21 BRUSH HILL ROAD NEW FAIRFIELD, CT. 06812 203-746-2200 VISIT US AT: WWW.SAINTEDWARDCHURCH.ORG SUNDAY, MAY 3, 2015 Mass Schedule Monday to Friday 7:30AM & 9:00 AM Saturday Vigils 4:30 and 6:00 PM Sunday 7:30, 9:00, 11:00 AM & 5:15 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays, 3:45 to 4:15 PM Miraculous Medal Novena Saturdays at 8:00 AM Marriage The proper time of preparation for Marriage is one year prior to the wedding. Please contact the Parish Office as soon as possible. PARISH HOURS Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Friday 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM Closed Saturdays Phone: 203-746-2200 Fax: 203-746-4856 www.saintedwardchurch.org STAFF PASTOR Rev. Nick Cirillo 203-746-2200, Ext 16 Frnick@saintedwardchurch.org ASSOCIATE PASTOR Rev. Karol Ksiazek 203-746-2200, Ext. 15 Frkarol@saintedwardchurch.org FAITH FORMATION Director Mrs. Kathryn La Regina 203-746-4270, Ext. 20 klaregina@saintedwardchurch.org ADULT EDUCATION Mrs. Carol Zinser 203-746-2200, Ext. 24 czinser@saintedwardchurch.org MUSIC AND LITURGY Director Mr. Dan Kean 203-746-2200, Ext. 38 dkean@saintedwardchurch.org INDIVIDUAL,COUPLE & FAMILY COUNSELOR Dr. Daniel Joynt, Ph.D. 203-770-3171 203-746-2200, Ext. 21 OFFICE MANAGER Mrs. Luanne Hogan 203-746-2200, Ext. 11 lhogan@saintedwardchurch.org CENSUS, BULLETIN, WEBSITE COORDINATOR FAITH FORMATION BILLING Ms. Debra Tomasetti 203-746-2200, Ext. 14 dtomasetti@saintedwardchurch.org YOUTH GROUP Katie Kirrane kkirrane@saintedwardchurch.org 203-746-2200 FRONT DESK Eileen Burke eburke@saintedwardchurch.org 203-746-2200 LAY LEADERSHIP Trustee Arlene Callahan - 312-0918 Peter Greco - 746-0744 Parish Council Anthony Graziano - 746-9524 Finance Bill Rilley - 203-313-4378 PRAYER LINE 203-746-2200, ext. 17 It is God who plants, prunes, tills and tends the garden. The true vine is Jesus. He is true because he comes from the one true God. The old vine, Israel, was not true because it was never able to live as God’s chosen people but was always unfaithful. The branches are the disciples, us, followers of Jesus, called to learn to really love God, ourselves and others. We are pruned by self-awareness, by the Word of God that helps us see ourselves as we are, that leads us to repentance and conversion. What is important here is the inter-relationship between the vine, the branches and the vine dresser. All three are essential for the plant to bear fruit. The relationship that Jesus has with the Father, and the relationship that Jesus has with us, is crucial for us to bear His fruit. Mothers Day is next Sunday May 10th. Join us after all morning masses in the hall for a complimentary Mother’s Day brunch sponsored by the Knights of Columbus which will include: Pancakes, sausages, ham, pastries, fruit salad, assorted cereals, donuts and more to celebrate and honor our Mother’s! The 2015 Annual Catholic Appeal’s goal for St. Edward’s is $200,000. $200,000 We are currently at 69%; $139,476 from 390 donors. donors With the generosity and support of our parishioners, I know we can achieve this goal. I would like to personally thank you for your donation towards this very worthy cause. I ask that you kindly and prayerfully consider a gift to the Appeal this year. You may make your contribution directly by contacting the Parish Office or on our website Next Sunday, May 10th we will have a May Crowning ceremony of the Blessed Mother at the 9:00 & 11:00 masses. Offertory Blessings For the weekend of April 26th we received $16,198.96 for an average of $17,242.27. Thank you for your generous support of St. Edward’s! In the event you use a Welcome Envelope, please be sure to write your full name & address (as there may be others with the same last name) & envelope # (if you know it) so you may get proper credit for your donation. Thank you! 1 FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER-– MAY 3, 2015 READINGS FOR NEXT WEEK MAY 10, 2015 SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Reading 1: Acts 10:2510:25-26, 3434-35, 4444-48 Reading 2: 1 Jn 4:74:7-10 Alleluia: Jn 14:23 Gospel: Jn 15:915:9-17 MONDAY, May 4, 2015 7:30AM Joseph Vila, Jr. R/B The Family 9:00AM Tom