. The Church has another avenue than Divorce, it is a program called Retrouvaille, which will help you rebuild your marriage. The next weekend scheduled for is OCTOBER 9, 2015. Please take a brochure in the back of the church and call Chuck and Carol Moore for more Information at (702) 604-1006. 6 St. Anthony of Padua 7 St. Anthony of Padua 7280 West Azure Drive, Suite 130 Located in Tenaya Village Shopping Center WING HEAVEN..... ONLY THE “GOOD CHICKENS” MAKE IT IN FRIED WINGS & FRIED SEAFOOD Bring in coupon for 10% discount 7785 North Durango Drive. #135 Las Vegas, NV 89131 702-834-7785 Faithful Supporters of St. Anthony of Padua Roman Catholic Church 385 Pilot Road • Las Vegas • 702.367.1040 • • Lic #22189 702-309-3360 Roehl T. Peña, M.D. !"#$%&'($)*+(%&*,& Internal Medicine Primary Care Physician Most Major Insurances Accepted Parishioner Full Service for Buyers & Sellers SELLING OR BUYING? BMA Find out what your house is worth in today’s market INCOME TAX SERVICE CRIS & CATHY CRIS, E.A.s CALL JOHN IZZO Parishioner YOUR REAL ESTATE PRO ONE PARISHIONERS PREMIER REALTY 255-3166 702-360-2323 CRAIG & DURANGO Darren Hansen Realty One Group Providence Local Resident. Las Vegas, NV | (702) 985-6180 BUTTER PLUMBING 24-Hour Emergency Service Fair & Reasonable Rates Insured, Bonded & Licensed 702-655-5214 Contact Debra Tyrrell to place an ad today! Lic# 0047102 or (800) 950-9952 x2649 Save 10% off work preformed Code: 68 A VEGAS VALLEY LAWN Omex of Nevada !"#$%&'(%)*+*, Proud Vendor of St. Anthony Full Maintenance Service Licensed • Insured Desert & Turf • Sprinkler Repair Cleanups • Weed Control • Aerating ~Since 1991~ 702.940.6639 Churches are built with the understanding that steel and concrete aren't nearly as strong as your faith. TENDER DENTAL & LAS VEGAS ORAL SURGERY Dr. Monica Ponce and Associates 5001 E. Bonanza Rd. #160 7670 W. Lake Mead Blvd. #130 Las Vegas, NV 89110 Las Vegas, NV 89128 702-307-CARE (2273) 702-312-CARE (2273) Monthly Maintenance Starting at $50.00 License #57075 7KH.RUWH&RPSDQ\f/DV9HJDV19fZZZNRUWHFRFRP 702-524-1461 5230 Boulder Hwy. #130 Las Vegas, NV 89122 702-851-ORAL (6725) We love families!!! Discount for parishioners *FREE Estimates FOR AD INFO CALL DEBRA TYRRELL AT 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM ST. Anthony of Padua, Las Vegas, NV A 4C 05-0440 10-21-2011 16:35:21
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