LGCL - ACL MAPPING This document presents mappings between the Local Government Category List (LGCL) and the Government Category List (ACL). In the following pages LGCL terms are given in the left hand column and corresponding ACL terms in the right hand column. Every LGCL term has a corresponding ACL term to facilitate full derivation ACL terms from LGCL. Metadata Name Content Coverage UK Creator LAWs Project, Information Architecture & Standards laws@esd-toolkit.org Date.Created 2004-03-19 Date.Issued 2004-03-19 Date.Modified 2004-03-31 Description Mapping from the Local Government Categories List to APLAWS Category List, with all ACL terms mapped to LGCL terms Language eng Publisher Porism Limited, SW9 8BJ info@porism.com Status Version 1.03 Subject.Category Information management LGCL Subject.Category Information management GCL Title Mapping from the Local Government Categories List to APLAWS Category List Title.AlternativeTitle LGCL to ACL mapping Relation.IsFormatOf http://www.esd.org.uk/standards/lgcl/1.03/lgclacl.doc Source http://www.esd.org.uk/standards/lgcl/1.03/lgclacl.pdf Relation.IsReplacedBy http://www.esd.org.uk/standards/lgcl/lgclacl.pdf LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Scheme ISO 639-2/T Page 1 of 74 31 March 2004 Complete List LGCL 1.03 Terms Business ACL 1.00 Terms Business . Business and street trading licences . . Animal licences . . Building and construction licences . . Credit licences . . Entertainment licences Amusement arcades Entertainment licences Gaming machines . . Fire safety licences Fire escape regualtions . . Food related licences Farmers market Livestock markets . . Gambling and lottery licences Betting offices Bingo Lottery Raffles . . Highway projection licences . . Leisure licences . . Non-medical licences . . Nursing agency licenses . . Personal treatment licences . . Retail licences . . Scrap metal licences . . Street trading licences LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Licences Licensing Permits Trade Building regulations Change of use Enforcement Skip licences Ear piercing Hairdressers Massage and special treatments Doorstep sales persons Hawkers Page 2 of 74 31 March 2004 Market licence Markets Street trading . . . Business finance . . Business rates . . . Business opportunities . . Council opportunities . . Local businesses and markets . Business procurement . Business promotion . . . Business property . . Business sites Business sites . . Commercial properties Commercial property Shops . . . . . Industrial properties Industrial property . . Premises to let Premises to let . Business sectors and services . . Building and construction . . . . Distribution and service Taxi and minicab licences Business charges Rates Value added tax Local businesses Planning partnerships Retail shops Building sites Scaffolding Skips Communication LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Page 3 of 74 31 March 2004 . . . . Mineral extraction, mining and quarrying Minerals . Business support and advice Business advice Business support . . Business associations . . Business awards and grants . . Business development . . . . . Business planning . . Business security (crime) . . Business services . . . . . Chambers of commerce . . Chambers of trade . . Conference facilities . . Self employment . . Small and medium sized enterprises . . Starting a business . . Trading requirements . . . Economic development Development Economic development Economic statistics . . Regeneration . Employing people Manufacturing Business development Change management Typing services Youth enterprise Economic regeneration LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Chamber of commerce Self employment Small medium enterprises Starting a business Youth enterprise Page 4 of 74 31 March 2004 . . Employment regulations . . Human resource management . . Key workers . . Recruitment . Health and safety . . Accidents at work . . Fire safety . . . Fire certificates . . . Fire regulations . . Health and safety investigations . . Health and safety requirements . . Health and safety training . Imports and exports . Trading standards . . Animal health . . Business legislation . . Calibration services Calibration service . . Consumer safety Safety . . Description of goods Description of goods . . Fair trading Fair trading . . Fake goods Fake goods . . . Counterfeiting Counterfeiting LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Key workers Accident at work Health and safety Trading standards Page 5 of 74 31 March 2004 . . Food standards Food Food hawkers . . Fraud Fraud . . Hallmarking Hallmarking . . Home authority advice . . . . Metrology laboratories . . Misleading advertising Food labelling Misleading advertising . . Money lenders Money lenders . . Pricing . . Products and systems audit . . Traders' rights . . Water meters Water meters . . Weights and measures Weight and measures . Workers' co-operatives Inspections Inspections (trading standards) LGCL 1.03 Terms Community and living ACL 1.00 Terms Community, people and living . Charities and citizens' interest groups Charities Charity events . . Charities . . . Charity collections . . . Charity fundraising . . . Charity register . . . Charity shops . . Community associations LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Page 6 of 74 31 March 2004 . . Social clubs . . Village societies . . Workers' co-operatives . Community grants . Community safety . . Fire safety . . . Fire certificates . . . Fire regulations . . Fire safety enforcement . . Neighbourhood watch . Consumer advice and protection Advice Advice centres Advice, benefits and emergencies Call centre Consumer Consumer protection Contact centre Local service centres One stop shops . . Citizens advice bureaux Citizens advice bureau . . Consumer advice . . Consumer complaints . . Consumer safety . . Credit advice . . Debt and money Debt Debt and money Debt counselling . . Faulty goods Right to buy Consumer advice agencies LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Community safety Community services Safety Page 7 of 74 31 March 2004 . . Sales to Children . . Walk in centres . . Warranties . Ethnic communities . . . . Discrimination or harassment . . . Racial discrimination . . . Religious discrimination . . . Sexual