CAMBRIAN COLLEGE BUSINESS PLAN 2013-2014 Business Plan 2013-2014 Table of Contents Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 3 Action Plans .................................................................................................................... 4 External Factors ............................................................................................................ 11 Budget Commentary ..................................................................................................... 12 Investing in the Future ................................................................................................... 12 2013-2014 Budget ......................................................................................................... 13 Conclusion .................................................................................................................... 31 Contact Us .................................................................................................................... 32 Mission Statement – We lead with our commitment to diverse learners. We teach and learn through quality education that responds to the needs of the community. We balance hands-on experience with the knowledge and skills essential for personal and professional success. 2 Business Plan 2013-2014 Introduction In accordance with Section 8 of O. Reg.34/03 under the Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology Act, 2002, Cambrian College of Applied Arts and Technology is pleased to present its 2013-2014 Business Plan. The Business Plan was prepared in accord with the College’s Strategic Plan 2009-2014 which is founded on three pillars – generate innovative growth, shape opportunity and foster success – underpinning our strategic mission. In order to track our progress towards achieving the goals, Cambrian has developed an updated set of institutional performance indicators. These indicators, which have been incorporated into our current balanced scorecard, not only gauge our progress but also represent our continued commitment to quality and accountability. The College Performance Scorecard serves as a vehicle to communicate our strengths, our challenges, and our opportunities to internal and external stakeholders, as well as to the broader community. A copy of this scorecard accompanies this plan. The 2013-2014 Business Plan is available for download from the College’s website at or can be emailed free of charge upon request by contacting Cambrian College. Mission Statement – We lead with our commitment to diverse learners. We teach and learn through quality education that responds to the needs of the community. We balance hands-on experience with the knowledge and skills essential for personal and professional success. 3 Business Plan 2013-2014 Action Plans As part of Strategic Plan 2009 – 2014 (Appendix A), the College approved the 2013-2014 College Action Plans which will guide the College’s activities during this fiscal year. The 2013-2014 College Action Plans will focus on the following areas for this fiscal year: Generate Innovative Growth Increase College enrolment in the traditional target of secondary school graduates and adult learners Develop distinction in specific program areas that meet local and provincial industry needs Increase recruitment and retention of aboriginal learners Expand internationalization of the College campus Shape Opportunity Leverage technology in diverse/flexible ways that meet the needs of all our learners and expand program delivery to remote students Pursue applied research that enhances learning, and economic and community development Foster Success Provide an inclusive, safe and supportive environment for a community of diverse learners and employees Enhance graduate employability through a focus on Experiential learning in all programs Maximize institutional research, planning and evaluation processes to ensure program quality standards are maintained. Enhance the image of Cambrian College in the community and in key target markets Administrative Implement effective financial management processes aimed at ensuring Cambrian’s sustainable, long-term, financial health Expand existing and develop new business development revenue streams Leveraging technology for optimal institutional research, planning and evaluation Increasing facilities capacity to support strategic goals and areas of distinction Mission Statement – We lead with our commitment to diverse learners. We teach and learn through quality education that responds to the needs of the community. We balance hands-on experience with the knowledge and skills essential for personal and professional success. 