ICPSR 4690 Americans' Changing Lives: Waves I, II, III, and IV, 1986, 1989, 1994, and 2002 James S. House University of Michigan. Institute for Social Research. Survey Research Center Codebook Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research P.O. Box 1248 Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 www.icpsr.umich.edu Terms of Use The terms of use for this study can be found at: http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/cocoon/ICPSR/TERMS/4690.xml ACL Wave 4 Codebook June 21, 2008 ICPSR Release #2 ACL Wave 4 Codebook 6/21/2008 ICPSR Release # 2 Table of Contents Codebook New ACL Wave 1 Variables 1 New ACL Wave 2 Variables 7 New ACL Wave 3 Variables 10 ACL Mortality Variables 16 ACL Wave 4 Interview Control Variables 19 ACL Wave 4 Proxy/ Respondent Information 22 Section A (Part 1): Household Listing and Children Elsewhere 24 Section A (Part 2): Social Integration and Physical Activity 51 Section B: Life Assessment and Self Assessment 54 Section C: Marital Status and Marital Relationship 58 Section D: Social Support 62 Section E: Physical Environment and Social Environment 71 Section F: Child Care, Parenting and Household Work 88 Section G: Health, Limitation of Activities, Health Risk Behavior and Health Services 94 Section H: Depression and Depressive Symptoms 159 Section J (Part 1): Paid Employment 183 Section J (Part 2): Job Attitudes and Retirement / Reason Stop Working 193 Section K: Voluntary Activity 205 11 Section L (Part 1): Cognitive Functioning and Memory (ACL Wave 4 Self-Report cases only) 212 Section L (Part 2): ACL Wave 4 Proxy Interviews Only. Cognitive Functioning Level of Original ACL Respondent 221 Section M: Personality Dispositions 226 Section N (Part 1): Life Events 231 Section N (Part 2): Discrimination and Vigilance 246 Section P: Religion and Meaning 271 Section Q: Demographics and Socioeconomic Variables 279 Section X Cleaning Notes 318 Section X: Interviewer’s Observations 319 ACL4 Sampling Weight Variables (V12961-V12968) 326 ACL4 “Created” Variables: Indices, Combination Variables, Imputed Variables, Recoded Variables, and Imputation Flags (V13001-V13599) 328 ACL Wave 4 Health Indices and Other Health-Related Variables And Imputation Flags (V13001-V13099) 328 ACL Wave 4 Income, Income Sources, Wealth, Assets, House Value Variables, and Imputation Flags (V13101-V13199) 361 ACL Wave 4 Indices for Mental Health, Social Support, Social Integration, Stress, Physical Activity, and Imputation Flags, and selected Recoded items (V13201-V13299) 383 ACL Wave 4 Respondent Employment and Occupation Variables And Spouse Employment Variable, and Imputation Flags (V13301-V13399) 406 ACL Wave 4 Housing Variable, Why Discriminated Against Variables, and Hours Spent in Child Care (Recoded) Variable (V13401-V13499) 422 ACL Wave 4 Indices for Personality, etc., And Imputation Flags (V13501-V13599) 426 22 Appendix Table of Contents 430 Appendix 431 33 New ACL Wave 1 Variables V2101 W1. Respondent Hispanic Ethnicity -- Detailed Note: This variable is based on information from ACL1 Self-Identified Ethnicity (V1620, V1622, V1623, and V1624), and from Respondent Place of Birth (V1639), R’s Father’s Place of Birth (V1636), and R’s Mother’s Place of Birth (V1637). Code Category Description 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Not Hispanic Mexican Puerto Rican Cuban Dominican Republic Brazilian Spanish; Castillian South American Central American West Indian; Caribbean (Hispanic) Cuban and Central American Hispanic, Not Further Specified 10 11 Frequencies 3435 102 21 13 2 2 16 12 10 2 1 1 N = 3617 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N=0 N=0 N=0 V2102 W1. Respondent Race/ Ethnicity. 5-Category Note: This variable is based on information from ACL1 Race (V2004), ACL1 Self-Identified Ethnicity (V1620, V1622, V1623, and V1624), and from Respondent Place of Birth (V1639), R’s Father’s Place of Birth (V1636), and R’s Mother’s Place of Birth (V1637). Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 Non-Hispanic White Non-Hispanic Black Non-Hispanic Native American Non-Hispanic Asian Hispanic Frequencies 2205 1156 44 30 182 N = 3617 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 1 N=0 N=0 N=0 V2103 W1. Respondent Race/ Ethnicity. 4-Category Note: This variable is a collapsed version of V2102. Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 Non-Hispanic White Non-Hispanic Black Non-Hispanic Other Hispanic Frequencies 2205 1156 74 182 N = 3617 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N=0 N=0 N=0 V2104 W1. Respondent Race/ Ethnicity: Non-Hispanic White. dummy Note: These 4 dummy variables (V2104-V2107) are based on V2103, the 4-Category Respondent Race/ Ethnicity variable. Code Category Description 0 1 Other Non-Hispanic White Frequencies 1412 2205 N = 3617 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N=0 N=0 N=0 V2105 W1. Respondent Race/ Ethnicity: Non-Hispanic Black. dummy Note: These 4 dummy variables (V2104-V2107) are based on V2103, the 4-Category Respondent Race/ Ethnicity variable. Code Category Description 0 1 Other Non-Hispanic Black Frequencies 2461 1156 N = 3617 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 2 N=0 N=0 N=0 V2106 W1. Respondent Race/ Ethnicity: Non-Hispanic Other. dummy Note: These 4 dummy variables (V2104-V2107) are based on V2103, the 4-Category Respondent Race/ Ethnicity variable. Code Category Description 0 1 Other Non-Hispanic Other Frequencies 3543 74 N = 3617 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N=0 N=0 N=0 V2107 W1. Respondent Race/ Ethnicity: Hispanic. dummy Note: These 4 dummy variables (V2104-V2107) are based on V2103, the 4-Category Respondent Race/ Ethnicity variable. Code Category Description 0 1 Other Hispanic Frequencies 3435 182 N = 3617 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 3 N=0 N=0 N=0 V2409 W1. Marital Stress Index. 3-item. Imputed Note: V602, V615 and V621 have been combined to create this Wave 1 3-item Marital Stress Index. Note: This index is equivalent to V6409, V10910 and V13210. Note: Use V2491 to identify the cases that were imputed for this index. Range: 1.0 to 7.0 N = 2066 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1551 N=0 N=0 How index was constructed: (1) Two of the input variables (V615 and V621) were reverse coded. (2) Then, for two of the input variables (V602) and the reverse-coded version of V621, the metric was expanded from 1-5 to 1-7. (3) The mean of the three modified input variables was then obtained for cases having at least 2 non-missing values on the three input variables. The index value is this mean value. This index is not standardized. How imputed: Case-by-case imputations were done for the 3 cases missing on two or more of the Marital Stress input items. V1=1086 was imputed based on R’s response to the one non-missing Wave 1 Marital Stress input item and R’s responses to the other Wave 1 Marital Relationship items. V1=1531 was imputed as the Mean for V2409. V1= 1993 was imputed based on R’s Wave 2 Marital Stress Index (V6409) score. V2491 W1. Imputation Flag for V2409. (W1. Marital Stress Index. 3-item) Note: This variable (V2491) identifies the cases that were imputed for V2409. Code 1. Imputed 2. Not Imputed Frequencies 3 2063 N = 2066 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 4 N = 1551 N=0 N=0 V2681 W1. Number of Chronic Health Conditions (last 12 months). 9-item. Note: V829-V834 and V836-V838 have been combined to create this 9-item Wave 1 Number of Chronic Conditions index. Note: This is the same index as V2612, except that Wave 1 Foot Problems (V835) is not included for V2681. Number of Conditions 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Frequencies 1477 1019 620 347 119 27 8 N = 3617 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N=0 N=0 N=0 How index was constructed: This is the number of “Yes” responses to V829-V834 and V836-V838. Cases “Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained” for any of the input variables (V829-V834 and V836-V838) were assumed to be “No” on that condition. V2682 W1. Number of Debilitating Chronic Health Conditions (last 12 months). 4-item. Note: V829 (Arthritis), V831 (Hypertension), V837 (Broken or Fractured Bones), and V838 (Lost Urine Beyond R’s Control) have been combined to create this 4-item Wave 1 Number of Debilitating Chronic Conditions index. Note: This is the same index as V2660, except that Wave 1 Foot Problems (V835) is not included for V2682. Number of Conditions 0 1 2 3 4 Frequencies 1604 1155 713 143 2 N = 3617 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N=0 N=0 N=0 How index was constructed: This is the number of “Yes” responses to V829, V831, V837 and V838. Cases “Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained” for any of the input variables (V829, V831, V837 and V838) were assumed to be “No” on that condition. 5 V3409 W1. Cognitive Impairment Index. 5-item. Note: V3400 and V3403-V3406 have been combined to create this Wave 1 5-item Cognitive Impairment Index. Note: This is the same index as V3408, except that Wave 1 Correct/ Incorrect on Mother’s Maiden Name (V3402) is not included for V3409. Number Wrong 0 1 2 3 4 5 Frequencies 1621 1188 545 170 64 29 N = 3617 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N=0 N=0 N=0 How index was constructed: This is the number of “Incorrect” responses to V3400, V3403, V3404, V3405, and V3406. Cases “Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained” for any of the input variables (V3400, V3403-V3406) were assumed to be “Incorrect” on that response. 6 New ACL Wave 2 Variables V6409 W2. Marital Stress Index. 3-item Note: V4502, V4515 and V4521 have been combined to create this Wave 2 3-item Marital Stress Index. Note: This index is equivalent to V2409, V10910 and V13210. Range: 1.0 to 7.0 N = 1667 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1950 N=0 N=0 How index was constructed: (1) Two of the input variables (V4515 and V4521) were reverse coded. (2) Then, for two of the input variables (V4502) and the reverse-coded version of V4521, the metric was expanded from 1-5 to 1-7. (3) The mean of the three modified input variables was then obtained for cases having at least 2 non-missing values on the three input variables. The index value is this mean value. This index is not standardized. No cases were imputed for this index. V6681 W2. Number of Chronic Health Conditions (last 12 months). 9-item. Note: V4832-V4836, V4838-V4840 and V4901 have been combined to create this 9-item Wave 2 Number of Chronic Conditions index. Note: This is the same index as V6612, except that Wave 2 Foot Problems (V4837) is not included for V6681. Number of Conditions 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 Frequencies 1156 794 523 264 100 26 3 1 N = 2867 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 750 N=0 N=0 How index was constructed: This is the number of “Yes” responses to V4832-V4836, V4838-V4840 and V4901. Cases “Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained” for any of the input variables (V4832-V4836, V4838-V4840 and V4901) were assumed to be “No” on that condition. 7 V6682 W2. Number of Debilitating Chronic Health Conditions (last 12 months). 4-item. Note: V4832 (Arthritis), V4834 (Hypertension), V4839 (Broken or Fractured Bones), and V4840 (Lost Urine Beyond R’s Control) have been combined to create this 4-item Wave 2 Number of Debilitating Chronic Conditions index. Note: This is the same index as V6660, except that Wave 2 Foot Problems (V4837) is not included for V6682. Number of Conditions 0 1 2 3 4 Frequencies 1278 927 554 101 7 N = 2867 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 750 N=0 N=0 How index was constructed: This is the number of “Yes” responses to V4832, V4834, V4839 and V4840. Cases “Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained” for any of the input variables (V4832, V4834, V4839 and V4840) were assumed to be “No” on that condition. V7409 W2. Cognitive Impairment Index. 5-item Note: V5313, V5315, V5317, V5318, and V5325 have been combined to create this Wave 2 5-item Cognitive Impairment Index. Note: This is the same index as V7408, except that Wave 2 Correct/ Incorrect on Mother’s Maiden Name (V5316) is not included for V7409. Number Wrong 0 1 2 3 4 5 Frequencies 1846 691 193 81 41 15 N = 2867 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 750 N=0 N=0 How index was constructed: This is the number of “Incorrect” responses to V5313, V5315, V5317, V5318, and V5325. Cases “Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained” for any of the input variables (V5313, V5315, V5317, V5318, and V5325) were assumed to be “Incorrect” on that response. 8 V9002 W2. Interview Filter3 (3/29/2007 information) 1. Wave 2 Interview 2867 2. Wave 2 Non-Respondent 572 3. Dead by End of Wave 2 (updated 2007) 178 TOTAL 3617 9 New ACL Wave 3 Variables W10910 W3. Marital Stress Index. 3-item. Imputed Note: V10128, V10132 and V10133 have been combined to create this Wave 3 3-item Marital Stress Index. Note: This index is equivalent to V2409, V6409 and V13210. Note: Use V10980 to identify the cases that were imputed for this index. Range: 1.0 to 7.0 N = 1423 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 2194 N=0 N=0 How index was constructed: (1) Two of the input variables (V10132 and V10133) were reverse coded. (2) Then, for two of the input variables (V10128) and the reverse-coded version of V10133, the metric was expanded from 1-5 to 1-7. (3) The mean of the three modified input variables was then obtained for cases having at least 2 non-missing values on the three input variables. The index value is this mean value. This index is not standardized. How imputed: Case-by-case imputations were done for the 3 cases missing on two or more of the Marital Stress input items. These three cases were imputed based on the mean of their Wave 1 (V2409) and Wave 2 (V6409) Marital Stress scores, or on the Wave 1 Marital Stress score (V2409) alone, if that was the only one available. V10931 W3. Number of Cigarettes R Smokes per Day. Current Smokers. Unimputed Note: V10270 and V10271 are combined to create V10931. If V10271 = 1 (“Cigarettes”), then V10931=V10270. If V10271 = 2 (“Packs”), then V10931 = 20 times V10270. Range: 1 to 60 Cigarettes N = 503 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3104 N=6 N=4 V10932 W3. Number of Days per Month R Drinks. Unimputed Note: V10273 and V10274 are combined to create V10932. If V10274 = “Per Month”, then V10932=V10273. If V10274 = “Per Week”, then V10932 = V10273 times 4.3 (rounded to nearest whole number). Range: 0 to 31 Days N = 1155 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 10 N = 2302 N=1 N = 159 V10933 W3. Number of Drinks per Month R Drinks. Unimputed Note: V10932 and V10277 are combined to create V10933. V10933 = V10932 (number of days per month R drinks) times V10277 (number of drinks per day that R has). Range: 0 to 420 Drinks per month N = 1149 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 2302 N=6 N =160 V10934 W3. Cognitive Impairment Index. 5-item Note: V10378, V10379, V10381, V10382, and V10389 have been combined to create this Wave 3 5-item Cognitive Impairment Index. Note: This is the same index as V10917, except that Wave 3 Correct/ Incorrect on Mother’s Maiden Name (V10380) is not included for V10934. Note: Use V10994 to identify the case that was imputed for this index. Number Wrong 0 1 2 3 4 5 Frequencies 1148 742 332 111 51 14 N = 2398 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1219 N=0 N=0 How index was constructed: This is the number of “Incorrect” responses to V10378, V10379, V10381, V10382, and V10389. Cases “Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained” for any of the input variables (V10378, V10379, V10381, V10382, and V10389) were assumed to be “Incorrect” on that response. How imputed: The case that was imputed for this index was “Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained” on all 5 of the Wave 3 Cognitive Impairment questions. The Wave 3 Cognitive Impairment value (2 incorrect) that was imputed for this case is based on R’s Age, Education, and Cognitive Impairment values at Waves 1 and 2. 11 V10980 W3. Imputation Flag for V10910. (W3. Marital Stress Index. 3-item) Note: This variable (V10980) identifies the cases that were imputed for V10910. Frequencies Code 1. Imputed 2. Not Imputed 3 1420 N = 1423 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 2194 N=0 N=0 V10994 W3. Imputation Flag for V10934 (W3. Cognitive Impairment Index. 5-item) Note: This variable (V10994) identifies the case that was imputed for V10934 Frequencies Code 1. Imputed 2. Not Imputed 1 2397 N = 2398 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1219 N=0 N=0 V11032 W3. Dead by End of Wave 3. Dummy (3/29/2007 info.) 0. Not Dead by End of Wave 3 1. Dead by End of Wave 3 3073 544 TOTAL 3617 1. Wave 3 Interview 2. Wave 3 Non-Respondent 3. Dead by End of Wave 3 2562 511 544 TOTAL 3617 V11033 W3. Interview Filter2 (3/29/2007 info.) 12 V11181 W3. Number of Chronic Health Conditions (last 12 months). 9-item. Note: V10219-V10223, V10225-V10228 have been combined to create this 9-item Wave 3 Number of Chronic Conditions index. Note: This is the same index as V10912, except that Wave 3 Foot Problems (V10224) is not included for V11181. Number of Conditions Frequencies 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 889 725 530 270 103 34 9 2 N = 2562 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1055 N=0 N=0 How index was constructed: This is the number of “Yes” responses to V10219-V10223, V10225-V10228. Cases “Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained” for any of the input variables (V10219-V10223 and V10225-V10228) were assumed to be “No” on that condition. V11182 W3. Number of Debilitating Chronic Health Conditions (last 12 months). 4-item. Note: V10219 (Arthritis), V10221 (Hypertension), V10226 (Broken or Fractured Bones), and V10227 (Lost Urine Beyond R’s Control) have been combined to create this 4-item Wave 3 Number of Debilitating Chronic Conditions index. Note: This is the same index as V11160, except that Wave 3 Foot Problems (V10224) is not included for V11182. Number of Conditions 0 1 2 3 4 Frequencies 1007 876 539 133 7 N = 2562 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1055 N=0 N=0 How index was constructed: This is the number of “Yes” responses to V10219, V10221, V10226 and V10227. Cases “Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained” for any of the input variables (V10219, V10221, V10226 and V10227) were assumed to be “No” on that condition. 13 V11404 W3. Number of (R’s Biological, Adopted or Step) Children in Household Note: V11404 was created from Codes 10-14 for V10004-V10017. Number of Children 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Frequencies 1575 469 309 147 38 14 5 4 1 N = 2562 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V11405 N = 1055 N=0 N=0 W3. Number of (R’s Biological, Adopted or Step) Children Living Elsewhere (15=15 or more children) Note: V11405 was created from Codes 1 (Son), 2 (Adopted Son), 3 (Step-Son), 4 (Daughter), 5 (Adopted Daughter), and 6 (Step-Daughter) for the newly (April 2008) cleaned version of V10051-V10065. Number of Children 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 (15 or more children) Frequencies 857 420 474 342 214 96 69 37 27 10 6 4 2 2 0 2 N = 2562 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 14 N = 1055 N=0 N=0 V11406 W3. Total Number of (R’s Biological, Adopted or Step) Children (15=15 or more children) Note: V11404 and V11405 were combined to create V11406. Number of Children 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 (15 or more children) Frequencies 382 350 645 524 301 154 81 56 32 15 7 8 2 1 1 3 N = 2562 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 15 N = 1055 N=0 N=0 ACL Mortality information V11575 ACL4. Result Codes. All Cases. Updated with March 29, 2007 information Number Frequency 1 5 51 52 53 56 61 62 63 64 67 90 91 92 1775 12 101 33 7 6 374 54 6 21 36 1159 22 11 Total 3617 V11576 W4. ACL4 Filter. 1=Self Report/ 2=Proxy/ 3=W4 Dead/ 4=Non-Interview Updated with March 29, 2007 information Code Category Description 1. 2. 3. 4. Self Report Interview Proxy Interview Dead by end of Wave 4 Wave 4 Non-Respondents TOTAL Frequencies 1692 95 1184 646 3617 16 V11577 ACL. 4-Wave Panel Participation Status. 1=Self Report Interview/ 2=Proxy Interview/ 3=Non-Respondent/ 4=Dead. April 9, 2007 information Number Frequency 1111 1112 1113 1114 1121 1122 1123 1124 1131 1132 1133 1134 1144 1311 1312 1313 1314 1322 1323 1324 1331 1332 1333 1334 1344 1444 1513 59 274 377 3 19 9 94 51 5 119 65 279 93 4 51 27 3 7 29 32 5 186 48 87 178 Total 3617 V11582 Died by End Wave 4 (and Not Interviewed at Wave 4). Dummy. March 29, 2007 information Code Category Description 0 1 Alive Died Total 17 Frequencies 2433 1184 3617 V11621 ACL Deaths. 1=Probably Dead W4/ 2=Possibly Dead W4/ 3=Probably Not Dead W4/ 4=Certified Dead/ 5=Old Reported Deaths/ 6=Not Dead/ June 7, 2008 information Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 Frequency 2 1 8 1386 22 2198 N = 3617 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V11624 N=0 N=0 N=0 Year of Death. June 7, 2008 information Year 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Frequency 28 59 67 76 75 60 82 74 88 65 73 81 80 84 81 79 68 57 65 67 2 N = 1411 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 18 N = 2206 N=0 N=0 ACL Wave 4 Interview Control Variables V12001 W4. Questionnaire Version Date (DDMMYYYY) Date 8112001 11032002 11042002 15042002 19062001 19122001 31082001 Frequencies 312 25 208 103 79 69 991 Code Date: 19062001 to 15042002 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE (No Wave 4 Interview) D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1830 N=0 N=0 V12002 W4. Interview Date (MM/DD/YYYY) Code Date: 08/24/2001 to 01/10/2003 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE (No Wave 4 Interview) D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1830 N=0 N=0 V12003 W4. Day (of Month) of ACL4 Interview Code Day: 1 to 31 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE (No Wave 4 Interview) D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1830 N=0 N=0 V12004 W4. Month of ACL4 Interview Code Month: 1 to 12 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE (No Wave 4 Interview) D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 19 N = 1830 N=0 N=0 V12005 W4. Year of ACL4 Interview Code Year: 2001 to 2003 Frequencies 1192 589 6 Year 2001 2002 2003 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE (No Wave 4 Interview) D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1830 N=0 N=0 V12006 W4. Language of Interview Code Language: English or Spanish Code Number 1 2 Language English Spanish Frequencies 1778 9 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE (No Wave 4 Interview) D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1830 N=0 N=0 V12007 W4. ACL Wave 4 Self-Report or Proxy Interview Note: Use this filter variable to distinguish ACL Wave 4 Self-Report and Proxy cases. Codes Category Descriptions 1. 2. Self-Report Proxy Frequencies 1692 95 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE (No Wave 4 Interview) D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 20 N = 1830 N=0 N=0 V12008 W4. Lab or Field Interview 1. Lab interview 2. Field interview Frequencies 1278 509 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE (No Wave 4 Interview) D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12009 W4. Interview Mode N = 1830 N=0 N=0 Frequencies 86 1701 1. Face-to-Face 2. By Telephone N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE (No Wave 4 Interview) D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 21 N = 1830 N=0 N=0 ACL Wave 4 Proxy/ Respondent information W4. PA0. Proxy Q: Relationship to R V12011 A0 What is your relationship to (R)? See RELATIONSHIP MASTER CODE in Appendix Code Description Frequency R’s Spouse Son (includes Adopted Son) Daughter (includes Adopted Daughter) Daughter-in-Law Mother Mother-in-Law Sister Sister-in-Law Grand Daughter (Great Grand Daughter) Nephew Niece Cousin Friend Neighbor 18 14 38 5 1 1 3 1 7 1 2 1 1 2 N = 95 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3522 N=0 N=0 W4. PA0.a. Proxy Q: Place Where R Currently Resides V12012 A0.a. Where is R currently living? Code Description Frequency 1. 2. 3. 4. IN HOUSEHOLD WITH PROXY IN ANOTHER HOUSEHOLD IN A NURSING HOME OR LONG-TERM CARE FACILITY IN ASSISTED LIVING LOCATION 45 23 24 3 N = 95 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12013 N = 3522 N=0 N=0 W4. PA0. Mo. Proxy Q: Month R Entered Nursing Home/ Long-Term Care Facility Range: 1 to 12 N = 14 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 22 N = 3593 N= 0 N = 10 V12014 W4. PA0. Yr. Proxy Q: Year R Entered Nursing Home/ Long-Term Care Facility Range: 1991 to 2002 N = 24 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12015 N = 3593 N= 0 N= 0 W4. PA0.b. Proxy Q: Why R Not Able to Do Interview PA0.b. Why do you believe R is not able to do an interview by him/ herself? Code Description Frequency 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. HEARING IMPAIRMENT OTHER PHYSICAL/ HEALTH DISABILITY MENTAL/ COGNITIVE DISABILITY LANGUAGE R TOO BUSY/ NOT HOME MUCH R UNCOOPERATIVE 19 29 41 0 4 2 N = 95 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 23 N = 3522 N= 0 N= 0 SECTION A (Part 1): Household Listing Information V12021 W4.A-1.d(1): Sex of FIRST Adult in HH A-1 Before we start the interview, I need to list the people who live (in your household/there/here) besides yourself--adults 18 or older first, then people under 18. I don’t need names, just the age, sex, and relationship to you for each person. R’s SEX SHOULD BE INSERTED HERE Category Description Male Female Code Number 1 2 Frequencies 651 1112 N = 1763 A. INAPPLICABLE P. PROXY (cases who live in nursing Homes or long-term care facilities) N = 1830 N = 24 V12022 W4.A-1.f(1): Age of FIRST Adult in HH R’S AGE SHOULD BE INSERTED HERE Range = 25-99 years N = 1758 A. INAPPLICABLE N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1830 N = 29 V12023 W4.A-1.c(2): Are there other Adults (2) in HH? 1. 5. Frequencies 1258 504 YES NO…GO TO V12040 N = 1762 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1854 N=1 N=0 V12024 W4.A-1.d(2): Sex of SECOND Adult in HH 1. 2. Frequencies 652 606 MALE FEMALE N = 1258 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 2359 N=0 N=0 24 V12025 W4.A-1.e(2): Relationship to R. SECOND Adult in HH 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 17. 18. 19. SPOUSE PARTNER BIOLOGICAL CHILD ADOPTED CHILD STEPCHILD FOSTER CHILD PARTNER’S CHILD GRANDCHILD NEPHEW/NIECE BIOLOGICAL PARENT SIBLING OTHER RELATIVE OTHER NON-RELATIVE Frequencies 930 35 184 0 0 1 0 20 5 22 12 20 29 N = 1258 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 2359 N=0 N=0 V12026 W4.A-1.f(2): Age of SECOND Adult in HH Code AGE: 18 – 99 Range = 18-94 years Frequencies N = 1250 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 2359 N=2 N=6 V12027 W4.A-1.c(3): Are There Any Other Adults (3) in HH? Frequencies 320 937 1. YES 5. NO…GO TO V12040 N = 1257 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 2359 N=0 N=1 V12028 W4.A-1.d(3): Sex of THIRD Adult in HH Frequencies 161 159 1. MALE 2. FEMALE N = 320 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3297 N=0 N=0 25 V12029 W4.A-1.e(3): Relationship to R. THIRD Adult in HH Frequencies 21 3 209 3 13 0 0 13 2 10 2 1 11 18 14 1. SPOUSE 2. PARTNER 3. BIOLOGICAL CHILD 4. ADOPTED CHILD 5. STEPCHILD 6. FOSTER CHILD 7. PARTNER’S CHILD 8. GRANDCHILD 9. NEPHEW/NIECE 10. BIOLOGICAL PARENT 14. PARTNER’S PARENT 16. UNCLE/AUNT 17. SIBLING 18. OTHER RELATIVE 19. OTHER NON-RELATIVE N = 320 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3297 N=0 N=0 V12030 W4.A-1.f(3): Age of THIRD Adult in HH Code AGE: 18 – 99 Range = 18-99 years Frequencies N = 320 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3297 N=0 N=0 V12031 W4.A-1.c(4): Are There Any Other Adults (4) in HH? Frequencies 76 244 1. YES 5. NO…GO TO V12040 N = 320 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3297 N=0 N=0 26 V12032 W4.A-1.d(4): Sex of the FOURTH Adult in HH Frequencies 37 39 1. MALE 2. FEMALE N = 76 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3541 N=0 N=0 V12033 W4.A-1.e(4): Relationship to R. FOURTH Adult in HH Frequencies 9 0 41 1 2 0 0 7 1 2 1 2 7 3 1. SPOUSE 2. PARTNER 3. BIOLOGICAL CHILD 4. ADOPTED CHILD 5. STEPCHILD 6. FOSTER CHILD 7. PARTNER’S CHILD 8. GRANDCHILD 9. NEPHEW/NIECE 10. BIOLOGICAL PARENT 14. PARTNER’S PARENT 17. SIBLING 18. OTHER RELATIVE 19. OTHER NON-RELATIVE N = 76 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3541 N=0 N=0 V12034 W4.A-1.f(4): Age of FOURTH Adult in HH Code AGE: 18 - 99 Range = 18-87 years Frequencies N = 76 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3541 N=0 N=0 27 V12035 W4.A-1.c(5): Are There Any Other Adults (5) in HH? Frequencies 12 64 1. YES 5. NO…GO TO V12040 N = 76 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3541 N=0 N=0 V12036 W4.A-1.d(5): Sex of the FIFTH Adult in HH Frequencies 9 3 1. MALE 2. FEMALE N = 12 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3605 N=0 N=0 V12037 W4.A-1.e(5): Relationship to R. FIFTH Adult in HH Frequencies 2 0 5 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 1. SPOUSE 2. PARTNER 3. BIOLOGICAL CHILD 4. ADOPTED CHILD 5. STEPCHILD 6. FOSTER CHILD 7. PARTNER’S CHILD 8. GRANDCHILD 9. NEPHEW/NIECE 10. BIOLOGICAL PARENT 17. SIBLING 18. OTHER RELATIVE 19. OTHER NON-RELATIVE N = 12 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3605 N=0 N=0 V12038 W4.A-1.f(5): Age of FIFTH Adult in HH Code AGE: 18 – 99 Range = 18-71 years Frequencies N = 12 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3605 N=0 N=0 28 V12039 W4.A-1.c(6): Are There Any Other Adults (6) in HH? Frequencies 0 12 1. YES 5. NO N = 12 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3605 N=0 N=0 V12040 W4.A-2.a(1) A-2 Is there anyone else 17 or under who lives in your household? Frequencies 384 1378 1. Yes 5. No…GO TO V12081 N = 1762 A. D. N. P. INAPPLICABLE DON’T KNOW NOT ASCERTAINED PROXY INTERVIEW, LIVED IN NURSING HOME N = 1830 N=1 N=0 N = 24 V12041 W4.A-2.b(1): Relationship to R. FIRST Child in HH Frequencies 276 13 14 1 68 6 4 2 3. BIOLOGICAL CHILD 4. ADOPTED CHILD 5. STEPCHILD 7. PARTNER’S CHILD 8. GRANDCHILD 9. NEPHEW/NIECE 18. OTHER RELATIVE 19. OTHER NON-RELATIVE N = 384 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3233 N=0 N=0 V12042 W4.A-2.c(1): Sex of the FIRST Child in HH Frequencies 204 180 1. MALE 2. FEMALE N = 384 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3233 N=0 N=0 29 V12043 W4.A-2.d(1): Age of the FIRST Child in HH Code AGE: 0-17 Range = 0-17 years Frequencies 0. LESS THAN ONE YEAR N = 384 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3233 N=0 N=0 V12044 W4.A-2.a(2): Are There Any Children (2) Age 17 or Under in HH? Frequencies 193 191 1. YES 5. NO…GO TO V12081 N = 384 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3233 N=0 N=0 V12045 W4.A-2.b(2): Relationship to R. SECOND Child in HH Frequencies 137 4 11 0 36 2 3 0 3. BIOLOGICAL CHILD 4. ADOPTED CHILD 5. STEPCHILD 7. PARTNER’S CHILD 8. GRANDCHILD 9. NEPHEW/NIECE 18. OTHER RELATIVE 19. OTHER NON-RELATIVE N = 193 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3424 N=0 N=0 V12046 W4.A-2.c(2): Sex of the SECOND Child in HH Frequencies 104 89 1. MALE 2. FEMALE N = 193 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3424 N=0 N=0 30 V12047 W4.A-2.d(2): Age of the SECOND Child in HH Code AGE: 0 - 17 Range = 0-17 years Frequencies N = 193 0. LESS THAN ONE YEAR A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 0 3424 0 0 V12048 W4.A-2.a(3): Are There Any Children (3) Age 17 or Under in HH? Frequencies 68 125 1. YES 5. NO…GO TO V12081 N = 193 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3424 N=0 N=0 V12049 W4.A-2.b(3): Relationship to R. THIRD Child in HH Frequencies 44 0 3 0 16 3 2 0 3. BIOLOGICAL CHILD 4. ADOPTED CHILD 5. STEPCHILD 7. PARTNER’S CHILD 8. GRANDCHILD 9. NEPHEW/NIECE 18. OTHER RELATIVE 19. OTHER NON-RELATIVE N = 68 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3549 N=0 N=0 V12050 W4.A-2.c(3): Sex of the THIRD Child in HH Frequencies 34 34 1. MALE 2. FEMALE N = 68 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3549 N=0 N=0 31 V12051 W4.A-2.d(3): Age of the THIRD Child in HH Code AGE: 0 – 17 Range = 0-17 years Frequencies 0. LESS THAN ONE YEAR N = 68 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3549 N=0 N=0 V12052 W4.A-2.a(4): Are There Any Children (4) Age 17 or Under in HH? Frequencies 20 48 1. YES 5. NO…GO TO V12081 N = 68 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3549 N=0 N=0 V12053 W4.A-2.b(4): Relationship to R. FOURTH Child in HH Frequencies 11 1 0 0 6 1 1 0 3. BIOLOGICAL CHILD 4. ADOPTED CHILD 5. STEPCHILD 7. PARTNER’S CHILD 8. GRANDCHILD 9. NEPHEW/NIECE 18. OTHER RELATIVE 19. OTHER NON-RELATIVE N = 20 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3597 N=0 N=0 V12054 W4.A-2.c(4): Sex of the FOURTH Child in HH Frequencies 10 10 1. MALE 2. FEMALE N = 20 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3597 N=0 N=0 32 V12055 W4.A-2.d(4): Age of the FOURTH Child in HH Code AGE: 0 - 17 0. LESS THAN ONE YEAR Range = 1-14 years Frequencies N = 20 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3597 N=0 N=0 V12056 W4.A-2.a(5): Are There Any Children (5) Age 17 or Under in HH? Frequencies 5 15 1. YES 5. NO…GO TO V12081 N = 20 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3597 N=0 N=0 V12057 W4.A-2.b(5): Relationship to R. FIFTH Child in HH Frequencies 2 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 3. BIOLOGICAL CHILD 4. ADOPTED CHILD 5. STEPCHILD 7. PARTNER’S CHILD 8. GRANDCHILD 9. NEPHEW/NIECE 18. OTHER RELATIVE 19. OTHER NON-RELATIVE N=5 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3612 N=0 N=0 V12058 W4.A-2.c(5): Sex of the FIFTH Child in HH Frequencies 3 2 1. MALE 2. FEMALE N=5 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3612 N=0 N=0 33 V12059 W4.A-2.d(5): Age of the FIFTH Child in HH Code AGE: 0 - 17 0. LESS THAN ONE YEAR Range = 1-10 Frequencies N=5 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3612 N=0 N=0 V12060 W4.A-2.a(6): Are There Any Children (6) Age 17 or Under in HH? Frequencies 4 1 1. YES 5. NO…GO TO V12081 N=5 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3612 N=0 N=0 V12061 W4.A-2.b(6): Relationship to R. SIXTH Child in HH Frequencies 3. BIOLOGICAL CHILD 4. ADOPTED CHILD 5. STEPCHILD 7. PARTNER’S CHILD 8. GRANDCHILD 9. NEPHEW/NIECE 18. OTHER RELATIVE 19. OTHER NON-RELATIVE 2 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 N=4 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3613 N=0 N=0 V12062 W4.A-2.c(6): Sex of the SIXTH Child in HH Frequencies 1. MALE 2. FEMALE 2 2 N=4 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3613 N=0 N=0 34 V12063 W4.A-2.d(6): Age of the SIXTH Child in HH Code AGE: 0 – 17 Frequencies 0. 2. 5. 8. 9. LESS THAN ONE YEAR 2 YEARS OLD 5 YEARS OLD 8 YEARS OLD 9 YEARS OLD 0 1 1 1 1 N=4 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3613 N=0 N=0 V12064 W4.A-2.a(7): Are There Any Children (7) Age 17 or Under in HH? Frequencies 3 1 1. YES 5. NO…GO TO V12081 N=4 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3613 N=0 N=0 V12065 W4.A-2.b(7): Relationship to R. SEVENTH Child in HH Frequencies 3. BIOLOGICAL CHILD 4. ADOPTED CHILD 5. STEPCHILD 7. PARTNER’S CHILD 8. GRANDCHILD 9. NEPHEW/NIECE 18. OTHER RELATIVE 19. OTHER NON-RELATIVE 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 N=3 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3614 N=0 N=0 35 V12066 W4.A-2.c(7): Sex of the SEVENTH Child in HH Frequencies 1. MALE 2. FEMALE 1 2 N=3 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3614 N=0 N =0 V12067 W4.A-2.d(7): Age of the SEVENTH Child in HH Code AGE: 0 – 17 Frequencies 0 1 2 0. LESS THAN ONE YEAR 2. 2 YEARS OLD 7. 7 YEARS OLD N=3 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3614 N=0 N=0 V12068 W4.A-2.a(8): Are There Any Children (8) Age 17 or Under in HH? Frequencies 1 2 1. YES 5. NO…GO TO V12081 N=3 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3614 N=0 N=0 V12069 W4.A-2.b(8): Relationship to R. EIGHTH Child in HH Frequencies 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3. BIOLOGICAL CHILD 4. ADOPTED CHILD 5. STEPCHILD 7. PARTNER’S CHILD 8. GRANDCHILD 9. NEPHEW/NIECE 18. OTHER RELATIVE 19. OTHER NON-RELATIVE N=1 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3616 N=0 N=0 36 V12070 W4.A-2.c(8): Sex of the EIGHTH Child in HH Frequencies 0 1 1. MALE 2. FEMALE N=1 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3616 N =0 N =0 V12071 W4.A-2.d(8): Age of the EIGHTH Child in HH Code AGE: 0 - 17 Frequencies 0 1 0. LESS THAN ONE YEAR 6. 6 YEARS OLD N=1 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3616 N=0 N=0 V12072 W4.A-2.a(9): Are There Any Children (9) Age 17 or Under in HH? Frequencies 1 0 1. YES 5. NO…GO TO V12081 N=1 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3616 N=0 N=0 V12073 W4.A-2.b(9): Relationship to R. NINTH Child in HH Frequencies 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3. BIOLOGICAL CHILD 4. ADOPTED CHILD 5. STEPCHILD 7. PARTNER’S CHILD 8. GRANDCHILD 9. NEPHEW/NIECE 18. OTHER RELATIVE 19. OTHER NON-RELATIVE N=1 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3616 N=0 N=0 37 V12074 W4.A-2.c(9): Sex of the NINTH Child in HH Frequencies 0 1 1. MALE 2. FEMALE N=1 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3616 N=0 N=0 V12075 W4.A-2.d(9): Age of the NINTH Child in HH Code AGE: 0 - 17 Frequencies 0 1 0. LESS THAN ONE YEAR 4. 4 YEARS OLD N=1 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3616 N=0 N=0 V12076 W4.A-2.a(10): Are There Any Children (10) Age 17 or Under in HH? Frequencies 1 0 1. YES 5. NO…GO TO V12081 N=1 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3616 N=0 N=0 V12077 W4.A-2.b(10): Relationship to R. TENTH Child in HH Frequencies 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3. BIOLOGICAL CHILD 4. ADOPTED CHILD 5. STEPCHILD 7. PARTNER’S CHILD 8. GRANDCHILD 9. NEPHEW/NIECE 18. OTHER RELATIVE 19. OTHER NON-RELATIVE N=1 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3616 N=0 N=0 38 V12078 W4.A-2.c(10): Sex of the TENTH Child in HH Frequencies 0 1 1. MALE 2. FEMALE N=1 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3616 N=0 N=0 V12079 W4.A-2.d(10): Age of the TENTH Child in HH Code AGE: 0 - 17 Frequencies 0 1 0. LESS THAN ONE YEAR 2. 2 YEARS OLD N=1 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3616 N=0 N=0 V12080 W4.A-2.a(11): Are There Any Children (11) Age 17 or Under in HH? Frequencies 0 1 1. YES 5. NO N=1 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3616 N=0 N=0 V12081 W4.A2.a(1) Does R Have Any Children (1) of Any Age Not Living With R? A-3 Do you have any children of any age who are not living with you? These may be biological, adopted or stepchildren. Frequencies 1. YES 1282 5. NO…GO TO V12129 505 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1830 N=0 N=0 39 V12082 W4.A-3.b(1): Relationship to R. FIRST Child Elsewhere. Frequencies 1163 37 82 3. BIOLOGICAL CHILD 4. ADOPTED CHILD 5. STEPCHILD N = 1282 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 2335 N=0 N=0 V12083 W4.A-3.c(1): Sex of FIRST Child Elsewhere Frequencies 653 628 1. MALE 2. FEMALE N = 1281 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 2335 N=0 N=1 V12084 W4.A-3.d(1): Age of FIRST Child Elsewhere Code AGE: 0 - 99 Range = 1-74 N = 1265 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 2335 N=0 N = 17 V12085 W4.A-3.a(2): Does R Have Any Other Children (2) of Any Age Not Living with R? Frequencies 982 300 1. YES 5. NO…GO TO V12129 N = 1282 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 2335 N=0 N=0 V12086 W4.A-3.b(2): Relationship to R. SECOND Child Elsewhere. 3. BIOLOGICAL CHILD 4. ADOPTED CHILD 5. STEPCHILD Frequencies 901 18 63 N = 982 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 2635 N=0 N=0 40 V12087 W4.A-3.c(2): Sex of SECOND Child Elsewhere Frequencies 493 489 1. MALE 2. FEMALE N = 982 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 2635 N=0 N=0 V12088 W4.A-3.d(2): Age of SECOND Child Elsewhere Code AGE: 0 - 99 Range = 1 - 72 N = 970 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 2635 N=0 N = 12 V12089 W4.A-3.a(3): Does R Have Any Other Children (3) of Any Age Not Living with R? Frequencies 578 404 1. YES 5. NO…GO TO V12129 N = 982 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 2635 N=0 N=0 V12090 W4.A-3.b(3): Relationship to R. THIRD Child Elsewhere. Frequencies 524 8 46 3. BIOLOGICAL CHILD 4. ADOPTED CHILD 5. STEPCHILD N = 578 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3039 N=0 N=0 V12091 W4.A-3.c(3): Sex of THIRD Child Elsewhere Frequencies 282 296 1. MALE 2. FEMALE N = 578 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3039 N=0 N=0 41 V12092 W4.A-3.d(3): Age of THIRD Child Elsewhere Code AGE: 0 - 99 Range = 6 – 70 N = 568 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3039 N=0 N = 10 V12093 W4.A-3.a(4): Does R Have Any Other Children (4) of Any Age Not Living with R? Frequencies 301 277 1. YES 5. NO…GO TO V12129 N = 578 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3039 N=0 N=0 V12094 W4.A-3.b(4): Relationship to R. FOURTH Child Elsewhere. Frequencies 260 4 37 3. BIOLOGICAL CHILD 4. ADOPTED CHILD 5. STEPCHILD N = 301 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3316 N=0 N=0 V12095 W4.A-3.c(4): Sex of FOURTH Child Elsewhere Frequencies 154 147 1. MALE 2. FEMALE N = 301 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3316 N=0 N=0 V12096 W4.A-3.d(4): Age of FOURTH Child Elsewhere Code AGE: 0 - 99 Range = 2 – 73 N = 291 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3316 N=0 N = 10 42 V12097 W4.A-3.a(5): Does R Have Any Other Children (5) of Any Age Not Living with R? Frequencies 167 134 1. YES 5. NO…GO TO V12129 N = 301 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3316 N=0 N=0 V12098 W4.A-3.b(5): Relationship to R. FIFTH Child Elsewhere. Frequencies 144 4 18 3. BIOLOGICAL CHILD 4. ADOPTED CHILD 5. STEPCHILD N = 166 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3450 N=0 N=1 V12099 W4.A-3.c(5): Sex of FIFTH Child Elsewhere Frequencies 78 89 1. MALE 2. FEMALE N = 167 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3450 N=0 N=0 V12100 W4.A-3.d(5): Age of FIFTH Child Elsewhere Code AGE: 0 - 99 Range = 11 – 66 N = 157 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3450 N=0 N = 10 43 V12101 W4.A-3.a(6): Does R Have Any Other Children (6) of Any Age Not Living with R? Frequencies 88 79 1. YES 5. NO…GO TO V12129 N = 167 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3450 N=0 N=0 V12102 W4.A-3.b(6): Relationship to R. SIXTH Child Elsewhere. Frequencies 76 4 8 3. BIOLOGICAL CHILD 4. ADOPTED CHILD 5. STEPCHILD N = 88 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3529 N=0 N=0 V12103 W4.A-3.c(6): Sex of SIXTH Child Elsewhere Frequencies 32 56 1. MALE 2. FEMALE N = 88 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3529 N=0 N=0 V12104 W4.A-3.d(6): Age of SIXTH Child Elsewhere Code AGE: 0 - 99 Range = 10 – 64 N = 79 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3529 N=1 N=8 V12105 W4.A-3.a(7): Does R Have Any Other Children (7) of Any Age Not Living with R? Frequencies 43 45 1. YES 5. NO…GO TO V12129 N = 88 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3529 N=0 N=0 44 V12106 W4.A-3.b(7): Relationship to R. SEVENTH Child Elsewhere. Frequencies 39 1 3 3. BIOLOGICAL CHILD 4. ADOPTED CHILD 5. STEPCHILD N = 43 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3574 N=0 N=0 V12107 W4.A-3.c(7): Sex of SEVENTH Child Elsewhere Frequencies 23 20 1. MALE 2. FEMALE N = 43 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3574 N=0 N=0 V12108 W4.A-3.d(7): Age of SEVENTH Child Elsewhere Code AGE: 0 - 99 Range = 27 – 64 N = 37 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3574 N=1 N=5 V12109 W4.A-3.a(8): Does R Have Any Other Children (8) of Any Age Not Living with R? Frequencies 22 21 1. YES 5. NO…GO TO V12129 N = 43 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3574 N=0 N=0 45 V12110 W4.A-3.b(8): Relationship to R. EIGHTH Child Elsewhere. Frequencies 21 0 1 3. BIOLOGICAL CHILD 4. ADOPTED CHILD 5. STEPCHILD N = 22 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3595 N=0 N=0 V12111 W4.A-3.c(8): Sex of EIGHTH Child Elsewhere Frequencies 12 10 1. MALE 2. FEMALE N = 22 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3595 N=0 N=0 V12112 W4.A-3.d(8): Age of EIGHTH Child Elsewhere Code AGE: 0 - 99 Range = 23 – 63 N = 18 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3595 N=0 N=4 V12113 W4.A-3.a(9): Does R Have Any Other Children (9) of Any Age Not Living with R? Frequencies 15 7 1. YES 5. NO…GO TO V12129 N = 22 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3595 N=0 N=0 V12114 W4.A-3.b(9): Relationship to R. NINTH Child Elsewhere. Frequencies 14 0 1 3. BIOLOGICAL CHILD 4. ADOPTED CHILD 5. STEPCHILD N = 15 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3602 N=0 N=0 46 V12115 W4.A-3.c(9): Sex of NINTH Child Elsewhere Frequencies 6 9 1. MALE 2. FEMALE N = 15 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3602 N=0 N=0 V12116 W4.A-3.d(9): Age of NINTH Child Elsewhere Code AGE: 0 - 99 Range = 30 – 65 N = 13 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3602 N=0 N=2 V12117 W4.A-3.a(10): Does R Have Any Other Children (10) of Any Age Not Living with R? Frequencies 9 6 1. YES 5. NO…GO TO V12129 N = 15 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3602 N=0 N=0 V12118 W4.A-3.b(10): Relationship to R. TENTH Child Elsewhere. Frequencies 8 0 1 3. BIOLOGICAL CHILD 4. ADOPTED CHILD 5. STEPCHILD N=9 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3608 N=0 N=0 V12119 W4.A-3.c(10): Sex of TENTH Child Elsewhere Frequencies 5 4 1. MALE 2. FEMALE N=9 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3608 N=0 N=0 47 V12120 W4.A-3.d(10): Age of TENTH Child Elsewhere Code AGE: 0 – 99 Frequencies 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Age of Tenth Child Elsewhere 31 33 34 37 44 45 47 N=7 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3608 N=0 N=2 V12121 W4.A-3.a(11): Does R Have Any Other Children (11) of Any Age Not Living with R? Frequencies 5 4 1. YES 5. NO…GO TO V12129 N=9 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3608 N=0 N=0 V12122 W4.A-3.b(11): Relationship to R. ELEVENTH Child Elsewhere. Frequencies 4 0 1 3. BIOLOGICAL CHILD 4. ADOPTED CHILD 5. STEPCHILD N=5 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3612 N=0 N=0 V12123 W4.A-3.c(11): Sex of ELEVENTH Child Elsewhere Frequencies 2 3 1. MALE 2. FEMALE N=5 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3612 N=0 N=0 48 V12124 W4.A-3.d(11): Age of ELEVENTH Child Elsewhere Code AGE: 0 – 99 Age of Eleventh Child Elsewhere 40 42 45 Frequencies 1 1 1 N=3 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3612 N=0 N=2 V12125 W4.A-3.a(12): Does R Have Any Other Children (12) of Any Age Not Living with R? Frequencies 2 3 1. YES 5. NO…GO TO V12129 N=5 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3612 N=0 N=0 V12126 W4.A-3.b(12): Relationship to R. TWELFTH Child Elsewhere. Frequencies 2 0 0 3. BIOLOGICAL CHILD 4. ADOPTED CHILD 5. STEPCHILD N=2 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3615 N=0 N=0 V12127 W4.A-3.c(12): Sex of TWELFTH Child Elsewhere Frequencies 1 1 1. MALE 2. FEMALE N=2 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3615 N=0 N=0 49 V12128 W4.A-3.d(12): Age of TWELFTH Child Elsewhere Code AGE: 0 – 99 Age of Twelfth Child Elsewhere 44 Frequencies 1 N=1 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3615 N=0 N=1 50 SECTION A (Part 2): Social Integration and Physical Activities V12129 W4. A3. a: How Often Talk on Telephone with Friends, Neighbors, Relatives Note: V12129 and V12130 have been combined to create the Wave 4 2-item Informal Social Integration Index (V13205). A3a. In most of the rest of the interview, I will ask a question and then read you a list of possible responses. Please listen to the list of possible responses and then choose the one that best describes you or your situation. We have found through past research that the best answer is usually the one that comes to your mind first. First, I have a few questions about how you spend your time. In a typical week, about how many times do you talk on the telephone with friends, neighbors or relatives? Would you say more than once a day, once a day, 2 or 3 times a week, about once a week, less than once a week, or never? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. MORE THAN ONCE A DAY ONCE A DAY 2 OR 3 TIMES A WEEK ABOUT ONCE A WEEK LESS THAN ONCE A WEEK NEVER OR NO PHONE Frequencies 546 362 525 179 59 21 N= 1692 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=0 N=0 V12130 W4. A4: How Often Get Together with Friends, Neighbors or Relatives Note: V12129 and V12130 have been combined to create the Wave 4 2-item Informal Social Integration Index (V13205). A4. How often do you get together with friends, neighbors or relatives and do things like go out together or visit in each other’s homes? Would you say more than once a week, once a week, 2 or 3 times a month, about once a month, less than once a month, or never? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. MORE THAN ONCE A WEEK ONCE A WEEK 2 OR 3 TIMES A MONTH ABOUT ONCE A MONTH LESS THAN ONCE A MONTH NEVER Frequencies 434 442 370 246 144 54 N= 1690 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=0 N=2 51 V12131 W4. A5: How Often Attend Meetings or Programs of Groups, Clubs, Organizations Note: V12131 and V13217 have been combined to create the Wave 4 2-item Formal Social Integration Index (V13206). A5. How often do you attend meetings or programs of groups, clubs or organizations that you belong to? (Would you say more than once a week, once a week, 2 or 3 times a month, about once a month, less than once a month, or never?) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. MORE THAN ONCE A WEEK ONCE A WEEK 2 OR 3 TIMES A MONTH ABOUT ONCE A MONTH LESS THAN ONCE A MONTH NEVER/DOES NOT BELONG Frequencies 253 227 228 275 174 533 N= 1690 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=0 N=2 V12132 W4. A6: How Often Do You Typically Work in Garden or Yard Note: V12132, V12133 and V12134 have been combined to create the Wave 4 3-item Physical Activity Index (V13214). A6. How often do you typically work in the garden or yard? Would you say often, sometimes, rarely, or never? 1. 2. 3. 4. Frequencies 663 369 228 430 OFTEN SOMETIMES RARELY NEVER N= 1690 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=1 N=1 52 V12133 W4. A7: How Often Do you Take Walks Note: V12132, V12133 and V12134 have been combined to create the Wave 4 3-item Physical Activity Index (V13214). A7. How often do you take walks- - (often, sometimes, rarely or never)? 1. 2. 3. 4. Frequencies 704 409 295 282 OFTEN SOMETIMES RARELY NEVER N= 1690 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=0 N=2 V12134 W4. A8: How Often Do you Engage in Active Sports or Exercise Note: V12132, V12133 and V12134 have been combined to create the Wave 4 3-item Physical Activity Index (V13214). A8. Other than taking walks, how often do you engage in active sports or exercise- - (often, sometimes, rarely or never)? 1. 2. 3. 4. Frequencies 522 409 341 418 OFTEN SOMETIMES RARELY NEVER N= 1690 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=0 N=2 53 SECTION B. Life Assessment and Self Assessment V12135 W4. B4: Life Satisfaction B1. Now please think about your life as a whole. How satisfied are you with it - - are you completely satisfied, very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, not very satisfied or not at all satisfied? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. COMPLETELY SATISFIED VERY SATISFIED SOMEWHAT SATISFIED NOT VERY SATISFIED NOT AT ALL SATISFIED Frequencies 349 701 536 71 26 N= 1683 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=2 N=7 V12136 W4. B2.a: Life Optimism 1- Always Optimistic about Future B2.a. Now please tell me how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements as they apply to you. The best answer is usually the one that comes to your mind first, so do not spend too much time on any one statement. Here’s the first. I am always optimistic about my future. Would you say you agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat or disagree strongly? 1. 2. 3. 4. Frequencies 698 765 173 45 AGREE STRONGLY AGREE SOMEWHAT DISAGREE SOMEWHAT DISAGREE STRONGLY N= 1681 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=0 N = 11 V12137 W4. B2. e: Life Optimism 5- Hardly Ever Expect Things Go My Way B2.e. I hardly ever expect things to go my way. Would you say you agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat or disagree strongly? 1. 2. 3. 4. Frequencies 128 466 551 532 AGREE STRONGLY AGREE SOMEWHAT DISAGREE SOMEWHAT DISAGREE STRONGLY N= 1677 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=4 N = 11 54 V12138 W4. B2. f: Life Optimism 6- Rarely Count on Good Things Happening to Me B2.f. I rarely count on good things happening to me. Would you say you agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat or disagree strongly? 1. 2. 3. 4. Frequencies 231 399 427 618 AGREE STRONGLY AGREE SOMEWHAT DISAGREE SOMEWHAT DISAGREE STRONGLY N= 1675 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=1 N = 16 V12139 W4. B3. a: Self Esteem 3- Inclined to Feel I Am Failure B3.a. All in all, I am inclined to feel that I am a failure. Would you say you agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat or disagree strongly? 1. 2. 3. 4. Frequencies 19 75 259 1329 AGREE STRONGLY AGREE SOMEWHAT DISAGREE SOMEWHAT DISAGREE STRONGLY N= 1682 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=1 N=9 V12140 W4. B3. b: Self Esteem 6- Take Positive Attitude toward Myself B3.b. I take a positive attitude toward myself. Would you say you agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat or disagree strongly? 1. 2. 3. 4. Frequencies 1041 500 96 48 AGREE STRONGLY AGREE SOMEWHAT DISAGREE SOMEWHAT DISAGREE STRONGLY N= 1685 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=1 N=6 55 V12141 W4. B3. c: Self Esteem 9- I feel Useless at Times B3.c. I certainly feel useless at times. Would you say you agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat or disagree strongly? 1. 2. 3. 4. Frequencies 121 369 353 840 AGREE STRONGLY AGREE SOMEWHAT DISAGREE SOMEWHAT DISAGREE STRONGLY N= 1683 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=1 N=8 V12142 W4. B3. d: Self Esteem 10- I Think I Am No Good At All B3.d. At time I think I am no good at all. Would you say you agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat or disagree strongly? 1. 2. 3. 4. Frequencies 50 151 246 1238 AGREE STRONGLY AGREE SOMEWHAT DISAGREE SOMEWHAT DISAGREE STRONGLY N= 1685 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=2 N=5 V12143 W4. B4. a: Pearlin Mastery 2- No Way I Can Solve Problems I Have B4.a. There is really no way I can solve some of the problems I have. Would you say you agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat or disagree strongly? 1. 2. 3. 4. Frequencies 187 382 416 692 AGREE STRONGLY AGREE SOMEWHAT DISAGREE SOMEWHAT DISAGREE STRONGLY N= 1677 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=4 N = 11 56 V12144 W4. B4. b: Pearlin Mastery 5- I Often Feel Helpless With Problems of Life B4.b. I often feel helpless in dealing with the problems of life. Would you say you agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat or disagree strongly? 1. 2. 3. 4. Frequencies 105 320 420 837 AGREE STRONGLY AGREE SOMEWHAT DISAGREE SOMEWHAT DISAGREE STRONGLY N= 1682 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=3 N=7 V12145 W4.B4.c: Pearlin Mastery 6- I Can Do Anything I Set My Mind to Do B4.c. I can do just about anything I really set my mind to do. Would you say you agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat or disagree strongly? 1. 2. 3. 4. Frequencies 854 593 169 67 AGREE STRONGLY AGREE SOMEWHAT DISAGREE SOMEWHAT DISAGREE STRONGLY N= 1683 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=3 N=6 V12146 W4. B4. d: Pearlin Mastery 7- I Feel I Am Being Pushed Around in Life B4.d. Sometimes I feel that I am being pushed around in life. Would you say you agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat or disagree strongly? 1. 2. 3. 4. Frequencies 96 309 398 879 AGREE STRONGLY AGREE SOMEWHAT DISAGREE SOMEWHAT DISAGREE STRONGLY N= 1682 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=4 N=6 57 SECTION C: Marital Status and Marital Relationships V12147 W4. C1. MarStat. Marital Status C1. Now I have some questions about your family situation. Are you currently married, separated, divorced, widowed or have you never been married? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. MARRIED SEPARATED DIVORCED; MARRIAGE ANNULLED WIDOWED NEVER MARRIED Frequencies 975 46 244 392 129 N= 1786 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 1830 1 0 V12148 W4. C1a. MarYr. Year Married for Current Marriage C1.a. In what year were you married? Frequencies Code Year: 1933 to 2001 N = 966 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 2642 1 8 V12149 W4. C1b. Partner. Does R Currently Live with Adult Partner in Intimate Relationship C1.b. Are you currently living with another adult as a partner in an intimate relationship? Frequencies 1. YES 2. NO 52 760 N = 812 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 2805 0 0 V12150 W4. C1c. LongPart (# units). How Long with Partner (Number of Units: Months/ Years) C1c. For how many months or years have you been living with your partner? Frequencies Code Units: 1 to 30 N = 51 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 3565 0 1 58 V12151 W4. C1c. LongPart (months/ years): How Long with Partner (Months or Years) C1c. CHOOSE month or year Frequencies 8 43 1. MONTH 2. YEAR N = 51 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 3565 0 1 V12152 W4. C3. MarSatis. Marital Satisfaction Note: V12152, V12155 and V12156 have been combined to create the Wave 4 3-item Marital Stress Index (V13210). C3. Now I would like to talk with you about your marriage/ relationship with your partner. Taking all things together, how satisfied are you with your marriage/ relationship - - are you completely satisfied, very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, not very satisfied or not at all satisfied? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. COMPLETELY SATISFIED VERY SATISFIED SOMEWHAT SATISFIED NOT VERY SATISFIED NOT AT ALL SATISFIED Frequencies 401 411 155 21 4 N = 992 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 2624 0 1 V12153 W4. C4. SpseCare. Spouse Makes R Feel Loved and Cared For Note: V12153 and V12154 have been combined to create the Wave 4 2-item Spouse Positive Social Support Index (V13207). C4. How much does your husband/ wife/ partner make you feel loved and cared for? Would you say a great deal, quite a bit, some, a little, or not at all? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Frequencies 577 277 92 35 11 A GREAT DEAL QUITE A BIT SOME A LITTLE NOT AT ALL N = 992 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 2624 1 0 59 V12154 W4. C5. SpseLstn. Spouse Willing to Listen to R’s Worries/ Problems Note: V12153 and V12154 have been combined to create the Wave 4 2-item Spouse Positive Social Support Index (V13207). C5. How much is your husband/ wife/ partner willing to listen when you need to talk about your worries or problems -- a great deal, quite a bit, some, a little, or not at all? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Frequencies 477 279 167 53 15 A GREAT DEAL QUITE A BIT SOME A LITTLE NOT AT ALL N = 991 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 2624 1 1 V12155 W4. C6. MarConfl. How Often R and Spouse have Unpleasant Disagreements/ Conflicts Note: V12152, V12155 and V12156 have been combined to create the Wave 4 3-item Marital Stress Index (V13210). C6. How often would you say the two of you typically have unpleasant disagreements or conflicts? Would you say daily or almost daily, 2 or 3 times a week, about once a week, 2 or 3 times a month, about once a month, less than once a month, or never. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. DAILY OR ALMOST DAILY 2 OR 3 TIMES A WEEK ABOUT ONCE A WEEK 2 OR 3 TIMES A MONTH ABOUT ONCE A MONTH LESS THAN ONCE A MONTH NEVER Frequencies 29 69 122 148 233 303 88 N = 992 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 2624 0 1 60 V12156 W4. C7. MarUpset. How Often Does R Feel Bothered/ Upset by Marriage Note: V12152, V12155 and V12156 have been combined to create the Wave 4 3-item Marital Stress Index (V13210). C7. Taking everything into consideration, how often do you feel bothered or upset by your marriage/ relationship – almost always, often, sometimes, rarely, or never? Frequencies 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ALMOST ALWAYS OFTEN SOMETIMES RARELY NEVER 11 25 217 405 335 N = 993 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 2624 0 0 61 SECTION D: Social Support V12157 W4. R Has Child(ren) Any Age in Household or Elsewhere (Biological, Adopted, Step or Partner’s Child) 1. HAS CHILDREN ANY AGE 2. HAS NO CHILDREN Frequencies 1528 259 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 1830 0 0 V12158 W4. D. Checkpoint 1: R Child(ren) (Biological, Adopted, Step or Partner’s Child) 1. HAS ONE OR MORE CHILDREN 16 OR OLDER 2. ALL CHILDREN ARE AGED 0 TO 15 3. HAS NO CHILDREN Frequencies 1433 95 259 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 1830 0 0 V12159 W4. D. Checkpoint: Number of Children Any Age R Has in Household or Elsewhere (Biological, Adopted, Step or Partner’s Child) Frequencies CODE NUMBER OF CHILDREN: 0 to 12 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1787 1830 0 0 V12160 W4. D. Checkpoint: Number of Children Age 16 or Older R Has in Household or Elsewhere (Biological, Adopted, Step or Partner’s Child) Frequencies CODE NUMBER OF CHILDREN: 0 to 12 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1787 1830 0 0 62 V12161 W4. D. Checkpoint: Number of Children Age Less Than 16 R Has in Household or Elsewhere (Biological, Adopted, Step or Partner’s Child) Frequencies CODE NUMBER OF CHILDREN: Range: 0 to 9 Children A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1787 1830 0 0 V12162 W4. D. Checkpoint: Number of Adult Children 18 or Older in Household (Biological, Adopted, Step or Partner’s Child) Frequencies CODE NUMBER OF CHILDREN: Range: 0 to 3 Children A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1787 1830 0 0 V12163 W4. D. Checkpoint: Number of Children Age 0 to 17 in Household (Biological, Adopted, Step or Partner’s Child) Frequencies CODE NUMBER OF CHILDREN: Range: 0 to 10 Children A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1787 1830 0 0 V12164 W4. D. Checkpoint: Number of Children Age 16 or 17 in Household Frequencies CODE NUMBER OF CHILDREN: Range: 0 to 2 Children A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1787 1830 0 0 63 V12165 W4 .D. Checkpoint: Number of Children Any Age Elsewhere (Biological, Adopted, Step or Partner’s Child) Frequencies CODE NUMBER OF CHILDREN: Range: 0 to 12 Children A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1787 1830 0 0 V12166 W4. D. Checkpoint: Total Number of Children Age 16 or Older Elsewhere (Biological, Adopted, Step or Partner’s Child) Frequencies CODE NUMBER OF CHILDREN: Range: 0 to 12 Children A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1787 1830 0 0 64 V12167 W4. D2. ChldLove. Child(ren) Makes R Feel Loved and Cared For Note: V12167 and V12168 have been combined to create the Wave 4 2-item Child Positive Social Support Index (V13208). D2. Now I have some questions about other people in your life. In the next two questions we want you to think about your son(s)/ stepson(s)/ daughter(s)/ stepdaughter(s) who are 16 or older. (Again, these may be biological, adopted or stepchildren.) How much do(es) your child(ren) make you feel loved and cared for? Would you say a great deal, quite a bit, some, a little, or not at all? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Frequencies 881 295 112 32 19 A GREAT DEAL QUITE A BIT SOME A LITTLE NOT AT ALL N = 1339 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 2267 2 9 V12168 W4. D3. ChldLstn. Child(ren) Willing to Listen to R’s Worries/ Problems Note: V12167 and V12168 have been combined to create the Wave 4 2-item Child Positive Social Support Index (V13208). D3. How much is he/ is she/ are they willing to listen when you need to talk about your worries or problems? Would you say a great deal, quite a bit, some, a little, or not at all? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Frequencies 691 352 180 64 48 A GREAT DEAL QUITE A BIT SOME A LITTLE NOT AT ALL N = 1335 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 2267 1 14 65 V12169 W4. D4. ParSatis. Parental Satisfaction Note: V12169, V12170 and V12171 have been combined to create the Wave 4 3-item Chronic Parental Stress Index (V13211). D4. At this point in your life, how satisfied are you with being a parent - - are you completely satisfied, very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, not very satisfied or not at all satisfied? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. COMPLETELY SATISFIED VERY SATISFIED SOMEWHAT SATISFIED NOT VERY SATISFIED NOT AT ALL SATISFIED Frequencies 639 534 223 31 15 N = 1442 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 2173 1 1 V12170 W4.D5. ParUpset. How Often R Feels Bothered or Upset as a Parent Note: V12169, V12170 and V12171 have been combined to create the Wave 4 3-item Chronic Parental Stress Index (V13211). D5. How often do you feel bothered or upset as a parent - - almost always, often, sometimes, rarely, or never? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Frequencies 22 84 530 522 281 ALMOST ALWAYS OFTEN SOMETIMES RARELY NEVER N = 1439 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 2173 1 4 66 V12171 W4. D6. ParHappy. How Happy is R with Way Child(ren) Have Turned Out Note: V12169, V12170 and V12171 have been combined to create the Wave 4 3-item Chronic Parental Stress Index (V13211). D6. How happy are you with the way your child(ren) have turned out to this point - - very happy, quite happy, somewhat happy, not too happy, or not at all happy? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Frequencies 802 347 232 46 13 VERY HAPPY QUITE HAPPY SOMEWHAT HAPPY NOT TOO HAPPY NOT AT ALL HAPPY N = 1440 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 2173 1 3 V12172 W4. D7. FrRLove. Friends and Other Relatives Make R Feel Loved and Cared For Note: V12172 and V12173 have been combined to create the Wave 4 2-item Friend/ Relative Positive Social Support Index (V13209). D7. The next two questions are about friends and relatives other than your spouse/ partner or children. On the whole, how much do your friends and other relatives make you feel loved and cared for? Would you say a great deal, quite a bit, some, a little, or not at all? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Frequencies 778 589 248 48 23 A GREAT DEAL QUITE A BIT SOME A LITTLE NOT AT ALL N = 1686 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 1925 2 4 67 V12173 W4. D8. FrRlLstn. Friends and Other Relatives Willing to Listen to R’s Worries/ Problems Note: V12172 and V12173 have been combined to create the Wave 4 2-item Friend/ Relative Positive Social Support Index (V13209). D8. How much are these friends and relatives willing to listen when you need to talk about your worries or problems? Would you say a great deal, quite a bit, some, a little, or not at all? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Frequencies 726 560 284 67 38 A GREAT DEAL QUITE A BIT SOME A LITTLE NOT AT ALL N = 1675 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 1925 5 12 V12174 W4. D9. Confidant. Is There Anyone with Whom R Can Really Share R’s Private Feelings and Concerns D9. Thinking of all your family and friends, including your spouse/ partner, child(ren) and parents, is there anyone in your life with whom you can really share your very private feelings and concerns? Frequencies 1467 221 1. YES 5. NO N = 1688 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 1925 1 3 V12175 W4. D9a. ConfNmbr. Number of Persons R Can Really Share R’s Private Feelings and Concerns With D9a. How many such people are there? Frequencies CODE NUMBER OF PEOPLE: Range: 1 to 20 people N = 1456 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 2150 1 10 68 V12176 W4. D9b. ConfGndr. Sex of Closest Person R Can Really Share R’s Private Feelings and Concerns With D9b. Please think of the person with whom you have the closest relationship. Is this person male or female? Frequencies 460 996 1. MALE 2. FEMALE N = 1456 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 2150 2 9 69 V12177 W4. D9c. ConfRel. Relationship to R of the Closest Person R Can Really Share R’s Private Feelings With D9c. What is that person’s relationship to you? Code Relationship Frequencies 2. SPOUSE OF R 3. PARTNER OF R 4. EX-SPOUSE 10. CHILD, NA SEX (INCL FOSTER CHILD/ STEPCHILD) 11. SON (INCL ADOPTED) 12. DAUGHTER (INCL ADOPTED) 13. STEPSON (INCL PARTNER’S SON) 16. DAUGHTER-IN-LAW (INCL SON’S PARTNER) 17. FOSTER SON 18. FOSTER DAUGHTER 20. PARENT, NA SEX 21. FATHER (INCL ADOPTIVE FATHER) 22. MOTHER (INCL ADOPTIVE MOTHER) 26. MOTHER-IN-LAW (INCL PARTNER’S MOTHER) 31. BROTHER 32. SISTER 35. BROTHER-IN-LAW 36. SISTER-IN-LAW 40. GRANDCHILD/ GREAT GRANDCHILD, NA SEX 42. GRANDDAUGHTER/ GREAT GRANDDAUGHTER 43. NEPHEW/ GREAT NEPHEW 44. NIECE/ GREAT NIECE 45. UNCLE/ GREAT UNCLE 46. AUNT/ GREAT AUNT 47. COUSIN 49. OTHER RELATIVE 50. FAMILY/ RELATIVE -- NFS 61. FIANCEE 64. FRIEND 65. NEIGHBOR 68. LANDLORD (INCL OWNER OF HU WHO EMPLOYS R) 71. CLERGY/ PRIEST 72. PHYSICIAN/ NURSE/ “HOSPITAL” 73. CO-WORKER/ BUSINESS PARTNER/ BOSS 75. GODCHILD 97. OTHER UNRELATED 443 26 3 18 48 147 2 3 1 1 1 11 53 1 32 141 2 22 1 3 3 7 1 5 16 10 2 5 410 5 1 7 1 9 2 12 N = 1455 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 2150 3 9 70 SECTION E: Physical Environment and Social Environment V12179 W4. E6a (1). ResMob1D. Year R Moved to Current Residence E6a. FILL (In what year did you move into the place where you are living now? / In what year did you move into that place?) If the respondent gives his/ her age at the time of the move, PROBE him/ her for a date. If the respondent indicates he/ she has lived at current residence all of his/ her life, PROBE for and enter year of birth. ENTER Year Year _________________ Hard check—If RESMOB2D > the date given at previous RESMOB2D—The year should be less than FILL (XXXX). Hard check—If RESMOB1D-RESMOB2D < R’s birth year—The year should be greater than or equal to R’s birth year. VALID RANGE = 1900-2001 SKIP: IF RESMOB1D < 1990, SKIP to HOUSTYPE Range = 1918 to 2002 N = 1766 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 71 N = 1830 N=3 N = 18 V12181 W4. E10 (2). ResMob2D. Year R Moved to Previous Residence E10. FILL (In what year did you move into the place where you are living now? / In what year did you move into that place?) If the respondent gives his/ her age at the time of the move, PROBE him/ her for a date. If the respondent indicates he/ she has lived at current residence all of his/ her life, PROBE for and enter year of birth. ENTER Year Year _________________ Hard check—If RESMOB2D > the date given at previous RESMOB2D—The year should be less than FILL (XXXX). Hard check—If RESMOB1D-RESMOB2D < R’s birth year—The year should be greater than or equal to R’s birth year. VALID RANGE = 1900-2001 SKIP: IF RESMOB1D < 1990, SKIP to HOUSTYPE Range = 1911 to 2001 N = 810 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 72 N = 2769 N=4 N = 34 V12183 W4. E10 (3). ResMob22. Year R Moved to 3rd-to-last Residence E10. FILL (In what year did you move into the place where you are living now? / In what year did you move into that place?) If the respondent gives his/ her age at the time of the move, PROBE him/ her for a date. If the respondent indicates he/ she has lived at current residence all of his/ her life, PROBE for and enter year of birth. ENTER Year Year _________________ Hard check—If RESMOB2D > the date given at previous RESMOB2D—The year should be less than FILL (XXXX). Hard check—If RESMOB1D-RESMOB2D < R’s birth year—The year should be greater than or equal to R’s birth year. VALID RANGE = 1900-2001 SKIP: IF RESMOB1D < 1990, SKIP to HOUSTYPE Range = 1952 to 2001 N = 310 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 73 N = 3285 N=1 N = 21 V12185 W4. E10 (4). ResMob23. Year R Moved to 4th-to-last Residence E10. FILL (In what year did you move into the place where you are living now? / In what year did you move into that place?) If the respondent gives his/ her age at the time of the move, PROBE him/ her for a date. If the respondent indicates he/ she has lived at current residence all of his/ her life, PROBE for and enter year of birth. ENTER Year Year _________________ Hard check—If RESMOB2D > the date given at previous RESMOB2D—The year should be less than FILL (XXXX). Hard check—If RESMOB1D-RESMOB2D < R’s birth year—The year should be greater than or equal to R’s birth year. VALID RANGE = 1900-2001 SKIP: IF RESMOB1D < 1990, SKIP to HOUSTYPE Range = 1943 to 2001 N = 140 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 74 N = 3452 N=0 N = 25 V12187 W4. E10 (5). ResMob24. Year R Moved to 5th-to-last Residence E10. FILL (In what year did you move into the place where you are living now? / In what year did you move into that place?) If the respondent gives his/ her age at the time of the move, PROBE him/ her for a date. If the respondent indicates he/ she has lived at current residence all of his/ her life, PROBE for and enter year of birth. ENTER Year Year _________________ Hard check—If RESMOB2D > the date given at previous RESMOB2D—The year should be less than FILL (XXXX). Hard check—If RESMOB1D-RESMOB2D < R’s birth year—The year should be greater than or equal to R’s birth year. VALID RANGE = 1900-2001 SKIP: IF RESMOB1D < 1990, SKIP to HOUSTYPE Range = 1966 to 2000 N = 56 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 75 N = 3558 N=0 N=3 V12189 W4. E10 (6). ResMob25. Year R Moved to 6th-to-last Residence E10. FILL (In what year did you move into the place where you are living now? / In what year did you move into that place?) If the respondent gives his/ her age at the time of the move, PROBE him/ her for a date. If the respondent indicates he/ she has lived at current residence all of his/ her life, PROBE for and enter year of birth. ENTER Year Year _________________ Hard check—If RESMOB2D > the date given at previous RESMOB2D—The year should be less than FILL (XXXX). Hard check—If RESMOB1D-RESMOB2D < R’s birth year—The year should be greater than or equal to R’s birth year. VALID RANGE = 1900-2001 SKIP: IF RESMOB1D < 1990, SKIP to HOUSTYPE Range = 1960 to 2000 N = 30 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 76 N = 3585 N=0 N=2 V12190 W4. E11. HousType. Type of Dwelling Unit R Lives In Note: Do not use this variable for analysis purposes. Use V13401, the variable that combines information from V12190 and V12191. E11. Now I have some questions about where you are currently living. Do you live in a single family house, a duplex, an apartment, a town house or row house, a trailer, or some other type of place? Code Housing Type SINGLE FAMILY HOUSE………………………… 1 DUPLEX…………………………………………… 2 APARTMENT (in house or building)……………… 3 TOWN HOUSE/ROW HOUSE………………… 4 TRAILER……………………………………… 5 NURSING HOME………………………………… 6 ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY……………… 7 OTHER (SPECIFY)……………………………… 8 Frequencies 1344 44 188 51 64 27 16 52 N = 1786 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 77 N = 1830 N=1 N=0 V12191 W4. E11 -- Other: Specify. HsType_Sp. Other Type of Dwelling Unit R Lives in Note: Do not use this variable for analysis purposes. Use V13401, the variable that combines information from V12190 and V12191. E11. Please specify Description Codes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Frequencies Single family house Duplex/ Triplex/ Quadruplex Apartment (in house or building) Town house/ Row house Trailer/ Mobile home Nursing home Assisted living facility Condominium 2-Family home/ flat (not a duplex) Retirement or Senior Citizen home/ apartment/ village Boarding house Group home/ Transitional home Housing Project/ Housing authority, not further specified Boat/ Houseboat Marginal home Living quarters within non-residence (e.g., within warehouse) Living with Relatives, not further specified Other, not further specified 7 4 2 0 10 1 1 9 4 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 N = 52 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12192 N = 3565 N=0 N=0 W4. E12. NbhYr. Year House or Building R Lives in was Built E12. In what year was the house or building in which you are living built? PROBE for R’s best estimate. ENTER year 1600-2001 _________________ SOFT CHECK: NBHYR SHOULD BE </= RESMOB1D Range = 1735 to 2001 N = 1490 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 78 N = 1857 N=2 N = 268 V12193 W4. E13. NbRooms. Number of Rooms where R Lives E13. How many rooms do you have, not counting hallways and bathrooms. Please count rooms in basement and attic only if they are finished and furnished. PROBE for R’s best estimate. ENTER 1-20 _________________ Range = 1 to 20 Rooms N = 1740 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 79 N = 1857 N=4 N = 16 V12194 W4. E15a. NBPeel. Extent of Peeling Paint Inside the House. Residence E15a. To what extent does your current residence have any of the following: First, peeling paint inside the house? Would you say it has a lot, some, a little, or none? A LOT ........................................................................................1 SOME ........................................................................................2 A LITTLE ..................................................................................3 NONE ........................................................................................4 Frequencies 47 78 197 1362 N = 1684 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12195 N = 1925 N=0 N=8 W4. E15c. NBScrn .Extent Outside Windows Open but No Screens. Residence E15c. none? How about outside windows that open but don’t have screens? Would you say it has a lot, some, a few, or IWER: IF R SAYS 1-3 WINDOWS, CODE AS “A FEW” A LOT ........................................................................................1 SOME ........................................................................................2 A FEW .......................................................................................3 NONE ........................................................................................4 Frequencies 94 71 159 1361 N = 1685 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 80 N = 1925 N=2 N=5 V12196 W4. E15d. NBPest. Extent of Cockroaches, Mice, Rats. Residence E15d. What about cockroaches, mice or rats? (Would you say it has a lot, some, a few, or none?) IWER: IF R INDICATES HOW MANY TYPES OF PESTS LIVE IN CURRENT RESIDENCE, REPEAT THE QUESTION (RQ) A LOT ........................................................................................1 SOME ........................................................................................2 A FEW .......................................................................................3 NONE ........................................................................................4 Frequencies 9 48 225 1410 N = 1692 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12197 N = 1925 N=0 N=0 W4. E15f. NBPlumb. Extent of Plumbing Problems. Residence E15f. And finally, plumbing problems? (Would you say it has a lot, some, a few, or none?) A LOT ........................................................................................1 SOME ........................................................................................2 A FEW .......................................................................................3 NONE ........................................................................................4 Frequencies 23 89 241 1337 N = 1690 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 81 N = 1925 N=0 N=2 V12198 W4. E16. NBSatis. How Satisfied is R with Neighborhood E16. Now I have some questions about your neighborhood. By neighborhood, I mean the area around where you live. It is the general area around your house where you might perform routine tasks, such as visiting with neighbors, taking a walk, shopping, or going to the park. How satisfied are you with your neighborhood? Are you completely, very, somewhat, not very, or not at all satisfied? COMPLETELY SATISFIED ......... . ............ ............. ..............1 VERY SATISFIED .............. ............. ............. ..............2 SOMEWHAT SATISFIED ............. ............. ............. ..............3 NOT VERY SATISFIED .............. ............. ............. ..............4 NOT AT ALL SATISFIED............. ............. ............. ............5 625 654 342 41 18 Frequencies N = 1680 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12199 N = 1925 N=2 N = 10 W4. E17. NBAir. What R Thinks of the Quality of the Air in the Neighborhood Do you think the quality of the air in your neighborhood is very good, good, adequate, poor or very poor? Frequencies VERY GOOD ............................................................................1 728 GOOD ........................................................................................2 586 ADEQUATE ..............................................................................3 304 POOR .........................................................................................4 57 VERY POOR .............................................................................5 9 E17. N = 1684 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 82 N = 1925 N=0 N=8 V12200 W4. E18. NBUpKp. How R Rates General Up Keep of Neighborhood E18. How would you rate the general upkeep of your neighborhood? Is it very good, good, adequate, poor or very poor? Frequencies VERY GOOD ............................................................................1 803 GOOD ........................................................................................2 612 ADEQUATE ..............................................................................3 229 POOR .........................................................................................4 39 VERY POOR .............................................................................5 6 N = 1689 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=0 N=3 V12201 W4. E20. NBSafe. How True R Feels Safe from Personal Attacks in Neighborhood E20. How true is the following statement? This is a neighborhood where I feel safe from personal attacks. Is this statement very true, mostly true, somewhat true, or not at all true? Frequencies VERY TRUE .............................................................. ..............1 1038 MOSTLY TRUE ......................................................... ..............2 397 SOMEWHAT TRUE .................................................. ..............3 213 NOT AT ALL TRUE .................................................. ..............4 38 N = 1686 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 83 N = 1925 N=1 N=5 V12202 W4. E21a. NBFacil. Any Industrial Facilities (Hazardous) within half mile of R’s Residence E21a. Now I would like you to tell me whether any of the following exist within ½ mile from where you live. A ½ mile is about a 10 minute walk for an average person. First, industrial facilities, such as a waste incinerator, chemical plant, petroleum refinery, gasoline tank farm, metal plant, or a hazardous waste site? YES ............................................................................. ..............1 NO ............................................................................... ..............5 Frequencies 109 1569 N = 1678 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=1 N = 13 V12203 W4. E21b. NBDump. Any Landfill or Trash Dump within half mile of R’s Residence E21b. How about a landfill or trash dump within ½ mile of where you live? YES ............................................................................. ..............1 NO ............................................................................... ..............5 Frequencies 70 1613 N = 1683 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 84 N = 1925 N=1 N=8 V12204 W4. E21c. NBHiWay. Any Busy Highway within half mile of R’s Residence E21c. (What about,) a busy highway (within ½ mile of where you live)? YES ............................................................................. ..............1 NO ............................................................................... ..............5 Frequencies 879 810 N = 1689 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=1 N=2 V12205 W4. E21d. NBRec. Any Park, Nature Area or Recreational Facility within half mile of R’s Residence E21d. (How about,) a park, nature area, or recreational facility where you can walk, participate in sports or do other types of physical activities (within ½ mile of where you live)? Frequencies YES ............................................................................. ..............1 1071 NO ............................................................................... ..............5 613 N = 1684 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 85 N = 1925 N=1 N=7 V12206 W4. E23a. NBAban. How many Deteriorating/ Abandoned Businesses/ Factories within half mile of R’s Residence E23a. I’m going to read a list of things that are problems in some areas, and I’d like you to tell me how many of these you see or experience within ½ mile (or about a ten minute walk) from where you live. How many deteriorating or abandoned businesses and factories do you see? Would you say a lot, some, a few, or none? IWER: IF R SAYS 1-3, ENTER “A FEW” A LOT ........................................................................................1 SOME ........................................................................................2 A FEW .......................................................................................3 NONE ........................................................................................4 Frequencies 32 83 283 1293 N = 1691 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=1 N=0 V12207 W4. E23b. NBLitter. How much litter/ trash in streets/ empty lots/ properties within half mile of R’s Residence E23b. How much litter or trash do you see in streets, empty lots, or on properties within ½ mile of where you live? Would you say a lot, some, a little, or none? Frequencies A LOT ........................................................................................1 53 SOME ........................................................................................2 233 A LITTLE ..................................................................................3 585 NONE ........................................................................................4 817 N = 1688 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 86 N = 1925 N=1 N=3 V12208 W4. E23c. NBOdor. How much Unpleasant Odor or Smoke within half mile of R’s Residence E23c. How much unpleasant odor or smoke is there (within ½ mile of where you live)? (Would you say a lot, some, a little, or none?) Frequencies A LOT ........................................................................................1 21 SOME ........................................................................................2 115 A LITTLE ..................................................................................3 248 NONE ........................................................................................4 1303 N = 1687 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=2 N=3 V12209 W4. E23d. NBTaf. How much Noise from Traffic/ Trains/ Planes/ Other Things within half mile of R’s Residence E23d. How much noise is there from traffic, trains, airplanes or other things (within ½ mile of where you live)? (Would you say a lot, some, a little, or none?) Frequencies A LOT ........................................................................................1 159 SOME ........................................................................................2 362 A LITTLE ..................................................................................3 695 NONE ........................................................................................4 472 N = 1688 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 87 N = 1925 N=1 N=3 SECTION F: Child Care, Parenting and Household Work CHECKF1 F1. INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │SEE A-2 │ │┌──┐ │ ││ │1. CHILD(REN) 17 OR YOUNGER LIVE IN THE HOUSEHOLD │ │└┬─┘ │ │ │ ┌──┐ │ │ │ │ │2. ALL OTHERS--->GO TO HSHLDWK1 │ │ │ └──┘ │ └─┼───────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ V12210 W4. F1. CheckF1. Self-Report: Child(ren) 17 or Younger in Household. 1=Yes; 2=No Frequencies HAS CHILD UNDER 18 IN HOUSEHOLD…………………………1 NO CHILD UNDER 18 IN HOUSEHOLD…………………………..2 379 1313 N = 1692 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=0 N=0 V12211 W4. F2. ChldHrs. Number of Hours in Average Week Spent in Child Care (for Children in R’s HH) Note: V13421 is a recoded version of V12211, except that the order of the categories has been re-ordered for V13421 as follows: (1) “Never”, (2) “Less than 10 Hours”, (3) “10 to 19 Hours”, (4) “20 to 39 Hours”, and (5) “40 Hours or More” for V13421. V13421 should be used in most analyses, not V12211. F2. The next question is about the care of children. About how many hours do you spend in an average week caring for the FILL (child/children) who live(s) here? Would you say less than 10, 10-19, 20-39, 40 or more? Frequencies LESS THAN 10 HOURS…………………………………… ………1 10-19 HOURS…………………………………………………………2 20-39 HOURS…………………………………………………………3 40 HOURS OR MORE……………………………………………… 4 VOLUNTEERED: NEVER……………………………………………5 68 105 71 125 8 N = 377 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 88 N = 3238 N=1 N=1 V12212 W4. F3a. HsHldWk1. Did R do any Painting/ Redecorating/ Repairs on Home in past 12 months? F3a. Now I have some questions about work you do to maintain or improve your home, yard, or automobile. In the last 12 months, did you, yourself do any painting, redecorating or repairs on your home? Frequencies YES ............................................................................................1 NO ..............................................................................................5 870 821 N = 1691 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=1 N=0 V12213 W4. F3b. HsHldWk2. Did R do any Work on Yard/ Outside Areas of Home in past 12 months? F3b. (In the last 12 months) Did you, yourself, do any work in your yard or other areas outside your home? Please include things like mowing the lawn, weeding plants, or removing snow. Frequencies YES ............................................................................................1 NO ..............................................................................................5 1211 480 N = 1691 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=1 N=0 V12214 W4. F3c. HsHldWk3. Did R Grow/ Freeze/ Can R’s own Food in past 12 months? F3c. Did you, yourself, grow, freeze or can any of your own food during the last 12 months? Frequencies YES ............................................................................................1 NO ..............................................................................................5 530 1160 N = 1690 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 89 N = 1925 N=1 N=1 V12215 W4. F3d. HsHldWk4. Did R do any Repairs/ Upkeep on R’s Car/ Truck in past 12 months? F3d. (In the last 12 months) Did you, yourself, do any repairs or upkeep on a car or truck that you own? Frequencies YES ............................................................................................1 NO ..............................................................................................5 542 1149 N = 1691 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED CHECKF2 F4. N = 1925 N=1 N=0 INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ───┐ │┌──┐ │ ││ │1. R DID SOME MAINTENANCE/IMPROVEMENT WORK (ONE OR MORE "YES" AT F3)│ │└┬─┘┌──┐ │ │ │ │ │2. ALL OTHERS--->GO TO HSWK1 │ │ │ └──┘ │ └─┼─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ───┘ V12216 W4. F4. Checkpoint F2. Did R do some House/ Car Maintenance/ Improvement Work. 1=Yes, 2=No Frequencies R DID HOUSEHOLD WORK……………………………..1 R DID NOT DO HOUSEHOLD WORK…………………..2 DK on all HOUSEHOLD WORK questions ……………..3 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 90 1342 349 1 N = 1692 N = 1925 N=0 N=0 V12217 W4. F5. HsHdWkHr. Number of Hours Spent in Household Work in past 12 months F5. Altogether, in the last 12 months, how many hours did you spend doing these things, that is FILL (painting, redecorating or repairs/yard work/growing, freezing, or canning/repairing your automobile)? Would you say, less than 20 hours, 20 to 39 hours, 40 to 79 hours, 80 to 159 hours, or 160 hours or more (in the last 12 months)? Frequencies Less than 20 hours.................................................................................. 1 20-39 hours ............................................................................................ 2 40-79 hours ............................................................................................ 3 80-159 hours .......................................................................................... 4 160 hours or more .................................................................................. 5 366 268 263 201 239 N = 1337 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 2275 N=4 N=1 V12218 W4. F6a. HsWk1. Does R Prepare Food for Meals or Wash Dishes? F6a. Now let's talk about housework, including cooking and cleaning and doing other work around the house. Do you prepare food for meals or wash dishes? Frequencies YES ............................................................................................1 NO ..............................................................................................5 1551 140 N = 1691 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=1 N=0 V12219 W4. F6b. HsWk2. Does R do Grocery Shopping? F6b. Do you do grocery shopping? Frequencies YES ............................................................................................1 NO ..............................................................................................5 1494 197 N = 1691 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 91 N = 1925 N=1 V12220 W4. F6c. HsWk3. Does R Clean or Vacuum (in R’s home)? F6c. Do you clean or vacuum? Frequencies YES ............................................................................................1 NO ..............................................................................................5 1486 205 N = 1691 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=1 N=0 V12221 W4. F6d.HsWk4. Does R do Laundry? F6d. Do you do laundry? Frequencies YES ............................................................................................1 NO ..............................................................................................5 1428 263 N = 1691 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12222 N = 1925 N=1 N=0 W4. F6e. HsWk5. Does R Sew or Mend? F6e. Do you sew or mend? Frequencies YES ............................................................................................1 NO ..............................................................................................5 829 861 N = 1690 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 92 N = 1925 N=1 N=1 CHECKF3 F7. INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │┌──┐ │ ││ │1. R DOES SOME HOUSEWORK (ONE OR MORE "YES" AT F8) │ │└┬─┘┌──┐ │ │ │ │ │2. ALL OTHERS--->GO TO SATHLTH │ │ │ └──┘ │ └─┼───────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ V12223 W4. F7. CheckF3. Did R do some House Work. 1=Yes, 2=No Frequencies R DID HOUSE WORK……………………………….. 1 R DID NOT DO HOUSE WORK…………………… 2 DK on all HOUSE WORK questions ……………… 3 1645 46 1 N = 1692 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=0 N=0 V12224 W4. F8. HsWkHrs. Number of Hours in Average Week R Spends Doing House Work F8. Altogether, how many hours do you spend doing these things in an average week? (That is preparing food or washing dishes/ grocery shopping/ cleaning or vacuuming/ doing laundry/ sewing or mending ?) ENTER hour(s) from 0.0-100.0 HOUR(S) PER WEEK Range: 0 to 100 Hours N = 1595 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 93 N = 1972 N = 27 N = 23 SECTION G: Health, Limitation of Activities, Health Risk Behavior, and Health Services V12225 W4. G2. Bed. R in bed/ chair most/ all day because of R’s health Note: V12225-V12235 are combined to create V13001, Functional Health Index. G2. The next questions are about your health. Are you currently in bed or in a chair for most or all of the day because of your health? Category Descriptions Codes Frequencies Yes……………………………………..1 No…………………………………… 5 168 1616 N = 1784 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12226 N = 1830 N=0 N=3 W4. G3. Bath. R has difficulty bathing self Note: V12225-V12235 are combined to create V13001, Functional Health Index. G3. Do you currently have any difficulty bathing by yourself? Category Descriptions Codes Frequencies Yes……………………………………1 No…………………………………….5 132 1653 N = 1785 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED SKIP: IF 1, GO TO BATHDIF IF 5, GO TO CHECKG1 94 N = 1830 N=0 N=2 V12227 W4. G3a. BathDif. How much difficulty R has bathing self Note: V12225-V12235 are combined to create V13001, Functional Health Index. G3a. How much difficulty do you have bathing by yourself — a little, some, a lot, or can't you do this on your own? Category Descriptions Codes Frequencies A little…………………………………1 Some…………………………………..2 A lot…………………………………...3 Cannot do……………………………..4 42 29 22 37 N = 130 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3485 N=1 N=1 SKIP: IF 1 OR 2, GO TO INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT G1 (V12228) IF 3 OR 4, GO TO SRH (V12236) V12228 W4. G3b. CheckG1. In Bed/ Chair or BathDif = A lot/ Cannot do Note: V12225-V12235 are combined to create V13001, Functional Health Index. Category Descriptions Codes Frequencies In Bed or Has A LOT of Difficulty or CANNOT Bathe Self… 1 Other………………………………… 2 179 1604 N = 1783 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED SKIP: IF CHECKG1 (V12228) = 1, GO TO SRH (V12236); ALL OTHERS, GO TO CLIMB (V12229). 95 N = 1830 N=0 N=4 V12229 W4. G4. Climb. R has difficulty climbing stairs Note: V12225-V12235 are combined to create V13001, Functional Health Index. G4. Do you currently have any difficulty climbing a few flights of stairs because of your health? Category Descriptions Codes Frequencies Yes…………………………………..1 (If volunteered) Age is only limitation……….3 No……………………………………5 302 8 1295 N = 1605 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED SKIP: V12230 N = 2009 N=1 N=2 IF 1 OR 3, GO TO CLMBDIF (V12230) IF 5, GO TO WALK (V12231) W4. G4a. ClimbDif. How much difficulty R has climbing stairs Note: V12225-V12235 are combined to create V13001, Functional Health Index. G4a. How much difficulty do you have climbing a few flights of stairs -- a little, some, a lot, or can’t you do this at all? Category Descriptions Codes Frequencies A little…………………………… 1 Some……………………………….2 A lot……………………………… 3 Cannot do………………………….4 110 113 64 22 N = 309 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 96 N = 3307 N=0 N=1 V12231 W4. G5. Walk. R has difficulty walking several blocks Note: V12225-V12235 are combined to create V13001, Functional Health Index. G5. Do you currently have any difficulty walking several blocks because of your health? Category Descriptions Codes Frequencies Yes………………………………… 1 (If volunteered) Age is only limitation…… .. 3 No………………………………… 5 319 9 1273 N = 1601 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 2009 N=0 N=7 SKIP: IF 1 OR 3, GO TO WALKDIF (V12232) IF 5, GO TO CHECK G2 (V12233) V12232 W4. G5a. WalkDif. How much difficulty R has walking several blocks Note: V12225-V12235 are combined to create V13001, Functional Health Index. G5a. How much difficulty do you have -- a little, some, a lot, or can’t you do this at all? Category Descriptions Codes Frequencies A little…………………………….1 Some…………………………….. 2 A lot………………………………3 Cannot do……………………… 4 80 137 78 33 N = 328 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 97 N = 3289 N=0 N=0 V12233 W4. G6. CheckG2. ClimbDif or WalkDif = A Lot/ Cannot Do Note: 12225-V12235 are combined to create V13001, Functional Health Index. Category Descriptions Codes Frequencies IF Climb or WalkDif = “A LOT” or “CANNOT DO”…THEN = 1 Other………………………………..…………………… ……= 2 140 1467 N = 1607 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 2009 N=0 N=1 SKIP: IF CHECKG2 (V12233) = 1 (If R answered “A LOT” or “CANNOT DO” to either CLIMBDIF or WALKDIF), THEN GO TO SRH (V12236). ALL OTHERS, THEN GO TO HVYWORK (V12234). V12234 W4. G7. HvyWork. R has difficulty doing heavy household work Note: V12225-V12235 are combined to create V13001, Functional Health Index. G7. Would you currently have any difficulty doing heavy work around the house such as shoveling snow or washing walls, because of your health? Category Descriptions Codes Frequencies Yes…………………………………….1 (If volunteered) Age is only limitation…………3 No……………………………………..5 359 16 1083 N = 1458 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED SKIP: IF 1 OR 3, THEN GO TO HVYDIF (V12235) IF 5, THEN GO TO SRH (V12236) 98 N = 2149 N=2 N=8 V12235 W4. G7a. HvyDif. How much difficulty R has doing heavy household work Note: V12225-V12235 are combined to create V13001, Functional Health Index. G7a. How much difficulty would you have -- a lot, some, a little, or can’t you do this at all? Category Descriptions Codes Frequencies A little……………………………….1 Some……………………………… ..2 A lot…………………………………3 Cannot do…………………………...4 88 124 84 76 N = 372 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12236 N = 3242 N=0 N=3 W4. G8. SRH. Self-Rated Health/ Proxy-Rated Health Note: This question was included in both the ACL Wave 4 Self-Report Questionnaire (N = 1692) and the ACL Wave 4 Proxy (N = 95) Questionnaire. Use V12007 (ACL Wave 4 Self-Report (Code=1) versus Proxy Report (Code=2) filter variable) to separate the “Self-Rated Health” responses (N = 1692) from the “Proxy-Rated Health” (N = 95) responses. Note: Use V13002 for the imputed version of Self-Rated Health, instead of this variable (V12236). G8. How would you rate your health at the present time? Would you say it is excellent, very good, good, fair, or poor? Category Descriptions Codes Excellent………………………….1 Very good………………………...2 Good……………………………...3 Fair……………………………….4 Poor………………………………5 Frequencies 246 653 529 257 100 N = 1785 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 99 N = 1830 N=0 N=2 V12237 W4. G9. Limit. How much are R’s daily activities limited by R’s health Note: This question was only asked of ACL Wave 4 Self-Report Respondents (N = 1692). That is, it was not included in the ACL Wave 4 Proxy Questionnaire. G9. How much are your daily activities limited by your health or health problems -- a great deal, quite a bit, some, a little, or not at all? Category Descriptions Codes Frequencies A great deal………………………..1 Quite a bit………………………….2 Some……………………………….3 A little……………………………..4 Not at all…………………………..5 107 95 325 317 842 N = 1686 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=2 N=4 W4. G10. Weight. Respondent’s Body Weight. Not Cleaned V12238 Note: Do not use V12238 for analysis purposes. Use V13022 or V13023 instead. V13022 is a slightly cleaned version of V12238 (R’s Body Weight). Two cases with implausibly low weight values were set to missing (.N) for the “cleaned” Body Weight variable (V13022). V13023 is a completely cleaned and imputed Body Mass Index (BMI) variable. G10. About how much do you weigh? IWER: ENTER weight in pounds (valid range = 50-400) IF > 400, ENTER 400. If Respondent gives a range, ask for BEST ESTIMATE and note range in F2 _____________________ pounds Range = 72 to 366 pounds N = 1750 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 100 N = 1830 N = 25 N = 12 V12239 W4. G11. Smoke. Does R currently smoke cigarettes Note: Use V13003 for the imputed version of Current Smoke instead of this variable (V12239). G11. Do you smoke cigarettes now? Category Descriptions Codes Frequencies Yes…………………… …..1 No………………… … 5 266 1520 N = 1786 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED SKIP: V12240 N = 1830 N=1 N=0 IF SMOKE (V12239) = 5, THEN GO TO DRINK (V12243). W4. G11a. SmokDays. Number of Days per Week R Smokes. Cleaned Note: Use V13004 for the imputed version of Number of Days per Week R Smokes instead of this variable (V12240). Note: V13004 (Number of Days Smoke per Week, imputed) and V13006 (Number of Cigarettes Smoke per Day) are combined to create V13007 (Number of Cigarettes Smoke per Week). G11a. On average, how many days a week do you smoke cigarettes? ENTER number from 1-7. ENTER “1,” if R volunteers less than once per week. ____________________ day(s) per week Number of Days R Smokes Per Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Frequencies 7 5 8 7 11 5 220 N = 263 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 101 N = 3351 N=1 N=2 V12241 W4. G11b. SmokNum. How many cigarettes or packs R smokes per day. Cleaned Note: Use V13005 for the imputed version of Number of Cigarettes or Packs Smoked per Day instead of this variable (V12241). Note: V13005 (Number of Cigarettes or Packs R Smokes per Day) and V12242 (Unit = Cigarettes or Packs) are combined to create V13006 (Total Number of Cigarettes Smoked per Day). G11b. On days you smoke, how many cigarettes or packs do you smoke? ENTER number here. ENTER unit (Cigarettes, Packs) on next screen. (Decimal values are also accepted) ____________ cigarette(s) OR ____________ pack(s) Number of Cigarettes or Packs Per Day 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 30 40 Frequencies 8 93 11 20 3 9 7 11 7 5 7 53 2 1 2 9 1 1 5 8 1 N = 264 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 102 N = 3351 N=0 N=2 V12242 W4. G11c. Smoking. Unit = Cigarettes or Packs (Smoked per day). Cleaned Note: V13005 (Number of Cigarettes or Packs R Smokes per Day) and V12242 (Unit = Cigarettes or Packs) are combined to create V13006 (Total Number of Cigarettes Smoked per Day). G11c. Enter Unit. Category Descriptions Codes Cigarettes………………..1 Packs…………………….2 Frequencies 145 121 N = 266 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12243 N = 3351 N=0 N=0 W4. G12. Drink. Does R Drink Alcoholic Beverages. Cleaned Note: Use V13008 for the imputed version of Does R Drink, instead of this variable (V12243). G12. Do you ever drink alcoholic beverages such as beer, wine, or liquor? Category Descriptions Codes Yes…………………. 1 No………………………...5 Frequencies 875 909 N = 1784 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED SKIP: IF DRINK (V12243) = 5, THEN GO TO INSURE1 103 N = 1830 N=3 N=0 V12244 W4. G12a. DrnkDay. Number of Days per Month R Drinks Note: Use V13009 for the imputed version of Number of Days Drank per Month, instead of this variable (V12244). Note: V13009 (Imputed Number of Days Drank per Month) and V13010 (Imputed Number of Drinks per Day) were combined to create V13011 (Number of Drinks per Month). G12a. During the last month, how many days did you drink beer, wine, or liquor? ENTER number of days from 0 to 31 ENTER “0” if less than one per month ____________ Range = 0 to 31 days per month N = 871 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED SKIP: N = 2741 N=0 N=5 IF NONE, GO TO INSURE1 SOFT CHECK: IF DRNKDAY = 5, IWER – “You entered that the R drank alcohol 5 days last month. Is this correct?” 104 V12245 W4. G12b. DrnkNum. How many Drinks R Has per Day R Drinks Note: Use V13010 for the imputed version of Number of Drinks per Day, instead of this variable (V12245). Note: V13009 (Imputed Number of Days Drank per Month) and V13010 (Imputed Number of Drinks per Day) were combined to create V13011 (Number of Drinks per Month). G12b. On the days that you drink, how many cans or bottles of beer, glasses of wine, or drinks of liquor do you usually have? ENTER number of drinks from 0.0 to 20.0 (Decimal values are also accepted) ____________ Number of Drinks per Day 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 20 Frequencies 5 342 3 221 1 73 30 8 23 2 3 1 2 2 1 N = 717 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 105 N = 2894 N=0 N=6 V12246 W4. G13. Insure11 (1st Mention). Kind of Health Insurance R Has. Original Codes Note: V13041-V13046 are variables that have the detailed codes for Health Insurance, for Mentions 1 through 6, respectively. V13041-V13046 have been cleaned and extensively recoded. In general, V13041-V13046 should be used instead of V12246-V12251. Note: V13051 is a dummy variable that indicates whether or not the Respondent has health insurance. V13051 is based on V13041. Which, if any, of the following kinds of health insurance for doctor’s or hospital bills do you have? ENTER all that apply, separated by dashes Category Descriptions Codes Frequencies Medicare Medigap (covers Medicare deductibles and Co-payments) Medicaid VA (Veterans Administration) or Champus Health coverage 1 2 788 2 3 4 36 42 HMO (a plan charging a fixed monthly fee paid either by you or your employer that usually requires that you go through certain doctors or hospitals) PPO or PPS (point of service or preferred provider plan which allows a choice of doctors or hospitals at some additional cost) Fee for service plan that allows free choice of providers Any other coverage No insurance 5 380 6 269 7 8 9 98 93 76 N = 1784 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1830 N=1 N=2 SKIP: IF INSURE11 – INSURE16 = 8 (V12246-V12251), THEN GO TO INSURE6a. ELSE GO TO HINONE (V12252). Question G13a. INSURE6a. Please give me the name or a description of that coverage. ENTER the name ______________ See V13041-V13046 for the numeric codes for this response. 106 V12247 W4. G13. Insure12 (2nd Mention). Kind of Health Insurance R Has. Original Codes Note: V13041-V13046 are variables that have the detailed codes for Health Insurance, for Mentions 1 through 6, respectively. V13041-V13046 have been cleaned and extensively recoded. In general, V13041-V13046 should be used instead of V12246-V12251. Which, if any, of the following kinds of health insurance for doctor’s or hospital bills do you have? ENTER all that apply, separated by dashes Category Descriptions Codes Medicare Medigap (covers Medicare deductibles and Co-payments) Medicaid VA (Veterans Administration) or Champus Health coverage 1 2 9 137 3 4 106 37 5 108 6 103 7 8 214 171 HMO (a plan charging a fixed monthly fee paid either by you or your employer that usually requires that you go through certain doctors or hospitals) PPO or PPS (point of service or preferred provider plan which allows a choice of doctors or hospitals at some additional cost) Fee for service plan that allows free choice of providers Any other coverage Frequencies N = 885 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 2732 N=0 N=0 SKIP: IF INSURE11 – INSURE16 = 8 (V12246-V12251), THEN GO TO INSURE6a. ELSE GO TO HINONE (V12252). Question G13a. INSURE6a. Please give me the name or a description of that coverage. ENTER the name ______________ See V13041-V13046 for the numeric codes for this response. 107 V12248 W4. G13. Insure13 (3rd Mention). Kind of Health Insurance R Has. Original Codes Note: V13041-V13046 are variables that have the detailed codes for Health Insurance, for Mentions 1 through 6, respectively. V13041-V13046 have been cleaned and extensively recoded. In general, V13041-V13046 should be used instead of V12246-V12251. Which, if any, of the following kinds of health insurance for doctor’s or hospital bills do you have? ENTER all that apply, separated by dashes Category Descriptions Codes Medigap (covers Medicare deductibles and Co-payments) Medicaid VA (Veterans Administration) or Champus Health coverage 2 1 3 4 26 17 5 25 6 15 7 8 71 46 HMO (a plan charging a fixed monthly fee paid either by you or your employer that usually requires that you go through certain doctors or hospitals) PPO or PPS (point of service or preferred provider plan which allows a choice of doctors or hospitals at some additional cost) Fee for service plan that allows free choice of providers Any other coverage Frequencies N = 201 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3416 N=0 N=0 SKIP: IF INSURE11 – INSURE16 = 8 (V12246-V12251), THEN GO TO INSURE6a. ELSE GO TO HINONE (V12252). Question G13a. INSURE6a. Please give me the name or a description of that coverage. ENTER the name ______________ See V13041-V13046 for the numeric codes for this response. 108 V12249 W4. G13. Insure14 (4th Mention). Kind of Health Insurance R Has. Original Codes Note: V13041-V13046 are variables that have the detailed codes for Health Insurance, for Mentions 1 through 6, respectively. V13041-V13046 have been cleaned and extensively recoded. In general, V13041-V13046 should be used instead of V12246-V12251. Which, if any, of the following kinds of health insurance for doctor’s or hospital bills do you have? ENTER all that apply, separated by dashes Category Descriptions Codes Frequencies Medicare VA (Veterans Administration) or Champus Health coverage 1 4 1 4 HMO (a plan charging a fixed monthly fee paid either by you or your employer that usually requires that you go through certain doctors or hospitals) PPO or PPS (point of service or preferred provider plan which allows a choice of doctors or hospitals at some additional cost) Fee for service plan that allows free choice of providers Any other coverage 5 7 6 5 7 8 13 10 N = 40 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3577 N=0 N=0 SKIP: IF INSURE11 – INSURE16 = 8 (V12246-V12251), THEN GO TO INSURE6a. ELSE GO TO HINONE (V12252). Question G13a. INSURE6a. Please give me the name or a description of that coverage. ENTER the name ______________ See V13041-V13046 for the numeric codes for this response. 109 V12250 W4. G13. Insure15 (5th Mention). Kind of Health Insurance R Has. Original Codes Note: V13041-V13046 are variables that have the detailed codes for Health Insurance, for Mentions 1 through 6, respectively. V13041-V13046 have been cleaned and extensively recoded. In general, V13041-V13046 should be used instead of V12246-V12251. Which, if any, of the following kinds of health insurance for doctor’s or hospital bills do you have? ENTER all that apply, separated by dashes Codes Category Descriptions Fee for service plan that allows free choice of providers Any other coverage Frequencies 7 8 4 2 N=6 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3611 N=0 N=0 SKIP: IF INSURE11 – INSURE16 = 8 (V12246-V12251), THEN GO TO INSURE6a. ELSE GO TO HINONE (V12252). Question G13a. INSURE6a. Please give me the name or a description of that coverage. ENTER the name ______________ See V13041-V13046 for the numeric codes for this response. 110 V12251 W4. G13. Insure16 (6th Mention). Kind of Health Insurance R Has. Original Codes Note: V13041-V13046 are variables that have the detailed codes for Health Insurance, for Mentions 1 through 6, respectively. V13041-V13046 have been cleaned and extensively recoded. In general, V13041-V13046 should be used instead of V12246-V12251. Which, if any, of the following kinds of health insurance for doctor’s or hospital bills do you have? ENTER all that apply, separated by dashes Category Descriptions Codes PPO or PPS (point of service or preferred provider plan which allows a choice of doctors or hospitals at some additional cost) 6 Frequencies 1 N=1 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3616 N=0 N=0 SKIP: IF INSURE11 – INSURE16 = 8 (V12246-V12251), THEN GO TO INSURE6a. ELSE GO TO HINONE (V12252). Question G13a. INSURE6a. Please give me the name or a description of that coverage. ENTER the name ______________ See V13041-V13046 for the numeric codes for this response. 111 V12252 W4. G14. HINone. You are without any health insurance at this time. Is that correct? Not Cleaned Note: V13047 is the cleaned version of this variable (V12252). V13047 should always be used instead of V12252. From what you have just told me, you are without any type of health insurance at this point in time. Is that correct? YES, NO HEALTH INSURANCE .............................................1 NO, SOME INSURANCE ..........................................................5 Category Descriptions Codes Yes, no health insurance No, some insurance 1 5 Frequencies 73 3 N = 76 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3541 N=0 N=0 SKIP: IF HINONE = 1 (V12252 = 1), THEN GO TO HIYNO (V12253). IF HINONE = 5 (V12252 = 5), THEN GO TO HIEXP. Question G14a. HIEXP. How is that? What type of insurance do you have that we didn’t talk about? ENTER Explanation or Type ______________ The numeric codes for this response were included in V13041, or the responses were used to clean V13047. 112 V12253 W4. G14b. HIYNo. What is main reason you do not have any health insurance right now? Original Codes Note: V13048 is the variable that has the detailed codes for the Main Reason R Does NOT Have Any Health Insurance right now. V13048 has been cleaned and recoded. In general, V13048 should be used instead of V12253. What is the main reason that you do not have any health insurance right now? Code R’s response into the category that best fits. Do not read the code frame to the R. CANNOT AFFORD IT/TOO EXPENSIVE ...............................1 DO NOT WANT IT ....................................................................2 DO NOT NEED IT .....................................................................3 MY JOB DOESN’T PROVIDE IT......................................................4 I’M NOT FULL-TIME ...............................................................5 JUST CHANGED JOBS .............................................................6 JUST MOVED ............................................................................7 DON'T KNOW WHAT TO GET................................................8 I’M TOO ILL TO GET IT ..........................................................9 OTHER REASON ......................................................................10 Category Descriptions Codes Cannot afford it/ Too expensive Do not want it Do not need it My job doesn’t provide it I’m not full-time employed Just changed jobs Just Moved Don’t know what to get I’m too ill to get it Other reason 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Frequencies 41 1 3 6 5 4 0 0 0 11 N = 71 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3542 N=0 N=4 SKIP: IF HIYNO = 10 (V12253 = 10), THEN GO TO HIYNOSP. ELSE GO TO NRSHOME (V12257). HIYNOSP G14bSP Specify (Other Main Reason R Has No Health Insurance) _________ See V13048 for the numeric codes for this response. 113 V12257 W4. G15. NrsHome. Has R been in Nursing Home/ Long-Term Care Facility Since Last Interview. Note: V13012 combines Nursing Home/ Long-Term Care information from both V12257 and V12012 into a single measure of whether the R has lived in a Nursing Home or Long-Term Care Facility since the last ACL interview. In general, V13012 should be used instead of V12257. G15. Have you been a resident or patient in a nursing home or long-term care facility at any time since (FILL MONTH AND YEAR OF LAST INTERVIEW)? YES .............................................................................................1 NO ...............................................................................................5 Code Number 1 5 Category Description Yes No Frequencies 44 1718 N = 1762 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED SKIP: IF NRSHOME (V12257) = 5, ASK HOSP (V12260) 114 N = 1854 N=0 N=1 V12258 W4. G15a. EntNrsHm. Year R last entered Nursing Home/ Long-Term Care Facility Note: V13013 combines Year Entered Nursing Home / Long-Term Care Facility information from both V12258 and V12014 into a single measure of the year when R last entered a Nursing Home or Long-Term Care Facility. Note: In general, V13013 should be used instead of V12258. G15a. In what year did you enter (the last time)? ENTER 4-digit year Range = 1900-2002 SOFT CHECK: IF ENTNRSHM < YEAR OF LAST INTERVIEW, IWER: “You indicated that the R entered the nursing home in FILL: (___). This is before the date of the last interview. Is this correct? Frequencies Year Entered 1989 1990 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 1 1 2 3 3 1 9 5 5 8 5 N = 43 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 115 N = 3573 N=0 N=1 V12259 W4. G15b. LvNrsHm. Year R left Nursing Home/ Long-Term Care Facility Note: V13014 combines Year Left Nursing Home / Long-Term Care Facility information from both V12259 and V12012 into a single measure of the year when R left the Nursing Home or Long-Term Care Facility she/ he was in. Note: In general, V13014 should be used instead of V12259. G15b. In what year did you leave (the nursing home or long-term care facility)? ENTER 4-digit year _______ Range = 1986 –2001, or 5000 ENTER 5000 if R indicates he/ she is currently in the facility. Frequencies Year Left 1989 1994 1995 1996 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 5000 R Currently in Nursing Home/ Long-Term Care Facility 1 1 2 5 3 5 5 10 5 5 N = 42 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 116 N = 3573 N=0 N=2 V12260 W4. G16. Hosp. Number of Times R was overnight patient in hospital in last 12 months G16. During the past 12 months, how many times have you stayed overnight as a patient in the hospital at least one night? FILL IF NRSHOME = 1 (Do not count any times you stayed in a nursing home). ENTER number of times 0-365. __________ times SOFT CHECK: IF HOSP=5, IWER: “You indicated that the R stayed in the hospital 5 times. Is this correct?” Number of Times 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 12 16 21 30 40 50 60 77 Frequencies 1461 188 47 31 13 17 3 5 1 5 2 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 N = 1783 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 117 N = 1830 N=0 N=4 V12261 W4. G17. ER. Self-Report: Number of Times R received Emergency Room (ER) care in last 12 months G17. During the past 12 months, how many times did you receive care in an emergency room? ENTER number of times 0-365. _________ times SOFT CHECK: IF ER = 5, IWER: “You indicated that the R received emergency care 5 times. Is this correct?” Number of Times Frequencies 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 15 20 1256 274 86 36 18 7 2 3 2 3 1 1 N = 1689 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12262 N = 1925 N=0 N=3 W4. G18. HProf. Number of Times R Saw Health Professional (except Hospital Stay, ER, or Long-Term Care) in last 12 months. Cleaned Note: V13015 is the imputed version of this (V12262) variable. Note: In general, V13015 should be used instead of this variable (V12262). G18. During the past 12 months, about how many times did you go to see a medical doctor, nurse practitioner, or physician’s assistant about your own health? (FILL: Do not count health care providers seen while you were an overnight patient in a hospital, a resident in a nursing home or long-term care facility, or while in an emergency room). ADD FILL IF YRNRSHME = 2000-2001, OR HOSP = 1-365, OR ER = 1-365 ENTER number of times 0-365. ____________ times SOFT CHECK: IF HPROF = 5, IWER: “You indicated that the R saw the doctor 5 times. Is this correct?” Range = 0 to 156 times in past 12 months N = 1758 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 118 N = 1830 N=0 N = 29 V12263 W4. G19. MntHlth. Has R seen Mental Health Professional/ Counselor for Personal/ Mental Problem in last 12 months G19. During the past 12 months, have you seen somebody for a personal or mental problem – someone like a psychiatrist, psychologist, medical doctor, clergy, or social worker? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 187 1594 N = 1781 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12264 N = 1830 N=2 N=4 W4. G20a. CheckUp. Self-Report: R had routine check up in last 2 years Note: This question was only asked of ACL Wave 4 Self-Report Respondents (N = 1692). That is, it was not included in the ACL Wave 4 Proxy Questionnaire. G20a. Now I would like to talk to you about some different health services that people can get. Please tell me whether you received these services in the last two years: Have you had a routine check up or routine physical in the last two years? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 1398 292 N = 1690 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 119 N = 1925 N=1 N=1 V12265 W4. G20b. Dental. Self-Report: R had dental cleaning/ exam in last 2 years Note: This question was only asked of ACL Wave 4 Self-Report Respondents (N = 1692). That is, it was not included in the ACL Wave 4 Proxy Questionnaire. G20b. How about a teeth cleaning or dental check up (in the last two years)? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 1192 496 N = 1688 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12266 N = 1925 N=2 N=2 W4. G20c. EyExam. Self-Report: R had eye exam in last 2 years Note: This question was only asked of ACL Wave 4 Self-Report Respondents (N = 1692). That is, it was not included in the ACL Wave 4 Proxy Questionnaire. G20c. Did you receive an eye examination (in the last two years)? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 1299 391 N = 1690 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12267 N = 1925 N=1 N=1 W4. G20d. Flu. Self-Report: R had flu shot in last 2 years Note: This question was only asked of ACL Wave 4 Self-Report Respondents (N = 1692). That is, it was not included in the ACL Wave 4 Proxy Questionnaire. G20d. (How about) a flu shot (in the last two years)? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 804 885 N = 1689 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 120 N = 1925 N=1 N=2 V12268 W4. G20e. BP. Self-Report: R had blood pressure checked in last 2 years Note: This question was only asked of ACL Wave 4 Self-Report Respondents (N = 1692). That is, it was not included in the ACL Wave 4 Proxy Questionnaire. G20e. Did you get your blood pressure checked in the last two years? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 1612 75 N = 1687 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12269 N = 1925 N=1 N=4 W4. G20f. BSugar. Self-Report: R had blood sugar checked in last 2years. Cleaned/ Imputed Note: This question was only asked of ACL Wave 4 Self-Report Respondents (N = 1692). That is, it was not included in the ACL Wave 4 Proxy Questionnaire. Note: See V13072 for information on which cases were imputed for this variable. G20f. How about a blood test to see what your blood sugar level is (in the last two years)? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 1329 334 N = 1663 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 121 N = 1925 N=1 N = 28 V12270 W4. G20g. Choles. Self-Report: R had cholesterol checked in last 2 years Note: This question was only asked of ACL Wave 4 Self-Report Respondents (N = 1692). That is, it was not included in the ACL Wave 4 Proxy Questionnaire. G20g. (How about) a blood test to see what your cholesterol level is (in the last two years)? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 1350 322 N = 1672 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=1 N = 19 SKIP: IF MALE, GO TO PSA (V12274) IF FEMALE, GO TO CBE (V12271) V12271 W4. G21a. CBE. Self-Report (Females only): R had clinical breast exam in last 2 years Note: This question was only asked of ACL Wave 4 Female Self-Report Respondents (N = 1066). That is, it was not included in the ACL Wave 4 Proxy Questionnaire and was not asked of Male Respondents. G21a. (How about) a clinical breast examination, where a doctor or nurse examined your breasts (in the last two years)? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 856 204 N = 1060 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 122 N = 2251 N=2 N=4 V12272 W4. G21b. Mammo. Self-Report (Females only): R had mammogram/ breast x-ray in last 2 years Note: This question was only asked of ACL Wave 4 Female Self-Report Respondents (N = 1066). That is, it was not included in the ACL Wave 4 Proxy Questionnaire and was not asked of Male Respondents. G21b. (How about) a mammogram, or x-ray of the breast in the last two years? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 795 268 N = 1063 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12273 N = 2251 N=1 N=2 W4. G21c. Pap. Self-Report (Females only): R had Pap smear in last 2 years Note: This question was only asked of ACL Wave 4 Female Self-Report Respondents (N = 1066). That is, it was not included in the ACL Wave 4 Proxy Questionnaire and was not asked of Male Respondents. G21c. (How about) a Pap smear (in the last two years)? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 713 349 N = 1062 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED GO TO HCQUAL (V12275). 123 N = 2251 N=1 N=3 V12274 W4. G22. PSA. Self-Report (Males only): R had prostate specific antigen (PSA) test in last 2 years Note: This question was only asked of ACL Wave 4 Male Self-Report Respondents (N = 626). That is, it was not included in the ACL Wave 4 Proxy Questionnaire and was not asked of Female Respondents. G22. Did you receive a blood test for prostate cancer, which is often called the PSA or prostate specific antigen test (in the last two years)? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 366 242 N = 608 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12275 N = 2991 N=0 N = 18 W4. G23. HCQual. Self-Report: How satisfied R is with quality of health care R has received in last 12 months Note: This question was only asked of ACL Wave 4 Self-Report Respondents (N = 1692). That is, it was not included in the ACL Wave 4 Proxy Questionnaire. G23. How satisfied are you with the quality of health care you have received during the last 12 months? Would you say: very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied or very dissatisfied? Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Frequencies 1029 511 65 27 N = 1632 A. D. N. V. INAPPLICABLE DON’T KNOW NOT ASCERTAINED VOLUNTEERED: I DID NOT RECEIVE ANY HEALTH CARE 124 N = 1925 N=0 N=3 N = 57 V12276 W4. G24. DelCare. Self-Report: Did R delay/ forgo health care because of money/ no insurance in last 12 months Note: This question was only asked of ACL Wave 4 Self-Report Respondents (N = 1692). That is, it was not included in the ACL Wave 4 Proxy Questionnaire. G24. During the past 12 months, did you postpone or not get some health care or surgery when you needed it because of lack of insurance or worries about money? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 135 1553 N = 1688 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12277 N = 1925 N=1 N=3 W4. G25. DelRx. Self-Report: Did R delay/ forgo prescription because of money/ no insurance in last 12 months. Note: This question was only asked of ACL Wave 4 Self-Report Respondents (N = 1692). That is, it was not included in the ACL Wave 4 Proxy Questionnaire. G25. During the past 12 months, did you postpone filling or not get a prescription for medicine when you needed it because of lack of insurance or worries about money? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 131 1558 N = 1689 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 125 N = 1925 N=0 N=3 V12278 W4. G26. USOC. Self-Report: Does R have a usual source of care Note: This question was only asked of ACL Wave 4 Self-Report Respondents (N = 1692). That is, it was not included in the ACL Wave 4 Proxy Questionnaire. G26. Do you have a particular doctor or clinic that you would call your regular doctor or clinic? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 1539 148 N = 1687 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12279 N = 1925 N=1 N=4 W4. G27.HCResp. Self-Report: R’s rating of doctor/ health care provider treating R with dignity/ respect. Imputed Note: This question was only asked of ACL Wave 4 Self-Report Respondents (N = 1692). That is, it was not included in the ACL Wave 4 Proxy Questionnaire. Note: See V13073 for information on which cases were imputed for this variable. G27. Thinking of the last few times you saw a doctor or other health care provider for your own care, how would you rate the job that your provider did in treating you with dignity and respect? Would you say he or she did an excellent, very good, good, fair or poor job on this? Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Frequencies 840 591 187 43 22 N = 1683 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 126 N = 1925 N=0 N=9 V12280 W4. G28. HCUndr. Self-Report: R’s rating of doctor/ health care provider communicating about problems/ about medicines. Imputed Note: This question was only asked of ACL Wave 4 Self-Report Respondents (N = 1692). That is, it was not included in the ACL Wave 4 Proxy Questionnaire. Note: See V13074 for information on which cases were imputed for this variable. G28. How about in making sure that you understood what you were told about your medical problem or your medicines? Would you say he or she did an excellent, very good, good, fair or poor job on this? Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Frequencies 727 645 236 46 23 N = 1677 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12281 N = 1925 N=3 N = 12 W4. G30. HCTrst. Self-Report: How much R trusts doctors to help with medical problems Note: This question was only asked of ACL Wave 4 Self-Report Respondents (N = 1692). That is, it was not included in the ACL Wave 4 Proxy Questionnaire. G30. In general, how much would you say you trust doctors to be able to help you with your medical problems: very much, somewhat, not very much, or not at all? Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 Very much Somewhat Not very much Not at all Frequencies 993 602 65 20 N = 1680 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 127 N = 1925 N=3 N=9 V12282 W4. G31. Hyper. Self-Report: Has R ever been told by doctor/ health care provider R has Hypertension Note: This question was only asked of ACL Wave 4 Self-Report Respondents (N = 1692). That is, it was not included in the ACL Wave 4 Proxy Questionnaire. G31. Now I have some questions about some specific health conditions and diseases that you may or may not have ever had. Has a doctor or other health care provider ever told you that you have high blood pressure or hypertension? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 773 914 N = 1687 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=1 N=4 SKIP: IF HYPER (V12282) = 5, THEN GO TO DIAB (V12286) W4. G31a. HyperA. Self-Report: Year when R first told R had hypertension V12283 G31a. When were you first told you have high blood pressure or hypertension? ENTER year ____________ Hard check – If HYPERA < R’s birth date, The year should be greater than or equal to R’s birth year. *Years range from 1919 to 2002 N = 710 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 128 N = 2844 N=0 N = 63 V12284 W4. G31b. HyperB. Self-Report: Has R had hypertension in last 12 months Note: V12284 and V12285 should be combined to create a variable that is roughly equivalent to the variables (V831, V4834, and V10221) from Waves 1, 2 and 3, and to the ACL Wave 4 Proxy variable (V12315). Note: V12284, V12285 and V12315 (Hypertension), V12288, V12289 and V12316 (Diabetes), V12292 and V12317, and V12294 and V12318 (Lung Diseases), V12300 and V12319 (Heart Attack/ Heart Disease), V12305 and V12320 (Major Strokes), V12310, V12311 and V12321 (Cancer), V12312 and V12322 (Fractured or Broken Bones), V12313 and V12323 (Arthritis/ Rheumatism), and V12314 and V12324 (Lost Urine Beyond R’s Control) have been combined to create the 9-item Wave 4 Number of Chronic Conditions (in last 12 months) Index (V13031). Note: V12284, V12285 and V12315 (Hypertension), V12312 and V12322 (Fractured or Broken Bones), V12313 and V12323 (Arthritis/ Rheumatism), and V12314 and V12324 (Lost Urine Beyond R’s Control) have been combined to create the 4-item Wave 4 Number of Debilitating Chronic Health Conditions Index (V13033). G31b. Have you had high blood pressure in the past 12 months? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 549 220 N = 769 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 129 N = 2844 N=0 N=4 V12285 W4.G31c. HyperC. Self-Report: Has R received hypertension treatment/ medicine in last 12 Months Note: V12284 and V12285 should be combined to create a variable that is roughly equivalent to the variables (V831, V4834, and V10221) from Waves 1, 2 and 3, and to the ACL Wave 4 Proxy variable (V12315). Note: V12284, V12285 and V12315 (Hypertension), V12288, V12289 and V12316 (Diabetes), V12292 and V12317, and V12294 and V12318 (Lung Diseases), V12300 and V12319 (Heart Attack/ Heart Disease), V12305 and V12320 (Major Strokes), V12310, V12311 and V12321 (Cancer), V12312 and V12322 (Fractured or Broken Bones), V12313 and V12323 (Arthritis/ Rheumatism), and V12314 and V12324 (Lost Urine Beyond R’s Control) have been combined to create the 9-item Wave 4 Number of Chronic Conditions (in last 12 months) Index (V13031). Note: V12284, V12285 and V12315 (Hypertension), V12312 and V12322 (Fractured or Broken Bones), V12313 and V12323 (Arthritis/ Rheumatism), and V12314 and V12324 (Lost Urine Beyond R’s Control) have been combined to create the 4-item Wave 4 Number of Debilitating Chronic Health Conditions Index (V13033). G31c. During the past 12 months, have you received any treatment or taken any medicines for high blood pressure that were prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 653 117 N = 770 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12286 N = 2844 N=0 N=3 W4. G32. Diab. Self-Report: Has R ever been told by doctor/ health care provider R has diabetes Note: This question was only asked of ACL Wave 4 Self-Report Respondents (N = 1692). That is, it was not included in the ACL Wave 4 Proxy Questionnaire. G32. Has a doctor or other health care provider ever told you that you have diabetes or problems with high blood sugar? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 238 1450 N = 1688 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED SKIP: IF DIAB (V12286) = 5, GO TO ASTHMA (V12290) 130 N = 1925 N=1 N=3 V12287 W4. G32a. DiabA. Self-Report: Year when R first told R had diabetes G32a. When were you first told you have diabetes or problems with blood sugar? ENTER year _________ Hard check – If DIABA < R’s birth date, The year should be greater than or equal to R’s birth year. *Years range from 1950 to 2002 N = 229 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12288 N = 3379 N=0 N=9 W4. G32b. DiabB. Self-Report: Has R had diabetes in last 12 months Note: V12288 and V12289 should be combined to create a variable that is roughly equivalent to the variables (V833, V4836, and V10223) from Waves 1, 2 and 3, and to the ACL Wave 4 Proxy variable (V12316). Note: V12284, V12285 and V12315 (Hypertension), V12288, V12289 and V12316 (Diabetes), V12292 and V12317, and V12294 and V12318 (Lung Diseases), V12300 and V12319 (Heart Attack/ Heart Disease), V12305 and V12320 (Major Strokes), V12310, V12311 and V12321 (Cancer), V12312 and V12322 (Fractured or Broken Bones), V12313 and V12323 (Arthritis/ Rheumatism), and V12314 and V12324 (Lost Urine Beyond R’s Control) have been combined to create the 9-item Wave 4 Number of Chronic Conditions (in last 12 months) Index (V13031). Note: V12288, V12289 and V12316 (Diabetes), V12292 and V12317, and V12294 and V12318 (Lung Diseases), V12300 and V12319 (Heart Attack/ Heart Disease), V12305 and V12320 (Major Strokes), V12310, V12311 and 12321 (Cancer) have been combined to create the 5-item Wave 4 Number of Life-Threatening Chronic Health Conditions (in last 12 months) Index (V13032). G32b. Have you had diabetes or high blood sugar in the past 12 months? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 199 38 N = 237 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 131 N = 3379 N=0 N=1 V12289 W4. G32c. DiabC. Self-Report: Has R received diabetes treatment/ medicine in last 12 months Note: V12288 and V12289 should be combined to create a variable that is roughly equivalent to the variables (V833, V4836, and V10223) from Waves 1, 2 and 3, and to the ACL Wave 4 Proxy variable (V12316). Note: V12284, V12285 and V12315 (Hypertension), V12288, V12289 and V12316 (Diabetes), V12292 and V12317, and V12294 and V12318 (Lung Diseases), V12300 and V12319 (Heart Attack/ Heart Disease), V12305 and V12320 (Major Strokes), V12310, V12311 and V12321 (Cancer), V12312 and V12322 (Fractured or Broken Bones), V12313 and V12323 (Arthritis/ Rheumatism), and V12314 and V12324 (Lost Urine Beyond R’s Control) have been combined to create the 9-item Wave 4 Number of Chronic Conditions (in last 12 months) Index (V13031). Note: V12288, V12289 and V12316 (Diabetes), V12292 and V12317, and V12294 and V12318 (Lung Diseases), V12300 and V12319 (Heart Attack/ Heart Disease), V12305 and V12320 (Major Strokes), V12310, V12311 and 12321 (Cancer) have been combined to create the 5-item Wave 4 Number of Life-Threatening Chronic Health Conditions (in last 12 months) Index (V13032). G32c. During the past 12 months, have you received any treatment or taken any medicines for your diabetes that were prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 194 44 N = 238 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3379 N=0 N=0 W4. G33. Asthma. Self-Report: Has R ever been told by doctor/ health care provider R has asthma V12290 Note: This question was only asked of ACL Wave 4 Self-Report Respondents (N = 1692). That is, it was not included in the ACL Wave 4 Proxy Questionnaire. G33. (Has a doctor or other health care provider ever told you that you have) asthma? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 147 1539 N = 1686 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED SKIP: IF ASTHMA (V12290) = 5, GO TO EMPH (V12294) 132 N = 1925 N=1 N=5 W4. G33a. AsthmaA. Self-Report: Year when R first told R had asthma V12291 G33a. When were you first told you have asthma? ENTER year _________ Hard check – If ASTHMAA < R’s birth date, The year should be greater than or equal to R’s birth year. *Years range from 1931 to 2001 N = 131 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3740 N=0 N = 16 W4. G33b. AsthmaB. Self-Report: Has R had asthma in last 12 months V12292 Note: V12292 (Self-Report Asthma in last 12 months), V12317 (Proxy-Report Asthma in last 12 months ), V12294 (Self-Report Ever Had Emphysema/ COPD), and V12318 (Proxy-Report Emphysema/ COPD in last 12 months) should be combined to create a variable that is roughly equivalent to the “Lung Disease” variables (V830, V4833, and V10220) from Waves 1, 2 and 3. Note: V12284, V12285 and V12315 (Hypertension), V12288, V12289 and V12316 (Diabetes), V12292 and V12317, and V12294 and V12318 (Lung Diseases), V12300 and V12319 (Heart Attack/ Heart Disease), V12305 and V12320 (Major Strokes), V12310, V12311 and V12321 (Cancer), V12312 and V12322 (Fractured or Broken Bones), V12313 and V12323 (Arthritis/ Rheumatism), and V12314 and V12324 (Lost Urine Beyond R’s Control) have been combined to create the 9-item Wave 4 Number of Chronic Conditions (in last 12 months) Index (V13031). Note: V12288, V12289 and V12316 (Diabetes), V12292 and V12317, and V12294 and V12318 (Lung Diseases), V12300 and V12319 (Heart Attack/ Heart Disease), V12305 and V12320 (Major Strokes), V12310, V12311 and 12321 (Cancer) have been combined to create the 5-item Wave 4 Number of Life-Threatening Chronic Health Conditions (in last 12 months) Index (V13032). G33b. Have you had asthma in the past 12 months? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 85 60 N = 145 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 133 N = 3470 N=0 N=2 V12293 W4. G33c. AsthmaC. Self-Report: Has R received asthma treatment/ medicine in last 12 Months G33c. During the past 12 months, have you received any treatment or taken any medicines for your asthma that were prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 99 47 N = 146 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 134 N = 3470 N=0 N=1 V12294 W4. G34. Emph. Self-Report: Has R ever been told by doctor/ health care provider R has emphysema/ COPD Note: This question was only asked of ACL Wave 4 Self-Report Respondents (N = 1692). That is, it was not included in the ACL Wave 4 Proxy Questionnaire. V12318 is the closest Proxy questionnaire approximation to this variable. Note: V12292 (Self-Report Asthma in last 12 months), V12317 (Proxy-Report Asthma in last 12 months ), V12294 (Self-Report Ever Had Emphysema/ COPD), and V12318 (Proxy-Report Emphysema/ COPD in last 12 months) should be combined to create a variable that is roughly equivalent to the “Lung Disease” variables (V830, V4833, and V10220) from Waves 1, 2 and 3. Note: V12284, V12285 and V12315 (Hypertension), V12288, V12289 and V12316 (Diabetes), V12292 and V12317, and V12294 and V12318 (Lung Diseases), V12300 and V12319 (Heart Attack/ Heart Disease), V12305 and V12320 (Major Strokes), V12310, V12311 and V12321 (Cancer), V12312 and V12322 (Fractured or Broken Bones), V12313 and V12323 (Arthritis/ Rheumatism), and V12314 and V12324 (Lost Urine Beyond R’s Control) have been combined to create the 9-item Wave 4 Number of Chronic Conditions (in last 12 months) Index (V13031). Note: V12288, V12289 and V12316 (Diabetes), V12292 and V12317, and V12294 and V12318 (Lung Diseases), V12300 and V12319 (Heart Attack/ Heart Disease), V12305 and V12320 (Major Strokes), V12310, V12311 and 12321 (Cancer) have been combined to create the 5-item Wave 4 Number of Life-Threatening Chronic Health Conditions (in last 12 months) Index (V13032). G34. (Has a doctor or other health care provider ever told you that you have) emphysema or COPD, which is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease? Code Category Description 1 2 3 5 Yes, emphysema Yes, COPD Yes, both No Frequencies 42 10 4 1630 N = 1686 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED SKIP: IF EMPH (V12294) = 5, GO TO MI (V12297). 135 N = 1925 N=1 N=5 V12295 W4. G34a. EmphA. Self-Report: Year when R first told R had emphysema/ COPD G34a. When were you first told you have emphysema or COPD? ENTER year _________ Hard check – If EMPHA < R’s birth date, The year should be greater than or equal to R’s birth year. *Years range from 1946 to 2002 N = 54 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3561 N=1 N=1 W4. G34b. EmphB. Self-Report: Has R received emphysema/ COPD treatment/ medicine in last 12 months V12296 G34b. During the past 12 months, have you received any treatment or taken any medicines for emphysema or COPD that were prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 31 24 N = 55 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3561 N=1 N=0 W4. G35. MI. Self-Report: Has R ever been told by doctor/ health care provider R had heart attack V12297 Note: This question was only asked of ACL Wave 4 Self-Report Respondents (N = 1692). That is, it was not included in the ACL Wave 4 Proxy Questionnaire. G35. Has a doctor or other health care provider ever told you that you had a heart attack? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 114 1572 N = 1686 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED SKIP: IF MI (V12297) = 5, GO TO MIC (V12300) 136 N = 1925 N=2 N=4 V12298 W4. G35a. MIA. Self-Report: How many heart attacks has R had G35a. How many heart attacks have you had? ENTER number 1-10, ENTER “10” if more than 10. _________ Number of Heart Attacks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Frequencies 86 15 7 1 1 0 1 1 N = 112 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3503 N=0 N=2 W4. G35b. MIB. Self-Report: Year when R had first heart attack V12299 G35b. In what year did you have your first heart attack? ENTER year _________ Hard check – If MIB < R’s birth date, The year should be greater than or equal to R’s birth year. *Years range from 1950 to 2002 N = 106 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 137 N = 3503 N=0 N=8 V12300 W4. G35c. MIC. Self-Report: Has R had heart attack/ other heart trouble in last 12 months This variable (V12300) is equivalent to the variables (V832, V4835, and V10222) from Waves 1, 2 and 3, and to the ACL Wave 4 Proxy variable (V12319). Note: V12284, V12285 and V12315 (Hypertension), V12288, V12289 and V12316 (Diabetes), V12292 and V12317, and V12294 and V12318 (Lung Diseases), V12300 and V12319 (Heart Attack/ Heart Disease), V12305 and V12320 (Major Strokes), V12310, V12311 and V12321 (Cancer), V12312 and V12322 (Fractured or Broken Bones), V12313 and V12323 (Arthritis/ Rheumatism), and V12314 and V12324 (Lost Urine Beyond R’s Control) have been combined to create the 9-item Wave 4 Number of Chronic Conditions (in last 12 months) Index (V13031). Note: V12288, V12289 and V12316 (Diabetes), V12292 and V12317, and V12294 and V12318 (Lung Diseases), V12300 and V12319 (Heart Attack/ Heart Disease), V12305 and V12320 (Major Strokes), V12310, V12311 and 12321 (Cancer) have been combined to create the 5-item Wave 4 Number of Life-Threatening Chronic Health Conditions (in last 12 months) Index (V13032). G35c. Have you had a (FILL: heart attack) or any other kind of heart trouble in the past 12 months? ADD FILL IF MIB < 2001 Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 154 1532 N = 1686 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=2 N=4 SKIP: IF MI (V12297) =5 “AND” MIC (V12300) = 5, ASK STROKE (V12302) W4. G35d. MID. Self-Report: Has R received heart attack treatment/ medicine in last 12 months V12301 G35d. During the past 12 months, have you received any treatment or taken any medicines for your heart that were prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 169 74 N = 243 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 138 N = 3373 N=0 N=1 V12302 W4. G36. Stroke. Self-Report: Has R ever been told by doctor/ health care provider R had stroke Note: This question was only asked of ACL Wave 4 Self-Report Respondents (N = 1692). That is, it was not included in the ACL Wave 4 Proxy Questionnaire. G36. Has a doctor or other health care provider ever told you that you had a stroke or a mini-stroke or a TIA (which are also called transient ischemic accidents)?. Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 119 1568 N = 1687 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=2 N=3 SKIP: IF STROKE (V12302) = 5, GO TO CANCER (V12307) V12303 W4.G36a.StrokeA.Self-Report:How many strokes has R had (not mini-strokes or TIA’s) G36a. How many strokes have you had not including mini-strokes or TIA’s? ENTER number 0-10, ENTER “10” if more than 10. ____________ SOFT CHECK: IF STROKEA = 5, IWER: “You indicated that the R has had 5 strokes. Is this correct?” Number of Strokes 0 1 2 3 4 5 Frequencies 51 50 10 3 1 1 N = 116 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED SKIP: IF STROKEA (V12303) = 0, ASK CANCER (V12307) 139 N = 3498 N=0 N=3 V12304 W4. G36b. StrokeB. Self-Report: Year when R had first stroke G36b. In what year did you have your first stroke? ENTER year _________ Hard check – If STROKEB < R’s birth date, The year should be greater than or equal to R’s birth year. *Years range from 1968 to 2001 N = 58 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12305 N = 3549 N=0 N =10 W4. G36c. StrokeC. Self-Report: Has R had stroke in last 12 months Note: This variable (V12305) is equivalent to the ACL Wave 4 Proxy variable (V12320). Note: This variable (V12305) is not fully equivalent to the variables (V836, V4838, and V10225) from Waves 1, 2 and 3. V12305 does not include mini-strokes or TIA’s, while the Stroke variables from Waves 1, 2, and 3 do not exclude mini-strokes or TIA’s. Note: V12284, V12285 and V12315 (Hypertension), V12288, V12289 and V12316 (Diabetes), V12292 and V12317, and V12294 and V12318 (Lung Diseases), V12300 and V12319 (Heart Attack/ Heart Disease), V12305 and V12320 (Major Strokes), V12310, V12311 and V12321 (Cancer), V12312 and V12322 (Fractured or Broken Bones), V12313 and V12323 (Arthritis/ Rheumatism), and V12314 and V12324 (Lost Urine Beyond R’s Control) have been combined to create the 9-item Wave 4 Number of Chronic Conditions (in last 12 months) Index (V13031). Note: V12288, V12289 and V12316 (Diabetes), V12292 and V12317, and V12294 and V12318 (Lung Diseases), V12300 and V12319 (Heart Attack/ Heart Disease), V12305 and V12320 (Major Strokes), V12310, V12311 and 12321 (Cancer) have been combined to create the 5-item Wave 4 Number of Life-Threatening Chronic Health Conditions (in last 12 months) Index (V13032). G36c. Did you have FILL (this stroke/ any of your strokes) during the past 12 months? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 12 52 N = 64 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 140 N = 3549 N=0 N=4 V12306 W4. G36d. StrokeD. Self-Report: Has R received stroke treatment/ medicine in last 12 months G36d. During the past 12 months, have you received any treatment or taken any medicines for stroke that were prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 29 35 N = 64 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12307 N = 3549 N=0 N=4 W4. G37. Cancer. Self-Report: Has R ever been told by doctor/ health care provider R had cancer Note: This question was only asked of ACL Wave 4 Self-Report Respondents (N = 1692). That is, it was not included in the ACL Wave 4 Proxy Questionnaire. G37. (Has a doctor or other health care provider ever told you that you had) cancer or a malignant tumor of any kind? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 200 1487 N = 1687 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED SKIP: IF CANCER (V12307) = 5, GO TO FRACT (V12312) 141 N = 1925 N=2 N=3 V12308 W4. G37a. CancerA. Self-Report: Year when R first told R had cancer/ malignant tumor G37a. In what year were you first told you had cancer or a malignant tumor? ENTER year _________ Hard check – If CANCERA < R’s birth date, The year should be greater than or equal to R’s birth year. *Years range from 1944 to 2002 N = 190 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 142 N = 3417 N=0 N = 10 V12309 W4. G37b. CancerB. Self-Report: What type of cancer/ malignant tumor R had G37b. What kind of cancer or malignant tumor was this? (In what part of your body did it start?) ________________________________ TYPE OF CANCER (Selection from Pick List) Code Type Frequencies 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Abdomen-NFS Adrenal gland Arm-NFS Back-NFS Bladder Blood-NFS; leukemia Bone; cartilage Bone marrow; myeloma (multiple) Brain; astrocytoma Breast Bronchia; bronchus; lung; chest- NFS Bowel; colon; rectum Cervix Ear Endometrium; uterus/ womb Esophagus Extremities- NFS Eye Face- NFS Female organs- NFS Gallbladder Gastrointestinal Head- NFS Hip Hodgkins Jaw Kidney; renal Larynx; vocal cords Leg- NFS Lip Liver Lymph nodes/ glands; glands behind the ear; nodes; lymphoma (exc. 25) Melanoma; skin- melanoma; black mole Mouth; oral Neck- NFS Nose; nasal Ovary Pancreas; ampulla of Vater Pelvis-NFS Penis Prostate Skin- basal cell Skin- other or NA (which includes any body part with skin cancer) Spine Spleen Stomach Testicles Throat Thyroid; goiter on neck Tongue 143 0 0 1 1 3 1 0 1 0 43 2 15 9 1 11 0 0 1 6 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 8 1 1 0 0 3 8 0 1 4 9 1 0 0 21 16 19 0 0 3 0 2 1 0 51 52 53 54 95 97 Trachea Urethra/ ureter Vagina Vulva; labia Metastasized; all over Other 0 0 0 0 0 1 N = 198 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12310 N = 3417 N=1 N=1 G37c. CancerC. Self-Report: Has R had cancer/ malignant tumor in last 12 months Note: V12310 and V12311 should be combined to create a variable that is roughly equivalent to the variables (V834, V4901, and V10228) from Waves 1, 2 and 3, and to the ACL Wave 4 Proxy variable (V12321). Note: V12284, V12285 and V12315 (Hypertension), V12288, V12289 and V12316 (Diabetes), V12292 and V12317, and V12294 and V12318 (Lung Diseases), V12300 and V12319 (Heart Attack/ Heart Disease), V12305 and V12320 (Major Strokes), V12310, V12311 and V12321 (Cancer), V12312 and V12322 (Fractured or Broken Bones), V12313 and V12323 (Arthritis/ Rheumatism), and V12314 and V12324 (Lost Urine Beyond R’s Control) have been combined to create the 9-item Wave 4 Number of Chronic Conditions (in last 12 months) Index (V13031). Note: V12288, V12289 and V12316 (Diabetes), V12292 and V12317, and V12294 and V12318 (Lung Diseases), V12300 and V12319 (Heart Attack/ Heart Disease), V12305 and V12320 (Major Strokes), V12310, V12311 and 12321 (Cancer) have been combined to create the 5-item Wave 4 Number of Life-Threatening Chronic Health Conditions (in last 12 months) Index (V13032). G37c. Have you had cancer or a malignant tumor in the past 12 months? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 46 154 N = 200 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 144 N = 3417 N=0 N=0 V12311 W4. G37d. CancerD. Self-Report: Has R received cancer treatment/ medicine in last 12 Months Note: V12310 and V12311 should be combined to create a variable that is roughly equivalent to the variables (V834, V4901, and V10228) from Waves 1, 2 and 3, and to the ACL Wave 4 Proxy variable (V12321). Note: V12284, V12285 and V12315 (Hypertension), V12288, V12289 and V12316 (Diabetes), V12292 and V12317, and V12294 and V12318 (Lung Diseases), V12300 and V12319 (Heart Attack/ Heart Disease), V12305 and V12320 (Major Strokes), V12310, V12311 and V12321 (Cancer), V12312 and V12322 (Fractured or Broken Bones), V12313 and V12323 (Arthritis/ Rheumatism), and V12314 and V12324 (Lost Urine Beyond R’s Control) have been combined to create the 9-item Wave 4 Number of Chronic Conditions (in last 12 months) Index (V13031). Note: V12288, V12289 and V12316 (Diabetes), V12292 and V12317, and V12294 and V12318 (Lung Diseases), V12300 and V12319 (Heart Attack/ Heart Disease), V12305 and V12320 (Major Strokes), V12310, V12311 and 12321 (Cancer) have been combined to create the 5-item Wave 4 Number of Life-Threatening Chronic Health Conditions (in last 12 months) Index (V13032). G37d. During the past 12 months, have you received any treatment or taken any medicines for cancer or a malignant tumor that were prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 52 147 N = 199 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 145 N = 3417 N=0 N=1 V12312 W4. G38a. Fract. Self-Report: Has R had any broken/ fractured bones in last 12 Months Note: This question was only asked of ACL Wave 4 Self-Report Respondents (N = 1692). That is, it was not included in the ACL Wave 4 Proxy Questionnaire. Note: This variable (V12312) is equivalent to the variables (V837, V4839, and V10226) from Waves 1, 2, and 3, and roughly equivalent to the ACL Wave 4 Proxy variable (V12322). Note: V12284, V12285 and V12315 (Hypertension), V12288, V12289 and V12316 (Diabetes), V12292 and V12317, and V12294 and V12318 (Lung Diseases), V12300 and V12319 (Heart Attack/ Heart Disease), V12305 and V12320 (Major Strokes), V12310, V12311 and V12321 (Cancer), V12312 and V12322 (Fractured or Broken Bones), V12313 and V12323 (Arthritis/ Rheumatism), and V12314 and V12324 (Lost Urine Beyond R’s Control) have been combined to create the 9-item Wave 4 Number of Chronic Conditions (in last 12 months) Index (V13031). Note: V12284, V12285 and V12315 (Hypertension), V12312 and V12322 (Fractured or Broken Bones), V12313 and V12323 (Arthritis/ Rheumatism), and V12314 and V12324 (Lost Urine Beyond R’s Control) have been combined to create the 4-item Wave 4 Number of Debilitating Chronic Health Conditions Index (V13033). G38a. Now I have just a few more questions about health problems you might have had in the past 12 months. Have you had any broken or fractured bones in the past 12 months? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 96 1589 N = 1685 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 146 N = 1925 N=1 N=6 V12313 W4. G38b. Arth. Self-Report: Has R had arthritis/ rheumatism in last 12 months Note: This question was only asked of ACL Wave 4 Self-Report Respondents (N = 1692). That is, it was not included in the ACL Wave 4 Proxy Questionnaire. Note: This variable (V12312) is equivalent to the variables (V829, V4832, and V10219) from Waves 1, 2, and 3, and roughly equivalent to the ACL Wave 4 Proxy variable (V12323). Note: V12284, V12285 and V12315 (Hypertension), V12288, V12289 and V12316 (Diabetes), V12292 and V12317, and V12294 and V12318 (Lung Diseases), V12300 and V12319 (Heart Attack/ Heart Disease), V12305 and V12320 (Major Strokes), V12310, V12311 and V12321 (Cancer), V12312 and V12322 (Fractured or Broken Bones), V12313 and V12323 (Arthritis/ Rheumatism), and V12314 and V12324 (Lost Urine Beyond R’s Control) have been combined to create the 9-item Wave 4 Number of Chronic Conditions (in last 12 months) Index (V13031). Note: V12284, V12285 and V12315 (Hypertension), V12312 and V12322 (Fractured or Broken Bones), V12313 and V12323 (Arthritis/ Rheumatism), and V12314 and V12324 (Lost Urine Beyond R’s Control) have been combined to create the 4-item Wave 4 Number of Debilitating Chronic Health Conditions Index (V13033). G38b. During the past 12 months, have you had arthritis or rheumatism? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 730 955 N = 1685 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 147 N = 1925 N=1 N=6 V12314 W4. G38c. Urine. Self-Report: Has R lost urine beyond control in last 12 months Note: This variable (V12312) is equivalent to the variables (V838, V4840, and V10227) from Waves 1, 2, and 3, and to the ACL Wave 4 Proxy variable (V12324). Note: V12284, V12285 and V12315 (Hypertension), V12288, V12289 and V12316 (Diabetes), V12292 and V12317, and V12294 and V12318 (Lung Diseases), V12300 and V12319 (Heart Attack/ Heart Disease), V12305 and V12320 (Major Strokes), V12310, V12311 and V12321 (Cancer), V12312 and V12322 (Fractured or Broken Bones), V12313 and V12323 (Arthritis/ Rheumatism), and V12314 and V12324 (Lost Urine Beyond R’s Control) have been combined to create the 9-item Wave 4 Number of Chronic Conditions (in last 12 months) Index (V13031). Note: V12284, V12285 and V12315 (Hypertension), V12312 and V12322 (Fractured or Broken Bones), V12313 and V12323 (Arthritis/ Rheumatism), and V12314 and V12324 (Lost Urine Beyond R’s Control) have been combined to create the 4-item Wave 4 Number of Debilitating Chronic Health Conditions Index (V13033). G38c. During the past 12 months, have you lost any amount of urine beyond your control? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 224 1459 N = 1683 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 148 N = 1925 N=3 N=6 V12315 W4. PG31. PHyperB. Proxy: R has had hypertension/ has taken medication for it in last 12 Months Note: This question was only asked of ACL Wave 4 Proxy-Report Respondents (N = 95). Note: V12284 and V12285 (from the ACL Wave 4 Self-Report Questionnaire) should be combined to obtain a variable that is equivalent to this Proxy variable (V12315). Note: V12284, V12285 and V12315 (Hypertension), V12288, V12289 and V12316 (Diabetes), V12292 and V12317, and V12294 and V12318 (Lung Diseases), V12300 and V12319 (Heart Attack/ Heart Disease), V12305 and V12320 (Major Strokes), V12310, V12311 and V12321 (Cancer), V12312 and V12322 (Fractured or Broken Bones), V12313 and V12323 (Arthritis/ Rheumatism), and V12314 and V12324 (Lost Urine Beyond R’s Control) have been combined to create the 9-item Wave 4 Number of Chronic Conditions (in last 12 months) Index (V13031). Note: V12284, V12285 and V12315 (Hypertension), V12312 and V12322 (Fractured or Broken Bones), V12313 and V12323 (Arthritis/ Rheumatism), and V12314 and V12324 (Lost Urine Beyond R’s Control) have been combined to create the 4-item Wave 4 Number of Debilitating Chronic Health Conditions Index (V13033). PG31. Has (he/ she) had high blood pressure or hypertension in the past 12 months or has he/ she taken medication for it? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 53 40 N = 93 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 149 N = 3522 N=0 N=2 V12316 W4. PG32. PDiabB. Proxy: R has had diabetes/ has taken medication for it in last 12 months Note: This question was only asked of ACL Wave 4 Proxy-Report Respondents (N = 95). Note: V12288 and V12289 (from the ACL Wave 4 Self-Report Questionnaire) should be combined to obtain a variable that is equivalent to this Proxy variable (V12316). Note: V12284, V12285 and V12315 (Hypertension), V12288, V12289 and V12316 (Diabetes), V12292 and V12317, and V12294 and V12318 (Lung Diseases), V12300 and V12319 (Heart Attack/ Heart Disease), V12305 and V12320 (Major Strokes), V12310, V12311 and V12321 (Cancer), V12312 and V12322 (Fractured or Broken Bones), V12313 and V12323 (Arthritis/ Rheumatism), and V12314 and V12324 (Lost Urine Beyond R’s Control) have been combined to create the 9-item Wave 4 Number of Chronic Conditions (in last 12 months) Index (V13031). Note: V12288, V12289 and V12316 (Diabetes), V12292 and V12317, and V12294 and V12318 (Lung Diseases), V12300 and V12319 (Heart Attack/ Heart Disease), V12305 and V12320 (Major Strokes), V12310, V12311 and 12321 (Cancer) have been combined to create the 5-item Wave 4 Number of Life-Threatening Chronic Health Conditions (in last 12 months) Index (V13032). PG32. (Has he/ she had) Diabetes or high blood sugar (in the past 12 months or has he/ she taken medication for it)? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 23 72 N = 95 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 150 N = 3522 N=0 N=0 V12317 W4. PG33. PAsthmaB. Proxy: R had asthma in last 12 months Note: This variable (V12317) is equivalent to the ACL Wave 4 Self-Report variable (V12292). Note: V12284, V12285 and V12315 (Hypertension), V12288, V12289 and V12316 (Diabetes), V12292 and V12317, and V12294 and V12318 (Lung Diseases), V12300 and V12319 (Heart Attack/ Heart Disease), V12305 and V12320 (Major Strokes), V12310, V12311 and V12321 (Cancer), V12312 and V12322 (Fractured or Broken Bones), V12313 and V12323 (Arthritis/ Rheumatism), and V12314 and V12324 (Lost Urine Beyond R’s Control) have been combined to create the 9-item Wave 4 Number of Chronic Conditions (in last 12 months) Index (V13031). Note: V12288, V12289 and V12316 (Diabetes), V12292 and V12317, and V12294 and V12318 (Lung Diseases), V12300 and V12319 (Heart Attack/ Heart Disease), V12305 and V12320 (Major Strokes), V12310, V12311 and 12321 (Cancer) have been combined to create the 5-item Wave 4 Number of Life-Threatening Chronic Health Conditions (in last 12 months) Index (V13032). PG33. Has (he/ she) had asthma in the past 12 months? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 5 90 N = 95 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 151 N = 3522 N=0 N=0 V12318 W4. PG34. PEmphB. Proxy: R had emphysema=1/ COPD=2/ Both=3 Note: This question was only asked of ACL Wave 4 Proxy-Report Respondents (N = 95). Note: V12294 (from the ACL Wave 4 Self-Report Questionnaire) is the closest approximation to this Proxy variable (V12318). V12294 asks if Respondent EVER was told he/ she had Emphysema and/ or COPD. Note: V12284, V12285 and V12315 (Hypertension), V12288, V12289 and V12316 (Diabetes), V12292 and V12317, and V12294 and V12318 (Lung Diseases), V12300 and V12319 (Heart Attack/ Heart Disease), V12305 and V12320 (Major Strokes), V12310, V12311 and V12321 (Cancer), V12312 and V12322 (Fractured or Broken Bones), V12313 and V12323 (Arthritis/ Rheumatism), and V12314 and V12324 (Lost Urine Beyond R’s Control) have been combined to create the 9-item Wave 4 Number of Chronic Conditions (in last 12 months) Index (V13031). Note: V12288, V12289 and V12316 (Diabetes), V12292 and V12317, and V12294 and V12318 (Lung Diseases), V12300 and V12319 (Heart Attack/ Heart Disease), V12305 and V12320 (Major Strokes), V12310, V12311 and 12321 (Cancer) have been combined to create the 5-item Wave 4 Number of Life-Threatening Chronic Health Conditions (in last 12 months) Index (V13032). PG34. (Has (he/ she) had) emphysema or COPD, which is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (in the past 12 months)? Code Category Description 1 2 3 5 Yes, emphysema Yes, COPD Yes, both No Frequencies 3 2 1 89 N = 95 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 152 N = 3522 N=0 N=0 V12319 W4. PG35. PMIC. Proxy: R had heart attack/ other heart trouble in last 12 months Note: This variable (V12319) is equivalent to the ACL Wave 4 Self-Report variable (V12300). Note: V12284, V12285 and V12315 (Hypertension), V12288, V12289 and V12316 (Diabetes), V12292 and V12317, and V12294 and V12318 (Lung Diseases), V12300 and V12319 (Heart Attack/ Heart Disease), V12305 and V12320 (Major Strokes), V12310, V12311 and V12321 (Cancer), V12312 and V12322 (Fractured or Broken Bones), V12313 and V12323 (Arthritis/ Rheumatism), and V12314 and V12324 (Lost Urine Beyond R’s Control) have been combined to create the 9-item Wave 4 Number of Chronic Conditions (in last 12 months) Index (V13031). Note: V12288, V12289 and V12316 (Diabetes), V12292 and V12317, and V12294 and V12318 (Lung Diseases), V12300 and V12319 (Heart Attack/ Heart Disease), V12305 and V12320 (Major Strokes), V12310, V12311 and 12321 (Cancer) have been combined to create the 5-item Wave 4 Number of Life-Threatening Chronic Health Conditions (in last 12 months) Index (V13032). PG35. Has (he/ she) had a heart attack or other heart trouble in the past 12 months? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 23 71 N = 94 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 153 N = 3522 N=0 N=1 V12320 W4. PG36. PStrokeC. Proxy: R had stroke (not mini-strokes or TIA’s) in last 12 months Note: This variable (V12320) is equivalent to the ACL Wave 4 Self-Report variable (V12305). Note: V12284, V12285 and V12315 (Hypertension), V12288, V12289 and V12316 (Diabetes), V12292 and V12317, and V12294 and V12318 (Lung Diseases), V12300 and V12319 (Heart Attack/ Heart Disease), V12305 and V12320 (Major Strokes), V12310, V12311 and V12321 (Cancer), V12312 and V12322 (Fractured or Broken Bones), V12313 and V12323 (Arthritis/ Rheumatism), and V12314 and V12324 (Lost Urine Beyond R’s Control) have been combined to create the 9-item Wave 4 Number of Chronic Conditions (in last 12 months) Index (V13031). Note: V12288, V12289 and V12316 (Diabetes), V12292 and V12317, and V12294 and V12318 (Lung Diseases), V12300 and V12319 (Heart Attack/ Heart Disease), V12305 and V12320 (Major Strokes), V12310, V12311 and 12321 (Cancer) have been combined to create the 5-item Wave 4 Number of Life-Threatening Chronic Health Conditions (in last 12 months) Index (V13032). PG36. (Has (he/ she) had ) A stroke (not including mini-strokes or TIA’s, which are transient ischemic attacks) (in the past 12 months)? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 10 81 N = 91 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 154 N = 3522 N=0 N=4 V12321 W4. PG37. PCancerC. Proxy: R had cancer/ malignant tumor/ received treatment for it in last 12 months Note: This question was only asked of ACL Wave 4 Proxy-Report Respondents (N = 95). Note: V12310 and V12311 (from the ACL Wave 4 Self-Report Questionnaire) should be combined to obtain a variable that is equivalent to this Proxy variable (V12321). Note: V12284, V12285 and V12315 (Hypertension), V12288, V12289 and V12316 (Diabetes), V12292 and V12317, and V12294 and V12318 (Lung Diseases), V12300 and V12319 (Heart Attack/ Heart Disease), V12305 and V12320 (Major Strokes), V12310, V12311 and V12321 (Cancer), V12312 and V12322 (Fractured or Broken Bones), V12313 and V12323 (Arthritis/ Rheumatism), and V12314 and V12324 (Lost Urine Beyond R’s Control) have been combined to create the 9-item Wave 4 Number of Chronic Conditions (in last 12 months) Index (V13031). Note: V12288, V12289 and V12316 (Diabetes), V12292 and V12317, and V12294 and V12318 (Lung Diseases), V12300 and V12319 (Heart Attack/ Heart Disease), V12305 and V12320 (Major Strokes), V12310, V12311 and 12321 (Cancer) have been combined to create the 5-item Wave 4 Number of Life-Threatening Chronic Health Conditions (in last 12 months) Index (V13032). PG37. Has (he/ she) had cancer or a malignant tumor of any kind in the past 12 months, or has (he/ she) received treatment for it? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 8 87 N = 95 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 155 N = 3522 N=0 N=0 V12322 W4. PG38a. PFract. Proxy: Has R had any broken/ fractured bones in last 12 months Note: This question was only asked of ACL Wave 4 Proxy-Report Respondents (N = 95). Note: V12312 (from the ACL Wave 4 Self-Report Questionnaire) is the closest approximation to this Proxy variable (V12322). V12312 asks if the Respondent had any broken or fractured bones in the past 12 months? The Self-Report question did not ask if the Respondent received treatment for the broken or fractured bones in the past 12 months. Note: V12284, V12285 and V12315 (Hypertension), V12288, V12289 and V12316 (Diabetes), V12292 and V12317, and V12294 and V12318 (Lung Diseases), V12300 and V12319 (Heart Attack/ Heart Disease), V12305 and V12320 (Major Strokes), V12310, V12311 and V12321 (Cancer), V12312 and V12322 (Fractured or Broken Bones), V12313 and V12323 (Arthritis/ Rheumatism), and V12314 and V12324 (Lost Urine Beyond R’s Control) have been combined to create the 9-item Wave 4 Number of Chronic Conditions (in last 12 months) Index (V13031). Note: V12284, V12285 and V12315 (Hypertension), V12312 and V12322 (Fractured or Broken Bones), V12313 and V12323 (Arthritis/ Rheumatism), and V12314 and V12324 (Lost Urine Beyond R’s Control) have been combined to create the 4-item Wave 4 Number of Debilitating Chronic Health Conditions Index (V13033). PG38a. (Has (he/ she) had) Any broken or fractured bones, (or received treatment for it/ them , in the past 12 months)? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 6 89 N = 95 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 156 N = 3522 N=0 N=0 V12323 W4. PG38b. PArth. Proxy: Has R had arthritis/ rheumatism in last 12 months Note: This question was only asked of ACL Wave 4 Proxy-Report Respondents (N = 95). Note: V12313 (from the ACL Wave 4 Self-Report Questionnaire) is the closest approximation to this Proxy variable (V12323). V12313 asks if the Respondent had arthritis or rheumatism in the past 12 months? The Self-Report question did not ask if the Respondent received treatment for arthritis or rheumatism in the past 12 months. Note: V12284, V12285 and V12315 (Hypertension), V12288, V12289 and V12316 (Diabetes), V12292 and V12317, and V12294 and V12318 (Lung Diseases), V12300 and V12319 (Heart Attack/ Heart Disease), V12305 and V12320 (Major Strokes), V12310, V12311 and V12321 (Cancer), V12312 and V12322 (Fractured or Broken Bones), V12313 and V12323 (Arthritis/ Rheumatism), and V12314 and V12324 (Lost Urine Beyond R’s Control) have been combined to create the 9-item Wave 4 Number of Chronic Conditions (in last 12 months) Index (V13031). Note: V12284, V12285 and V12315 (Hypertension), V12312 and V12322 (Fractured or Broken Bones), V12313 and V12323 (Arthritis/ Rheumatism), and V12314 and V12324 (Lost Urine Beyond R’s Control) have been combined to create the 4-item Wave 4 Number of Debilitating Chronic Health Conditions Index (V13033). PG38b. (Has (he/ she) had) Arthritis or rheumatism, (or received treatment for it , in the past 12 months)? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 64 29 N = 93 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 157 N = 3522 N=0 N=2 V12324 W4. PG38c. PUrine. Proxy: Has R lost any amount of urine beyond his/ her control in last 12 months Note: This variable (V12324) is equivalent to the ACL Wave 4 Self-Report variable (V12314). Note: V12284, V12285 and V12315 (Hypertension), V12288, V12289 and V12316 (Diabetes), V12292 and V12317, and V12294 and V12318 (Lung Diseases), V12300 and V12319 (Heart Attack/ Heart Disease), V12305 and V12320 (Major Strokes), V12310, V12311 and V12321 (Cancer), V12312 and V12322 (Fractured or Broken Bones), V12313 and V12323 (Arthritis/ Rheumatism), and V12314 and V12324 (Lost Urine Beyond R’s Control) have been combined to create the 9-item Wave 4 Number of Chronic Conditions (in last 12 months) Index (V13031). Note: V12284, V12285 and V12315 (Hypertension), V12312 and V12322 (Fractured or Broken Bones), V12313 and V12323 (Arthritis/ Rheumatism), and V12314 and V12324 (Lost Urine Beyond R’s Control) have been combined to create the 4-item Wave 4 Number of Debilitating Chronic Health Conditions Index (V13033). PG38c. Has (he/ she) lost any amount of urine beyond (his/ her) control in the last 12 months? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 37 52 N = 89 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 158 N = 3522 N=0 N=6 SECTION H: Depression and Depressive Symptoms V12325 W4. H1a. CESD1. R felt depressed (in the past week) Note: V12325-V12335 have been combined to create the Wave 4 11-item CESD-11 Index (V13201). I’m going to read you a list of statements describing how people sometimes feel. After each statement, please indicate how often you felt that way during the past week. Again, the best answer is usually the one that comes to your mind first. Here’s the first statement. I felt depressed -- How often have you felt that way during the past week--never or hardly ever, some of the time, or most of the time? Code Category Description 1 2 3 Never or Hardly Ever Some of the time Most of the time Frequencies 1231 383 69 N = 1683 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12326 N = 1925 N=2 N=7 W1. H1b. CESD2. R felt everything R did was an effort (in the past week) Note: V12325-V12335 have been combined to create the Wave 4 11-item CESD-11 Index (V13201). Here's the next statement. I felt that everything I did was an effort. (How often have you felt that way during the past week--never or hardly ever, some of the time, or most of the time?) Code Category Description 1 2 3 Never or Hardly Ever Some of the time Most of the time Frequencies 1107 426 147 N = 1680 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 159 N = 1925 N=3 N=9 V12327 W4. H1c. CESD3. R’s sleep was restless (in the past week) Note: V12325-V12335 have been combined to create the Wave 4 11-item CESD-11 Index (V13201). My sleep was restless. (How often have you felt that way during the past week--never or hardly ever, some of the time, or most of the time?) Code Category Description 1 2 3 Never or Hardly Ever Some of the time Most of the time Frequencies 844 623 217 N = 1684 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12328 N = 1925 N=2 N=6 W4. H1d. CESD4. R was happy (in the past week) Note: V12325-V12335 have been combined to create the Wave 4 11-item CESD-11 Index (V13201). I was happy. (How often have you felt that way during the past week--never or hardly ever, some of the time, or most of the time?) Code Category Description 1 2 3 Never or Hardly Ever Some of the time Most of the time Frequencies 67 358 1260 N = 1685 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 160 N = 1925 N=2 N=5 V12329 W4. H1e. CESD5. R felt lonely (in the past week) Note: V12325-V12335 have been combined to create the Wave 4 11-item CESD-11 Index (V13201). I felt lonely. How often have you felt that way during the past week--never or hardly ever, some of the time, or most of the time? Code Category Description 1 2 3 Never or Hardly Ever Some of the time Most of the time Frequencies 1241 364 78 N = 1683 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12330 N = 1925 N=2 N=7 W4. H1f. CESD6. R felt people were unfriendly (in the past week) Note: V12325-V12335 have been combined to create the Wave 4 11-item CESD-11 Index (V13201). People were unfriendly. (How often have you felt that way during the past week--never or hardly ever, some of the time, or most of the time?) Code Category Description 1 2 3 Never or Hardly Ever Some of the time Most of the time Frequencies 1347 299 33 N = 1679 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 161 N = 1925 N=2 N = 11 V12331 W4. H1g. CESD7. R enjoyed life (in the past week) Note: V12325-V12335 have been combined to create the Wave 4 11-item CESD-11 Index (V13201). I enjoyed life. (How often have you felt that way during the past week--never or hardly ever, some of the time, or most of the time?) Code Category Description 1 2 3 Never or Hardly Ever Some of the time Most of the time Frequencies 52 223 1407 N = 1682 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12332 N = 1925 N=2 N=8 W1. H1h. CESD8. R did not feel like eating (R’s appetite was poor) (in the past week) Note: V12325-V12335 have been combined to create the Wave 4 11-item CESD-11 Index (V13201). I did not feel like eating. My appetite was poor. (How often have you felt that way during the past week--never or hardly ever, some of the time, or most of the time?) Code Category Description 1 2 3 Never or Hardly Ever Some of the time Most of the time Frequencies 1350 259 75 N = 1684 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 162 N = 1925 N=2 N=6 V12333 W4. H1k. CESD9. R felt sad (in the past week) Note: V12325-V12335 have been combined to create the Wave 4 11-item CESD-11 Index (V13201). I felt sad. (How often have you felt that way during the past week--never or hardly ever, some of the time, or most of the time?) Code Category Description 1 2 3 Never or Hardly Ever Some of the time Most of the time Frequencies 1101 506 73 N = 1680 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12234 N = 1925 N=2 N = 10 W4. H1m. CESD10. R felt that people disliked R (in the past week) Note: V12325-V12335 have been combined to create the Wave 4 11-item CESD-11 Index (V13201). I felt that people disliked me. (How often have you felt that way during the past week--never or hardly ever, some of the time, or most of the time?) Code Category Description 1 2 3 Never or Hardly Ever Some of the time Most of the time Frequencies 1467 193 19 N = 1679 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 163 N = 1925 N=3 N = 10 V12335 W4. H1n. CESD11. R could not get “going” (in the past week) Note: V12325-V12335 have been combined to create the Wave 4 11-item CESD-11 Index (V13201). I could not get "going." (How often have you felt that way during the past week--never or hardly ever, some of the time, or most of the time?) Code Category Description 1 2 3 Never or Hardly Ever Some of the time Most of the time Frequencies 1019 552 108 N = 1679 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 164 N = 1925 N=2 N = 11 Note: The next series of questions (V12336-V12351) are from The World Health Organization (WHO) Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) (Short Form). These next 16 items are from the “Sad, Blue or Depressed” series. V12336 W1. HC-1. CIDIHO. Has R felt sad, blue or depressed two weeks or more in a row (in the last 12 months) Note: V12336-V12347 and V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 CIDI measure of Major Depressive Episodes (V13224). Note: V12336-V12347 and V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 count of CIDI Depression Effects or Symptoms (plus 1) (V13223). Note: V12336-V12347 have been combined to create the Wave 4 count of CIDI “Sad, Blue or Depressed” Effects or Symptoms (plus 1) (V13221). Now I have a few more questions about your emotional health. During the past 12 months, was there ever a time when you felt sad, blue, or depressed for two weeks or more in a row? REPEAT the question if R volunteers, “I was on medication/ anti-depressants.” Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 272 1412 N = 1684 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED SKIP: IF CIDIH0=5, ASK: CIDIA0 (V12352). 165 N = 1925 N=2 N=6 V12337 W4. HC-1a. CIDIH1. How much of the day did R feel sad, blue or depressed (during 2 weeks when feelings were worst) Note: V12336-V12347 and V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 CIDI measure of Major Depressive Episodes (V13224). Note: V12336-V12347 and V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 count of CIDI Depression Effects or Symptoms (plus 1) (V13223). Note: V12336-V12347 have been combined to create the Wave 4 count of CIDI “Sad, Blue or Depressed” Effects or Symptoms (plus 1) (V13221). For the next few questions, please think of the two-week period during the past 12 months when these feelings were the worst. During that time, did the feelings of being sad, blue, or depressed usually last all day long, most of the day, about half the day, or less than half the day? Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 All day long Most of the day About half the day Less than half the day Frequencies 42 88 61 81 N = 272 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3345 N=0 N=0 SKIP: IF CIDIH1=3 OR 4, ASK: CIDIA0 (V12352). V12338 W4. HC-1b. CIDIH2. How often during 2 weeks did R feel sad, blue or depressed Note: V12336-V12347 and V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 CIDI measure of Major Depressive Episodes (V13224). Note: V12336-V12347 and V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 count of CIDI Depression Effects or Symptoms (plus 1) (V13223). Note: V12336-V12347 have been combined to create the Wave 4 count of CIDI “Sad, Blue or Depressed” Effects or Symptoms (plus 1) (V13221). During those two weeks, did you feel this way every day, almost every day, or less often? Code Category Description 1 2 3 Every day Almost every day Less often Frequencies 51 58 21 N = 130 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED SKIP: IF CIDIH2=3, ASK: CIDIA0 (V12352). 166 N = 3487 N=0 N=0 V12339 W4. HC-1c. CIDIH3. Did R lose interest in most things during these 2 weeks Note: V12336-V12347 and V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 CIDI measure of Major Depressive Episodes (V13224). Note: V12336-V12347 and V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 count of CIDI Depression Effects or Symptoms (plus 1) (V13223). Note: V12336-V12347 have been combined to create the Wave 4 count of CIDI “Sad, Blue or Depressed” Effects or Symptoms (plus 1) (V13221). During those two weeks, did you lose interest in most things? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 83 26 N = 109 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12340 N = 3508 N=0 N=0 W4. HC-1d. CIDIH4. Did R feel tired out or low on energy all the time during these 2 weeks Note: V12336-V12347 and V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 CIDI measure of Major Depressive Episodes (V13224). Note: V12336-V12347 and V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 count of CIDI Depression Effects or Symptoms (plus 1) (V13223). Note: V12336-V12347 have been combined to create the Wave 4 count of CIDI “Sad, Blue or Depressed” Effects or Symptoms (plus 1) (V13221). Did you feel tired out or low on energy all the time? If R asks: “Are we still talking about the same two weeks?” ANSWER: Yes. Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 89 19 N = 108 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 167 N = 3508 N=0 N=1 V12341 W4. HC-2. CIDIH5. Did R gain or lose weight without trying or stay about the same during these 2 weeks Note: V12336-V12347 and V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 CIDI measure of Major Depressive Episodes (V13224). Note: V12336-V12347 and V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 count of CIDI Depression Effects or Symptoms (plus 1) (V13223). Note: V12336-V12347 have been combined to create the Wave 4 count of CIDI “Sad, Blue or Depressed” Effects or Symptoms (plus 1) (V13221). Did you gain or lose weight without trying, or did you stay about the same? If R asks: “Are we still talking about the same two weeks?” ANSWER: Yes. Code Category Description Frequencies 1 2 3 4 5 Gain Lose If volunteered: both gained and lost weight Stay about the same If volunteered: R was on a diet 11 34 1 63 0 N = 109 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3508 N=0 N=0 SKIP: IF CIDIH5=4 OR 5, ASK: CIDIH7. V12342 W4. HC-2a. CIDIH6. How much weight did R gain or lose during these 2 weeks Note: V12336-V12347 and V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 CIDI measure of Major Depressive Episodes (V13224). Note: V12336-V12347 and V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 count of CIDI Depression Effects or Symptoms (plus 1) (V13223). Note: V12336-V12347 have been combined to create the Wave 4 count of CIDI “Sad, Blue or Depressed” Effects or Symptoms (plus 1) (V13221). About how much did FILL (you gain/ you lose/ your weight change)? IWER: ENTER number of pounds from 1 to 50. If 51 lbs or higher, ENTER 50 If Respondent gives a range, ask for BEST ESTIMATE ________________ # of pounds Range: 2 to 50 pounds N = 45 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 168 N = 3571 N=0 N=1 V12343 W4. HC-3. CIDIH7. Did R have more trouble falling asleep than usual during these 2 weeks Note: V12336-V12347 and V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 CIDI measure of Major Depressive Episodes (V13224). Note: V12336-V12347 and V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 count of CIDI Depression Effects or Symptoms (plus 1) (V13223). Note: V12336-V12347 have been combined to create the Wave 4 count of CIDI “Sad, Blue or Depressed” Effects or Symptoms (plus 1) (V13221). Did you have more trouble falling asleep than you usually do? If R asks: “Are we still talking about the same two weeks?” ANSWER: Yes. Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 79 29 N = 108 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3508 N=0 N=1 SKIP: IF CIDIH7=5, ASK: CIDIH9. V12344 W4. HC-3a. CIDIH8. How often did R have trouble falling asleep during these 2 weeks Note: V12336-V12347 and V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 CIDI measure of Major Depressive Episodes (V13224). Note: V12336-V12347 and V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 count of CIDI Depression Effects or Symptoms (plus 1) (V13223). Note: V12336-V12347 have been combined to create the Wave 4 count of CIDI “Sad, Blue or Depressed” Effects or Symptoms (plus 1) (V13221). Did that happen every night, nearly every night, or less often during those two weeks? Code Category Description 1 2 3 Every night Nearly every night Less often Frequencies 28 45 6 N = 79 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 169 N = 3538 N=0 N=0 V12345 W4. HC-4. CIDIH9. Did R have a lot more trouble concentrating than usual during these 2 weeks Note: V12336-V12347 and V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 CIDI measure of Major Depressive Episodes (V13224). Note: V12336-V12347 and V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 count of CIDI Depression Effects or Symptoms (plus 1) (V13223). Note: V12336-V12347 have been combined to create the Wave 4 count of CIDI “Sad, Blue or Depressed” Effects or Symptoms (plus 1) (V13221). Did you have a lot more trouble concentrating than usual? If R asks: “Are we still talking about the same two weeks?” ANSWER: Yes. Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 87 21 N = 108 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12346 N = 3508 N=0 N=1 W4. HC-5. CIDIH10. Did R feel down on self, no good or worthless during these 2 weeks Note: V12336-V12347 and V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 CIDI measure of Major Depressive Episodes (V13224). Note: V12336-V12347 and V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 count of CIDI Depression Effects or Symptoms (plus 1) (V13223). Note: V12336-V12347 have been combined to create the Wave 4 count of CIDI “Sad, Blue or Depressed” Effects or Symptoms (plus 1) (V13221). People sometimes feel down on themselves, no good, or worthless. Did you feel this way? If R asks: “Are we still talking about the same two weeks?” ANSWER: Yes. Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 54 55 N = 109 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 170 N = 3508 N=0 N=0 V12347 W4. HC-6. CIDIH11. Did R think a lot about death (own, someone else’s, or in general) during these 2 weeks Note: V12336-V12347 and V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 CIDI measure of Major Depressive Episodes (V13224). Note: V12336-V12347 and V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 count of CIDI Depression Effects or Symptoms (plus 1) (V13223). Note: V12336-V12347 have been combined to create the Wave 4 count of CIDI “Sad, Blue or Depressed” Effects or Symptoms (plus 1) (V13221). Did you think a lot about death—either your own, someone else’s, or death in general? If R asks: “Are we still talking about the same two weeks?” ANSWER: Yes. Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 73 36 N = 109 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12348 N = 3508 N=0 N=0 W4. HC-7. SctGCP1. Interviewer Checkpoint (Section H, Checkpoint # 1): R said “No” to ALL CIDI “Sad, Blue, Depressed” follow-up effects or symptoms (V12339 = 5, V12340 = 5, V12341 = 4 or 5, V12343 = 5, V12345 = 5, V12346 = 5, and V12347 = 5) INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT IF (CIDIH3=5) AND (CIDIH4=5) AND (CIDIH5= 4 OR 5) AND (CIDIH7=5) AND (CIDIH9=5) AND (CIDIH10=5) AND (CIDIH11=5) ............................................................................................. 1 All others.................................................................................................................................... 2 Code Category Description Frequencies 1 2 “No” to all follow-up symptoms All others (one or more “Yes” responses) 1 108 N = 109 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED SKIP: IF SCTGCP1=1, ASK CIDIA0 (V12352). 171 N = 3508 N=0 N=0 V12349 W4. HC-8. CIDI12. How many weeks altogether R felt sad, blue, or depressed (in the past 12 months) Reviewing what you just told me, you had two weeks in a row during the past 12 months when you were sad, blue, or depressed and also had some other things like FILL (losing interest in most things, feeling tired out, gaining weight, having trouble falling asleep, having trouble concentrating, feeling worthless, thinking a lot about death.) About how many weeks altogether did you feel this way during the past 12 months? ENTER number of weeks from 2 to 52 ENTER 52 if R says “entire year” voluntarily. _______________ # of weeks Range: 2 to 52 weeks N = 106 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3508 N=0 N=2 SKIP: IF CIDI12=52, ASK BRERCE (V12367) V12350 W4. HC-8a. CIDI13. Month R most recently felt sad, blue or depressed for 2 weeks in a row (last 12 months) Think about the most recent time when you had two weeks in a row when you felt this way. In what month and year was this? ENTER month from 1 to 12 _______________ Month (01-12) Month Code January February March April May June July August September October November December 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Frequencies 4 8 9 8 5 2 9 6 13 13 8 9 N = 94 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 172 N = 3518 N=0 N=5 V12351 W4. HC-8b. CIDI14. Year R most recently felt sad, blue or depressed for 2 weeks in a row (last 12 months) (Think about the most recent time when you had two weeks in a row when you felt this way. In what month and year was this?) ENTER year from 1900 to 2001 _______________ Year Soft Check—if CIDI14 is not within 12 months of current date, The date must be within past 12 months. GO TO BRERCE Year Frequency 2000 2001 2002 8 75 11 N = 94 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 173 N = 3518 N=0 N=5 Note: The next series of questions (V12352-V12366) are from The World Health Organization (WHO) Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) (Short Form). These next 15 items are from the “Loss of Interest” series. Note: Respondents (N=108) who scored 2 or more on V13221 (i.e., reached the threshold for feeling “sad, blue, or depressed” and had one or more “sad, blue, or depressed symptoms”) were skipped out of this CIDI “Loss of interest” series of questions (V12352-V12366). V12352 W4. HC-9. CIDIAO. Did R lose interest in most things (hobbies, work, etc.) for 2 weeks or more in a row (in last 12 months) Note: V12336-V12347 and V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 CIDI measure of Major Depressive Episodes (V13224). Note: V12336-V12347 and V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 count of CIDI Depression Effects or Symptoms (plus 1) (V13223). Note: V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 count of CIDI “Loss of Interest” Effects or Symptoms (plus 1) (V13222). During the past 12 months, was there ever a time lasting two weeks or more when you lost interest in most things like hobbies, work, or activities that usually give you pleasure? REPEAT the question if R volunteers, “I was on medication/ anti-depressants.” Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 162 1406 N = 1568 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED SKIP: IF CIDIA0=5, ASK BRERCE (V12367) 174 N = 2033 N=3 N = 13 V12353 W4. HC-9a. CIDIA1.How much of the day did R lose interest in things (during 2 weeks when R most lost interest) Note: V12336-V12347 and V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 CIDI measure of Major Depressive Episodes (V13224). Note: V12336-V12347 and V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 count of CIDI Depression Effects or Symptoms (plus 1) (V13223). Note: V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 count of CIDI “Loss of Interest” Effects or Symptoms (plus 1) (V13222). For the next few questions, please think of the two-week period during the past 12 months when you had the most complete loss of interest in things. During that two-week period, did the loss of interest usually last all day long, most of the day, about half the day, or less than half the day? Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 All day long Most of the day About half the day Less than half the day Frequencies 21 33 51 57 N = 162 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3455 N=0 N=0 SKIP: IF CIDIA1= 3 OR 4, ASK BRERCE (V12367). V12354 W4. HC-9b. CIDIA2. How many days did R lose interest in things (during 2 weeks when R most lost interest) Note: V12336-V12347 and V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 CIDI measure of Major Depressive Episodes (V13224). Note: V12336-V12347 and V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 count of CIDI Depression Effects or Symptoms (plus 1) (V13223). Note: V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 count of CIDI “Loss of Interest” Effects or Symptoms (plus 1) (V13222). Did you feel this way every day, almost every day, or less often during the two weeks? Code Category Description 1 2 3 Every day Almost every day Less often Frequencies 13 19 22 N = 54 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED SKIP: IF CIDIA2= 3, ASK BRERCE (V12367). 175 N = 3563 N=0 N=0 V12355 W4. HC-9c. CIDIA3. Did R feel tired out or low on energy all the time (during 2 weeks when R most lost interest) Note: V12336-V12347 and V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 CIDI measure of Major Depressive Episodes (V13224). Note: V12336-V12347 and V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 count of CIDI Depression Effects or Symptoms (plus 1) (V13223). Note: V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 count of CIDI “Loss of Interest” Effects or Symptoms (plus 1) (V13222). During those two weeks, did you feel tired out or low on energy all the time? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 31 1 N = 32 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12356 N = 3585 N=0 N=0 W4. HC-10. CIDIA4. Did R gain or lose weight without trying or stay about the same (during 2 weeks when R most lost interest) Note: V12336-V12347 and V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 CIDI measure of Major Depressive Episodes (V13224). Note: V12336-V12347 and V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 count of CIDI Depression Effects or Symptoms (plus 1) (V13223). Note: V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 count of CIDI “Loss of Interest” Effects or Symptoms (plus 1) (V13222). Did you gain or lose weight without trying, or stay about the same? If R asks, “Are we still talking about the same two weeks?” ANSWER: Yes. Code Category Description Frequencies 1 2 3 4 5 Gain Lose If volunteered: both gained and lost weight Stay about the same If volunteered: R was on a diet 9 10 0 13 0 N = 32 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED SKIP: IF CIDIA4 = 4 OR 5, ASK: CIDIA6. 176 N = 3585 N=0 N=0 V12357 W4. HC-10a. CIDIA5. How much weight did R gain or lose (during 2 weeks when R most lost interest) Note: V12336-V12347 and V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 CIDI measure of Major Depressive Episodes (V13224). Note: V12336-V12347 and V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 count of CIDI Depression Effects or Symptoms (plus 1) (V13223). Note: V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 count of CIDI “Loss of Interest” Effects or Symptoms (plus 1) (V13222). About how much did FILL (you gain/you lose/your weight change)? ENTER number of pounds from 1 to 50. If 51 lbs or higher, ENTER 50 If Respondent gives a range, ask for BEST ESTIMATE _______________ # of pounds Range: 2 to 50 pounds N = 19 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12358 N = 3598 N=0 N=0 W4. HC-11. CIDIA6. Did R have more trouble falling asleep than usual (during 2 weeks when R most lost interest) Note: V12336-V12347 and V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 CIDI measure of Major Depressive Episodes (V13224). Note: V12336-V12347 and V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 count of CIDI Depression Effects or Symptoms (plus 1) (V13223). Note: V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 count of CIDI “Loss of Interest” Effects or Symptoms (plus 1) (V13222). Did you have more trouble falling asleep than you usually do? If R asks, “Are we still talking about the same two weeks?” ANSWER: Yes. Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 21 11 N = 32 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED SKIP: IF CIDIA6=5, ASK CIDIA8. 177 N = 3585 N=0 N=0 V12359 W4. HC-11a. CIDIA7. How often did R have trouble falling asleep (during 2 weeks when R most lost interest) Note: V12336-V12347 and V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 CIDI measure of Major Depressive Episodes (V13224). Note: V12336-V12347 and V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 count of CIDI Depression Effects or Symptoms (plus 1) (V13223). Note: V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 count of CIDI “Loss of Interest” Effects or Symptoms (plus 1) (V13222). Did that happen every night, nearly every night, or less often during those two weeks? Code Category Description 1 2 3 Every night Nearly every night Less often Frequencies 10 6 5 N = 21 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12360 N = 3596 N=0 N=0 W4. HC-12. CIDIA8. Did R have a lot more trouble concentrating than usual (during 2 weeks when R most lost interest) Note: V12336-V12347 and V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 CIDI measure of Major Depressive Episodes (V13224). Note: V12336-V12347 and V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 count of CIDI Depression Effects or Symptoms (plus 1) (V13223). Note: V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 count of CIDI “Loss of Interest” Effects or Symptoms (plus 1) (V13222). Did you have a lot more trouble concentrating than usual? If R asks, “Are we still talking about the same two weeks?” ANSWER: Yes. Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 25 6 N = 31 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 178 N = 3585 N=0 N=1 V12361 W4. HC-13. CIDIA9. Did R feel down on self, no good or worthless (during 2 weeks when R most lost interest) Note: V12336-V12347 and V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 CIDI measure of Major Depressive Episodes (V13224). Note: V12336-V12347 and V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 count of CIDI Depression Effects or Symptoms (plus 1) (V13223). Note: V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 count of CIDI “Loss of Interest” Effects or Symptoms (plus 1) (V13222). People sometimes feel down on themselves, no good, or worthless. Did you feel this way? If R asks, “Are we still talking about the same two weeks?” ANSWER: Yes. Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 19 13 N = 32 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12362 N = 3585 N=0 N=0 W4. HC-14. CIDIA10. Did R think a lot about death (own, someone else’s, or in general) (during 2 weeks when R most lost interest) Note: V12336-V12347 and V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 CIDI measure of Major Depressive Episodes (V13224). Note: V12336-V12347 and V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 count of CIDI Depression Effects or Symptoms (plus 1) (V13223). Note: V12352-V12362 have been combined to create the Wave 4 count of CIDI “Loss of Interest” Effects or Symptoms (plus 1) (V13222). Did you think a lot about death—either your own, someone else’s, or death in general? If R asks, “Are we still talking about the same two weeks?” ANSWER: Yes. Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 20 11 N = 31 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 179 N = 3585 N=1 N=0 V12363 W4. HC-15. SctGCP2. Interviewer Checkpoint (Section H, Checkpoint # 2): R said “No” to ALL CIDI “R lost interest” follow-up effects or symptoms (V12355 = 5, V12356 = 4 or 5, V12358 = 5, V12360 = 5, V12361 = 5, and V12362 = 5) INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT IF (CIDI3=5) AND (CIDI4=4 OR 5) AND (CIDIA6=5) AND (CIDIA8=5) AND (CIDIA9=5) AND (CIDIA10=5) ............................................................................................................................ 1 All others.................................................................................................................................... 2 Code Category Description Frequencies 1 2 “No” to all follow-up symptoms All others (one or more “Yes” responses) 0 32 N = 32 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED SKIP: IF SCTGCP2=1, ASK BRERCE (V12367). 180 N = 3585 N=0 N=0 V12364 W4. HC-16. CIDIA11. How many weeks altogether R lost interest in things (in past 12 months) Reviewing what you just told me, you had two weeks in a row during the past 12 months when you were sad, blue, or depressed and also had some other things like FILL (losing interest in most things, feeling tired out, gaining weight, having trouble falling asleep, having trouble concentrating, feeling worthless, thinking a lot about death.) About how many weeks altogether did you feel this way during the past 12 months? ENTER number of weeks from 2 to 52 ENTER 52 if R says “entire year” voluntarily. _______________ # of weeks Number of Weeks 2 3 4 5 6 12 16 26 28 40 52 Frequencies 3 7 2 1 4 8 1 1 1 1 3 N = 32 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED SKIP: IF CIDI12 = 52, ASK BRERCE (V12367) 181 N = 3585 N=0 N=0 V12365 W4. HC-16a. (Month). CIDIA12. Month R most recently lost interest in things for 2 weeks in a row (last 12 months) Think about the most recent time when you had two weeks in a row when you felt this way. In what month and year was this? ENTER month from 1 to 12 _______________ Month (01-12) Code Month 1 2 3 4 7 8 10 11 12 January February March April July August October November December Frequencies 3 1 6 4 5 1 1 3 5 N = 29 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12366 N = 3588 N=0 N=0 W4. HC-16a (Year). CIDIA13. Year R most recently lost interest in things for 2 weeks in a row (last 12 months) (Think about the most recent time when you had two weeks in a row when you felt this way. In what month and year was this?) ENTER year from 1900 to 2001 _______________ Year Year Frequencies 2000 2001 2002 2 20 7 N = 29 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3588 N=0 N=0 Soft Check—if CIDI14 is not within 12 months of current date, The date must be within past 12 months. GO TO BRERCE (V12367). 182 SECTION J (Part 1). Paid Employment J1. We would like to know about what you do. READ SLOWLY: Are you working now for pay, looking for work, retired from a paid job, keeping house, a student or something else? ENTER all that apply, separated by dashes. ┌──────────────┐┌───────────────────┐┌──────────┐ ┌───────────────────────┐ ┌┤1. WORKING NOW││4. LOOKING FOR ││5. RETIRED│┌┤6. PERMANENTLY DISABLED│ │└──────────────┘│ WORK, UNEMPLOYED││ FROM A ││└───────────────────────┘ │ └─────────┬─────────┘│ PAID ││┌────────────────┐ │┌─────────────┐ │ │ JOB │├┤7. KEEPING HOUSE│ │ └─────┬────┘│└────────────────┘ ││2. ONLY TEMP-│ ││ ORARILY │ │ │ │┌──────────┐ ├┤ LAID OFF; │ └────────┬───────┘ ├┤8. STUDENT│ ││ SICK OR │ │ │└──────────┘ ││ MATERNITY │ │ │┌──────────────────────────┐ ││ LEAVE │ │ ├┤9. OTHER (SPECIFY): │ │└─────────────┘ │ ││ │ │┌─────────┐ │ ││ _______________________│ ││3. UNPAID│ │ ││ │ ├┤ FAMILY│ │ ││ _______________________│ │ ││ │ ││ WORKER│ │└─────────┘ │ ││ _______________________│ │ │ │└──────────────────────────┘ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ V _ V _ │ │ │ ANYWORK │ . Are you doing any work for pay at the present │ time? │ │ J1a 1.YES 5. NO │ │ │ │ │ │ V _ 183 V12367 W4. J1 (1st Mention). Brerce1. R’s Employment Status Note: Do not use this variable. Use V13301 instead. V13301 is an extensively cleaned version of R’s Wave 4 Employment Status. V13301 combines information from V12367-V12369 into a single measure of Respondent’s primary Wave 4 Employment Status. J1. (1st Mention): Code Number Category Description 1 2 Working now Temporarily Laid Off; On Sick Leave; or On Maternity Leave Unpaid family worker Looking for work, unemployed Retired from a paid job Permanently disabled Keeping house Student Other 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Frequencies 795 5 2 32 561 83 216 8 76 N = 1778 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12368 N = 1830 N=1 N=8 W4. J1 (2nd mention). Brerce2. R’s Employment Status Note: Do not use this variable. Use V13301 instead. V13301 is an extensively cleaned version of R’s Wave 4 Employment Status. V13301 combines information from V12367-V12369 into a single measure of Respondent’s primary Wave 4 Employment Status. J1. (2nd Mention): Code Number Category Description 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Working now Unpaid family worker Looking for work, unemployed Retired from a paid job Permanently disabled Keeping house Student Other Frequencies 3 1 2 21 10 66 9 11 N = 123 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 184 N = 3494 N=0 N=0 W4. J1 (3rd Mention). Brerce3. R’s Employment Status V12369 Note: Do not use this variable. Use V13301 instead. V13301 is an extensively cleaned version of R’s Wave 4 Employment Status. V13301 combines information from V12367-V12369 into a single measure of Respondent’s primary Wave 4 Employment Status. J1. (3rd Mention): Code Number Category Description 7 8 9 Keeping house Student Other Frequencies 4 1 3 N=8 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3609 N=0 N=0 W4. PJ1a. Proxy. PRetire. Did R Retire before R’s Last ACL Interview? V12370 Note: This question was only asked of ACL Wave 4 Proxy Respondents. PJ1a. Did (he/ she) retire before (MONTH OF IW, 1986, 1989 or 1994)? YES…………………………………………..1 NO……………………………………………..5 DK……………………………………………..8 SKIP: If PRETIRE = 5, ASK PRETHLTH SKIP: If PRETIRE = 1 OR 8 and PBRERCE .NE. 1 or 2 or 3, ASK PANYWORK SKIP: If PRETIRE = 1 OR 8 and PBRERCE = 1 or 2 or 3, ASK PWKYRWRK Code Number Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 39 6 N = 45 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 185 N = 3572 N=0 N=0 V12371 W4. PJ1b. Proxy. PRetHlth. Did R Retire for Health Reasons? Note: This question was only asked of ACL Wave 4 Proxy Respondents. PJ1b. Did (he/ she) retire for health reasons? YES…………………………………………..1 NO……………………………………………5 SKIP: If PBRERCE = 1 OR 2 OR 3, ASK PWKYRWRK SKIP: If PBRERCE = 1 OR 2 OR 3, ASK PANYWORK Code Number Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 2 4 N=6 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12372 N = 3611 N=0 N=0 W4. J1a/ PJ2. AnyWork. Is R Doing Any Work for Pay at Present time? Note: Do not use this variable. Use V13302 instead. V13302 is an imputed version of this (V12372) variable. J1a: ANYWORK . Are you doing any work for pay at the present time? J1a 1. Yes GO TO J2 5. No SKIP: IF BRERCE=5, ASK STOPWRK Code Number Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 59 913 N = 972 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 186 N = 2636 N=1 N=8 V12373 W4. J2. ScndJob. Self-Report: Does R currently hold More Than One Paying Job? Note: Do not use this variable. Use V13303 instead. V13303 is an imputed version of this (V12373) variable. J2. Do you currently hold more than one paying job? YES………………………………………………1 NO…………… …………………………………5 SKIP: IF SCNDJOB=5, ASK WKYRWRK Code Number Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 107 752 N = 859 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12374 N = 2749 N=1 N=8 W4. J2a. TtlWrkHr. 2+ Jobs. Number of Hours in Average Week R Works on All Jobs Note: Do not use this variable. Use V13304 instead. V13304 is a cleaned and imputed version of this (V12374) variable. J2a. On the average, how many hours a week do you work on all of your jobs, including paid and unpaid vacation time? ENTER hours (1-100) HOURS__________ Range: 8 to 100 hours N = 107 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 187 N = 3510 N=0 N=0 V12375 W4. J3. WkYrWrk. Number of Weeks R Was Employed in last 12 months Note: For a variable that shows hours R works per year see V13305. V13305 is based on information from V12382 and V12375. J3. How many weeks altogether were you employed during the past 12 months, including paid vacations and sick leave? ENTER weeks 1-52. If the answer is 1-12, ASK: Is that weeks or months? If months, repeat the question. Frequencies 2 2 5 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 1 3 10 1 3 5 10 11 1 2 26 4 3 1 2 6 1 13 5 8 3 711 Weeks Employed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 15 16 18 20 24 25 26 27 28 30 32 36 37 38 40 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 N = 859 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 188 N = 2748 N=1 N=9 V12376 W4. J4. JobTnre. How Long Has R Worked at present Job – Number of Time Units J4. How long have you worked at your (FILL: main/present) job or position? ENTER number 1.0-100.0, PRESS [Enter] to enter unit on next screen. (Decimal values are also accepted) *Range = 1.0 to 75.0 (weeks/ months/ or years) ..................................... A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 858 N = 2754 N=1 N=4 W4. J4. J4WMY. How Long Has R Worked at present JobUnit = Weeks/ Months/ Years V12377 J4. (Unit): (How long have you worked at your present job or position?) SELECT an option Weeks ....................................................................................................... 1 Months ..................................................................................................... 2 Years ........................................................................................................ 3 _________ Soft Check-If number of years < R’s Age – 10. PROBE: You told me that you worked at your present job for FILL (JOBTNRE) years, that means you started on this job before the age of 10. Is this correct? Code Number Category Description 1 2 3 Weeks Months Years Frequencies 19 69 770 N = 858 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 189 N = 2754 N=1 N=4 V12378 W4. J5. J50c. Self-Report: R’s Occupation. 2000 US Census Occupation Codes. Not Cleaned Note: Do not use this variable. Use V13312 (or V13311) instead. V13312 is a cleaned version of this variable, using 2000 Census Occupation Codes. V13311 is the same as V13312, except that V13311 uses 1970 occupation codes. Note: 2000 U.S. Census Occupation Codes are in Appendix J(a). J5. What is your occupation on your main job now? What sort of work do you do? ENTER open-ended answer: ___________________________________________________________________________ *Range = Codes = 001 to 975 N = 858 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12379 N = 2754 N=1 N=4 W4. J7. J7Ind. Self-Report: R’s Job Industry. 2000 US Census Industry Codes. Cleaned Note: 2000 U.S. Census Industry Codes (North America Industry Codes – [NAICs]) are in Appendix J(b). J7. What kind of business or industry is that in? PROBE for detailed information about the product made where R works, or the kind of service provided; e.g., What do they make or do where you work? ____________________________________________________________________________ *Range = Codes 017 to 968 N = 860 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 190 N = 2754 N=1 N=2 V12380 W4. J8. SelfEmp. Is R Self-Employed, or Does R Have a Private or Government Employer Note: Do not use this variable. Use V13307 instead. V13307 is an imputed version of this (V12380) variable. J8. Are you self-employed, or do you work for a private employer, or a municipal, county, state or federal government? ┌────────────────┐ ┌───────────────────┐ ┌──────────────────────┐ │1. SELF-EMPLOYED │ │2. PRIVATE EMPLOYER │ │3. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYER │ └────────────────┘ └───────────────────┘ └──────────────────────┘ Code Number Category Description 1 2 3 Self-employed Private employer Government employer Frequencies 150 525 182 N = 857 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12381 N = 2754 N=1 N=5 W4. J9. SupvOth. Does R Supervise Others on R’s Job J9. Do you supervise others on your job? ┌──────┐ ┌─────┐ │1. YES │ │5. NO │ Code Number Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 391 468 N = 859 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 191 N = 2754 N=1 N=3 V12382 W4. J10. WrkHrWk. Number of Hours in Average Week R Works on Main Job. Self-Report Workers Note: For a variable that shows hours R works per year see V13305. V13305 is based on information from V12382 and V 12375. J10. On the average, how many hours a week do you work on this job, including paid and unpaid overtime? ENTER hours per week 1-100. ______________ HOURS PER WEEK (RANGE=1-100) Hard check: if J10 is >/= J2a, then “The working hours should be less than total working hours for ALL jobs *Range = 1 to 100 hours N = 852 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 2754 N=1 N = 10 W4.J11.EarnYr.Self-Report Workers.Dollars R Earns per Year on Main Job (before Taxes) V12383 J11. About how much do you earn per year from this job before taxes? ENTER amount per year $ _______________ Soft check if < or = $5000 ASK R: You’ve told me you make only FILL ______ per year from your job. Is that correct? Soft check If ≥ $1,000,000 ASK R: You’ve told me you make ______ per year Is that correct? *Range = $ 0 to $ 1,000,000 N = 777 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 192 N = 2754 N = 46 N = 40 SECTION J (Part 2). Job Attitudes and Retirement and Reason Stop Working V12384 W4. J12. EnjoyWrk. How much does R enjoy doing that kind of work How much do you enjoy doing that kind of work -- do you enjoy it a great deal, quite a bit, some, a little, or not at all? Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 A great deal Quite a bit Some A little Not at all Frequencies 461 255 118 16 9 N = 859 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12385 N = 2752 N=0 N=6 W4. J13. UpsetWrk. How often do you feel bothered or upset in your work In general, how often do you feel bothered or upset in your work -- almost always, often, sometimes, rarely, or never? Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 Almost always Often Sometimes Rarely Never Frequencies 14 65 358 326 96 N = 859 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 193 N = 2752 N=0 N=6 V12386 W4. J14. SatisWrk. How satisfied are you with your job How satisfied are you with your job — completely satisfied, very, somewhat, not very or not at all satisfied? Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 Completely satisfied Very Somewhat Not very Not at all satisfied Frequencies 216 384 226 18 14 N = 858 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12387 N = 2752 N=0 N=7 W4. J15a. EmpQ1s3. My job requires me to be creative Now I’m going to read you a list of some things that people tell us about their work. After each statement, please tell me whether you agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat, or disagree strongly. My job requires me to be creative. (Do you agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat, or disagree strongly?) Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 Agree strongly Agree somewhat Disagree somewhat Disagree strongly Frequencies 372 296 97 56 N = 821 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 194 N = 2787 N=0 N=9 V12388 W4. J15b. EmpQ1s5. My job allows me to make a lot of decisions on my own My job allows me to make a lot of decisions on my own. (Do you agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat, or disagree strongly?) Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 Agree strongly Agree somewhat Disagree somewhat Disagree strongly Frequencies 486 249 51 35 N = 821 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12389 N = 2787 N=0 N=9 W4. J15c. EmpQ1s7. I get to do a variety of different things on my job I get to do a variety of different things on my job. (Do you agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat, or disagree strongly?) Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 Agree strongly Agree somewhat Disagree somewhat Disagree strongly Frequencies 520 214 53 33 N = 820 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 195 N = 2787 N=1 N=9 V12390 W4. J15d. EmpQ1s13. I am not asked to do an excessive amount of work I am not asked to do an excessive amount of work. (Do you agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat, or disagree strongly?) Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 Agree strongly Agree somewhat Disagree somewhat Disagree strongly Frequencies 202 261 186 168 N = 817 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12391 N = 2787 N=1 N = 12 W4. J15e. EmpQ1s14. I have enough time to get the job done I have enough time to get the job done. (Do you agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat, or disagree strongly?) Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 Agree strongly Agree somewhat Disagree somewhat Disagree strongly Frequencies 328 282 126 85 N = 821 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 196 N = 2787 N=0 N=9 V12392 W4. J15f. EmpQ1s15. In my work, I am free from conflicting demands that others make In my work, I am free from conflicting demands that others make. (Do you agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat, or disagree strongly?) Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 Agree strongly Agree somewhat Disagree somewhat Disagree strongly Frequencies 198 264 215 140 N = 817 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12393 N = 2787 N=1 N = 12 W4. J15g. EmpStrn1. My job leaves me feeling too tired and stressed after work to participate in activities with friends/ family that I’d like to My job leaves me feeling too tired and stressed after work to participate in the activities with friends and family that I’d like to. (Do you agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat, or disagree strongly?) Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 Agree strongly Agree somewhat Disagree somewhat Disagree strongly Frequencies 57 207 238 317 N = 819 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 197 N = 2787 N=1 N = 10 V12394 W4. J16. OCHA. How noisy would you say your work environment is How noisy would you say your work environment is? Is it very noisy, somewhat noisy, a little noisy, not at all noisy? Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 Very noisy Somewhat noisy A little noisy Not at all noisy Frequencies 89 219 243 269 N = 820 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12395 N = 2787 N=0 N = 10 W4. J17. OCHC. How physically demanding is your work How physically demanding is your work? Is it very physically demanding, somewhat demanding, a little demanding, not at all physically demanding? Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 Very physically demanding Somewhat demanding A little demanding Not at all physically demanding Frequencies 126 261 202 232 N = 821 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 198 N = 2787 N=0 N=9 V12396 W4. J18. OCHB. In your job, how often do you inhale dust In your job, how often do you inhale dust? Would you say often, sometimes, rarely, or never? Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 Often Sometimes Rarely Never Frequencies 132 174 241 274 N = 821 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12397 N = 2787 N=0 N=9 W4. J19. OCHE. How often do you smell strong fumes or odors while you’re working How often do you smell strong fumes or odors while you’re working? (Would you say often, sometimes, rarely, or never?) Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 Often Sometimes Rarely Never Frequencies 95 170 221 335 N = 821 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 199 N = 2787 N=0 N=9 V12398 W4. J20. OCHF. How often do you perform dangerous work How often do you perform dangerous work? (Would you say often, sometimes, rarely, or never?) Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 Often Sometimes Rarely Never Frequencies 64 100 179 477 N = 820 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12399 N = 2787 N=0 N = 10 W4. J21. OCHG. How often do you work with or near toxic substances or hazardous wastes How often do you work with or near toxic substances or hazardous wastes? (Would you say often, sometimes, rarely, or never?) Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 Often Sometimes Rarely Never Frequencies 55 86 122 557 N = 820 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 200 N = 2787 N=0 N = 10 V12400 W4. J24. CheckJ1. Interviewer Checkpoint. For Respondents (currently) not working: Is R Retired Code Category Description 1 2 Retired All others Frequencies 497 332 N = 829 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 2788 N=0 N=0 SKIP: IF CHECKJ1 (V12400) = 1 (“Retired”), THEN ASK STOPWRK (V12402) V12401 W4. J24a. WrkPay. Respondents not working and not retired: Have you ever held a regular job for pay? Note: only ACL Wave 4 Respondents who are NOT currently working (and who are not Retired were asked this question. Have you ever held a regular job for pay? