St. Andrew the Apostle CATHOLIC CHURCH & SCHOOL 6415 NE ANTIOCH ROAD, GLADSTONE, MO 64119 ● WWW.SATAPS.COM Sunday, April 26, 2015 ● Fourth Sunday of Easter ● Gospel: John 10:11-18 How Biblical is the Mass? Come & Find out! * See pg. 3 For details! Father Vincent M. Rogers Pastor Phone: (816) 453–2089 ext. 3 Email: Father john R. Fitzpatrick Associate Pastor Phone: (816) 453—2089 ext. 7 Email: Rebecca Sachen Principal Phone: (816) 454—7377 ext. 318 Email: Shelley Palmarine Business Manager Phone: (816) 453—2089 ext. 4 Mass Times Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri 7:30 am Thursday 8:45 am & 6:00 pm First Saturday 8:00 am Saturday 4:30 pm Sunday 8:00 am, 10:30 am, & 6:30 pm Confessions Monday 8:30 am (School Students) Monday 12:00 pm Wednesday 5:30 pm Thursday 9:30 am First Friday 8:00 am Saturday 3:15 pm—4:15 pm Adoration & Benediction Thursday Adoration 9:30 am—6:00 pm “ Rosary 5:00 pm “ Benediction 5:45 pm First Thurs. Overnight Adoration 6:30pm Thurs. — 7am Fri. For Sacraments, Youth Programs, & Ministries Please see pg. 11 of the bulletin for contact info. Bulletin Submissions & Prayer list * (816) 453—2089, ext. 5 School News 2 ST. ANDREWS PARISH SCHOOL ENROLLMENT OPPORTUNITIES St. Andrew the Apostle Parish School is now accep ng enrollment for the 2015-2016 school year for Preschool and Kindergarten through 8th grade. Woven through our rigorous curriculum are the teachings of Christ in accordance with both the Diocesan and Missouri State Educa onal objec ves. Our school community and facility offers our children a learning environment that is welcoming, small, and secure! Call, and set up a school tour, ask ques ons, or enroll today! We would love to have you join us! Blessings, Becky Sachen, Principal (816) 454-7377 ext. 318 Knights of Columbus News Knights of Columbus Breakfast St. Andrew's Knights of Columbus will hold a pancake, sausage, biscuits, & gravy breakfast on Sunday, May 17th a er the 8am and 10:30am Masses. All proceeds will go to our Youth Group towards their trip to the Steubenville youth conference in Springfield, MO. FREE WILL OFFERING. Please plan to have a delicious breakfast and help out our youth! Would you like to help the Knights of Columbus raise money? Here's your chance. We can use as many people as possible, over the age of 21, to work at the Nascar race at the KS Speedway Fri. May 8 and Sat. May 9th. You do not have to be a Knight. There are 2 jobs: 1.) Working the bar carts with 2 people to a cart to sell Bloody Mary drinks, Margaritas, coffee, & Baileys, and hot chocolate. 2.) Working in the bar back: supplying the bar carts from the supply room. It's about a 10-hr day. Funds are distributed to volunteering organiza ons based on sales. ***To sign up, please go to: OR contact Dale Pollard at 454-4223 or Adult Formation & Parish News 3 A Biblical Walk Through the Mass Time: 7pm Date: Begins Wed. May 6th Rm: Rm 113 Required: Bible Fee: FREE! Op onal books: The book is $13. The work book is $8. Together, they are discounted $20. Descrip on: As Catholics, the Mass is the center of our Faith. We celebrate it every day. We know all the responses. We know all the gestures. But do we know what it all means? In A Biblical Walk Through the Mass, Dr. Edward Sri takes us on a unique tour of the Liturgy. Based on the revised transla on of the Mass, this book explores the biblical roots of the words and gestures we experience in the Liturgy and explains their profound significance. This intriguing look at the Mass is sure to renew your faith and deepen your devo on to the Eucharist. This book is used as the text for A Biblical Walk Through the Mass Study Program, but it may also be purchased separately at steep bulk discounts. For those not able to a end a study, this is a perfect resource for catechesis on the deep riches of the Mass. Strongly suggested for purchase: Dr. Sri’s book of the same tle. You can get one at Morning Star Gi Shop or at the first session. There is