4 Business Plan 2013-2014 Outcome: Generate Innovative Growth Goal 1. Increase overall College enrolment, including traditionally underrepresented groups, specifically, nontraditional and nondirect entry students 2. Develop distinction in specific program areas that meet local and provincial industry needs 3. Increase recruitment and retention of aboriginal learners Tactic Expand strategic recruitment initiatives regionally and targeting the general population from Central and South Western Ontario and the GTA Launch a suite of one year, entry certificate programs providing an introduction to each Cambrian school of study targeting newly graduated secondary school students to replace the fifth year of secondary school Develop and submit for approval three new programs in areas of distinction Expand recruitment initiatives to make Cambrian the college of choice among Aboriginal learners across the North Implement 3 new strategies to retain Aboriginal students through to graduation 2013/14 Results 2% overall College enrolment growth. 2% increase in enrolment across programs of distinction. One new collaborative program. 2% increase in number of Aboriginal students on campus and/or taking programs in their communities. 2% improvement in retention rate of Aboriginal students from 1st to 2nd semester and 1% retention rate improvement for Aboriginal students from first to second year. Mission Statement – We lead with our commitment to diverse learners. We teach and learn through quality education that responds to the needs of the community. We balance hands-on experience with the knowledge and skills essential for personal and professional success. 5 Business Plan 2013-2014 4. Expand internationalization of the College campus Establish one additional international location placement opportunity for students Diversify international students population by engaging in recruitment in at least 3 new countries 10% increase in international student enrolment on campus. Mission Statement – We lead with our commitment to diverse learners. We teach and learn through quality education that responds to the needs of the community. We balance hands-on experience with the knowledge and skills essential for personal and professional success. 6 Business Plan 2013-2014 Outcome: Shape Opportunity Goal Tactic 1. Leverage technology in diverse/flexible ways that meet the needs of all our learners and expand program delivery to remote students Establish a “Learning at a Distance” department which includes Virtual, Online, and blended delivery Modify classrooms, and improve classroom acoustics to enable quality audio-visual at a distance 2. Pursue applied research that enhances learning, and economic and community development Develop and attract highly qualified skilled personnel for pursuit of research. Be an enabler of the innovation economy. 2013/14 Results “Learning at a Distance” department established with new director, organizational structure, operational plan and targets. Virtual college wing of classrooms established Three additional programs available in fully distance format. 10% increase in student enrolment in courses through “Learning at a Distance”. Develop an “Introduction to Applied Research” course for faculty and students. Provide 2 staff development opportunities to promote innovation literacy. Expand the faculty expertise database by 5. Launch Applied Research brand. 2% increase in applied research projects. 75% satisfaction rate – Industry partners. Mission Statement – We lead with our commitment to diverse learners. We teach and learn through quality education that responds to the needs of the community. We balance hands-on experience with the knowledge and skills essential for personal and professional success. 7 Business Plan 2013-2014 Outcome: Foster Success Goal Tactic 1. Provide an inclusive, safe and supportive environment for a community of diverse learners and employees Implement a Collegewide plan for Student Advising which articulates specific strategies appropriate for each program and is based on best practices and pilots 2. Enhance graduate employability through a focus on Experiential learning in all programs Implement College wide marketing strategy and employer based communication strategy that highlights this differentiation of Cambrian College programs 3. Maximize institutional research, planning and evaluation processes to ensure program quality standards are maintained. Review and revitalize the implementation of the faculty performance appraisal process Undergo the provincial quality assurance audit 2013/14 Results 2% increase in the number of students who report they were satisfied or very satisfied with the concern of people at the College for their success; Target measured in KPI survey – April 2014. 5% increase in students who self-identify as Aboriginal. 50% of full time postsecondary programs will include a component of Aboriginal culture, world views and values. 2% increase in student satisfaction KPI-April 2014. Graduate employment rate maintained in top quartile of provincial KPI’s. 100% of programs include experiential learning. All faculty growth plans are focused on professional goals that maintain and enhance program quality standards. Attain a very good or higher rating on Provincial Mission Statement – We lead with our commitment to diverse learners. We teach and learn through quality education that responds to the needs of the community. We balance hands-on experience with the knowledge and skills essential for personal and professional success. 