discrimination . . Ethnic support groups . . Immigration and nationality . . Race relations . . Refugees . Faiths, beliefs and religions . . Bahai faith . . Buddhism . . Christianity . . . Baptist Church . . . Christian Science . . . Church of England . . . Free Church . . . Greek Orthodox Church Asylum seekers LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Asylum seekers Discrimination Harassment Racial Women Ethnic minority groups Immigration and nationalty Travellers Refugees Page 8 of 74 31 March 2004 . . . Jehovah's witnesses . . . Lutheran Church . . . Methodist Church . . . Mormon Church . . . . . . Presbyterian Church . . . Roman Catholic Church . . . Russian Orthodox Church . . . Spiritualist Church . . . Unitarian Church . . . United Reformed Church . . Hinduism . . Humanism . . Islam . . . Shia'ite . . . Sufi . . . Sunni . . Judaism . . Paganism . . Quakers . . Religious organisations . . Salvation Army . . Secular societies Pentecostal Church LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Page 9 of 74 31 March 2004 . . . Interpreters' services Interpreters service . Life events Life events Register of births, deaths and marriages . . Births . . . Civil naming ceremonies . . . Registration of births . . Deaths . . . Bereavement . . . . . . . Burial . . . . . . . Coroners' office Coroners office . . . Cremation Crematoria . . . Exhumation . . . Funeral service . . . Mortuaries . . . Registration of deaths . . . Repatriation of remains . . . Stillbirths . . Divorce . . Marriage Sikhism Bereavement Bereavement counselling Burials Cemeteries Morturies Cemeteries LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Weddings Page 10 of 74 31 March 2004 . . . Civil weddings . . . Marriage counselling . . . Marriage venues . . . Registration of marriages . Neighbourhood and village . . Community associations . . Community centres . . Community development . . Community services . . Neighbourhood watch . . Village halls . . Village societies . Twinning . . Twin towns . . Twin villages . Voluntary organisations . . Befriending schemes . . . . Charity shops . . Ex-service groups . . Friendly societies . . Ladies circles Births, deaths, marriage registration Community centres Community groups Neighbourhood Twin towns Voluntary organisations Voluntary work Carers groups LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Page 11 of 74 31 March 2004 . . Lions clubs . . Rotary clubs . . Round tables . . . . Soroptomists . . . . Voluntary health services . . . Hospital friends groups . . . Support groups . Volunteering Self-help groups Trusts Volunteering LGCL 1.03 Terms Council, government and democracy ACL 1.00 Terms Council and democracy . Central government Central government . . . . Central government departments Departments . . Parliament Members of parliament . Councils Agendas Business grants Census Civic licensing Council Council approved suppliers list Council services Mailing lists Media Media enquiries Minutes News Newspapers Press releases Armed forces LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Page 12 of 74 31 March 2004 Bylaws . . . . Campaigns . . Civic offices . . . . . Code of conduct . . Contacts, consultation & feedback Consultation Consultation and feedback Press enquries . . . Compliments and complaints (council) Complaints . . . Contacting council officials Councillors . . . Emergency contacts (council) . . Council performance . . . . . . Citizens' charter . . . Continuous performance assessment . . . Performance indicators . . Council policies and plans . . Council procedures . . . Appointments procedure . . . Complaints procedure . . . Functioning and process of meetings . . . Functioning of committees . . Council publications Publications Reports Statistics . . Finances Bylaws Campaigns Council departments Best value Best value performance plan Best value Council tax and finance LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Citizens charter Best value performance indicators Page 13 of 74 31 March 2004 . . . . . Council vacancies . . Current projects . . . Outsourced projects . . . . . Decision making (council) . . . Cabinet . . . Committees . . . Council . . . Forward plan . . Modernisation . . Partnerships . . . Service partnerships . . . Strategic partnerships . . Political structure . . Records offices . . Smart cards Council tax benefits Council tax Council tax benefit Project management Cabinet Commitees Composition of Decision making Forward plan Papers Scrutiny Services Modernising Smart cards . Data protection and freedom of information . . Freedom of information LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Page 14 of 74 31 March 2004 . . . Democratic processes and events Events . . Campaigns . . Debates . . Demonstrations or marches . . . . Hearings . . Initiatives and projects . . Legal proceedings . . News conferences . . . . . Public meetings . . . . Speech or presentations . . Voting . . . Postal voting . . . Proxy votes . Elections Elections Representation . . Electoral boundaries Electoral boundaries . . Electoral registration Electoral registration . . Electoral services Electoral services . . General elections . . Privacy and data protection Campaigns Marches Forums News announcements Meetings Referendums Postal voting Proxy votes Local elections LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Page 15 of 74 31 March 2004 Mayor . . Mayoral elections . . Running for office . . Voting . . . Postal voting . . . Proxy votes . European affairs . Information management . International affairs . . . . Third world . Non-governmental organisations . . Campaigning groups . . . Nuclear disarmament . . . Peace groups . . Charities and citizens' interest groups . . . Charities . . . . Charity collections . . . . Charity fundraising . . . . Charity register . . . . Charity shops . . . Community associations Postal voting Proxy votes European affairs European funding Members of European parliament Development aid LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Charities Charity events Page 16 of 74 31 March 2004 . . . Social clubs . . . Village societies . . . Workers' co-operatives . . Commercial interest groups . . Trade unions . Political parties . . Communist . . Conservative . . Cooperative . . Green . . Independent . . . . Liberal democrat . . . Public services . Regional governments . . Government offices . . Regional development Trade unions Political parties Labour Socialist Adjacent authorities Parish councils Parliamentry boundaries Town councils Wards LGCL 1.03 Terms Education and learning ACL 1.00 Terms Education . Adult education Commnunity education Evening classes Life long learning Adult and community education LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Page 17 of 74 31 March 2004 . . . . Family education . . . . Literacy . . Multicultural education . . . English as a Second Language . . . Traveller education . . Numeracy . . People with special needs Adult education providers Learning partnerships . Distance learning . Education welfare services Advisory service Education welfare service Free milk Free school meals Pupil support service . Educational institutions Education centres . Higher education Colleges and universities Universities . Home education Home teaching . Job training and development Modern apprenticeships Training Work based learning . Language tuition . School library service . Schools and colleges LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Welsh language A and S levels GCSE Inclusive education Key Stage 2 Page 18 of 74 31 March 2004 National Grid for Learning Pre school Public schools Religious schools Schools Six form colleges Specialist colleges Tertiary colleges . . Attendance . . Boarding schools . . Bullying . . Complaints about schools . . Consultations on education . . Crossing patrols . . Education welfare service . . Educational awards and benefits . . Educational visits . . Examinations . . . A and AS levels . . . GCSE . . . GNVQ . . . Key Stages . . . . KS2 . . . . KS3 . . . . KS4 LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Attendance Bullying Crossing patrols Awards Clothing grants Grants Loans and fees Scholarships and trust funds Student grants Students Page 19 of 74 31 March 2004 After school clubs Extra curricular . . Extra-curricular activities . . . Chaperone service . . . Music tuition . . . Performance licences . . . School holiday schemes . . Independent schools . . Information for school governors School Governors . . Nursery schools Creche Early years development First schools Nursery schools Play groups Play programmes Play schemes . . Primary schools Junior schools Middle schools Primary schools . . Private schools . . Public schools . . School admissions . . School buildings . . . . School standards . . School transport . . School uniforms . . Schools library service Independent schools Admissions School catering LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Control Education standards Examinations OFSTED inspections / reports Standards Page 20 of 74 31 March 2004 . . Secondary schools High schools Secondary schools . . Special educational needs Learning difficulties Special Education Needs . . Special schools . . Term dates . Teaching . . Mentoring . . Supply teaching . Work based learning . Youth service . Youth support Teachers Young people Youth clubs Youth services LGCL 1.03 Terms Environment ACL 1.00 Terms Environment Environmental health Pollution . Animal welfare Animal welfare Animals Cruelty Dangerous or wild Farm animals Guard dogs Performing animals Zoos . . Dangerous and wild animals . . Dog registration Dogs Rabies . . Dog warden schemes Wardens . . Importing animals LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Page 21 of 74 31 March 2004 Pet shops . . Pet care . . Stray animals . Energy Energy . . Energy conservation Efficiency Energy conservation . . Energy efficiency . . . Food production and quality . . Agri food support Agri food supply . . Food hygiene and quality Devlivery vehicles Food hygiene Food hygiene and safety Hygiene and safety Mobile snack bars . . . Food delivery vehicles . . . Hygiene and safety certification . . . Hygiene and safety training . . . Mobile snack bars . . . Salmonella . . Restaurants and catering . Land and premises . . Bridges Bridges . . Buildings Applications Building Buildings . . . Building alterations . . . Building development Renewable energy LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Catering Hygiene inspections Page 22 of 74 31 March 2004 . . . Building regulations . . . . . . . . Planning enforcement . . . Change of use (buildings) . . . . . . Demolition (buildings) Demolition . . . Design (buildings) Design Design guide . . . . Design guide . . . Extensions to buildings Extensions . . . Listed buildings Listed buildings . . . Satellite dishes Satellite dishes . . Common land . . Conservation . . . Archaeological sites and monuments . . . Archaeology . . . Biodiversity . . . Coast protection . . . Conservation areas . . . Conservation groups . . . Historic buildings . . . . Castles . . . Nature reserves Planning applications Compulsory purchase orders Dangerous structures Dilapidated premises Dangerous structures LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Coast protection Conservation Conservation areas Page 23 of 74 31 March 2004 . . . Tree preservation . . . Urban conservation . . . Wildlife conservation . . . Woodland . . Council land and property . . . . . Display advertisements and hoardings . . . Fly posting . . Parks and open spaces Grass cutting Grounds maintenance Hedges and scrubs Trees Trees conservation . . . Allotments Allotments . . . Grazing . . . Horticultural standards . . . Landscaping . . . Public grounds . . . . Grounds maintenance . . . . Hedges and scrub land . . . . Trees . . Sustainable development . . . . . Traveller sites . Pests and nuisance Council land Council land and property County farms Landscaping Agenda 21 Local agenda 21 Agenda 21 LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Animal nuisances Page 24 of 74 31 March 2004 Ants Barking dogs Bed bugs Bees Beetles Cockroaches Dead animals Dog fouling Fleas Fouling Fumigation Insects Lice Mice Pest control Pests Rats Wasps . . Animal nuisance . . . Barking dogs . . . Fouling . . Pests . . . Ants . . . Bed bugs . . . Bees . . . Beetles . . . Birds . . . Bluebottle flies . . . Book lice . . . Carpet beetles . . . Cockroaches . . . Fleas LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Page 25 of 74 31 March 2004 . . . Fumigation . . . House