Cunningham R/B The Keating Family TUESDAY, May 5, 2015 Deceased members of the Ruglianovic Family 7:30AM R/B Tony & Paola DeCristofaro 9:00AM Tom Cunningham R/B Maureen Salerno Liturgical Year B WEDNESDAY, May 6, 2015 Deceased members of the Anzil Family 7:30AM R/B Tony & Paola DeCristofaro 9:00AM John Kawulicz R/B John Sankey & Family It’s Homefront Weekend!!!! THURSDAY, May 7, 2015 7:30AM Renee Robilliard R/B Her Parents 9:00AM Monica Allen R/B The Family FRIDAY, MAY 8, 2015 7:30AM Stanley Jablonski R/B Michael & Janelle Gipson 9:00AM Kaspar Fuchsenthaler R/B Marion SATURDAY, MAY 9, 2015 4:30PM Hans Muller R/B The Marsigliano Family 6:00PM Mrs. Ray Tagni R/B The Trenk Family God Bless the many volunteers as they work on the Homefront project this weekend! Fill their hearts with Your gracious love and wrap Your loving arms around them and protect them in their physical abilities to get the job done safely. We ask this in Your name. Amen. SUNDAY, MAY 10, 2015 7:30AM Claire Saporito R/B The Rooney Family 9:00AM Suzanne Antonacci R/B Maria Stark June McDermott & Claire Thibodeau R/B Bill & Doris McDermott Lucille Graziosa R/B The Family 11:00AM 5:15PM The Sanctuary Lamp will burn for Patsy Hanna at the request of The Hanna Family. The Chapel Lamp will burn for Antonio Anunziata at the request of The Rakowsky Family. Jane Feidelson, Gerald Fitzgerald, Theresa Stroh, Jim Lewis, Hannah, Richard, Eddie Nielsen, Betty Podlaha , Frank Meli, Jim Leaden, Charles Finnegan, Alexander, Peggy Sullivan If you, or are a loved one is sick and would like to be on our prayer list please contact the parish office at 203-746-2200. Thank you! The month of May is dedicated to The Blessed Virgin Mary. Mary You are all-beautiful, O Mary! You are the glory, you are the joy, you are the honor of our people! Corner Back in February, I attended Eucharist adoration. Fr. Karol invited everyone to touch the monstrance at the end. I wheeled up to the altar and touched it. I know men aren't supposed to do this, but I wanted to cry! It was hard to hold back tears, because it was as if I had gone back in time 2,000 years to ancient Israel and got to touch the helm of the Lord's robe. We thank Christopher Cruz for his submission. 2 Bishop Caggiano is coming to St. Edward’s to celebrate the 11:00 mass on May 24th; Pentecost Sunday. There will be a reception to follow in the church hall. Please join us! II Daniel Negron & Jamie Neumann Marriage Jubilee St. Edward’s will have our Annual Marriage Jubilee on Sun., June 7th at the 11:00 mass with a blessing during mass and a recepon to follow in the hall. For all couples celebrang an anniversary in 2015 which ends in “0” or “5,” starng with 10 years or anyone celebrang 50+ years are invited. Please RSVP to the parish office. We will need how many years married and the number of people a.ending so we can prepare for the recepon. Congratulations! The Red Cross will conduct a Blood Drive on Friday, May 22nd from 1:001:00-6:30 in the church hall. hall Please stop in and donate blood. Pentecost Gathering You are invited to gather at the steps of the Altar immediately following the 6:00pm mass on Sat., May 23rd to celebrate the Holy Spirit-The Father’s Gift. We will always remember the time spent before the Altar and God our Father, the Giver of the Promised, Holy Spirit, will witness our prayers, praise and thanksgiving to Him. Let us take a few moments to come to the Altar and with our voices give thanks and then listen to prophetic, revelation and Grace the Father brings to us. Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of the faithful. All are welcome! ...Let the one who thirsts come forward; and the one who wants it receive the gift of life giving water. ~Rev. 22:17 May is the month dedicated to the Blessed Mother Rosary Prayer Group Come join us for the Rosary. The Rosary is a powerful prayer where we can meet the Blessed Virgin Mary. We can meditate on the mysteries of the lives of Jesus and Mary. We meet on Saturday mornings in the chapel at 9:00 am. Come relax and enjoy this very therapeutic prayer! Prayer Shawls are a warm embracing token of love for someone in need or for someone in happiness. We