8 Business Plan 2013-2014 including the main campus and third party delivery partners 4. Enhance the image of Cambrian College in the community and in key target markets Implement a metrics scorecard, supported by strategic objectives, to measure impact of marketing and communication efforts quality assurance audit report. Plan in place to address shortfalls from audit report on main campus and with third party delivery partners as necessary. Scorecard with baseline and targets established and reported. Mission Statement – We lead with our commitment to diverse learners. We teach and learn through quality education that responds to the needs of the community. We balance hands-on experience with the knowledge and skills essential for personal and professional success. 9 Business Plan 2013-2014 Outcome: Administrative Action Plans Goal Tactic 2013/14 Results 1. Implement effective financial management processes aimed at ensuring Cambrian’s sustainable, long-term, financial health Improve performance of budget holders Improve communication with budget holders Establish riskmanagement procedures Examine distributed amortization approach to budgeting 95% of budget managers’ delivering Budget variances within +/-5% of their approved budget. 75% of budget managers delivering an accumulated budget variance over a 3 year period of less than 2%. 2. Improve efficiencies and profitability of oncampus Ancillary Businesses Improve skills of ancillary business managers through professional development and discuss groups Develop synergies through collaboration and centralized management of ancillaries businesses where feasible Three year growth target for College managed businesses of 10%. Mission Statement – We lead with our commitment to diverse learners. We teach and learn through quality education that responds to the needs of the community. We balance hands-on experience with the knowledge and skills essential for personal and professional success. 10 Business Plan 2013-2014 External Factors The budget process for the 2013-2014 year started in December 2012, with an initial projected deficit of $2.5 million. This shortfall was an accumulation of decreases in provincial funding and increases in negotiated labour resources. Further details are as follows: 1. Labour resource pressures Consistent with prior years and industry benchmarks, salary costs account for approximately 74 percent of the total operating budget. Negotiated increases range from 3.75 to 6 percent, which include components for cost of living and movements within the band. We continue to strategically manage our labour resources. 2. Funding The provincial grant model continues to provide challenges to the budget process. In the 20132014 fiscal year, the grants will be reduced by $1.7 million from the prior year. The final year of transition funding was realized in 2012-2013, a reduction of $870,000 will result in the current year. Policy levers will have an impact of $200,000, forecasted to increase to $400,000 in the 2014-2015 budget year. In addition, there are claw backs for international enrolments of $700,000, which will be offset by an increase in International tuition. Access to growth funding continues to be out of reach, as it is based on the 2 year slip, 3 year average model. Consistent with our general purpose operating grant, our previous enrolment declines are still prevalent in our funding calculations for the current year. 3. Deferred maintenance Deferred maintenance remains and continues to grow as a major challenge for the College with ageing buildings and infrastructure. The College receives a nominal amount of $200,000 for Facilities Renewal grant, which is not sufficient to maintain Cambrian's one million square foot facility. 4. Demographics The K-12 demographics will have a significant impact on the future market of student recruitment. The College will have to be strategic and innovative to overcome the enrolment challenges in the 21st Century. Mission Statement – We lead with our commitment to diverse learners. We teach and learn through quality education that responds to the needs of the community. We balance hands-on experience with the knowledge and skills essential for personal and professional success. 11 Business Plan 2013-2014 Budget Commentary In light of the external factors noted above, the projected deficit of $2.5 million was reduced to present a balanced budget to the Audit Committee for 2013-2014. The College did experience growth in enrolment in 2012-2013, a sign that the College has turned the corner and is progressing in the recovery plan to achieve long term financial sustainability. We continue to hold budget holders accountable for their department's financial performance and continue to use these variances as a source for reductions in the budget where possible. Our strategy for overcoming the financial challenges ahead includes continued revenue generating opportunities and innovative methods of increasing enrolments and strategic spending. Investing in the Future Our strategy for the future remains student focused, with investment in flexible program delivery, quality curriculum, and