flies . . . Insects . . . Larder beetles . . . Lice . . . Mice . . . Rats . . . Squirrels . . . Wasps . Planning . . Business planning . . Compulsory purchase orders . . Decision notices (planning) . . Development planning . . District planning . . Environmental planning policies . . Geo technical services . . Green belt . . Land searches . . Land use planning LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Planning Planning applications Unitary development plan Land charges Land registry Land use and register Local development plans Local stratgeic plan Maps Page 26 of 74 31 March 2004 . . Local plan - minerals . . Local plan - waste . . Maps . . Residential planning . . Sites and projects policies . . Street numbering and naming . . Structure plans . . Town planning . . Unitary Development Plan . . Zoning . Pollution . . Air pollution . . . Air quality . . . Exhaust fumes . . . Odours . . . Smoke . . . Sulphur dioxide - monitoring . . Hazardous and toxic substances LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Air Air quality Exhaust fumes Smoke control Sulphur dioxide monitoring Asbestos Chemical Crop spraying Gas Hazardous substances Lead Liquid petroleum gas Radioactive material Toxic substances Page 27 of 74 31 March 2004 . . . Asbestos . . . Chemicals . . . Crop spraying . . . Lead pollution . . . Radioactive material . . Land pollution . . . . . Light pollution . . Water pollution . . . Beaches (water) . . . Drainage and sewage . . . . Blocked drains . . . . Cesspools and pits . . . . Ditches . . . . Effluent . . . . Land drainage . . . . Rainwater gullies . . . . Septic tanks . . . . Sewers . . . Drinking water . Rubbish, waste and recycling . . Contaminated land Land Contaminated land Draining and sewerage Drinking water Effluent Recycling Sewers Doorstep collection LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Page 28 of 74 31 March 2004 . . Education on recycling . . Land fill . . . . . Recycling centres . . Recycling facilities . . Rubbish and waste Bulky waste Flytipping Litter complaints Rubbish collection Waste . . . Commercial waste Cleansing Clinical Dangerous Poisonous . . . . Dangerous and poisonous waste . . . . . Clinical waste . . . . . Hazardous waste . . . . . Special waste . . . . Waste incineration . . . . Waste management and regulation . . . Household waste . . . . Bulky items . . . . Garden waste . . . . . . Street care and cleaning . . Land fill Land fill tax Land fill tax Composting Dustbins Household Household waste Composting Animal fouling LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Page 29 of 74 31 March 2004 . . . . Flytipping . . Graffiti removal . . . . Road spillage . . . . Vandalism . Town centre management . Weather . . Flyposting Advertisements - display of Flyposting Hoardings Grass cutting Street litter bins Litter Weather forecasts LGCL 1.03 Terms Health and social care ACL 1.00 Terms Social care . Disabilities Disabilty Incapacity benefit Severe disablement allowance . . Access - disabled Disability access . . Children with disabilities . . . . . Incapacity . . Learning disabilities . . . Aphasia . . . Aspergers syndrome . . . Autism . . . Day care Access for disabled Link schemes LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Day care Day care for elders Page 30 of 74 31 March 2004 Day centres . . . Downs syndrome . . . Dyslexia . . . Head and brain injury . . . Hyperactivity . . . Learning disabilities support . . . Makaton . . . Speaking up . . Physical disability . . . Back problems . . . Cerebral palsy . . . Cystic fibrosis . . . Day care . . . Disability equipment . . . . Mobility . . . . . Mobility aids . . . . . Wheelchairs . . . . . Zimmer frames . . . . Telephones . . . Dyspraxia . . . Facilities grant . . . Hearing impairment . . . . Day care Day care for elders Day centres Deaf services British sign language LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Page 31 of 74 31 March 2004 . . . . . . . . Interpretation . . . . Lip reading . . . . Minicom . . . . Support dogs . . . . Support for the deaf . . . . Typetalk . . . Hemiplegia . . . Multiple sclerosis . . . Osteoporosis . . . Paraplegia . . . Parkinsons . . . Physical disability support . . . Poliomyelitis . . . Repetitive strain injury . . . Sensory impairment . . . Severe disability . . . Shop mobility . . . Spina bifida . . . Support dogs . . . Thalidomide . . . Visual impairment Hearing aids LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Sensory impairment Accesibility Shop mobility Blindness and visual impairment Visual impairment Page 32 of 74 31 March 2004 . . . . Braille . . . . Interpreters . . . . Large print . . . . Support dogs . . . . Talking newspapers . . . . Tapes services . . . . Visual impairment support . . Transport for the disabled . Health and medical care Health . . Alcohol, drugs and substance use Abuse Alcohol Drugs Drugs action Substance . . . Alcohol use . . . Drugs use . . . Drugs, alcohol action team . . . Smoking . . . Substance use . . Child health . . . . . Complementary medicine . . . Acupressure . . . Acupuncture . . . Alexander technique . . . Aromatherapy Orange badge scheme Paediatric services LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Acupuncture Page 33 of 74 31 March 2004 . . . Art therapy . . . Ayurvedic medicine . . . Bach flower remedies . . . Bowen technique . . . Chiropractics . . . Dance therapy . . . Drama therapy . . . Healing . . . Herbal medicine . . . Homeopathy . . . Hypnotherapy . . . Indian head massage . . . Iridology . . . Life coaching . . . Massage . . . Music therapy . . . Naturopathy . . . Osteopathy . . . Reflexology . . . Reiki . . . Stress management . . Family planning . . . Abortion LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Page 34 of 74 31 March 2004 . . . . . Health action zone Health action zone . . Health costs Help with health costs . . Health education . . Health promotion Health promotion . . Health visitors Health visitors . . Healthy living . . . Diet and nutrition . . . First aid . . . Fitness . . . Heat waves . . . Hygiene . . . . . . Meditation . . . Preventative medicine . . . Relaxation . . Illnesses and conditions . . . Conditions . . . . Addiction . . . . . Alcohol use . . . . . Drugs use . . . . . Smoking Contraception Cleanliness