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 289 33 N = 322 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED SKIP: IF WRKPAY (V12401) = 5 (“No”), THEN GO TO VOLRELC (V12408) 201 N = 3285 N=0 N = 10 V12402 W4. J25. StopWrk. Year R Stopped Working on last regular job R had before retirement/ stopping work Now please think about the last regular job you had [before FILL (retirement/ stopping work)]. In what year did you stop working on that job? IF DK, ASK for estimate _______________ Year Range: 1930 to 2002 N = 751 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 2820 N=0 N = 46 SKIP: IF STOPWRK (V12402) < YEAR OF LAST IW, ASK VOLRELC (V12408) V12403 W4. J26Retir (1). WhyRetre. What are the reasons you retired/ left your last job (1st mention). Cases: Stop Work since last Interview Note: See Appendix E for a list of the codes used for V12403-V12405. People FILL (retire/ leave a paid job) for many reasons. What are the reasons you FILL (retired/ left your last job)? FIRST MENTION about why retired or stop working. PROBE: Were there any other reasons? ENTER open ended answer: ___________________________________________________________________________ FIRST MENTION: Range: Codes = 11 to 97 (Codes identified in Appendix E) N = 246 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3369 N=1 N=1 202 V12404 W4. J26Retir (2). WhyRetre. What are the reasons you retired/ left your last job (2nd mention). Cases: Stop Work since last Interview Note: See Appendix E for a list of the codes used for V12403-V12405. People FILL (retire/ leave a paid job) for many reasons. What are the reasons you FILL (retired/ left your last job)? SECOND MENTION about why retired or stop working. PROBE: Were there any other reasons? ENTER open ended answer: ___________________________________________________________________________ SECOND MENTION: Range: Codes = 13 to 97 V12405 (Codes identified in Appendix E) N = 47 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3570 N=0 N=0 W4. J26Retir (3). WhyRetre. What are the reasons you retired/ left your last job (3rd mention). Cases: Stop Work since last Interview Note: See Appendix E for a list of the codes used for V12403-V12405. People FILL (retire/ leave a paid job) for many reasons. What are the reasons you FILL (retired/ left your last job)? THIRD MENTION about why retired or stop working. PROBE: Were there any other reasons? ENTER open ended answer: ___________________________________________________________________________ THIRD MENTION: Range: Codes = 11 to 49 (Codes identified in Appendix E) N=9 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3608 N=0 N=0 203 V12406 W4. J27. ChceStop. How much choice did you have to retire/ stop working on that job. Cases: Stop Work since last Interview How much choice did you have in deciding to FILL (retire/ stop working on that job)? Was that complete choice, a great deal of choice, some choice, or no choice at all? Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 Complete choice A great deal of choice Some choice No choice at all Frequencies 130 24 23 71 N = 248 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12407 N = 3369 N=0 N=0 W4. J28. TmngStop. Did you leave that job earlier, later, or just about the time you wanted to. Cases: Stop Work since last Interview Did you leave that job earlier, later, or just about the time you wanted to? Code Category Description 1 2 3 Earlier Later Just about right Frequencies 105 8 132 N = 245 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 204 N = 3369 N=1 N=2 SECTION K. Voluntary Activity V12408 W4. K1a. VolRelC. Did R do Volunteer Work for a Church, Synagogue or Other Religious Organization (in last 12 months) During the last 12 months, did you do volunteer work for any of the following: a church, synagogue or other religious organization? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 575 1110 N = 1685 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12409 N = 1925 N=0 N=7 W4. K1b. VolEduc. Did R do Volunteer Work for a School or Educational Organization (in last 12 months) During the last 12 months, did you do volunteer work for any of the following: … a school or educational organization in the last 12 months? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 369 1316 N = 1685 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12410 N = 1925 N=0 N=7 W4 .K1c. VolPol. Did R do Volunteer Work for a Political Group or Labor Union (in last 12 months) During the last 12 months, did you do volunteer work for any of the following: … a political group or labor union (in the last 12 months)? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 114 1571 N = 1685 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 205 N = 1925 N=0 N=7 V12411 W4. K1d. VolSr. Did R do Volunteer Work for a Senior Citizen Group or Related Organization (in last 12 months) During the last 12 months, did you do volunteer work for any of the following: … a senior citizen group or related organization (in the last 12 months)? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 240 1445 N = 1685 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12412 N = 1925 N=0 N=7 W4.K1e.VolOther.Did R do Volunteer Work for any other National or Local Organization (including United Way, Hospitals, etc.) (in last 12 months) During the last 12 months, did you do volunteer work for any of the following: … any other national or local organization, including the United Way, hospitals, and the like (again, in the last 12 months)? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 297 1388 N = 1685 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 206 N = 1925 N=0 N=7 V12413 W4. VolCheck. Interviewer Checkpoint. Section K Checkpoint # 1: TOTAL NUMBER OF “YES” RESPONSES IN VolRelC, VolEduc, VolPol , VolSr, and VolOther (Question K1) series (V12408-V12412). Note: This is a count of the number of “Yes” responses to V12408 , V12409, V12410, V12411, and V12412. Possible range = 0 to 5. (INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT) COUNT TOTAL NUMBER OF “YES” RESPONSES IN VOLRELC – VOLOTHER TOTAL NUMBER Total Number 0 1 2 3 4 5 Frequencies 788 439 277 130 43 8 N = 1685 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12414 N = 1925 N=0 N=7 W4. K2. OthVolHr. Altogether, How Many Hours did R Spend on Volunteer Work (Question K1 series) (in last 12 months) Altogether, about how many hours did you spend on volunteer work of (FILL: this kind/these kinds) during the last 12 months, (that is doing volunteer work for FILL a church, synagogue or other religious organization OR a school or educational organization OR a political group or labor union OR a senior citizen group or related organization OR another national or local organization?). Would you say, less than 20 hours, 20 to 39 hours, 40-79 hours, 80-159 hours, or 160 hours or more (over the last 12 months)? Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 Less than 20 hours 20-39 hours 40-79 hours 80-159 hours 160 hours or more Frequencies 315 215 154 100 107 N = 891 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED SKIP: IF VOLRELC = 1 (“YES”) (i.e., V12408=1) “AND” VOLCHECK >/= 2 (i.e., V12413 = 2, 3, 4, or 5), ASK RELTIME (V12415); IF VOLRELC = 5 (“NO”) (i.e., V12408=5) “OR” VOLCHECK = 0 or 1 (i.e., V12413 = 0 or 1), ASK FrRlHelp (V12416). 207 N = 2720 N=3 N=3 V12415 W4. K3. RelTime. How Much of R’s Volunteer Work (Question K1 series) Was for a Church, Synagogue or Other Religious Organization How much of your volunteer work was done for a church, synagogue, or other religious organization, would you say most of it, some of it, or only a little of it? Code Category Description 1 2 3 Most Some Little Frequencies 192 109 55 N = 356 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12416 N = 3260 N=0 N=1 W4. K4a. FrFlHelp. Did R Provide Transportation, Shop or Run Errands for Friends/ Neighbors/ Relatives Not in R’s Household (in last 12 months) Now I have a few questions about help you may have given in the last 12 months to friends, neighbors or relatives who did not live with you, and for which you did not receive pay? During the last 12 months, did you: provide transportation, shop or run errands for friends, neighbors or relatives who did not live with you? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 1058 626 N = 1684 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12417 N = 1925 N=1 N=7 W4. K4b. FrR1Hwk. Did R Help Others (Not in R’s Household) with Housework, House or Car, etc., Upkeep (in last 12 months) During the last 12 months, did you: … help others with their housework or with the upkeep of their house, car or other things? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 678 1007 N = 1685 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 208 N = 1925 N=0 N=7 V12418 W4. K4c. FrRelCC. Did R Do Childcare without Pay for Persons Not in R’s Household (in last 12 months) During the last 12 months, did you: … do childcare without pay for persons not living in your household? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 641 1043 N = 1684 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12419 N = 1925 N=1 N=7 W4. K4d. FrRel10th. Did R Do any Other Things to Help Neighbors/ Friends/ Relatives Not in R’s Household (in last 12 months) During the last 12 months, did you: … do any other things to help neighbors, friends or relatives who did not live with you? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 915 766 N = 1681 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12420 N = 1925 N=1 N = 10 W4. K5. HelpChck. Interviewer Checkpoint. Section K Checkpoint # 2: 1 = “Yes” R gave help to Neighbors/ Friends/ Relatives Not in R’s Household (Question K4 series) (V12416-V12419). Note: Code = 1 indicates that the R gave one or more “YES” responses to V12416, V12417, V12418, or V12419. Code = 2 indicates that the Respondent gave “NO” (and/ or “Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained”) responses to V12416, V12417, V12418, and V12419. The N = 7 cases with Code = .N (NA) on V12420 are Wave 4 Partial Interview cases that had dropped out of the interview before reaching these questions. Code Category Description 1 2 R gave help All others Frequencies 1343 342 N = 1685 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 209 N = 1925 N=0 N=7 V12421 W4. K6. FrRelHrs. Altogether, How Many Hours Did R Spend Helping Friends/ Neighbors/ Relatives Not in R’s Household (Question K4 series) (in last 12 months) Altogether, how many hours did you spend doing these things. (That is FILL provide transportation, shop or run errands for friends, neighbors or relatives who did not live with you OR help others with their housework or with the upkeep of their house, car or other things OR do childcare without pay for persons not living in your household OR do any other things in the last 12 months to help neighbors, friends or relatives who did not live with you?) Would you say, less than 20 hours, 20 to 39 hours, 40-79 hours, 80-159 hours, or 160 hours or more (over the last 12 months)? Code Number of Hours Frequencies 1 2 3 4 5 Less than 20 hours 20 to 39 hours 40 to79 hours 80 to 159 hours 160 hours or more 428 372 254 138 135 N = 1327 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12422 N = 2274 N=7 N=9 W4 .K7. CareGive. Did R Directly Care For or Arrange Care For Someone Who Can’t Care for Self (in last 12 months) Now I would like to talk with you about friends and relatives (including those living with you), who have trouble taking care of themselves because of physical or mental illness, disability, or for some other reason. In the last 12 months, have you been involved in helping someone like this by caring for them directly, or arranging for their care by others? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 486 1196 N = 1682 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 210 N = 1925 N=1 N=9 V12423 W4. K7a. CreGveHr. How Many Hours Did R Spend Caring for Others Who Can’t Care for Themselves (in last 12 months) During the last 12 months, how many hours did you spend providing such help? Would you say, less than 20 hours, 20 to 39 hours, 40-79 hours, 80-159 hours, or 160 hours or more (over the last 12 months)? Code Number of Hours 1 2 3 4 5 Less than 20 hours 20-39 hours 40-79 hours 80-159 hours 160 hours or more Frequencies 132 100 73 58 119 N = 482 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 211 N = 3131 N=2 N=2 SECTION L (Part 1). Cognitive Functioning and Memory (ACL Wave 4 Self-Report cases only) V12424 W4. L1. MemDate. What is the date today — [DDMMYYYY]? Now I'd like to ask some questions dealing with memory. Even people with very good memories seem to forget some of these things from time to time. These are routine questions we ask everyone. What is the date today -- month, day and year? DD/MM/YYYY Range: 01012002 to 31122001 N = 1645 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12425 N = 1925 N = 16 N = 31 W4. L1a. DateCorr. Was R’s (L1. MemDate) Date response Correct or Incorrect Note: V12425, V12427, V13215, V13216, and V12436 have been combined to create the Wave 4 5-item Cognitive Impairment Index (V13202). Note: If case was “Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained” on Date (V12424), then the case was coded as “Incorrect” on V12425. The N = 7 cases with Code = .N (NA) were ACL Wave 4 Partial Interview cases that dropped out of the interview before reaching this question. The R indicated that the date today is FILL (XX/XX/XXXX). Today’s date is FILL (XX/XX/XXXX). Was the R’s response correct or incorrect? Note that if the interview was suspended between this and the last question, the accuracy of the R’s response should be determined based on the actual date at the time it was originally reported. Code Category Description 1 2 Correct Incorrect Frequencies 1420 265 N = 1685 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 212 N = 1925 N=0 N=7 V12426 W4.L2.MemDay.What day of the week is it? What day of the week is it? Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Frequencies 167 304 290 246 263 225 183 N = 1678 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12427 N = 1925 N=2 N = 12 W4. L2a. DayCorr. Was R’s (L2. MemDay) Day of Week response Correct or Incorrect Note: V12425, V12427, V13215, V13216, and V12436 have been combined to create the Wave 4 5-item Cognitive Impairment Index (V13202). Note: If case was “Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained” on Day of Week (V12426), then the case was coded as “Incorrect” on V12427. The N = 7 cases with Code = .N (NA) were ACL Wave 4 Partial Interview cases that dropped out of the interview before reaching this question. The R indicated that the day today is FILL (XXXXX). Today is FILL (XXXXX). Was the R’s response correct or incorrect? Note that if the interview was suspended between this and the last question, the accuracy of the R’s response should be determined based on the actual day at the time it was originally reported. Code Category Description 1 2 Correct Incorrect Frequencies 1652 33 N = 1685 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 213 N = 1925 N=0 N=7 V12428 W4. L4. MemPres. What is the name of the (current) president of the United States?. Original Coding. Cleaned Note: V13215 is a recoded version of V12428 (What is Name of Current President of the United States), except that for V13215 “Don’t Knows” and “Not Ascertained” codes have been recoded as Incorrect. What is the name of the president of the United States? The correct answer is Bush. Was the R’s response Bush, incorrect, or another name for Bush? Code Category Description 1 2 3 Bush Incorrect R knows but will not say, or uses nickname Frequencies 1628 21 10 N = 1659 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12429 N = 1925 N=3 N = 30 W4.L5.PastPres.What is the name of the person who was (last U.S.) president just before him?. Original Coding. Cleaned Note: V13216 is a recoded version of V12429 (What is Name of Previous President of the United States), except that for V13216 “Don’t Knows” and “Not Ascertained” codes have been recoded as Incorrect. What is the name of the person who was president just before him? The correct answer is Clinton. Was the R’s response Clinton, incorrect, or another name for Clinton? Code Category Description 1 2 3 Clinton Incorrect R knows but will not say, or uses nickname Frequencies 1511 72 34 N = 1617 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 214 N = 1925 N=9 N = 66 W4. L6. FSerial. A. 1ST Subtraction Number GIVEN (should be 17): Now keep subtracting 3 from this number V12430 Please subtract 3 from 20 and tell me the number you get. If R starts adding 3, REPEAT the question once. RECORD first number. PRESS [Enter] ___ A Soft check- if non-numerical entries are made or if any of A-F fall outside the 0-50 range. Interviewer, you entered FILL (XXX). Is this what the R said? SKIP—IF ZERO (0) IS ENTERED, SKIP OUT OF THIS SECTION Range: -17 to 27 N = 1660 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N = 13 N = 19 W4. L6. FSerial. B. 2ND Subtraction Number GIVEN (should be 14): Now keep subtracting 3 from this number V12431 Now keep subtracting 3 from this number and each new number you get, telling me the result as you go, or if R gives a number that is 2 or less. RECORD second number. PRESS [Enter] ___ B Range: -14 to 24 N = 1624 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N = 36 N = 32 W4. L6. FSerial. C. 3RD Subtraction Number GIVEN (should be 11): Now keep subtracting 3 from this number V12432 RECORD third number. PRESS [Enter] ___ C Range: -11 to 21 N = 1603 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 215 N = 1925 N = 47 N = 42 W4. L6. FSerial. D. 4TH Subtraction Number GIVEN (should be 8): Now keep subtracting 3 from this number V12433 RECORD fourth number. PRESS [Enter] ___ D Range: -8 to 19 N = 1592 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N = 50 N = 50 W4. L6. FSerial. E. 5TH Subtraction Number GIVEN (should be 5): Now keep subtracting 3 from this number V12434 RECORD fifth number. PRESS [Enter] ___ E Range: -5 to 41 N = 1586 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N = 51 N = 55 W4. L6. FSerial. F. 6TH Subtraction Number GIVEN (should be 2): Now keep subtracting 3 from this number V12435 RECORD sixth number. PRESS [Enter] ___ F Range: -5 to 43 N = 1572 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 216 N = 1925 N = 51 N = 69 V12436 W4. L6a. SerialCo. Serial 3’s: 1=Entire Series Correct (6) / 2=1 or more Incorrect Note: V12425, V12427, V13215, V13216, and V12436 have been combined to create the Wave 4 5-item Cognitive Impairment Index (V13202). Note: If case was “Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained” on any of the Serial 3’s questions (V12430-V12435), then the case was coded as “Incorrect” on V12436. The N = 9 cases with Code = .N (NA) on V12436 were ACL Wave 4 Partial Interview cases that dropped out of the interview before reaching the first Serial 3’s question (V12430). (CORRECT ANSWER IS 17, 14, 11, 8, 5, 2) ANSWER IS: ┌──────────┐ ┌────────────┐ │ 1. CORRECT│ │ 2. INCORRECT│ └──────────┘ └────────────┘ Code Category Description 1 2 All 6 answers Correct One or more answers Incorrect Frequencies 1199 484 N = 1683 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12437 N = 1925 N=0 N=9 W4. L6b. SerCorrA. 1ST Subtraction Number GIVEN: Correct/ Incorrect Must be 17. ANSWER IS: ┌──────────┐ ┌────────────┐ │ 1. CORRECT│ │2. INCORRECT └──────────┘ └────────────┘ Code Category Description 1 2 Correct Incorrect Frequencies 1623 61 N = 1684 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 217 N = 1925 N=0 N=8 V12438 W4. L6c. SerCorrB. 2ND Subtraction Number GIVEN: Correct/ Incorrect Correct if Answer A – 3 = B. ANSWER IS: ┌──────────┐ ┌────────────┐ │ 1. CORRECT│ │2. INCORRECT └──────────┘ └────────────┘ Code Category Description 1 2 Correct Incorrect Frequencies 1529 155 N = 1684 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12439 N = 1925 N=0 N=8 W4. L6d. SerCorrC. 3RD Subtraction Number GIVEN: Correct/ Incorrect Correct if Answer B – 3 = C. ANSWER IS: ┌──────────┐ ┌────────────┐ │ 1. CORRECT│ │2. INCORRECT └──────────┘ └────────────┘ Code Category Description 1 2 Correct Incorrect Frequencies 1527 156 N = 1683 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 218 N = 1925 N=0 N=9 V12440 W4. L6e. SerCorrD. 4TH Subtraction Number GIVEN: Correct/ Incorrect Correct if Answer C – 3 = D. ANSWER IS: ┌──────────┐ ┌────────────┐ │ 1. CORRECT│ │2. INCORRECT └──────────┘ └────────────┘ Code Category Description 1 2 Correct Incorrect Frequencies 1383 300 N = 1683 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12441 N = 1925 N=0 N=9 W4. L6f. SerCorrE. 5TH Subtraction Number GIVEN: Correct/ Incorrect Correct if Answer D – 3 = E. ANSWER IS: ┌──────────┐ ┌────────────┐ │ 1. CORRECT│ │2. INCORRECT └──────────┘ └────────────┘ Code Category Description 1 2 Correct Incorrect Frequencies 1524 159 N = 1683 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 219 N = 1925 N=0 N=9 V12442 W4. L6g. SerCorrF. 6TH Subtraction Number GIVEN: Correct/ Incorrect Correct if Answer E – 3 = F. ANSWER IS: ┌──────────┐ ┌────────────┐ │ 1. CORRECT│ │2. INCORRECT └──────────┘ └────────────┘ Code Category Description 1 2 Correct Incorrect Frequencies 1465 218 N = 1683 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12443 N = 1925 N=0 N=9 W4. SumSerCo. Number of Correct Serial 3’s (Subtraction) Answers (0 to 6). Index Number Correct 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Frequencies 33 49 25 32 65 280 1199 N = 1683 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 220 N = 1925 N=0 N=9 SECTION L (Part 2): ACL Wave 4 Proxy Interview Questions regarding R’s Cognitive Functioning. Note: These next 10 questions were only asked of ACL Wave 4 Proxy respondents to assess the Cognitive Functioning Level of the original ACL Respondent (N = 95 cases). V12444 W4. PL1. PCogSt1. Proxy: How would you rate (R’s) memory at the present time Part of this study is concerned with people's memory and ability to think about things. First, how would you rate (R’s) memory at the present time? Would you say it is excellent, very good, good, fair or poor? Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Frequencies 10 18 14 20 32 N = 94 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12445 N = 3522 N=0 N=1 W4. PL2. PCogSt2. Proxy: Compared to Last IW / 1994 would you say (R’s) memory is (better/ same/ worse) Compared to FILL ( YEAR OF LAST IW or 1994) would you say (his/ her) memory is better now, about the same, or worse now than it was then? Code Category Description 1 2 3 Better About the same Worse Frequencies 3 28 64 N = 95 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 221 N = 3522 N=0 N=0 V12446 W4. PL3. PCogSt3. Proxy: How would you rate (R) in making judgments and decisions How would you rate (him/ her) in making judgments and decisions? Would you say (he/ she) is excellent, very good, good, fair or poor? Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Frequencies 11 9 23 9 42 N = 94 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12447 N = 3522 N=0 N=1 W4. PL4. PCogSt4. Proxy: How would you rate (R’s) ability to organize (R’s) daily activities How would you rate (his/ her) ability to organize (his/ her) daily activities? (Would you say [he/ she] is excellent, very good, good, fair or poor?) Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Frequencies 7 10 21 16 36 N = 90 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 222 N = 3522 N=0 N=5 [NOTE: USE STANDARD TIME INTERVAL IN P5 SERIES OR LINK TO PREVIOUS INTERVIEW?] V12448 W4. PL5a. PCogSt5a. Proxy: Compared to Year Last Interviewed How is (R) at: Remembering things that have happened recently Now we want you to remember what (FILL R) was like in FILL (YEAR OF LAST IW) and to compare it with what (he/ she) is like now. I will read situations where (he/ she) has to use (his/ her) memory or intelligence and we would like you to indicate whether this has improved, not much changed, or gotten worse since FILL (YEAR OF LAST IW). Note the importance of comparing (his/ her) present performance with FILL (YEAR OF LAST IW). So if in FILL (YEAR OF LAST IW) (he/ she) always forgot where (he/ she) had left things, and (he/ she) still does, then this would be considered "not much change". Compared with FILL (YEAR OF LAST INTERVIEW), how is (he/ she) at: Remembering things that have happened recently. Is (he/ she) much improved, a bit improved, not much changed, a bit worse, or much worse? Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 Much improved A bit improved Not much changed A bit worse Much worse Frequencies 1 4 35 16 39 N = 95 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12449 N = 3522 N=0 N=0 W4. PL5b. PCogSt5b. Proxy: Compared to Year Last Interviewed How is (R) at: Recalling conversations a few days later (Compared with FILL (YEAR OF LAST INTERVIEW), how is (he/ she) at:) Recalling conversations a few days later. (Is (he/ she) much improved, a bit improved, not much changed, a bit worse, or much worse?) Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 Much improved A bit improved Not much changed A bit worse Much worse Frequencies 3 3 30 17 40 N = 93 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 223 N = 3522 N=0 N=2 V12450 W4. PL5c. PCogSt5c. Proxy: Compared to Year Last Interviewed How is (R) at: Remembering (R’s) address and telephone number (Compared with FILL (YEAR OF LAST INTERVIEW), how is (he/ she) at:) Remembering (his/ her) address and telephone number. (Is (he/ she) much improved, a bit improved, not much changed, a bit worse, or much worse?) Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 Much improved A bit improved Not much changed A bit worse Much worse Frequencies 5 3 42 11 32 N = 93 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12451 N = 3522 N=1 N=1 W4. PL5d. PCogSt5d. Proxy: Compared to Year Last Interviewed How is (R) at: Remembering what day and month it is (Compared with FILL (YEAR OF LAST INTERVIEW), how is (he/ she) at:) Remembering what day and month it is. (Is (he/ she) much improved, a bit improved, not much changed, a bit worse, or much worse?) Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 Much improved A bit improved Not much changed A bit worse Much worse Frequencies 3 3 34 16 38 N = 94 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 224 N = 3522 N=0 N=1 V12452 W4. PL5e. PCogSt5e. Proxy: Compared to Year Last Interviewed How is (R) at: Handling everyday arithmetic problems, such as knowing how much food to buy, etc. Compared with FILL (YEAR OF LAST INTERVIEW), how is (he/ she) at: Handling everyday arithmetic problems, such as knowing how much food to buy, knowing how long between visits from family or friends. Is (he/ she) much improved, a bit improved, not much changed, a bit worse, or much worse? Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 Much improved A bit improved Not much changed A bit worse Much worse Frequencies 1 6 33 14 39 N = 93 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12453 N = 3522 N=0 N=2 W4. PL5f. PCogSt5f. Proxy: Compared to Year Last Interviewed How is (R) at: Using (R’s) intelligence to understand what’s going on and to reason things through (Compared with FILL (YEAR OF LAST INTERVIEW), how is (he/ she) at:) Using (his/ her) intelligence to understand what’s going on and to reason things through. (Is (he/ she) much improved, a bit improved, not much changed, a bit worse, or much worse?) Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 Much improved A bit improved Not much changed A bit worse Much worse Frequencies 3 6 35 19 31 N = 94 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 225 N = 3522 N=0 N=1 SECTION M. Personality Dispositions V12454 W4. M1a. AngIn1. When I am feeling angry or mad, I withdraw from people When I am feeling angry or mad, I withdraw from people. (Would you say almost never, sometimes, often, or almost always?) Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 Almost never Sometimes Often Almost always Frequencies 624 730 144 179 N = 1677 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12455 N = 1925 N=4 N = 11 W4. M1b. AngIn2. When I am feeling angry or mad, I am irritated more than people are aware When I am feeling angry or mad, I am irritated more than people are aware. (Would you say almost never, sometimes, often, or almost always?) Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 Almost never Sometimes Often Almost always Frequencies 514 732 206 223 N = 1675 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12456 N = 1925 N=4 N = 13 W4. M1c. AngIn3. When I am feeling angry or mad, I am angrier than I am willing to admit When I am feeling angry or mad, I am angrier than I am willing to admit. (Would you say almost never, sometimes, often, or almost always?) Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 Almost never Sometimes Often Almost always Frequencies 693 683 144 150 N = 1670 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 226 N = 1925 N=7 N = 15 V12457 W4. M2a. AngOut4. When I am feeling angry or mad, I argue with others When I am feeling angry or mad, I argue with others. Would you say almost never, sometimes, often, or almost always? IF R RESPONDS SLOWLY INSTRUCT HIM/ HER: Respond quickly to these without thinking much, as your first impulse is usually the best answer. Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 Almost never Sometimes Often Almost always Frequencies 886 651 80 60 N = 1677 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12458 N = 1925 N=3 N = 12 W4. M2b. AngOut5. When I am feeling angry or mad, I strike out at whatever infuriates me When I am feeling angry or mad, I strike out at whatever infuriates me. (Would you say almost never, sometimes, often, or almost always?) Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 Almost never Sometimes Often Almost always Frequencies 1282 316 32 43 N = 1673 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 227 N = 1925 N=4 N = 15 V12459 W4. M2c. AngOut6. When I am feeling angry or mad, I say nasty things When I am feeling angry or mad, I say nasty things. (Would you say almost never, sometimes, often, almost always?) Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 Almost never Sometimes Often Almost always Frequencies 1052 538 35 48 N = 1673 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12460 N = 1925 N=4 N = 15 W4. M3a. CookMed. Most people inwardly dislike putting themselves out to help other people For each of the following statements, please indicate whether you agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat, or disagree strongly. Most people inwardly dislike putting themselves out to help other people. (Would you say agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat, or disagree strongly?) IF R RESPONDS SLOWLY INSTRUCT HIM/ HER: Respond quickly to these without thinking much, as your first impulse is usually the best answer. Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 Agree strongly Agree somewhat Disagree somewhat Disagree strongly Frequencies 230 589 535 295 N = 1649 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 228 N = 1925 N = 11 N = 32 V12461 W4. M3b. CookMed5. Most people will use somewhat unfair means to gain profit or an advantage rather than lose it Most people will use somewhat unfair means to gain profit or an advantage rather than lose it. (Would you say agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat, or disagree strongly?) Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 Agree strongly Agree somewhat Disagree somewhat Disagree strongly Frequencies 311 725 404 204 N = 1644 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12462 N = 1925 N = 10 N = 38 W4. M3c. CookMed7. I think most people would lie to get ahead I think most people would lie in order to get ahead. (Would you say agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat, or disagree strongly?) Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 Agree strongly Agree somewhat Disagree somewhat Disagree strongly Frequencies 312 600 468 286 N = 1666 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12463 N = 1925 N=6 N = 20 W4. M3d. CookMed8. I commonly wonder what hidden reasons another person may have for doing something nice for me I commonly wonder what hidden reasons another person may have for doing something nice for me. (Would you say agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat, or disagree strongly?) Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 Agree strongly Agree somewhat Disagree somewhat Disagree strongly Frequencies 169 476 484 513 N = 1642 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 229 N = 1925 N=8 N = 42 V12464 W4. M4a. Hopeles1. I feel it is impossible for me to reach the goals that I would like to strive for I feel it is impossible for me to reach the goals that I would like to strive for. Would you say agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat, or disagree strongly? IF R RESPONDS SLOWLY INSTRUCT HIM/ HER: Respond quickly to these without thinking much, as your first impulse is usually the best answer. Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 Agree strongly Agree somewhat Disagree somewhat Disagree strongly Frequencies 156 384 484 626 N = 1650 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12465 N = 1925 N =14 N = 28 W4. M4b. Hopeles2. The future seems hopeless to me and I can’t believe that things are changing for the better The future seems hopeless to me and I can't believe that things are changing for the better. (Would you say agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat, or disagree strongly?) Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 Agree strongly Agree somewhat Disagree somewhat Disagree strongly Frequencies 114 246 395 907 N = 1662 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 230 N = 1925 N=8 N = 22 SECTION N (Part 1). Life Events V12466 W4. N1. LEWid. Have you become widowed since the last interview Note: V12466, V12468, V12470, V12472, V12474, V12486, V12488, V12491 and V12495 have been combined to create the Wave 4 9-item Number of Recent Life Events Index (V13213). Next, I have some questions about experiences you may have had since we interviewed you last in FILL (MONTH OF IW, 1994, 1989 OR 1986). Since we interviewed you in FILL (MONTH OF IW, 1994, 1989 OR 1986), have you become widowed? ┌──────┐ ┌─────┐ │ 1. YES│ │ 5. NO│--->GO TO LEROB └───┬──┘ └─────┘ Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 151 1626 N = 1777 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12467 N = 1830 N =1 N=9 W4. N1a. LEWidYr. Year widowed most recently In what year did that happen most recently? If DK. OBTAIN best estimate _______YEAR Hard Consistency Check—If LEWIDYR < LAST INT YR—The year should be greater than or equal to the year of last interview. SOFT CHECK--If MARYR is < year of last iw AND LEWID = 1, then : “You have indicated that the R’s current marriage began in FILL (MARYR), but that the R also was widowed since then. If this is not correct, please change whichever response was incorrectly entered” Range: 1989 to 2002 N = 148 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 231 N = 3466 N=0 N=3 V12468 W4. N2. LERob. Was R robbed or was R’s home burglarized since last interview Note: V12466, V12468, V12470, V12472, V12474, V12486, V12488, V12491 and V12495 have been combined to create the Wave 4 9-item Number of Recent Life Events Index (V13213). Were you robbed or was your home burglarized since FILL (MONTH OF IW, 1994, 1989 OR 1986)? ┌──────┐ ┌─────┐ │ 1. YES│ │ 5. NO│--->GO TO LEJOB └───┬──┘ └─────┘ Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 148 1624 N = 1772 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12469 N = 1830 N =1 N = 14 W4. N2a. LERobYr. Year R robbed or home burglarized most recently In what year did that happen most recently? If DK. OBTAIN best estimate _______YEAR Hard Consistency Check—If LEROBYR < LAST INT YR—The year should be greater than the year of last interview. Range: 1993 to 2002 N = 142 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 232 N = 3469 N=0 N=6 V12470 W4. N3. LEJob. Have you involuntarily lost a job (other than for retirement) since last interview Note: V12466, V12468, V12470, V12472, V12474, V12486, V12488, V12491 and V12495 have been combined to create the Wave 4 9-item Number of Recent Life Events Index (V13213). Have you involuntarily lost a job for reasons other than retirement since FILL (MONTH OF IW, 1994, 1989 OR 1986)? ┌──────┐ ┌─────┐ │ 1. YES│ │ 5. NO│--->NEXT PAGE, LEATTACK └───┬──┘ └─────┘ Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 149 1626 N = 1775 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12471 N = 1830 N=1 N = 11 W4. N3a. LEJobYr. Year involuntarily lost job most recently In what year did that happen most recently? If DK. OBTAIN best estimate _______YEAR Hard Consistency Check—If LEJOBYR < LAST INT YR—The year should be greater than or equal to the year of last interview. Range: 1988 to 2002 N = 148 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 233 N = 3468 N=0 N=1 V12472 W4. N4. LEAttack. Have you been the victim of a serious physical attack or assault since last interview Note: V12466, V12468, V12470, V12472, V12474, V12486, V12488, V12491 and V12495 have been combined to create the Wave 4 9-item Number of Recent Life Events Index (V13213). Have you been the victim of a serious physical attack or assault since FILL (MONTH OF IW, 1994, 1989 OR 1986)? ┌──────┐ ┌─────┐ │ 1. YES│ │ 5. NO│--->GO TO LEPARDIE └──┬───┘ └─────┘ Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 33 1742 N = 1775 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12473 N = 1830 N=0 N = 12 W4. N4a. LEAttkYr. Year R physically attacked or assaulted most recently In what year was the most recent occurrence? If DK. OBTAIN best estimate _______YEAR Hard Consistency Check—If LEATTKYR < LAST INT YR—The year should be greater than or equal to the year of last interview. Range: 1988 to 2002 N = 32 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 234 N = 3584 N=0 N=1 V12474 W4. N5. LEParDie. Has a parent or step-parent of yours died since last interview Note: V12466, V12468, V12470, V12472, V12474, V12486, V12488, V12491 and V12495 have been combined to create the Wave 4 9-item Number of Recent Life Events Index (V13213). Has a parent or ┌──────┐ │ 1. YES│ └───┬──┘ step-parent of yours died since FILL (MONTH OF IW, 1994, 1989 OR 1986)? ┌─────┐ │ 5. NO│--->NEXT PAGE, LELTILL └─────┘ Code Category Description 1 5 Frequencies Yes No 386 1387 N = 1773 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12475 N = 1830 N=0 N = 14 W4. N5a (1). WhParDi1. Which parent or step-parent died: 1st mention Who died since then? CHECK all that apply, SEPARATED by dashes ┌─────────┐┌──────────────┐┌─────────┐┌──────────────┐ │ 1. MOTHER││ 2. STEP-MOTHER││ 3. FATHER││ 4. STEP-FATHER│ └─────────┘└──────────────┘└─────────┘└──────────────┘ Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 Mother Stepmother Father Stepfather Frequencies 205 13 151 17 N = 386 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 235 N = 3231 N=0 N=0 V12476 W4. N5a (2). WhParDi2. Which parent or step-parent died: 2nd mention Who died since then? CHECK all that apply, SEPARATED by dashes ┌─────────┐┌──────────────┐┌─────────┐┌──────────────┐ │ 1. MOTHER││ 2. STEP-MOTHER││ 3. FATHER││ 4. STEP-FATHER│ └─────────┘└──────────────┘└─────────┘└──────────────┘ Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 Mother Stepmother Father Stepfather Frequencies 1 1 33 5 N = 40 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12477 N = 3577 N=0 N=0 W4. N5a (Mother). WhParDI (1, 2). Mother Died since last interview. Dummy Code 0 1 Category Description Mother did not die since last interview Mother died since last interview Frequencies 180 206 N = 386 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12478 N = 3231 N=0 N=0 W4. N5a (Step-Mother). WhParDi (1, 2). Step-Mother Died since last interview. Dummy Code 0 1 Category Description Step-Mother did not die since last interview Step-Mother died since last interview Frequencies 372 14 N = 386 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 236 N = 3231 N=0 N=0 V12479 W4. N5a (Father). WhParDi (1, 2). Father Died since last interview. Dummy Code 0 1 Category Description Frequencies Father did not die since last interview Father died since last interview 202 184 N = 386 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12480 N = 3231 N=0 N=0 W4. N5a (Step-Father). WhParDi (1, 2). Step-Father Died since last interview. Dummy Code Category Description Frequencies 0 Step-Father did not die since last interview Step-Father died since last interview 364 1 22 N = 386 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12481 N = 3231 N=0 N=0 W4. N5b. ParDieYr. Year (most recent) when parent or step-parent died In what year did FILL (he die/she die/this happen most recently)? If DK, OBTAIN best estimate. ________YEAR Hard Consistency Check—If PARDIEYR < LAST INT YR—The year should be greater than or equal to the year of last interview. Range: 1986 to 2002 N = 377 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 237 N = 3231 N=2 N=7 V12482 W4. N6. LELTI11. Have you had a life-threatening illness or accidental injury since last interview Since FILL (MONTH OF IW, 1994, 1989 OR 1986), have you had a life-threatening illness or accidental injury? ┌──────┐ ┌─────┐ │ 1. YES│ │ 5. NO│--->GO TO LESERIL └───┬──┘ └─────┘ │ Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 285 1494 N = 1779 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12483 N = 1830 N=0 N=8 W4. N6a. LELTI1Yr. Year R most recently had a life-threatening illness or injury In what year did that happen most recently? If DK. OBTAIN best estimate _______YEAR Hard Consistency Check—If LELTTILYR < LAST INT YR—The year should be greater than or equal to the year of last interview. Range: 1992 to 2002 N = 278 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 238 N = 3332 N=1 N=6 V12484 W4. N7. LESerI1. Have you had any serious, but not life-threatening, illness or injury that occurred or got worse since last interview Since FILL (MONTH OF IW, 1994, 1989 OR 1986), have you had any serious, but not life-threatening, illness or injury that occurred or got worse? ┌──────┐ ┌─────┐ │ 1. YES│ │ 5. NO│--->NEXT PAGE, LEDIV └───┬──┘ └─────┘ Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 470 1307 N = 1777 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12485 N = 1830 N=2 N=8 W4. N7a. LESerI1Y. Year R most recently had serious, but not life-threatening, illness or injury In what year did that happen most recently? If DK. OBTAIN best estimate _______YEAR Hard Consistency Check—If LESRILYR < LAST INT YR—The year should be greater than or equal to the year of last interview. Range: 1989 to 2002 N = 464 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 239 N = 3147 N=0 N=6 V12486 W4. N8. LEDiv. Have you gotten a divorce since last interview Note: V12466, V12468, V12470, V12472, V12474, V12486, V12488, V12491 and V12495 have been combined to create the Wave 4 9-item Number of Recent Life Events Index (V13213). Have you gotten a divorce since FILL (MONTH OF IW, 1994, 1989 OR 1986)? ┌──────┐ ┌─────┐ │ 1. YES│ │ 5. NO│--->GO TO CHILDDIE └──┬───┘ └─────┘ Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 92 1686 N = 1778 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12487 N = 1830 N=2 N=7 W4. N8a. LEDivYr. Year of most recent divorce In what year did that happen most recently? If DK. OBTAIN best estimate _______YEAR Hard Consistency Check—If LEDIVYR < LAST INT YR—The year should be greater than or equal to the year of last interview. SOFT CHECK: If MARYR is < year of last interview and LEDIV =1, then “You have indicated that the R’s current marriage began in FILL (MARYR), but that the R also was divorced since then. If this is not correct, please change whichever response was incorrectly entered. Range: 1986 to 2001 N = 91 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 240 N = 3525 N=1 N=0 V12488 W4. N9. ChildDie. Has a child of yours died since last interview Note: V12466, V12468, V12470, V12472, V12474, V12486, V12488, V12491 and V12495 have been combined to create the Wave 4 9-item Number of Recent Life Events Index (V13213). Since FILL (MONTH OF IW, 1994, 1989 OR 1986), has a child of yours died? ┌──────┐ ┌─────┐ │ 1. YES│ │ 5. NO│---> LEOTHDIE └───┬──┘ └─────┘ Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 79 1695 N = 1774 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1830 N=1 N = 12 W4. N9a. ChdDieYr. Most recent YEAR R had a child die V12489 In what year did that happen most recently? If DK. OBTAIN best estimate _______YEAR Hard Consistency Check—If CHDDIEYR < LAST INT YR—The year should be greater than or equal to the year of last interview. Range: 1990 to 2002 N = 77 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3538 N=0 N=2 W4. N9b. ChldDiAg. Age of R’s child when child died V12490 How old was the child when it happened? ENTER age: _______ Range: 1 to 74 years of age N = 76 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 241 N = 3538 N=0 N=3 V12491 W4. N10. LEOthDie. Has other close relative or friend of R died since last interview Note: V12466, V12468, V12470, V12472, V12474, V12486, V12488, V12491 and V12495 have been combined to create the Wave 4 9-item Number of Recent Life Events Index (V13213). Other than a spouse, parent or child, has a close relative or one of your close friends died since we interviewed you in FILL (MONTH OF IW, 1994, 1989 OR 1986)--someone you felt you could call on for advice or help if you needed it? ┌──────┐ ┌─────┐ │ 1. YES│ │ 5. NO│--->GO TO LEFINPRB └───┬──┘ └─────┘ Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 956 816 N = 1772 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12492 N = 1830 N=1 N = 14 W4. N10a. OthDiCYr. Year most recently when R’s close relative or friend died In what year did that happen most recently? If DK. OBTAIN best estimate _______YEAR Hard Consistency Check—If OTHDICYR < LAST INT YR—The year should be greater than or equal to the year of last interview. Range: 1989 to 2002 N = 931 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 242 N = 2661 N=2 N = 23 V12493 W4. N11. LEFinPrb. Have you had any serious financial problems or difficulties since last interview Since FILL (MONTH OF IW, 1994, 1989 OR 1986) have you had any serious financial problems or difficulties? ┌──────┐ ┌─────┐ │ 1. YES│ │5. NO │--->NEXT PAGE, LEOTH └───┬──┘ └─────┘ Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 331 1443 N = 1774 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12494 N = 1830 N=2 N = 11 W4. N11a. FinPrbYr. Year you most recently had serious financial problems In what year did that happen most recently? If DK. OBTAIN best estimate _______YEAR Hard Consistency Check—If FINPRBYR < LAST INT YR—The year should be greater than the year of last interview. Range: 1990 to 2002 N = 325 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 243 N = 3286 N=0 N=6 V12495 W4. N12. LEOth. Has anything (else) bad happened to you (since last interview) that upset you a lot and that you haven’t already told me about Note: V12466, V12468, V12470, V12472, V12474, V12486, V12488, V12491 and V12495 have been combined to create the Wave 4 9-item Number of Recent Life Events Index (V13213). Again, since we last interviewed you in FILL (MONTH OF IW, 1994, 1989 OR 1986) has anything (else) bad happened to you that upset you a lot and that you haven't already told me about? ┌──────┐ ┌─────┐ │ 1. YES│ │ 5. NO│--->NEXT PAGE, FIRED └───┬──┘ └─────┘ Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 312 1463 N = 1775 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12496 N = 1830 N=1 N = 11 W4. N12a (1st mention). LEOthSp (1). What was Most Upsetting Thing you have not already told me about (1st Mention) Note: See Appendix G for list of Codes used for V12496-V12498. What was the most upsetting thing that happened that you haven't already told me about? ENTER open-ended answer: ____________________________________________________________ Range: Codes = 1 to 97 (Codes identified in Appendix G) A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 244 N = 304 N = 3305 N=3 N=5 V12497 W4. N12a (2nd mention). LEOthSp (2). What was Most Upsetting Thing you have not already told me about (2nd Mention) Note: See Appendix G for list of Codes used for V12496-V12498. What was the most upsetting thing that happened that you haven't already told me about? ENTER open-ended answer: ____________________________________________________________ Range: Codes = 11 to 97 V12498 (Codes identified in Appendix G) N = 63 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3554 N=0 N=0 W4. N12a (3rd mention). LEOthSP (3). What was Most Upsetting Thing you have not already told me about (3rd Mention) Note: See Appendix G for list of Codes used for V12496-V12498. What was the most upsetting thing that happened that you haven't already told me about? ENTER open-ended answer: ____________________________________________________________ Range: Codes = 12 to 81 (Codes identified in Appendix G) A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12499 N= 7 N = 3610 N=0 N=0 W4. N12b. LEOthYr. Year anything (else) bad happened that upset R a lot In what year did that happen? If DK. OBTAIN best estimate _______YEAR Hard Consistency Check—If LEOTHYR < LAST INT YR—The year should be greater than or equal to the year of last interview. Range: 1994 to 2002 N = 297 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 245 N = 3305 N=1 N = 14 SECTION N (Part 2). Discrimination and Vigilance V12500 W4. N13. FIRED. Have you ever been unfairly fired from a job or denied a promotion In the following questions, we are interested in your perceptions about the way other people have treated you. Can you tell me if any of the following has ever happened to you: At any time in your life, have you ever been unfairly fired from a job or been unfairly denied a promotion? Code Category Description 1 5 7 Yes No Vol: R never worked Frequencies 313 1364 2 N = 1679 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=3 N = 10 SKIP: IF FIRED (V12500) = 5 or 7, ASK: HIRED (V12509) V12501 W4. N13a. WHENFIRE. When was the last time this happened (unfairly fired or not promoted) When was the last time this happened? Was it within the last week, within the last month, within the last year, or more than a year ago? Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 Within the last week Within the last month Within the last year More than a year ago Frequencies 2 3 27 281 N = 313 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 246 N = 3304 N=0 N=0 V12502 W4. N13b. FREQFIRE. How many times in lifetime (unfairly fired or not promoted) How many times has this happened during your lifetime? Would you say only one time, 2-3 times, 4-5 times, or 6 or more times? Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 Only one time 2 - 3 times 4 - 5 times 6 or more times Frequencies 161 126 19 6 N = 312 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12503 N = 3304 N=0 N=1 W4. N13c. WHYFIRE. What do you think was the main reason (unfairly fired or not promoted) Note: V12503, V12504 and V12507 were combined to create a single variable that combines the information from these 3 variables into one overall measure (V13411) that codes the Reason R was Unfairly Fired or Not Promoted. V13411 should be used for most analysis purposes. Note: See Appendix A-1 for list of Codes used for V13411. What do you think was the main reason for FILL (this experience / these experiences)? CODE R’s response into the category that best fits. Do not read the code frame to the R. If R mentions multiple reasons, REPEAT QUESTION stressing “MAIN” reason If R insists, CODE 9 and specify. Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 7 Your ancestry or national origin Your gender Your race Your age Some other aspect of your physical appearance Your sexual orientation Multiple reasons (specify) Something else (specify) 8 9 10 Frequencies 5 19 40 5 1 4 18 209 N = 301 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 247 N = 3304 N=1 N = 11 V12504 W4. N13c. N13cMULT. Multiple Reasons (1st Mention): What do you think was the main reason (unfairly fired or not promoted)? Note: V12503, V12504 and V12507 were combined to create a single variable that combines the information from these 3 variables into one overall measure (V13411) that codes the Reason R was Unfairly Fired or Not Promoted. V13411 should be used for most analysis purposes. Note: See Appendix A-1 for list of Codes used for V12504-V12508 and V13411. (What do you think were the reasons for FILL (this experience/ these experiences?) Specify ____________________ Range: Codes = 2 to 48 V12505 (Codes identified in Appendix A-1) N = 18 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3599 N=0 N=0 W4. N13c. N13cMUL2. Multiple Reasons (2nd Mention): What do you think was the main reason (you were unfairly fired or not promoted)? Note: See Appendix A-1 for list of Codes used for V12504-V12508 and V13411. (What do you think was the main reason for FILL (this experience/ these experiences?) Specify ____________________ Range: Codes = 2 to 43 V12506 (Codes identified in Appendix A-1) N=8 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3609 N=0 N=0 W4. N13c. N13cMUL3. Multiple Reasons (3rd Mention): What do you think was the main reason (you were unfairly fired or not promoted)? Note: See Appendix A-1 for list of Codes used for V12504-V12508 and V13411. (What do you think was the main reason for FILL (this experience/ these experiences?) Specify ____________________ Range: Codes = 4 and 7 (Codes identified in Appendix A-1) N=2 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3615 N=0 N=0 248 V12507 W4. N13c. N13cMAIN. Something Else — Specify (1st Mention): What do you think was the main reason (you were unfairly fired or not promoted)? Note: V12503, V12504 and V12507 were combined to create a single variable that combines the information from these 3 variables into one overall measure (V13411) that codes the Reason R was Unfairly Fired or Not Promoted. V13411 should be used for most analysis purposes. Note: See Appendix A-1 for list of Codes used for V12504-V12508 and V13411. (What do you think was the main reason for FILL (this experience/ these experiences?) Specify ____________________ Range: Codes = 2 to 97 V12508 (Codes identified in Appendix A-1) N = 201 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3408 N=7 N=1 W4. N13c. N13cMAI2. Something Else — Specify (2nd Mention): What do you think was the main reason (unfairly fired or not promoted)? Note: See Appendix A-1 for list of Codes used for V12504-V12508 and V13411. (What do you think was the main reason for FILL (this experience/ these experiences?) Specify ____________________ Range: Codes = 21 to 97 (Codes identified in Appendix A-1) A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 249 N = 21 N = 3596 N=0 N=0 V12509 W4. N14. HIRED. For unfair reasons, have you ever not been hired for a job For unfair reasons, have you ever not been hired for a job? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 126 1546 N = 1672 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=3 N = 17 SKIP: IF HIRED (V12509) = 5, ASK: POLABUSE (V12518) V12510 W4. N14a. WHENHIRE. When was the last time this happened (you were unfairly not hired for a job) When was the last time this happened? Was it within the last week, within the last month, within the last year, or more than a year ago? Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 Within the last week Within the last month Within the last year More than a year ago Frequencies 0 3 11 112 N = 126 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 250 N = 3491 N=0 N=0 V12511 W4. N14b. FREQHIRE. How many times happened in lifetime (you were unfairly not hired for a job) How many times has this happened during your lifetime? Would you say only one time, 2-3 times, 4-5 times, or 6 or more times? Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 Only one time 2 - 3 times 4 - 5 times 6 or more times Frequencies 48 40 19 18 N = 125 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12512 N = 3491 N=0 N=1 W4. N14c. WHYHIRE. What do you think was the main reason (you were unfairly not hired for a job) Note: V12512, V12513 and V12515 were combined to create a single variable that combines the information from these 3 variables into one overall measure (V13412) that codes the Reason R was Unfairly Not Hired for a Job. V13412 should be used for most analysis purposes. Note: See Appendix A-2 for list of Codes used for V13412. What do you think was the main reason for FILL (this experience / these experiences)? Code R’s response into the category that best fits. Do not read the code frame to the R. If R mentions multiple reasons, REPEAT QUESTION stressing “MAIN” reason If R insists, CODE 9 and specify. Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 6 7 Your ancestry or national origin Your gender Your race Your age Your weight Some other aspect of your physical appearance Multiple reasons (specify) Something else (specify) 9 10 Frequencies 6 5 31 15 3 4 3 52 N = 119 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 251 N = 3491 N=3 N=4 V12513 W4. N14c. N14cMULT. Multiple Reasons (1st Mention): What do you think was the main reason (you were unfairly not hired for a job)? Note: V12512, V12513 and V12515 were combined to create a single variable that combines the information from these 3 variables into one overall measure (V13412) that codes the Reason R was Unfairly Not Hired for a Job. V13412 should be used for most analysis purposes. Note: See Appendix A-2 for list of Codes used for V12513-V12517 and V13412. (What do you think were the reasons for FILL (this experience/ these experiences?) Specify ____________________ Range: Codes = 2 and 97 (Codes identified in Appendix A-2) A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12514 N=3 N = 3614 N=0 N=0 W4. N14c. N14cMUL2. Multiple Reasons (2nd Mention): What do you think was the main reason (you were unfairly not hired for a job)? Note: See Appendix A-2 for list of Codes used for V12513-V12517 and V13412. (What do you think were the reasons for FILL (this experience/ these experiences?) Specify ____________________ Range: Code = 3 (Codes identified in Appendix A-2) A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12515 N=1 N = 3616 N=0 N=0 W4. N14c. N14cMAIN. Something Else — Specify (1st Mention): What do you think was the main reason (you were unfairly not hired for a job)? Note: V12512, V12513 and V12515 were combined to create a single variable that combines the information from these 3 variables into one overall measure (V13412) that codes the Reason R was Unfairly Not Hired for a Job. V13412 should be used for most analysis purposes. Note: See Appendix A-2 for list of Codes used for V12513-V12517 and V13412. (What do you think was the main reason for FILL (this experience/ these experiences?) Specify ____________________ Range: Codes = 3 to 97 (Codes identified in Appendix A-2) A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 252 N = 50 N = 3565 N=2 N=0 V12516 W4. N14c. N14cMAI2. Something Else — Specify (2nd Mention): What do you think was the main reason (you were unfairly not hired for a job)? Note: See Appendix A-2 for list of Codes used for V12513-V12517 and V13412. (What do you think was the main reason for FILL (this experience/ these experiences?) Specify ____________________ Range: Codes = 6 to 52 V12517 (Codes identified in Appendix A-2) N=8 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3609 N=0 N=0 W4. N14c. N14cMAI3. Something Else — Specify (3rd Mention): What do you think was the main reason (you were unfairly not hired for a job)? Note: See Appendix A-2 for list of Codes used for V12513-V12517 and V13412. (What do you think was the main reason for FILL (this experience/ these experiences?) Specify ____________________ Range: Code = 97 (Codes identified in Appendix A-2) A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 253 N=1 N = 3616 N=0 N=0 V12518 W4 .N15. POLABUSE. Ever been unfairly stopped, searched, questioned, physically threatened or abused by the police Have you ever been unfairly stopped, searched, questioned, physically threatened or abused by the police? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 121 1559 N = 1680 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=2 N = 10 SKIP: IF POLABUSE (V12518) = 5, ASK: DISCMOVE (V12526) V12519 W4. N15a. WHENABUS. When was the last time this happened (you were unfairly stopped/ searched/ questioned/ physically threatened or abused by police) When was the last time this happened? Was it within the last week, within the last month, within the last year, or more than a year ago? Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 Within the last week Within the last month Within the last year More than a year ago Frequencies 2 6 17 96 N = 121 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 254 N = 3496 N=0 N=0 V12520 W4. N15b. FREQABUS. How many times happened in lifetime (you were unfairly stopped/ searched/ questioned/ physically threatened or abused by police) How many times has this happened during your lifetime? Would you say only one time, 2-3 times, 4-5 times, or 6 or more times? Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 Only one time 2 - 3 times 4 - 5 times 6 or more times Frequencies 47 37 18 19 N = 121 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12521 N = 3496 N=0 N=0 W4. N15c. WHYABUS. What do you think was the main reason (you were unfairly stopped/ searched/ questioned/ physically threatened or abused by police) Note: V12521, V12522 and V12524 were combined to create a single variable that combines the information from these 3 variables into one overall measure (V13413) that codes the Reason R was unfairly stopped/ searched/ questioned/ physically threatened or abused by police. V13413 should be used for most analysis purposes. Note: See Appendix A-3 for list of Codes used for V13413. What do you think was the main reason for FILL (this experience / these experiences)? Code R’s response into the category that best fits. Do not read the code frame to the R. If R mentions multiple reasons, REPEAT QUESTION stressing “MAIN” reason If R insists, CODE 9 and specify. Code Category Description 1 3 4 7 Your ancestry or national origin Your race Your age Some other aspect of your physical appearance Multiple reasons (specify) Something else (specify) 9 10 Frequencies 5 35 1 3 6 63 N = 113 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 255 N = 3496 N=2 N=6 V12522 W4. N15c. N15MULT. Multiple Reasons (1st Mention): What do you think was the main reason (you were unfairly stopped/ searched/ questioned/ physically threatened or abused by police)? Note: V12521, V12522 and V12524 were combined to create a single variable that combines the information from these 3 variables into one overall measure (V13413) that codes the Reason R was unfairly stopped/ searched/ questioned/ physically threatened or abused by police. V13413 should be used for most analysis purposes. Note: See Appendix A-3 for list of Codes used for V12522-V12525 and V13413. (What do you think were the reasons for FILL (this experience/ these experiences) Specify ____________________ Range: Codes = 2 to 31 V12523 (Codes identified in Appendix A-3) N=6 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3611 N=0 N=0 W4. N15c. N15MULT. Multiple Reasons (2nd Mention): What do you think was the main reason (you were unfairly stopped/ searched/ questioned/ physically threatened or abused by police)? Note: See Appendix A-3 for list of Codes used for V12522-V12525 and V13413. What do you think was the main reason for FILL (this experience / these experiences)? Code R’s response into the category that best fits. Do not read the code frame to the R. If R mentions multiple reasons, REPEAT QUESTION stressing “MAIN” reason If R insists, CODE 9 and specify. Range: Codes = 4 to 31 (Codes identified in Appendix A-3) N=3 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3614 N=0 N=0 256 V12524 W4. N15c. N15cMAIN. Something Else — Specify (1st mention): What do you think was the main reason (you were unfairly stopped/ searched/ questioned/ physically threatened or abused by police)? Note: V12521, V12522 and V12524 were combined to create a single variable that combines the information from these 3 variables into one overall measure (V13413) that codes the Reason R was unfairly stopped/ searched/ questioned/ physically threatened or abused by police. V13413 should be used for most analysis purposes. Note: See Appendix A-3 for list of Codes used for V12522-V12525 and V13413. (What do you think were the reasons for FILL (this experience/ these experiences) Specify ____________________ Range: Codes = 1 to 97 V12525 (Codes identified in Appendix A-3) N = 63 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3554 N=0 N=0 W4. N15c. N15cMAI2. Something Else — Specify (2nd mention): What do you think was the main reason (you were stopped/ searched/ questioned/ physically threatened or abused by police)? Note: See Appendix A-3 for list of Codes used for V12522-V12525 and V13413. (What do you think was the main reason for FILL (this experience/ these experiences)?) Specify ____________________ Range: Codes = 3 to 34 (Codes identified in Appendix A-3) N = 11 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3606 N=0 N=0 257 V12526 W4. N16. DISCMOVE. Ever unfairly prevented from moving into a neighborhood because landlord/ realtor refused to sell/ rent house/ apartment to you Have you ever been unfairly prevented from moving into a neighborhood because the landlord or a realtor refused to sell or rent you a house or apartment? Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 38 1643 N = 1681 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=1 N = 10 SKIP: IF DISCMOVE (V12526) = 5, ASK: DISCRIM1 (V12534) V12527 W4. N16a. WHENMOVE. When was the last time this happened (landlord/ realtor refused to sell/ rent house/ apartment to you) When was the last time this happened? Was it within the last week, within the last month, within the last year, or more than a year ago? Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 Within the last week Within the last month Within the last year More than a year ago Frequencies 0 1 4 33 N = 38 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 258 N = 3579 N=0 N=0 V12528 W4. N16b. FREQMOVE. How many times happened in lifetime (landlord/ realtor refused to sell/ rent house/ apartment to you) How many times has this happened during your lifetime? Would you say only one time, 2-3 times, 4-5 times, or 6 or more times? Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 Only one time 2 - 3 times 4 - 5 times 6 or more times Frequencies 19 13 5 1 N = 38 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12529 N = 3579 N=0 N=0 W4. N16c. WHYMOVE. What do you think was the main reason (landlord/ realtor refused to sell/ rent house/ apartment to you) Note: V12529, V12530 and V12532 were combined to create a single variable that combines the information from these 3 variables into one overall measure (V13414) that codes the Reason a landlord/ realtor refused to sell/ rent house/ apartment to R. V13414 should be used for most analysis purposes. Note: See Appendix A-4 for list of Codes used for V13414. What do you think was the main reason for FILL (this experience / these experiences)? Code R’s response into the category that best fits. Do not read the code frame to the R. If R mentions multiple reasons, REPEAT QUESTION stressing “MAIN” reason If R insists, CODE 9 and specify. Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 9 10 Your ancestry or national origin Your gender Your race Your age Multiple reasons (specify) Something else (specify) Frequencies 1 1 16 2 2 16 N = 38 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 259 N = 3579 N=0 N=0 V12530 W4. N16c. N16cMULT. Multiple Reasons (1st Mention): What do you think was the main reason (landlord/ realtor refused to sell/ rent house/ apartment to you)? Note: V12529, V12530 and V12532 were combined to create a single variable that combines the information from these 3 variables into one overall measure (V13414) that codes the Reason a landlord/ realtor refused to sell/ rent house/ apartment to R. V13414 should be used for most analysis purposes. Note: See Appendix A-4 for list of Codes used for V12530-V12533 and V13414. (What do you think were the reasons for FILL (this experience/these experiences) Range: Codes = 3 and 12 (Codes identified in Appendix A-4) A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12531 N=2 N = 3615 N=0 N=0 W4. N16c. N16cMUL2. Multiple Reasons (2nd Mention): What do you think was the main reason (landlord/ realtor refused to sell/ rent house/ apartment to you)? Note: See Appendix A-4 for list of Codes used for V12530-V12533 and V13414. (What do you think was the main reason for FILL (this experience/ these experiences)?) Specify ____________________ Range: Codes = 3 and 12 (Codes identified in Appendix A-4) A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12532 N=2 N = 3615 N=0 N=0 W4. N16c. N16cMAIN. Something Else — Specify (1st mention): What do you think was the main reason (landlord/ realtor refused to sell/ rent house/ apartment to you)? Note: V12529, V12530 and V12532 were combined to create a single variable that combines the information from these 3 variables into one overall measure (V13414) that codes the Reason a landlord/ realtor refused to sell/ rent house/ apartment to R. V13414 should be used for most analysis purposes. Note: See Appendix A-4 for list of Codes used for V12530-V12533 and V13414. (What do you think was the main reason for FILL (this experience/ these experiences)?) Specify ____________________ Range: Codes = 3 to 97 (Codes identified in Appendix A-4) N = 15 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3601 N=0 N=1 260 V12533 W4. N16c. N16cMAI2. Something Else — Specify (2nd mention): What do you think was the main reason (landlord/ realtor refused to sell/ rent house/ apartment to you)? Note: See Appendix A-4 for list of Codes used for V12530-V12533 and V13414. (What do you think was the main reason for FILL (this experience/ these experiences)?) Specify ____________________ Range: Code = 3 (Codes identified in Appendix A-4) N=1 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3616 N=0 N=0 261 V12534 W4. N18a. DISCRIM1. In day-to-day life, how often is R treated with less courtesy or respect than other people In your day-to-day life how often have any of the following things happened to you? You are treated with less courtesy or respect than other people. Would you say at least once a week, a few times a month, a few times a year, less than once a year, or never? Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 At least once a week A few times a month A few times a year Less than once a year Never Frequencies 71 97 225 344 939 N = 1676 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12535 N = 1925 N=4 N = 12 W4. N18b. DISCRIM3. In day-to-day life, how often does R receive poorer service than other people at restaurants or stores You receive poorer service than other people at restaurants or stores. Would you say at least once a week, a few times a month, a few times a year, less than once a year, or never? Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 At least once a week A few times a month A few times a year Less than once a year Never Frequencies 30 69 260 360 956 N = 1675 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 262 N = 1925 N=4 N = 13 V12536 W4. N18c. DISCRIM4. In day-to-day life, how often do people act as if they think you are not smart People act as if they think you are not smart. (Would you say at least once a week, a few times a month, a few times a year, less than once a year, or never?) Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 At least once a week A few times a month A few times a year Less than once a year Never Frequencies 50 55 198 301 1061 N = 1665 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12537 N = 1925 N=6 N = 21 W4. N18d. DISCRIM5 .In day-to-day life, how often do people act as if they are afraid of you People act as if they are afraid of you. (Would you say at least once a week, a few times a month, a few times a year, less than once a year, or never?) Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 At least once a week A few times a month A few times a year Less than once a year Never Frequencies 26 41 120 133 1357 N = 1677 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12538 N = 1925 N=4 N = 11 W4. N18e. DISCRIM9. In day-to-day life, how often is R threatened or harassed You are threatened or harassed. Would you say at least once a week, a few times a month, a few times a year, less than once a year, or never? Frequencies Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 At least once a week A few times a month A few times a year Less than once a year Never 12 14 55 147 1451 N = 1679 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 263 N = 1925 N=3 N = 10 V12539 W4. Filter for Experienced Everyday Discrimination: Codes 1-4 on one or more of the 5 DISCRIM1, DISCRIM3, DISCRIM4, DISCRIM5 and/ or DISCRIM9 items (V12534-V12538). Code Category Description 1 Code= 1-4 on one or more of 5 Everyday Discrimination (1-9) items (V12534-V12338) Code=5 “Never” on all 5 Everyday Discrimination (1-9) items Code= 5 “Never” on 3 or 4 Everyday Discrimination (1-9) items/ DK or NA on rest DK or NA on all 5 Everyday Discrimination (1-9) items W4 Partial Interviews. R was not asked this section 2 3 4 5 Frequencies 1067 601 11 3 10 N = 1692 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED SKIP: IF V12539 = Codes 2, 3, 4, or 5, ASK: VIGIL2 (V12547) 264 N = 1925 N=0 N=0 V12540 W4. N19. WHYDISC. What do you think was the main reason (Experienced Everyday Discrimination: Codes 1-4 on one or more of the 5 DISCRIM1, DISCRIM3, DISCRIM4, DISCRIM5 and/ or DISCRIM9 items (V12534-V12538). Note: V12540, V12541 and V12544 were combined to create a single variable that combines the information from these 3 variables into one overall measure (V13415) that codes the Reason that R Experienced Everyday Discrimination: Codes 1-4 on one or more of the 5 DISCRIM1, DISCRIM3, DISCRIM4, DISCRIM5 and/ or DISCRIM9 items (V12534-V12538) . V13415 should be used for most analysis purposes. Note: See Appendix A-5 for list of Codes used for V13415. What do you think was the main reason these experiences happened to you? That is, reasons why FILL (you are treated with less courtesy or respect than other people AND you receive poorer service than other people at restaurants and stores AND people act as if they think you are not smart AND people act as if they are afraid of you AND you are threatened or harassed). Code R’s response into the category that best fits. Do not read the code frame to the R. If R mentions multiple reasons, REPEAT QUESTION stressing “MAIN” reason If R insists, CODE 9 and specify. Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Your ancestry or national origin Your gender Your race Your age Your height Your weight Some other aspect of your physical appearance Your sexual orientation Multiple reasons (specify) Something else (specify) 8 9 10 Frequencies 8 26 90 35 5 8 25 2 60 667 N = 926 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 265 N = 2550 N = 20 N = 121 V12541 W4. N19. N19MULT1. Multiple Reasons (1st Mention): What do you think was the main reason (Experienced Everyday Discrimination: Codes 1-4 on one or more of the 5 DISCRIM1, DISCRIM3, DISCRIM4, DISCRIM5 and/ or DISCRIM9 items (V12534-V12538). Note: V12540, V12541 and V12544 were combined to create a single variable that combines the information from these 3 variables into one overall measure (V13415) that codes the Reason that R Experienced Everyday Discrimination: Codes 1-4 on one or more of the 5 DISCRIM1, DISCRIM3, DISCRIM4, DISCRIM5 and/ or DISCRIM9 items (V12534-V12538) . V13415 should be used for most analysis purposes. Note: See Appendix A-5 for list of Codes used for V12541-V12546 and V13415. (What do you think were the reasons for FILL (this experience/ these experiences) Specify ____________________ Range: Codes = 2 to 97 V12542 (Codes identified in Appendix A-5) N = 59 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3557 N=1 N=0 W4. N19. N19MULT2. Multiple Reasons (2nd Mention): What do you think was the main reason (Experienced Everyday Discrimination: Codes 1-4 on one or more of the 5 DISCRIM1, DISCRIM3, DISCRIM4, DISCRIM5 and/ or DISCRIM9 items (V12534-V12538). Note: See Appendix A-5 for list of Codes used for V12541-V12546 and V13415. (What do you think were the reasons for FILL (this experience/ these experiences) Specify ____________________ Range: Codes = 2 to 97 (Codes identified in Appendix A-5) N = 31 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3586 N=0 N=0 266 V12543 W4. N19. N19MULT3. Multiple Reasons (3rd Mention): What do you think was the main reason (Experienced Everyday Discrimination: Codes 1-4 on one or more of the 5 DISCRIM1, DISCRIM3, DISCRIM4, DISCRIM5 and/ or DISCRIM9 items (V12534-V12538). Note: See Appendix A-5 for list of Codes used for V12541-V12546 and V13415. (What do you think were the reasons for FILL (this experience/ these experiences) Specify ____________________ Range: Codes = 11 to 34 (Codes identified in Appendix A-5) A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12544 N=6 N = 3611 N=0 N=0 W4. N19. N19MAIN1. Something Else - Specify (1st mention): What do you think was the main reason (Experienced Everyday Discrimination: Codes 1-4 on one or more of the 5 DISCRIM1, DISCRIM3, DISCRIM4, DISCRIM5 and/ or DISCRIM9 items (V12534-V12538). Note: V12540, V12541 and V12544 were combined to create a single variable that combines the information from these 3 variables into one overall measure (V13415) that codes the Reason that R Experienced Everyday Discrimination: Codes 1-4 on one or more of the 5 DISCRIM1, DISCRIM3, DISCRIM4, DISCRIM5 and/ or DISCRIM9 items (V12534-V12538) . V13415 should be used for most analysis purposes. Note: See Appendix A-5 for list of Codes used for V12541-V12546 and V13415. (What do you think was the main reason for FILL (this experience/ these experiences)?) Specify ____________________ Range: Codes = 1 to 97 (Codes identified in Appendix A-5) N = 625 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 2950 N = 29 N = 13 267 V12545 W4. N19. N19MAIN2. Something Else - Specify (2nd mention): What do you think was the main reason (Experienced Everyday Discrimination: Codes 1-4 on one or more of the 5 DISCRIM1, DISCRIM3, DISCRIM4, DISCRIM5 and/ or DISCRIM9 items (V12534-V12538). Note: See Appendix A-5 for list of Codes used for V12541-V12546 and V13415. (What do you think was the main reason for FILL (this experience/ these experiences)?) Specify ____________________ Range: Codes = 1 to 97 (Codes identified in Appendix A-5) A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12546 N = 88 N = 3529 N=0 N=0 W4. N19. N19MAIN3. Something Else – Specify (3rd mention): What do you think was the main reason (Experienced Everyday Discrimination: Codes 1-4 on one or more of the 5 DISCRIM1, DISCRIM3, DISCRIM4, DISCRIM5 and/ or DISCRIM9 items (V12534-V12538). Note: See Appendix A-5 for list of Codes used for V12541-V12546 and V13415. (What do you think was the main reason for FILL (this experience/ these experiences)?) Specify ____________________ Range: Codes = 2 to 44 (Codes identified in Appendix A-5) N = 12 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3605 N=0 N=0 268 V12547 W4. N20a. VIGIL2. In day-to-day life, how often do you try to prepare for possible insults from other people before leaving home In your day-to day life, how often do you do the following things: You try to prepare for possible insults from other people before leaving home. (Would you say at least once a week, a few times a month, a few times a year, less than once a year, or never?) Code Response 1 2 3 4 5 At least once a week A few times a month A few times a year Less than once a year Never Frequencies 89 39 59 88 1392 N = 1667 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12548 N = 1925 N=7 N = 18 W4. N20b. VIGIL3. In day-to-day life, how often do you feel that you always have to be very careful about your appearance to get good service or avoid being harassed Feel that you always have to be very careful about your appearance to get good service or avoid being harassed. (Would you say at least once a week, a few times a month, a few times a year, less than once a year, or never?) Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 At least once a week A few times a month A few times a year Less than once a year Never Frequencies 111 45 89 129 1299 N = 1673 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 269 N = 1925 N=5 N = 14 V12549 W4. N20c. VIGIL4. In day-to-day life, how often do you carefully watch what you say and how you say it Carefully watch what you say and how you say it. (Would you say at least once a week, a few times a month, a few times a year, less than once a year, or never?) Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 At least once a week A few times a month A few times a year Less than once a year Never Frequencies 521 181 206 127 626 N = 1661 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12550 N = 1925 N=8 N = 23 W4. N20d. VIGIL6. In day-to-day life, how often do you try to avoid certain social situations and places Try to avoid certain social situations and places. (Would you say at least once a week, a few times a month, a few times a year, less than once a year, or never?) Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 At least once a week A few times a month A few times a year Less than once a year Never Frequencies 161 115 314 205 871 N = 1666 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 270 N = 1925 N=6 N = 20 SECTION P. Religion and Meaning V12551 W4. P1. Attend. How often do you usually attend religious services Note: V13217 is an imputed version of V12551 (How often does R usually attend religious services). V13217 should be used in most analyses. Note: V12131 and V13217 have been combined to create the Wave 4 2-item Formal Social Integration Index (V13206). Now I have some questions about religion. Even people who have no religious affiliation may have some religious feelings or beliefs or engage in some religious activities, so we ask these questions of everyone. How often do you usually attend religious services? Would you say more than once a week, once a week, 2-3 times a month, about once a month, less than once a month, or never? Enter “never” if less than once per year. Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 More than once a week Once a week 2-3 times a month About once a month Less than once a month Never Frequencies 303 430 171 128 340 303 N = 1675 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12552 N = 1925 N=7 N = 10 W4. P2. RelAct. How often do you take part in other activities at a church or place of worship (besides religious services) Besides religious services, how often do you take part in other activities at a church or place of worship? Would you say more than once a week, once a week, 2-3 times a month, about once a month, less than once a month, or never? Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 More than once a week Once a week 2-3 times a month About once a month Less than once a month Never Frequencies 124 148 199 241 440 521 N = 1673 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 271 N = 1925 N=6 N = 13 V12553 W4. P3. Pray. How often do you pray privately in places other than church or synagogue How often do you pray privately in places other than church or synagogue — several times a day, once a day, several times a week, once a week, less than once a week, or never? Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 Several times a day Once a day Several times a week Once a week Less than once a week Never Frequencies 620 414 232 109 139 157 N = 1671 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12554 N = 1925 N = 11 N = 10 W4. P4. RelImpt. In general, how important are religious or spiritual beliefs in your day-to-day life In general, how important are religious or spiritual beliefs in your day-to-day life? Would you say very important, fairly important, not too important, or not at all important? Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 Very important Fairly important Not too important Not at all important Frequencies 1208 295 111 63 N = 1677 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 272 N = 1925 N=4 N = 11 V12555 W4. P5a. RelCope1. To what extent do you work together with God as partners (to cope with major problems in your life) Think about how you try to understand and deal with major problems in your life. To what extent is each of the following involved in the way you cope: I work together with God as partners. Would you say a great deal, quite a bit, some, a little, or not at all? Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 A great deal Quite a bit Some A little Not at all Frequencies 786 320 308 125 127 N = 1666 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V Volunteered: I don’t believe in God N = 1925 N=7 N = 13 N=6 SKIP: IF RELCOPE1=6 (Volunteered “I don’t believe in God”): ASK SCTPCP1 (V12557) V12556 W4. P5b. RelCope2. To what extent do you look to God for strength, support and guidance (to cope with major problems in your life) I look to God for strength, support, and guidance. (Would you say a great deal, quite a bit, some, a little, or not at all?) Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 A great deal Quite a bit Some A little Not at all Frequencies 943 296 209 109 103 N = 1660 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V Volunteered: I don’t believe in God 273 N = 1925 N=8 N = 17 N=7 V12557 W4. P6. SctPCP1. Section P Checkpoint: 1= Attends Religious Services/ 2= Never Attends Religious Services/ 3= Don’t Know on Attends/ 4= W4 Partial Interview not asked Attends INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT R is a church attendee ATTEND < 6 ................................................................1 All others ......................................................................5 Code Category Description 1 2 3 Attends religious services Never attends religious services Don’t Know on attends religious services W4 Partial Interview not asked Attends 4 Frequencies 1372 303 7 10 N = 1692 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=0 N=0 SKIP: IF SCTPCP1=5 (or V12557 = 2, 3 or 4), ASK MEANING1 (V12560). V12558 W4. P7a. RelCong1. If you had a problem or faced a difficult situation, how much help and comfort would people in your congregation be willing to give These next questions are about the people in your congregation or the place you attend religious services. If you had a problem or were faced with a difficult situation, how much help and comfort would the people in your congregation be willing to give? (Would you say a great deal, quite a bit, some, a little, or not at all?) Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 A great deal Quite a bit Some A little Not at all Frequencies 621 330 239 58 40 N = 1288 A. D. N. V. INAPPLICABLE DON’T KNOW NOT ASCERTAINED Volunteered: I’m not really a member of a congregation N = 2228 N=6 N = 29 N = 66 SKIP: IF RELCONG1 = 6 (Volunteered “I’m not really a member of a congregation”): ASK MEANING1 (V12560). 274 V12559 W4. P7b. RelCong2. How often are the people in your congregation critical of the things you do How often are the people in your congregation critical of the things you do? Would you say very often, often, sometimes, rarely, or never? Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 Very often Often Sometimes Rarely Never Frequencies 31 30 169 405 635 N = 1270 A. D. N. V. V12560 INAPPLICABLE DON’T KNOW NOT ASCERTAINED Volunteered: I’m not really a member of a congregation N = 2228 N=9 N = 33 N = 77 W4. P9a. Meaning1. I have trouble feeling peace of mind (concerning R’s life in general) The following is a list of statements concerning your life in general. For each statement, please tell me whether you agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat, or disagree strongly. I have trouble feeling peace of mind. (Do you agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat, or disagree strongly?) Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 Agree strongly Agree somewhat Disagree somewhat Disagree strongly Frequencies 87 279 407 893 N = 1666 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 275 N = 1925 N=9 N = 17 V12561 W4. P9b. Meaning2. I have a sense of direction and purpose in life (concerning R’s life in general) I have a sense of direction and purpose in life. (Do you agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat, or disagree strongly?) Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 Agree strongly Agree somewhat Disagree somewhat Disagree strongly Frequencies 1044 456 107 53 N = 1660 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12562 N = 1925 N = 11 N = 21 W4. P9c. Meaning3. In the final analysis, I’m not so sure that my life adds up to much (concerning R’s life in general) In the final analysis, I’m not so sure that my life adds up to much. (Do you agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat, or disagree strongly?) Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 Agree strongly Agree somewhat Disagree somewhat Disagree strongly Frequencies 76 182 334 1063 N = 1655 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 276 N = 1925 N = 10 N = 27 V12563 W4. P10. RelBlfs1. I believe in eternal life I believe in eternal life. (Do you agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat, or disagree strongly?) Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 Agree strongly Agree somewhat Disagree somewhat Disagree strongly Frequencies 1198 243 87 104 N = 1632 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12564 N = 1925 N = 28 N = 32 W4. P11a. Forgive1. I often feel that no matter what I do now I will never make up for the mistakes I have made in the past Now I have a few questions about how you feel when things go wrong. For each statement, please tell me whether you agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat, or disagree strongly. I often feel that no matter what I do now I will never make up for the mistakes I have made in the past. (Do you agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat, or disagree strongly?) Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 Agree strongly Agree somewhat Disagree somewhat Disagree strongly Frequencies 260 279 333 793 N = 1665 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 277 N = 1925 N=8 N = 19 V12565 W4. P11b. Forgive2. I have grudges that I have held onto for months or years I have grudges that I have held onto for months or years. (Do you agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat, or disagree strongly?) Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 Agree strongly Agree somewhat Disagree somewhat Disagree strongly Frequencies 104 240 287 1037 N = 1668 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12566 N = 1925 N=6 N = 18 W4. P11c. Forgive3. I have forgiven those who have hurt me I have forgiven those who have hurt me. (Do you agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat, or disagree strongly?) Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 Agree strongly Agree somewhat Disagree somewhat Disagree strongly Frequencies 988 469 118 93 N = 1668 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 278 N = 1925 N=7 N = 17 SECTION Q. Demographics and Socioeconomic Variables V12567 W4. Q1. CheckQ1. Section Q Checkpoint # 1: 1 = Currently Married/ 2 = Not Currently Married/ 3 = Don’t Know on Marital Status SEE MARSTAT │ │┌──┐ │ ││ │1. R IS CURRENTLY MARRIED │ │└┬─┘┌──┐ │ ││ │ │2. ALL OTHERS--->Go to FINSAT │ ││ └──┘ │ └─┼─────────────────────────────────────────┘ Code Category Description 1 2 3 R Currently Married R Not Currently Married Don’t Know on Marital Status Frequencies 975 811 1 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1830 N=0 N=0 SKIP: IF CHECKQ1 (V12567) = 2 or 3, THEN GO TO FINSAT (V12577). V12568 W4. Q2. SpWrk. Spouse Current Employment Status. Code 8=Other Note: V13341 is a recoded version of V12568, except that the N=17 cases that were Code = 8 (“Other”) for V12568 have been recoded to specific employment categories based on information found in the open-ended question, “If Other, please Specify (Question = 2QSp.Specify)”. Note: V13341 should be used in most analyses, not V12568. Finally I have some questions about you and your FILL (husband’s/ wife’s) background and current financial situation. Is your FILL (husband/ wife) working for pay at the present time, looking for work, retired, or doing something else? If more than one, PROBE: Which best describes FILL (his/ her) current situation? ┌───────────────┐ ┌────────────────┐┌──────────┐ ┌────────────────────┐ │1. WORKING NOW; │ │2. TEMPORARILY ││4. RETIRED │┌ ┤3. LOOKING FOR WORK,│ │ ON SICK │ │ LAID OFF WORK│└─────┬────┘││ UNEMPLOYED │ │ LEAVE │ └────────────┬───┘ │ │└────────────────────┘ └────────┬──────┘ │ │ │┌───────────────────────┐ V _ │ │ ├┤5. PERMANENTLY DISABLED│ ┌─────────────────────────┐ │ │ │└───────────────────────┘ │SPWKHRS │ │ │ │ │Q2a. How many hours does │ │ │ │┌────────────────┐ │ FILL (he/she) work in an│ │ │ ├┤6. KEEPING HOUSE│ │ average week? │ │ │ │└────────────────┘ │ │ │ │ │┌──────────┐ │ ______________HOURS │ │ │ ├┤7. STUDENT│ └─────────────────────────┘ │ │ │└──────────┘ 279 │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │┌──────────────────────────┐ ├┤8. OTHER (SPECIFY): │ ││ │ ││Q2SP. │ ││Specify ________________│ │└──────────────────────────┘ │ Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Working now; on sick leave Only temporarily laid off Looking for work, unemployed Retired Permanently disabled Keeping house Student Other Frequencies 518 4 15 328 31 55 3 17 N = 971 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12569 N = 2642 N=2 N=2 W4. Q2a. SpWkHr. Number of Hours Spouse Works in an average week Range: 1 to 100 hours N = 517 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 280 N = 3094 N=0 N=6 V12570 W4. Q3. CheckQ3. Section Q Checkpoint # 2: R got married since last interview Compare MARYR to year of last interview │ │┌──┐ │ ││ │1. R GOT MARRIED AFTER DATE OF LAST INTERVIEW │└┬─┘┌──┐ │ ││ │ │2. ALL OTHERS--->GO TO FINSAT │ ││ └──┘ │ │ Code Category Description 1 2 3 Married Rs: R got married since last interview Married Rs: Last married prior to last interview Don’t Know on W4 Marital Status Frequencies 92 883 1 N = 972 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 2641 N=0 N=0 SKIP: IF CHECKQ2 (V12570) = 2 or 3, THEN GO TO FINSAT (V12577) V12571 W4. Q4. SpDOB. Spouse Date of Birth (for R’s with new spouse since last Interview). [DDMMYYYY] What is the month, day, and year of your FILL (husband's/ wife's) birth? ENTER year in MM/DD/YYYY format ____________/_________/________ MONTH DAY YEAR Range: 01041957 to 31101946 N = 89 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 281 N = 3525 N=1 N=2 V12572 W4. Q5. SpBornSt. State where R’s Spouse was born (for R’s with new spouse since last Interview) Note: See FIPS State and Country Master Codes in ACL Wave 1 Codebook Appendix for State and Country Code list for V12572 and V12573. In what state or foreign country was FILL (he/ she) born? ENTER state. PRESS CTRL-D, then [Enter] if not in the US __________________________________STATE Range: Codes = 101 to 996 (Code = 996 indicates “Other Country”) A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12573 N = 91 N = 3525 N=1 N=0 W4. Q5Ct. SpBornCt. Country where R’s Spouse was born (for R’s with new spouse since last Interview) Note: See FIPS State and Country Master Codes in ACL Wave 1 Codebook Appendix for State and Country Code list for V12572 and V12573. (In what state or foreign country was FILL (he/ she) born?) ENTER foreign country __________________________________ Code Category Description 219 501 699 Mexico Egypt Africa (Nigeria) Frequencies 1 1 1 N=3 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 282 N = 3613 N=1 N=0 V12574 W4. Q6. SpEduc. Spouse Years of Education (for R’s with new spouse since last Interview) What is the highest grade of school or year of college your FILL (husband/ wife) completed? ENTER number of years from 0 to 17 If R gives an answer greater than 17 years, ENTER “17” ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ ┌───────────────────────────┐ │ GRADES OF SCHOOL │ │ COLLEGE │┌──┐┌──┐┌──┐┌──┐┌──┐┌──┐┌──┐┌──┐┌──┐┌──┐┌──┐┌──┐┌──┐│ │ │ ││00 ││01 ││02 ││03 ││04 ││05 ││06 ││07 ││08 ││09 ││10 ││11 ││12 ││ │13 14 15 16 17+ │└──┘└──┘└──┘└──┘└──┘└──┘└──┘└──┘└──┘└──┘└──┘└──┘└──┘│ │ Range: 3 to 17 years (17 = 17 or more years) │ │ N = 90 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3525 N=1 N=1 SKIP: IF SPEDUC (V12574) = 0 to 12, or DK or NA, THEN ASK SPHSDEG (V12575) IF SPEDUC (V12574) = 13 to 17, THEN ASK SPBADEG (V12576) V12575 W4. Q6a. SpHsDeg. Does R’s Spouse have a High School Diploma or Equivalent (for R’s with new spouse since last Interview) Q6a. Did FILL (he/ she) get a high school │ │Q6b. Does FILL (he/ she) │diploma or pass a high school equivalency │ │have a bachelor’s │ │test? │ │degree? │ │ ┌──────┐ ┌─────┐ │ │ │ │ │1. YES │ │5. NO │ │ │ ┌──────┐ ┌─────┐ │ │ └──────┘ └─────┘ │ │ │1. YES │ │5. NO │ │ Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 30 12 N = 42 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 283 N = 3574 N=1 N=0 V12576 W4. Q6b. SpBaDeg. Does R’s Spouse have a Bachelor’s Degree (for R’s with new spouse since last Interview) Q6a. Did FILL (he/ she) get a high school │ │Q6b. Does FILL (he/ she) │ │diploma or pass a high school equivalency │ │have a bachelor’s │ │test? │ │degree? │ │ ┌──────┐ ┌─────┐ │ │ │ │ │1. YES │ │5. NO │ │ │ ┌──────┐ ┌─────┐ │ │ └──────┘ └─────┘ │ │ │1. YES │ │5. NO │ │ Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 20 29 N = 49 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12577 N = 3568 N=0 N=0 W4. Q7. FinSat. Satisfaction with present Financial Situation Note: V12577 and V12578 have been combined to create the Wave 4 2-item Chronic Financial Stress Index (V13212). FILL IF UNMARRIED (Finally, I have some questions about your back ground and current financial situation.) How satisfied are you with FILL (your/ your family's) present financial situation—completely satisfied, very, somewhat, not very or not at all satisfied? 1.COMPLETEL SATISFIED 2. VERY 3.SOMEWHA T Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 Completely satisfied Very Somewhat Not very Not at all satisfied 4. NOT VERY 5. NOT AT ALL Frequencies 330 546 617 108 76 N = 1677 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 284 N = 1925 N=3 N = 12 V12578 W4. Q8. PayBills. How Difficult for R (and family) to meet monthly payments on bills Note: V12577 and V12578 have been combined to create the Wave 4 2-item Chronic Financial Stress Index (V13212). How difficult is it for FILL (you/ your family) to meet the monthly payments on your (family's) bills? Is it extremely difficult, very difficult, somewhat difficult, slightly difficult, or not difficult at all? ┌────────────┐┌────────────┐┌────────────┐┌────────────┐┌───────────── ───┐ │1. EXTREMELY││2. VERY ││3. SOMEWHAT ││4. SLIGHTLY ││5. NOT DIFFICULT│ │ DIFFICULT ││ DIFFICULT││ DIFFICULT ││ DIFFICULT│ │ AT ALL │ Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 Extremely difficult Very difficult Somewhat difficult Slightly difficult Not difficult at all Frequencies 42 67 278 382 907 N = 1676 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12579 N = 1925 N=3 N = 13 W4. Q9. OwnRent. Do you own your own home, apartment or farm, pay rent, or what Do you own your own home, apartment or farm, do you pay rent, or what? IWER: This question applies to whatever the R considers to be his/ her primary residence. ┌────────────────────┐ │1. OWNS OR IS BUYING │ └─────────┬──────────┘ │ ┌────────────┐ │5. PAYS RENT │ └────────────┘ Go to ASSET. ┌─────────────────────────┐ │7. NEITHER OWNS NOR RENTS │ └─────────────────────────┘ Go to ASSET Code Category Description 1 5 7 Owns or is buying Pays rent Neither owns nor rents Frequencies 1382 322 76 N = 1780 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED SKIP: IF OWNRENT (V12579) = 5 OR 7, THEN GO TO ASSET (V12590) 285 N = 1830 N=1 N=6 12580 W4. PQ9aa. PNbhYr1. Proxy. (Only Nursing Home/ Assisted Living/ Other): Year the House or Building R Rents/ Lives in was built Note: This question was only asked of ACL Wave 4 Proxy Respondents, where the original ACL Respondent Lived in (1) a Nursing Home, or (2) Assisted Living Facility, or (3) “Other” type of housing (V12190 = 6, 7, or 8) at ACL Wave 4. This was NOT the intended SKIP pattern for Wave 4. This variable should not be used; if it is used, use with great caution. Range: 1920 to 2002 N = 10 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12581 N = 3606 N=0 N=1 W4. PQ9ab. PNbRooms1. Proxy. (Only Nursing Home/ Assisted Living/ Other): Number of Rooms in House or Building R Rents/ Lives in Note: This question was only asked of ACL Wave 4 Proxy Respondents, where the original ACL Respondent Lived in (1) a Nursing Home, or (2) Assisted Living Facility, or (3) “Other” type of housing (V12190 = 6, 7, or 8) at ACL Wave 4. This was NOT the intended SKIP pattern for Wave 4. This variable should not be used; if it is used, use with great caution. Range: 1 to 17 rooms N = 10 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 286 N = 3606 N=0 N=1 V12582 W4. Q9a. Mortgage. Does R have a mortgage on this property Do you have a mortgage on this property? Code Category Description 1 Yes: mortgage, land contract or deed of trust No 5 Frequencies 689 690 N = 1379 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12583 N = 2229 N=0 N=9 W4. Q9b. HomeWrth. How much would R get if R sold house/ apartment/ farm (after mortgage paid off) Note: V13153 combines the House Value information from V12583 and V13152 into a single overall categorical measure of House Value. If you sold this (house/ apartment/ farm) today, how much money would you get for it (after paying off the mortgage)? ENTER “0” If R says he/ she would lose money. ENTER “$2,000,000” if R would get above two million dollars. $__________________________AMOUNT R WOULD RECEIVE Soft check - If HOMEWRTH less than or equal to $10,000. Ask R: You indicated you would receive _________. Does that include your down payment? Range: ($) 0 to ($) 2,000,000 ($2,000,000 indicates $2 million or more) A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1147 N = 2229 N = 59 N = 182 SKIP: IF HOMEWRTH (V12583 NE .D or .N) .NE. DK or RF, THEN GO TO ASSET (V12590) 287 V12584 W4. Q9c. HmWrth2. Would home be worth $50,000 or more Note: V13152 is the cleaned and partially-imputed variable that combines the information from these “unfolding” House Value Bracket questions (V12584 through V12589) into one set of House Value categories for cases (N=180) that did not report a specific House Value dollar figure in V12583 (and were not “Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained” on all 6 of the “unfolding” House Value Bracket questions (V12584 through V12589)). Note: V13153 combines the House Value information from V12583 and V13152 into a single overall categorical measure of House Value. V13153 is the best overall measure of categorical ACL Wave 4 House Value and should be used for most analysis purposes. While you may not know exactly how much this (house/ apartment/ farm) is worth, would it be $50,000 or more? ┌──────┐ ┌─────┐ │1. YES │ │5. NO │ Code 1 5 ┬──┘ Category Description Frequencies Yes No 146 34 N = 180 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED SKIP: IF HMWRTH2 (V12584) = 5, THEN GO TO HMWRTH2d (V12588) 288 N = 3376 N = 30 N = 31 V12585 W4. Q9d. HmWrth2a. Would home be worth $100,000 or more Note: V13152 is the cleaned and partially-imputed variable that combines the information from these “unfolding” House Value Bracket questions (V12584 through V12589) into one set of House Value categories for cases (N=180) that did not report a specific House Value dollar figure in V12583 (and were not “Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained” on all 6 of the “unfolding” House Value Bracket questions (V12584 through V12589)). Note: V13153 combines the House Value information from V12583 and V13152 into a single overall categorical measure of House Value. V13153 is the best overall measure of categorical ACL Wave 4 House Value and should be used for most analysis purposes. Q9d. ┌──────┐ │1. YES │ └──┬───┘ V _ Would it be $100,000 or more? ┌─────┐ │5. NO │ └─────┘ GO TO ASSET Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 75 52 N = 127 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED SKIP: IF HMWRTH2a (V12585) = 5, THEN GO TO ASSET (V12590) 289 N = 3460 N=6 N = 24 V12586 W4. Q9e. HmWrth2b. Would home be worth $250,000 or more Note: V13152 is the cleaned and partially-imputed variable that combines the information from these “unfolding” House Value Bracket questions (V12584 through V12589) into one set of House Value categories for cases (N=180) that did not report a specific House Value dollar figure in V12583 (and were not “Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained” on all 6 of the “unfolding” House Value Bracket questions (V12584 through V12589)). Note: V13153 combines the House Value information from V12583 and V13152 into a single overall categorical measure of House Value. V13153 is the best overall measure of categorical ACL Wave 4 House Value and should be used for most analysis purposes. Q9e. Would it be $250,000 or more? ┌──────┐ ┌─────┐ │1. YES │ │5. NO │ └──┬───┘ └─────┘ Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 24 44 N = 68 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3531 N=3 N = 15 SKIP: IF HMWRTH2b (V12586) = 5, THEN GO TO ASSET (V12590) V12587 W4. Q9f. HmWrth2c. Would home be worth $500,000 or more Note: V13152 is the cleaned and partially-imputed variable that combines the information from these “unfolding” House Value Bracket questions (V12584 through V12589) into one set of House Value categories for cases (N=180) that did not report a specific House Value dollar figure in V12583 (and were not “Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained” on all 6 of the “unfolding” House Value Bracket questions (V12584 through V12589)). Note: V13153 combines the House Value information from V12583 and V13152 into a single overall categorical measure of House Value. V13153 is the best overall measure of categorical ACL Wave 4 House Value and should be used for most analysis purposes. Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 7 15 N = 22 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED SKIP: GO TO ASSET (V12590) 290 N = 3582 N=1 N = 12 V12588 W4. Q9g. HmWrth2d. Would home be worth $10,000 or more Note: V13152 is the cleaned and partially-imputed variable that combines the information from these “unfolding” House Value Bracket questions (V12584 through V12589) into one set of House Value categories for cases (N=180) that did not report a specific House Value dollar figure in V12583 (and were not “Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained” on all 6 of the “unfolding” House Value Bracket questions (V12584 through V12589)). Note: V13153 combines the House Value information from V12583 and V13152 into a single overall categorical measure of House Value. V13153 is the best overall measure of categorical ACL Wave 4 House Value and should be used for most analysis purposes. Would it be $10,000 or more? ┌──────┐ ┌─────┐ │1. YES │ │5. NO │ └──┬───┘ └─────┘ │ GO TO ASSET Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 27 6 N = 33 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED SKIP: IF HMWRTH2d (V12588) = 5, THEN GO TO ASSET (V12590) 291 N = 3572 N=0 N = 12 V12589 W4. Q9h. HmWrth2e. Would home be worth $25,000 or more Note: V13152 is the cleaned and partially-imputed variable that combines the information from these “unfolding” House Value Bracket questions (V12584 through V12589) into one set of House Value categories for cases (N=180) that did not report a specific House Value dollar figure in V12583 (and were not “Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained” on all 6 of the “unfolding” House Value Bracket questions (V12584 through V12589)). Note: V13153 combines the House Value information from V12583 and V13152 into a single overall categorical measure of House Value. V13153 is the best overall measure of categorical ACL Wave 4 House Value and should be used for most analysis purposes. Would it be $25,000 or more? ┌──────┐ ┌─────┐ │1. YES │ │5. NO │ Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 14 12 N = 26 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED SKIP: GO TO ASSET (V12590) 292 N = 3579 N=0 N = 12 V12590 W4. Q10a. Asset1. Types of Assets, 1st Mention Note: These Asset variables (V12590-V12595) have been recoded into a set of dummy variables (V13141-V13147) that are coded by Type of Asset. That is, they indicate whether the Respondent has a particular type of asset (e.g., does R have any Real Estate Assets, etc.). In general, V13141-V13147 should be used in analyses as a measure of Assets. Now I’d like to talk about assets – that is, things that you could sell, if you wanted, to earn additional money. We do not need detailed amounts, just whether you FILL (and your husband/ wife) have any assets I will mention. READ the list. ENTER all that apply, separated by dashes Real estate “other than your main home,” such as a second/ vacation home, land, rental real estate, a partnership, or money owed to you on a land contract or mortgage ................................................................ 1 Part or all of a business or farm ........................................................................................................................ 2 Money or assets that are held in retirement accounts under your or your FILL (spouse’s/partner’s) name, such as a pension, an annuity, an Individual Retirement Account (IRA), KEOGH, or a 401(k) account......... 3 Savings or investments, such as shares of stock, mutual funds, corporate, municipal, government or foreign bonds, bond funds (including government savings bonds and treasury bills), checking or savings accounts, certificates of deposit, or money market funds ................................................................................. 4 One or more working cars................................................................................................................................. 5 Any other savings or assets, such as jewelry, boats or other vehicles, money owed to you by others, a collection for investment purposes, rights in an estate where you are the beneficiary, or other trust funds (do not include the cash value of any life insurance policies)........................................................................... 6 None of the above ............................................................................................................................................. 7 Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Real estate Business or farm Money or retirement assets Savings or investments Cars Any other savings None of the above Frequencies 442 97 679 272 125 6 115 N = 1736 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED SKIP: IF ASSET (V12590) = 7, THEN GO TO WEALTH1 (V12597) 293 N = 1830 N = 30 N = 21 V12591 W4. Q10a. Asset2. Types of Assets, 2nd Mention Note: These Asset variables (V12590-V12595) have been recoded into a set of dummy variables (V13141-V13147) that are coded by Type of Asset. That is, they indicate whether the Respondent has a particular type of asset (e.g., does R have any Real Estate Assets, etc.). In general, V13141-V13147 should be used in analyses as a measure of Assets. Now I’d like to talk about assets – that is, things that you could sell, if you wanted, to earn additional money. We do not need detailed amounts, just whether you FILL (and your husband/ wife) have any assets I will mention. Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Real estate Business or farm Money or retirement assets Savings or investments Cars Any other savings None of the above Frequencies 3 162 297 660 255 39 0 N = 1416 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12592 N = 2190 N=0 N = 11 W4. Q10a. Asset3. Types of Assets, 3rd Mention Note: These Asset variables (V12590-V12595) have been recoded into a set of dummy variables (V13141-V13147) that are coded by Type of Asset. That is, they indicate whether the Respondent has a particular type of asset (e.g., does R have any Real Estate Assets, etc.). In general, V13141-V13147 should be used in analyses as a measure of Assets. Now I’d like to talk about assets – that is, things that you could sell, if you wanted, to earn additional money. We do not need detailed amounts, just whether you FILL (and your husband/ wife) have any assets I will mention. Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Real estate Business or farm Money or retirement assets Savings or investments Cars Any other savings None of the above Frequencies 0 2 137 302 631 58 0 N = 1130 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 294 N = 2476 N=0 N = 11 V12593 W4. Q10a. Asset4. Types of Assets, 4th Mention Note: These Asset variables (V12590-V12595) have been recoded into a set of dummy variables (V13141-V13147) that are coded by Type of Asset. That is, they indicate whether the Respondent has a particular type of asset (e.g., does R have any Real Estate Assets, etc.). In general, V13141-V13147 should be used in analyses as a measure of Assets. Now I’d like to talk about assets – that is, things that you could sell, if you wanted, to earn additional money. We do not need detailed amounts, just whether you FILL (and your husband/ wife) have any assets I will mention. Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Real estate Business or farm Money or retirement assets Savings or investments Cars Any other savings None of the above Frequencies 3 0 1 135 293 280 0 N = 712 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12594 N = 2894 N=0 N = 11 W4. Q10a. Asset5. Types of Assets, 5th Mention Note: These Asset variables (V12590-V12595) have been recoded into a set of dummy variables (V13141-V13147) that are coded by Type of Asset. That is, they indicate whether the Respondent has a particular type of asset (e.g., does R have any Real Estate Assets, etc.). In general, V13141-V13147 should be used in analyses as a measure of Assets. Now I’d like to talk about assets – that is, things that you could sell, if you wanted, to earn additional money. We do not need detailed amounts, just whether you FILL (and your husband/ wife) have any assets I will mention. Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Real estate Business or farm Money or retirement assets Savings or investments Cars Any other savings None of the above Frequencies 2 0 0 0 125 163 0 N = 290 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 295 N = 3316 N=0 N = 11 V12595 W4. Q10a. Asset6. Types of Assets, 6th Mention Note: These Asset variables (V12590-V12595) have been recoded into a set of dummy variables (V13141-V13147) that are coded by Type of Asset. That is, they indicate whether the Respondent has a particular type of asset (e.g., does R have any Real Estate Assets, etc.). In general, V13141-V13147 should be used in analyses as a measure of Assets. Now I’d like to talk about assets – that is, things that you could sell, if you wanted, to earn additional money. We do not need detailed amounts, just whether you FILL (and your husband/ wife) have any assets I will mention. Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Real estate Business or farm Money or retirement assets Savings or investments Cars Any other savings None of the above Frequencies 1 0 0 0 0 90 0 N = 91 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12596 N = 3515 N=0 N = 11 W4. Q10b. Asset8. How many (working) cars do R and Spouse own This question was asked only for Respondents who included having “one or more working cars” (Code = 5) for the above Asset variables (V12590-V12595). How many cars do you FILL (and your husband/ and your wife) own? Again, please include only cars that work. Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 One Two Three Four (4 or more) Frequencies 579 533 214 102 N = 1428 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 296 N = 2177 N=1 N = 11 V12597 W4. Q11. Wealth1. How much would you say all of your (and your spouse’s) assets are worth (not counting main home) Note: V13156 combines the Wealth Value information from V12597 and V13155 into a single overall categorical measure of Wealth. Now, thinking about all the things you’ve mentioned above, or any other assets you FILL (and your husband/ wife) may have FILL (including real estate AND all or part of a business or farm AND retirement accounts AND savings or investments AND one or more cars AND other assets), but not including your main home, how much would you say that all of your FILL (and your husband’s/ wife’s) assets are worth together? ENTER amount from $0 to $99,999,999 $_____________ Soft Check - If < $999 — All of your assets are worth $ FILL (_____), is that right? Soft Check - IF > $5,000,000 — All of your assets are worth $ FILL (_____), is that right? ***Set upper limit at $99,999,999 Range: ($) 0 to ($) 75,000,000 N = 1218 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1830 N = 186 N = 383 SKIP: IF WEALTH1 (V12597 NE .D or .N) .NE. DK or RF, THEN GO TO INCSRC (V12604) 297 V12598 W4. Q12. WEALTH2. Would assets be worth $50,000 or more Note: V13155 is the cleaned and partially-imputed variable that combines the information from these “unfolding” Wealth Value Bracket questions (V12598 through V12603) into one set of Wealth categories for cases (N=382) that did not report a specific Wealth Value dollar figure in V12597 (and were not “Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained” on all 6 of the “unfolding” Wealth Value Bracket questions (V12598 through V12603)). Note: V13156 combines the Wealth Value information from V12597 and V13155 into a single overall categorical measure of Wealth. V13156 is the best overall measure of categorical ACL Wave 4 Wealth and should be used for most analysis purposes. While you may not know exactly how much these things are worth, would it be $50,000 or more? ┌──────┐ ┌─────┐ │1. YES │ │5. NO │ └───┬──┘ └──┬──┘ Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 257 125 N = 382 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED SKIP: IF WEALTH2 (V12598) = 5, THEN GO TO WEALTH2d (V12602) 298 N = 3048 N = 103 N = 84 V12599 W4. Q12a. WEALTH2a. Would assets be worth $100,000 or more Note: V13155 is the cleaned and partially-imputed variable that combines the information from these “unfolding” Wealth Value Bracket questions (V12598 through V12603) into one set of Wealth categories for cases (N=382) that did not report a specific Wealth Value dollar figure in V12597 (and were not “Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained” on all 6 of the “unfolding” Wealth Value Bracket questions (V12598 through V12603)). Note: V13156 combines the Wealth Value information from V12597 and V13155 into a single overall categorical measure of Wealth. V13156 is the best overall measure of categorical ACL Wave 4 Wealth and should be used for most analysis purposes. Would it be $100,000 or more? ┌──────┐ ┌─────┐ │1. YES │ │5. NO │ └──┬───┘ └─────┘ V _ GO TO INCSRC Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 134 78 N = 212 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED SKIP: IF WEALTH2a (V12599) = 5, THEN GO TO INCSRC (V12604) 299 N = 3348 N = 18 N = 39 V12600 W4. Q12b. WEALTH2b. Would assets be worth $250,000 or more Note: V13155 is the cleaned and partially-imputed variable that combines the information from these “unfolding” Wealth Value Bracket questions (V12598 through V12603) into one set of Wealth categories for cases (N=382) that did not report a specific Wealth Value dollar figure in V12597 (and were not “Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained” on all 6 of the “unfolding” Wealth Value Bracket questions (V12598 through V12603)). Note: V13156 combines the Wealth Value information from V12597 and V13155 into a single overall categorical measure of Wealth. V13156 is the best overall measure of categorical ACL Wave 4 Wealth and should be used for most analysis purposes. Would it be $250,000 or more? ┌──────┐ ┌─────┐ │1. YES │ │5. NO │ └──┬───┘ └─────┘ GO TO INCSRC Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 64 51 N = 115 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED SKIP: IF WEALTH2b (V12600) = 5, THEN GO TO INCSRC (V12604) 300 N = 3471 N=9 N = 22 V12601 W4. Q12c. WEALTH2c. Would assets be worth $500,000 or more Note: V13155 is the cleaned and partially-imputed variable that combines the information from these “unfolding” Wealth Value Bracket questions (V12598 through V12603) into one set of Wealth categories for cases (N=382) that did not report a specific Wealth Value dollar figure in V12597 (and were not “Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained” on all 6 of the “unfolding” Wealth Value Bracket questions (V12598 through V12603)). Note: V13156 combines the Wealth Value information from V12597 and V13155 into a single overall categorical measure of Wealth. V13156 is the best overall measure of categorical ACL Wave 4 Wealth and should be used for most analysis purposes. Would it be $500,000 or more? ┌──────┐ ┌─────┐ │1. YES │ │5. NO │ └──┬───┘ └──┬──┘ └───────┬───────┘ Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 28 27 N = 55 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED SKIP: GO TO INCSRC (V12604) 301 N = 3541 N=3 N = 18 V12602 W4. Q12d. WEALTH2d. Would assets be worth $10,000 or more Note: V13155 is the cleaned and partially-imputed variable that combines the information from these “unfolding” Wealth Value Bracket questions (V12598 through V12603) into one set of Wealth categories for cases (N=382) that did not report a specific Wealth Value dollar figure in V12597 (and were not “Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained” on all 6 of the “unfolding” Wealth Value Bracket questions (V12598 through V12603)). Note: V13156 combines the Wealth Value information from V12597 and V13155 into a single overall categorical measure of Wealth. V13156 is the best overall measure of categorical ACL Wave 4 Wealth and should be used for most analysis purposes. Would it be $10,000 or more? ┌──────┐ ┌─────┐ │1. YES │ │5. NO │ └──┬───┘ └─────┘ │GO TO INCSRC Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 67 49 N = 116 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED SKIP: IF WEALTH2d (V12602) = 5, THEN GO TO INCSRC (V12604) 302 N = 3480 N=2 N = 19 V12603 W4. Q12e. WEALTH2E. Would assets be worth $25,000 or more Note: V13155 is the cleaned and partially-imputed variable that combines the information from these “unfolding” Wealth Value Bracket questions (V12598 through V12603) into one set of Wealth categories for cases (N=382) that did not report a specific Wealth Value dollar figure in V12597 (and were not “Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained” on all 6 of the “unfolding” Wealth Value Bracket questions (V12598 through V12603)). Note: V13156 combines the Wealth Value information from V12597 and V13155 into a single overall categorical measure of Wealth. V13156 is the best overall measure of categorical ACL Wave 4 Wealth and should be used for most analysis purposes. Would it be $25,000 or more? ┌──────┐ ┌─────┐ │1. YES │ │5. NO │ └──┬───┘└──┬──┘ Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 23 37 N = 60 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED SKIP: GO TO INCSRC (V12604) 303 N = 3538 N=2 N = 17 V12604 W4. Q13a (1st mention). IncSrc01. R (and Spouse) Sources of Income in last 12 months. Not Imputed Note: These Income Sources variables (V12604-V12609) have been recoded into a set of dummy variables (V13131-V13140) that are coded by Type of Income Source. That is, they indicate whether the Respondent has a particular type of income source (e.g., did Respondent and/ or Spouse R receive any income from “Wages, Salary, Commissions, or Tips” in the last 12 months, etc.). In general, V13131-V13140 should be used in analyses as a measure of Income Sources. Q13a. In order to get an accurate picture of your FILL (and your husband's/ and your wife's) income, it helps to know the different sources of income you FILL (and your husband/ and your wife) may have had during the past 12 months. We do not need detailed amounts, just whether you FILL (and your husband/ and your wife) had any income from the sources I will mention. READ the list, ENTER all that apply, separated by dashes Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Category Description Frequencies Wages, salaries, commissions, tips Social security Retirement payment Income from rent, interest, dividends, etc. Unemployment compensation Child support payments or alimony Public assistance payments Food stamps Any other sources of income None of the above 974 634 61 14 31 1 3 5 3 19 N = 1745 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED SKIP: IF INCSRC01 (V12604) = 10, THEN GO TO INCOME1 (V12610) 304 N = 1830 N = 28 N = 14 V12605 W4. Q13a (2nd Mention). IncSrc02. R (and Spouse) Sources of Income in last 12 months. Not imputed Note: These Income Sources variables (V12604-V12609) have been recoded into a set of dummy variables (V13131-V13140) that are coded by Type of Income Source. That is, they indicate whether the Respondent has a particular type of income source (e.g., did Respondent and/ or Spouse R receive any income from “Wages, Salary, Commissions, or Tips” in the last 12 months, etc.). In general, V13131-V13140 should be used in analyses as a measure of Income Sources. Q13a. In order to get an accurate picture of your FILL (and your husband's/ and your wife's) income, it helps to know the different sources of income you FILL (and your husband/ and your wife) may have had during the past 12 months. We do not need detailed amounts, just whether you FILL (and your husband/ and your wife) had any income from the sources I will mention. Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Category Description Wages, salaries, commissions, tips Social security Retirement payment Income from rent, interest, dividends, etc. Unemployment compensation Child support payments or alimony Public assistance payments Food stamps Any other sources of income None of the above Frequencies 3 212 485 317 83 28 9 23 28 0 N = 1188 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 305 N = 2417 N=0 N = 12 V12606 W4. Q13a (3rd Mention). IncSrc03. R (and Spouse) Sources of Income in last 12 months. Not Imputed Note: These Income Sources variables (V12604-V12609) have been recoded into a set of dummy variables (V13131-V13140) that are coded by Type of Income Source. That is, they indicate whether the Respondent has a particular type of income source (e.g., did Respondent and/ or Spouse R receive any income from “Wages, Salary, Commissions, or Tips” in the last 12 months, etc.). In general, V13131-V13140 should be used in analyses as a measure of Income Sources. Q13a. In order to get an accurate picture of your FILL (and your husband's/ and your wife's) income, it helps to know the different sources of income you FILL (and your husband/ and your wife) may have had during the past 12 months. We do not need detailed amounts, just whether you FILL (and your husband/ and your wife) had any income from the sources I will mention. Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Category Description Wages, salaries, commissions, tips Social security Retirement payment Income from rent, interest, dividends, etc. Unemployment compensation Child support payments or alimony Public assistance payments Food stamps Any other sources of income None of the above Frequencies 1 5 109 262 43 15 12 26 40 0 N = 513 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 306 N = 3092 N=0 N = 12 V12607 W4. Q13a (4th mention). IncSrc04. R (and Spouse) Sources of Income in last 12 months. Not Imputed Note: These Income Sources variables (V12604-V12609) have been recoded into a set of dummy variables (V13131-V13140) that are coded by Type of Income Source. That is, they indicate whether the Respondent has a particular type of income source (e.g., did Respondent and/ or Spouse R receive any income from “Wages, Salary, Commissions, or Tips” in the last 12 months, etc.). In general, V13131-V13140 should be used in analyses as a measure of Income Sources. Q13a. In order to get an accurate picture of your FILL (and your husband's/ and your wife's) income, it helps to know the different sources of income you FILL (and your husband/ and your wife) may have had during the past 12 months. We do not need detailed amounts, just whether you FILL (and your husband/ and your wife) had any income from the sources I will mention. Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Category Description Wages, salaries, commissions, tips Social security Retirement payment Income from rent, interest, dividends, etc. Unemployment compensation Child support payments or alimony Public assistance payments Food stamps Any other sources of income None of the above Frequencies 0 0 3 60 28 3 2 14 18 0 N = 128 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 307 N = 3477 N=0 N = 12 V12608 W4. Q13a. (5th mention). IncSrc05. R (and Spouse) Sources of Income in last 12 months. Not Imputed Note: These Income Sources variables (V12604-V12609) have been recoded into a set of dummy variables (V13131-V13140) that are coded by Type of Income Source. That is, they indicate whether the Respondent has a particular type of income source (e.g., did Respondent and/ or Spouse R receive any income from “Wages, Salary, Commissions, or Tips” in the last 12 months, etc.). In general, V13131-V13140 should be used in analyses as a measure of Income Sources. Q13a. In order to get an accurate picture of your FILL (and your husband's/ and your wife's) income, it helps to know the different sources of income you FILL (and your husband/ and your wife) may have had during the past 12 months. We do not need detailed amounts, just whether you FILL (and your husband/ and your wife) had any income from the sources I will mention. Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Category Description Wages, salaries, commissions, tips Social security Retirement payment Income from rent, interest, dividends, etc. Unemployment compensation Child support payments or alimony Public assistance payments Food stamps Any other sources of income None of the above Frequencies 0 0 0 1 5 0 2 0 9 0 N = 17 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 308 N = 3588 N=0 N = 12 V12609 W4. Q13a (6th mention). IncSrc06. R (and Spouse) Sources of Income in last 12 months. Not Imputed Note: These Income Sources variables (V12604-V12609) have been recoded into a set of dummy variables (V13131-V13140) that are coded by Type of Income Source. That is, they indicate whether the Respondent has a particular type of income source (e.g., did Respondent and/ or Spouse R receive any income from “Wages, Salary, Commissions, or Tips” in the last 12 months, etc.). In general, V13131-V13140 should be used in analyses as a measure of Income Sources. Q13a. In order to get an accurate picture of your FILL (and your husband's/ and your wife's) income, it helps to know the different sources of income you FILL (and your husband/ and your wife) may have had during the past 12 months. We do not need detailed amounts, just whether you FILL (and your husband/ and your wife) had any income from the sources I will mention. Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Category Description Wages, salaries, commissions, tips Social security Retirement payment Income from rent, interest, dividends, etc. Unemployment compensation Child support payments or alimony Public assistance payments Food stamps Any other sources of income None of the above Frequencies 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 N=1 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 309 N = 3604 N=0 N = 12 V12610 W4. Q14. Income1. How much income before taxes would you say You (and your Spouse) received from these sources (Q13a) in last 12 months. Original. Not Cleaned Note: V13113 is the final cleaned and imputed R and Spouse continuous Income variable for ACL Wave 4. V13113 should be used in analysis. V13123 is the categorical version of V13113, and can be used in analyses as well. Note: See Appendix K of this Codebook to find out how Wave 4 R and Spouse Income was constructed, cleaned and imputed. Now, thinking about all possible sources of income you FILL (and your husband/ and your wife) had over the past 12 months including FILL (your income from a job AND Social Security payments AND retirement pay AND investments income AND unemployment or worker’s compensation AND child support or alimony AND public assistance payments AND food stamps AND other income sources) or any other income you FILL (and your husband/ and your wife) may have had, how much income before taxes would you say you FILL (and your husband/ and your wife) received from all these sources? ENTER amount from $1 to $9,999,999 $_____________ Soft Check - If INCOME1 > or = $1,000,000 Soft Check - If INCOME1 < or = $5,000 SOFT CHECK: If INCOME1 < EARNYR (J11), IWER: “Does this amount include all sources of income including earnings from your job before taxes you told me about earlier?” Range: ($) 0 to ($) 2,750,000 N = 1278 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED SKIP: IF INCOME1 (V12610 NE .D or .N) .NE. DK or RF, THEN GO TO ENDIW 310 N = 1830 N = 213 N = 296 V12611 W4. Q14a. Income2a. Would R (and Spouse’s) income before taxes be $30,000 or more. Not cleaned Note: V13113 is the final cleaned and imputed R and Spouse continuous Income variable for ACL Wave 4. V13113 should be used in analysis. V13123 is the categorical version of V13113, and can be used in analyses as well. Note: See Appendix K of this Codebook to find out how Wave 4 R and Spouse Income was constructed, cleaned and imputed. While you may not know the exact amount, would you FILL (and your husband’s/ and your wife’s) total income before taxes in the last 12 months be $30,000 or more? ┌──────┐ ┌─────┐ ┌─────────┐ │1. YES │ │5. NO │ │8. DK/REF │---> Go to ENDIW └──┬───┘ └─────┘ └─────────┘ │ GO TO INCOME2f Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 160 143 N = 303 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED SKIP: IF INCOME2a (V12611) = 5, THEN GO TO INCOME2f (V12616). IF INCOME2a (V12611 = .D or .N) = DK or RF, THEN GO TO ENDIW. 311 N = 3108 N = 135 N = 71 V12612 W4. Q14b. Income2b. Would R (and Spouse’s) income before taxes be $60,000 or more. Not cleaned Note: V13113 is the final cleaned and imputed R and Spouse continuous Income variable for ACL Wave 4. V13113 should be used in analysis. V13123 is the categorical version of V13113, and can be used in analyses as well. Note: See Appendix K of this Codebook to find out how Wave 4 R and Spouse Income was constructed, cleaned and imputed. Would it be $60,000 or more? ┌──────┐ │1. YES │ ┌─────┐ │5. NO │ Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 55 72 N = 127 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3445 N = 17 N = 28 SKIP: IF INCOME2b (V12612) = 5, THEN GO TO INCOME2e (V12615). IF INCOME2b (V12612 = .D or .N) = DK or RF, THEN GO TO ENDIW. V12613 W4. Q14c. Income2c. Would R (and Spouse’s) income before taxes be $80,000 or more. Not cleaned Note: V13113 is the final cleaned and imputed R and Spouse continuous Income variable for ACL Wave 4. V13113 should be used in analysis. V13123 is the categorical version of V13113, and can be used in analyses as well. Note: See Appendix K of this Codebook to find out how Wave 4 R and Spouse Income was constructed, cleaned and imputed. Would it be $80,000 or more? ┌──────┐┌─────┐ │1. YES ││5. NO │---> Go to ENDIW Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 26 18 N = 44 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3550 N=5 N = 18 SKIP: IF INCOME2c (V12613 = 5 or .D or .N) = 5 or DK or RF, THEN GO TO ENDIW. 312 V12614 W4. Q14d. Income2d. Would R (and Spouse’s) income before taxes be $100,000 or more. Not cleaned Note: V13113 is the final cleaned and imputed R and Spouse continuous Income variable for ACL Wave 4. V13113 should be used in analysis. V13123 is the categorical version of V13113, and can be used in analyses as well. Note: See Appendix K of this Codebook to find out how Wave 4 R and Spouse Income was constructed, cleaned and imputed. Would it be $100,000 or more? │1. YES ││5. NO │ └──┬───┘└──┬──┘ Go to ENDIW ┌──────┐┌─────┐ └───────┘ Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 12 12 N = 24 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3579 N=0 N = 14 SKIP: GO TO ENDIW. V12615 W4. Q14e. Income2e. Would R (and Spouse’s) income before taxes be $40,000 or more. Not cleaned Note: V13113 is the final cleaned and imputed R and Spouse continuous Income variable for ACL Wave 4. V13113 should be used in analysis. V13123 is the categorical version of V13113, and can be used in analyses as well. Note: See Appendix K of this Codebook to find out how Wave 4 R and Spouse Income was constructed, cleaned and imputed. Would it be $40,000 or more? ┌──────┐┌─────┐ │1. YES ││5. NO │ └──┬───┘└──┬──┘ └───────┘ Go to ENDIW Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 22 38 N = 60 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED SKIP: GO TO ENDIW. 313 N = 3533 N=3 N = 21 V12616 W4. Q14f. Income2f. Would R (and Spouse’s) income before taxes be $15,000 or more. Not cleaned Note: V13113 is the final cleaned and imputed R and Spouse continuous Income variable for ACL Wave 4. V13113 should be used in analysis. V13123 is the categorical version of V13113, and can be used in analyses as well. Note: See Appendix K of this Codebook to find out how Wave 4 R and Spouse Income was constructed, cleaned and imputed. Would it be $15,000 or more? ┌──────┐ │1. YES │ ┌─────┐ │5. NO │ └──┬───┘ └──┬──┘ Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 56 68 N = 124 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED SKIP: IF INCOME2f (V12616) = 5, THEN GO TO INCOME2h (V12619). IF INCOME2f (V12616 = .D or .N) = DK or RF, THEN GO TO ENDIW. 314 N = 3462 N=4 N = 27 V12617 W4. Q14g. Income2g. Would R (and Spouse’s) income before taxes be $20,000 or more. Not cleaned Note: V13113 is the final cleaned and imputed R and Spouse continuous Income variable for ACL Wave 4. V13113 should be used in analysis. V13123 is the categorical version of V13113, and can be used in analyses as well. Note: See Appendix K of this Codebook to find out how Wave 4 R and Spouse Income was constructed, cleaned and imputed. Would it be $20,000 or more? ┌──────┐┌─────┐ │1. YES││5. NO│---> Go to ENDIW └──┬───┘└─────┘ Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 21 28 N = 49 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3549 N=0 N = 19 SKIP: IF INCOME2g (V12617 = 5 or .D or .N) = 5 or DK or RF, THEN GO TO ENDIW. V12618 W4. Q14j. Income2j. Would R (and Spouse’s) income before taxes be $25,000 or more. Not cleaned Note: V13113 is the final cleaned and imputed R and Spouse continuous Income variable for ACL Wave 4. V13113 should be used in analysis. V13123 is the categorical version of V13113, and can be used in analyses as well. Note: See Appendix K of this Codebook to find out how Wave 4 R and Spouse Income was constructed, cleaned and imputed. Would it be $25,000 or more? ┌──────┐ ┌─────┐ │1. YES│ │5. NO│ Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No └──┬───┘ └ ──┬──┘ Frequencies 8 11 N = 19 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED SKIP: GO TO ENDIW. 315 N = 3584 N=0 N = 14 V12619 W4. Q14h. Income2h. Would R (and Spouse’s) income before taxes be $10,000 or more. Not cleaned Note: V13113 is the final cleaned and imputed R and Spouse continuous Income variable for ACL Wave 4. V13113 should be used in analysis. V13123 is the categorical version of V13113, and can be used in analyses as well. Note: See Appendix K of this Codebook to find out how Wave 4 R and Spouse Income was constructed, cleaned and imputed. Would it be $10,000 or more? ┌──────┐ 1. YES │ ┌─────┐ │5. NO Go to ENDIW Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 31 28 N = 59 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3537 N=2 N = 19 SKIP: IF INCOME2h (V12619 = 1 or .D or .N) = 1 or DK or RF, THEN GO TO ENDIW. 316 V12620 W4. Q14k. Income2k. Would R (and Spouse’s) income before taxes be $5,000 or more. Not cleaned Note: V13113 is the final cleaned and imputed R and Spouse continuous Income variable for ACL Wave 4. V13113 should be used in analysis. V13123 is the categorical version of V13113, and can be used in analyses as well. Note: See Appendix K of this Codebook to find out how Wave 4 R and Spouse Income was constructed, cleaned and imputed. Would it be $5,000 or more? ┌──────┐ ┌─────┐ │1. YES │ │5. NO │ └──┬───┘ └──┬──┘ Code Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 21 6 N = 27 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED SKIP: GO TO ENDIW. 317 N = 3577 N=1 N = 12 Section X Cleaning Notes All Variables: Consistency checks were done for all Section X variables. Respondents who were not interviewed in Wave 4 (V12007=.A) were assigned the missing value code .A (Inapplicable). Wave 4 non-interviews accounted for 1,830 of the missing values found in each variable in this section. An individual case known to be invalid throughout Wave 4(v1=730) was also set to ‘.A’ for each variable (it is one of the N=1830 cases inapplicable on the Section X variables). Twelve cases (v1=142, 313, 332, 490, 798, 1321, 1900, 2199, 2426, 3210, 3306, and 3526) identified as partial interviews (v11555=5) were found to be missing throughout Section X; these cases were assigned the missing value code .N (Not Ascertained). Any missing values not accounted for by the conditions described above were further investigated on a case by case basis, primarily via the use of the Interviewer Remarks file, though no applicable remarks were found for this section. All variables were renamed to a pre-specified block of V#’s and all variables were relabeled using the following template: “W#.X#.VARNAME.Abridged Question Text,” where W# represents the ACL Wave number, X# represents the question number (ie X12), and VARNAME represents the original variable name, followed by an abridged version of the question text. The Section X variables are described below. 318 SECTION X. Interviewer’s Observations INTMODE X1. Interview taken: ┌───────────────┐ ┌───────────────┐ │ 1. FACE TO FACE│ │ 2. BY TELEPHONE│ └───────────────┘ └───────────────┘ V12621 W4. X2. IntLang. Language interview conducted in X2. Interview conducted in: ┌──────────┐ ┌──────────┐ ┌──────────────────────────────────────────┐ │1. ENGLISH│ │2. SPANISH│ │ 3. OTHER │ └──────────┘ └──────────┘ │ INTLANG │ │X2a. SPECIFY: ____________________________│ Code Language 1 2 3 English Spanish Other Frequencies 1760 9 1 N = 1770 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12622 X3. N = 1830 N=0 N = 17 W4. X3. RUndstnd. How was Respondent’s understanding of the questions How was R's understanding of the questions? ┌────────────┐ ┌───────┐ ┌───────┐ ┌───────┐ │ 1. EXCELLENT│ │ 2. GOOD│ │ 3. FAIR│ │ 4. POOR│ └────────────┘ └───────┘ └───────┘ └───────┘ Code Rating 1 2 3 4 Excellent Good Fair Poor Frequencies 1127 461 158 24 N = 1770 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 319 N = 1830 N=0 N = 17 V12623 X4. W4. X4. RCoop. How was Respondent’s cooperation during the interview How was R's cooperation during the interview? ┌────────────┐ ┌───────┐ ┌───────┐ ┌───────┐ │ 1. EXCELLENT│ │ 2. GOOD│ │ 3. FAIR│ │ 4. POOR│ └────────────┘ └───────┘ └───────┘ └───────┘ Code Rating 1 2 3 4 Excellent Good Fair Poor Frequencies 1396 294 70 10 N = 1770 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12624 X5. N = 1830 N=0 N = 17 W4. X5. IntTirng. How tiring did the interview seem to be to R How tiring did the interview seem to be to R? ┌──────────────┐ ┌──────────────────┐ ┌─────────────┐ │ 1. VERY TIRING│ │ 2. A LITTLE TIRING│ │ 3. NOT TIRING│ └──────────────┘ └──────────────────┘ └─────────────┘ Code Rating 1 2 3 Very tiring A little tiring Not tiring Frequencies 117 532 1097 N = 1746 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 320 N = 1830 N=1 N = 40 V12625 W4. X6. EnjoyInt. How much did R seem to enjoy the interview X6. How much did R seem to enjoy the interview? ┌───────────────┐ ┌──────────────┐ ┌───────┐ ┌───────────┐ ┌─────────────┐ │ 1. A GREAT DEAL│ │ 2. QUITE A BIT│ │ 3. SOME│ │ 4. A LITTLE│ │5. NOT AT ALL│ └───────────────┘ └──────────────┘ └───────┘ └───────────┘ └─────────────┘ Code Amount 1 2 3 4 5 A great deal Quite a bit Some A little Not at all Frequencies 339 644 603 112 49 N = 1747 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12626 X7. N = 1830 N=0 N = 40 W4. X7. RDiffRmb. How much difficulty did R have remembering things that you asked him/ her about How much difficulty did R have remembering things that you asked FILL (him/ her) about? ┌────────────────┐┌─────────────┐┌─────────────┐┌─────────────┐┌────── ──────┐ │ 1. NO DIFFICULTY││ 2. A LITTLE ││ 3. SOME ││ 4. A LOT OF └────────────────┘ │ DIFFICULTY││ DIFFICULTY││ DIFFICULTY│ 5. COULD NOT DO AT ALL Code Level of difficulty Frequencies 1 2 3 4 5 No difficulty A little difficulty Some difficulty A lot of difficulty Could not do at all 1063 432 194 57 1 N = 1747 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 321 N = 1830 N=0 N = 40 V12627 X8. W4. X8. RDifFHear. How much difficulty did R have hearing you when you talked to him/ her How much difficulty did R have hearing you when you talked to FILL (him/ her)? ┌────────────────┐┌─────────────┐┌─────────────┐┌─────────────┐┌────── ──────┐ │ 1. NO DIFFICULTY││ 2. A LITTLE ││ 3. SOME ││4. A LOT OF │ │ DIFFICULTY││ DIFFICULTY││ DIFFICULTY│ │5. COULD NOT│ DO AT ALL│ Code Level of difficulty Frequencies 1 2 3 4 5 No difficulty A little difficulty Some difficulty A lot of difficulty Could not do at all 1293 297 123 32 2 N = 1747 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12628 X9. N = 1830 N=0 N = 40 W4. X9. RCmftPpl. How comfortable would you say R is in dealing with other people On the basis of your experience with R in the interview, how comfortable would you say R is in dealing with other people? ┌─────────────┐ ┌───────────┐ ┌───────────┐ ┌─────────┐ ┌───────┐ │ 1. NOT AT ALL│ │ 2. SLIGHTLY│ │ 3. SOMEWHAT│ │ 4. QUITE │ │5. VERY│ └─────────────┘ └───────────┘ └───────────┘ └─────────┘ └───────┘ Code Level of comfort 1 2 3 4 5 Not at all Slightly Somewhat Quite Very Frequencies 19 95 311 614 686 N = 1725 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 322 N = 1830 N=0 N = 62 V12629 W4. X10. RSkllPpl. How skilled would you say R is in handling or dealing with other people X10. On the basis of your experience with R in this interview, how skilled would you say R is in handling or dealing with other people? ┌─────────────┐ ┌───────────┐ ┌───────────┐ ┌─────────┐ ┌───────┐ │ 1. NOT AT ALL│ │ 2. SLIGHTLY│ │ 3. SOMEWHAT│ │ 4. QUITE │ │5. VERY│ └─────────────┘ └───────────┘ └───────────┘ └─────────┘ └───────┘ Code Level of skill 1 2 3 4 5 Not at all skilled Slightly skilled Somewhat skilled Quite skilled Very skilled Frequencies 8 93 364 633 627 N = 1725 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12630 X11. N = 1830 N=0 N = 62 W4. X11. RConfid. How self-confident did R seem to be How self-confident did R seem to be? 1.NOT ATALL 2. ALITTLE 3.SOMEW Code Level of confidence 1 2 3 4 5 Not at all Slightly Somewhat Quite Very 5.VERY 4.QUITE Frequencies 13 99 307 652 654 N = 1725 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 323 N = 1830 N=0 N = 62 V12631 X12. W4. X12. RDepr. How depressed did R seem to be How depressed did R seem to be? 1.NOT ATALL 2.A LITTLE 3.SOMEW 4.QUITE 5.VERY Code Level of depression Frequencies 1 2 3 4 5 Not at all depressed A little depressed Somewhat depressed Quite depressed Very depressed 1107 376 176 50 16 N = 1725 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V12632 N = 1830 N=0 N = 62 W4. X13. RExpress. How was R’s ability to express him/ herself X13. How was R's ability to express FILL (himself/ herself)? ┌────────────┐ ┌───────┐ ┌───────┐ ┌───────┐ │ 1. EXCELLENT│ │ 2. GOOD│ │ 3. FAIR│ │4. POOR│ └────────────┘ └───────┘ └───────┘ └───────┘ Code Rating 1 2 3 4 Excellent Good Fair Poor Frequencies 1150 479 108 10 N = 1747 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 324 N = 1830 N=0 N = 40 THMBNAIL X14. THUMBNAIL SKETCH: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 325 ACL Wave 4 Sampling Weight Variables V12961-V12968 V12961 W4. ACL Wave 4 Cross-Section Weight – W1 and W4 Respondents. Uncentered. (Interviewed at Waves 1 and 4) Frequencies A. INAPPLICABLE – Dead or Non-Respondent at Wave 4 N = 1830 Range of Weights: 0.076312 to 9.027891 N = 1787 V12962 W4. ACL Wave 4 Cross-Section Weight – W1 and W4 Respondents. Centered. (Interviewed at Waves 1 and 4) Frequencies A. INAPPLICABLE – Dead or Non-Respondent at Wave 4 N = 1830 Range of Weights: 0.048342 to 5.719016 N = 1787 V12963 W4. ACL W1, W2, and W4 Respondents Panel Weight. Uncentered. (Interviewed at Waves 1, 2, and 4 only or at all 4 waves) Frequencies A. INAPPLICABLE (not interviewed at W2 and/ or W4) N = 1967 Range of Weights = 0.097257 to 8.088679 N = 1650 V12964 W4. ACL W1, W2, and W4 Respondents Panel Weight. Centered. (Interviewed at Waves 1, 2, and 4 only or at all 4 waves) Frequencies A. INAPPICABLE (not interviewed at W2 and/ or W4) N = 1967 Range of Weights = 0.066106 to 5.497887 N = 1650 326 V12965 W4. ACL W1, W3, and W4 Respondents Panel Weight. Uncentered. (Interviewed at Waves 1, 3, and 4 only or at all 4 waves) Frequencies A. INAPPLICABLE (not interviewed at W3 and/ or W4) N = 1923 Range of Weights = 0.063311 to 7.547493 N = 1694 V12966 W4. ACL W1, W3, and W4 Respondents Panel Weight. Centered. (Interviewed at Waves 1, 3, and 4 only or at all 4 waves) Frequencies A. INAPPLICABLE (not interviewed at W3 and/ or W4) N = 1923 Range = 0.043797 to 5.221165 N = 1694 V12967 W4. ACL 4-Wave (W1, W2, W3, and W4) Panel Weight. Uncentered. (Interviewed at all 4 waves) Frequencies A. INAPPLICABLE – Not Interviewed at all 4 waves. N = 2023 Range of Weights = 0.081886 to 7.048563 N = 1594 V12968 W4. ACL 4-Wave (W1, W2, W3, and W4) panel Weight). Centered. (Interviewed at all 4 waves) Frequencies A. INAPPLICABLE – Not Interviewed at all 4 waves. N = 2023 Range of Weights = 0.064012 to 5.510027 N = 1594 327 ACL Wave 4 Created Variables Health Indices and Other Health-Related Items, and Flag Variables (V13001-V13099) V13001 W4. Functional Health Index. 1=Most Functionally Impaired. 4=No Functional Impairment. Imputed. Note: V12225-V12235 were combined to create this Wave 4 Functional Health Index (V13001). Note: See V13081 for information on which cases were imputed for this variable. Codes Category Descriptions 1. 2. 3. 4. Frequencies In bed/ chair most or all day due to health/ has a lot of difficulty or cannot bathe self. Has a lot of difficulty or cannot climb a few flights of stairs or walk several blocks because of health. Has a lot of difficulty or cannot do heavy work around the house such as shoveling snow or washing walls because of health. Does not have a lot of difficulty doing heavy work around the house such as shoveling snow or washing walls because of health. 179 140 160 1308 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE – Dead or Non-Respondent at ACL Wave 4 D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1830 N=0 N=0 Wave 4 Functional Health Index (V13001) The table below shows how this variable (V13001) was constructed. Index Variable Number Index Name Item Variable Number Item Name Question Number New Codes for V13001 V13001 Functional Health Index V12225 Bed R In Bed/ Chair Most/ All Day Because Of R’s Health G2 Code = 1: if V12225=1 (in Bed/Chair Most/All Day Because Of Health) V12227 BathDif How Much Difficulty R Has Bathing Self G3a OR Code = 1: if V12227 = 3 or 4 (R Has “A Lot” of Difficulty Or “Cannot Bathe Self”) 328 V12230 ClimbDif G4a Code = 2: How Much Difficulty R Has Climbing a Few Flights Of Stairs if V12230 = 3 or 4 (R Has “A Lot” of Difficulty Or “Cannot Climb a Few Flights Of Stairs”) V12232 WalkDif How Much Difficulty R Has Walking Several Blocks G5a OR Code = 2: if V12232 = 3 or 4 (R Has “A Lot” of Difficulty Or “Cannot Walk Several Blocks”) V12235 HvyDif How Much Difficulty R Has Doing Heavy Work Around The House G7a Code = 3: if V12235 = 3 or 4 (R Has “A Lot” of Difficulty Or “Cannot Do Heavy Work Around The House”) V12234 HvyWork G7 Would R Currently Have Any Difficulty Doing Heavy Work Around The House, Such as Shoveling Snow Or Washing Walls, Because of R’s Health 329 Code = 4: V12234 = 5 (“No”, R Would Not Have Any Difficulty Doing Heavy Work Around The House) V12235 HvyDif G7a OR Code = 4: How Much Difficulty R Has Doing Heavy Work Around The House This index (V13001) is a Guttman-type scale, where Respondents who reported being functionally impaired on Bed or Bath were not asked about the next lower levels of impairment, and so on. This index corresponds to the Wave 1 through Wave 3 Functional Health indices (V2604, V6604 and V10911). Imputations: One case was imputed for this index. This case was missing on all the Functional Health Input Items: V12225-V12235. A case-by-case imputation was done for this case based on the Respondent’s Wave 1 through Wave 3 Functional Health Status and on her other Wave 4 Health Conditions and Age, etc. All other cases that were missing (“Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained”) on one or more of the Functional Health Input Items had enough non-missing responses on the Functional Health Input Items to determine the Respondent’s overall Functional Health level for Wave 4. See V13081 (Imputation Flag for V13001) for information that identifies the case that was imputed for V13001. 