strategic enrolment management ("SEM"). We are planning to invest $1.8 million in creating twenty virtually capable classrooms in the upcoming year, to be financed by debt. Our SEM Committee is working towards aligning our enrolment strategies with the College objectives and strategies, and development of recruitment initiatives and programs to attract new students. The College is also venturing into partnerships where we spend significant non-salaried expenditures for an exchange of reciprocal revenue generating activities. We will continue to be strategic and innovative to address the future challenges. Mission Statement – We lead with our commitment to diverse learners. We teach and learn through quality education that responds to the needs of the community. We balance hands-on experience with the knowledge and skills essential for personal and professional success. 12 Business Plan 2013-2014 2013-2014 Budget STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FOR COLLEGE: PREPARED BY: Cambrian College of Applied Arts and 0102 Technology Helene Desbiens-Helmes Actuals 2012-13 4 Revenue 78,554,440 75,270,901 47,720,113 42,319,935 45,097,568 39,710,911 42,969,673 39,710,911 GRE 42,429,913 39,640,911 Non-GRE 539,760 41 Grant Revenue 411 Grant Revenue 41110 41120 41130 Budget 2013-14 Grant revenue Operating 70,000 Grant revenue Capital 1,096,532 - GRE 1,066,474 - Non-GRE 30,058 - 1,031,363 - Recognition of Deferred Revenue & Restricted Funds GRE 259,607 Mission Statement – We lead with our commitment to diverse learners. We teach and learn through quality education that responds to the needs of the community. We balance hands-on experience with the knowledge and skills essential for personal and professional success. 13 Business Plan 2013-2014 Non-GRE 412 GRE Non-GRE 413 Provincial Grants Repayment of Prior Year 414 Amortization of Deferred Capital Contributions 43 771,756 Flow Through Grants 548,400 548,400 225,519 2,848,064 2,609,024 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION GRE 2,153,421 1,914,381 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION Non-GRE 694,643 694,643 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION Tuition Fees 431 Tuition Fee - Regulated 432 Tuition Fee - Unfunded 439 Tuition Fee - Other 16,964,602 18,391,328 12,890,232 14,086,484 3,290,604 3,630,200 783,766 44 Other Student Fees 449 Other Student Fees 45 674,644 1,639,675 1,540,581 1,639,675 1,540,581 3,778,675 5,208,867 Contractual and other fee-for-services 451 Contractual Services 452 Other fee-for-services 3,778,675 46 - Ancillary Revenue 5,208,867 6,307,518 Mission Statement – We lead with our commitment to diverse learners. We teach and learn through quality education that responds to the needs of the community. We balance hands-on experience with the knowledge and skills essential for personal and professional success. 14 Business Plan 2013-2014 6,169,135 461 49 Ancillary Revenue 6,169,135 6,307,518 2,282,240 1,502,672 Other Revenue 491 Reimbursement of Expenses 492 493 494 499 Donations Gain/Loss on Sale of Assets Gain/Loss on Sale of Inventory and other Assets Other Revenue 76,710 2,205,530 49920 GRE Non-GRE 49940 64,779 187,428 64,779 187,428 - Interest Income GRE Non-GRE 49989 5 51 1,502,672 Investment Income Realized MTM Gain/Loss * * - - * - * * Expenses 76,949,100 76,634,949 39,629,109 41,058,897 17,832,701 17,960,278 2,493,889 2,631,667 10,685,862 11,881,268 8,169,260 Salaries & Wages 511 Salaries - Full Time & Partial Load Academic 512 Salaries - Part Time & Sessional Academic 513 Salaries - Support Staff 514 Salaries - Administrative Staff Mission Statement – We lead with our commitment to diverse learners. We teach and learn through quality education that responds to the needs of the community. We balance hands-on experience with the knowledge and skills essential for personal and professional success. 15 Business Plan 2013-2014 8,030,560 515 Other Salary Costs - Full Time & Partial Load Academic 516 517 Other Salary Costs - Part Time & Sessional Academic Other Salary Costs - Support Staff 518 Other Salary Costs - Administrative Staff 550,888 358,824 - 34,921 57,600 288 52 Employee Benefits 521 Benefits - Full Time & Partial Load Academic 522 Benefits - Part Time & Sessional Academic 523 Benefits - Support Staff 524 Benefits - Administrative Staff 525 Pension Plans 526 Postemployment Benefits & Compensated Absences 8,376,467 8,920,000 1,834,701 1,841,075 272,834 1,574,985 835,520 53 531 255,000 1,783,529 824,965 4,147,069 288,642 4,215,431 1,858,852 1,834,823 1,858,852 1,834,823 14,702,689 14,105,205 8,251,583 7,741,166 5,230,456 5,341,929 1,220,650 1,022,110 Transportation & Communication Transportation & Communication 54 Services 541 Services 542 Utilities & Maintenance 543 Rental Expenditures Mission Statement – We lead with our commitment to diverse learners. We teach and learn through quality education that responds to the needs of the community. We balance hands-on experience with the knowledge and skills essential for personal and professional success. 