a workbook that is totally op onal. To register, and/or to be sure you have a book, please call Fred Hack at the parish office (816) 4532089, ext. 113. Please leave your name, phone number, and request. ALL MEN & WOMEN of the parish are invited to discover the truth, beauty, and goodness of Catholicism... That Man Is You! is sponsoring a parish-wide summer viewing of Fr. Barron’s video The Catholicism Series: Journey Around the World and Deep into the Catholic Faith. For the first me, in breathtaking and high-defini on cinematography, the truth, goodness, and beauty of Catholicism are illustrated in a mul media experience. Journey with Fr. Robert Barron to more than 50 loca ons throughout 16 countries. Be illuminated by the spiritual and ar s c treasures of this global culture that claims more than one billion of the earth's people. Learn what Catholics believe and why. Discover the full meaning of the faith. This 10-video series will be viewed in 30 minute segments each Wednesday morning at 6:30am with a short discussion period following so you can leave for work or stay for 7:30am Mass. The next showing is Wed. Apr. 29th! Anyone interested is invited to a end. Each week can be viewed as a stand-alone educa onal experience, so don’t feel like you have to see each and every one to benefit. Come when you can! A 2-min, YouTube promo trailer of the series can be viewed at: h ps:// For any ques ons, please contact Greg Lebold at Adult Formation 4 BHI Class: Irish Saints Dates: Wed. May 6, 13, 20, & 27 Time: 6:30 - 9pm Register: Place: Catholic Center, 20 W. 9th Street, KC, MO; Room 21 Description: The centrality of Irish Saints to the evangelizing of not only Ireland, England, and Scotland, but also the continent is not well known. Certainly St. Patrick is well known and a few other great figures, but many Irish monks and missionaries that should be known, are not. Their impact on history is a story that must be told! The vast majority of these saints lived during the 4th—10th centuries, a period in which Ireland was known as the “land of saints and scholars” — it produced many saintly missionaries after the conversion of the isle by the great St. Patrick. For example, to name a few, St. Columba, St. Columban, St. Gaul, St. Aidan and St. Boniface. Come and join us for an adventure in Ireland with the Saints of the Emerald Isle. Cost: BHI reduced the price of tuition to only $25 per course or $40/married couple! Students can save even more money if they want to pre-pay for the year of courses. It is $150/individual or $240/married couple. As always, if a student cannot afford a course they can request a scholarship, and we will not turn them away. For more information, please visit, email, or call (816) 714-2331. BHI Class: Catechetical Methods (2 Options Listed Below) Description: This prac cal course teaches how to give life to Catholic teaching when presen ng in the classroom, the parish, or informally with friends & family members. Issues addressed include: bringing the Gospel into our daily lives, prac cal evangeliza on techniques, advice on teaching children, and the cateche cal forma on of adults. Students will be familiarized with the important cateche cal documents of the Church, par cularly the General Directory for Catechesis and St. John Paul II’s apostolic exhorta on, Catechesi Tradendae. Location: Holy Trinity Parish in Weston, MO Location: Catholic Center, 20 W. 9th Street, KC, MO Dates: Wed. May 6, 13, & 20 Dates: Sat. May 30th Time: 6:30pm - 9pm Time: 8am - 12pm (one-day intensive) Register: Register: Adult Formation 5 YOU are invited! Concep on Abbey & Clyde Monastery Trip Offered by Gladstone Parks & Recrea on Sat. May 30th * 9am - 6pm * Cost: $65.00 Bus Departs from St. Therese Parish, 7207 NW 9 Highway, Parkville, MO. Reserva on Deadline: April 30th To register: 1. Mail check to Gladstone Parks & Recrea on, 7010 N. Holmes, Gladstone, MO 64118 OR 2. Visit Gladstone City Hall, 7010 N. Holmes, Gladstone