typically meet the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month in CR C. Our next meeng is: Saturday May 16th at 9:00am. We are currently working on shawls and lap blankets. All skill levels welcome! Please join us for any meeng for a fun & relaxing morning! We are in need of a permanent usher for the 6PM Saturday evening mass. If you regularly attend this mass and would be willing to help with the usher and collector responsibilities please let Gloria or Lennie know after mass. All of the items in the Lost and Found cabinet will be cleaned out on May 15th. If anyone feels that they may have something in that cabinet please check in the Usher's Room before that date otherwise it will be disposed of. Thank you! REGINA CAELI ACADEMY, a homeschool resource center in the Catholic tradition, in Wilton, CT, is hiring for the following: 1st/2nd grade tutor, 2015-2016 academic year. High School science and math tutor, 2015-2016 academic year. These part-time, salaried positions begin August 2015. The main requirements are a love of learning, a desire to serve, and an Oath of Fidelity to the Catholic Church. RCA meets Mondays and Thursdays only, from 8:00am - 3:30pm. For more information, please send your resume and contact information to Mrs. Karen D’Anselmi, Center Coordinator for Education at kdanselmi.fcc@rcahybrid.org or call (203)701-9154. Please visit our website: rcahybrid.org. GLORY GATHERINGS Glory Gatherings will meet Tuesdays 7-8PM in the cry room. On First Tuesdays there will be special prayer time for your healing. Come and be refreshed. The Word of the Lord brings restoration. 2015 is your time for His Grace to you and your concerns. . . . . for God all things are possible. Mt 19:26. Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you. Mt 7:7. Open your heart and receive treasure, freedom and hope God has just for you. As you listen to the Holy Spirit He imparts wisdom, words of knowledge, prophetic words, healing and scriptures that remind us of God’s promises for us. All are welcome. 203-746-4270 Faith Formation Registration for the 2015-2016 school year continues! Payment plans are available for you. Registration forms and fee schedule for new students are available on the website. Incoming first graders will need a copy of their baptismal certificate. Please consider volunteering! Any questions please call the Faith Formation Department at 203-746-4270. Please mark your calendars for our Faith Formation Volunteers’ Appreciation Dinner We hope you can join us on: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 We’ll begin with the celebration of Mass at 5:30 which is the vigil Mass for The Ascension of Our Lord when we celebrate the day that Christ, in the presence of His apostles, ascended bodily into Heaven. We’ll then follow with our End of Year Meeting…a dinner to show you our appreciation for all you do! Please RSVP by Monday May 11th to: faithformation@saintedwardchurch.org. Congratulations to our First Holy Communion Children Congratulations and God's blessings on the 93 children who made their First Holy Communion. Through the years to come, as you follow in His way, may His love and guidance be with you always. We invite the children to join us for the May crowning of Mary, our Lord's mother, wearing their First Communion outfits at the 9:00am mass on Sunday, May 10th. SAVE THE DATE! Terrific Two’s Program Registration for Fall 2015-Spring 2016: Thurs. May 28th for parishioners from 9:3011:00 in CR A & Tues. June 2nd for nonparishioners from 9:30-11:00 in CR A. 1st and 2nd Grade Families will have a dinner & gathering in the Hall with Fr. Nick or Fr Karol on Monday, May 11th The next Toddler Tea gathering will be on Tuesday, May 5th from 9:30-11:00 AM in the church hall .This program caters to parents and children ages 0 to 5. Toddler Tea is typically held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of Do you have an incoming 1st Grader that needs to be registered for Faith Formation?? the month. The next Respect Life meeting will be Tues. May 19th from 7 to 8 in CR A. “Every child, at every age of development, brings us God’s smile and invites us to recognize that life