16 Business Plan 2013-2014 55 551 56 561 57 571 59 591 Supplies & Minor Equipment 3,614,274 3,186,250 3,614,274 3,186,250 Supplies & Minor Equipment Ancillary Services - Expenditures 169,969 165,900 169,969 165,900 Ancillary Expenditures Amortization Expense 4,408,726 3,973,072 4,408,726 3,973,072 4,189,014 3,390,802 Amortization Expense Other Expenditures Interest & Insurance Expenses 1,487,183 59110 59120 Interest on Capital Leases Interest on Long Term Debt & Demand Loans GRE Non-GRE 59130 599 CAPITAL ASSETS 2,171,439 * 1,155,330 1,735,079 1,155,330 1,735,079 - Interest Expense on Line of Credit Other Expenses * * * 1,219,363 2,701,831 SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) 1,605,340 - 1,364,048 Notes * means that the sum of these accounts would not add up to the total sub category amount. Mission Statement – We lead with our commitment to diverse learners. We teach and learn through quality education that responds to the needs of the community. We balance hands-on experience with the knowledge and skills essential for personal and professional success. 17 Business Plan 2013-2014 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION FOR COLLEGE: (INPUT COLLEGE CODE in Column C) PREPARED BY: (INPUT NAME OF PERSON in Column C) 1 11 112 Cash in Trust - Endowments 14 141 142 149 14910 Budget 2013-14 106,130,343 103,420,006 15,758,628 14,411,256 15,546,808 211,820 14,199,436 211,820 Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash and Cash Equivalents 121 Actuals 2012-13 Assets 111 12 Control (Assets - Liabilities 112,000 Net Assets must be 0 Cambrian College of Applied Arts and 0102 Technology Helene Desbiens-Helmes 0 Accounts Receivable 8,338,081 8,338,081 8,338,081 8,338,081 GRE 2,999,274 2,999,274 Non-GRE 5,338,807 5,338,807 5,892,126 49,850 17,290 5,854,473 49,850 17,290 5,824,986 - 5,787,333 - Accounts Receivable Other Current Assets Assets for Sale Inventory for Consumption Other Current Assets Current Portion of Loans and Advances Receivable Mission Statement – We lead with our commitment to diverse learners. We teach and learn through quality education that responds to the needs of the community. We balance hands-on experience with the knowledge and skills essential for personal and professional success. 18 Business Plan 2013-2014 GRE Non-GRE 14920 Current portion of Other Long Term Receivables GRE Non-GRE 14930 14940 Prepaid Expenses Investments Greater than 90 Days & Less than 1 Year 14947 Investments Greater than 90 Days & Less than 1 Year - MTM OB 14948 Investments Greater than 90 Days & Less than 1 Year - MTM CY 14990 Other Current Assets 139,893 102,240 139,893 289,791 102,240 289,791 5,356,588 5,356,588 - 15 151 16 CIP CIP 38,714 38,714 - - Tangible Capital Assets 161 162 Land Site Improvements 163 Building 164 Furniture and Equipment 165 166 169 IT Aircraft Other TCA 124,455,486 159,066 125,155,373 159,066 CAPITAL ASSETS 1,243,431 CAPITAL ASSETS 109,520,593 111,570,593 CAPITAL ASSETS 13,261,535 - 12,182,283 - CAPITAL ASSETS CAPITAL ASSETS CAPITAL ASSETS CAPITAL ASSETS 1,514,292 17 172 CAPITAL ASSETS Tangible Capital Asset Accumulated Amortization AA Site Improvements 51,436,959 922,910 - 53,359,918 - 751,047 CAPITAL ASSETS Mission Statement – We lead with our commitment to diverse learners. We teach and learn through quality education that responds to the needs of the community. We balance hands-on experience with the knowledge and skills essential for personal and professional success. 19 Business Plan 2013-2014 173 AA Building 174 AA Furniture and Equipment 175 176 179 AA IT AA Aircraft AA Other TCA 18 181 22 CAPITAL ASSETS CAPITAL ASSETS CAPITAL ASSETS CAPITAL ASSETS 6,602,442 - 2,381,482 2,483,722 2,381,482 Investments and Other Long term Assets Long term Investments Investments Greater than 1 Year Investments Greater than 1 Year - MTM OB Investments Greater than 1 Year - MTM CY Other Long term Assets Other Long Term Assets Other Financial Assets - MTM OB Other Financial Assets – MTM CY 2,483,722 639,259 639,259 624,944 14,315 - 2,381,482 639,259 639,259 639,259 - Liabilities Bank Indebtedness Bank Indebtedness - 87,433,072 - Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities 10,744,623 221 - 2,483,722 89,099,360 21 211 CAPITAL ASSETS Long Term Receivable Non-GRE 2 - 46,006,429 Long Term Receivable GRE 19 191 19110 19117 19118 199 19990 19997 19998 43,554,496 6,959,553 - Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities 10,595,417 9,217,733 Mission Statement – We lead with our commitment to diverse learners. We teach and learn through quality education that responds to the needs of the community. We balance hands-on experience with the knowledge and skills essential for personal and professional success. 