330 if V12235 = 1 or 2 (R Has only “A Little” Or “Some” Difficulty “Doing Heavy Work Around The House”) V13002 W4. G8. SRH. Self-Rated Health/ Proxy-Rated Health. Imputed Note: This is the imputed version of V12236 (Wave 4 Self-Rated Health). Note: This question was included in both the ACL Wave 4 Self-Report Questionnaire (N = 1692) and the ACL Wave 4 Proxy Questionnaire (N=95). Use V12007 (ACL Wave 4 Self-Report (Code=1) versus Proxy Report (Code=2) filter variable) to separate the “Self-Rated Health” responses (N = 1692) from the “Proxy-Rated Health” responses (N=95). Note: See V13082 to identify which cases were imputed for this variable (V13002). Category Descriptions Codes Frequencies Excellent…………………………….1 Very Good…………………………..2 Good………………………………...3 Fair………………………………….4 Poor…………………………………5 246 654 529 258 100 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1830 N=0 N=0 How imputed: Imputations are based on case-by-case (clinical) checks of (a) ACL4 Interviewer Remarks file, and (b) any relevant response patterns in ACL Wave 1, Wave 2, Wave 3, and Wave 4 data. That is, the other ACL Wave 4 Health measures were checked, as well as the Wave 1, Wave 2 , and Wave 3 Health measures and the Wave 1, Wave 2, and Wave 3 Self-Rated Health scores. Plus, the Respondent’s Age Race and Sex were also factored into the final imputation. 331 V13003 W4. G11. Smoke. Does R currently smoke cigarettes. Imputed Note: This is the imputed version of V12239 (Wave 4 Does R Currently Smoke). Note: See V13083 for information on which cases were imputed for this variable (V13003). Category Descriptions Codes Frequencies Yes………………………………….1 No…………………………………..5 266 1521 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13004 N = 1830 N=0 N=0 W4. G11a. SmokDays. Number of Days per Week R Smokes. Cleaned and Imputed. Note: This is the cleaned and imputed version of V12240 (Wave 4 Number of Days per Week R Smokes). Note; V13004 (Days Smoke per Week) and V13006 (Number of Cigarettes Smoke per Day) are combined to create V13007 (Number of Cigarettes Smoke per Week). Note: See V13084 for information on which cases were imputed for this variable (V13004). Number of Days R Smokes per Week 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 Frequencies 7 5 8 9 11 5 221 N = 266 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 332 N = 3351 N=0 N=0 V13005 W4. G11b. SmokNum. Number of Cigarettes or Packs R Smokes per Day. Cleaned and Imputed. Note: This is the cleaned and imputed version of V12241 (Wave 4 Number of Cigarettes or Packs R Smokes per Day). Note: V13005 (Number of Cigarettes or Packs R Smokes per Day) and V12242 (Unit = Cigarettes or Packs) are combined to create V13006 (Total Number of Cigarettes Smoked per Day). Note: See V13085 for information on which cases were imputed for this variable (V13005). Number of Cigarettes or Packs Smoked per Day 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 30 40 Frequencies 8 94 11 21 3 9 7 10 7 5 7 54 2 1 2 9 1 1 5 8 1 N = 266 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 333 N = 3351 N=0 N=0 V13006 W4. Total Number of Cigarettes Smoked per Day. Cleaned and Imputed. All Wave 4 Respondents. Note: V13005 (Number of Cigarettes or Packs R Smokes per Day) and V12242 (Unit = Cigarettes or Packs) are combined to create V13006 (Total Number of Cigarettes Smoked per Day). Note: V13004 (Days Smoke per Week) and V13006 (Number of Cigarettes Smoke per Day) are combined to create V13007 (Number of Cigarettes Smoke per Week). Note: See V13086 for information on which cases were imputed for this variable (V13006). Number of Cigarettes Smoked Per Day 0 1 2 2.5 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 30 40 50 60 Frequencies 1521 8 7 2 8 7 10 7 5 7 62 2 1 2 9 1 1 91 19 15 1 1 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 334 N = 1830 N=0 N=0 V13007 W4. Total Number of Cigarettes Smoked per Week. Cleaned and Imputed. All Wave 4 Respondents. Note: V13004 (Days Smoke per Week) and V13006 (Number of Cigarettes Smoke per Day) are combined to create V13007 (Number of Cigarettes Smoke per Week). Note: See V13087 for information on which cases were imputed for this variable (V13007). Frequencies Smokes 0 cigarettes Smokes 1 to 420 cigarettes per week 1521 266 Total in Range: 0 to 420 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13008 N = 1830 N=0 N=0 W4. G12. Drink. Does R Drink Alcoholic Beverages. Cleaned and Imputed. Note: V13008 is the imputed version of V12243 (Does R Drink Alcoholic Beverages). Use V13008 for most analysis purposes. Note: See V13088 for information on which cases were imputed for this variable (V13008). Category Descriptions Codes Yes………………………………….1 No…………………………………..5 Frequencies 876 911 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 335 N = 1830 N=0 N=0 V13009 W4. G12a. DrnkDay. How many Days per Month R Drinks. Imputed Note: V13009 is the imputed version of Number of Days Drank per Month (V12244) In general, use V13009 instead of V12244. Note: V13009 (Imputed Number of Days Drank per Month) and V13010 (Imputed Number of Drinks per Day) were combined to create V13011 (Number of Drinks per Month). Note: See V13089 for information on which cases were imputed for this variable (V13009). Frequencies R drinks 0 days per month R drinks 1 to 31 days per month 153 723 Total in Range = 0 to 31 days per month N = 876 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13010 N = 2741 N=0 N=0 W4. G12b. DrnkNum. Number of Drinks R Has per Day R Drinks. Imputed Note: V13010 is the imputed version of Number of Drinks R Drinks per Day (V12245) In general, use V13010 instead of V12245. Note: V13009 (Imputed Number of Days Drank per Month) and V13010 (Imputed Number of Drinks per Day) were combined to create V13011 (Number of Drinks per Month). Note: See V13090 for information on which cases were imputed for this variable. Number of Drinks R Has Per Day 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 20 Frequencies 5 345 4 221 1 74 30 8 24 2 3 1 2 2 1 N = 723 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 336 N = 2894 N=0 N=0 V13011 W4. Total Number of Alcoholic Drinks Per Month R Drinks. Imputed. All Wave 4 Respondents Note: V13009 (Imputed Number of Days Drank per Month) and V13010 (Imputed Number of Drinks per Day) were combined to create V13011 (Number of Drinks per Month). Note: Non-drinkers (Code = 5 on V13008) are coded as 0 (zero drinks) on V13011. Note: See V13091 for information on which cases were imputed for this variable (V13011). Frequencies R drinks 0 drinks per month R drinks 1 to 600 drinks per month 1064 723 Total in Range = 0 to 600 drinks per month N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 337 N = 1830 N=0 N=0 V13012 W4. (V12257 & V12012 Combined): Is/ Has R been in Nursing Home/ Long-Term Care Facility since last Interview Note: V13012 combines Nursing Home/ Long-Term Care information from both V12257 and V12012 into a single measure of whether the R has lived in a Nursing Home or a Long-Term Care Facility since the last ACL interview. Note: In general, V13012 should be used instead of V12257. Code Number 1 5 Category Description Yes No Frequencies 68 1718 N = 1786 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13013 N = 1830 N=0 N=1 W4. (V12258 & V12014 Combined): Year R last entered Nursing Home/ Long-Term Care Facility Note: V13013 combines Year Entered Nursing Home/ Long-Term Care Facility information from both V12258 and V12014 into a single measure of the year when R last entered a Nursing Home or a Long-Term Care Facility. Note: In general, V13013 should be used instead of V12258. Frequencies Year Entered 1989 1990 1991 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 1 1 1 2 4 4 2 10 10 11 14 7 N = 67 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 338 N = 3549 N=0 N=1 V13014 W4. (V12259 & V12012 Combined): Year R left Nursing Home/ Long-Term Care Facility Note: V13014 combines Year Left Nursing Home/ Long-Term Care Facility information from both V12259 and V12012 into a single measure of the year when R left the Nursing Home or Long-Term Care Facility she/ he was in. Note: In general, V13014 should be used instead of V12259. Frequencies Year Left 1989 1994 1995 1996 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 5000 R currently in Nursing Home/ Long-Term Care Facility 1 1 2 5 3 5 5 10 5 29 N = 66 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13015 N = 3549 N=0 N=2 W4. G18. HProf. Number of Times R Saw Health Professional (except Hospital Stay, ER, or Long-Term Care) in last 12 months. Cleaned and Imputed Note: V13015 is an imputed version of V12262. Note: V13015 should be used instead of V12262. Note: See V13071 for information on which cases were imputed for this variable. G18. During the past 12 months, about how many times did you go to see a medical doctor, nurse practitioner, or physician’s assistant about your own health? (FILL: Do not count health care providers seen while you were an overnight patient in a hospital, a resident in a nursing home or long-term care facility, or while in an emergency room). ADD FILL IF YRNRSHME = 2000-2001, OR HOSP = 1-365, OR ER = 1-365 ENTER number of times 0-365. ____________ times SOFT CHECK: IF HPROF = 5, IWER: “You indicated that the R saw the doctor 5 times. Is this correct?” Range from 0 to 156 times in past 12 months N = 1764 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 339 N = 1830 N=0 N = 23 V13022 W4.G10. Weight. Respondents Body Weight. Cleaned This is a slightly “cleaned” version of V12238 (Question G10, Respondent Self-Reported Body Weight). For this variable (V13022), two cases with implausibly low body weight values on the original variable (V12238) have been recoded to missing (.N) for V13022. Note: V13022 and V2610 (Respondent Height) were combined to create V13023 Wave 4 Body Mass Index (BMI). Note: This variable (V13022) or V13023 (Body Mass Index) should be used for analysis purposes, instead of V12238. Range = 87 to 366 pounds N = 1748 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 340 N = 1830 N = 25 N = 14 V13023 W4. Body Mass Index (BMI). Imputed Note: This index has been cleaned and imputed. Note: V13022 (Wave 4 Respondent Self-Reported Body Weight) and V2610 (Respondent Height) were combined to create V13023 Wave 4 Body Mass Index (BMI). Note: V13022 (Wave 4 Respondent Body Weight) or V13023 (Body Mass Index) should be used for analysis purposes, instead of V12238. Note: See V13092 for information on which cases were imputed for this variable. Range = 16.140172 to 57.562133 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1830 N=0 N=0 This variable (V13023) is calculated as follows: BMI = weight(kilograms)/height(meters)-squared. Specifically, V13023 = (V13022 * .45359) / [(V2610 * .0254) * (V2610 * .0254)]. V13023 is the ACL Wave 4 equivalent of V2623, V6623 and V10923, BMI for Wave 1, Wave 2, and Wave 3, respectively. Note: Seven cases that have Wave 4 Body Weight (V13022) were missing on Wave 1 Height (V2610). The sex-specific mean heights (70 inches for males; 64 inches for females) were used to calculate Wave 4 BMI (V13023). V13092 = 3 provides an identifying code for these 7 cases. Thirty-nine cases were missing on Wave 4 Body Weight (V13022) – 4 males and 35 females. Wave 4 BMI (V13023) was imputed for these 39 cases using the following OLS Regression technique. (Males) W4 BMI = W1 Race (dummies), W1 Age (dummies), W1 BMI, W2 BMI, W2 Interview/Non-Interview (dummy), W3 BMI, W3 Interview/Non-Interview (dummy). (Females) W4 BMI = W1 Race (dummies), W1 Age (dummies), W1 BMI, W2 BMI, W2 Interview/Non-Interview (dummy), W3 BMI, W3 Interview/Non-Interview (dummy). Then, after a W4 BMI estimate was obtained for each case that was missing (Don’t Know or Not Ascertained) on W4 Body Weight (V13022), a random residual was added to each case’s estimate. These random residuals were calculated from the sex-specific OLS regression residuals from the above regression models. The random residuals were calculated as follows. Random Residual = Random Deviation Units * Standard Error of the Estimate, where Random Deviation Units were randomly selected from the Normal Distribution. The Standard Error of the Estimate is calculated as follows. Standard Error of the Estimate = Standard Deviation of the Residuals divided by the square root of the degrees of freedom, where the degrees of freedom are df = N – K, where N = Number of cases in the regression model and K = Number of parameters (IV’s plus intercept) in the regression model. 341 V13024 W4. Body Mass Index - - Squared (BMI-Squared) Note: This variable is the square values of the BMI values for V13023. Note: See V13092 for information on what cases were imputed for BMI. Range = 260.505162 to 3313.399098 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1830 N=0 N=0 W4. 5-Category Body Mass Index (BMI) V13025 Note: This variable is based on V13023 (W4 BMI). The cut points used for this variable were taken from the cut points used for ACL Wave 1 5-Category BMI (V2625). Categories: Males 1 2 3 4 5 Less than or equal to 20.450 (W1=lowest 5%) 20.451-23.711 (W1= 5.1% to 30.0%) 23.712-26.49849 (W1= 30.1% to 60.0%) 26.49850- 29.679 (W1= 60.1% to 85.0%) 29.680 or higher (W1= highest 15%) Categories: Females 1 2 3 4 5 Less than or equal to 18.889 (W1= lowest 5%) 18.890- 21.929 (W1 = 5.1% to 30.0%) 21.930- 25.180 (W1= 30.1% to 60.0%) 25.181- 29.949 (W1= 60.1% to 85.0%) 29.950 or higher (W1= highest 15%) Code Number Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 Underweight Low-Normal Weight Medium-Normal Weight High-Normal Weight Overweight Frequencies 50 257 463 523 494 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 342 N = 1830 N=0 N=0 V13026 W4. BMI. Underweight. dummy (dummy variable based on V13025, Code=1). Code Number Category Description 0 1 Other Underweight Frequencies 1737 50 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13027 N = 1830 N=0 N=0 W4. BMI. Low-Normal Weight. dummy (dummy variable based on V13025, Code=2). Code Number Category Description 0 1 Other Low-Normal Weight Frequencies 1530 257 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13028 N = 1830 N=0 N=0 W4. BMI. Medium-Normal Weight. dummy (dummy variable based on V13025, Code=3). Code Number Category Description 0 1 Other Medium-Normal Weight Frequencies 1324 463 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 343 N = 1830 N=0 N=0 V13029 W4. BMI. High-Normal Weight. dummy (dummy variable based on V13025, Code=4). Code Number Category Description 0 1 Other High-Normal Weight Frequencies 1264 523 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13030 N = 1830 N=0 N=0 W4. BMI. Overweight. dummy (dummy variable based on V13025, Code=5). Code Number Category Description 0 1 Other Overweight Frequencies 1293 494 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 344 N = 1830 N=0 N=0 V13031 W4. Number of Chronic Health Conditions (last 12 months). 9-item. Note: V12284, V12285 and V12315 (Hypertension), V12288, V12289 and V12316 (Diabetes), V12292 and V12317, and V12294 and V12318 (Lung Diseases), V12300 and V12319 (Heart Attack/ Heart Disease), V12305 and V12320 (Major Strokes), V12310, V12311 and V12321 (Cancer), V12312 and V12322 (Fractured or Broken Bones), V12313 and V12323 (Arthritis/ Rheumatism), and V12314 and V12324 (Lost Urine Beyond R’s Control) have been combined to create this 9-item Wave 4 Number of Chronic Conditions index. Note: this index is equivalent to V2681, V6681, and V11181. Note: Use V13075 to identify the cases that were imputed for this index. Number of Conditions 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Frequencies 518 506 405 226 96 30 5 1 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1830 N=0 N=0 How index was constructed: If case was “Yes” on V12284, V12285 or V12315, then case was coded as 1 (“Yes”) on Hypertension. If case was “Yes” on V12288, V12289 or V12316, then case was coded as 1 (“Yes”) on Diabetes. If case was “Yes” on V12292, V12317, V12294 or V12318, then case was coded as 1 (“Yes”) on Had a Lung Disease. If case was “Yes” on V12300 or V12319, then case was coded as 1 (“Yes”) on Heart Attack or Heart Disease. If case was “Yes” on V12305 or V12320, then case was coded as 1 (“Yes”) on Had a major Stroke. If case was “Yes” on V12310, V12311 or V12321, then case was coded as 1 (“Yes”) on Cancer. If case was “Yes” on V12312 or V12322, then case was coded as 1 (“Yes”) on Had Fractured or Broken Bones. If case was “Yes” on V12313 or V12323, then case was coded as 1 (“Yes”) on Had Arthritis or Rheumatism. If case was “Yes” on V12314 or V12324, then case was coded as 1 (“Yes”) on Lost Urine Beyond R’s Control. Cases that were “No”, “Don’t Know”, or “Not Ascertained” on the above variable sets, were Coded as 0 (“No”) on that particular condition for the past 12 months. The number of one’s (“Yes” responses) were added up for the 9 separate health conditions to create this Wave 4 Number of Chronic Health Conditions Index (V13031). The possible range for this index is 0 to 9 conditions. How imputed: Four cases were imputed for this index based on case-by-case imputations. For all of these cases, the Respondent was 76 or older at the time of the Wave 4 interview, and had a history of having one or more life-threatening chronic health conditions. The Wave 4 imputations were based on the Respondent’s age and Wave 1, Wave 2, and Wave 3 Health condition history. Interviewer remarks were also checked, as well as any responses the Respondent provided about his/ her health at Wave 4. 345 V13032 W4. Number of Life-Threatening Chronic Health Conditions (last 12 months). 5-item Note: V12288, V12289 and V12316 (Diabetes), V12292 and V12317, and V12294 and V12318 (Lung Diseases), V12300 and V12319 (Heart Attack/ Heart Disease), V12305 and V12320 (Major Strokes), V12310, V12311 and 12321 (Cancer) have been combined to create this 5-item Wave 4 Number of Life-Threatening Chronic Conditions index. Note: this index is equivalent to V2650, V6650, and V11150. Note: Use V13076 to identify the cases that were imputed for this index. Number of Conditions 0 1 2 3 4 Frequencies 1253 436 80 17 1 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1830 N=0 N=0 How index was constructed: If case was “Yes” on V12288, V12289 or V12316, then case was coded as 1 (“Yes”) on Diabetes. If case was “Yes” on V12292, V12317, V12294 or V12318, then case was coded as 1 (“Yes”) on Had a Lung Disease. If case was “Yes” on V12300 or V12319, then case was coded as 1 (“Yes”) on Heart Attack or Heart Disease. If case was “Yes” on V12305 or V12320, then case was coded as 1 (“Yes”) on Had a major Stroke. If case was “Yes” on V12310, V12311 or V12321, then case was coded as 1 (“Yes”) on Cancer. Cases that were “No”, “Don’t Know”, or “Not Ascertained” on the above variable sets, were Coded as 0 (“No”) on that particular condition for the past 12 months. The number of one’s (“Yes” responses) were added up for the 5 separate life-threatening health conditions to create this Wave 4 Number of Life-Threatening Chronic Health Conditions Index (V13032). The possible range for this index is 0 to 5 conditions. How imputed: Four cases were imputed for this index based on case-by-case imputations. For all of these cases, the Respondent was 76 or older at the time of the Wave 4 interview, and had a history of having one or more life-threatening chronic health conditions. The Wave 4 imputations were based on the Respondent’s age and Wave 1, Wave 2, and Wave 3 Health condition history. Interviewer remarks were also checked, as well as any responses the Respondent provided about his/ her health at Wave 4. 346 V13033 W4. Number of Debilitating Chronic Health Conditions (last 12 months). 4-item Note: V12284, V12285 and V12315 (Hypertension), V12312 and V12322 (Fractured or Broken Bones), V12313 and V12323 (Arthritis/ Rheumatism), and V12314 and V12324 (Lost Urine Beyond R’s Control) have been combined to create this 4-item Wave 4 Number of Debilitating Chronic Conditions index. Note: this index is equivalent to V2682, V6682, and V11182. Note: Use V13077 to identify the cases that were imputed for this index. Number of Conditions 0 1 2 3 4 Frequencies 590 620 447 120 10 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1830 N=0 N=0 How index was constructed: If case was “Yes” on V12284, V12285 or V12315, then case was coded as 1 (“Yes”) on Hypertension. If case was “Yes” on V12312 or V12322, then case was coded as 1 (“Yes”) on Had Fractured or Broken Bones. If case was “Yes” on V12313 or V12323, then case was coded as 1 (“Yes”) on Had Arthritis or Rheumatism. If case was “Yes” on V12314 or V12324, then case was coded as 1 (“Yes”) on Lost Urine Beyond R’s Control. Cases that were “No”, “Don’t Know”, or “Not Ascertained” on the above variable sets, were Coded as 0 (“No”) on that particular condition for the past 12 months. The number of one’s (“Yes” responses) were added up for the 4 separate debilitating health conditions to create this Wave 4 Number of Debilitating Chronic Health Conditions Index (V13031). The possible range for this index is 0 to 4 conditions. How imputed: Four cases were imputed for this index based on case-by-case imputations. For all of these cases, the Respondent was 76 or older at the time of the Wave 4 interview, and had a history of having one or more life-threatening chronic health conditions. The Wave 4 imputations were based on the Respondent’s age and Wave 1, Wave 2, and Wave 3 Health condition history. Interviewer remarks were also checked, as well as any responses the Respondent provided about his/ her health at Wave 4. 347 V13041 W4. Type of Health Insurance. 1st Mention. Detailed Codes Note: V13041-V13046 are variables that have the detailed codes for Health Insurance, (for Mentions 1 through 6, respectively) that are also found in their original form in variables V12246-V12251. V13041-V13046 have been cleaned and extensively recoded. In general, V13041-V13046 should be used instead of V12246-V12251. Note: See Appendix F for a list of the codes used for V13041-V13046. Note: V13051 is a dummy variable that indicates whether or not the Respondent has health insurance. V13051 is based on V13041. Range: Codes 1 to 97 (Health Insurance Codes in Appendix F) A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13042 N = 1784 N = 1830 N=1 N=2 W4. Type of Health Insurance. 2nd Mention. Detailed Codes Note: V13041-V13046 are variables that have the detailed codes for Health Insurance, (for Mentions 1 through 6, respectively) that are also found in their original form in variables V12246-V12251. V13041-V13046 have been cleaned and extensively recoded. In general, V13041-V13046 should be used instead of V12246-V12251. Note: See Appendix F for a list of the codes used for V13041-V13046. Range: Codes 1 to 97 (Health Insurance Codes in Appendix F) A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13043 N = 894 N = 2723 N=0 N=0 W4. Type of Health Insurance. 3rd Mention. Detailed Codes Note: V13041-V13046 are variables that have the detailed codes for Health Insurance, (for Mentions 1 through 6, respectively) that are also found in their original form in variables V12246-V12251. V13041-V13046 have been cleaned and extensively recoded. In general, V13041-V13046 should be used instead of V12246-V12251. Note: See Appendix F for a list of the codes used for V13041-V13046. Range: Codes 2 to 97 (Health Insurance Codes in Appendix F) A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 348 N = 216 N = 3401 N=0 N=0 V13044 W4. Type of Health Insurance. 4th Mention. Detailed Codes Note: V13041-V13046 are variables that have the detailed codes for Health Insurance, (for Mentions 1 through 6, respectively) that are also found in their original form in variables V12246-V12251. V13041-V13046 have been cleaned and extensively recoded. In general, V13041-V13046 should be used instead of V12246-V12251. Note: See Appendix F for a list of the codes used for V13041-V13046. Range: Codes 1 to 66 (Health Insurance Codes in Appendix F) A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13045 N = 49 N = 3568 N=0 N=0 W4. Type of Health Insurance. 5th Mention. Detailed Codes Note: V13041-V13046 are variables that have the detailed codes for Health Insurance, (for Mentions 1 through 6, respectively) that are also found in their original form in variables V12246-V12251. V13041-V13046 have been cleaned and extensively recoded. In general, V13041-V13046 should be used instead of V12246-V12251. Note: See Appendix F for a list of the codes used for V13041-V13046. Range: Codes 7 to 57 (Health Insurance Codes in Appendix F) A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13046 N=7 N = 3610 N=0 N=0 W4. Type of Health Insurance. 6th Mention. Detailed Codes Note: V13041-V13046 are variables that have the detailed codes for Health Insurance, (for Mentions 1 through 6, respectively) that are also found in their original form in variables V12246-V12251. V13041-V13046 have been cleaned and extensively recoded. In general, V13041-V13046 should be used instead of V12246-V12251. Note: See Appendix F for a list of the codes used for V13041-V13046. Range: Codes 6 to 66 (Health Insurance Codes in Appendix F) A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 349 N=2 N = 3615 N=0 N=0 V13047 W4. G14. HINone. You are without any health insurance at this time. Is that correct? Cleaned Note: V13047 is the cleaned version of V12252. V13047 should always be used instead of V12252. Note: V13051 is a dummy variable that indicates whether or not the Respondent has health insurance. V13051 is based on V13041. Code Number Category Description 1 5 Yes, has NO health insurance No, HAS SOME health insurance Frequencies 75 1 N = 76 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13048 N = 3541 N=0 N=0 W4. G14b. HIYNo. What is main reason you do not have any health insurance right now? All Codes Note: V13048 has the detailed codes for the Main Reason R Does NOT Have Any Health Insurance right now. V12253 has the original codes for Main Reason R Does NOT Have Any Health Insurance right now. V13048 has been cleaned and recoded. In general, V13048 should be used instead of V12253. Code Number Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 Cannot afford it/ too expensive Do not want it Do not need it My job doesn’t provide it I’m not full-time employed Just changed jobs Just moved Don’t know what to get I’m too ill to get it Haven’t thought about it/ OK without it R or Spouse lost job & lost health insurance R is temporary worker, not eligible for health insurance Spouse died, R lost health insurance Child turned 19, R lost Medicaid R too young for Medicare 14 15 16 Frequencies 42 1 4 6 5 4 0 0 0 2 3 1 1 1 1 N = 71 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 350 N = 3542 N=0 N=4 V13051 W4. Has Health Insurance/ Health Coverage. dummy Note: V13051 is a dummy variable that indicates whether or not the Respondent has health insurance. V13051 is based on V13041 (Code = 9). Code Number Category Description 0 1 Does not have health insurance Has health insurance Frequencies 75 1709 N = 1784 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 351 N = 1830 N=1 N=2 V13071 W4. Imputation Flag for V13015 (Number of Times R Saw Health Professional in last 12 months) Note: This variable (V13071) identifies the cases that were imputed for V13015. Code Number Category Description 1 2 Imputed Not Imputed Frequencies 6 1781 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1830 N=0 N=0 Note: Imputations based on case-by-case (clinical) checks of (a) ACL4 Interviewer Remarks file, and (b) any relevant response patterns in ACL Wave 1, Wave 2, Wave 3, and Wave 4 data. V13072 W4. Imputation Flag for V12269 (R had blood sugar checked in last 2 years) Note: This variable (V13072) identifies the cases that were imputed for V12269. Code Number Category Description 1 2 Imputed Not Imputed Frequencies 4 1688 N = 1692 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=0 N=0 Note: Imputations based on case-by-case (clinical) checks of (a) ACL4 Interviewer Remarks file, and (b) any relevant response patterns in ACL Wave 1, Wave 2, Wave 3, and Wave 4 data. 352 V13073 W4. Imputation Flag for V12279 (R’s rating of doctor/ health care provider treating R with dignity/ respect) Note: This variable (V13073) identifies the case that was imputed for V12279. Code Number Category Description 1 2 Imputed Not Imputed Frequencies 1 1691 N = 1692 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=0 N=0 Note: Imputations based on case-by-case (clinical) checks of (a) ACL4 Interviewer Remarks file, and (b) any relevant response patterns in ACL Wave 1, Wave 2, Wave 3, and Wave 4 data. V13074 W4. Imputation Flag for V12280 (R’s rating of doctor/ health care provider communicating about problems/ about medications) Note: This variable (V13074) identifies the case that was imputed for V12280. Code Number Category Description 1 2 Imputed Not Imputed Frequencies 1 1691 N = 1692 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=0 N=0 Note: Imputations based on case-by-case (clinical) checks of (a) ACL4 Interviewer Remarks file, and (b) any relevant response patterns in ACL Wave 1, Wave 2, Wave 3, and Wave 4 data. V13075 W4. Imputation Flag for V13031 (W4. Number of Chronic Health Conditions. 9-item) Note: This variable (V13075) identifies the cases that were imputed for V13031. Code Number Category Description 1 2 Imputed Not Imputed Frequencies 4 1783 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 353 N = 1830 N=0 N=0 V13076 W4. Imputation Flag for V13032 (W4. Number of Life-Threatening Chronic Health Conditions. 5-item Note: This variable (V13076) identifies the cases that were imputed for V13032. Code Number Category Description 1 2 Imputed Not Imputed Frequencies 4 1783 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13077 N = 1830 N=0 N=0 W4. Imputation Flag for V13033 (W4. Number of Debilitating Chronic Health Conditions. 4-item) Note: This variable (V13077) identifies the cases that were imputed for V13033. Code Number Category Description 1 2 Imputed Not Imputed Frequencies 4 1783 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13081 N = 1830 N=0 N=0 W4. Imputation Flag for V13001 (Functional Health Index). Note: This variable (V13081) identifies the case that was imputed for V13001 (Wave 4 Functional Health Index). Code Number Category Description 1 2 Imputed Not Imputed Frequencies 1 1786 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1830 N=0 N=0 Note: For method of Functional Health Index imputations see description for V13001 (Wave 4 Functional Health Index). 354 V13082 W4.Imputation Flag for V13002 (W4 Self-Rated Health). Note: This variable (V13082) identifies the cases that were imputed for V13002 (Wave 4 Self-Rated Health). Code Number Category Description 1 2 Imputed Not Imputed Frequencies 2 1785 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1830 N=0 N=0 Note: Imputations based on case-by-case (clinical) checks of (a) ACL4 Interviewer Remarks file, and (b) any relevant response patterns in ACL Wave 1, Wave 2, Wave 3, and Wave 4 data. V13083 W4.Imputation Flag for V13003 (Current Smoke). Note: This variable (V13083) identifies the case that was imputed for V13003 (Wave 4 Does R Currently Smoke). Code Number Category Description 1 2 Imputed Not Imputed Frequencies 1 1786 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1830 N=0 N=0 Note: Imputations based on case-by-case (clinical) checks of (a) ACL4 Interviewer Remarks file, and (b) any relevant response patterns in ACL Wave 1, Wave 2, Wave 3, and Wave 4 data. 355 V13084 W4. Imputation Flag for V13004 (Number of Days R Smokes per Week). Note: This variable (V13084) identifies the cases that were imputed for V13004 (Wave 4 Number of Days R Smokes per Week). Code Number Category Description 1 2 Imputed Not Imputed Frequencies 3 263 N = 266 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3351 N=0 N=0 Note: Imputations based on case-by-case (clinical) checks of (a) ACL4 Interviewer Remarks file, and (b) any relevant response patterns in ACL Wave 1, Wave 2, Wave 3, and Wave 4 data. V13085 W4. Imputation Flag for V13005 (Number of Cigarettes or Packs R Smokes per Day). Note: This variable (V13085) identifies the cases that were imputed for V13005 (Wave 4 Number of Cigarettes or Packs R Smokes per Day). Code Number Category Description 1 2 Imputed Not Imputed Frequencies 3 263 N = 266 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3351 N=0 N=0 Note: Imputations based on case-by-case (clinical) checks of (a) ACL4 Interviewer Remarks file, and (b) any relevant response patterns in ACL Wave 1, Wave 2, Wave 3, and Wave 4 data. 356 V13086 W4. Imputation Flag for V13006 (Total Number of Cigarettes R Smokes per Day). Note: This variable (V13086) identifies the cases that were imputed for V13006 (Wave 4 Total Number of Cigarettes R Smokes per Day). Code Number Category Description 1 2 Imputed Not Imputed Frequencies 4 1783 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1830 N=0 N=0 Note: Imputations based on case-by-case (clinical) checks of (a) ACL4 Interviewer Remarks file, and (b) any relevant response patterns in ACL Wave 1, Wave 2, Wave 3, and Wave 4 data. V13087 W4. Imputation Flag for V13007 (Total Number of Cigarettes R Smokes per Week). Note: This variable (V13087) identifies the cases that were imputed for V13007 (Wave 4 Total Number of Cigarettes R Smokes per Week). Code Number Category Description 1 2 Imputed Not Imputed Frequencies 6 1781 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1830 N=0 N=0 Note: Imputations based on case-by-case (clinical) checks of (a) ACL4 Interviewer Remarks file, and (b) any relevant response patterns in ACL Wave 1, Wave 2, Wave 3, and Wave 4 data. 357 V13088 W4. Imputation Flag for V13008 (Does R Drink Alcoholic Beverages). Note: This variable (V13088) identifies the cases that were imputed for V13008 (Wave 4 Does R Drink Alcoholic Beverages). Code Number Category Description 1 2 Imputed Not Imputed Frequencies 3 1784 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1830 N=0 N=0 Note: Imputations based on case-by-case (clinical) checks of (a) ACL4 Interviewer Remarks file, and (b) any relevant response patterns in ACL Wave 1, Wave 2, Wave 3, and Wave 4 data. V13089 W4. Imputation Flag for V13009 (Number of Days per Month R Drinks). Note: This variable (V13089) identifies the cases that were imputed for V13009 (Wave 4 Number of Days per Month R Drinks Alcoholic Beverages). Code Number Category Description 1 2 Imputed Not Imputed Frequencies 5 871 N = 876 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 2741 N=0 N=0 Note: Imputations based on case-by-case (clinical) checks of (a) ACL4 Interviewer Remarks file, and (b) any relevant response patterns in ACL Wave 1, Wave 2, Wave 3, and Wave 4 data. 358 V13090 W4. Imputation Flag for V13010 (Number of Drinks R Has per Day R Drinks). Note: This variable (V13090) identifies the cases that were imputed for V13010 (Wave 4 Number of Drinks per Day R Drinks Alcoholic Beverages). Code Number Category Description 1 2 Imputed Not Imputed Frequencies 6 717 N = 723 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 2894 N=0 N=0 Note: Imputations based on case-by-case (clinical) checks of (a) ACL4 Interviewer Remarks file, and (b) any relevant response patterns in ACL Wave 1, Wave 2, Wave 3, and Wave 4 data. V13091 W4. Imputation Flag for V13011 (W4. Total Number of Drinks R Drinks per Month. All Wave 4 Respondents). Note: This variable (V13091) identifies the cases that were imputed for V13011 (Wave 4 Total Number of Drinks R Drinks per Month). Code Number Category Description 1 2 Imputed Not Imputed Frequencies 10 1777 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1830 N=0 N=0 Note: Imputations based on case-by-case (clinical) checks of (a) ACL4 Interviewer Remarks file, and (b) any relevant response patterns in ACL Wave 1, Wave 2, Wave 3, and Wave 4 data. 359 V13092 W4. Imputation Flag for BMI Variables (V13023-V13030). 1=Not Imputed/ 2=BMI Imputed/ 3=Height Imputed Note: This variable (V13092) identifies the cases that were imputed for V13023-V13030 (Wave 4 Body Mass Index [BMI] variables). Code Number Category Description 1 2 3 Not Imputed BMI Imputed Height Imputed Frequencies 1741 39 7 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED Note: For method of BMI Imputations see V13023 description. 360 N = 1830 N=0 N=0 Created ACL Wave 4 Variables and Imputation Flags (V13101-V13199). Income, Income Sources, Assets, Home Value, and Wealth V13111 W4.R and Spouse Exact Income. Stage 1 Clinical Cleaning/ Imputations V13111 combines information from questions Q14, Q14a-Q14h, Q14j, & Q14k (V12610-V12620) into one overall measure of R and Spouse Income, with only some initial cleaning and imputations being done. Note: This variable (V13111) should not be used for analysis purposes. Use V13113 instead (or use V13123). Range = $0 to $2,750,000 N = 1274 A. B. D. N. V13112 INAPPLICABLE BRACKETED INCOME ONLY DON’T KNOW NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1830 N = 348 N = 101 N = 64 W4. R and Spouse Exact Income. Brackets=$ Midpoints. Cleaned/ Not Imputed Note: V13113 should be used instead of V13111 or V13112. V13112 has $ midpoints assigned for categories 2 through 10. $ median values are assigned for categories 1 and 11. Cases with missing values (Don’t Know or Not Ascertained) are not imputed for V13112. Range = $0 to $2,750,000 N = 1623 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13113 N = 1830 N = 101 N = 63 W4. R and Spouse Exact Income. Cleaned and Imputed. Note: This is the final continuous income variable and should be used for analysis purposes. V13123 is the categorical version of this variable, and can be used in analyses as well. Note: See Appendix K to see how this variable was constructed, cleaned and imputed. Note: Use V13193 to identify the cases that were imputed for Income (V13113 and V13123). Range = $0 to $2,750,000 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 361 N = 1830 N=0 N=0 V13121 W4. R and Spouse Bracketed Income. Stage 1 Clinical Cleaning/ Imputations Note: This variable (13121) should not be used for analysis purposes. Use the final bracketed income variable(V13123) instead, or use V13113, the final continuous income variable, for analyses. V13121 includes convenience codes (e.g., 1.5, 3.2, 5.2, etc.) to be used during the imputation process. Bracketed Income 1 1.5 2 3 3.2 4 5 5.2 6 6.1 7 7.2 7.3 8 8.2 9 10 11 (Partial Bracket) (Partial Bracket) (Partial Bracket) (Partial Bracket) (Partial Bracket) (Partial Bracket) (Partial Bracket) Frequencies 19 2 148 148 1 106 98 1 78 1 214 1 1 246 1 198 135 224 N = 1622 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 362 N = 1830 N = 103 N = 62 V13122 W4. R and Spouse Bracketed Income. Cleaned/ Not Imputed Note: V13123 should be used instead of V13121 or V13122. Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 less than $5,000 $5,000 - $9,999 $10,000 - $14,999 $15,000 - $19,999 $20,000 - $24,999 $25,000 - $29,999 $30,000 - $39,999 $40,000 - $59,999 $60,000 - $79,999 $80,000 - $99,999 $100,000 or more Frequencies 19 150 149 107 98 79 217 247 198 135 224 N = 1623 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13123 N = 1830 N = 103 N = 61 W4. R and Spouse Bracketed Income. Cleaned and Imputed. Note: This variable is based on V13113. V13123 or V13113 should be used in analyses. Note: See Appendix K to see how this variable was constructed, cleaned and imputed. Note: Use V13193 to identify the cases that were imputed for Income (V13113 and V13123). Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 less than $5,000 $5,000 - $9,999 $10,000 - $14,999 $15,000 - $19,999 $20,000 - $24,999 $25,000 - $29,999 $30,000 - $39,999 $40,000 - $59,999 $60,000 - $79,999 $80,000 - $99,999 $100,000 or more Frequencies 24 174 167 129 121 92 238 270 204 138 230 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 363 N = 1830 N=0 N=0 V13131 W4. Q13a. R or Spouse Income Sources: Wages, Salary, Commissions or Tips in last 12 months. Partially Imputed. dummy. Note: The Income Sources variables (V12604-V12609) have been recoded into a set of dummy variables (V13131-V13140) that are coded by Type of Income Source. That is, they indicate whether the Respondent has a particular type of income source (e.g., did Respondent and/ or Spouse R receive any income from “Wages, Salary, Commissions, or Tips” in the last 12 months, etc.). In general, V13131-V13140 should be used in analyses as a measure of Income Sources. Note: Use V13181 to identify the cases that were imputed for this variable. Code Category Description 0 1 No Yes Frequencies 782 989 N = 1771 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1830 N=6 N = 10 How imputed: The 10 Income Sources dummy variables (V13131-V13140) were imputed in the same way. Most of the cases imputed for these Income Sources variables were “Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained” on the first mention of Income Sources variables (V12604) and were blank or “Inapplicable” on all subsequent mentions for Income Sources (V12605-V12609). Thus, these case were imputed for the full set of Income Sources dummies (V13131-V13140). The imputations were done on a case-by-case basis. “Yes” responses were imputed only when it could reasonably be inferred that the Respondent had that source of Income at ACL Wave 4. Thus, if a Respondent or Spouse was Working at ACL Wave 4, then s/ he was coded as “Yes” for received Income from “Wages, Salary, Commissions, or Tips” in the past 12 months (V13131 = Code 1). Similarly, if a Respondent (or Spouse) was “Retired” at Wave 4 and that Respondent (or Spouse) was “Retired” in previous waves and received Income from Social Security Payments, then the case was coded as “Yes” for received “Social Security Payments” in the past 12 months (V13132 = Code 1). Similar imputations were made for “Retirement Pay” Income (V13133), “Rent, Interest, Dividends,” Income (V13134), and “Disability, Unemployment Compensation, SSI” Income (V13135). If no reasonable inference could be made that the Respondent had that source of Income at ACL Wave 4, then a default imputation was made that “No” the Respondent did not have that source of Income at Wave 4. If no reasonable inferences could be made for any of the 10 Income Source dummy variables, then the case was left as “Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained”. 364 V13132 W4. Q13a. R or Spouse Income Sources: Social Security Payments in last 12 months. Partially Imputed. dummy. Note: The Income Sources variables (V12604-V12609) have been recoded into a set of dummy variables (V13131-V13140) that are coded by Type of Income Source. That is, they indicate whether the Respondent has a particular type of income source (e.g., did Respondent and/ or Spouse R receive any income from “Wages, Salary, Commissions, or Tips” in the last 12 months, etc.). In general, V13131-V13140 should be used in analyses as a measure of Income Sources. Note: Use V13182 to identify the cases that were imputed for this variable. Code Category Description 0 1 No Yes Frequencies 903 874 N = 1777 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1830 N=4 N=6 How imputed: See Imputation explanation given for V13131. V13133 W4. Q13a. R or Spouse Income Sources: Retirement Pay (pensions/ annuities/ IRAs/ Keoghs/ 401 (K) s / veteran’s benefits) in last 12 months. Partially imputed. dummy. Note: The Income Sources variables (V12604-V12609) have been recoded into a set of dummy variables (V13131-V13140) that are coded by Type of Income Source. That is, they indicate whether the Respondent has a particular type of income source (e.g., did Respondent and/ or Spouse R receive any income from “Wages, Salary, Commissions, or Tips” in the last 12 months, etc.). In general, V13131-V13140 should be used in analyses as a measure of Income Sources. Note: Use V13183 to identify the cases that were imputed for this variable. Code Category Description 0 1 No Yes Frequencies 1100 672 N = 1772 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED How imputed: See Imputation explanation given for V13131. 365 N = 1830 N=3 N = 12 V13134 W4. Q13a. R or Spouse Income Sources: Rent Income/ Interest/ Dividends/ Money Market Funds/ Trust Funds/ Other Investments in last 12 months. Partially Imputed. dummy. Note: The Income Sources variables (V12604-V12609) have been recoded into a set of dummy variables (V13131-V13140) that are coded by Type of Income Source. That is, they indicate whether the Respondent has a particular type of income source (e.g., did Respondent and/ or Spouse R receive any income from “Wages, Salary, Commissions, or Tips” in the last 12 months, etc.). In general, V13131-V13140 should be used in analyses as a measure of Income Sources. Note: Use V13184 to identify the cases that were imputed for this variable. Code Category Description 0 1 No Yes Frequencies 1104 666 N = 1770 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1830 N=6 N = 11 How imputed: See Imputation explanation given for V13131. V13135 W4. Q13a. R or Spouse Income Sources: Unemployment Compensation/ Disability/ Worker’s Compensation/ or SSI in last 12 months. Partially Imputed. dummy. Note: The Income Sources variables (V12604-V12609) have been recoded into a set of dummy variables (V13131-V13140) that are coded by Type of Income Source. That is, they indicate whether the Respondent has a particular type of income source (e.g., did Respondent and/ or Spouse R receive any income from “Wages, Salary, Commissions, or Tips” in the last 12 months, etc.). In general, V13131-V13140 should be used in analyses as a measure of Income Sources. Note: Use V13185 to identify the cases that were imputed for this variable. Code Category Description 0 1 No Yes Frequencies 1581 192 N = 1773 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED How imputed: See Imputation explanation given for V13131. 366 N = 1830 N=2 N = 12 V13136 W4. Q13a. Income Sources: Alimony or Child Support Payments in last 12 months. Partially Imputed. dummy. Note: The Income Sources variables (V12604-V12609) have been recoded into a set of dummy variables (V13131-V13140) that are coded by Type of Income Source. That is, they indicate whether the Respondent has a particular type of income source (e.g., did Respondent and/ or Spouse R receive any income from “Wages, Salary, Commissions, or Tips” in the last 12 months, etc.). In general, V13131-V13140 should be used in analyses as a measure of Income Sources. Note: Use V13186 to identify the cases that were imputed for this variable. Code Category Description 0 1 No Yes Frequencies 1727 47 N = 1774 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1830 N=1 N = 12 How imputed: See Imputation explanation given for V13131. V13137 W4. Q13a. R or Spouse Income Sources: Public Assistance Payments (State or Country Assistance/ TANF/ AFDC/ Other Government Welfare) in last 12 months. Partially Imputed. dummy. Note: The Income Sources variables (V12604-V12609) have been recoded into a set of dummy variables (V13131-V13140) that are coded by Type of Income Source. That is, they indicate whether the Respondent has a particular type of income source (e.g., did Respondent and/ or Spouse R receive any income from “Wages, Salary, Commissions, or Tips” in the last 12 months, etc.). In general, V13131-V13140 should be used in analyses as a measure of Income Sources. Note: Use V13187 to identify the cases that were imputed for this variable. Code Category Description 0 1 No Yes Frequencies 1746 28 N = 1774 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED How imputed: See Imputation explanation given for V13131. 367 N = 1830 N=1 N = 12 V13138 W4. Q13a. R or Spouse Income Sources: Food Stamps, or Energy or Housing Assistance from Government in last 12 months. Partially Imputed. dummy. Note: The Income Sources variables (V12604-V12609) have been recoded into a set of dummy variables (V13131-V13140) that are coded by Type of Income Source. That is, they indicate whether the Respondent has a particular type of income source (e.g., did Respondent and/ or Spouse R receive any income from “Wages, Salary, Commissions, or Tips” in the last 12 months, etc.). In general, V13131-V13140 should be used in analyses as a measure of Income Sources. Note: Use V13188 to identify the cases that were imputed for this variable. Code Category Description 0 1 No Yes Frequencies 1705 69 N = 1774 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1830 N=1 N = 12 How imputed: See Imputation explanation given for V13131. V13139 W4. Q13a. R or Spouse Income Sources: Any Other Sources of Income in last 12 months. Partially Imputed. dummy. Note: The Income Sources variables (V12604-V12609) have been recoded into a set of dummy variables (V13131-V13140) that are coded by Type of Income Source. That is, they indicate whether the Respondent has a particular type of income source (e.g., did Respondent and/ or Spouse R receive any income from “Wages, Salary, Commissions, or Tips” in the last 12 months, etc.). In general, V13131-V13140 should be used in analyses as a measure of Income Sources. Note: Use V13189 to identify the cases that were imputed for this variable. Code Category Description 0 1 No Yes Frequencies 1675 98 N = 1773 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED How imputed: See Imputation explanation given for V13131. 368 N = 1830 N=2 N = 12 V13140 W4. Q13a. R or Spouse Income Sources: “None of the Above” Sources of Income in last 12 months. Partially Imputed. dummy. Note: The Income Sources variables (V12604-V12609) have been recoded into a set of dummy variables (V13131-V13140) that are coded by Type of Income Source. That is, they indicate whether the Respondent has a particular type of income source (e.g., did Respondent and/ or Spouse R receive any income from “Wages, Salary, Commissions, or Tips” in the last 12 months, etc.). In general, V13131-V13140 should be used in analyses as a measure of Income Sources. Note: Use V13190 to identify the cases that were imputed for this variable. Code Category Description 0 1 No Yes Frequencies 1764 19 N = 1783 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED How imputed: See Imputation explanation given for V13131. 369 N = 1830 N=0 N=4 V13141 W4. Q10a. Asset # 1. Real Estate assets (other than R’s “main home”). dummy Note: The Asset variables (V12590-V12595) have been recoded into a set of dummy variables (V13141-V13147) that are coded by Type of Asset. That is, they indicate whether the Respondent has a particular type of asset (e.g., does R have any Real Estate Assets, etc.). In general, V13141-V13147 should be used in analyses as a measure of Assets. Code Category Description 0 1 No Yes Frequencies 1325 451 N = 1776 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13142 N = 1830 N=0 N = 11 W4. Q10a. Asset # 2. Business or Farm Assets. dummy Note: The Asset variables (V12590-V12595) have been recoded into a set of dummy variables (V13141-V13147) that are coded by Type of Asset. That is, they indicate whether the Respondent has a particular type of asset (e.g., does R have any Real Estate Assets, etc.). In general, V13141-V13147 should be used in analyses as a measure of Assets. Code Category Description 0 1 No Yes Frequencies 1515 261 N = 1776 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 370 N = 1830 N=0 N = 11 V13143 W4. Q10a. Asset # 3. Money or Assets in Retirement Accounts/ Annuities/ Pension Funds, etc. dummy Note: The Asset variables (V12590-V12595) have been recoded into a set of dummy variables (V13141-V13147) that are coded by Type of Asset. That is, they indicate whether the Respondent has a particular type of asset (e.g., does R have any Real Estate Assets, etc.). In general, V13141-V13147 should be used in analyses as a measure of Assets. Code Category Description 0 1 No Yes Frequencies 662 1114 N = 1776 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13144 N = 1830 N=0 N = 11 W4. Q10a. Asset # 4. Savings/ Investments assets (stock shares/ mutual funds/ bonds/ treasury bills/ money market funds/ certificate of deposits/ checking or savings accounts). dummy Note: The Asset variables (V12590-V12595) have been recoded into a set of dummy variables (V13141-V13147) that are coded by Type of Asset. That is, they indicate whether the Respondent has a particular type of asset (e.g., does R have any Real Estate Assets, etc.). In general, V13141-V13147 should be used in analyses as a measure of Assets. Code Category Description 0 1 No Yes Frequencies 407 1369 N = 1776 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 371 N = 1830 N=0 N = 11 V13145 W4. Q10a. Asset # 5. (Owns) One or more working cars (Assets). dummy Note: The Asset variables (V12590-V12595) have been recoded into a set of dummy variables (V13141-V13147) that are coded by Type of Asset. That is, they indicate whether the Respondent has a particular type of asset (e.g., does R have any Real Estate Assets, etc.). In general, V13141-V13147 should be used in analyses as a measure of Assets. Code Category Description 0 1 No Yes Frequencies 347 1429 N = 1776 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13146 N = 1830 N=0 N = 11 W4. Q10a. Asset # 6. Other Savings or Assets (e.g., Jewelry, Boats, Other Vehicles, Investment Collectables, Trust Funds, etc). dummy Note: The Asset variables (V12590-V12595) have been recoded into a set of dummy variables (V13141-V13147) that are coded by Type of Asset. That is, they indicate whether the Respondent has a particular type of asset (e.g., does R have any Real Estate Assets, etc.). In general, V13141-V13147 should be used in analyses as a measure of Assets. Code Category Description 0 1 No Yes Frequencies 1140 636 N = 1776 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 372 N = 1830 N=0 N = 11 V13147 W4. Q10a. Assets. None of the Above Assets. dummy Note: The Asset variables (V12590-V12595) have been recoded into a set of dummy variables (V13141-V13147) that are coded by Type of Asset. That is, they indicate whether the Respondent has a particular type of asset (e.g., does R have any Real Estate Assets, etc.). In general, V13141-V13147 should be used in analyses as a measure of Assets. Code Category Description 0 1 No Yes Frequencies 1661 115 N = 1776 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 373 N = 1830 N=0 N = 11 V13151 W4. Q9c - Q9h. HmWrth2 - 2e. House Equity Value. Bracketed. 1st Cleaning Note: V13151 is the cleaned, but not partially-imputed, variable that combines the information from the “unfolding” House Value Bracket questions (V12584 through V12589) into one set of House Value categories for cases (N=180) that did not report a specific House Value dollar figure in V12583 (and were not “Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained” on all 6 of the “unfolding” House Value Bracket questions (V12584 through V12589)). Note: V13152 is the partially-imputed version of this variable (V13151). V13152 should always be used instead of this variable (V13151). Note: V13153 combines the House Value information from V12583 and V13152 into a single overall categorical measure of House Value. V13153 is the best overall measure of categorical ACL Wave 4 House Value and should be used for most analysis purposes. Code Category Description 1 1.1 2 2.1 3 4 4.1 5 5.1 6 6.1 7 $0 - $ 9,999 (Partial Bracket) $10,000 - $ 24,999 (Partial Bracket) $25,000 - $ 49,999 $50,000 - $ 99,999 (Partial Bracket) $100,000 - $ 249,999 (Partial Bracket) $250,000 - $ 499,999 (Partial Bracket) $500,000 or more Frequencies 6 1 12 1 14 52 19 44 7 15 2 7 N = 180 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 374 N = 3376 N = 30 N = 31 V13152 W4. Q9c - Q9h. HmWrth2 - 2e. Bracketed House Equity Value. (Specific category imputed for Partial Bracket cases). Cleaned Note: V13152 is the cleaned and partially-imputed variable that combines the information from the “unfolding” House Value Bracket questions (V12584 through V12589) into one set of House Value categories for cases (N=180) that did not report a specific House Value dollar figure in V12583 (and were not “Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained” on all 6 of the “unfolding” House Value Bracket questions (V12584 through V12589)). Note: V13153 combines the House Value information from V12583 and V13152 into a single overall categorical measure of House Value. V13153 is the best overall measure of categorical ACL Wave 4 House Value and should be used for most analysis purposes. Note: Use V13194 to identify the cases that were partially imputed for V13152 and V13153. Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 $0 - $ 9,999 $10,000 - $ 24,999 $25,000 - $ 49,999 $50,000 - $ 99,999 $100,000 - $ 249,999 $250,000 - $ 499,999 $500,000 or more Frequencies 7 13 14 71 51 17 7 N = 180 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13153 N = 3376 N = 30 N = 31 W4. Q9b - Q9h.HomeWrth - HmWrth2e. 7-Category Value of House/ Apartment/ Farm if sold (after mortgage paid off). (Bracketed and continuous reports combined) Note: V13153 combines the House Value information from V12583 and V13152 into a single overall categorical measure of House Value. V13153 is the best overall measure of categorical ACL Wave 4 House Value and should be used for most analysis purposes. Note: Use V13194 to identify the cases that were partially imputed for V13152 and V13153. Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 $0 - $ 9,999 $10,000 - $ 24,999 $25,000 - $ 49,999 $50,000 - $ 99,999 $100,000 - $ 249,999 $250,000 - $ 499,999 $500,000 or more Frequencies 49 100 185 398 438 110 47 N = 1327 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 375 N = 2229 N = 30 N = 31 V13154 W4. Q12 - Q12e. Wealth2 - 2e. Assets Value. Bracketed. 1st Cleaning Note: V13154 is the cleaned, but not partially-imputed, variable that combines the information from the “unfolding” Wealth Value Bracket questions (V12598 through V12603) into one set of Wealth categories for cases (N=382) that did not report a specific Wealth Value dollar figure in V12597 (and were not “Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained” on all 6 of the “unfolding” Wealth Value Bracket questions (V12598 through V12603)). Note: V13155 is the partially-imputed version of this variable (V13154). V13155 should always be used instead of this variable (V13154). Note: V13156 combines the Wealth Value information from V12597 and V13155 into a single overall categorical measure of Wealth. V13156 is the best overall measure of categorical ACL Wave 4 Wealth and should be used for most analysis purposes. Code Category Description 1 1.1 2 2.1 3 4 4.1 5 5.1 6 6.1 7 $0 - $ 9,999 (Partial Bracket) $10,000 - $ 24,999 (Partial Bracket) $25,000 - $ 49,999 $50,000 - $ 99,999 (Partial Bracket) $100,000 - $ 249,999 (Partial Bracket) $250,000 - $ 499,999 (Partial Bracket) $500,000 or more Frequencies 49 9 37 7 23 78 45 51 19 27 9 28 N = 382 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 376 N = 3048 N = 103 N = 84 V13155 W4. Q12 - Q12e. Wealth2 - 2e. Wealth (Assets) Value. (Specific category imputed for Partial Bracket cases). Cleaned Note: V13155 is the cleaned and partially-imputed variable that combines the information from the “unfolding” Wealth Value Bracket questions (V12598 through V12603) into one set of Wealth categories for cases (N=382) that did not report a specific Wealth Value dollar figure in V12597 (and were not “Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained” on all 6 of the “unfolding” Wealth Value Bracket questions (V12598 through V12603)). Note: V13156 combines the Wealth Value information from V12597 and V13155 into a single overall categorical measure of Wealth. V13156 is the best overall measure of categorical ACL Wave 4 Wealth and should be used for most analysis purposes. Note: Use V13195 to identify the cases that were partially imputed for V13155 and V13156. Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 $0 - $ 9,999 $10,000 - $ 24,999 $25,000 - $ 49,999 $50,000 - $ 99,999 $100,000 - $ 249,999 $250,000 - $ 499,999 $500,000 or more Frequencies 58 44 23 123 70 36 28 N = 382 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13156 N = 3048 N = 103 N = 84 W4. Q11 - Q12e. WEALTH1 -WEALTH2E. 7-Category Value of Assets (Wealth). (Bracketed and continuous reports combined) Note: V13156 combines the Wealth Value information from V12597 and V13155 into a single overall categorical measure of Wealth. V13156 is the best overall measure of categorical ACL Wave 4 Wealth and should be used for most analysis purposes. Note: Use V13195 to identify the cases that were partially imputed for V13155 and V13156. Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 $0 - $ 9,999 $10,000 - $ 24,999 $25,000 - $ 49,999 $50,000 - $ 99,999 $100,000 - $ 249,999 $250,000 - $ 499,999 $500,000 or more Frequencies 264 143 154 308 340 189 202 N = 1600 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 377 N = 1830 N = 103 N = 84 V13181 W4. Imputation Flag for V13131 (R or Spouse Received Wages, Salary, Commissions or Tips as Source of Income in last 12 months) Note: This variable (V13181) identifies the cases that were imputed for V13131. Code Category Description 1 2 Imputed Not Imputed Frequencies 26 1761 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13182 N = 1830 N=0 N=0 W4. Imputation Flag for V13132 (R or Spouse Received Social Security Payments as Source of Income in last 12 months) Note: This variable (V13182) identifies the cases that were imputed for V13132. Code Category Description 1 2 Imputed Not Imputed Frequencies 32 1755 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13183 N = 1830 N=0 N=0 W4. Imputation Flag for V13133 (R or Spouse Received Retirement Pay (Pensions, Annuities, IRAs, Veteran’s Benefits, etc.) as Source of Income in last 12 months) Note: This variable (V13183) identifies the cases that were imputed for V13133. Code Category Description 1 2 Imputed Not Imputed Frequencies 27 1760 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 378 N = 1830 N=0 N=0 V13184 W4. Imputation Flag for V13134 (R or Spouse Received Rent, Interest, Dividends, Money Market Funds, Trust Funds or Other Investment Income as Sources of Income in last 12 months) Note: This variable (V13184) identifies the cases that were imputed for V13134. Code Category Description 1 2 Imputed Not Imputed Frequencies 25 1762 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13185 N = 1830 N=0 N=0 W4. Imputation Flag for V13135 (R or Spouse Received Unemployment Comp/ Disability/ Worker’s Comp/ Or SSI as Sources of Income in last 12 months) Note: This variable (V13185) identifies the cases that were imputed for V13135. Code Category Description 1 2 Imputed Not Imputed Frequencies 28 1759 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13186 N = 1830 N=0 N=0 W4. Imputation Flag for V13136 (Received Alimony or Child Support Payments as Sources of Income in last 12 months) Note: This variable (V13186) identifies the cases that were imputed for V13136. Code Category Description 1 2 Imputed Not Imputed Frequencies 29 1758 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 379 N = 1830 N=0 N=0 V13187 W4. Imputation Flag for V13137 (Received Public Assistance Payments (Government Welfare/ TANF/ AFDC, etc.) as Sources of Income in last 12 months) Note: This variable (V13187) identifies the cases that were imputed for V13137. Code Category Description 1 2 Imputed Not Imputed Frequencies 29 1758 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13188 N = 1830 N=0 N=0 W4. Imputation Flag for V13138 (Received Food Stamps or Energy/ Housing Assistance from Government as Sources of Income in last 12 months) Note: This variable (V13188) identifies the cases that were imputed for V13138. Code Category Description 1 2 Imputed Not Imputed Frequencies 29 1758 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13189 N = 1830 N=0 N=0 W4. Imputation Flag for V13139 (Received “Any Other Sources of Income” in last 12 months) Note: This variable (V13189) identifies the cases that were imputed for V13139. Code Category Description 1 2 Imputed Not Imputed Frequencies 28 1759 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 380 N = 1830 N=0 N=0 V13190 W4. Imputation Flag for V13140 (Received ‘None of the Above’ Sources of Income in last 12 months) Note: This variable (V13190) identifies the cases that were imputed for V13140. Code Category Description 1 2 Imputed Not Imputed Frequencies 38 1749 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13193 N = 1830 N=0 N=0 W4. Imputation Flag for R & Spouse Continuous Income. (V13113) Note: This variable (V13193) identifies the cases that were imputed for V13113 and V13123. Note: See Appendix K to see how income was cleaned and imputed. Code Category Description 1 2 Fully Imputed Income Bracket as Reported by R or as assigned during cleaning, and Specific $ Value Imputed Not Imputed 3 Frequencies 165 344 1278 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 381 N = 1830 N=0 N=0 V13194 W4. Imputation Flag for V13152 and V13153 (Identifies the “Partial Bracket” Cases that were imputed for Categorical Home Value) Note: This variable (V13194) identifies the cases that were imputed for V13152 and V13153. Note: Only cases where the Respondent gave only partially-complete Home Value Brackets are imputed for V13152 and V13153. That is, these Respondents did not finish answering the Home Value Bracket questions (V12584-V12689). For example, they may have said “Yes” to $50,000 or more of Home Value, but were “Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained” on all other Home Value Bracket questions. Code Category Description 1 2 Partial Brackets Imputed Not Imputed Frequencies 30 1358 N = 1388 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13195 N = 2229 N=0 N=0 W4. Imputation Flag for V13155 and V13156 (Identifies the “Partial Bracket” Cases that were imputed for Categorical Wealth) Note: This variable (V13195) identifies the cases that were imputed for V13155 and V13156. Note: Only cases where the Respondent gave only partially-complete Wealth Brackets are imputed for V13155 and V13156. That is, these Respondents did not finish answering the Wealth Bracket questions (V12598-V12603). For example, they may have said “Yes” to $50,000 or more of Wealth, but were “Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained” on all other Wealth Bracket questions. Code Category Description 1 2 Partial Brackets Imputed Not Imputed Frequencies 89 1698 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 382 N = 1830 N=0 N=0 Created ACL Wave 4 Variables and Imputation Flags (V13201-V13299). Indices for Mental Health, Social Support, Social Integration, Stress, and Physical Activity. (Plus 2 Recoded Cognitive Impairment Items and 1 Recoded Religious Service Attendance variable). V13201 W4. ACL Wave 4 Center for the Epidemiological Study of Depression (CES-D)-11 Scale. Imputed. Note: V12325-V12335 have been combined to create this Wave 4 11-item CESD-11 Index. Note: This index is equivalent to V2618, V6618 and V10916. Note: Use V13281 to identify the cases that were imputed for this index. Range = -1.156847 to 4.078732 N = 1692 A. INAPPLICABLE – Dead or Non-Respondent at ACL Wave 4, or Wave 4 Proxy-Report Case D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 1925 N=0 N=0 How index was constructed: This is a standardized index that takes the mean across the 11 input items (Questions H1a – H1h, H1k, H1m – H1n (i.e., V12325-V12335). Questions H1d and H1g (V12328 and V12331) were reverse-coded before being averaged in with the other 9 CES-D items. All 11 items were standardized using the Wave 1 weighted means and standard deviations before being combined. The final index (V13201) was re-standardized, after the items were combined, using the Wave 1 weighted index mean and standard deviation. How imputed: The 50% Rule was used to create this index. That is, if a case had non-missing values on at least 50% or more of the input items (here 6 or more items) then the index value for that case was the mean of the non-missing items. N = 8 cases were missing on more than 50% of the input items. These cases were imputed using the following OLS Regression technique: W4 CES-D-11 values were estimated based on Sex, Age (dummies), W3 CES-D-11 value, W4 Functional Health, W4 Self-Rated Health and W4 LOT Optimism scale value. 383 V13202 W4. Cognitive Impairment Index. 5-item Note: V12425, V12427, V13215, V13216, and V12436 have been combined to create this Wave 4 5-item Cognitive Impairment Index. Note: This index is equivalent to V3409, V6409 and V10934. Note: Use V13282 to identify the cases that were imputed for this index. Number Wrong 0 1 2 3 4 5 Frequencies 1000 486 151 42 10 3 N = 1692 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=0 N=0 How index was constructed: This is the number of “Incorrect” responses to V12425, V12427, V13215, V13216, and V12436. Cases “Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained” for any of the input variables (V12425, V12427, V13215, V13216, and V12436) were assumed to be “Incorrect” on that response. How imputed: Nine cases that were ACL Wave 4 Partial Interview cases and that did not complete the Cognitive Impairment questions were imputed using OLS Regression estimates based on the following model: W4 Cognitive Impairment = Sex (V103), Race (V2057-V2058), Age (V2000), Age-Squared (V2000*V2000), continuous Education (V2007), and Wave 1, Wave 2, and Wave 3 Cognitive Impairment scores (V3408, V7408, V10917). If a case was a Non-Respondent at Wave 2 or Wave 3, the Cognitive Impairment score was not available for that wave, of course, so the regression model was run without that predictor for that case. Seven other cases were “Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained” on all or most of the 5 Wave 4 Cognitive Impairment items. These cases were not assumed to be incorrect on all 5 impairment items, but instead the Wave 4 Cognitive Impairment score for these cases was imputed based on the Respondent’s Age, Education, and pattern of Cognitive Impairment responses at ACL Waves 1, 2 and 3. 384 V13205 W4. Informal Social Integration Index. 2-item Note: V12129 and V12130 have been combined to create this Wave 4 2-item Informal Social Integration Index. Note: This index is equivalent to V2201, V6201 and V10901. Range: -3.070425 to 1.324924 N = 1692 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=0 N=0 How index was constructed: This Informal Social Integration Index (V13205) was constructed from two input variables, V12129 (Wave 4 How Often Talk on Telephone with Friends, Neighbors, Relatives), and V12130 (Wave 4 How Often Get Together with Friends, Neighbors or Relatives). In step 1, V12129 and V12130 were reverse-coded. Then, in step 2, the reverse-coded versions of V12129 and V12130 were standardized using the ACL Wave 1 weighted means and standard deviations for the wave 1 versions of these 2 items (after they were reverse-coded). The weighted means and standard deviations used were as follows: V12129 Reversed: mean=4.5585, SD= 1.3629; and V12130 Reversed: mean=4.4228, SD=1.4430. In step 3, the mean was calculated for these 2 standardized input variables, using the 50% rule for missing data. That is, to calculate a mean for a specific case, the case had to have non-missing values on at least 50% of the input items (here at least 1 of the input items). In step 4, the overall index values obtained in step 3 were standardized, using the Wave 1 weighted means and standard deviations for the Wave 1 Informal Social Integration Index. The weighted mean and standard deviation used here are: mean= + 0.00016, SD= 0.8115. No cases were imputed for this index. That is, no cases were missing on both of the 2 input items (V12129 and V12130) used to create this index. 385 V13206 W4. Formal Social Integration Index. 2-item Note: V12131 and V13217 have been combined to create this Wave 4 2-item Formal Social Integration Index. Note: This index is equivalent to V2202, V6202 and V10902. Note: Use V13286 to identify the cases that were imputed for this index. Range: -1.364986 to 1.975035 N = 1692 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=0 N=0 How index was constructed: This Formal Social Integration Index (V13206) was constructed from two input variables, V12131 (Wave 4 How Often Attend Meetings or Programs of Groups, Clubs, Organizations), and V13217 (Wave 4 How Often R Attends Religious Services, imputed). In step 1, V12131 and V13217 were reverse-coded. Then, in step 2, the reverse-coded versions of V12131 and V13217 were standardized using the ACL Wave 1 weighted means and standard deviations for the wave 1 versions of these 2 items (after they were reverse-coded). The weighted means and standard deviations used were as follows: V12131 Reversed: mean=2.7761, SD= 1.8026; and V13217 Reversed: mean=3.3117, SD=1.7951. In step 3, the mean was calculated for these 2 standardized input variables, using the 50% rule for missing data. That is, to calculate a mean for a specific case, the case had to have non-missing values on at least 50% of the input items (here at least 1 of the input items). In step 4, the overall index values obtained in step 3 were standardized, using the Wave 1 weighted means and standard deviations for the Wave 1 Formal Social Integration Index. The weighted mean and standard deviation used here are: mean= - 0.0006, SD= 0.8322. How imputed: See the write-up, below, of how V13217 (“How often does R attend religious services”) was imputed. Once the N=17 cases were imputed for V13217, no cases were missing on both of the input items (V12131 and V13217). Thus, no further imputations were needed for this scale (V13206), once the 50% rule for non-missing data was applied in constructing this index. See V13286 to identify the cases that were imputed for V13217 (and, thus, for V13206). 386 V13207 W4. Spouse Positive Social Support Index. 2-item Note: V12153 and V12154 have been combined to create this Wave 4 2-item Spouse Positive Social Support Index. Note: This index is equivalent to V2204, V6204 and V10904. Note: Use V13287 to identify the case that was imputed for this index. Range: -4.281042 to 0.874907 N = 993 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 2624 N=0 N=0 How index was constructed: This Spouse Positive Social Support Index (V13207) was constructed from two input variables, V12153 (Wave 4 Spouse Makes R Feel Loved and Cared For), and V12154 (Wave 4 Spouse Willing to Listen). In step 1, V12153 and V12154 were reverse-coded. Then, in step 2, the reverse-coded versions of V12153 and V12154 were standardized using the ACL Wave 1 weighted means and standard deviations for the wave 1 versions of these 2 items (after they were reverse-coded). The weighted means and standard deviations used were as follows: V12153 Reversed: mean=4.5046, SD= 0.7651; and V12154 Reversed: mean=4.0732, SD=1.0478. In step 3, the mean was calculated for these 2 standardized input variables, using the 50% rule for missing data. That is, to calculate a mean for a specific case, the case had to have non-missing values on at least 50% of the input items (here at least 1 of the input items). In step 4, the overall index values obtained in step 3 were standardized, using the Wave 1 weighted means and standard deviations for the Wave 1 Spouse Positive Social Support Index. The weighted mean and standard deviation used here are: mean= - 0.00146, SD= 0.8772. How imputed: One case that was missing (DK or NA) on both of the input items (V12153 and V12154) was imputed using an OLS Regression estimate based on the following model: W4 Spouse Positive Social Support Index = Sex (V103), continuous Age (V2000), and Wave 1 and Wave 3 Spouse Positive Social Support Index scores (V2204 and V10904), and Wave 4 Marital Stress Index score (V13210). This case did not have a Spouse Positive Social Support Index score for Wave 2. 