26 aquarius 32 idra 6 libra 36 mira 22 omega 12 prisma 16 sirio Design & Originality 4 5 AID 020 01 LIBRA armchair 290x120x80 h AID 020 02 LIBRA two seat sofa 80x80x105 h HC 1504 HC 1512 HC 5034 glass vase with white base big white vase frame libra 6 7 AID 020 01 LIBRA armchair 290x120x80 h AID 020 02 LIBRA two seat sofa 80x80x105 h HC 1421 HC 1422 HC 1512 HC 5034 medium white vase big white vase big white vase frame 8 9 AID 020 01 LIBRA armchair 290x120x80 h AID 020 02 LIBRA two seat sofa 80x80x105 h HC 1504 HC 1512 HC 0534 glass vase with white base big white vase frame libra 10 11 AID 021 04 PRISMA sideboard 346x55x103 h AID 021 05 PRISMA mirror 310x5x137 h HC 1036 HC 2026 HC 4244 glass vase silver canclestick with tray table lamp prisma 12 13 AID 021 01 AID 021 02 AID 021 03 AID 021 04 AID 021 05 PRISMA table 120x300x80 h PRISMA chair 50x49x103 h PRISMA chair with arms 54x50x103 h PRISMA sideboard 346x55x103 h PRISMA mirror 310x5x137 h AID 023 02 OMEGA two seat sofa 180x80x73 h HC 1035 HC 1036 HC 1439 HC 1504 HC 2026 HC 2027 HC 2245 HC 2251 HC 4244 cilinder water illusion glass vase black round vase with flowre composition glass vase with white base silver canclestick with tray set of little vase part of silver candlestick silver candlestick table lamp 14 15 AID 022 01 SIRIO bed 185x220x108 h AID 022 02 SIRIO complete bed set AID 022 03 SIRIO night table 60x37x61 h HC 1504 HC 4245 HC 5034 glass vase with white base table lamp frame sirio 16 17 18 19 AID 022 01 AID 022 02 AID 022 03 AID 022 04 AID 022 05 AID 022 06 SIRIO bed 185x220x108 h SIRIO complete bed set SIRIO night table 60x37x61 h SIRIO dressing table 160x56x78 h SIRIO mirror 130x6x106 h SIRIO chair 73x57x94 h HC 1035 HC 1425 HC 2245 HC 2251 HC 4245 HC 5034 cilinder water illusion white resine vase silver candlestick candlestick table lamp frame AID 022 04 SIRIO dressing table 160x56x78 h AID 022 05 SIRIO mirror 130x6x106 h AID 022 06 SIRIO chair 73x57x94 h HC 1035 HC 1504 HC 2245 HC 2251 cilinder water illusion glass vase with white base silver candlestick candlestick sirio 20 21 AID 023 01 OMEGA armchair 120x80x73 h AID 023 02 OMEGA two seat sofa 180x80x73 h AID 023 04 OMEGA central table 105x105x33 h HC 1418 HC 5033 HC 5036 cilinder black glasses vase frame frame omega 22 23 AID 023 01 OMEGA armchair 120x80x73 h AID 023 02 OMEGA two seat sofa 180x80x73 h AID 023 04 OMEGA central table 105x105x33 h AID 023 05 OMEGA chest of drawers 130x55x103 h HC 1036 HC 1418 HC 5036 glass vase black cilinder glasses vase frame 24 25 AID 024 01 AQUARIUS table 207x111x80 h AID 024 02 AQUARIUS chair 60x60x116 h HC 1418 HC 1421 HC 1422 HC 1439 HC 2026 HC 5036 black cilinder glasses vase medium white vase big white vase black round vase with flowre composition silver candlestick with tray frame aquarius 26 27 AID 024 01 AQUARIUS table 207x111x80 h AID 024 02 AQUARIUS chair 60x60x116 h AID 023 01 OMEGA armchair 120x80x73 h HC 1418 HC 1421 HC 1422 HC 2026 HC 5035 HC 5036 28 29 black cilinder glasses vase medium white vase big white vase silver candlestick with tray frame frame Tradition & Prestige 30 31 AID 025 01 IDRA table 208x108x79 h AID 025 02 IDRA chair 60x60x116 h HC 1503 HC 2011 HC 4247 HC 5036 glass vase iron elephant, zebra, giraffe lamp stand frame idra 32 33 AID 025 01 IDRA table 208x108x79 h AID 025 02 IDRA chair 60x60x116 h HC 1503 HC 2011 HC 4247 HC 5036 glass vase iron elephant, zebra, giraffe lamp stand frame 34 35 AID 026 01 AID 026 02 AID 026 03 AID 026 06 MIRA bed 180x195x130 h MIRA complete bedset MIRA night table 60x45x59 h MIRA pouf 62x60x43 h HC 1417 HC 1425 HC 4246 white vase with flower composition white resine vase table lamp mira 36 37 AID 026 01 AID 026 02 AID 026 03 AID 026 04 AID 026 05 AID 026 06 MIRA bed 180x195x130 h MIRA complete bedset MIRA night table 60x45x59 h MIRA dressing table 152x60x80 h MIRA mirror 148x5x127 h MIRA pouf 62x60x43 h HC 1425 HC 2022 HC 4246 white resine vase glass candlestick table lamp 38 39 AID 026 04 MIRA dressing table 152x60x80 h AID 026 05 MIRA mirror 148x5x127 h AID 026 06 MIRA pouf 62x60x43 h HC 1425 HC 1503 HC 2022 white resine vase glass vase glass candlestick mira 40 41 T erms and C onditions In order to protect its high artistic and creative content all Asnaghi Interiors models have a label with the company logo together with a certificate which identify the true authenticity and uniqueness of the purchased products. Asnaghi Interiors 1916 reserves itself the right to make aesthetic or technical changes to its models, including slight variations of measurements or materials without previous notice, in order to guarantee better quality and durability. In any case, for any particular requirement, please always ask our company a verification. Asnaghi Interiors is not responsible for possible differing measurements of products ordered at different moments as our company’s production is entirely hand-crafted and hand-made. Fabric samples and finishes are to be