21 BRUSH HILL ROAD NEW FAIRFIELD, CT. 06812 203-746-2200 VISIT US AT: WWW.SAINTEDWARDCHURCH.ORG MASS SCHEDULE PARISH HOURS Monday to Friday 7:30AM & 9:00 AM Saturday Vigils 4:30 and 6:00 PM Sunday 7:30, 9:00, 11:00 AM & 5:15 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays, 3:45 to 4:15 PM Miraculous Medal Novena Saturdays at 8:00 AM Marriage The proper time of preparation for Marriage is one year prior to the wedding. Please contact the Parish Office as soon as possible. Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Friday 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM Closed Saturdays Phone: 203-746-2200 Fax: 203-746-4856 www.saintedwardchurch.org STAFF PASTOR Rev. Nick Cirillo 203-746-2200, Ext 16 Frnick@saintedwardchurch.org ASSOCIATE PASTOR Rev. Karol Ksiazek 203-746-2200, Ext. 15 Frkarol@saintedwardchurch.org FAITH FORMATION Director Mrs. Kathryn La Regina 203-746-4270, Ext. 20 klaregina@saintedwardchurch.org ADULT EDUCATION Mrs. Carol Zinser 203-746-2200, Ext. 24 czinser@saintedwardchurch.org MUSIC AND LITURGY Director Mr. Dan Kean 203-746-2200, Ext. 38 dkean@saintedwardchurch.org INDIVIDUAL,COUPLE & FAMILY COUNSELOR Dr. Daniel Joynt, Ph.D. 203-770-3171 203-746-2200, Ext. 21 OFFICE MANAGER Mrs. Luanne Hogan 203-746-2200, Ext. 11 lhogan@saintedwardchurch.org CENSUS, BULLETIN, WEBSITE COORDINATOR FAITH FORMATION BILLING Ms. Debra Tomasetti 203-746-2200, Ext. 14 dtomasetti@saintedwardchurch.org YOUTH GROUP Katie Kirrane kkirrane@saintedwardchurch.org 203-746-2200 FRONT DESK Eileen Burke eburke@saintedwardchurch.org 203-746-2200 LAY LEADERSHIP Trustee Arlene Callahan - 312-0918 Peter Greco - 746-0744 Parish Council Anthony Graziano - 746-9524 Finance Bill Rilley - 203-313-4378 PRAYER LINE 203-746-2200, ext. 17 We recently observed Memorial Day, a time to honor the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. Couldn’t we say that this holiday has a strong connection to The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi, Latin for 'the body of Christ') that we celebrate today? Jesus gave up his life and made the ultimate sacrifice to save ours and we celebrate the truth of the transubstantiation of bread and wine into the actual body of Christ during Mass. When we receive the body and blood, Jesus becomes part of us. Just as on Memorial Day we realize and take in the truth that these brave men and women died protecting our freedoms, including our religious freedoms for which we are grateful! This weekend we celebrate our Marriage Jubilee couples. May they continue to share their lives in the special and holy bond of marriage. Let them join hands and hearts and say this prayer together. Anniversary Prayer Lord, help us to remember when we first met and the strong love that grew between us. To work that love into practical things so nothing can divide us. We ask for words both kind and loving, and for hearts always ready to ask forgiveness as well as to forgive. Dear Lord, we put our marriage into your hands. Amen. The 2015 Annual Catholic Appeal’s Goal Offertory Blessings forSt.Edward’sis$200,000. Weareat$173,721from474 Donorsbringingtheparishto For the weekend of May 31st we received 86.86%. $18,026.66 for an average of $17,658.72 Withthegenerosityandsupport ofourparishioners,Iknowwecan Thank you for your generous support of achievethisgoal.Iwouldliketo St. Edward’s! personallythankyouforyour donationtowardsthisvery worthycause.Iaskthatyou If you use a Welcome Envelope, please kindlyandprayerfullyconsidera be sure to write your full name & address gifttotheAppealthisyear. (as there may be others with the same Youmaymakeyour last name) & envelope # (if you know it) so contributiondirectlyby contactingtheParishOficeoron you may get proper credit for your donation. ourwebsitelink. Thank you! 1 The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) – June 7, 2015 MONDAY, June 8, 2015 7:30AM Louise Miller R/B Eleanor & Greg Porpora 9:00AM Gladys Loffredo R/B Her Children TUESDAY, June 9, 2015 7:30AM READINGS FOR NEXT WEEK JUNE 14, 2015 ELEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Reading 1: Ez 17:2217:22-24 Reading 2: 2 Cor 5:65:6-10 Gospel: Mk 4:264:26-34 Donald McLeod R/B Eileen & Joe Dimperio 9:00AM Larry Dugan R/B Bob & Bev Pietrzkiewicz WEDNESDAY, June 10, 2015 7:30AM Tom Cunningham R/B Tom Murphy & Tanya 9:00AM Nicholas Tersigni R/B The Family Liturgical Year B is the THURSDAY, June 11, 2015 7:30AM Frank & Joy Letizia R/B The Family 9:00AM Thomas Cunningham R/B Marvin & Theresa Nash