is his gift, a gift to be welcomed with love and preserved with care always and at every moment.” ~ 2009-10 Respect Life Program Flyer, USCCB Then maybe the Nazareth Program is what you are looking for!!! This year-long, alternative Faith Formation program is for families of children in grades 1-5. It is comprised of two consecutive weeks of parent-run instruction in July in the church hall. It also includes a number of liturgical events during the rest of the year, as well as ministry and parish involvement opportunities. It is open to registered parishioners who complete a simple interview process and demonstrate a desire to enter the program as an entire family, particularly with regard to the year-round liturgies and participation in. Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities If you are interested in the Nazareth Program for your families’ Faith Formation needs, please check out our website for more information about Nazareth or contact Beverly Steiger at: bsteiger@saintedwardchurch.org. Women's Group will meet on Tuesday, May 12th from 7-8pm in Conf. Room A. Please come for an evening of learning and discussing the faith. 4 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 9:30 AM 3:00 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM 9:15 AM 9:30 AM 6:00 PM 10:00 AM 8:00 PM 7:30 AM 8:00 AM 8:30 AM 9:00 AM 3:45 PM Monday, May 04, 2015 Prayer Group/Cry Room Al-Anon/MR 9 Tuesday, May 05, 2015 Toddler Tea/Hall MR 1-4 Children & Youth Choir/Church AA Meeng/Hall Glory Gatherings/Cry Room Wednesday, May 06, 2015 Adult Choir Pracce/Church Thursday, May 07, 2015 Making Music Praying Twice/MR 7 & 8 Ladies Guild Sewing Group/MR 3 & 4 & Kitchen Contemporary Choir/CR A Friday, May 08, 2015 Abilies Beyond Disabilies/MR 9 Women's AA Meeng/Area 9 & Kitchen Saturday, May 09, 2015 Men's Ministry Meeng Miraculous Medal Novena/Prayer Chapel Holy Yoga/MR 1-4 Rosary Prayer Group/Prayer Chapel Confessions/Church Sunday, May 10, 2015 Happy Mother's Day ALZHEIMER'S SUPPORT GROUP The next Alzheimer's Support Group meeting will be held on Thursday May 14, 2015 at 10:30 am in Conference Rm. A. The group will be facilitated by a trained Alzheimer's Assoc., Support Group Leader, Jennifer Bittner. For further information, contact Jennifer at (203) 312-5020 (Home) or (203) 770-1047. Knights of Columbus Mother's Day Brunch after the 7:30, 9:00 & 11:00 am masses in the hall 9:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 6:30 PM Mother's Day Children's May Crowning/Church Cherub Choir at 9AM Mass Special Needs Class/CR C Mother's Day May Crowning/Church Sr. Youth Group/Hall First Birthday Celebration The Rosary Hill Sewing Group is in need of used but clean sheets free of stains to continue their good works. Please no flannel, preferably cotton or polyester. Please drop off to the parish office. Thank you!! PARISH COUNSELING Dr. Dan Joynt Ph. D. is a WCSU Professor and a CT Licensed Professional Counselor working with individuals, couples and families. He can be reached either at 203-770-3171 or by a message to the Parish Office (746-2200). There is no cost for a first session. Special consideration is available for subsequent counseling services. Your family at St. Edward the Confessor Parish, wishes your child a Happy 1ST Birthday! We share the same joy and happiness with you as we did on the day of your child’s Baptism. As one family of our community of faith, we would like to celebrate this Birthday along with the other children born in 2014. Also, anyone who has adopted or moved into the parish and has a child born in 2014 are welcome to attend. We cordially invite you and your family to join us for the 11:00 a.m. Mass on May 31st, 2015. During this Mass we will confer a special blessing on the children. This will be followed by a small reception in the parish hall just after the Mass for some birthday cake. We encourage you to attend the reception since it affords us the opportunity to get better acquainted as a Parish Family. RSVP is Required. Please RSVP before Monday, May 25th by calling Janet Hansen at 203-746-1919 or by email at JMHansen9@aol.com. 5
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