here - Association of Saskatchewan REALTORS

News Release
For immediate release
Regina, SK – April 24, 2015: Saskatchewan REALTORS® gathered April 14 at Hotel Saskatchewan in Regina for their third annual
Legacy Gala. Part of the Quality of Life in Saskatchewan initiative, the funds raised at the Gala are collected by REALTORS® to
provide grants to six worthy charities from across the province every year.
The following 2015 recipients were presented with a $5,000 grant by a REALTOR® from their local community.
• Esterhazy Community Daycare Cooperative – for expansion of the current facility with the addition of a 1600 square
foot modular building to be attached to their existing three modular buildings.
Swift Current Community Youth Initiative – to provide coffee house employment opportunities for youth. Funding will
be used to employ an adult mentor and the youth required to operate a self-sustaining coffee house within the space
of the Centre.
Lloydminster Community Youth Centre – for the Hot Meal Program, which will allow the purchase of necessary food
and supplies to offer the program three evenings per week for an entire year.
North East Outreach and Support Services – for their capital campaign to build a shelter in Melfort to provide a safe
place for women and children making the transition to life without violence.
READ Saskatoon – for use with the Adult Literacy One-on-One Tutoring Program to ensure adequate staffing, volunteer
support, and increased learning opportunities to tutors and adult learners.
Mackenzie Infant Care Centre – for good quality reading material for young student mothers in Regina to read to their
babies at the center and to encourage reading/bonding at home.
“Once again, we received far more grant requests than we could accommodate,” commented Shelby Wilk, Chair of the Quality of
Life committee. “It’s so difficult to limit our decision to six worthy charities, but we are grateful to be able to assist those who
enhance the quality of life in our communities every day.”
The Quality of Life in Saskatchewan initiative promotes the following principles:
Support shelter-related services in our communities
Enhance environmental sustainability, protection and/or conservation of our natural areas
Support public education on the importance of private property rights
Promote safer neighborhoods and/or improved community services
Enhance and promote community development and better opportunities for “at risk” populations and/or
disadvantaged citizens
The Saskatchewan REALTOR® community also achieved their 2015 fundraising goal of $30,000 for next year’s granting process.
“We didn’t quite beat last year’s fundraising record, but we came very close!” exclaimed Bill Madder, CEO of the Association of
Saskatchewan REALTORS® (ASR). “We were thrilled to welcome 16 Legacy Builders to the fold this year; Builders are major
donors who contribute $1000 or more to our Legacy Endowment Fund. It’s our way to enhance the quality of life in our province
and give back to our local communities.” For more information on how to become a Builder, please contact the ASR.
The Legacy Grant Program will be receiving applications again in early 2016. More information can be found at Updates will also be distributed through the ASR’s social media
The Association of Saskatchewan REALTORS® (ASR) is the primary advocate for organized real estate in Saskatchewan. As a not-forprofit organization, it provides direction, leadership and support services to its members, the industry and the public. Through effective
communication and quality education, the ASR also strives to ensure a healthy real estate environment that allows for increased quality of
life in our communities. Real estate is at the core of our economy and advocating for a strategic sustainable approach ensures continued
growth and prosperity in Saskatchewan.
- 30 For more information, please contact:
Bill Madder, Chief Executive Officer
Association of Saskatchewan REALTORS®
Esterhazy Community Daycare Cooperation
ASR Past President Len Wassill presents the grant to Aimee
Swift Current Community Youth Initiative
Jim Magee and Nathan Wiebe accept the grant from ASR
Director Teressa Mannle
Lloydminster Community Youth Centre
ASR Director Al Weiler presents the grant to Lois Butts
North East Outreach and Support Services Inc.
Left to right: ASR Director Carmen Cartier presents the grant
to Louise Schweitzer
READ Saskatoon
Sheryl Harrow-Yurach accepts the grant from ASR Director
Rich Jeanneau
Mackenzie Infant Care Centre
Shirley Schneider and Wendy McCullough accept the grant
from ASR Director Lane Boghean