FRIDAY, June 12, 2015 Saint Lucy~Thank you 7:30AM R/B Tony & Antoinette DiBouno 9:00AM Maguire & Fitzpatrick Families R/B Rose Maguire SATURDAY, June 13, 2015 4:30PM Anthony Mauriello R/B Fr. Nick Cirillo 6:00PM Sophia Maskara R/B The Family SUNDAY, June 14, 2015 7:30AM Claire Saporito R/B May Toomey & Family 9:00AM Cecile Lamontage R/B Antoinette & Bob Sicurelli 11:00AM John Oliva R/B Bonnie 5:15PM Robert Sweikert R/B Joan Leahy The Sanctuary Lamp will burn for Robert Ranft at the request of The Chamoures Family. The Chapel Lamp will burn for Edward Sczepanski at the request of the Petschauer Family. Jane Feidelson, Theresa Stroh, Hannah, Richard, Eddie Nielsen, Betty Podlaha , Frank Meli, Jim Leaden, Charles Finnegan, Alexander Owens, Peggy Sullivan, Mary Dransfield, Frank DeMarco, Mary Shepard, Jimmy Shepard If you, or are a loved one is sick and would like to be on our prayer list please contact the parish office at 203-746-2200. Thank you! The devotion to the Sacred Heart (also known as the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Sacratissimi Cordis Iesu in Latin) is one of the most widely practiced and well-known Roman Catholic devotions, taking Jesus Christ's physical heart as the representation of his divine love for humanity. 12 Promises Listed below are the “12 Promises” of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to St. Margaret Mary to encourage all Catholics to know and understand the benefit of practicing the Devotion and to encourage all to take up its immediate practice. 1. I will give them all the graces necessary in their state of life. 2. I will give peace in their families and will unite families that are divided. 3. I will console them in all their troubles. 4. I will be their refuge during life and above all in death. 5. I will bestow the blessings of Heaven on all their enterprises. 6. Sinners shall find in my Heart the source and infinite ocean of mercy. 7. Tepid souls shall become fervent. 8. Fervent souls shall rise quickly to great perfection. 9. I will bless those places wherein the image of My Heart shall be exposed and honored and will imprint My love on the hearts of those who would wear this image on their person. I will also destroy in them all disordered movements. 10. I will give to priests who are animated by a tender devotion to my Divine Heart the gift of touching the most hardened hearts. 11. Those who promote this devotion shall have their names written in my Heart, never to be effaced. 12. I promise you in the excessive mercy of my Heart that my all-powerful love will grant to all those who communicate on the First Friday in nine consecutive months, the grace of final penitence: they will not die in my disgrace, nor without receiving their Sacraments. My Divine Heart shall be their safe refuge in this last moment. 2 Special Mass & Dinner to Celebrate our “Senior” Parishioners Recognizing that our senior members are an important part of our community and our church, we would like to invite them to a special mass to thank them for all that they do to build up our parish and for all the service that they have rendered to us throughout the years. So NEXT Saturday, June 13th at 4:30 Mass we will welcome our seniors to join us for prayer, offer the sacrament of anointing to those in need of God's help and healing, and then after Mass we will invite them for dinner and music in our parish hall. The Church recognizes that our older members are the pillars on which our parish stability rests, and we want to say thank you and offer our blessing to those who have helped and served us throughout the years. And, hey, while we're at it, we should also have dinner and sing a few songs! If you would like to join us, please call the office at 203-746-2200 to sign up. We need your RSVP so we can make sure we are ready for you all when you come. 65? 75? 