OR 3. Pay-by-phone (MasterCard, Visa, or Discover) (816) 423-4086 or (816) 423-4091. Mother’s Day Weekend @ Concep on Abbey A Mother’s Day gi she will never forget Friday or Saturday May 8/9 un l Sunday noon May 10th Treat Mom to a night or weekend in which the staff and monks of the Abbey Guest Center at Concep on Abbey will provide her with spiritual renewal and rest. She will join the monks in daily prayer, have all her meals cooked for her, and she will be our special guest at a recep on in her honor. You and the family are invited to join her on Sunday to celebrate Mass with her on Mother’s Day and enjoy a nice dinner to follow. Mother’s, Grandmother’s, and Godmothers, all are welcome. Spouses, of course, are welcome too. Enjoy one or two nights in the new Abbey Guest House. Be sure to plan ahead, so we can send you a nice gi cerficate to give mom before you gi her with this special weekend. Many op ons are possible. Please call the Abbey Guest Center for details at (660) 944-2809. Pentecost Retreat @ Concep on Abbey Come Holy Spirit: Renew the face of the earth Friday evening un l Sunday noon, May 22 – 24, 2015 Pentecost is the comple on of Easter. Join Fr. Peter Ullrich, OSB as we consider the meaning and implica ons of the coming of the Holy Spirit and look at the liturgical texts for the feast. You will be invited to join the monks in praying the Liturgy of the Hours and for celebra ons of the Eucharist. (Suggested offering for lodging, meals, conferences and recep on: $160 for single accommoda ons, $130 per person for double accommoda ons). For reserva ons please contact the Abbey Guest Center at (660) 944-2809 or email guests@concep Gardening Retreat: “More ps and tricks from the Concep on Abbey gardens.” Friday evening un l Sunday noon, May 22 – 24, 2015 Come to the Abbey and reflect with gardeners Archbishop Jerome Hanus, Karen Ceckowski, Rich O’Neill and Br. Placid Dale on the joys of growing things in God’s wonderful crea on. Hands-on prac ce will send you home with cu ngs and gi s from the Abbey gardens. Enjoy visi ng the many varie es of Abbey Gardens from flowers, orchards to herb and Marian Gardens. There will be me to pray the Liturgy of the Hours and celebrate the Eucharist with the monas c community is also a part of the weekend. (Suggested offering for lodging, meals, conferences and recep on: $160 for single accommoda ons, $130 per person for double accommoda ons). For reserva ons contact the Abbey Guest Center: phone (660) 944-2809 or email guests@concep Faith, Fun, Family and Fishing Weekend @ Concep on Abbey Saturday through Sunday, August 8-9, 2015 Arrive in me Saturday a ernoon to begin 5:15 pm evening prayer with the monas c community, followed by dinner and an evening of fishing, a hay ride and a bonfire. A special fishing contest with prizes. Abbey fishing guru Karen Ceckowski will team up with members of the monas c community to lead a fun-filled family get-away at Concep on Abbey. On Sunday morning, you will join the monks for morning prayer followed by breakfast, Mass, and a very nice lunch. Bring a cooler, so you can clean, and take home your catch. No fishing licenses needed. Fishing lessons for the first me anglers. Please call (660) 944-2809. Youth Formation 6 Parish News Weekly Adora on Hour Openings Two holy hour spots are now open from 1-2pm & 2-3pm weekly on Thursdays at St. Andrew’s. If you are interested to fill one of those spots, please contact Tina Gorman at (816) 734-4685 or Madelyn Ross at (816) 792-8426. Monthly Overnight Adora on Openings Monthly Holy Hour OPENINGS Beginning in May 2015: * 2am - 3am on First Thursdays (1 addi onal person needed) May 7/8 = Overnight adora on resumes as usual. Ques ons? Please contact Ka e Overstreet at (816) 453-2089 ext. 5 or e-mail 7 TREATS FOR SEMINARIANS Time to collect seminarian treats again! It is nearing me for the seminarians' finals, and the Serra Club of KC North is again collec ng goodies to send in finals