Keep fit Smoking Life skills LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Page 35 of 74 31 March 2004 . . . . Allergies . . . . Obesity . . . Illnesses . . . . Blood and lymph . . . . . Anaemia . . . . . Blood and blood vessels . . . . . Diabetes . . . . . Haemophilia . . . . Cancer . . . . . Breast cancer . . . . . Hodgkin's disease . . . . . Leukaemia . . . . . Prostate cancer . . . . . Testicular cancer . . . . Cardiovascular . . . . . . . . . . Raynauds and scleroma . . . . Common illnesses . . . . . Food poisoning . . . . . Migraine . . . . . Sinusitis . . . . Dental health . . . . Digestive system Angina LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Page 36 of 74 31 March 2004 . . . . . Coeliac disease . . . . . Irritable bowel syndrome . . . . . Ulcer . . . . Ear, nose and throat . . . . . Menieres disease . . . . . Tinnitus . . . . Eye and vision . . . . . . . . . . Glaucoma . . . . Immune system . . . . . . . . . Liver diseases . . . . . . . . . Muscular system . . . . . ME fibromyalgia PVFS . . . . . Muscular dystrophy . . . . Nervous system . . . . . Creutz-Jacob disease . . . . . Epilepsy . . . . . Huntington's disease . . . . . Meningitis . . . . . . . . . . Neurofibramatosis Cataract Lupus Hepatitis Motor neurone disease LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Page 37 of 74 31 March 2004 . . . . . . . . . Neurological illnesses . . . . . . . . . Orthopaedics . . . . . Ankylosing spondylitis . . . . . Arthritis . . . . . Rheumatism . . . . . Scoliosis . . . . Paediatrics . . . . . . . . . . Crohn's disease . . . . . . . . . . Rubella . . . . Rare conditions and disorders . . . . . Leprosy . . . . Reproductive system . . . . . Childbirth . . . . . Endometriosis . . . . . Infertility . . . . . Miscarriage . . . . . Pregnancy . . . . Respiratory system . . . . . Parkinson's disease Spina bifida Cerebral palsy Cystic fibrosis Asthma LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Page 38 of 74 31 March 2004 . . . . . Bronchitis . . . . . Emphysema . . . . Skin and hair . . . . . Acne . . . . . Burns . . . . . Eczema . . . . . Psoriasis . . . . Stroke . . . . Surgery . . . . . . . . . . Cleft lip and palate . . . . Urinary system . . . . . Cystitis . . . . . Incontinence . . . . . Kidney . . Infectious diseases . . . Notification of infectious diseases . . . Polio . . . TB . . . Zoonosis . . Injuries . . . Head injuries . . . Medical accidents Amputation LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Infectious diseases Page 39 of 74 31 March 2004 . . . Repetitive strain injury . . . RSI . . . Spinal injuries . . . Sports injuries . . Medical advice and support . . . . . Mental health . . . Approved social worker . . . Community mental health . . . Community psychiatric nurses . . . Community resource teams . . . Confusion . . . Crisis intervention teams . . . . . . . Day care . . . Dementia and Alzheimer's . . . . . . Eating disorders . . . . . . Emotional problems . . . Epilepsy . . . Insomnia HIV services and advice AIDS/HIV Mental health Mental health promotion Rapid response service Day care Day care for elders Day centres Depressive disorders Elderly mentally infirm LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Page 40 of 74 31 March 2004 . . . Mental health support . . . Phobias . . . Schizophrenia . . . Stress . . Primary health care . . . Chiropody and podiatry . . . Community health services . . . Demand-responsive services . . . Dental clinics . . . Doctors surgeries . . . Health centres . . . . . . Immunisations . . . Maternity services . . . Minor injuries . . . Nursing services . . . Optometric services . . . Out of hours services . . . Pharmaceutical services . . . Physiotherapeutic services . . . Sexual health clinics . . Private health care . . . Health visitors Surgeries Health visitors Life saving Private health centres LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Page 41 of 74 31 March 2004 . . . Private health clinics . . . Private hospitals . . Sex education . . Travel health . . Treatments and therapies . . . Chemotherapy . . . Colostomy . . . Counselling . . . Dialysis . . . HRT . . . Hysterectomy . . . Ileostomy . . . Mastectomy . . . Occupational therapy . . . Physiotherapy . . . Psychotherapy . . . Radiotherapy . . . Speech therapy . . . Sports therapy . . . Transplants . Social policy Policy and performance . . Care needs Care needs . . Income support Anti - poverty Income support LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Heat waves Page 42 of 74 31 March 2004 Attendance allowance Benefits Disability living allowance Fuel grants Health benefits Invalid care allowance . . Social benefits . . . Circumstances (benefits) . . . Council tax benefits . . . Direct payment . . . Housing benefits Decoration allowance Housing benefit Housing benefits . . Welfare rights Welfare rights . Social services . . Children and family care Childcare . . . Adoption and fostering Adoption and fostering Childminders Fostering . . . Aftercare . . . Child care . . . . . . . . Childminding . . . . . . . . Kids clubs . . . . Safety equipment . . . . Workplace nurseries . . . Child protection . . . . Council tax Council tax benefit After school care Day nurseries Child protection Children at risk Children in need Children at risk LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Page 43 of 74 31 March 2004 . . . . . . . Children's homes Children's homes . . . Domestic violence Domestic violence . . . . . . . Family support . . . . Contact with children . . . . Custody of children . . . . Divorce . . . . Family mediation . . . . Furniture and clothing . . . . Help with parenting . . . . Holiday breaks . . . . Matrimonial issues . . . . Parental contribution . . . . Residence orders . . . . Teenage parents support . . . Hospice care . . . Hospital discharge Hospital discharge . . . Parenting Parenting . . . . . . . Respite care . . . . Adult link schemes . . . . Dossett boxes Children in need Marital disputes Families Family support Parent and toddler groups LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Respite care Page 44 of 74 31 March 2004 . . . . . . . Shared care . . . Throughcare . . Community transport . . General support care . . . Behaviour support service Educational development behaviour centre . . . Bereavement Bereavement . . . . . . . Care assessment . . . Care charges . . . Careline Careline . . . Carer support Carer support . . . Day care Day care Day care for elders Day centres . . . Holiday support . . . Home care support . . . Voluntary health services . . . . Hospital friends groups . . . . Support groups . . Home care Short stays Bereavement counselling LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Assessment of care needs Holidays Choosing a residential home Community care Domiciliary care in the home Help with house repairs Help with residential or nursing home fees Home care services Home help Meals on wheels Residential accommodation Warden call Page 45 of 74 31 March 2004 . . . Care plans . . . Community meals . . . Cooking help . . . Dossett boxes . . . Dressing help . . . Emergency alarms . . . . . . . Food support . . . Health visitors . . . Help to live at home . . . Help with medication . . . Help with repairs . . . . Locksmiths and plumbers . . . Help with shopping . . . Housebound people . . . Keeping warm . . . . . . . Key holders . . . Key safes . . . Laundry . . . Loneliness . . . Meals on wheels . . . Alarms for elderly and disabled Health visitors Gas support Mobile wardens LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Page 46 of 74 31 March 2004 . . . Residential accommodation . . . Support for the elderly . . . . Alarms for elderly and disabled . . . . Gardening support . . . . Help with cleaning . . . . Help with shopping . . . . Help with washing . . . . Keeping warm . . . . . . . . . Personal care . . . . Sitting services . . . Warden call Elderly Elderly and disabled Elderly people Gas support LGCL 1.03 Terms Housing ACL 1.00 Terms Estate management House numbering Household numbering Housing Housing offices Housing policies Housing register Postcode allocation Tenants and residents groups Tenants participation . Council housing Council housing Mortgages with the council Properties for sale / rent . . Communal facilities . . Council estates parking LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Page 47 of 74 31 March 2004 . . Council home exchange . . Council tenancies . . Evictions Evictions Repossessions . . Garages (council) Garages . . Hard to let and easy to access properties . . Home insurance . . Housing allocations . . Introductory tenancies . . Property alterations . . Right to buy council house . . Temporary accommodation Temporary accommodation . . Unauthorised occupation (council homes) Empty properties Squatters . Housing advice . . Accommodation certification . . Homelessness . . Housing crime . Housing associations and co-operatives . . Joining a housing association . Housing finance LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Allocations Choice based lettings Rehousing Shared ownership Alterations Build your own home Conveyancing Home ownership Transfers and exchanges Waiting list Homelessness Housing associations and cooperatives Page 48 of 74 31 March 2004 . . Home move purchase grants . . Housing benefits Decoration allowance Housing benefit Housing benefits . . Housing rents Arrears Letting property Paying Rent Rent officer service Tenants . Housing improvement and repairs . . Adapting homes . . Council housing repairs . . Council initiatives . . Garden maintenance . . Housing grants . . Housing surveys . . Modernising homes . Multiple occupancy homes Houses in multi occupancy (hmo) . Private housing Private sector housing . Supported and sheltered housing Refuges Sheltered housing Supported housing LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Blocked drains Cesspools and septic tanks Conversions Damp Gas repairs Insulation Loft conversions Repairs Smoke alarms Garden Help with fuel bills Home improvement grants Renovation grants Winter fuel allowance Page 49 of 74 31 March 2004 LGCL 1.03 Terms Jobs and careers ACL 1.00 Terms Careers Careers service Jobs and careers Self employed Unemployment Working . Finding work Employment Work experience . . Careers advice Careers advice . . Job centres Job centres . . Job seekers Job seekers allowance . . Job training and development Modern apprenticeships Training Work based learning . . Job vacancies Vacancies . Retirement Retirement LGCL 1.03 Terms Legal services ACL 1.00 Terms . Civil and human rights . Courts . . County courts . . Crown Courts . . Magistrates courts . Equal opportunities Equal opportunities Equalities . Legal advice Legal . . Community legal services . . Appeals Legal aid LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Page 50 of 74 31 March 2004 . Legal professions Magistrates . Legislation Family law . . . Police Police . Prisons Prisons . . Bail hostels . Probation . Young offending . . Youth offending team Family law Youth offending team LGCL 1.03 Terms Leisure and culture ACL 1.00 Terms Clubs and societies Halls for hire Leisure Leisure centres Luncheon clubs . Arts and entertainment Arts Entertainment . . Arts development . . Cinemas Cinemas . . Circuses Cicuses . . Crafts . . Dance . . . Arabian dancing . . . Ballet . . . Ballroom dancing . . . Circle dancing LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Dance Tea dances Page 51 of 74 31 March 2004 . . . Country dancing . . . Disco dancing . . . Folk dancing . . . Historical dance . . . Irish dancing . . . Jazz dance . . . Latin American dancing . . . Line dancing . . . Modern dance . . . Morris dancing . . . . . . Religious dances . . . Salsa dancing . . . Scottish dancing . . . Sequence dancing . . . Square dancing . . . Tap dancing . . . Tea dances . . Drama . . Eating out . . Exhibitions . . Fairgrounds . . Fairs Old time dancing LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Drama Eating out Fairgrounds Fairs Page 52 of 74 31 March 2004 . . Firework displays . . Literature . . Local attractions . . Music . . . African music . . . Bellringing . . . Big bands . . . Blues music . . . Brass bands . . . Chamber music . . . Choirs . . . Church bells . . . Church music . . . Composers . . . Country music . . . Electronic music . . . Folk music . . . Handbells . . . Historical music . . . Indian music . . . Jazz music . . . Modern music . . . Musical instruments LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Firework displays Music centres Page 53 of 74 31 March 