85+? Let us say thank you for all you have done to help. CORNER Social media can be utilized for good. I had pondered what was meant by the dewfall in the Second Eucharist Prayer we hear the priest pray. Here is Bishop Caggiano's explanation I received in his post on facebook. Submitted by~Elizabeth Ricci Regarding the unity that is created by the Spirit within our community of faith, Saint Irenaeus, who lived in the second century, used a very interesting image to describe it. He said: “Like dry flour, which cannot become one lump of dough, one loaf of bread, without moisture, we who are many could not become one in Christ Jesus without the water comes down from heaven. And like parched ground, which yields no harvest unless it receives moisture, we who were once like a waterless tree could never have lived and borne fruit without this abundant rainfall from above.” And Irenaues concludes, “If we are not to be scorched and made unfruitful, we need the dew of God.” Just like dew moistens the ground in the early morning, so too does the sacred Dew, who is the Holy Spirit, comes to moisten our lives when we are parched by the sufferings of life. Like water in the desert, the Spirit strengthens us as individuals and unites us in love. In the Second Eucharist Prayer, we hear the priest pray: “Make holy these gifts, we pray, by sending down your Spirit like the dewfall..” If today you find yourself parched and thirsty, my prayer is that the divine dewfall of the Holy Spirit will give you refreshment and strength. Alzheimer’s Support Group at St. Edward’s The next meeting will be Thursday, June 11th at 10:30 am in CR A. The Alzheimer's Support Group will not meet again until September. This group is facilitated by a trained Alzheimer's Association, Support Group Leader, Jennifer Bittner. For further information, contact Jennifer at (203) 312 -5020 (Home) or (203) 770-1047. We encourage new members to attend! Rosary Prayer Group Come join us for the Rosary. The Rosary is a powerful prayer where we can meet the Blessed Virgin Mary. We can meditate on the mysteries of the lives of Jesus and Mary. We meet on Saturday mornings in the chapel at 9:00 am. Come The Parish family of St. Edward the Confessor welcomes Athena Cerqueira, Osiris Cerqueira, Logan Cioffi, Lola Smyers who were baptized here. May God bless them always! relax and enjoy this very therapeutic prayer! GLORY GATHERINGS Glory Gatherings will meet Tuesdays 7-8PM in the cry room. On First Tuesdays there will be special prayer time for your healing. Come and be refreshed. The Word of the Lord brings restoration. 2015 is your time for His Grace to you and your concerns. . . . . for God all things are possible. Mt 19:26. Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you. Mt 7:7. Open your heart and receive treasure, freedom and hope God has just for you. As you listen to the Holy Spirit He imparts wisdom, words of knowledge, prophetic words, healing and scriptures that remind us of God’s promises for us. All are welcome. Thank you to Janet Hansen & Lisa Regan for the wonderful First Birthday Celebration we celebrated last weekend with our youngest members of our parish family! May they always feel at home and amongst family at St. Edward’s! And a big thank you to Amanda Zafrin Lombard for baking such a delicious birthday cake! 203-746-4270 The next Respect Life Meeting will be on Tuesday, June 30th from 7:007:00-8:00pm in CR A. “Know that you are not alone, separated, abandoned or useless. You have been called by Christ and are His living and transparent image. You are the brothers of the suffering Christ, and with Him, if you wish, you are saving the world.” — Pope Paul VI, To the Poor, the Sick and the Suffering, 1965 Faith Formation Registration for the 2015-2016 school year continues! Payment plans are available for you. Registration forms and fee schedule for new students are available on the website. Incoming first graders will need a copy of their baptismal certificate. Please consider volunteering! Any questions please call the Faith Formation Department at 203-746-4270. 6th to 8th grade Confirmation Candidates The Confirmation Welcome Mass is THIS Sunday, June 7th @ 5:15pm. Immediately following the Mass there will be a meeting to present the Confirmation program and distribute the students’ Confirmation packets. In order to receive a packet the following requirements must be met: * You must be registered for the 2015 Confirmation program. * All 8th Grade Faith Formation missed classes/work needs to be made up. Upcoming Events……... Join Us!! Sunday June 7th 3:00pm-6:15pm: Outdoor games, kickball, whiffle ball, Frisbee, etc. Food & Prizes! Then end with 5:15 mass. Sunday June 28th: Planning a trip to SkyZone. More info to follow. Sunday July 26th 5:15-8:30pm: Outdoor movie night and Steubenville recap. Start with mass then head outside for a movie & snacks! Sunday August 30th 3:00-6:15pm: To finish off the summer we will have a picnic where each member can bring food and we can play games and get ready for the new school year! On Monday June 8th, there will be a Nazareth Program Planning Meeting in the hall from 7:00pm9:00pm