care packages! St. Andrew's Parish will be collec ng treats the weekend of May 2-3. Look in the gathering space for a table marked "Seminarian treats." Thank you so much for your generosity and for your prayers for voca ons!" Diocesan News 8 “Be men and women with others and for others, real champions in the service of others. - Pope Francis Catholic Chari es of Kansas City-St. Joseph invites you to be a champion for others, by joining us to Outpace Poverty on Saturday, June 20, 2015. Parish teams from throughout the diocese will walk, jog, or stroll the grounds of the Na onal World War I Museum at Liberty Memorial. When you register for Outpace Poverty, you help Catholic Chari es provide direct services to more than 72,000 neighbors in need each year. A er the 3-mile walk, the whole family will enjoy refreshments, entertainment and fun ac vi es, including visits from Kansas City’s most beloved sports mascots. Be a team leader, join your parish team, sign up as an individual or donate today at Together, we can reduce poverty in our community! Diocesan Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass The Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass will be celebrated at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Concep on at 2pm on Sunday, May 31, 2015. Please note this is a me change from previous years. Bishop Finn will preside at the Mass honoring the Golden Wedding couples. A card and gi will also be presented to each couple. Immediately following the liturgy, there will be a dessert recep on at the Catholic Center in the Cardinal Baum Room. The event is for the couples and their immediate family. We are pleased to share their joy and to give public recogni on for their long las ng faithfulness in their marriage vows and demonstra on of the stability and nobility of marriage. All jubilee couples from St. Andrew’s Parish are urged to par cipate in this event by calling the Parish Office at (816) 453-2089 and contac ng either Shelley or Ka e to RSVP. RSVP’s are to be received no later than Monday, May 18, 2015. The celebra on includes those couples whose 50th Wedding Anniversary falls between January 1, 2015 and December 31, 2015. One other change to be aware of is that the names of the honorees will be published in the next edi on of the Catholic Key that comes out a er the Golden Wedding Mass. We will not print the names in the program itself. The reason for this is that we have received a number of registra ons a er our deadline and this has caused issues with the program and names being listed correctly. If a couple is physically unable to a end, but you would like them to be honored, please complete the form, indicate their inability to a end, and they will receive a congratulatory le er, and gi in the mail. Thank you for helping us honor our jubilee couples! Liturgical News 9 The Feast of the Ascension on May 14th is NOT a holy day of obliga on this year. Hospital & Homebound Eucharis c Ministers of Holy Communion Please return your pyx to the sacristy when you finish using it to bring Holy Communion to the sick in the hospital and to the homebound. There used to be about 10 pyxes in the sacristy available for ministers, and now there are none available. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, JoAnne England The holy day has been transferred to the following Sunday, May 17th. “For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving.” - 1 Tim 4:4 Pastoral News Homebound Voicemail Box If you would like to receive Holy Communion from this ministry during the weekend OR if you currently receive it but need to make a change to your weekend schedule, please call Silvia Torres at (816) 452-3231 before Friday and leave a message. You will be contacted regarding your needs. April Altar Bread Donated in Memory of Joseph Mazzeffe Jr. Donated by Joseph Mazzeffe, Jr’s Wife & Family PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS... Our parishioners who are sick or