2004 . . . Musicals & operatics . . . Orchestras . . . Pipe bands . . . Rock music . . . West Indian music . . Theatres . . . . Children's activities Children's activities . Hobbies and interests Crafts Interests . . . . Animals . . . . Astrology . . Collecting things . . . . . Computers . . . Web . . Crafts . . Family tree . . Food and drink . . Foreign languages . . Fossils Theatres Theatrical performances Amateur radio . Wildlife Philately LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Page 54 of 74 31 March 2004 . . Games . . Gardening . . Genealogy . . Geography . . Geology . . Horoscopes . . International groups . . Languages . . Magic . . Mathematics . . Models . . Radio controlled miniatures . . Real ale . . Regional groups . . Science . Libraries Libraries Membership . . Archives Archives Diocesan records . . . . . Branch libraries . . Children's library service . . Joining a library . . Library facilities . . Library loans and fines Diocesan records LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Branch libraries Page 55 of 74 31 March 2004 . . Library stock sales . . Mobile libraries . . Multicultural library service . . Reading groups . . Reference libraries . Local history and heritage . . Archaeological services . . Historic buildings . . . . . Historic monuments . . Historic sites . . . Museums and galleries Galleries Museums . Parks and recreation Arboriculture Caravans and camping sites Open spaces Parks . . Allotments Allotments . . Animal collections . . Beaches Mobile libraries Reference libraries Archeology Castles Heritage Historic buildings Historic monuments Historic sites Historical records Local history Castles Historical records LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Beaches Page 56 of 74 31 March 2004 Areas of outstanding national beauty Ccountryside Country parks Countryside and nature conservation Countryside management Walks . . Countryside . . . Access to countryside . . . Country parks . . . Country walks . . . Countryside and nature conservation . . . Countryside management . . . Nature reserves . . Gardens . . . Horticulture . . . Public gardens . . Local wildlife Wildlife . . Picnic sites Picnic sites . . Playgrounds and adventure playgrounds Adventure playgrounds Playgrounds . . Ranger service Ranger service . . Rivers Fishing permits River moorings Rivers Water . . . Fishing . . . Flooding . . . River moorings . . Village greens LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Gardening competitions Gardens Public gardens Village greens Page 57 of 74 31 March 2004 Woodlands . . . Social clubs . Sports Bowls Sports . . Coaching and management (sports) Coaching . . Sports and games Cricket Cycling Fencing Fishing Football Hockey Horse riding Proficiency Swimming . . . Adventure sports . . . . Abseiling . . . . Ballooning . . . . Canoeing . . . . . . . Athletics . . . . . . . Cue Sports . . . . Billiards . . . . Snooker . . . Darts . . . Dog racing . . . Equestrian sports . . . . Horse racing . . . . Horse riding Woodlands Flying & gliding Gymnastics LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Page 58 of 74 31 March 2004 . . . Fencing . . . Field sports . . . . Archery . . . . . . . Gatika . . . Lawn sports . . . . Boccia . . . . Boules . . . . Bowls . . . . Croquet . . . Martial arts . . . . Aikido . . . . Ju jitsu . . . . Judo . . . . Karate . . . . Kendo . . . . Kung fu . . . . Taekwon do . . . . Tang soo do . . . Motor sport . . . . Karting . . . . Motocross . . . . Speedway Shooting LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Page 59 of 74 31 March 2004 . . . Outdoor pursuits . . . . Caving . . . . Climbing . . . . Cycling . . . . . Cycle routes . . . . . Cycling proficiency . . . . Golf . . . . Golf courses . . . . Hiking . . . . Orienteering . . . . Walking . . . Pigeon racing . . . Racquet sports . . . . . . . . Squash . . . . . . . Ring sports . . . . Boxing . . . . Kick boxing . . . . Wrestling . . . Roller Sports . . . . Roller skating . . . . Skateboarding Badminton Tennis LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Page 60 of 74 31 March 2004 . . . Table tennis . . . Team sports . . . . . . . . Baseball . . . . Basketball . . . . Cricket . . . . Football . . . . Handball . . . . Hockey . . . . Korfball . . . . Netball . . . . Polo . . . . Racketball . . . . Rounders . . . . Rugby . . . . Volleyball . . . Water sports . . . . Boating . . . . Diving . . . . Rowing . . . . Sailing . . . . Scuba . . . . American football Swimming LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Page 61 of 74 31 March 2004 . . . . Water skiing . . . . Windsurfing . . . . Yachting . . . Weightlifting . . . Winter sports . . . . Curling . . . . Ice skating . . . . Skiing . . . . . . Sports clubs . . Sports development . . Sports facilities . . . Health clubs . . . Sports courses and pitches . . Sports grants and development funds . . Sports information and ticketing . Tourism and travel Tourism Travel Travel enquiries . . Accommodation Accommodation Bed and breakfast Camp sites Hostels Hotels Houseboats Youth hostels . . Snowboarding Golf courses Gyms Sports pitches . Bed and breakfast LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Page 62 of 74 31 March 2004 . . . Camp sites . . . Guest houses . . . Hotels . . . Marinas . . . Youth hostels . . Local attractions . . Places to visit . . . Uniformed groups . . Royal observer corps . . Territorial Army . Young people's activities . . Air training corps . . Army cadet corps . . Beavers . . Boys brigade . . Brownies . . Cubs . . . . Girlguiding . . . Rainbows . . . Rangers . . Girls Brigade Archeological sites and monuments Tourist information centres European scouts LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Page 63 of 74 31 March 2004 . . Girls venture corps . . Scouts . . Sea cadet corps . . Social clubs . . Social welfare . . Special interest groups . . . . Venture scouts . . Voluntary work . . Woodcraft folk . . Young Farmers . . Youth clubs . . . Sports teams & classes Church youth groups LGCL 1.03 Terms Obsolete terms ACL 1.00 Terms . Council documents, facts and figures . . Agendas . . Audits . . Budgets . . Census . . Council issued certificates . . . . Council plans . . Decisions Council notices LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Page 