considered, as mere examples as fabrics’ and finishes’ colour shades can vary from one batch to another. Printing techniques do not allow a perfect colour reproduction, so the colours shown on our catalogues are to be considered purely descriptive. Also illustrations and descriptions are only guidelines. Cushion sets for armchairs and sofas are not included in the price. They will be quoted separately. Our furniture is made of solid wood. As wood is a biodynamic material, it is “forever alive” and as it has a life of its own, it should be taken care of and protected against humidity, thermal excursion and direct exposure to sources of heat or of air conditioning systems. Therefore Asnaghi Interiors will not be liable for damage caused by improper use. Our catalogues are entirely protected by copyright; they cannot be reproduced or distributed in any way. Photocopies, microfilms or any other method of reproduction is forbidden, unless under Asnaghi Interiors’ specific authorization. Termini disclaimer e Condizioni Tutti i modelli Asnaghi Interiors sono dotati di un’etichetta con il nostro logo ed di un certificato che identifica l’autencità e l’unicità dei prodotti acquistati e che protegge il valore artistico e creativo dei pezzi. Asnaghi Interiors 1916 si riserva il diritto di effettuare cambiamenti di natura estetica o tecnica ai propri modelli, comprese modifiche di misure o materiali, senza preavviso, in modo da garantire una migliore qualità e durevolezza ai propri prodotti. In ogni caso, per richieste speciali, si prega di chiedere sempre una verifica alla ditta. Asnaghi Interiors non si ritiene responsabile per eventuali misure differenti riguardanti prodotti acquistati in momenti diversi, poiché la produzione della nostra azienda è interamente artigianale. I campioni di tessuto sono da considerarsi esclusivamente esemplificativi, dato che le sfumature dei tessuti variano da una partita all’altra, così come le finiture presenti sui cataloghi, in quanto le tecniche di stampa non permettono una riproduzione fedele dei colori. I set dei cuscini per poltrone e divani non sono inclusi nel prezzo, ma saranno quotati separatamente. I nostri mobili sono realizzati in legno massiccio. Data la natura mutevole del legno, la nostra azienda raccomanda, perciò, di proteggerli dall’umidità, dall’escursione termica e dall’esposizione diretta a fonti di calore. Asnaghi Interiors non si ritiene responsabile dei danni causati da un uso improprio. I nostri cataloghi sono protetti interamente da copyright e perciò non possono essere riprodotti o distribuiti in alcun modo. E’ vietata qualsiasi riproduzione, copia o filmato senza previa autorizzazione della ditta. Условия и сроки Все модели Asnaghi Interiors снабжены этикеткой с нашим логотипом и сертификатом, который подтверждает подлинность и уникальность купленной у нас продукции и защищает художественную и творческую ценность наших изделий. Asnaghi Interiors 1916 оставляет за собой право осуществлять эстетические и технические изменения своих моделей, включая изменения размеров и материалов, без предварительного уведомления, для улучшения качества и долговечности своей продукции. В любом случае, при заказе с особыми требованиями, необходимо запрашивать подтверждение фабрики. Asnaghi Interiors не несет ответственность за возможное изменения размеров, при покупке продукции в разные периоды, поскольку наша фабрика производит мебель исключительно ручным способом. Образцы тканей и отделка дерева носят исключительно иллюстративный характер, поскольку тон цвета ткани может варьироваться в разных поставочных партиях, так же, как и цветопередача отделки дерева, поскольку современные технологии печати не позволяют гарантировать полное соответствие оригинала фотографии. Комплекты декоративных подушек, представленные в каталогах на креслах и диванах, не включены в цену кресел и диванов, следовательно, должны просчитываться отдельно. Наша мебель производится из массива дерева. Поскольку дерево является биодинамическим материалом, наша компания рекомендует защищать его от влажности, тепловых перепадов и устанавливания вблизи источников тепла или кондиционеров. Asnaghi Interiors не несет ответственность за дефекты вызванные использованием не по назначению. Наши каталоги полностью защищены от копирования и, следовательно, не подлежат репродуцированию или продаже. Запрещена любая репродукция, копирование или снятие фильма без специального разрешения фабрики Asnaghi Interiors. art director Gianluca Asnaghi graphic design Roberta Porro styling Francesca Mottana Anita Meroni photo Bordegoni This catalogue is Asnaghi Interiors property, who reserves the right to withdraw it anytime. 20036 MEDA (MB) - Italy Via Molino, 2 Tel. +39.0362.77.14 Fax +39.0362.77.14.34 www.asnaghi.com info@asnaghi.com 20036 MEDA (MB) - Italy Via Molino, 2 Tel. +39.0362.77.14 Fax +39.0362.77.14.34 www.asnaghi.com info@asnaghi.com 46
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