suffering: Sal Crouch Johanna Dorcy Larry Catanese Toan Dao Mary Gosoroski Paul Hebert Mary Lou Hernandez Anthony Mazzeffe Wes McKellar Natale Occhipin Theresa Occhipin Pam Parker Jorge Reyno John Smith Our family and friends who are sick and suffering: Steve Ballard, Douglas Bayliss, Stephanie Cain, Joan Crowder, Jace Devolder, Anna LaPuma, Tom Lichtenauer, Jay Overstreet, Ann Toler, Randy Trollinger, Tom Vonnahme, Bill Frentrop, John Carson, Beverly Zeller, Aida Rodriguez, Lena Locatelli, Patsy Prather & Debi Anzalone. Our family and friends who serve in the military. All those who have passed away recently: Marilyn Edson. The most recently added names to the sick list above will appear in bold-faced font each week, and they will appear in the bulletin for one month. Afterwards, they will be transferred to our Prayer Hotline for continuous prayers. If you wish to have a name appear for more than 30 days, please contact the parish office. Mass Intentions MASS INTENTIONS Monday, April 27th 7:30 am † Albert Parra Tuesday, April 28th 7:30 am † John M. Affolter Wednesday, April 29th 7:30 am † Betty Payne Thursday, April 30th 8:45 am 6:00 pm 10 Friday, May 1 7:30 am † Herbert Pittman Saturday, May 2 8:00 am 4:30 pm David Bauer Walter Stehnicky Sunday, May 3 8:00 am 10:30 am † Edmund Gardner † Irma Uzquiano 6:30 pm Sacrificial Offerings to God * Apr. 18 & 19 * Offertory † Steve Kutterer † Maria & Franceso Gimmalva St. Andrew’s Parish $32,930.84 Plate $1,250.00 Total $34,180.84 († Indicates Mass for deceased person) Liturgical Ministry Schedule Saturday, May 2nd * 4:30 pm EMHC: Anna Marie Inzenga Sunday, May 3rd * 10:30 am EMHC: JoAnne England Greeters: Linda Buck Karen Castrianni Lectors: Edie Ferrara Rick Kuhl Ushers: John Kalmus Joe LaBella Lectors: Becky Sachen Youth Vince Liberto Dennis Whitty Ushers: Sal Avandano Shannon Gordon Frank Jiabia Ed Kremer Servers: Joseph Granado Greeters: Youth Rosemarie Beeler Michael Granado Carlo Siraguso Servers: Ben Wormsley Sunday, May 3rd * 8:00 am EMHC: Youth Kevin Tran Chiekezie Anikwe Fred Hack Sunday, May 3rd * 6:30 pm Greeters: Christina Florez EMHC: Laura Heinz Lectors: Kevin Perry Laurie Filley Greeters: Michele Brady Hannah Gorman Ushers: Greg Ziller Jim Upschulte Lectors: Pam Parker Gary Herman Earl Pittman David Lackey Ushers: David Chase Kim Chase Bill Chirpich John Chirpich Servers: Giancarlo Rodriguez Anthony Ross Dominic Ross Servers: John Vodopest Owen Shields Dylan McNair Diocesan Office of Child & Youth Protection The Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph is committed to combating sexual abuse in the Church. If you are a victim of sexual abuse, or if you observe or suspect sexual abuse: 1. Call the Missouri Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-392-3738 (if the victim is currently under the age of 18), and 2. Contact your local law enforcement agency or call 911, and After reporting to these civil and law enforcement authorities, report suspected sexual abuse of a minor or vulnerable adult to the Diocesan Ombudsman, Jenifer Valenti, at 816-812-2500 or, if the abuse involves a priest, deacon, employee or volunteer of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph. The Diocese has a sincere commitment to providing care and healing resources to victims of sexual abuse and their families. Calendar 11 Monday, April 27th 7:00 am 7:30 am 8:30 am 12:00 pm 6:30 pm Rosary Mass School Confessions Confessions Endow Women’s Group Tuesday, April 28th 7:00 am 7:30 am 7:00 pm Rosary Mass Baptism Prep Wednesday, April 29th 7:00 am 7:30 am 10:00 am 5:30 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:15 pm Thursday, April 30th 8:45 am 9:30 am 9:30 am - 6pm 11:00 am 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm Mass Confession Adoration Legion of Mary Mass BHI Class: Spiritual Life Confirmation Practice Friday, May 1st 7:00 am 7:30 am 12:00 pm Rosary Mass School Dismissal Rosary Mass Saturday, May 2nd Small Faith Sharing 7:00 am Confessions 8:00 am Conquest 12:00 pm Cantor Practice 3:15 pm Sanctimonia & Benedic4:00 pm tine Bros. 4:30 pm Choir Practice Sunday, May 3rd 7:30 am 8:00 am 10:30 am 11:30 am 5:00 pm 6:30 pm 7:30 pm Rosary Mass Mass Mother/Daughter Tea Good Shepherd Catech esis, Guardians, & Edge Mass LifeTeen Men’s Cursillo First Saturday Mass Vitae Foundation Mtg Confessions Rosary Mass Directory Parish Office, 6415 NE Antioch Rd, Gladstone Office……………………….....