387 V13208 W4. Child Positive Social Support Index. 2-item Note: V12167 and V12168 have been combined to create this Wave 4 2-item Child Positive Social Support Index. Note: This index is equivalent to V2207, V6207 and V10905. Note: Use V13288 to identify the cases that were imputed for this index. Range: -3.541421 to 1.152657 N = 1350 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 2267 N=0 N=0 How index was constructed: This Child Positive Social Support Index (V13208) was constructed from two input variables, V12167 (Wave 4 Child(ren) Make(s) R Feel Loved and Cared For), and V12168 (Wave 4 Child(ren) Willing to Listen). In step 1, V12167 and V12168 were reverse-coded. Then, in step 2, the reverse-coded versions of V12167 and V12168 were standardized using the ACL Wave 1 weighted means and standard deviations for the wave 1 versions of these 2 items (after they were reverse-coded). The weighted means and standard deviations used were as follows: V12167 Reversed: mean=4.4132, SD= 0.8697; and V12168 Reversed: mean=3.7848, SD=1.1953. In step 3, the mean was calculated for these 2 standardized input variables, using the 50% rule for missing data. That is, to calculate a mean for a specific case, the case had to have non-missing values on at least 50% of the input items (here at least 1 of the input items). In step 4, the overall index values obtained in step 3 were standardized, using the Wave 1 weighted means and standard deviations for the Wave 1 Child Positive Social Support Index. The weighted mean and standard deviation used here are: mean= - 0.00236, SD= 0.8826. How imputed: Nine cases that were missing (DK or NA) on both of the input items (V12167 and V12168) were imputed using OLS Regression estimates based on the following model: W4 Child Positive Social Support Index = Sex (V103), continuous Age (V2000), and Wave 1, Wave 2, and Wave 3 Child Positive Social Support Index scores (V2207, V6207 and V10905), and Wave 4 Parental Stress Index score (V13211). If a case was a Non-Respondent at Wave 2 and/ or Wave 3, the Child Positive Social Support score was not available for that wave (those waves), of course, so the regression model was run without that predictor (those predictors) for that case. Similarly, if a Respondent did not have any children at Wave 1, Wave 2 and/ or Wave 3, the Child Positive Social Support score was not available for that wave (those waves), of course, so the regression model was run without that predictor (those predictors) for that case. 388 V13209 W4. Friend/ Relative Positive Social Support Index. 2-item Note: V12172 and V12173 have been combined to create this Wave 4 2-item Friend/ Relative Positive Social Support Index. Note: This index is equivalent to V2216, V6216 and V10907. Note: Use V13289 to identify the cases that were imputed for this index. Range: -3.27055 to 1.243075 N = 1692 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=0 N=0 How index was constructed: This Friend/ Relative Positive Social Support Index (V13209) was constructed from two input variables, V12172 (Wave 4 Friend/ Relative Makes R Feel Loved and Cared For), and V12173 (Wave 4 Friend/ Relative Willing to Listen). In step 1, V12172 and V12173 were reverse-coded. Then, in step 2, the reverse-coded versions of V12172 and V12173 were standardized using the ACL Wave 1 weighted means and standard deviations for the wave 1 versions of these 2 items (after they were reverse-coded). The weighted means and standard deviations used were as follows: V12172 Reversed: mean=4.0253, SD= 0.9121; and V12173 Reversed: mean=3.7486, SD=1.0826. In step 3, the mean was calculated for these 2 standardized input variables, using the 50% rule for missing data. That is, to calculate a mean for a specific case, the case had to have non-missing values on at least 50% of the input items (here at least 1 of the input items). In step 4, the overall index values obtained in step 3 were standardized, using the Wave 1 weighted means and standard deviations for the Wave 1 Friend/ Relative Positive Social Support Index. The weighted mean and standard deviation used here are: mean= - 0.0004, SD= 0.8951. How imputed: Five cases that were missing (DK or NA) on both of the input items (V12172 and V12173) were imputed using OLS Regression estimates based on the following model: W4 Friend/ Relative Positive Social Support Index = Sex (V103), continuous Age (V2000), and Wave 1, Wave 2, and Wave 3 Friend/ Relative Positive Social Support Index scores (V2216, V6216 and V10907). If a case was a Non-Respondent at Wave 2 and/ or Wave 3, the Friend/ Relative Positive Social Support score was not available for that wave, of course, so the regression model was run without that predictor for that case. 389 V13210 W4. Marital Stress Index. 3-item Note: V12152, V12155 and V12156 have been combined to create this Wave 4 3-item Marital Stress Index. Note: This index is equivalent to V2409, V6409 and V10910. Range: 1.0 to 7.0 N = 993 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 2624 N=0 N=0 How index was constructed: (1) Two of the input variables (V12155 and V12156) were reverse coded. (2) Then, for two of the input variables (V12152) and the reverse-coded version of V12156, the metric was expanded from 1-5 to 1-7. (3) The mean of the three modified input variables was then obtained for cases having at least 2 non-missing values on the three input variables. The index value is this mean value. This index is not standardized. No cases were imputed for this index. 390 V13211 W4. Chronic Parental Stress Index. 3-item. Imputed Note: V12169, V12170 and V12171 have been combined to create this Wave 4 3-item Chronic Parental Stress Index. Note: This index is equivalent to V2306, V6306 and V10908. Note: Use V13291 to identify the case that was imputed for this index. Range: -1.430802 to 4.139168 N = 1444 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 2173 N=0 N=0 How index was constructed: This Chronic Parental Stress Index (V13211) was constructed from three input variables, V12169 (Wave 4 Parental Satisfaction), V12170 (Wave 4 Bothered as Parent), and V12171 (Wave 4 Happy Way Children Turned Out). In step 1, V12170 was reverse-coded. Then, in step 2, V12169, V12171 and the reverse-coded version of V12170 were standardized using the ACL Wave 1 weighted means and standard deviations for the wave 1 versions of these 3 items (after W1 Bothered as Parent was reverse-coded). The weighted means and standard deviations used were as follows: V12169: mean=1.6921, SD=0.80209; V12170 Reversed: mean=2.5662, SD=0.9495; and V12171: mean=1.6409, SD=0.8519. In step 3, the mean was calculated for these 3 standardized input variables, using the 50% rule for missing data. That is, to calculate a mean for a specific case, the case had to have non-missing values on at least 50% of the input items (here at least 2 of the input items). In step 4, the overall index values obtained in step 3 were standardized, using the Wave 1 weighted means and standard deviations for the Wave 1 Chronic Parental Stress Index. The weighted mean and standard deviation used here are: mean= -0.00104, SD= 0.7613. How imputed: One case (V1=3335) was imputed for this index (V13211). This Respondent had no children at ACL Waves 1 or 3 (and was a Non-Respondent at Wave 2), so no cross-time OLS Regression imputations were possible. The Respondent had a step-son at Wave 4, and had “parent-related” answers for V12167, V12168, and V12171. The imputation for this index for this case is a rough averaging of his answers to V12167, V12168, and V12171 (Code=3, before standardization). 391 V13212 W4. Chronic Financial Stress Index. 2-item. Imputed Note: V12577 and V12578 have been combined to create this Wave 4 2-item Chronic Financial Stress Index. Note: This index is equivalent to V2314, V6314 and V10909. Note: Use V13292 to identify the cases that were imputed for this index. Range: -1.759274 to 2.717123 N = 1692 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=0 N=0 How index was constructed: This Chronic Financial Stress Index (V13212) was constructed from two input variables, V12577 (Wave 4 Financial Satisfaction), and V12578 (Wave 4 Difficulty in Paying Bills). In step 1, V12578 was reverse-coded. Then, in step 2, V12577 and the reverse-coded version of V12578 were standardized using the ACL Wave 1 weighted means and standard deviations for the wave 1 versions of these 2 items (after W1 Difficulty in Paying Bills was reverse-coded). The weighted means and standard deviations used were as follows: V12577: mean=2.7288, SD=1.0956; and V12578 Reversed: mean=1.9575, SD=1.0842. In step 3, the mean was calculated for these 2 standardized input variables, using the 50% rule for missing data. That is, to calculate a mean for a specific case, the case had to have non-missing values on at least 50% of the input items (here at least 1 of the input items). In step 4, the overall index values obtained in step 3 were standardized, using the Wave 1 weighted means and standard deviations for the Wave 1 Chronic Financial Stress Index. The weighted mean and standard deviation used here are: mean= +0.0010, SD= 0.8975. How imputed: Eleven cases that were ACL Wave 4 Partial Interview cases and that dropped out before reaching V12577 and V12578 (Questions Q7 and Q8) were imputed using OLS Regression estimates based on the following model: W4 Chronic Financial Stress = Sex (V103), continuous Age (V2000), Wave 4 continuous Income (V13113) and Wave 1, Wave 2, and Wave 3 Chronic Financial Stress scores (V2314, V6314, V10909). If a case was a Non-Respondent at Wave 2 or Wave 3, the Chronic Financial Stress score was not available for that wave, of course, so the regression model was run without that predictor for that case. Two other cases were “Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained” on all both V12577 and V12578. These cases were imputed for W4 Chronic Financial Stress (V13212) using the same OLS Regression technique as the Partial Interview cases. 392 V13213 W4. Number of Recent Life Events Index. Sum (9 items). Note: V12466, V12468, V12470, V12472, V12474, V12486, V12488, V12491 and V12495 have been combined to create this Wave 4 9-item Number of Recent Life Events Index. Note: This index is equivalent to V2312, V6312 and V10918. Number of Life Events 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Frequencies 391 745 442 152 37 11 3 N = 1781 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1830 N=0 N=6 How index was constructed: This is the number of “Yes” responses to V12466 (Spouse Died since last interview), V12468 (R Robbed or Home Burglarized since last interview), V12470 (R Involuntarily Lost Job, but not due to retirement, since last interview), V12472 (R Was Victim of Serious Physical Attack or Assault since last interview), V12474 (R Had a Parent or Step-Parent Die since last interview), V12486 (R got a Divorce since last interview), V12488 (R Had a Child Die since last interview), V12491 (R Had Other Close Relative or Friend Die since last interview, and V12495 (R Had Anything Else Bad Happen that Upset R a Lot since last interview). Cases “Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained” for any of the input variables (V12466, V12468, V12470, V12472, V12474, V12486, V12488, V12491 and V12495) were assumed to be “No” on that response. The possible range for this index is 0 to 9 events. How imputed: Four cases that were Wave 4 Partial Interview cases that could reasonably be imputed for specific life events items (e.g., R Never Married at Wave 4 cases were imputed as having No Spouse Death and No Divorce since the last interview) were imputed for those specific Life Events. On the other Life Events items, these 4 cases received the default imputation for “Don’t Knows” and “Not Ascertained”, i.e., “No” on that item. Six other cases that were Wave 4 Partial Interview cases that dropped out before the Life Events questions and could NOT reasonably be imputed for any of the specific life events items are left as .N (NA) on this index (V13213). 393 V13214 W4. Physical Activity Index. 3-item. Imputed Note: V12132, V12133 and V12134 have been combined to create this Wave 4 3-item Physical Activity Index. Note: This index is equivalent to V2203, V6203 and V10903. Note: Use V13294 to identify the case that was imputed for this index. Range: -2.372675 to 1.328885 N = 1692 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=0 N=0 How index was constructed: This Physical Activity Index (V13214) was constructed from three input variables, V12132 (Wave 4 Work in Garden or Yard), V12133 (Wave 4 Take Walks), and V12134 (Wave 4 Engage in Active Sports or Exercise). In step 1, V12132, V12133 and V12134 were each reverse-coded. Then, in step 2, the reverse-coded version of these 3 input items were standardized using the ACL Wave 1 weighted means and standard deviations for the wave 1 versions of these 3 items (after each W1 item was reverse-coded). The weighted means and standard deviations used were as follows: V12132 Reversed: mean=2.8898, SD=1.8727; V12133 Reversed: mean=2.8997, SD=1.0721; and V12134 Reversed: mean=2.7123, SD=1.1659. In step 3, the mean was calculated for these 3 standardized input variables, using the 50% rule for missing data. That is, to calculate a mean for a specific case, the case had to have non-missing values on at least 50% of the input items (here at least 2 of the input items). In step 4, the overall index values obtained in step 3 were standardized, using the Wave 1 weighted means and standard deviations for the Wave 1 Physical Activity Index. The weighted mean and standard deviation used here are: mean= +0.00024, SD= 0.6830. How imputed: One case that did not have non-missing values for 2 of the 3 input items was imputed using an OLS Regression estimate based on the following model: W4 Physical Activity Index = Sex (V103), continuous Age (V2000), and Wave 1, Wave 2, and Wave 3 Physical Activity Index scores (V2203, V6203, V10903), and V12134 (Wave 4 Engage in Active Sports or Exercise). 394 V13215 W4.What is the name of the (current) president of the United States? ‘DK’ and ‘NA’ Recoded to ‘Incorrect’ Note: This is a recoded version of V12428 (What is Name of Current President of the United States), except that for V13215 “Don’t Knows” and “Not Ascertained” codes have been recoded as Incorrect. Note: The 8 cases still coded as .N (NA) for V13215 are ACL Wave 4 Partial Interview cases that dropped out of the interview before reaching this question. Note: V12425, V12427, V13215, V13216, and V12436 have been combined to create the Wave 4 5-item Cognitive Impairment Index (V13202). Code Category Description 1 2 3 Bush Incorrect R clearly knows Bush but will not say name, or uses nickname Frequencies 1628 46 10 N = 1684 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13216 N = 1925 N=0 N=8 W4.What is the name of the person who was (last U.S.) president just before him? ‘DK’ and ‘NA’ Recoded to ‘Incorrect’ Note: This is a recoded version of V12429 (What is Name of Previous President of the United States), except that for V13216 “Don’t Knows” and “Not Ascertained” codes have been recoded as Incorrect. Note: The 8 cases still coded as .N (NA) for V13216 are ACL Wave 4 Partial Interview cases that dropped out of the interview before reaching this question. Note: V12425, V12427, V13215, V13216, and V12436 have been combined to create the Wave 4 5-item Cognitive Impairment Index (V13202). Code Category Description Frequencies 1 2 3 Clinton Incorrect R clearly knows Clinton but will not say name, or uses nickname 1511 139 34 N = 1684 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 395 N = 1925 N=0 N=8 V13217 W4 .P1. Attend. How often does R usually attend religious services. Imputed Note: This is an imputed version of V12551 (How often does R usually attend religious services). This version of the variable should be used in most analyses. Note: V12131 and V13217 have been combined to create the Wave 4 2-item Formal Social Integration Index (V13206). Note: Use V13297 to identify the cases that were imputed for this variable. Code Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 More than once a week Once a week 2-3 times a month About once a month Less than once a month Never Frequencies 303 434 173 133 346 303 N = 1692 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=0 N=0 How imputed: For the N = 17 cases that were “Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained” on V12551 (“How often does R attend religious services”) simple OLS Regression estimates were obtained from the following OLS Regression model: Wave 4 how often attends religious services (V12551) = Sex (V103), Age dummies (V2052-V2056), and Wave 1 (V1613), Wave 2 (V5608) and Wave 3 (V10449) how often attends religious services. If a case was a Non-Respondent at ACL Wave 2 and/ or Wave 3, how often attends religious services was not available for that wave, of course, so this/ these variable(s) were dropped for that case. Random residuals were not included in the imputation estimates for this variable (V13217). The Regression estimates were then rounded to the nearest whole number (1 through 6). 396 V13221 W4. CIDI. Sad, Blue or Depressed for 2 weeks or more. Number of Sad, Blue or Depressed Effects (Symptoms) +1 Index. Unimputed From World Health Organization (WHO) Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) (Short Form). Note: V12336-V12347 have been combined to create this Wave 4 count of CIDI “Sad, Blue or Depressed” Effects or Symptoms (plus 1). Number 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Frequencies 1575 1 5 9 10 24 30 17 13 N = 1684 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=2 N=6 How index was constructed: Respondents who reached the threshold level for having had a period of 2 weeks or more in a row in the past 12 months where they “felt sad, blue, or depressed” were then asked if they had any of several depression-related symptoms during this period of 2 weeks or more. To reach the threshold, a person had to (1) “feel sad, blue or depressed for 2 weeks or more in a row in the past 12 months” (V12336 = “Yes”), and these feelings had to last “all day long” or “most of the day” (V12337 = Codes 1 or 2), and s/he had to feel this way “every day” or “almost every day” during this period (V12338 = Codes 1 or 2). If a person reached this threshold, s/he was asked if s/he had any of the following “symptoms” during the 2 weeks or more when s/he felt sad, blue, or depressed: (1) “Lost interest in most things” (V12339), (2) “Felt tired out or low on energy all the time” (V12340), (3) Gained or lost 10 pounds or more without trying (V12341 = Codes 1, 2 or 3 and V12342 = 10 or more pounds), (4) “Had more trouble falling asleep than (s/he) usually does” (V12343) and have that occur “every night” or “nearly every night” (V12344 = Codes 1 or 2), (5) Had “a lot more trouble concentrating than usual” (V12345), (6) “Felt down on (herself/ himself), no good or worthless” (V12346), and / or (7) “Thought a lot about death – either (her/ his) own, someone else’s, or death in general” (V12347). The scores for this index (V13221) were coded as follows: 1 was given if a person reached the threshold level (see above) for feeling “sad, blue or depressed”. Then, that value was increased by 1 for each of the 7 depression-related symptoms that the Respondent reported having during this 2 week or more period of feeling sad, blue or depressed. Thus, if a person met the threshold and said “Yes” to having all 7 symptoms, then the person received a code of 8 for V13221. Cases coded as zero (0) did not reach the threshold for feeling “sad, blue, or depressed” and were not asked any of the follow-up questions about having any of the “sad, blue, or depressed symptoms”. If a case was “Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained” on one of the symptoms questions, then the case was assumed to be “No” on that symptom. No other imputations were done for this index. 397 V13222 W4. CIDI: Lost Interest for 2 weeks or more. Number of Loss of Interest Effects (Symptoms) +1 Index. Unimputed From World Health Organization (WHO) Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) (Short Form). Note: V12352-V12362 have been combined to create this Wave 4 count of CIDI “Loss of Interest” Effects or Symptoms (plus 1). Number Frequencies 0 3 4 5 6 7 1536 1 9 14 6 2 N = 1568 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 2033 N=3 N = 13 How index was constructed: Respondents who scored 2 or more on V13221 (N=108) (i.e., reached the threshold for feeling “sad, blue, or depressed” and had one or more “sad, blue, or depressed symptoms”) were skipped out of this CIDI “loss of interest” series of questions (V12352-V12366). Respondents who reached the threshold level for having had a period of 2 weeks or more in a row in the past 12 months when they “lost interest in most things like hobbies, work, or activities that usually give them pleasure” were then asked if they had any of several depression-related symptoms during this period of 2 weeks or more. To reach the threshold, a person had to (1) “lose interest in most things like hobbies, work, or activities that usually give her/him pleasure” for a period of “2 weeks or more in a row in the past 12 months” (V12352 = “Yes”), and these feelings had to last “all day long” or “most of the day” (V12353 = Codes 1 or 2), and s/he had to feel this way “every day” or “almost every day” during this period (V12354 = Codes 1 or 2). If a person reached this threshold, s/he was asked if s/he had any of the following “symptoms” during the 2 weeks or more when s/he lost interest in most things: (1) “Felt tired out or low on energy all the time” (V12355), (2) Gained or lost 10 pounds or more without trying (V12356 = Codes 1, 2 or 3 and V12357 = 10 or more pounds), (3) “Had more trouble falling asleep than (s/he) usually does” (V12358) and have that occur “every night” or “nearly every night” (V12359 = Codes 1 or 2), (4) Had “a lot more trouble concentrating than usual” (V12360), (5) “Felt down on (herself/ himself), no good or worthless” (V12361), and / or (6) “Thought a lot about death – either (her/ his) own, someone else’s, or death in general” (V123627). The scores for this index (V13222) were coded as follows: 1 was given if a person reached the threshold level (see above) for “losing interest in most things”. Then, that value was increased by 1 for each of the 6 depression-related symptoms that the Respondent reported having during this 2 week or more period of losing interest in most things. Thus, if a person met the threshold and said “Yes” to having all 6 symptoms, then the person received a code of 7 for V13222. Cases coded as zero (0) did not reach the threshold for “losing interest in most things” and were not asked any of the follow-up questions about having any of the “losing interest in most things symptoms”. If a case was “Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained” on one of the symptoms questions, then the case was assumed to be “No” on that symptom. No other imputations were done for this index. 398 V13223 W4. CIDI. Overall Count of Depression Symptoms +1 Index From World Health Organization (WHO) Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) (Short Form). Note: V12336-V12347 and V12352-V12362 have been combined to create this Wave 4 count of CIDI Depression Effects or Symptoms (plus 1). Number 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Frequencies 1543 1 5 10 19 38 36 19 13 N = 1684 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=2 N=6 How index was constructed: This index combines the codes from V13221 and V13222 into one overall count of depression-related symptoms. This count is based on (1) reaching the severity “threshold” for either feeling “sad, blue, or depressed” (see the write-up, above, for V13221) or for reaching the threshold for “losing interest in most things” (see the write-up, above, for V13222), plus (2) counting the number of depression-related symptoms the Respondent reports having for either of these 2 CIDI depression series. The scores for V13223 are from V13221 for cases with scores of 1 to 8 on V13221. If a case had a score of 0 (zero) on V13221, then the score for V13223 was taken from V13222. One case (V1=1332) that reached the threshold level for feeling “sad, blue, or depressed”, but reported having none of the sad, blue, or depressed” symptoms, was eligible to respond to the second CIDI series about “losing interest in most things”. This Respondent answered “No” to having 2 weeks or more when he “lost interest in most things”. Thus, this case was coded 1 on V13221 and 0 (zero) on V13222. The code for V13223 is also “1” for this case. If a case was “Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained” on one the symptoms questions, then the case was assumed to be “No” on that symptom. Cases “Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained” on the initial questions in the “sad, blue, or depressed” series (V12237-V12239) or on the initial questions in the “lost interest in most things” series (V12252-V12254) are coded as “Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained”, respectively, for V13223. 399 V13224 W4. CIDI. Had Major Depressive Episode (MDE) in last 12 months. 1, 0 Scale. Imputed From World Health Organization (WHO) Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) (Short Form). Note: V12336-V12347 and V12352-V12362 have been combined to create this Wave 4 CIDI measure of Major Depressive Episodes. Note: Use V13274 to identify the cases that were imputed for this variable. Number Category Description 0 No Major Depressive Episode Yes had Major Depressive Episode 1 Frequencies 1557 135 N = 1692 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=0 N=0 How index was constructed: This index is a dichotomous measure that indicates whether the Respondent had a Major Depressive Episode (MDE) in the past 12 months or not. Cases that had a score of 3 or higher on V13223 are coded as “1” (had a major depressive episode) on V13224. Cases coded as 0, 1 or 2 on V13223 are coded as “0”, zero, (did not have a major depressive episode) on V13224. That is, to be coded as having a major depressive episode in the past 12 months, a Respondent had to meet the severity threshold for either “feeling sad, blue, or depressed for 2 weeks or more in a row” (see the write-up, above, for V13221, for sad, blue, depressed “threshold” explanation) or meet the severity threshold for “losing interest in most things for 2 weeks or more in a row” (see the write-up, above, for V13222, for lost interest “threshold” explanation). In addition to meeting one of the two severity thresholds, a Respondent had to report having 2 or more of the follow-up depression-related symptoms (see V13221 and V13222 for an explanation of these symptoms). How imputed: If a case was “Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained” on one the symptoms questions, then the case was assumed to be “No” on that symptom. The other form of imputation done for this index (V13224) was done for cases that were “Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained on the lead-in questions (V12237-V12239 or V12252-V12254) for the 2 CIDI series (sad, blue, or depressed and lost interest in most things). These cases were all assumed to be “No” (Code=0) for V13224. That is, these cases were coded as having no major depressive episode in the past 12 months, since these Respondents gave no definitive response that they had had such an episode. 400 V13274 W4. Imputation Flag for V13224 (CIDI: Had Major Depressive Episode (MDE) in last 12 months. (1, 0 Scale) Note: This variable (V13274) identifies the cases that were imputed for V13224. Code Number Category Description Frequencies 1 2 3 Imputed as 0 / Are DK or NA on Both CIDI Series Imputed as 0 / Are DK on CIDI Lost Interest Series Not Imputed 8 8 1676 N = 1692 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 401 N = 1925 N=0 N=0 V13281 W4. Imputation Flag for V13201 (W4. CESD-11 Index) Note: This variable (V13281) identifies the cases that were imputed for V13201. Code Category Description 1 2 Imputed Not Imputed Frequencies 8 1684 N = 1692 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13282 N = 1925 N=0 N=0 W4. Imputation Flag for V13202 (W4. Cognitive Impairment Index. 5-item) Note: This variable (V13282) identifies the cases that were imputed for V13202. Code Category Description 1 2 Imputed Not Imputed Frequencies 16 1676 N = 1692 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13286 N = 1925 N=0 N=0 W4. Imputation Flag for V13206 (Formal Social Integration Index. 2-item) Note: This variable (V13286) identifies the cases that were imputed for V13206. Code Category Description 1 2 Imputed Not Imputed Frequencies 17 1675 N = 1692 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 402 N = 1925 N=0 N=0 V13287 W4. Imputation Flag for V13207 (Spouse Positive Social Support Index. 2-item) Note: This variable (V13287) identifies the case that was imputed for V13207. Code Category Description 1 2 Imputed Not Imputed Frequencies 1 992 N = 993 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13288 N = 2624 N=0 N=0 W4. Imputation Flag for V13208 (Child Positive Social Support Index. 2-item) Note: This variable (V13288) identifies the cases that were imputed for V13208. Code Category Description 1 2 Imputed Not Imputed Frequencies 9 1341 N = 1350 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13289 N = 2267 N=0 N=0 W4. Imputation Flag for V13209 (Friend/ Relative Positive Social Support Index. 2-item) Note: This variable (V13289) identifies the cases that were imputed for V13209. Code Category Description 1 2 Imputed Not Imputed Frequencies 5 1687 N = 1692 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 403 N = 1925 N=0 N=0 V13291 W4. Imputation Flag for V13211 (W4. Chronic Parental Stress Index) Note: This variable (V13291) identifies the case that was imputed for V13211. Code Category Description 1 2 Imputed Not Imputed Frequencies 1 1443 N = 1444 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13292 N = 2173 N=0 N=0 W4. Imputation Flag for V13212 (W4. Chronic Financial Stress Index) Note: This variable (V13292) identifies the cases that were imputed for V13212. Code Category Description 1 2 Imputed Not Imputed Frequencies 13 1679 N = 1692 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13294 N = 1925 N=0 N=0 W4. Imputation Flag for V13214 (W4. Physical Activity Index) Note: This variable (V13294) identifies the case that was imputed for V13214. Code Category Description 1 2 Imputed Not Imputed Frequencies 1 1691 N = 1692 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 404 N = 1925 N=0 N=0 V13297 W4. Imputation Flag for V13217 (Religious Services Attendance) Note: This variable (V13297) identifies the cases that were imputed for V13217. Code Category Description 1 2 Imputed Not Imputed Frequencies 17 1675 N = 1692 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 405 N = 1925 N=0 N=0 Created ACL Wave 4 Variables and Imputation Flags (V13301-V13399). Respondent Employment and Occupation Variables, and Spouse Employment Variable (and Imputation Flags). V13301 W4. J1. Mentions 1-9. Brerce 1-9. R’s Employment Status. Combined. Cleaned Note: This is an extensively cleaned Employment Status variable that combines information from V12367-V12369, and creates a single measure of the Respondent’s primary wave 4 Employment Status. Code Number Category Description Frequencies 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 Working Temporarily Laid Off/ Or On Sick Leave/ Or On Maternity Leave Unpaid Family Worker Unemployed/ Looking for Work Retired from Paid Job Permanently Disabled Keeping House Student Too Old/ Infirm to Keep House 808 8 3 30 591 98 228 7 12 N = 1785 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 406 N = 1830 N=1 N=1 V13302 W4. J1a/ PJ2. AnyWork. Is R Doing Any Work for Pay at present time? Imputed Note: This is an imputed version of 12372. V13302 should be used instead of V12372. Note: See V13382 for information on what cases were imputed for this variable. J1a. │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ _ V │ ANYWORK . Are you doing any work for pay at the present time? J1a 1.YES GO TO J2 5. NO SKIP: IF BRERCE=5, ASK STOPWRK Code Number Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 60 918 N = 978 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 407 N = 2636 N=1 N=2 V13303 W4. J2. ScndJob. Self-Report: Does R currently hold More Than One Paying Job. Imputed Note: This is an imputed version of V12373. V13303 should be used instead of V12373. Note: See V13383 for information on what cases were imputed for this variable. J2. Do you currently hold more than one paying job? Code Number Category Description 1 5 Yes No Frequencies 107 754 N = 861 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED SKIP: IF SCNDJOB=5, ASK WK/YRWRK 408 N = 2754 N=1 N=1 V13304 W4. J2a. TtlWrkHr. 2 + Jobs. Number of Hours in Average Week R Works on All Jobs. Imputed Note: This is a cleaned and imputed version of V12374. V13304 should be used instead of V12374. Note: See V13384 for information on what cases were imputed for this variable. J2a. On the average, how many hours a week do you work on all of your jobs, including paid and unpaid vacation time? ENTER hours (1-100) HOURS__________ Average Hours Worked 8 10 18 20 23 25 30 32 34 35 36 40 42 44 45 46 48 49 50 52 55 56 58 60 61 65 68 69 70 75 80 90 96 100 Frequencies 1 2 1 1 1 2 5 2 1 1 1 6 2 2 11 1 3 1 16 2 6 2 1 13 1 5 1 1 8 2 1 2 1 1 N = 107 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 409 N = 3510 N=0 N=0 V13305 W4. Number of Hours R Works per Year (Main Job). Self-Report Workers. Cleaned/ Not Imputed Note: This variable is based on information from V12375 and V12382. V12375 (weeks work per year) is multiplied by V12382 (hours worked per week on main job) to get hours worked per year. *Range = 4 to 5200 hours per year N = 849 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13306 N = 2754 N=1 N = 13 W4. Bracketed Number of Hours R Works per Year (Main Job). Self-Report and Proxy Reports of R’s Work Hours. Working R’s only. Imputed Note: This variable (V13306) is a bracketed and imputed version of V13305. Note: See V13385 for information on what cases were imputed for this variable. Code Number Category Descriptions 1 2 3 4 1 to 499 Hours 500 to 1,499 Hours 1,500 to 2,499 Hours 2,500 or More Hours Frequencies 56 108 483 218 N = 865 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 410 N = 2748 N=1 N=3 V13307 W4. J8. SelfEmp. Is R Self-Employed, or Does R Have a Private or Government Employer. Imputed Note: This is an imputed version of V12380. V13307 should be used instead of V12380. Note: See V13386 for information on what cases were imputed for this variable. J8. Are you self-employed, or do you work for a private employer or a municipal, county, state or federal government? ┌────────────────┐ ┌───────────────────┐ ┌──────────────────────┐ │1. SELF-EMPLOYED │ │2. PRIVATE EMPLOYER │ │3. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYER │ └────────────────┘ └───────────────────┘ └──────────────────────┘ Code Number Category Descriptions 1 2 3 Self-Employed Private Employer Government Employer Frequencies 151 526 183 N = 860 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13308 N = 2754 N=1 N=2 W4. 9-Category Employment Status (with Hours Worked). All Wave 4 R’s. Imputed Note: This variable (13308) is based on the combined information from V13301 and V13306. Note: See V13387 for information on what cases were imputed for this variable. Code Number Category Descriptions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Works. 2500+ Hours/ Year Works. 1500-2499 Hours/ Year Works. 500-1499 Hours/ Year Works. 1-499 Hours/ Year Retired Permanently Disabled Unemployed or Student Keeps House// Too Old/ Infirm to Keep House Temporarily Laid Off or On Sick Leave/ and No Information about Job Type 9 Frequencies 218 483 108 56 555 97 32 231 3 N = 1783 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 411 N = 1830 N=1 N=3 V13311 W4. Self Report: R Occupation. 1970 Census Codes. Cleaned Note: V13311 is based on V13312 and the open-ended responses to questions J5 and J6. V13311 uses 1970 U.S. Census Codes for occupation, to be comparable with ACL Wave 1, Wave 2, and Wave 3 occupational codes. The occupational categories for V13320 are based on V13311. Note: See the 1970 U.S. Census Occupational Codes that are listed in the ACL1 Codebook Appendix for the code list for this variable. *Range: Codes = 1 to 984 (Code list for these codes is in ACL Wave 1 Codebook Appendix.) A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13312 N = 859 N = 2754 N=1 N=3 W4. Self Report: R Occupation 2000 Census Codes. Cleaned Note: This is a cleaned version of V12378. V13312 uses 2000 U.S. Census Codes for occupation. V13312 should be used instead of V12378. Note: See Appendix J(a) for the code list for this variable (V13312). *Range: Codes = 1 to 975 (Code list for these codes is in Appendix J(a).) A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13313 N = 859 N = 2754 N=1 N=3 W4. Self Report: R Occupational (Duncan) SEI Scores. Cleaned Note: The Duncan SEI Scores for V13313 are based on the occupational codes shown for V13311. *Range: Scores = 4.9 to 96 N = 859 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13314 N = 2754 N=1 N=3 W4. Self Report: R Occupational (Siegel) Prestige Scores. Cleaned Note: The Siegel Prestige Scores for V13314 are based on the occupational codes shown for V13311. *Range: Scores = 15.4 to 81.2 N = 859 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 412 N = 2754 N=1 N=3 V13320 W4. 12-Category Respondent Job Classification Note: V13320 is based on information combined from V13301 and V13311. Code Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Category Descriptions Professional or Managerial Clerical or Sales Craftsmen and Kindred Workers Operatives Laborers Service Workers Retired Permanently Disabled Unemployed or Student Keeps House// Too Old/ Infirm to Keep House Working/ NA on Type of Job Temporarily laid off or on sick leave/ NA on type of job Frequencies 395 174 88 79 16 107 556 97 32 231 7 3 N = 1785 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1830 N=1 N=1 The codes for V13320 are as follows: Professional/Managerial = V13311, codes = 1-245, 801 and 802. Clerical/Sales = V13311, codes = 260-395. Craftsmen = V13311, codes = 401-600. Operatives = V13311, codes = 601-715. Laborers = V13311, Codes = 740-785, 821-824. Service Workers = V13311, codes = 901-984. V13320 codes 7-12 are inapplicable on V13311 and Codes 5, 6, 4 or 8, 7 or 10, or 2, respectively, on V13301. 413 V13321 W4. Professional-Managerial = 1; 0 = Other (Dummy variable based on V13320, Code=1) Code Number Category Description 0 1 Other Professional or managerial Frequencies 1390 395 N = 1785 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13322 N = 1830 N=1 N=1 W4. Clerical or Sales = 1; 0 = Other (Dummy variable based on V13320, Code=2) Code Number Category Description 0 1 Other Clerical or sales Frequencies 1611 174 N = 1785 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13323 N = 1830 N=1 N=1 W4. Craftsmen (and Kindred Workers) = 1; 0 = Other (Dummy variable based on V13320, Code=3) Code Number Category Description 0 1 Other Craftsmen or kindred workers Frequencies 1697 88 N = 1785 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 414 N = 1830 N=1 N=1 V13324 W4. Operatives (and Kindred Workers) = 1; 0 = Other (Dummy variable based on V13320, Code=4) Code Number Category Description 0 1 Other Operatives or kindred workers Frequencies 1706 79 N = 1785 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13325 N = 1830 N=1 N=1 W4. Laborers (and Kindred Workers) = 1; 0 = Other (Dummy variable based on V13320, Code=5) Code Number Category Description 0 1 Other Laborers or kindred workers Frequencies 1769 16 N = 1785 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13326 N = 1830 N=1 N=1 W4. Service Workers = 1; 0 = Other (Dummy variable based on V13320, Code=6) Code Number Category Description 0 1 Other Service workers Frequencies 1678 107 N = 1785 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13327 N = 1830 N=1 N=1 W4. Retired = 1; 0 = Other (Dummy variable based on 13320, Code=7) Code Number Category Description 0 1 Other Retired Frequencies 1229 556 N = 1785 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 415 N = 1830 N=1 N=1 V13328 W4. Disabled = 1; 0 = Other (Dummy variable based on V13320, Code=8) Code Number Category Description 0 1 Other Disabled Frequencies 1688 97 N = 1785 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13329 N = 1830 N=1 N=1 W4. R Unemployed or Student = 1; 0 = Other (Dummy variable based on V13320, Code=9) Code Number Category Description Frequencies 0 1 Other Unemployed or student 1753 32 N = 1785 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13330 N = 1830 N=1 N=1 W4. R Keeps House or Too Old/ Infirm to Keep House = 1; 0 = Other (Dummy Variable based on V13320, Code=10) Code Number Category Description 0 1 Other Keeps house or too old or infirm to keep house Frequencies 1554 231 N = 1785 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 416 N = 1830 N=1 N=1 V13331 W4. R Working, or Temporarily Laid Off , or on Sick Leave// But Respondent gave No information about his/ her Job = 1; 0 = Other (Dummy variable based on V13320, Codes = 11 or 12) Code Number Category Description Frequencies 0 1 Other 1775 R working, or 10 temporarily laid off, or on sick leave; But is missing on type of job (V13311 and V13312) N = 1785 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13332 N = 1830 N=1 N=1 W4. R Disabled or Unemployed = 1; 0 = Other (Dummy variable based on V13320, Codes = 8 or 9) Code Number Category Description 0 1 Other Disabled or unemployed Frequencies 1656 129 N = 1785 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13333 N = 1830 N=1 N=1 W4. White-Collar = 1; 0 = Other (Dummy variable based on V13320, Codes = 1 or 2) Code Number Category Description 0 1 Other White collar Frequencies 1216 569 N = 1785 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1830 N=1 N=1 Note: White-collar = V13320, Codes = 1-2 (Professional/ Managerial or Clerical/ Sales). 417 V13334 W4. Blue-Collar = 1; 0 = Other (Dummy variable based on V13320, Codes = 3, 4, 5, and 6) Code Number Category Description 0 1 Other Blue collar Frequencies 1495 290 N = 1785 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1830 N=1 N=1 Note: Blue-collar = V13320, Codes = 3-6 (Craftsman, Operative, Laborer, or Service Worker). 418 V13341 W4. Q2. SpWrk. Spouse Current Employment Status. Cleaned Note: V13341 is a recoded version of V12568, except that the N=17 cases that were Code = 8 (“Other”) for V12568 have been recoded to specific employment categories based on information found in the open-ended question, “If Other, please Specify” (Question = Q2SP.Specify). Note: V13341 should be used in most analyses, not V12568. Code Number Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Working now (or on sick leave) Temporarily laid off Looking for work, unemployed Retired Permanently disabled Keeps house Student Frequencies 523 4 15 330 33 60 3 N = 968 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 419 N = 2642 N=2 N=5 V13382 W4. Imputation Flag for V13302 (W4. Any Work for Pay) Code Number Category Description 1 2 Imputed Not imputed Frequencies 6 975 N = 981 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 2636 N=0 N=0 Note: Imputations based on case-by-case (clinical) checks of (a) ACL4 Interviewer Remarks file, and (b) any relevant response patterns in ACL Wave 1, Wave 2, Wave 3 and Wave 4 data. V13383 W4. Imputation Flag for V13303 (W4. Does R Have More than One Paying Job) Code Number Category Description 1 2 Imputed Not imputed Frequencies 2 861 N = 863 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 2754 N=0 N=0 Note: Imputations based on case-by-case (clinical) checks of (a) ACL4 Interviewer Remarks file, and (b) any relevant response patterns in ACL Wave 1, Wave 2, Wave 3 and Wave 4 data. V13384 W4. Imputation Flag for V13304 (W4. Total Hours R Works per Week -- All Jobs) Code Number Category Description 1 2 Imputed Not imputed Frequencies 3 104 N = 107 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3510 N=0 N=0 Note: Imputations based on case-by-case (clinical) checks of (a) ACL4 Interviewer Remarks file, and (b) any relevant response patterns in ACL Wave 1, Wave 2, Wave 3 and Wave 4 data. 420 V13385 W4. Imputation Flag for V13306 (Bracketed Number of Hours R Works per Year (Main Job)) Code Number Category Description 1 2 Imputed Not imputed Frequencies 16 853 N = 869 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 2748 N=0 N=0 Note: Imputations based on case-by-case (clinical) checks of (a) ACL4 Interviewer Remarks file, and (b) any relevant response patterns in ACL Wave 1, Wave 2, Wave 3 and Wave 4 data. V13386 W4. Imputation Flag for V13307 (W4. Is R Self-Employed or Does R Work for a Private or Government Employer) Code Number Category Description 1 2 Imputed Not imputed Frequencies 3 860 N = 863 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 2754 N=0 N=0 Note: Imputations based on case-by-case (clinical) checks of (a) ACL4 Interviewer Remarks file, and (b) any relevant response patterns in ACL Wave 1, Wave 2, Wave 3 and Wave 4 data. V13387 W4. Imputation Flag for V13308 (9-Category Employment Status (with Hours Worked)) Code Number Category Description 1 2 Imputed Not imputed Frequencies 16 1771 N = 1787 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1830 N=0 N=0 Note: Imputations based on case-by-case (clinical) checks of (a) ACL4 Interviewer Remarks file, and (b) any relevant response patterns in ACL Wave 1, Wave 2, Wave 3 and Wave 4 data. 421 Created ACL Wave 4 Variables and Imputation Flags (V13401-V13499). ACL Wave 4 Housing Type (Recoded) Variable, Quality of Housing and Neighborhood Indices, Why Discriminated Against Variables, Hours Spent in Child Care (Recoded) Variable, and Imputation Flags. V13401 W4. E11/ E11_Sp Combined. Type of Dwelling Unit R Lives in *This variable combines information from V12190 and V12191. For most purposes, this is the variable that should be used for House Type. Codes Description Frequencies 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Single family house Duplex/ Triplex/ Quadruplex Apartment (in house or building) Town house/ Row house Trailer/ Mobile home Nursing home Assisted living facility Condominium 2-Family home/ flat (not a duplex) Retirement or Senior Citizen home/ apartment/ village Boarding house Group home/ Transitional home Housing Project/ Housing authority, not further specified Boat/ Houseboat Marginal home Living quarters within non-residence (e.g., within warehouse) Living with Relatives, not further specified Other, not further specified 1351 48 190 51 74 28 17 9 4 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 N = 1786 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 422 N = 1830 N=1 N=0 V13411 N13c. WHYFIRE. Combined Codes. What do you think was the main reason (you were unfairly fired or not promoted) Note: V12503, V12504 and V12507 were combined to create a single variable that combines the information from these 3 variables into one overall measure (V13411) that codes the Reason R was Unfairly Fired or Not Promoted. V13411 should be used for most analysis purposes. Note: See Appendix A-1 for list of Codes used for V13411. Range: Codes = 1 to 97 (Codes identified in Appendix A-1) A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13412 N = 293 N = 3304 N=8 N = 12 W4. N14c. WHYHIRE. Combined Codes. What do you think was the main reason (you were unfairly not hired for a job) Note: V12512, V12513 and V12515 were combined to create a single variable that combines the information from these 3 variables into one overall measure (V13412) that codes the Reason R was Unfairly Not Hired for a Job. V13412 should be used for most analysis purposes. Note: See Appendix A-2 for list of Codes used for V12513-V12517 and V13412. Range: Codes = 1 to 97 (Codes identified in Appendix A-2) A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13413 N = 117 N = 3491 N=5 N=4 W4. N15c. WHYABUS. Combined Codes. What do you think was the main reason (you were unfairly stopped/ searched/ questioned/ physically threatened or abused by police) Note: V12521, V12522 and V12524 were combined to create a single variable that combines the information from these 3 variables into one overall measure (V13413) that codes the Reason R was unfairly stopped/ searched/ questioned/ physically threatened or abused by police. V13413 should be used for most analysis purposes. Note: See Appendix A-3 for list of Codes used for V12522-V12525 and V13413. Range: Codes = 1 to 97 (Codes identified in Appendix A-3) N = 113 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3496 N=2 N=6 423 V13414 W4. N16c. WHYMOVE. Combined Codes. What do you think was the main reason (landlord/ realtor refused to sell/ rent house/ apartment to you) Note: V12529, V12530 and V12532 were combined to create a single variable that combines the information from these 3 variables into one overall measure (V13414) that codes the Reason a landlord/ realtor refused to sell/ rent house/ apartment to R. V13414 should be used for most analysis purposes. Note: See Appendix A-4 for list of Codes used for V12530-V12533 and V13414. Range: Codes = 1 to 97 V13415 (Codes identified in Appendix A-4) N = 37 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 3579 N=0 N=1 W4. N19. WHYDISC. Combined Codes. What do you think was the main reason (Experienced Everyday Discrimination: Codes 1-4 on one or more DISCRIM1-9 items) Note: V12540, V12541 and V12544 were combined to create a single variable that combines the information from these 3 variables into one overall measure (V13415) that codes the Reason that R Experienced Everyday Discrimination: Codes 1-4 on one or more of the 5 DISCRIM1, DISCRIM3, DISCRIM4, DISCRIM5 and/ or DISCRIM9 items (V12534-V12538) . V13415 should be used for most analysis purposes. Note: See Appendix A-5 for list of Codes used for V12541-V12546 and V13415. Range: Codes = 1 to 97 (Codes identified in Appendix A-5) A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 424 N = 883 N = 2550 N = 50 N = 134 V13421 W4. F2. Number of Hours Spent in average week in Child Care (for Children in R’s Household). Codes Re-ordered Note: V13421 is a recoded version of V12211, except that the order of the categories has been re-ordered for V13421 as follows: (1) “Never”, (2) “Less than 10 Hours”, (3) “10 to 19 Hours”, (4) “20 to 39 Hours”, and (5) “40 Hours or More” for V13421. V13421 should be used in most analyses, not V12211. Code Number Category Description 1 2 3 4 5 Never Less than 10 hours 10 to 19 hours 20 to 39 hours 40 hours or more Frequencies 8 68 105 71 125 N = 377 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 425 N = 3238 N=1 N=1 Created ACL Wave 4 Variables and Imputation Flags (V13501-V13599). ACL Wave 4 Indices for Personality, etc., and Imputation Flags . V13501 W4. Self-Esteem Index. 3-item Note: V12139, V12140 and V12142 have been combined to create this Wave 4 3-item Self-Esteem Index. Note: This index is equivalent to V2613, V6613 and V10913. Note: Use V13571 to identify the cases that were imputed for this index. Range: -4.32833 to 1.152625 N = 1692 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=0 N=0 How index was constructed: This (3-item) Self-Esteem Index (V13501) was constructed from three input variables, V12139 (Wave 4 I Am Inclined to Feel I Am a Failure), V12140 (Wave 4 I Take a Positive Attitude Toward Myself), and V12142 (Wave 4 I Think I Am No Good At All). In step 1, V12140 was reverse-coded. Then, in step 2, V12139, V12142 and the reverse-coded version of V12140 were standardized using the ACL Wave 1 weighted means and standard deviations for the wave 1 versions of these 3 items (after W1 I Take a Positive Attitude Toward Myself was reverse-coded). The weighted means and standard deviations used were as follows: V12139: mean=3.5918, SD=0.7716; V12140 Reversed: mean=3.4981, SD=0.6247; and V12142: mean=3.1321, SD=0.9735. In step 3, the mean was calculated for these 3 standardized input variables, using the 50% rule for missing data. That is, to calculate a mean for a specific case, the case had to have non-missing values on at least 50% of the input items (here at least 2 of the input items). In step 4, the overall index values obtained in step 3 were standardized, using the Wave 1 weighted means and standard deviations for the Wave 1 Self-Esteem Index. The weighted mean and standard deviation used here are: mean= - 0.00004976, SD= 0.7353. How imputed: Four cases that were missing (DK or NA) on two or more of the input items (V12139, V12140, and/ or V12142) were imputed using OLS Regression estimates based on the following model: W4 Self-Esteem Index = Sex (V103), continuous Age (V2000), Respondent Education dummies (V2046-V2049), and Wave 1, Wave 2, and Wave 3 Self-Esteem Index scores (V2613, V6613 and V10913). If a case was a Non-Respondent at Wave 2 and/ or Wave 3, the Self-Esteem index score was not available for that wave (those waves), of course, so the regression model was run without that predictor (those predictors) for that case. 426 V13502 W4. Pearlin Mastery Index. 2-item Note: V12143 and V12146 have been combined to create this Wave 4 2-item Pearlin Mastery Index. Note: This index is equivalent to V2614, V6614 and V10914. Note: Use V13572 to identify the cases that were imputed for this index. Range: -3.123902 to 1.312689 N = 1692 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=0 N=0 How index was constructed: This (2-item) Pearlin Mastery Index (V13502) was constructed from two input variables, V12143 (Wave 4 There Is No Way I Can Solve The Problems I Have), and V12146 (Wave 4 I Feel That I Am Being Pushed Around In Life). Neither V12143 nor V12146 were reverse-coded. In step 1, V12143 and V12146 were standardized using the ACL Wave 1 weighted means and standard deviations for the wave 1 versions of these 2 items. The weighted means and standard deviations used were as follows: V12143: mean=3.3452, SD= 0.9059; and V12146: mean=2.9417, SD=0.9882. In step 2, the mean was calculated for these 2 standardized input variables, using the 50% rule for missing data. That is, to calculate a mean for a specific case, the case had to have non-missing values on at least 50% of the input items (here at least 1 of the input items). In step 3, the overall index values obtained in step 2 were standardized, using the Wave 1 weighted means and standard deviations for the Wave 1 Pearlin Mastery Index. The weighted mean and standard deviation used here are: mean= - 0.0119, SD= 0.8249. How imputed: Five cases that were missing (DK or NA) on both of the input items (V12143 and V12146) were imputed using OLS Regression estimates based on the following model: W4 Pearlin Mastery Index = Sex (V103), continuous Age (V2000), Respondent Education dummies (V2046-V2049), and Wave 1, Wave 2, and Wave 3 Pearlin Mastery Index scores (V2614, V6614 and V10914). If a case was a Non-Respondent at Wave 2 and/ or Wave 3, the Pearlin Mastery index score was not available for that wave (those waves), of course, so the regression model was run without that predictor (those predictors) for that case. 427 V13503 W4. Self-Efficacy Index. 6-item Note: V12139-V12140, V12142-V12143, and V12145-V12146 have been combined to create this Wave 4 6-item Self-Efficacy Index. Note: This index is equivalent to V2616, V6616 and V10915. Note: Use V13573 to identify the cases that were imputed for this index. Range: -4.742924 to 1.325574 N = 1692 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED N = 1925 N=0 N=0 How index was constructed: This (6-item) Self-Efficacy Index (V13503) was constructed from six input variables, V12139 (Wave 4 I Am Inclined to Feel I Am a Failure), V12140 (Wave 4 I Take a Positive Attitude Toward Myself), V12142 (Wave 4 I Think I Am No Good At All), V12143 (Wave 4 There Is No Way I Can Solve The Problems I Have), V12145 (Wave 4 I Can Do Just About Anything I Set My To Do), and V12146 (Wave 4 I Feel That I Am Being Pushed Around In Life). In step 1, V12140 and V12145 were reverse-coded. Then, in step 2, V12139, V12142, V12143, V12146, and the reverse-coded versions of V12140 and V12145 were standardized using the ACL Wave 1 weighted means and standard deviations for the wave 1 versions of these 6 items (after W1 (1) I Take a Positive Attitude Toward Myself and (2) I Can Do Just About Anything I Set My To Do were reverse-coded). The weighted means and standard deviations used were as follows: V12139: mean=3.5918, SD=0.7716; V12140 Reversed: mean=3.4981, SD=0.6247; V12142: mean=3.1321, SD=0.9735; V12143: mean=3.3452, SD= 0.9059; V12145 Reversed: mean=3.4408, SD=0.7419; and V12146: mean=2.9417, SD=0.9882. In step 3, the mean was calculated for these 6 standardized input variables, using the 50% rule for missing data. That is, to calculate a mean for a specific case, the case had to have non-missing values on at least 50% of the input items (here at least 3 of the input items). In step 4, the overall index values obtained in step 3 were standardized, using the Wave 1 weighted means and standard deviations for the Wave 1 Self-Efficacy Index. The weighted mean and standard deviation used here are: mean= - 0.0003, SD= 0.61108. How imputed: Six cases that were missing (DK or NA) on four or more of the input items (V12139, V12140, V12142, V12143 V12145, and/ or V12146) were imputed using OLS Regression estimates based on the following model: W4 Self-Efficacy Index = Sex (V103), continuous Age (V2000), Respondent Education dummies (V2046-V2049), and Wave 1, Wave 2, and Wave 3 Self- Efficacy Index scores (V2616, V6616 and V10915). If a case was a Non-Respondent at Wave 2 and/ or Wave 3, the Self- Efficacy index score was not available for that wave (those waves), of course, so the regression model was run without that predictor (those predictors) for that case. 428 V13571 W4. Imputation Flag for V13501 (Self-Esteem Index. 3-item) Note: This variable (V13571) identifies the cases that were imputed for V13501. Code Number Category Description 1 2 Imputed Not Imputed Frequencies 4 1688 N = 1692 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13572 N = 1925 N=0 N=0 W4. Imputation Flag for V13502 (Pearlin Mastery Index. 2-item) Note: This variable (V13572) identifies the cases that were imputed for V13502. Code Number Category Description 1 2 Imputed Not Imputed Frequencies 5 1687 N = 1692 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED V13573 N = 1925 N=0 N=0 W4. Imputation Flag for V13503 (Self-Efficacy Index. 6-item) Note: This variable (V13573) identifies the cases that were imputed for V13503. Code Number Category Description 1 2 Imputed Not Imputed Frequencies 6 1686 N = 1692 A. INAPPLICABLE D. DON’T KNOW N. NOT ASCERTAINED 429 N = 1925 N=0 N=0 ACL Wave 4 Appendix Table of Contents Appendix A: Discrimination Codes ………………………………………………... 431 Appendix A-1: Discrimination Codes for Why Fired (N13c) ………………………..…………...……………………………………… 431 Appendix A-2: Discrimination Codes for Why Not Hired/ Promoted (N14c) ……………………………………………….. …...…………. 435 Appendix A-3: Discrimination Codes for Why Discriminated Against by Police (N15c) ………………..…………………….………………… 439 Appendix A-4. Discrimination Codes for Why Discriminated Against in Housing (N16c) …………..…………………………………………. 441 Appendix A-5: Discrimination Codes for Why Discriminated Against in Everyday Activities (N19) …………………………………………... 442 Appendix E: Retirement Codes (J26) ...…………………………………………..... 446 Appendix F: Health Insurance Codes (G13/ G13a) …………………………..... 447 Appendix G: Life Events Codes (N12a) ……………............................................... 449 Appendix H : State FIPS Codes…………………………………………………… 451 Appendix J(a): Occupation Codes ( J5) ……………………………………………. 453 Appendix J(b): Industry Codes (J7)………………………………………………… 468 Appendix K: Wave 4 Income Construction, Cleaning, and Imputations………….. 477 430 Appendix A-1 Discrimination: Why Fired / Why Not Promoted Codes Note: See Appendix A-1 for list of Codes used for V12504-V12508 and V13411. Note: codes for N13c (“Fired/ Not Promoted”) are the same as the codes for N14c (“Hired”). Code for “Fired from Job/ Not Promoted” Discrimination: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Your Ancestry or National Origin Your Gender Your Race Your Age Your Height Your Weight Some other aspect of your Physical Appearance Your Sexual Orientation Characteristics of R/ R’s Life Situation 11 12 13 14 15 18 Marital Status (Divorced, living with partner but not married) Family Related (Pregnancy, R had baby, husband’s disability, child being sick, child care demands, father in military, work wouldn’t allow me to be absent for family reasons) Health Status (Illness, Injury, Disability, e.g., vision, had operation, has leg braces, my skin condition, injured on job, in hospital, R got sick) R’s “Cultural” or “Lifestyle” Differences – NFS Language Difficulties (Problema con mi ingles, didn’t speak English her way, not bilingual) Religion (e.g., Religious viewpoint) R’s Behavior/ Attitude on this Job 21 R’s Attribute/ Behavior that Employer Perceives as Negative (Alcohol or drug use/abuse, failed drug test, R smokes, legal problems, criminal record, is/was in jail, bad military discharge, R assaulted/ threatened someone, behavior problems, insubordination, R cursed at boss, R lied, R had coworker punch R’s timecard, did not pay bill, R “messed up”, R “hollered” on job, etc.) 431 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 R’s Personality/ Attitude that Employer Perceives as Negative (R too assertive, people don’t like “strong woman”, inflexibility, R distracted, too opinionated, too lazy, too shy, R too controlling, too immature, R too confrontational, R not a “team player”, “I do my job, but not someone else’s”, “Attitude” – Not Further Specified, “Personality” – NFS, “Personality Problems” -- NFS) R’s Personal Attribute/ Behavior/ Attitude – Positive (e.g., honesty, overqualified, too knowledgeable, worked too hard & made others look bad, too friendly, too smart, knew job too well, R always too positive, R an “independent thinker”, R was getting ahead too fast) R’s Poor Job Performance – (in Job where discrimination occurred) (Poor sales performance, did not meet quota, did not meet job/work expectations, did not work fast enough, careless, made administrative error, R not working) R’s Job Qualifications (R inexperienced, lack of education, no college, not qualified, not enough seniority, credentials, lack of skills, not smart enough, poor job interview, didn’t do well enough on test, didn’t know how to cook some foods, does not have immigration papers, wasn’t a resident long enough, no social security number) Negative Job History/ Job References (Fired fairly/unfairly from previous job, previous employer wouldn’t give good reference) Loyalty Issues (R applied for/ looking for new job, R gave early notice that s/he was quitting) R’s “Background” – Not Further Specified (include “Background Check” -- NFS) R Had Moral/ Ethical Conflict Problems (R had business ethics, R wouldn’t do unethical duties) Aspects of Job Situation 31 32 Changes in Conditions of Employment (New boss, new employer, company bought out, boss wanted his own people, not part of new administration, a new person changed the rules, promotion rules keep changing, R promised one job but was moved to another) Financial Difficulties/ Downsizing/ Layoffs (Lack of work, didn’t need me anymore, my position eliminated, company’s financial problems, for economic reasons, get rid of managers to improve bottom line, poor financial management, financial cutbacks) 432 33 34 35 36 37 38 Pay Issues (R asked for raise, R costs/paid/making too much money, R overpaid, R makes more than someone else, not willing to pay what R requested, they didn’t want to pay, “money” -- NFS) Linked to Work Schedule/ Job Regulations (Would not come in on day off, wouldn’t work overtime, wouldn’t give R different hours, didn’t follow rules, absent too much, tardiness) Conditions of Employment – Not Financial (Lack of supervision, pressure, lack of communication, too much work, not enough help, postal regulations – NFS, system we worked in, administration was bad, crazy management philosophy – huge turnover at company, the assignment itself, a “bad situation” -- NFS, corporate operational difficulties, R’s seniority messed up) Hired Someone Else (Hired better/ other person, other person applied first, they already had preferred candidate in mind, already had their mind made up) Employer Not Hiring Now (They did not need more people, etc.) Union-Management Tensions (Tried to form union, strike, to get rid of union, wouldn’t join union, “anger about unions”) Behavior of Employer/ Supervisor/ Co-Worker 40 41 42 43 44 45 Interpersonal/ Personality Conflict (Disagreement, rivalry, jealousy, vindictiveness, conspiracy, personal dislike, conflict with boss, conflict with co-worker(s), difference of opinion, “office romance” problems/conflicts, R would not lend money to boss) Office Politics/ Company Politics or Business Politics/ “Politics” or “Political”-- Not Further Specified R Made a Scapegoat/ Example Favoritism/ Nepotism (Promoted/hired friend/ relative(s), had favorites, no connections, didn’t know the right people, R would not “brown-nose”/ “kiss up”, R not part of “old-boy club”/ clique/ in-group or family) Sexual Harassment (Include: R made sexual harassment complaint, R wouldn’t have sex with female boss) R Falsely Accused/ Suspected (Money missing, etc.) 433 46 47 48 49 Lack of Respect/ Appreciation (Lack of respect – NFS, R under-appreciated, didn’t recognize my potential, R taken for granted, not given chance to prove oneself, R taken advantage of, R not promoted despite new skills/ training or credentials (e.g., new RN)) Attribute/ Behavior/ Attitude of Perpetrator (Employer/ manager/boss incompetence/inexperience or bad judgment, deceit on boss’s end, boss was crazy, owner/boss on drugs/alcohol, boss had PMS, boss was jerk/ asshole, etc, boss couldn’t take responsibility for things, paranoia on part of R’s employer) Behavior of Other Person(s) (Co-worker lied about R so R got in trouble, others spreading rumors/ malicious gossip, backstabbing, others wanting/ trying to get my job, others wanting/ trying become boss) Misunderstanding/ Miscommunication – Not Further Specified Other Reasons 51 52 97 98 99 Whistle-Blowing (R reported co-worker illegally prescribing drugs, R reported that customer hit him, R reported manager’s theft, to prevent R from divulging wrong-doing) Discrimination/ Unfair/ Prejudice – Not Further Specified (Also, “unfair” boss, supervisor, or people – NFS) Other (include answers too vague to code elsewhere) Don’t Know Code 99999 …. 98 Refused (NA) Code 99999 …. 99 434 Appendix A-2 Note: See Appendix A-2 for list of Codes used for V12513-V12517 and V13412. Discrimination: Why Not Hired Codes Codes for: (1) N14c SpWhyHr Code 10: “Something Else” Æ “Specify Main Reason” and for: (2) N14c MulWhyHr Code 9: “Multiple Reasons” Æ “What Were Reasons” (2) Note: codes for N13c (“Fired”) are the same as the codes for N14c (“Hired”). Code for “Not Hired” Discrimination: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Your Ancestry or National Origin Your Gender Your Race Your Age Your Height Your Weight Some other aspect of your Physical Appearance Your Sexual Orientation Characteristics of R/ R’s Life Situation 11 12 13 14 15 18 Marital Status (Divorced, living with partner but not married) Family Related (Pregnancy, R had baby, husband’s disability, child being sick, child care demands, father in military, work wouldn’t allow me to be absent for family reasons) Health Status (Illness, Injury, Disability, e.g., vision, had operation, has leg braces, my skin condition, injured on job, in hospital, R got sick) R’s “Cultural” or “Lifestyle” Differences – NFS Language Difficulties (Problema con mi ingles, didn’t speak English her way, not bilingual) Religion (e.g., Religious viewpoint) 435 R’s Behavior/ Attitude on this Job 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 R’s Attribute/ Behavior that Employer Perceives as Negative (Alcohol or drug use/abuse, failed drug test, R smokes, legal problems, criminal record, is/was in jail, bad military discharge, R assaulted/ threatened someone, behavior problems, insubordination, R cursed at boss, R lied, R had coworker punch R’s timecard, did not pay bill, had false information on job application, R did something wrong, R “messed up”, R “hollered” on job, etc.) R’s Personality/ Attitude that Employer Perceives as Negative (R too assertive, people don’t like “strong woman”, inflexibility, R distracted, too opinionated, too lazy, too shy, R too controlling, too immature, R too confrontational, R not a “team player”, “I do my job, but not someone else’s”, “Attitude” – Not Further Specified, “Personality” – NFS, “Personality Problems” -- NFS) R’s Personal Attribute/ Behavior/ Attitude – Positive (e.g., honesty, overqualified, too knowledgeable, worked too hard & made others look bad, too friendly, too smart, knew job too well, R always too positive, R an “independent thinker”, R was getting ahead too fast) R’s Poor Job Performance – (in Job where discrimination occurred) (Poor sales performance, did not meet quota, did not meet job/work expectations, did not work fast enough, careless, made administrative error, R not working) R’s Job Qualifications (R inexperienced, lack of education, no college, not qualified, not enough seniority, credentials, lack of skills, not smart enough, poor job interview, didn’t do well enough on test, didn’t know how to cook some foods, does not have immigration papers, wasn’t a resident long enough, no social security number) Negative Job History/ Job References (Fired fairly/unfairly from previous job, previous employer wouldn’t give good reference) Loyalty Issues (R applied for/ looking for new job, R gave early notice that s/he was quitting) R’s “Background” – Not Further Specified (include “Background Check” -- NFS) R Had Moral/ Ethical Conflict Problems (R had business ethics, R wouldn’t do unethical duties) 436 Aspects of Job Situation 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Changes in Conditions of Employment (New boss, new employer, company bought out, boss wanted his own people, not part of new administration, a new person changed the rules, promotion rules keep changing, R promised one job but was moved to another) Financial Difficulties/ Downsizing/ Layoffs (Lack of work, didn’t need me anymore, my position eliminated, company’s financial problems, for economic reasons, get rid of managers to improve bottom line, poor financial management, financial cutbacks) Pay Issues (R asked for raise, R costs/paid/making too much money, R overpaid, R makes more than someone else, not willing to pay what R requested, they didn’t want to pay, “money” -- NFS) Linked to Work Schedule/ Job Regulations (Would not come in on day off, wouldn’t work overtime, wouldn’t give R different hours, didn’t follow rules, absent too much, tardiness) Conditions of Employment – Not Financial (Lack of supervision, pressure, lack of communication, too much work, not enough help, postal regulations – NFS, system we worked in, administration was bad, crazy management philosophy – huge turnover at company, the assignment itself, a “bad situation” -- NFS, corporate operational difficulties, R’s seniority messed up) Hired Someone Else (Hired better/ other person, other person applied first, they already had preferred candidate in mind, already had their mind made up) Employer Not Hiring Now (They did not need more people, etc.) Union-Management Tensions (Tried to form union, strike, to get rid of union, wouldn’t join union, “anger about unions”) Behavior of Employer/ Supervisor/ Co-Worker 40 41 42 Interpersonal/ Personality Conflict (Disagreement, rivalry, jealousy, vindictiveness, conspiracy, personal dislike, conflict with boss, conflict with co-worker(s), difference of opinion, “office romance” problems/conflicts, R would not lend money to boss) Office Politics/ Company Politics or Business Politics/ “Politics” or “Political”-- Not Further Specified R Made a Scapegoat/ Example 437 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Favoritism/ Nepotism (Promoted/hired friend/ relative(s), had favorites, no connections, didn’t know the right people, R would not “brown-nose”/ “kiss up”, R not part of “old-boy club”/ clique/ in-group or family) Sexual Harassment (Include: R made sexual harassment complaint, R wouldn’t have sex with female boss) R Falsely Accused/ Suspected (Money missing, etc.) Lack of Respect/ Appreciation (Lack of respect – NFS, R under-appreciated, didn’t recognize my potential, R taken for granted, not given chance to prove oneself, R taken advantage of, R not promoted despite new skills/ training or credentials (e.g., new RN)) Attribute/ Behavior/ Attitude of Perpetrator (Employer/ manager/boss incompetence/inexperience or bad judgment, deceit on boss’s end, boss was crazy, owner/boss on drugs/alcohol, boss had PMS, boss was jerk/ asshole, etc, boss couldn’t take responsibility for things, paranoia on part of R’s employer) Behavior of Other Person(s) (Co-worker lied about R so R got in trouble, others spreading rumors/ malicious gossip, backstabbing, others wanting/ trying to get my job, others wanting/ trying become boss) Misunderstanding/ Miscommunication – Not Further Specified Other Reasons 51 Whistle-Blowing (R reported co-worker illegally prescribing drugs, R reported that customer hit him, R reported manager’s theft, to prevent R from divulging wrong-doing) 52 Discrimination/ Unfair/ Prejudice – Not Further Specified (Also, “unfair” boss, supervisor, or people – NFS) 97 98 99 Other (include answers too vague to code elsewhere) Don’t Know Code 99999 …. 98 Refused (NA) Code 99999 …. 99 438 Appendix A-3 Note: See Appendix A-3 for list of Codes used for V12522-V12525 and V13413. Discrimination: Why Police Abuse Codes for: (1) N15c SpWhyAbus Code 10: “Something Else” Æ “Specify Main Reason” and for: (2) N15c MulWhyAbus Code 9: “Multiple Reasons” Æ “What Were Reasons” Code for Police Abuse/ Discrimination: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Your Ancestry or National Origin (or Someone with R) Your Gender (or Someone with R) Your Race (or Someone with R) Your Age (or Someone with R) Your Height (or Someone with R) Your Weight (or Someone with R) Some other aspect of your Physical Appearance (or Someone with R) Your Sexual Orientation (or Someone with R) Open-Ended Responses to be coded: R’s Behavior 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Illegal Behavior of R (Not traffic violation) (R in fight, R on drugs, had no immigration papers, driving stolen car, child abuse, public drunkenness) Traffic Violation(s) (include DUI & headlights/ tail lights out, etc.) Suspected of Traffic Violation/ Criminal Activity (include suspected of having drugs) Personal Behavior/ Attitude/ Suspicious Appearance of R (e.g., Spoke out against Police) Political Activity (Protest, Strike) R Involved in Mob Action Criminal Record (also, Former Drug Addict) Religion Circumstantial Reasons 21 22 23 24 25 Location (Wrong Place/ Wrong Time, in certain neighborhood, area) Associates (with Wrong Person/People/ crowd, in fraternity, family) Type/ Appearance of Vehicle Mistaken Identity (R looked like Robbery suspect) Misunderstanding/ Miscommunication 439 Behavior of Police/ Others 31 32 33 34 Attribute/ Behavior/ Attitude of Police (Inexperience, incompetence, bad attitude, arrogance, corruption, revenge, harassment) Behavior/ Attitude of Other(s) Routine Police Activity (Search/ Sweep) To Get Quota of Tickets/Arrests (to get money) 97 98 99 Other Don’t Know Code 9999 …. 