20 Business Plan 2013-2014 9,217,733 GRE Non-GRE 222 223 22310 Accrued Interest Current Portion of Long term liabilities Current Portion of Capital Leases Demand Loans Demand Loans - OB Demand Loans - Newly acquired Demand Loans - Repayments 23 Deferred Revenue 231 Deferred Revenue GRE Non-GRE 232 24 241 39,626 1,487,264 1,338,058 1,388,268 1,234,566 717,421 750,326 670,847 98,996 - 484,240 103,492 - 5,509,082 5,509,082 2,903,427 2,903,427 293,012 293,012 2,610,415 2,610,415 2,605,655 2,605,655 2,401,366 2,401,366 2,401,366 2,401,366 Deferred Tuition Revenue Restricted Contribution Restricted Contribution GRE Non-GRE 24107 9,217,733 39,626 Current Portion of Long Term Debt GRE Non-GRE 22320 224 22401 22402 22403 9,217,733 Restricted Contribution - MTM OB 65,755 2,335,611 - 65,755 2,335,611 - Mission Statement – We lead with our commitment to diverse learners. We teach and learn through quality education that responds to the needs of the community. We balance hands-on experience with the knowledge and skills essential for personal and professional success. 21 Business Plan 2013-2014 * 24108 Restricted Contribution - MTM CY - 25 251 25102 Deferred Capital Contributions 46,398,560 44,419,536 46,398,560 44,787,832 GRE 38,237,207 38,237,207 Non-GRE 8,161,353 802,020 6,550,625 630,000 394,818 630,000 DCC DCC - Additions GRE Non-GRE 25103 * DCC - Amortized to Revenue GRE Non-GRE 25107 DCC - MTM OB 25108 DCC - MTM CY 252 25202 DCC Unspent - Third Parties DCC Unspent - Additions 25207 DCC Unspent - MTM OB 25208 DCC Unspent - MTM CY 407,202 2,848,064 2,153,421 694,643 1,694,021 83,293 - * - 2,609,024 - 1,914,381 * - 694,643 * 1,610,728 * * - * - 26 * * * Capital Lease 2,135,992 2,032,500 Mission Statement – We lead with our commitment to diverse learners. We teach and learn through quality education that responds to the needs of the community. We balance hands-on experience with the knowledge and skills essential for personal and professional success. 22 Business Plan 2013-2014 261 26103 Capital Lease Capital Lease - Payments 27 Debt 271 Debt 27102 103,492 18,851,706 18,851,706 GRE 11,767,726 11,767,726 Non-GRE 7,083,980 - 7,083,980 1,800,000 - 1,800,000 Debt - Acquired Debt Retired/Paid in the Year GRE Non-GRE 8,399,417 7,686,014 707,403 * * * - 1,234,566 - 750,326 * - 484,240 * Other Long Term Liabilities 291 292 Obligation for Pension Plan Benefits Obligation for Postemployment Benefit & Compensated Absences 293 299 Obligation under AFP Derivatives and Other Long term Liabilities GRE Non-GRE 29917 - 19,417,140 Non-GRE 29 2,135,992 18,851,706 GRE 27103 2,230,687 94,695 3,058,031 - 3,058,031 3,058,031 - 3,058,031 - - Derivatives MTM - OB - - * Mission Statement – We lead with our commitment to diverse learners. We teach and learn through quality education that responds to the needs of the community. We balance hands-on experience with the knowledge and skills essential for personal and professional success. 23 Business Plan 2013-2014 29918 Derivatives MTM - CY - 3 31 311 32 321 33 331 36 361 * Net Assets 17,030,983 15,874,935 3,310,531 3,310,531 3,310,531 3,310,531 1,267,250 1,155,250 1,267,250 1,155,250 7,756,151 6,712,103 7,756,151 6,712,103 Unrestricted Net Assets Unrestricted Net Assets Internally Restricted Net Assets Internally Restricted Net Assets Investment in Capital Assets Investment in Capital Assets Restricted Contributions Restricted Contributions GRE Non-GRE 37 Endowments 371 Endowments - - - 5,629,806 5,629,806 5,629,806 5,629,806 5,629,806 5,629,806 GRE Non-GRE 37107 Endowments MTM - OB - - * Mission Statement – We lead with our commitment to diverse learners. We teach and learn through quality education that responds to the needs of the community. We balance hands-on experience with the knowledge and skills essential for personal and professional success. 24 Business Plan 2013-2014 37108 Endowments MTM - CY - 38 381 Accumulated Remeasurement Gain & Losses Accumulated Remeasurement Gain & Losses 38107 Accumulated Remeasurement Gain & Losses - OB 38108 38109 Unrealised Remeasurement - CY Gains/Losses Remeasurement Reclassified to Statement of Operation Assets - Liabilities - Net Assets 932,755 932,755 1,069,077 136,322 0 * - 932,755 - 932,755 - 932,755 112,000 Notes * means that the sum of these accounts would not add up to the total sub category amount. Mission Statement – We lead with our commitment to diverse learners. We teach and learn through quality education that responds to the needs of the community. We balance hands-on experience with the knowledge and skills essential for personal and professional success. 25 Business Plan 2013-2014 CAPITAL ASSETS FOR COLLEGE: PREPARED BY: 0102 Cambrian College of Applied Arts and Technology Helene Desbiens-Helmes Show acquisitions as positive amounts; show amortization and disposals as negative amounts Actual 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Forecast 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 LAND 16101 16105 16102 16103 16104 Land - OB 1 Land - Transfers from CIP Land - Additions Land - Disposals Land - Valuation and Other Adjustments 159,066 159,066 159,066 159,066 159,066 159,066 TOTAL LAND - CLOSING 159,066 159,066 159,066 159,066 159,066 159,066 16301 16305 Building - OB 1 Building - Transfers from CIP 108,723,662 109,520,593 111,570,593 98,313,449 98,813,449 99,313,449 16302 Building - Additions 796,931 2,050,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 16303 16304 Building - Disposals Building - Valuation and Other Adjustments 500,000 13,757,144 - BUILDING - - Closing balance 109,520,593 111,570,593 98,313,449 98,813,449 99,313,449 99,813,449 AA Building - OB AA Building - Current Year Amortization 40,829,208 - 43,554,496 - 46,006,429 - 34,771,345 - 37,305,905 - 39,852,965 - Accumulated Amortization: 17301 17302 Mission Statement – We lead with our commitment to diverse learners. We teach and learn through quality education that responds to the needs of the community. We balance hands-on experience with the knowledge and skills essential for personal and professional success. 