31stAnnual AnnualSuncoast Sarasota Super Powerboat GrandPrix Prix 30th Boat Grand Festival Festival Parade Parade of Boatsofand Block Party Boats July3,3,2014 2015 July RaceTeam TeamParticipant Participant Race Please fax fax or or email emailthis thisform formininorder ordertotosecure secureyour yourspot spotininthe theparade paradebybyJune June 28th Please 28th Fax: (305) (941) 996-0770 706-3825 or or Email: Email:superboatracing@gmail.com lucy.nicandri@suncoastcc.org Fax: Please Note: Note:--Teams Teams must mustbe bepre-registered pre-registeredfor forthe theparade paradeand andready readyatatthe the VanWezelparking parking (10th Street VanWezel lotlot (10th Street 41) by by the the line-up line-uptime timeofof5:30 4:30pm. pm.IfIfteams teamshave havenot notcompleted completedananentry entryform formforfor parade and and US 41) thethe parade and notnot staging area area -- the the boat boatwill willnot notbe beallowed allowedtotoparticipate. participate. in the staging Team Name:______________________________________________________________________________ Name:______________________________________________________________________________ andType Type of of Boat:______________________________________________________________________ Boat:______________________________________________________________________ Length and Racing In Vee Bottom CatCat In What What Class:_________________________________________________ Class:_________________________________________________ r r Vee Bottom r r Driver’s Driver’s Name:________________________________ Name:________________________________ From From(City/State/Country)_______________________ (City/State/Country)_______________________ Throttleman’s Throttleman’s Name:____________________________ Name:____________________________ From From(City/State/Country)_______________________ (City/State/Country)_______________________ Team Description Description -- Include IncludeAnything AnythingUnique UniqueAbout AboutYour YourTeam:__________________________________________ Team:__________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Owner’s Owner’s Name:____________________________________________________________________________ Name:____________________________________________________________________________ Cell Cell Number:_________________________________ Number:_________________________________ Email:_______________________________________ Email:_______________________________________ List List Any Any Additional Additional Equipment Equipment//Vehicles VehiclesWith WithYour YourBoat BoatParticipating ParticipatingInInThe TheParade: Parade: Length:_______________ Description:_________________________________________________ Length:_______________Description:_________________________________________________ Length:_______________ Description:_________________________________________________ Length:_______________Description:_________________________________________________ DOWNTOWN BLOCK PARTY - JULY 3 - AFTER PARADE UNTIL 11:00 PM THE20FIRST 15 BOATS THAT THEIR TO FORM LIMITEDLIMITED TO THE TO FIRST BOATS THAT FAX INSEND THEIRINFORM (941) 706-3825 r I do wish to participate r I do not wish to participate All registered registered boats boats must must follow followinstructions instructionsfrom fromOPGP SBI Officials, Parade Marshals, and Law Enforcement when staging forfor the Block Party. All Officials, Parade Marshals, and Law Enforcement when staging the Block Party. PLEASE PLEASENOTE NOTE A AA BOAT OR FLOAT BEING TOWED BYBY A TRAILER A FLORIDA FLORIDA STATUTE STATUTEPROHIBITS PROHIBITSRIDERS RIDERSTO TOBE BEANYWHERE ANYWHEREON ON BOAT OR FLOAT BEING TOWED A TRAILER EXCEPT PLAN TO BEBE ININ AA BOAT, OROR ON A FLOAT, EXCEPT WITHIN WITHIN THE THEPERMITTED PERMITTEDPARADE PARADEAREA. AREA.PASSENGERS PASSENGERSWHO WHO PLAN TO BOAT, ON A FLOAT, MUST ARRIVE FROM THE STAGING AREA AT THE VANWEZEL PARKING LOT TO THE DOWNTOWN PARADE MUST ARRIVE FROM THE STAGING AREA AT THE VANWEZEL PARKING LOT TO THE DOWNTOWN PARADE STAGING AREA IN THE FOLLOWING MANNER: STAGING AREA IN THE FOLLOWING MANNER: • ON THEIR OWN MEANS (PARKING AREAS WILL BE LIMITED) • ON THEIR OWN MEANS (PARKING AREAS WILL BE LIMITED) • AS A PASSENGER ON A GOLF CART THAT WILL BE PARTICIPATING AS A SUPPORT VEHICLE • AS A PASSENGER ON A GOLF CART THAT WILL BE PARTICIPATING AS A SUPPORT VEHICLE • BY SITTING EITHER INSIDE THE TOW VEHICLE OR INSIDE THE BED OF THE TOW VEHICLE • BY SITTING EITHER INSIDE THE TOW VEHICLE OR INSIDE THE BED OF THE TOW VEHICLE AT THE END OF THE PARADE ROUTE, THE SAME RULE APPLIES AS THERE WILL BE A LOAD OFF AREA (IF AT THE END OF THE PARADE THEON SAME RULE APPLIES AS THERE WILL BE A LOAD AREAA(IF NEEDED) BEFORE ENTRIES CAN ROUTE, CONTINUE IN TRAFFIC. ALL ENTRIES IN THE PARADE MUSTOFF DISPLAY NEEDED) BEFORE CONTINUE ON IN TRAFFIC. ALL