98 Refused to Describe (NA) Code 9999 …. 99 440 Appendix A-4 Discrimination: Why Not Get Housing Note: See Appendix A-4 for list of Codes used for V12530-V12533 and V13414. (4) Codes for: (1) N16c SpWhyMove Code 10: “Something Else” Æ “Specify Main Reason” and for: (2) N16c MulWhyMove Code 9: “Multiple Reasons” Æ “What Were Reasons” Code for Housing Discrimination: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Your Ancestry or National Origin (or Someone with R) Your Gender (or Someone with R) Your Race (or Someone with R) Your Age (or Someone with R) Your Height (or Someone with R) Your Weight (or Someone with R) Some other aspect of your Physical Appearance (or Someone with R) Your Sexual Orientation (or Someone with R) Open-Ended Responses to be coded: 11 12 13 14 Financial Reasons (Income, Bad Credit, on Welfare, No rental history) Personal Attributes (Children, Marital Status, Pets) Health Status (Illness, Injury, Disability) (R or someone with R) Personality / Interpersonal Conflicts 18 Religion (e.g., Anti-Semitic) 97 98 99 Other Don’t Know Code 9999 …. 98 Refused (NA) Code 9999 …. 99 441 Appendix A-5 Note: See Appendix A-5 for list of Codes used for V12541-V12546 and V13415. Discrimination: Why Experience “Everyday” Discrimination (5) Codes for: (1) N19 SpWhyDisc Code 10: “Something Else” Æ “Specify Main Reason” and for: (2) N19 MulWhyDisc Code 9: “Multiple Reasons” Æ “What Were Reasons” Code for “Everyday” Unfair Treatment/ Discrimination: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Your Ancestry or National Origin (or Someone with R) Your Gender (or Someone with R) Your Race (or Someone with R) Your Age (or Someone with R) Your Height (or Someone with R) Your Weight (or Someone with R) Some other aspect of your Physical Appearance (or Someone with R) Your Sexual Orientation (or Someone with R) Characteristics of R’s Life Situation 11 12 13 14 R’s Education (Lack of Education --- Not Further Specified, R does not have a degree, R didn’t finish school, R doesn’t know how to read and write) R’s Socio-Economic Status (R’s social class, economic standing, they think you don’t have money, they think you can’t pay, because R doesn’t have money, appearance of lack of wealth) Job Related (R is policeman, taxi driver, flight attendant, because R works with children, R was working, R’s supervisory position, having to supervise others, it’s in my workplace) Role-Related --- Non-Job (Landlord, R has children, tenant) 442 15 16 17 18 Situation R Was In/ People R Was With (R was alone, R with 2 others, people R was with, people R hangs with, when R is with parents, the guy was stuck behind me, R was helping a little girl who was being abused on the bus) Health Status (Illness, Injury, Disability) (My pregnancy, R is in wheelchair, R’s blindness, seizures, R is handicapped/ can’t walk, learning disability, physical incapacity) Language (Speech impediment, accent, R’s stuttering, does not have good command of language) Religion R’s Behavior/ Attributes 21 22 Behavior of R (R criticized cops, R got angry, remarks R made, R intimidated them, R spoke out, the way R acts/acted, R made threat first, R would not compromise, R wouldn’t do what they asked) R’s Personal Characteristics/ Attributes (R’s reputation/ history, R is outgoing, R is not outgoing, R’s personal power/ authority, R is shy, R is too timid, R is outspoken person, R is a quiet person, my “attitude”, my confidence, my generosity, R’s intelligence, R is not smart, “I’m psychotic”, R is arrogant, “my style”, “just me being me”, “the way I carry myself”, R’s voice, R’s manor, R is aggressive, I stand up for myself, I don’t back down, I come off kind of strong, R has a sharp tongue, R’s low self-esteem/ depression, I have changed my way of life) Behavior/Attitude/Assumptions/Attributes of Others 30 Behavior/Attitude/Attribute of Perpetrator (Boy was an idiot, other is outspoken person, other people’s poor attitude, people were not responsible, other was aggressive, people having problems with themselves, people unhappy with themselves, people were too lazy, the way people are, people are scared, other person’s problem, they were disrespectful, they don’t know how to act right, people are rude, some people don’t care, people’s poor judgment, other was lying, man’s “machismo”, other drinks too much, they try to use me, they don’t respect anyone, people have trouble following the rules, “attitude” --- NFS, “other person” --- NFS, “human nature” --- NFS) 443 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Intent to Intimidate/ Hurt/ Threaten --- by Other(s) Ignorance/ Stupidity / Lack of Education of Others (People are ignorant, ignorant people, other is stupid, uneducated people, other’s lack of education) Lack of Sympathy/ Lack of Understanding by Others Poor Customer Service/ Lack of Professionalism by Other(s) (Slow/ bad/ rude service, clerk’s indifference, “servers”, bad work ethics, poor service because R didn’t order drinks/ booze, lack of professionalism, people not wanting to do their job) Lack of Training (Lack of training in personnel department, poor communication training) Stereotyping (Think women don’t know much about cars) Perception/ Misperception/ Prejudging by Others (They think I’m crazy, they think they know me, they really didn’t know me, they think I act better than them, they think I am not smart, they thought I didn’t get it, they think you’re “not good enough”, people mistake R’s kindness for weakness, people view me as emotionally unstable, they just prejudged me, quick judgment) Interpersonal/ Personality Conflicts (Disagreements, jealousy, conspiracy, personal dislike, personal clashes, “personality” --- NFS) Reaction of Other to What Other Thought R Was Doing (Other thought R was treating him/her unfairly, Boss thought R was trying to take Boss’s job) Situational/ or Temporary Reasons 41 42 43 44 Bad Day for Perpetrator (Other having a bad day, in a bad mood, they were frustrated/ tired/ grouchy, they were just too busy) No Clear Pattern (By chance, coincidence, individual isolated events, randomly selected by mistake, circumstance(s) ---NFS, accidental, by mistake, bad luck, arbitrary, variety of reasons, depends on the situation, in the wrong place at the wrong time, “I was just there”) Misunderstanding/ Miscommunication/ Misinterpretation (Lack of communication, didn’t understand explanation) Location (Neighborhood, place where R lives, in R’s community) 444 Other Reasons 51 52 97 98 99 Financial Reasons (Low pay raise, because of the pay scale, “money” --- NFS) Political Reasons Other Don’t Know Refused to Describe (NA) (No reason, “didn’t happen”) Code 9999 …. 98 Code 9999 …. 99 445 Appendix E Note: See Appendix E for a list of the codes used for V12403-V12405. Retirement Codes J26 (WHYRETRE) People (stop working) for many reasons. What are the reasons you (stopped working)? Code up to 3 mentions FAMILY RELATED 11. Marriage; got married 12. Pregnancy or childbirth 13. Spouse doesn’t want R to work – n.e.c. 14. Time with family; childcare responsibilities; to take care of / spend more time with spouse / children / family (exc. health mentions) 15. Health or illness of family member (R’s health, code 41): spouse ill / disabled; children sick FINANCIAL REASONS 21. Low pay; not enough / no benefits 22. Don’t need to work; don’t need money; spouse has (new / good) job; have enough savings; could afford to quit / retire; able to get Soc. Sec. / pension 23. Offered financial incentive by employer to retire (early) JOB RELATED 31. Disliked job or aspects of job; disliked hours, location, type of work, responsibility 32. Job ended; fired; laid off; company closed / will close 33. Forced retirement; had reached mandatory retirement age 34. Interpersonal problems on job 35. Start own business / be self-employed 36. Transportation problems PERSONAL REASONS 41. R’s health / disability / illness; “my health is bad”; “got sick and had to quit / retire” 42. Age; too old to work; reached retirement age; “I was 65” (mandatory retirement, code 33) 43. To go to school 44. To spend time on other activities; to travel, enjoy life, have time for leisure activities / hobbies 45. Residence change; moved / will move; spouse got transferred (requiring move); to live with children 49. Don’t want to work (any longer) (incl. retirement) – general: tired of working; worked long enough / put in enough time; wanted to retire – NFS 97. Other 98. DK 99. NA 00. Inap; no further mention 446 Appendix F Note: See Appendix F for a list of the codes used for V13041-V13046. Health Insurance Codes Type of Health Insurance Code # Label 1 Medicare 2 Medigap 3 Medicaid 4 VA or Champus 5 HMO 6 PPO or PPS 7 Fee for Service 8 Any Other Coverage 9 No Insurance 11 AARP 12 Aetna 13 Aflac 14 Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) 15 Cigna 16 Humana 17 United Healthcare (United Healthcare Group) 18 Health Plus 19 Other Named Health Plans, not elsewhere classified (n.e.c.) 21 (Medicare) Supplement Insurance -- NFS 22 Private Insurance Company -- Supplemental insurance 23 Private Insurance Company -- type of coverage not specified 24 Tricare (military) 25 Other Military or Military -- NFS 26 Insurance from State / County / Other Govt - NFS 27 Children's Health Program (e.g., State run) 28 Disease-Specific Healthcare Program (Federal or State Programs) 30 Basic Medical Coverage -- NFS 31 Comprehensive Health Plan/ Insurance -- NFS 32 Insurance/ Health Plan from R's Work/ Spouse's Work -- NFS 33 Insurance/ Health Plan from Professional Organization (Specific Organizations) 447 34 Insurance/ Health Plan from Union (Specific Unions) 35 Insurance/ Health Plan from Union - NFS 36 Letter Carrier (Mailperson) Insurance/ Health Plan [APWU: American Postal Workers Union Health Plan] 37 Private Company (non-insurance company)-based health coverage (current employer) 38 Private Company (non-insurance company)-based health coverage (for retirees) 41 Student Insurance/ Health Plan 42 University Insurance/ Health Plan, Not Specified as Faculty, Student, Staff or other 43 Has Coverage from Parents' (Daughter's) Health Plan/ Insurance -- NFS 49 Hospital Outpatient Treatment policy -- NFS 50 In-Hospital Insurance -- NFS 51 Major Medical 52 Long-Term Care Insurance (include Nursing Home and Home Care coverage) 53 Short-Term Care Plan/ Insurance 54 Catastrophic Coverage 55 Disability Insurance/ Disability Income Insurance 56 Worker's Compensation 57 Accident Insurance 58 Primary and Secondary Insurance -- NFS 59 Medical Savings Account 60 Wellness Policy -- NFS 61 Dental 62 Vision 63 Prescription Plan 64 Life Insurance (Health coverage, too?) 65 Travel Insurance/ Travel Health Insurance 66 Cancer or Other Disease-Specific Insurance coverage .D .N .A 97 DK or NA or Too Vague on "Specify" follow-up Q to "Other" insurance Don't Know on original Insurance Question Not Ascertained on original Insurance Question Not Applicable 448 Appendix G “Other” Life Events Codes Note: See Appendix G for list of Codes used for V12496-V12498. N12a (LEOTHSP) What was the most upsetting thing that happened that you haven’t already told me about? Code up to 3 mentions Coders: Try to place this “other” event into one of the specific life events (e.g., life-threatening illness or injury, deaths, robbery, financial problems, divorce, etc.) whenever possible. I found that this “other” life event was often a repeat (or a second example) of one of the previous specific events. PHYSICAL ATTACK, ASSAULT; ROBBERY 01. Physical attack or assault, R 02. Physical attack or assault, other person 03. Burglary, robbery, mugging, R 04. Burglary, robbery, mugging, other person HEALTH / ACCIDENTAL INJURY 11. Life-threatening illness or accidental injury, R 12. Life-threatening illness or accidental injury, other person 13. Serious but not life-threatening illness or accidental injury, R 14. Serious but not life-threatening illness or accidental injury, other person 15. Mental health problems, R (incl. Alcohol and drug abuse) 16. Mental health problems, other person, except R’s children (see code 49) 17. Noninjury (minor injury) automobile (or other) accident – R (including other significant, but noninjury emergencies, e.g., plane had to make emergency landing) 18. Noninjury (minor injury) automobile (or other) accident – other person (including other significant, but noninjury emergencies, e.g., plane had to make emergency landing) WORK / EDUCATION 21. Job loss (exc. retirement), R 22. Job loss (exc. retirement), other person 23. Retirement mentions (exc. financial), R 24. Retirement mentions (exc. financial), other person 25. Other work related problem, R 26. Other work related problem, other person 27. School / educational problem, R 28. School / educational problem, other person “Other” Life Events Codes (Continued on next page) 449 “Other” Life Events Codes (Continued) INTERPERSONAL PROBLEM / LOSS 31. Divorce / separation from spouse or partner, R 32. Divorce / separation from spouse or partner, other person 33. Other marital / love relationship problems, R 34. Other marital / love relationship problems, other person 35. Other interpersonal loss, R; child left home, ran away; friend moved away 36. Other interpersonal loss, other person 37. Other interpersonal problem, R 38. Other interpersonal problem, other person 39. Death of spouse, R 40. Death of spouse, other person 41. Death of child, R 42. Death of child, other person 43. Death of other relative or friend, R 44. Death of other relative or friend, other person 49. Other problems of R’s children – not codeable in 31-44; daughter got pregnant FINANCIAL AND LEGAL PROBLEMS / WORRIES – Any person in FU 51. Low(er) income (incl. self-employment); reduction in pay / benefits; concern about income at retirement; bankruptcy 52. Higher expenses / debt; more bills; spending more; “hard to make ends meet” 53. Loss of assets / property; foreclosure, repossession; loss or destruction of property, goods 54. Legal problems: arrested; involved in law suit MISCELLANEOUS 71. Residence change, R 81. Death / illness of pet 97. Other 98. DK 99. NA 00. Inap; no further mention 450 Appendix H: State FIPS Codes State Codes for the following variables: V12178, V12180, V12182, V12184, V12186, V12188 (State where Respondent Lived) States (in United States) (Based on FIPS 2003 State and District of Columbia codes) Code State 01 02 04 05 06 08 09 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia (Washington, D.C.) Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota FIPS State Codes continued on next page. 451 FIPS State Codes (continued). 39 40 41 42 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 53 54 55 56 Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington (state) West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming 59 United States --- Not Further Specified (NFS) 96 Other Country 452 Appendix J(a): Occupation Codes (From 2000 U.S. Census Occupation Codes) Use these codes for variables V12378 and V13312. Occupation Detailed Code List for Decennial 2000 SOC and Census 2000 Sorted by Census 2000 Codes SOC Based Census 2000 Category Title: Census 2000 001-359 Management, professional and related occupations: Management, business and financial operations occupations: 001-099 Management occupations: Chief executives General and operations managers Legislators Advertising and promotions managers Marketing and sales managers Public relations managers Unused codes Administrative services managers Computer and Information Systems managers Financial managers Human resources managers Industrial production managers Purchasing managers Transportation, storage, and distribution managers Unused codes Farm, ranch, and other agricultural managers Farmers and Ranchers Construction managers Education administrators Unused codes Engineering managers Food service managers Funeral directors Gaming managers Lodging managers Medical and health services managers Natural sciences managers \ Unused codes Postmasters and mail superintendents Property, real estate, and community association managers Social and community service managers Managers, all other Unused codes 453 001-049 001 002 003 004 005 006 007-009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017-019 020 021 022 023 024-029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037-039 040 041 042 043 044-049 2000 SOC Equivalent 11-0000 through 29-0000 11-0000 and 13-0000 11-0000 11-1011 11-1021 11-1031 11-2011 11-2020 11-2031 11-3011 11-3021 11-3031 11-3040 11-3051 11-3061 11-3071 11-9011 11-9012 11-9021 11-9030 11-9041 11-9051 11-9061 11-9071 11-9081 11-9111 11-9121 11-9131 11-9141 11-9151 11-9199 Business and financial operations occupations: Agents and business managers of artists, performers, and athletes Purchasing agents and buyers, farm products Wholesale and retail buyers, except farm products Purchasing agents, except wholesale, retail, and farm products Claims adjusters, appraisers, examiners, and investigators Unused codes Compliance officers, except agriculture, construction, health and safety, and transportation Unused codes Cost estimators Unused codes Human resources, training, and labor relations specialists Unused codes Logisticians Management analysts Meeting and convention planners Other business operations specialists Unused codes Accountants and auditors Appraisers and assessors of real estate Budget analysts Credit analysts Financial analysts Personal financial advisors Insurance underwriters Unused codes Financial examiners Loan counselors and officers Unused codes Tax examiners, collectors, and revenue agents Tax preparers Financial specialists, All Other Unused codes Professional and related occupations: 050-099 050 051 052 053 054 055 13-0000 13-1011 13-1021 13-1022 13-1023 13-1030 056 13-1041 057-059 060 061 062 063-069 070 071 072 073 074-079 080 081 082 083 084 085 086 087-089 090 091 092 093 094 095 096-099 100-359 Computer and mathematical science occupations: Computer scientists and systems analysts Computer programmers Computer software engineers Unused codes Computer support specialists Unused codes Database administrators Unused codes Network and computer systems administrators Network systems and data communications analysts Unused codes Actuaries Mathematicians Operations research analysts Statisticians 100-129 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107-109 110 111 112-119 120 121 122 123 454 13-1051 13-1070 13-1081 13-1111 13-1121 13-11XX 13-2011 13-2021 13-2031 13-2041 13-2051 13-2052 13-2053 13-2061 13-2070 13-2081 13-2082 13-2099 15-0000 through 29-0000 15-0000 15-10XX 15-1021 15-1030 15-1041 15-1061 15-1071 15-1081 15-2011 15-2021 15-2031 15-2041 Miscellaneous mathematical science occupations Unused codes Architecture and engineering occupations: Architects, except naval Surveyors, cartographers, and photogrammetrists Aerospace engineers Agricultural engineers Biomedical engineers Chemical engineers Civil engineers Unused codes Computer hardware engineers Electrical and electronics engineers Environmental engineers Industrial engineers, including health and safety Marine engineers and naval architects Materials engineers Mechanical engineers Unused codes Mining and geological engineers, including mining safety engineers Nuclear engineers Petroleum engineers Engineers, all other Drafters Engineering technicians, except drafters Surveying and mapping technicians Unused codes Life, physical, and social science occupations: Agricultural and food scientists Biological scientists Unused codes Conservation scientists and foresters Medical scientists Unused codes Astronomers and physicists Atmospheric and space scientists Chemists and materials scientists Unused codes Environmental scientists and geoscientists Unused codes Physical scientists, all other Unused codes Economists Market and survey researchers Psychologists Sociologists Urban and regional planners Unused codes Miscellaneous social scientists and related workers Unused codes Agricultural and food science technicians Biological technicians Chemical technicians 455 124 125-129 130-159 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137-139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147-149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157-159 160-199 160 161 162-163 164 165 166-169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177-179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187-189 190 191 192 15-2090 17-0000 17-1010 17-1020 17-2011 17-2021 17-2031 17-2041 17-2051 17-2061 17-2070 17-2081 17-2110 17-2121 17-2131 17-2141 17-2151 17-2161 17-2171 17-2199 17-3010 17-3020 17-3031 19-0000 19-1010 19-1020 19-1030 19-1040 19-2010 19-2021 19-2030 19-2040 19-2099 19-3011 19-3020 19-3030 19-3041 19-3051 19-3090 19-4011 19-4021 19-4031 Geological and petroleum technicians Nuclear technicians Unused codes Other life, physical, and social science technicians Unused codes Community and social services occupations: Counselors Social workers Miscellaneous community and social service specialists Unused codes Clergy Directors, religious activities and education Religious workers, all other Unused codes Legal occupations: Lawyers Judges, magistrates, and other judicial workers Unused codes 193 194 195 196 197-199 200-209 200 201 21-0000 21-1010 21-1020 202 21-1090 203 204 205 206 207-209 210-219 210 211 212-213 Paralegals and legal assistants 214 Miscellaneous legal support workers Unused codes Education, training, and library occupations: Postsecondary teachers Unused codes Preschool and kindergarten teachers Elementary and middle school teachers Secondary school teachers Special education teachers Other teachers and instructors Unused codes Archivists, curators, and museum technicians Unused codes Librarians Library technicians Unused codes Teacher assistants Other education, training, and library workers Unused codes Arts, design, entertainment, sports, and media occupations: Artists and related workers Unused codes Designers Unused codes Actors Producers and directors Athletes, coaches, umpires, and related workers Unused codes 215 216-219 220-259 220 221-229 230 231 232 233 234 235-239 240 241-242 243 244 245-253 254 255 256-259 260-299 260 261-262 263 264-269 270 271 272 273 456 19-4041 19-4051 19-40XX 21-2011 21-2021 21-2099 23-0000 23-1011 23-1020 23-2011 23-2090 25-0000 25-1000 25-2010 25-2020 25-2030 25-2040 25-3000 25-4010 25-4021 25-4031 25-9041 25-90XX 27-0000 27-1010 27-1020 27-2011 27-2012 27-2020 Dancers and choreographers Musicians, singers, and related workers Entertainers and performers, sports and related workers, all other Unused codes Announcers News analysts, reporters and correspondents Public relations specialists Editors Technical writers Writers and authors Miscellaneous media and communication workers Unused codes Broadcast and sound engineering technicians and radio operators Photographers Television, video, and motion picture camera operators and editors Unused codes Media and communication equipment workers, all other Unused codes Healthcare practitioner and technical occupations: Chiropractors Dentists Unused codes Dietitians and nutritionists Optometrists Pharmacists Physicians and surgeons Unused codes Physician assistants Podiatrists Registered nurses Audiologists Occupational therapists Physical therapists Unused codes Radiation therapists Recreational therapists Respiratory therapists Speech-language pathologists Therapists, all other Veterinarians Health diagnosing and treating practitioners, all other Unused codes Clinical laboratory technologists and technicians Dental hygienists Diagnostic related technologists and technicians Unused codes Emergency medical technicians and paramedics Health diagnosing and treating practitioner support technicians Unused codes 457 274 275 276 277-279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287-289 290 291 292 293-295 286 287-299 300-359 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307-310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317-319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327-329 330 331 332 333-339 340 341 342-349 27-2030 27-2040 27-2099 27-3010 27-3020 27-3031 27-3041 27-3042 27-3043 27-3090 27-4010 27-4021 27-4030 27-4099 29-0000 29-1011 29-1020 29-1031 29-1041 29-1051 29-1060 29-1071 29-1081 29-1111 29-1121 29-1122 29-1123 29-1124 29-1125 29-1126 29-1127 29-1129 29-1131 29-1199 29-2010 29-2021 29-2030 29-2041 29-2050 Licensed practical and licensed vocational nurses Medical records and health information technicians Opticians, dispensing Miscellaneous health technologists and technicians Other healthcare practitioners and technical occupations Unused codes 350 351 352 353 354 355-359 Service occupations: 360-469 Healthcare support occupations: Nursing, psychiatric, and home health aides Occupational therapist assistants and aides Physical therapist assistants and aides Massage therapists Dental assistants Medical assistants and other healthcare support occupations Unused codes Protective service occupations: First-line supervisors/managers of correctional officers First-line supervisors/managers of police and detectives First-line supervisors/managers of fire fighting and prevention workers Supervisors, protective service workers, all other Fire fighters Fire inspectors Unused codes Bailiffs, correctional officers, and jailers Unused codes Detectives and criminal investigators Fish and game wardens Parking enforcement workers Police and sheriff's patrol officers Transit and railroad police Unused codes Animal control workers Private detectives and investigators Security guards and gaming surveillance officers Unused codes Crossing guards Lifeguards and other protective service workers Unused codes Food preparation and serving related occupations: Chefs and head cooks First-line supervisors/managers of food preparation and serving workers Cooks Food preparation workers Bartenders Combined food preparation and serving workers, including fast food Counter attendants, cafeteria, food concession, and coffee shop Unused codes 360-369 360 361 362 363 364 365 366-369 370-399 370 371 372 373 374 375 376-379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387-389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396-399 400-419 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407-410 458 29-2061 29-2071 29-2081 29-2090 29-9000 31-0000 through 39-0000 31-0000 31-1010 31-2010 31-2020 31-9011 31-9091 31-909X 33-0000 33-1011 33-1012 33-1021 33-1099 33-2011 33-2020 33-3010 33-3021 33-3031 33-3041 33-3051 33-3052 33-9011 33-9021 33-9030 33-9091 33-909X 35-0000 35-1011 35-1012 35-2010 35-2021 35-3011 35-3021 35-3022 Waiters and waitresses Food servers, nonrestaurant Dining room and cafeteria attendants and bartender helpers Dishwashers Hosts and hostesses, restaurant, lounge, and coffee shop Food preparation and serving related workers, all other Unused codes Building and grounds cleaning and maintenance occupations: First-line supervisors/managers of housekeeping and janitorial workers First-line supervisors/managers of landscaping, lawn service, and groundskeeping workers Janitors and building cleaners Maids and housekeeping cleaners Pest control workers Grounds maintenance workers Unused codes Personal care and service occupations: First-line supervisors/managers of gaming workers Unused codes First-line supervisors/managers of personal service workers Unused codes Animal trainers Nonfarm animal caretakers Unused codes Gaming services workers Motion picture projectionists Ushers, lobby attendants, and ticket takers Miscellaneous entertainment attendants and related workers Unused codes Funeral service workers Unused codes Barbers Hairdressers, hairstylists, and cosmetologists Miscellaneous personal appearance workers Baggage porters, bellhops, and concierges Tour and travel guides Transportation attendants Unused codes Child care workers Personal and home care aides Recreation and fitness workers Unused codes Residential advisors Personal care and service workers, all other Unused codes 411 412 413 414 415 416 417-419 420-429 420 37-0000 37-1011 421 37-1012 422 423 424 425 426-429 430-469 430 431 432 433 434 435 436-439 440 441 442 443 444-445 446 447-449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456-459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466-469 37-201X 37-2012 37-2021 37-3010 Sales and office occupations: 470-599 Sales and related occupations: First-line supervisors/managers of retail sales workers First-line supervisors/managers of non-retail sales workers Cashiers Unused codes 470-499 470 471 472 473 459 35-3031 35-3041 35-9011 35-9021 35-9031 35-9099 39-0000 39-1010 39-1021 39-2011 39-2021 39-3010 39-3021 39-3031 39-3090 39-4000 39-5011 39-5012 39-5090 39-6010 39-6020 39-6030 39-9011 39-9021 39-9030 39-9041 39-9099 41-0000 through 43-0000 41-0000 41-1011 41-1012 41-2010 Counter and rental clerks Parts salespersons Retail salespersons Unused codes Advertising sales agents Insurance sales agents Securities, commodities, and financial services sales agents Travel agents Sales representatives, services, all other Sales representatives, wholesale and manufacturing Unused codes Models, demonstrators, and product promoters Unused codes 474 475 476 477-479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486-489 490 491 41-2021 41-2022 41-2031 Real estate brokers and sales agents Sales engineers Telemarketers Door-to-door sales workers, news and street vendors, and related workers Sales and related workers, all other 492 493 494 495 496 41-9020 41-9031 41-9041 41-9091 41-9099 497-499 500-599 500 501 502 503 504-509 43-0000 43-1011 43-2011 43-2021 43-2099 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 43-3011 43-3021 43-3031 43-3041 43-3051 43-3061 43-3071 Unused codes Office and administrative support occupations: First-line supervisors/managers of office and administrative support workers Switchboard operators, including answering service Telephone operators Communications equipment operators, all other Unused codes Bill and account collectors Billing and posting clerks and machine operators Bookkeeping, accounting, and auditing clerks Gaming cage workers Payroll and timekeeping clerks Procurement clerks Tellers Unused codes 41-3011 41-3021 41-3031 41-3041 41-3099 41-4010 41-9010 517-519 Brokerage clerks Correspondence clerks Court, municipal, and license clerks Credit authorizers, checkers, and clerks Customer service representatives Eligibility interviewers, government programs File clerks 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 Unused codes 43-4011 43-4021 43-4031 43-4041 43-4051 43-4061 43-4071 527-529 Hotel, motel, and resort desk clerks Interviewers, except eligibility and loan Library assistants, clerical Loan interviewers and clerks New accounts clerks Order clerks Human resources assistants, except payroll and timekeeping 460 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 43-4081 43-4111 43-4121 43-4131 43-4141 43-4151 43-4161 Unused codes Receptionists and information clerks Reservation and transportation ticket agents and travel clerks Information and record clerks, all other Unused codes 537-539 540 541 542 543-549 Cargo and freight agents Couriers and messengers Dispatchers Meter readers, utilities Postal service clerks 550 551 552 553 554 Postal service mail carriers Postal service mail sorters, processors, and processing machine operators Unused codes Production, planning, and expediting clerks Shipping, receiving, and traffic clerks Stock clerks and order fillers Weighers, measurers, checkers, and samplers, recordkeeping Unused codes Secretaries and administrative assistants Unused codes 555 556 557-559 560 561 562 563 564-569 570 571-579 Computer operators Data entry keyers Word processors and typists Desktop publishers Insurance claims and policy processing clerks Mail clerks and mail machine operators, except postal service Office clerks, general 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 Unused codes Office machine operators, except computer Proofreaders and copy markers Statistical assistants Office and administrative support workers, all other Unused codes Farming, fishing, and forestry occupations: First-line supervisors/managers of farming, fishing, and forestry workers Agricultural inspectors Animal breeders Unused codes Graders and sorters, agricultural products Miscellaneous agricultural workers Unused codes Fishers and related fishing workers Hunters and trappers Forest and conservation workers Logging workers Unused codes 461 587-589 590 591 592 593 594-599 600-619 600 601 602 603 604 605 606-609 610 611 612 613 614-619 43-4171 43-4181 43-4199 43-5011 43-5021 43-5030 43-5041 43-5051 43-5052 43-5053 43-5061 43-5071 43-5081 43-5111 43-6010 43-9011 43-9021 43-9022 43-9031 43-9041 43-9051 43-9061 43-9071 43-9081 43-9111 43-9199 45-0000 45-1010 45-2011 45-2021 45-2041 45-2090 45-3011 45-3021 45-4011 45-4020 Construction, extraction and maintenance occupations: 620-769 Construction and extraction occupations: 620-699 First-line supervisors/managers of construction trades and extraction workers Boilermakers Brickmasons, blockmasons, and stonemasons Carpenters Carpet, floor, and tile installers and finishers Cement masons, concrete finishers, and terrazzo workers Construction laborers 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 Unused codes Paving, surfacing, and tamping equipment operators Pile-driver operators Operating engineers and other construction equipment operators Drywall installers, ceiling tile installers, and tapers Unused codes Electricians Glaziers Unused codes Insulation workers Unused codes Painters, construction and maintenance Paperhangers Pipelayers, plumbers, pipefitters, and steamfitters Unused codes Plasterers and stucco masons Unused codes Reinforcing iron and rebar workers Roofers Sheet metal workers Structural iron and steel workers Unused codes Helpers, construction trades Unused codes Construction and building inspectors Unused codes Elevator installers and repairers Fence erectors Hazardous materials removal workers Highway maintenance workers Rail-track laying and maintenance equipment operators Septic tank servicers and sewer pipe cleaners Miscellaneous construction and related workers Unused codes Derrick, rotary drill, and service unit operators, oil, gas, and mining Unused codes 627-629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637-639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647-649 650 651 652 653 654-659 660 661-665 666 667-669 462 47-0000 through 49-0000 47-0000 47-1011 47-2011 47-2020 47-2031 47-2040 47-2050 47-2061 47-2071 47-2072 47-2073 47-2080 47-2111 47-2121 47-2130 47-2141 47-2142 47-2150 47-2161 47-2171 47-2181 47-2211 47-2221 47-3010 47-4011 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 47-4021 47-4031 47-4041 47-4051 47-4061 47-4071 47-4090 677-679 680 681 47-5010 Earth drillers, except oil and gas Explosives workers, ordnance handling experts, and blasters Mining machine operators Unused codes Roof bolters, mining Roustabouts, oil and gas Helpers--extraction workers Other extraction workers Unused codes Installation, maintenance, and repair occupations: First-line supervisors/managers of mechanics, installers, and repairers Computer, automated teller, and office machine repairers Radio and telecommunications equipment installers and repairers Avionics technicians Electric motor, power tool, and related repairers Electrical and electronics installers and repairers, transportation equipment Unused codes Electrical and electronics repairers, industrial and utility Electronic equipment installers and repairers, motor vehicles Electronic home entertainment equipment installers and repairers Security and fire alarm systems installers Aircraft mechanics and service technicians Automotive body and related repairers Automotive glass installers and repairers Unused codes Automotive service technicians and mechanics Bus and truck mechanics and diesel engine specialists Heavy vehicle and mobile equipment service technicians and mechanics Unused codes Small engine mechanics Unused codes Miscellaneous vehicle and mobile equipment mechanics, installers, and repairers Unused codes Control and valve installers and repairers Heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration mechanics and installers Home appliance repairers Industrial and refractory machinery mechanics Maintenance and repair workers, general Maintenance workers, machinery Millwrights Unused codes Electrical power-line installers and repairers Telecommunications line installers and repairers Precision instrument and equipment repairers Unused codes Coin, vending, and amusement machine servicers and repairers Commercial divers Unused codes Locksmiths and safe repairers Manufactured building and mobile home installers 463 682 683 684 685-690 691 692 693 694 695-699 47-5021 47-5031 47-5040 700-769 700 701 702 703 704 705 49-0000 49-1011 49-2011 49-2020 49-2091 49-2092 49-2093 706-709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717-719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727-729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737-740 741 742 743 744-750 751 752 753 754 755 47-5061 47-5071 47-5081 47-50XX 49-209X 49-2096 49-2097 49-2098 49-3011 49-3021 49-3022 49-3023 49-3031 49-3040 49-3050 49-3090 49-9010 49-9021 49-9031 49-904X 49-9042 49-9043 49-9044 49-9051 49-9052 49-9060 49-9091 49-9092 49-9094 49-9095 Riggers Unused codes Signal and track switch repairers Helpers--installation, maintenance, and repair workers Other installation, maintenance, and repair workers Unused codes Production, transportation and material moving occupations: 756 757-759 760 761 762 763-769 770-979 Production occupations: First-line supervisors/managers of production and operating workers Aircraft structure, surfaces, rigging, and systems assemblers Electrical, electronics, and electromechanical assemblers Engine and other machine assemblers Structural metal fabricators and fitters Miscellaneous assemblers and fabricators Unused codes Bakers Butchers and other meat, poultry, and fish processing workers Unused codes Food and tobacco roasting, baking, and drying machine operators and tenders Food batchmakers Food cooking machine operators and tenders Unused codes Computer control programmers and operators Unused codes Extruding and drawing machine setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic Forging machine setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic Rolling machine setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic Cutting, punching, and press machine setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic Drilling and boring machine tool setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic Unused codes Grinding, lapping, polishing, and buffing machine tool setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic Lathe and turning machine tool setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic Milling and planing machine setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic Machinists Metal furnace and kiln operators and tenders Unused codes Model makers and patternmakers, metal and plastic Unused codes Molders and molding machine setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic Unused codes Multiple machine tool setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic Tool and die makers Welding, soldering, and brazing workers Heat treating equipment setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic Lay-out workers, metal and plastic Unused codes Plating and coating machine setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic Tool grinders, filers, and sharpeners Metalworkers and plastic workers, all other Bookbinders and bindery workers 464 770-899 770 771 772 773 774 775 776-779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786-789 790 791 792 793 794 795 49-9096 49-9097 49-9098 49-909X 51-0000 through 53-0000 51-0000 51-1011 51-2011 51-2020 51-2031 51-2041 51-2090 51-3011 51-3020 51-3091 51-3092 51-3093 51-4010 51-4021 51-4022 51-4023 51-4031 796 797-799 800 51-4032 801 802 803 804 805 806 807-809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817-819 820 821 822 823 51-4034 51-4035 51-4041 51-4050 51-4033 51-4060 51-4070 51-4081 51-4111 51-4120 51-4191 51-4192 51-4193 51-4194 51-4199 51-5010 Job printers Prepress technicians and workers Printing machine operators Unused codes Laundry and dry-cleaning workers Pressers, textile, garment, and related materials Sewing machine operators Shoe and leather workers and repairers Shoe machine operators and tenders Tailors, dressmakers, and sewers Textile bleaching and dyeing machine operators and tenders Unused codes Textile cutting machine setters, operators, and tenders Textile knitting and weaving machine setters, operators, and tenders Textile winding, twisting, and drawing out machine setters, operators, and tenders Extruding and forming machine setters, operators, and tenders, synthetic and glass fibers Fabric and apparel patternmakers Upholsterers Textile, apparel, and furnishings workers, all other Unused codes Cabinetmakers and bench carpenters Furniture finishers Model makers and patternmakers, wood Sawing machine setters, operators, and tenders, wood Woodworking machine setters, operators, and tenders, except sawing Woodworkers, all other Unused codes Power plant operators, distributors, and dispatchers Stationary engineers and boiler operators Water and liquid waste treatment plant and system operators Miscellaneous plant and system operators Chemical processing machine setters, operators, and tenders Crushing, grinding, polishing, mixing, and blending workers Unused codes Cutting workers Extruding, forming, pressing, and compacting machine setters, operators, and tenders Furnace, kiln, oven, drier, and kettle operators and tenders Inspectors, testers, sorters, samplers, and weighers Jewelers and precious stone and metal workers Medical, dental, and ophthalmic laboratory technicians Unused codes Packaging and filling machine operators and tenders Painting workers Unused codes Photographic process workers and processing machine operators Semiconductor processors Cementing and gluing machine operators and tenders Cleaning, washing, and metal pickling equipment operators and tenders Unused codes 465 824 825 826 827-829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837-839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847-849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856-859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866-870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877-879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887-889 51-5021 51-5022 51-5023 51-6011 51-6021 51-6031 51-6041 51-6042 51-6050 51-6061 51-6062 51-6063 51-6064 51-6091 51-6092 51-6093 51-6099 51-7011 51-7021 51-7030 51-7041 51-7042 51-7099 51-8010 51-8021 51-8031 51-8090 51-9010 51-9020 51-9030 51-9041 51-9051 51-9061 51-9071 51-9080 51-9111 51-9120 51-9130 51-9141 51-9191 51-9192 Cooling and freezing equipment operators and tenders Etchers and engravers Molders, shapers, and casters, except metal and plastic Paper goods machine setters, operators, and tenders Tire builders Helpers--production workers Production workers, all other Unused codes Transportation and material moving occupations: Supervisors, transportation and material moving workers Unused codes Aircraft pilots and flight engineers Air traffic controllers and airfield operations specialists Unused codes Ambulance drivers and attendants, except emergency medical technicians Bus drivers Driver/sales workers and truck drivers Taxi drivers and chauffeurs Motor vehicle operators, all other Unused codes Locomotive engineers and operators Unused codes Railroad brake, signal, and switch operators Railroad conductors and yardmasters Unused codes Subway, Streetcar, and other rail transportation workers Unused codes Sailors and marine oilers Ship and boat captains and operators Unused codes Ship engineers Bridge and lock tenders Parking lot attendants Service station attendants Unused codes Transportation inspectors Other transportation workers Unused codes Conveyor operators and tenders Crane and Tower Operators Dredge, excavating, and loading machine operators Unused codes Hoist and winch operators Unused codes Industrial truck and tractor operators Cleaners of vehicles and equipment Laborers and freight, stock, and material movers, hand Machine feeders and offbearers Packers and packagers, Hand Pumping station operators Unused codes 466 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897-899 900-979 900 901-902 903 904 905-910 911 912 913 914 915 916-919 920 921-922 923 924 925 926 927-929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937-940 941 942 943-949 950 951 952 953-955 956 957-959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966-971 51-9193 51-9194 51-9195 51-9196 51-9197 51-9198 51-9199 53-0000 53-1000 53-2010 53-2020 53-3011 53-3020 53-3030 53-3041 53-3099 53-4010 53-4021 53-4031 53-40XX 53-5011 53-5020 53-5031 53-6011 53-6021 53-6031 53-6051 53-60XX 53-7011 53-7021 53-7030 53-7041 53-7051 53-7061 53-7062 53-7063 53-7064 53-7070 Refuse and recyclable material collectors Shuttle car operators Tank car, truck, and ship loaders Material moving workers, all other Unused codes Military specific occupation : Military officer and special tactical operations leaders/managers First-line enlisted military supervisors/managers Military enlisted tactical operations and air/weapons specialists and crew members Military, rank not specified Unused codes Unemployed, with no work experience since 1995 Don't Know 972 973 974 975 976-979 980-983 980 981 982 983 984-991 992 998 (.D) 999 (.N) Not Ascertained 467 53-7081 53-7111 53-7121 53-7199 55-0000 55-1000 55-2000 55-3000 Appendix J (b): Industry Codes (From 2000 U.S. Census Industry Codes) Use these codes for V12379 (J7Ind), Industry in which Respondent works at ACL Wave 4. INDUSTRY CODE Census 2000 2000 2000 Census Description Code 017-029 | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, and Hunting 017 Crop production 018 Animal production 019 Forestry except logging 027 Logging 028 Fishing, hunting, and trapping 029 Support activities for agriculture and forestry 037-049 | Mining 037 Oil and gas extraction 038 Coal mining 039 Metal ore mining 047 Nonmetallic mineral mining and quarrying 048 Not specified type of mining 049 Support activities for mining 057-069 | Utilities 057 Electric power generation transmission and distribution 058 Natural gas distribution 059 Electric and gas and other combinations 067 Water, steam, air-conditioning, and irrigation systems 068 Sewage treatment facilities 069 Not specified utilities 468 077 | Construction 077 Construction 107-399 | Manufacturing 107 Animal food, grain, and oilseed milling 108 Sugar and confectionery products 109 Fruit and vegetable preserving and specialty food manufacturing 117 Dairy product manufacturing 118 Animal slaughtering and processing 119 Retail bakeries 127 Bakeries except retail 128 Seafood and other miscellaneous foods n.e.c. 129 Not specified food industries 137 Beverage manufacturing 139 Tobacco manufacturing 147 Fiber, yarn, and thread mills 148 Fabric mills, except knitting 149 Textile and fabric finishing and coating mills 157 Carpets and rugs manufacturing 159 Textile product mills except carpets and rugs 167 Knitting mills 168 Cut and sew apparel manufacturing 169 Apparel accessories and other apparel manufacturing 177 Footwear manufacturing 179 Leather tanning and products, except footwear manufacturing 187 Pulp, paper, and paperboard mills 188 Paperboard containers and boxes 189 Miscellaneous paper and pulp products 199 Printing and related support activities 207 Petroleum refining 209 Miscellaneous petroleum and coal products 217 Resin, synthetic rubber and fibers, and filaments manufacturing 218 Agricultural chemical manufacturing 219 Pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing 227 Paint, coating, and adhesives manufacturing 469 228 Soap, cleaning compound, and cosmetic manufacturing 229 Industrial and miscellaneous chemicals 237 Plastics product manufacturing 238 Tire manufacturing 239 Rubber products, except tires, manufacturing 247 Pottery, ceramics, and related products manufacturing 248 Structural clay product manufacturing 249 Glass and glass product manufacturing 257 Cement, concrete, lime, and gypsum product manufacturing 259 Miscellaneous nonmetallic mineral product 267 Iron and steel mills and steel product manufacturing 268 Aluminum production and processing 269 Nonferrous metal, except aluminum, production and processing 277 Foundries 278 Metal forgings and stampings 279 Cutlery and hand tool manufacturing 287 Structural metals and tank and shipping container manufacturing 288 Machine shops; turned product; screw nut and bolt 289 Coating, engraving, heat treating and allied activities 297 Ordnance 298 Miscellaneous fabricated metal products manufacturing 299 Not specified metal industries 307 Agricultural implement manufacturing 308 Construction mining and oil field machinery manufacturing 309 Commercial and service industry machinery manufacturing 317 Metalworking machinery manufacturing 318 Engines, turbines, and power transmission equipment 319 Machinery manufacturing, n.e.c. 329 Not specified machinery manufacturing 336 Computer and peripheral equipment manufacturing 337 Communications, audio, and video equipment manufacturing 338 Navigation, measuring, electrometrical, and control instruments manufacturing 339 Electronic component and product manufacturing, n.e.c. 347 Household appliance manufacturing 349 Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies manufacturing, n.e.c. manufacturing 470 manufacturing manufacturing 357 Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment manufacturing 358 Aircraft and parts manufacturing 359 Aerospace product and parts manufacturing 367 Railroad rolling stock manufacturing 368 Ship and boat building 369 Other transportation equipment manufacturing 377 Sawmills and wood preservation 378 Veneer, plywood, and engineered wood product manufacturing 379 Prefabricated wood buildings and mobile homes manufacturing 387 Miscellaneous wood product manufacturing 389 Furniture and fixtures 396 Medical equipment and supplies manufacturing 397 Toys, amusement, and sporting goods manufacturing 398 Miscellaneous manufacturing, n.e.c. 399 Not specified manufacturing industries 407-459 | Wholesale Trade 407 Motor vehicles, parts and supplies wholesalers 408 Furniture and home furnishing wholesalers 409 Lumber and other construction materials wholesalers 417 Professional and commercial equipment and supplies wholesalers 418 Metals and minerals, except petroleum, wholesalers 419 Electrical goods wholesalers 426 Hardware, plumbing and heating equipment, and supplies wholesalers 427 Machinery, equipment, and supplies wholesalers 428 Recyclable material wholesalers 429 Miscellaneous durable goods wholesalers 437 Paper and paper product wholesalers 438 Drugs, sundries, and chemical and allied product wholesalers 439 Apparel, fabrics, and notions wholesalers 447 Groceries and related product wholesalers 448 Farm product raw material wholesalers 449 Petroleum and petroleum product wholesalers 456 Alcoholic beverage wholesalers 457 Farm supplies wholesalers 471 458 Miscellaneous nondurable goods wholesalers 459 Not specified wholesale trade 467-579 | Retail Trade 467 Automobile dealers 468 Other motor vehicle dealers 469 Auto parts, accessories, and tire stores 477 Furniture and home furnishings stores 478 Household appliance stores 479 Radio, TV, and computer stores 487 Building material and supplies dealers 488 Hardware stores 489 Lawn and garden equipment and supplies stores 497 Grocery stores 498 Specialty food stores 499 Beer, wine, and liquor stores 507 Pharmacies and drug stores 508 Health and personal care, except drug, stores 509 Gasoline stations 517 Clothing and accessories, except shoe, stores 518 Shoe stores 519 Jewelry, luggage, and leather goods stores 527 Sporting goods, camera, and hobby and toy stores 528 Sewing, needlework and piece goods stores 529 Music stores 537 Book stores and news dealers 538 Department stores 539 Miscellaneous general merchandise stores 547 Retail florists 548 Office supplies and stationary stores 549 Used merchandise stores 557 Gift, novelty, and souvenir shops 558 Miscellaneous retail stores 559 Electronic shopping and mail-order houses 472 567 Vending machine operators 568 Fuel dealers 569 Other direct selling establishments 579 Not specified retail trade 607-639 | Transportation and Warehousing 607 Air transportation 608 Rail transportation 609 Water transportation 617 Truck transportation 618 Bus service and urban transit 619 Taxi and limousine service 627 Pipeline transportation 628 Scenic and sightseeing transportation 629 Services incidental to transportation 637 Postal Service 638 Courier and messengers 639 Warehousing and storage 647-679 | Information 647 Newspaper publishers 648 Publishing except newspapers and software 649 Software publishing 657 Motion pictures and video industries 659 Sound recording industries 667 Radio and television broadcasting and cable 668 Wired telecommunications carriers 669 Other telecommunication services 677 Libraries and archives 678 Other information services 679 Data processing services 687-699 | Finance and Insurance 687 Banking and related activities 688 Savings institutions, including credit unions 473 689 Non-depository credit and related activities 697 Securities, commodities, funds, trusts, and other financial investments 698 Insurance carriers and related activities 707-719 | Real Estate and Rental and Leasing 707 Real estate 708 Automotive equipment rental and leasing 717 Video tape and disk rental 718 Other consumer goods rental 719 Commercial, industrial, and other intangible assets rental and leasing 727-749 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 727 Legal services 728 Accounting, tax preparation, bookkeeping and payroll services 729 Architectural, engineering, and related services 737 Specialized design services 738 Computer systems design and related services 739 Management, scientific and technical consulting services 746 Scientific research and development services 747 Advertising and related services 748 Veterinary services 749 Other professional, scientific and technical services 757-779 | Management, Administrative and Support, and Waste Management Services 757 Management of companies and enterprises 758 Employment services 759 Business support services 767 Travel arrangement and reservation services 768 Investigation and security services 769 Services to buildings and dwellings 777 Landscaping services 778 Other administrative and other support services 779 Waste management and remediation services 474 786-789 | Educational Services 786 Elementary and secondary schools 787 Colleges and universities, including junior colleges 788 Business, technical, and trade schools and training 789 Other schools, instruction, and educational services 797-829 | Health Care and Social Assistance 797 Offices of physicians 798 Offices of dentists 799 Office of chiropractors 807 Offices of optometrists 808 Offices of other health practitioners 809 Outpatient care centers 817 Home health care services 818 Other health care services 819 Hospitals 827 Nursing care facilities 829 Residential care facilities, without nursing 837 Individual and family services 838 Community food and housing, and emergency services 839 Vocational rehabilitation services 847 Child day care services 856-859 | Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation 856 Independent artists, performing arts, spectator sports, and related industries 857 Museums, art galleries, historical sites, and similar institutions 858 Bowling centers 859 Other amusement, gambling, and recreation industries 866-869 | Accommodations and Food Services 866 Traveler accommodation 867 Recreational vehicle parks and camps, and rooming and boarding houses 868 Restaurants and other food services 869 Drinking places, alcoholic beverages 475 877-929 | Other Services (Except Public Administration) 877 Automotive repair and maintenance 878 Car washes 879 Electronic and precision equipment repair and maintenance 887 Commercial and industrial machinery and equipment repair and maintenance 888 Personal and household goods repair and maintenance 889 Footwear and leather goods repair 897 Barber shops 898 Beauty salons 899 Nail salons and other personal care services 907 Drycleaning and laundry services 908 Funeral homes, cemeteries and crematories 909 Other personal services 916 Religious organizations 917 Civic, social, advocacy organizations, and grantmaking and giving services 918 Labor unions 919 Business, professional, political, and similar organizations 929 Private households 937-987 | Public Administration and Active Duty Military 937 Executive offices and legislative bodies 938 Public finance activities 939 Other general government and support 947 Justice, public order, and safety activities 948 Administration of human resource programs 949 Administration of environmental quality and housing 957 Administration of economic programs and space research 959 National security and international affairs 967 U. S. Army 968 U. S. Air Force 969 U. S. Navy 977 U. S. Marines 978 U. S. Coast Guard 979 U. S. Armed Forces, branch not specified 987 Military Reserves or National Guard 999 DK; NA; Don’t know; Not ascertained 476 programs Appendix K ACL Wave 4 Income Construction, Cleaning, and Imputations Who: Done by Richard P. Mero, with input from James S. House and others. Number of cases: approximately 325 cases were “cleaned”, partially imputed or fully imputed on ACL4 Income (out of 1787 Wave 4 cases). Plus, about another 223 cases where the Respondent reported a complete income bracket were imputed to a specific income value within that income bracket. Percent of cases changed (not including the within Income category imputations): 325 / 1787 = 18.2% ACL4 Income was obtained through a somewhat more complex method than it was at either ACL1 or ACL2. First, an open-ended question (Question: Q14) was asked: “Now, thinking about all possible sources of income you [FILL1: and your husband / and your wife] had over the past 12 months including {FILL2: your income from a job AND Social Security payments AND retirement AND investment income AND unemployment or worker’s compensation AND child support or alimony AND public assistance payments AND food stamps AND other income sources] or any other income you [FILL3: and your husband/ and your wife] received from all these sources? (Fill2 comes from Respondent’s answers to question Q13a, parts 1 through 9) about whether the Respondent and his/her spouse “had any income from the [following] sources” … “during the past 12 months”.) If the Respondent refused to give or didn’t know a dollar amount for Q14, then he/she was asked, through a series of unfolding questions (Questions: Q14a-Q14h, Q14j-Q14k), “Would your (and your husband’s/ wife’s) total income before taxes in the last 12 months be …” “$30,000 or more?” If the R answered “Yes” to $30,000 or more, then the R was asked questions about higher income levels until the dollar range for the R (and his/her spouse) was reached. If the R answered “No” to $30,000 or more, then the R was asked questions about lower income levels until the dollar range for the R (and his/her spouse) was reached. 477 ACL4 INCOME -- CLEANING ISSUES At ACL4, some checking and cleaning were required to identify, clean and/or impute income values for Q14/ Q14a-Q14h, Q14j-Q14k that were low (below $5,000). Ten of these cases were originally coded as $ 0. Thirty-three other cases were originally coded between $1 and $4,999. These low income values were checked on a case-by-case basis. Nine out of the 10 cases originally coded as $ 0, were found to have some R and Spouse income. These cases were examined on a clinical (or case-by-case) basis. Information such as Wave 4 Job Income (if any reported), Wave 4 R and Spouse Employment Status and Wave 4 Sources of Income, and overall Wave 1 to Wave 4 patterns of income, employment status and income sources, were used to determine a reasonable estimate of the R and Spouse Wave 4 income. These nine cases, originally coded as $ 0, were all coded to an income category that seemed appropriate to each case. The tenth case was left as $ 0. Some (N = 14) of the “low” values (i.e., those between $1 and $4,999) proved to be monthly income, rather than yearly income. These values were corrected on a case-by-case basis, with values generally being multiplied by 12 to give yearly income (for V13113). Other cases (N = 10) with low income values ($1 to $4,999) were corrected based on information such as Wave 4 Interviewer Remarks (if any), Wave 4 R and Spouse Employment Status and Wave 4 Sources of Income, and overall Wave 1 to Wave 4 patterns of income, employment status and income sources, to determine a reasonable estimate of the R and Spouse Wave 4 Income. One of these 10 cases was changed to a specific income value (V13113). The other nine cases were changed to a specific income category. Some cases (N = 9) with low income ($1 to $4,999) values appeared to be correct as they were originally coded. These income values were not changed. Another major form of cleaning that was done for Wave 4 R and Spouse Income was done for cases that were missing on Wave 4 R and Spouse Income. These cases were “Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained” for both the specific dollar Income question (Q14) and Bracketed Income (Q14a-Q14h, Q14j-Q14k). The cleaning work done for these cases involved checking to see if these cases had any of three useful types of information. First, Wave 4 Interviewer Remarks (from the ACL4 Interviewer Remarks file) were checked to find useful information about the R and Spouse Income for a given case. Three cases that were originally missing on Wave 4 income had useful Interviewer Remarks that enabled us to code Wave 4 R and Spouse Income. One case was coded to a specific Income value. The other 2 cases were coded to a specific Income category. A second type of useful information came from cases from Multiple Respondent Households, where both the husband and wife were ACL Respondents and both did interviews at Wave 4. If one Spouse/Respondent gave Wave 4 R & Spouse Income information, but the other Spouse/Respondent did not, the information given by one spouse was used for both. There were 12 cases from Multiple R Households where income information from one Spouse/Respondent was used to estimate or code the income information for the other Spouse/Respondent. One case was coded to a specific income value (V13113), while the other 11 cases were coded to a specific income category. The third type of useful information used to clean income for cases originally missing on Wave 4 R and Spouse Income was where the Respondent gave a specific dollar amount of income that he/she received from his/her job in the past year (V12383). This information was especially useful when the 478 Respondent’s Job Income was a major part of the overall Wave 4 R and Spouse Income. Nine cases that were originally missing on Wave 4 R and Spouse Income were coded to a specific income value (V13113) based on the Respondent’s self-reported Wave 4 Job Income (V12383). Seventeen other cases were coded to a specific income category based largely on the Respondent’s self-reported Wave 4 Job Income (V12383), but also in part on other income-related information from Wave 1 through Wave 4. A third major form of cleaning that was done for ACL4 R and Spouse Income was for cases that had only “partial” or incomplete income bracketing. These are cases where the Respondent answered some of the R and Spouse Income bracket questions (Q14a-Q14h, Q14j-Q14k), but not all of them. As a result, it was not possible to determine the Respondent’s specific Wave 4 R and Spouse Income category. For example, the Respondent’s answers to the bracket income questions (Q14a-Q14h, Q14jQ14k) might indicate only that his/her R and Spouse Income was less than $10,000 (income categories 1 and 2), or was between $15,000 and $29,999 (income categories 4, 5 and 6), or was $30,000 or more (income categories 7 through 11). There were 77 cases that originally had only “partial” income bracketing. Clinical (case-by-case) checks were made for each of these 77 cases. Six of these cases were coded to a specific income value. These 6 cases had useful information, such as (a) helpful Interviewer Remarks, (b) Multiple R Households where one Wave 4 Spouse/Respondent gave specific Wave 4 R and Spouse Income information (while the other Spouse/Respondent only gave a partial bracket), or (c) the Respondent reported his/her specific Wave 4 Job Income (V12383). The other 71 cases with only “partial” income brackets were coded into a specific R and Spouse Income category. These cases were coded into specific income categories that were consistent with the “partial” bracket information that the Respondent reported, and based on Wave 4 R and Spouse Employment Status and Wave 4 Sources of Income, and overall Wave 1 to Wave 4 patterns of income, employment status and income sources. Sometimes the “partial” income brackets were close to complete, i.e., were within 2 or 3 possible income categories (for example, “less than $10,000” [categories 1 and 2] or “between $15,000 and $29,999” [categories 4, 5 or 6], or “$80,000 or more” [categories 10 and 11]. Fifteen cases were originally within 2 income categories. Twenty-four cases were within 3 income categories. And the remainder (N=32 cases) were within 5 income categories, all “$30,000 or more.” The remaining type of cleaning that was done for ACL4 R and Spouse Income was done as a by-product of cleaning being done for other ACL4 variables. Nine or so Wave 4 R and Spouse Income changes were made based on information that was found during the cleaning of the ACL4 Employment variables (Section J) or the Wave 4 Income Sources and Assets variables (Section Q). Seven of these cases were coded to a specific income value, while 2 cases were coded to a specific income category. 479 ACL4 INCOME --- IMPUTATION ISSUES AND METHOD How done: The Income Imputations for ACL4 Income were done in 3 steps. In the first step of imputations for ACL4 Income, the “IVE-ware: Imputation and Variance Estimation Software” was used. (IVE-ware: Imputation and Variance Estimation Software. “Installation Instructions and User Guide. Draft”. Raghunathan, T.E., Solenberger, P.W., and Van Hoewyk, J., Survey Methodology Program, Survey Research Center, University of Michigan, July 5, 2000. The IVE-ware Imputation software was used in steps 1 and 3. Step 1: For cases that did not have an Income bracket or range, the IVE-ware Imputation software was used to help place these cases into one of the 11 income brackets for Wave 4 R and Spouse Income. There were 165 cases that were still missing (“Don’t Know” or “Not Ascertained”) on Wave 4 R and Spouse Income, after the income cleaning work was completed. The model used to estimate the Wave 4 R and Spouse Income value for these 165 cases is shown below. Step 1: Statistical Model used to impute Wave 4 R and Spouse Income. The variable being estimated (dependent variable) is the natural logarithm of Wave 4 R and Spouse Income (V13113). Only cases that were Wave 4 Respondents (N=1787) were included in the model estimates. The 31 variables used as predictors for the IVE-wave Imputation model in Step 1 were: MODEL 1: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) Continuous ACL1 Respondent Age (V2000) Continuous ACL1 Respondent Age- Squared (V2000 – Squared) Continuous ACL1 Respondent Age- Cubed (V2000 – Cubed) Continuous ACL1 Education (V2007). R’s Gender (V103). R’s Race (Black/ NonBlack) dummy (V2057). ACL1 Marital Status (Married/ Not Married) dummy (V2060). Dummy for change from Married at ACL1 to Unmarried at ACL2. Dummy for change from Unmarried at ACL1 to Married at ACL2. Dummy for change from Married at ACL2 to Unmarried at ACL3. Dummy for change from Unmarried at ACL3 to Married at ACL3. Dummy for change from Married at ACL3 to Unmarried at ACL4. Dummy for change from Unmarried at ACL3 to Married at ACL4. 480 (14) (15) ACL1 10-Category Job Classification variable (V3020) modified so codes (7)“Retired”, (8) “Disabled”, (9) “Unemployed”, and (10) “Keeps House” were collapsed into an “Unemployed category”. ACL2 10-Category Job Classification variable (V7020) modified so codes (7)“Retired”, (8) “Disabled”, (9)“Unemployed”, and (10) “Keeps House” were collapsed into an “Unemployed category”. (16) ACL3 10-Category Job Classification variable (V11320) modified so codes (7)“Retired”, (8) “Disabled”, (9) “Unemployed”, and (10) “Keeps House” were collapsed into an “Unemployed category”. (17) ACL4 12-Category Job Classification variable (V13320) modified so codes (7)“Retired”, (8) “Disabled”, (9) “Unemployed”, and (10) “Keeps House” were collapsed into an “Unemployed category”, and so codes (11) “R Working, NA Job” and (12) “R Temporarily Laid Off, On Sick or Maternity Leave, NA on Job” were collapsed into a “Working but NA on Job” Category. (18) ACL4 Total Number of Hours Worked in Past 12 Months (V13305), modified so Respondents not working at ACL4 were coded as working 0 hours per year on this variable. (19)-(28) Ten Sources of Income for ACL4 (V13151-V13160, question Q13a, parts 1 through 10, recoded to dummy form). (29) (30) (31) The natural logarithm of “Continuous” ACL1 R and Spouse Income (V2035). The natural logarithm of Continuous ACL2 R and Spouse Income (V6069). The natural logarithm of Continuous ACL3 R and Spouse Income (V11203) 481 Step 2. Once the income estimates were obtained for Wave 4 R and Spouse Income for the 165 cases missing on Wave 4 R and Spouse Income, a check was done to assess the reasonability of the estimates for each of these 165 cases. A clinically determined “Best Guess” was made about what an appropriate income category might be for each case. These ‘best guess” Income categories had been used to help evaluate the adequacy of the 4 income estimation models we used to try to estimate Wave 4 R and Spouse Income. The 2 logged income models did better than the 2 continuous (unlogged) income models. The better of the 2 logged models is shown in Step 1, above. The income estimates obtained in the Step 1 Model were compared with the “best guess” income categories to find income estimates that differed by 3 or more income categories from the “best guess” categories. Roughly, in dollar terms, that means that cases were identified that were $15,000 or more away from the “best guess” estimate at the low end of the income scale, or were $60,000 or more away from the “best guess” estimates at the high end of the income scale. About 15% of the 165 cases (25 cases) were 3 or more categories away from the “best guess” income categories. A closer examination was made for these 25 cases to see why the IVE-ware estimates (above model) were so far off. Typically, the general model seemed to break down for these cases because of anomalies that existed for each case. For example, these cases often had missing data on some of the important predictors in the general model. Cases might be missing on all Wave 4 Sources of Income and these income sources were being estimated or imputed by the IVE-ware program along with the Wave 4 Income value. Similarly, cases where the R was a non-respondent at Wave 2 and/or Wave 3 were missing on Wave 2 and/or Wave 3 R and Spouse Income, which are important predictors of Wave 4 R and Spouse Income. The IVE-ware program also estimated/imputed the Wave 2 and Wave 3 Income values for these cases, along with the Wave 4 Income value. The second common reason why the general model did a poor job of estimating income for some of these cases was because some cases had a very complicated or unusual income pattern over time, with multiple rises or drops in income. The general model, without the necessary interaction terms, did not fit these cases very well. Other information that was not part of the general model was used to replace or augment the missing data for the 25 cases, which allowed greater reliability and accuracy for the “best guess” Income estimates for these cases. Other information, such as Sources of Income at previous waves, as well as more detailed looks at the R and Spouse Employment histories, were used in the “best guess” Income estimates. These detailed (or potentially redundant) pieces of information could not easily be added to the general model. The “best guess” estimates also permitted case-by-case constructions which helped to make sense of the up-and-down income patterns that existed for some of these cases. 482 After the close case-by-case reexamination of these 25 cases, each case was assigned to what we determined to be an appropriate Income category. The other 140 cases missing on Wave 4 R and Spouse Income were coded into the specific Income category that had been estimated from Step 1, using the IVE-ware program and the prediction model shown above. Step 3. In the third step of the imputations for Wave 4 R and Spouse Income, the IVE-ware Imputation software was again used. At this stage, dollar values were imputed for each case in each of the 11 income brackets. This imputation strategy was done for a total of 509 cases that had specific income category codes, but did not have a specific dollar income value (V13113). The 509 cases imputed to specific income values (V13113) in this step all had specific income categories. The income categories for these cases were obtained in the following 3 ways. (These cases can be identified by codes 1 and 2 of the Wave 4 Income Imputation Flag variable (V13193)). (1) The 223 cases that were missing on specific income (Question Q14) but had a Respondentreported bracket (“Complete Bracket”) for the unfolding Income Brackets (Questions: Q14aQ14h, Q14j-Q14k). (2) The 121 cases that were assigned to specific income categories during the income cleaning work, described above. (3) The 165 cases that had been imputed to an Income category in Steps 1 and 2 of the imputation process, described above. Statistical Model used for Step 3 R and Spouse Income imputations. The variable being estimated (dependent variable) is the natural logarithm of Wave 4 R and Spouse Income (V13113). Only cases that were Wave 4 Respondents (N=1787) were included in the model estimates. The 31 variables used as predictors for the IVE-wave Imputation model in Step 3 are the same as in Model 1 (Step 1), above. However, in this set of calculations, each of the 509 cases for which Wave 4 R and Spouse Income estimates were being obtained were constrained to fall within the lower and upper bounds of the income category within which each case was coded. Once the estimate of the natural logarithm of Wave 4 R and Spouse Income was estimated for each of the 509 cases, these values were converted (exponentiated) back to actual dollar values and then rounded to the nearest whole dollar. The rounded dollar values for these 509 cases were then merged back in with the income values for the Wave 4 cases which were not imputed. 483 Wave 4 Income Variables (resulting from cleaning and imputing ACL4 Income): V13113 ACL Wave 4 R and Spouse Continuous Income Variable. Cleaned and Imputed. N = 1787 cases. V13123 ACL Wave 4 R and Spouse Bracketed Income Variable. 11 Categories. Cleaned and Imputed. N = 1787 cases. V13193 Wave 4 Income Imputation Flag Variable. Code = 1 identifies cases that were fully imputed (N=165). Code = 2 identifies cases that had income categories, but which were imputed to specific Income dollar values for Wave 4 R and Spouse Income (V13113) (N=344). 484
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