26 Business Plan 2013-2014 2,725,288 17303 17304 AA Building - Disposals AA Building - Valuation and Other Adjustments 2,451,933 2,522,060 - 2,534,560 2,547,060 2,559,560 13,757,144 Closing balance 43,554,496 46,006,429 34,771,345 37,305,905 39,852,965 42,412,525 BUILDINGS - NET BOOK VALUE 65,966,097 65,564,164 63,542,104 61,507,544 59,460,484 57,400,924 16201 16205 Site Improvement - OB 1 Site Improvement - Transfers from CIP 1,253,757 1,514,292 1,243,431 795,387 795,387 795,387 16202 Site Improvement - Additions 291,424 30,889 SITE IMPROVEMENTS 16203 16204 Site Improvement - Disposals Site Improvement - Valuation and Other Adjustments Closing balance - - - - - 270,861 448,044 1,514,292 1,243,431 795,387 795,387 795,387 795,387 801,510 121,400 922,910 98,998 751,047 69,824 372,827 69,824 442,651 69,824 512,475 69,824 270,861 448,044 - Accumulated Amortization: 17201 AA Site Improvement - OB 17202 AA Site Improvement - Current Year Amortization 17203 17204 AA Site Improvement - Disposals AA Site Improvement - Valuation and Other Adjustments - Closing balance 922,910 751,047 372,827 442,651 512,475 582,299 SITE IMPROVEMENT - NET BOOK VALUE 591,382 492,384 422,560 352,736 282,912 213,088 Mission Statement – We lead with our commitment to diverse learners. We teach and learn through quality education that responds to the needs of the community. We balance hands-on experience with the knowledge and skills essential for personal and professional success. 27 Business Plan 2013-2014 FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 16401 16405 Furniture & Equipment - OB 1 Furniture & Equipment - Transfers from CIP 13,608,830 13,261,535 12,182,283 11,977,124 11,391,872 11,237,077 16402 Furniture & Equipment - Additions 16403 16404 Furniture & Equipment - Disposals Furniture & Equipment - Valuation and Other Adjustments 637,119 984,414 700,000 1,779,252 700,000 905,159 700,000 1,285,252 700,000 854,795 700,000 1,910,193 13,261,535 12,182,283 11,977,124 11,391,872 11,237,077 10,026,884 6,381,929 1,562,038 6,959,553 1,422,141 6,602,442 1,329,036 7,026,319 1,184,739 6,925,806 1,110,057 7,181,068 1,051,741 984,414 1,779,252 905,159 1,285,252 854,795 1,910,193 Closing balance 6,959,553 6,602,442 7,026,319 6,925,806 7,181,068 6,322,616 FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT - NET BOOK VALUE 6,301,982 5,579,841 4,950,805 4,466,066 4,056,009 3,704,268 Closing balance - - Accumulated Amortization: 17401 AA Furniture & Equipment - OB 17402 AA Furniture & Equipment - Current Year Amortization 17403 AA Furniture & Equipment - Disposals AA Furniture & Equipment - Valuation and Other Adjustments 17404 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 16501 16505 16502 16503 16504 IT - OB 1 IT - Transfers from CIP IT - Additions IT - Disposals IT - Valuation and Other Adjustments Closing balance - - - - - - - - - - - - Mission Statement – We lead with our commitment to diverse learners. We teach and learn through quality education that responds to the needs of the community. We balance hands-on experience with the knowledge and skills essential for personal and professional success. 28 Business Plan 2013-2014 Accumulated Amortization: 17501 17502 17503 17504 AA IT - OB AA IT - Current Year Amortization AA IT - Disposals AA IT - Valuation and Other Adjustments Closing balance - - - - - - - - - - - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - NET BOOK VALUE - - - - - - Aircraft - OB 1 Aircraft - Transfers from CIP Aircraft - Additions Aircraft - Disposals Aircraft - Valuation and Other Adjustments Closing balance - - - - - - - - - - - AA Aircraft - OB AA Aircraft - Current Year Amortization AA Aircraft - Disposals AA Aircraft - Valuation and Other Adjustments Closing balance - - - - - - - - - - - AIRCRAFT - NET BOOK VALUE - - - - - - Other TCA - OB 1 Other TCA - Transfers from CIP Other TCA - Additions Other TCA - Disposals Other TCA - Valuation and Other Adjustments Closing balance - - - - - - - - - - - AIRCRAFT 16601 16605 16602 16603 16604 Accumulated Amortization: 17601 17602 17603 17604 OTHER TCA 16901 16905 16902 16903 16904 Mission Statement – We lead with our commitment to diverse learners. We teach and learn through quality education that responds to the needs of the community. We balance hands-on experience with the knowledge and skills essential for personal and professional success. 