ENTRIES IN THE PARADE MUST DISPLAY A NUMBERED GREENENTRIES STICKER CAN ON THEIR WINDSHIELD. NUMBERED GREEN STICKER ON THEIR WINDSHIELD. RACE TEAMS & BOATS PARADE RULES AND REGULATIONS FESTIVAL PARADE OF BOATS & DOWNTOWN BLOCK PARTY JULY 3, 2015 – 6:00 P.M. Suncoast Charities for Children thanks you for participating in the Festival Parade of Boats. In order to avoid confusion and to help the parade proceed as smoothly as possible it would be appreciated if everyone would comply with the following procedures. PARADE: The parade will take place Friday, July 3, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. Pre-Staging for Boats will begin at 4:30 pm with departure beginning at 5:00 pm in 3 stages from the Van Wezel parking lot heading east on 10th Street, South on Lemon Avenue and East on Fruitville Road. You will be assisted by OPGP Officials and Parade Marshals - give them your full cooperation. All race team support vehicles must stay together when leaving the parade staging area and upon arrival in the downtown area. The race is sanctioned by OPGP and violators will be penalized. The parade route is down Main Street, beginning at US 301 and proceeding West through downtown Sarasota. All entries must take a half turn left around the new Five Points Traffic Circle and continue to Gulfstream Avenue where the parade ends and will be assisted by traffic units back to the pits. PARADE: MARSHALS: Parade marshals, identified by their WHITE SHIRTS WITH RED LETTERING, will be directing the various units in the parade. They will be watching for safety concerns and insuring that the parade proceeds smoothly. It is required that you give them whatever assistance is requested and comply with any instructions or directions given to you. Offshore volunteers will also be on duty to help provide property control SAFETY: Safety is always a major concern, so in the name of safety and insurance requirements - NOTHING IS PERMITTED TO BE THROWN FROM THE VEHICLES. THERE IS NO EXCEPTION TO THIS RULE. NO CHILDREN UNDER AGE 12 are allowed to walk next to any motorized parade entry. No one can give you permission. If you have items to be passed out, you may have crew members walk next to the curb and pass out the items. Balloons and candy cannot be handed out due to environmental and maintenance reasons. Participants can sit on top of a moving boat in a safe manner, however, no one is permitted to hang off the sides or stand, unless inside the cockpit of a vessel. GOLF CARTS AND STREET LEGAL MOTORCYCLES ALLOWED - NO SCOOTERS. A Florida statute prohibits riders to be anywhere on a boat or float being towed by a trailer except within the permitted parade area. Passengers who plan to be in a boat, or on a float, must arrive from the staging area at the VanWezel parking lot to the downtown parade staging area in the following manner: • On their own means (parking areas will be limited) • As a passenger on a golf cart that will be participating as a support vehicle • By sitting either inside the tow vehicle or inside the bed of the tow vehicle At the end of the parade route, the same rule applies as there will be a load off area (if needed) before entries can continue on in traffic. All participants in the parade must display a numbered green sticker on their windshield. ALCOHOL - DON’T DO IT! Florida has an open container law that prohibits consumption of alcoholic beverages in a vehicle. SPACING: Avoid sudden stops and turns. Remember that many passengers will have nothing to hold on to. Maintain a smooth steady pace and a twenty to thirty foot interval between vehicles. Avoid falling behind and then speeding up to catch up. Watch for spectators, especially kids, running between units during the parade. RAIN PROCEDURE: In the unlikely event it begins to rain. once the parade has started the parade will continue as planned. In the event of severe winds or lightening that presents a safety risk, the parade will be canceled. DRESS: Remember, this is a family affair, please dress appropriately, T-backs are prohibited. “BOATS BY THE BAY” DOWNTOWN BLOCK PARTY: (After parade until 11 pm) Boats participating must pre-register (space is limited). All boats must follow directions from OPGP Officials, Parade Marshals and Law Enforcement when staging on Main Street between Orange Avenue and Palm Avenue. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS CALL – CHERYL SMITH – PARADE CHAIRMAN AT 941-256-5782 or email Suncoastcheryl10@gmail.com Owners of the race boats are responsible for their team, crew and all passengers; make sure they are aware of these instructions. If you have any problems or questions, the parade marshals in WHITE SHIRTS WITH RED LETTERING will assist. Again, thank you for your participation and cooperation.
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