64 of 74 31 March 2004 . . Minutes . . Motions . . News . . . Future developments . . . Local . . . Marketing . . . Press release . . . Regeneration news . . . Regional and national . . . . . Regional statistics . . . Crime statistics . . . Health statistics . . . Housing statistics . . . Population statistics . . . Transport statistics . . . Work related statistics . . Reports . . Summary . . Transcripts Trade and professional . Petitions . Surveys . Village newsletters LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Page 65 of 74 31 March 2004 LGCL 1.03 Terms Policing and public safety ACL 1.00 Terms . Accidents, emergencies and safety Emergencies . . Accident prevention Accident prevention Water safety . . . Water and beach safety . . Ambulance service Ambulance . . Civil protection Civic protection . . Emergency phone numbers Phone numbers . . Emergency planning Emergency planning . . Floods Floods Sandbags . . . . Coastguard . Crime and law enforcement CCTV . . Anti-social behaviour Anti-social behaviour Behaviour suport service . . CCTV . . Crime and disorder Crime and disorder . . Crime prevention Crime preventions . . Nuisance Alarms Bonfires Neighbours Noise Nuisances . . . Animal nuisance . . . . Barking dogs . . . . Fouling Sandbags LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Page 66 of 74 31 March 2004 . . . Bonfires . . . Neighbours . . . Noise . . Offender support . . Offending team . . . . . Police Police . . Prisons Prisons . . . . Discrimination or harassment . . Racial discrimination . . Religious discrimination . . Sexual discrimination . Fire fighting and rescue services . . Fire safety . . . Fire certificates . . . Fire regulations . . Fire safety enforcement . Victim support Youth offending team Bail hostels Discrimination Harassment Racial Women Fire services Wildfire Victim support LGCL 1.03 Terms Social issues ACL 1.00 Terms . Equal opportunities Equalities Equal opportunities LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Page 67 of 74 31 March 2004 . Family planning . . Abortion . . Contraception . Firearms . Identity cards Identity cards . Immigration and nationality Immigration and nationalty Travellers . Population and migration Population Population statistics . Privacy and data protection . Rural communities . Sexual orientation Sexuality . Social inclusion Exclusion LGCL 1.03 Terms Transport and streets ACL 1.00 Terms Transport Transport and streets . Motor vehicles, roads and parking Dial-a-ride Motorcycle training Park and ride . . Abandoned vehicles Abandoned vehicles . . Adopted roads and highways . . Bollards . . Bridges Bridges . . HGV management and signing Abnormal loads HGV management and signing . . . Abnormal loads . . . . Heavy loads LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Page 68 of 74 31 March 2004 . . . . . . . . Wide loads . . MOT MOT . . Parking Car parking badges Car parks Controlled parking zones Parking Parking bays Parking fines Parking meters Residents parking . . . Car parking badges . . . Car parks . . . Controlled parking zones . . . Disabled parking . . . Park and ride . . . Parking bays . . . Parking fines . . . Parking meters . . . Residents parking . . Road building . . Road markings and signage Signs . . Road safety Road safety . . Road works Road works . . Roads and highways Highways Roads Unadopted . . Safer routes to school High loads LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Page 69 of 74 31 March 2004 . . Traffic calming . . . . . Traffic counts . . Traffic management . . . . . Tunnels . . Weighbridges . . Weight limits . Ports and harbours . . Boats and shipping vessels Speed limits Traffic calming Speed limits Traffic lights Traffic management Traffic lights . Public rights of way . . Bridleways . . Byways . . Cycling . . . Cycle routes . . . Cycling proficiency . . Foot bridges . . Footpaths LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Public weighbridge Weighbridges Boats Adopted highways Adopted roads Bridleways Cycle routes Foot bridges Footpaths Pavements Pedestrian / pelican crossings Public rights of way Zebra crossings Page 70 of 74 31 March 2004 . . . . . Motorcycles . . . . . Zebra crossing . Public transport . . Air services . . Buses . . . Bus lanes . . . Bus operators . . . Bus passes . . . Bus routes and corridors . . . Bus service registration changes . . . Bus shelters . . . Bus specification . . . Guided buses . . Fares, passes and permits . . . Fares . . . . Bus-only fares . . . . Concessionary permits . . . . Train-only fares . . . . Travel offers Rural footpaths Motorcycle training Public transport Travel concessions Bus lanes Bus passes Bus shelters Buses LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Concessionary rates Page 71 of 74 31 March 2004 . . . Transport tickets . . . . Multi-journey tickets . . . . Railcards . . . . Time-limited travelcards . . . . Travel smartcards . . Local transport links . . Public transport infrastructure . . . Airports . . . Bus stations . . . Railway stations . . . Tram stops . . . Transport developments . . Public transport investment . . . . . Riverboats . . Taxi ranks Hackney carriages Mini cabs Taxi ranks . . Trains Trains . . Trams Trams . Reservoirs . . Local tansport links Local transport plan Boats and shipping vessels . Road and pathway maintenance LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Boats Grass verges Gully cleansing Leaves Maintenance Street repairs Page 72 of 74 31 March 2004 . . Gully cleansing . . Icy roads . . Manhole covers . . . . Potholes Potholes . . Public conveniences Public conveniences . . Road cleaning Cleaning Graffiti removal . . Road gritting Gritting . . Road markings and signage Signs . . Snow clearance Snow clearance . . Street furniture . . . Dog litter bins . . . Seats . . . Street signs . . Street lighting . . Street repairs . . Tree management . . Verges . . . Grass verges . . . Weed control . Transport planning . Waterways . . Icy roads Manhole covers Pavements Boats and shipping vessels LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Litter bins Street lighting Transport planning Boats Page 73 of 74 31 March 2004 . . Canals LGCL 1.03 to ACL 1.00 Mapping Page 74 of 74 31 March 2004
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