(816) 453-2089 Hours…………..M thru F 8:30 am—4:30 pm Website…………………… Facebook….St. Andrew the Apostle Parish & School Instagram…..………..st_andrew_the_apostle Parish Staff Pastor, Fr. Vincent Rogers…………….ext. 3 Associate Pastor, Fr. Fitzpatrick……..ext. 7 Business Manager, Shelley Palmarine..ext.4 Pastoral Associate, Katie Overstreet.......ext. 5 Religious Edu. Youth Director (Grades K-5) Donna Geisinger………………………...ext. 107 Religious Edu. Youth Director (Grades 6-12) Carolyn Anch…………………………..305-1903 Edge Youth Director, Julia Winkler...876-0633 Administrative Assistant, Fred Hack..ext. 113 Social Outreach, Geri Townsend…….....ext. 2 Prayer & Worship, Ginny Trischler…453-7377 Music Director, Susan Campagna….454-1489 Morning Star Gift Shop………..550-8310 Parish Council Fr. Rogers Jeff Gorman Gary Herman Becky Sachen Jeremy Strohmeyer Parish Ministries Tammy Liberto Kent Pesek Shelley Palmarine Grace Hickey School Office, 6415 NE Antioch Rd, Gladstone Office………………………..(816) 454-7377 Fax…………………………..(816) 453-6393 School Hours………….8:15 am — 3:15 pm Preschool Full Day……8:15 am — 3:15 pm Preschool Half Day….8:15 am — 11:45 am Extended Care, Before School,7:00am—8:00am After School……………...….3:30 pm — 5:00 pm School Staff Principal, Rebecca Sachen……….ext. 318 School Secretary, LuCinda Buckner..ext. 321 Sacramental Preparation Baptism Registration, K. Overstreet…. ext. 5 Baptism Class, Ronnie Hall……….701-6104 First Communion, Donna Geisinger..ext. 107 Confirmation, Carolyn Anch……....305-1903 RCIA & RCIC (Adult & Youth Converts)…...ext. 5 Marriage Prep, Fr. Rogers….……….…ext. 3 Diocesan Young Adult Ministry (20-30’s) Dave DiNuzzo…… Adoration (Weekly), T. Gorman…....734-4685 Adoration (Monthly Overnight),Overstreet..ext. 5 Adult Formation, R. Hernandez…....454-6655 Altar & Rosary Society, F. Vogel…..455-0503 Altar Servers, Fr. Rogers………...….…..ext. 3 Annulment Advocate, Fr. Fitzpatrick…...ext. 7 Benedictine Brothers (HS boys)…...305-1903 Circle of Friends (Singles), T. Tobin….804-9145 Coming Home Committee, Overstreet....ext. 5 Cookie Ladies, Geri Townsend…….…...ext. 2 Cursillo (Men), Henry Parente……...507-1699 Cursillo (Women), Mary Giordano....215-2677 Endow (Women), Laurie Filley……..377-9655 Funeral Dinners, Rene Daniels…….468-4355 Greeters, Karen Castrianni…...…....455-3305 Homebound Ministry, S. Torres.…...452-3231 Hospital Ministers, J. England……...437-8881 Lectors & Ushers, Trischlers………..453-7377 Legion of Mary, Rhoda Nicola…......454-8633 Prayer Hotline, Sylvia Torres…….…454-3231 Pro-Life, Edie Ferrara……….…...….468-9292 Sacristans, Dan Grelinger……...…..455-6164 Sanctimonia (HS ladies)………….…305-1903 Senior Classics, Sam Briscoe…...…436-5918 Small Faith Groups, Hope Lopez.....453-6599 St. Benedict’s Food Pantry….……...415-2728 That Man Is You! Greg Lebold……..454-0447 Vocations, Sandy Sutton……...…....413-0762 INFORMATION SHEET Church name & address: St. Andrew the Apostle #028550 6415 NE Antioch Road Gladstone, MO 64119 Contact person: Katie Overstreet (816) 453-2089, ext 5 Software: Win XP-SP3, MSPub 2007, AA-X Date of publication: Number of pages transmitted: Cover + 10 text pages + this page = 12(1 ad page) Special instructions for Production: Please print 625 bulletins for this weekend only. THIS IS THE BULLETIN FOR 04-26-15... FedEx shipping address: 6415 NE Antioch Road, Gladstone MO 64119 Special instructions for delivery (if any): Please deliver bulletins to the school (located behind the church). FedEx tracking e-mail:
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