29 Business Plan 2013-2014 Accumulated Amortization: 17901 17902 17903 17904 CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS 15101 15102 15106 15105 15103 15104 AA Other TCA - OB AA Other TCA - Current Year Amortization AA Other TCA - Disposals AA Other TCA - Valuation and Other Adjustments Closing balance - - - - - - - - - - - OTHER TCA - NET BOOK VALUE - - - - - - CIP - OB CIP - Additions 2 Additions - AFP projects CIP - Capitalized Interest 1 CIP - Transfers to Tangible Capital Asset CIP - Disposals CIP - Valuation and Other Adjustments Closing balance - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NET TANGIBLE CAPITAL ASSETS 73,018,527 71,795,455 69,074,535 66,485,412 63,958,471 61,477,346 TOTAL ACQUISITIONS (incl. AFP) 1,725,474 2,750,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 TOTAL AMORTIZATION 4,408,726 3,973,072 3,851,096 3,719,299 3,657,117 3,611,301 1 transfers to/from CIP and asset categories must net to zero 2 future use Mission Statement – We lead with our commitment to diverse learners. We teach and learn through quality education that responds to the needs of the community. We balance hands-on experience with the knowledge and skills essential for personal and professional success. 30 Business Plan 2013-2014 Conclusion The Business Plan for 2013-14 is the collective result of hard work and dedicated efforts at all levels of budget responsibility. The process continues to be very challenging in face of limited alternatives available to solve the gaps between revenues and expenditures. The enclosed plan is responsible and prudent in light of what the College is trying to achieve in the short and medium term. Adequate reserves are being established to mitigate medium term funding challenges incurred by enrolment flat-lining in past years. The budget, our business plan, and potential opportunities remain top of mind every day as we undertake our responsibilities of delivering current curriculum in an efficient manner and on a safe, clean and proud campus. Mission Statement – We lead with our commitment to diverse learners. We teach and learn through quality education that responds to the needs of the community. We balance hands-on experience with the knowledge and skills essential for personal and professional success. 31 Business Plan 2013-2014 Contact Us Cambrian College of Applied Arts and Technology 1400 Barrydowne Road Sudbury, Ontario P3A 3V8 (705) 566-8101 Mission Statement – We lead with our commitment to diverse learners. We teach and learn through quality education that responds to the needs of the community. We balance hands-on experience with the knowledge and skills essential for personal and professional success. 32 APPENDIX A Cambrian College’s Strategic Plan Business Plan 2012-2013 Strategic Plan 2009-2014 Cambrian College will – Generate Innovative growth… By developing distinction in communication and design, health sciences, justice and public safety, mining, and renewable resource management; By building of bridges to advance learning; By strategic recruitment and retention of aboriginal and adult learners; By developing international partnerships for learning and work. Shape Opportunity… By continuously renewing our program portfolio to address changing learner and community needs; By offering flexible delivery that enhances accessible continuous learning; By leadership in providing disabilities services to a broad internal and external community; By pursuing applied research that enhances learning, and economic and community development. Foster Success… By encouraging personal and professional growth and wellness; By providing an inclusive, safe, and supportive environment for a community of diverse learners; By preparing graduates to exceed professional and workplace standards; By maximizing institutional research, planning and evaluation processes. Learning: Learning is central to our work. Have we identified learners’ needs and values? Have we created professional development opportunities that support new teaching/learning methods? Have we emphasized learning? Are we generating modules and single course options? Have we removed barriers in our system? Diversity Do we welcome and support learners with varying abilities, ages and world views? Do we offer a range of choices in what and how people learn? Are we inclusive in our practice? Excellence Do we provide high quality learning experiences? Do our graduates get jobs in their chosen fields? Do we evaluate and improve our processes, services and learning opportunities? Do we promote an environment of risk taking? Do we empower peak performance at every level? Community Are we open to new ways of doing and thinking? Do we communicate openly and clearly? Do we foster a spirit of community? Do we promote wellness? Do we build on our strengths and passions? Accountability Do we take a leadership role in promoting social and economic development in our community? Are we responsive to the needs of our communities and business partners? Are we proud of our performance indicators? Do we achieve and surpass benchmarks? These principles guide us: Mission Statement – We lead with our commitment to diverse learners. We teach and learn through quality education that responds to the needs of the community. We balance hands-on experience with the knowledge and skills essential for personal and professional success. 34
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