for all registered families in the 2015-2016 year. It is imperative that you attend as your roles for the summer program will be decided upon. There will be a second planning meeting on Monday, Monday June 22nd in the hall from 7:00pm-9:00pm. Nazareth runs the weeks of July 13th-July 17th Mon-Fri. from 9:00am-12:00pm & July 20th-24th Mon-Fri. from 9:00am-12:00pm. Middle School MakeMake-Up Dates Tuesday, June 23rd from 10:00am-12:00 in the church hall or Monday, June 29th from 7:009:00pm in the hall. Letters have been mailed out to those who must attend. PLEASE RSVP. Parents must attend with child for a brief video and then the children will stay to complete the class. SUMMER CAMP VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Calling all kids in grades K-5!! VBS is August 3-7 from 10-1 in the hall! Join the fun!! Registration forms are in the gathering space or on our website. 4 Calling all children from newborn to age 5 for Making Music Praying Twice (MMP2) Summer Camp! Come sing, dance, play instruments and more with your child in this faith-inclusive, music education camp designed to benefit even our little babies. Camp will run August 3-7 (During VBS week) Take home CDs and Songbooks bring the learning home. Registration forms can be found in the gathering space or on our website. Email Marlene at mdrygas@saintedwardchurch.org or call 203-746-1142 for more information. Regina Caeli Academy in Wilton, CT is -HIRING (www.rcahybrid.org),ahomeschoolresourcecenterin the Catholic tradition, seeks part-time tutors for the 2015-2016 year. Located in Wilton, CT, RCA offers tutoring in a Socratic classroom setting on Mondays and Thursdays. The positions are salaried, and child care is provided! Requirements include a love of learningandanOathofFidelitytotheCatholicChurch. We seek tutors for both the 1st/2nd grade and the 6thgrade.Pleasesendyourresumeandacoverletter toErikaAhernateahern@rcahybrid.org. Monday, June 08, 2015 7:00 PM Nazareth Program Planning Meeng/MR 9 7:30 PM Prayer Group/CR A Tuesday, June 09, 2015 6:30 PM AA Meeng/Hall 7:00 PM Glory Gatherings/Cry Room Wednesday, June 10, 2015 7:00 PM Please join us for the next Women's Group which will be held on Tuesday, June 23rd 9:30 AM from 7:00-800pm in CR A. Please join us for an evening of discovery about your faith & fellowship! 10:30 AM 6:30 PM All women of the parish are invited to attend! Adult Educaon/Hall Thursday, June 11, 2015 Ladies Guild Sewing Group/Hall Alzheimer's Support Group/CR A Knights of Columbus Officers Meeng/CR C 7:00 PM Knights of Columbus Business Meeng/Hall Friday, June 12, 2015 MEN’S MINISTRY Come join the men of the parish at 10:00 AM Abilies Beyond Disabilies/MR 9 our weekly discussion group. It is a 8:00 PM Women's AA Meeng/Area 9 & Kitchen wonderful opportunity for prayer and Saturday, June 13, 2015 fellowship. We meet every Saturday 7:30 AM Men's Ministry Meeng morning from 7:30AM to 8:30AM in CR C. 8:00 AM Miraculous Medal Novena/Prayer Chapel 8:30 AM Holy Yoga/MR 1-4 The Ladies Guild Bake Sale will be postponed due to the DATE CHANGE senior dinner next weekend June 13th. A new date will be announced. 9:00 AM Rosary Prayer Group/Prayer Chapel 4:30 PM/ Anoinng Mass with Seniors/Church 5:30 PM & Dinner to follow in the Hall Sunday, June 14, 2015 10:00 AM Special Needs Class/CR C 12:00 PM Parent as Catechist Brunch/MR 1-4 Installation The ladies will have their Installation Luncheon on Wed. June 17th at 12:00 at Jim Barbaries Restaurant. The cost will be $20. PARISH COUNSELING Dr. Dan Joynt Ph. D. is a WCSU Professor and a CT Licensed Professional Counselor working with individuals, couples and families. He can be reached either at 203-770-3171 or by a message to the Parish Office (746-2200). There is no cost for a first session. Special consideration is available for subsequent counseling services. 6:30 PM Sr. Youth Group/Hall Night of Worship & Ice Cream Social: "Catholic Young Adults of Greater Danbury" will be hosting a Holy Hour with music on Tuesday, June 9th from 6:30PM-7:30PM at St. Marguerite Parish in Brookfield. The Ice Cream Social will follow the Holy Hour in the Parish Hall. All parishioners and friends are invited to join us. For more information, find us on Facebook at "Catholic Young Adults of Greater Danbury" or contact Maria Krafty at catholic.ya.danbury@gmail.com or 610-505-7272. 5 Sunday, June 21st In the hall Mark your Calendars! Breakfast will be served immediately following the 7:30 A.M., 9:00A.M. & 11:00A.M. Masses. Breakfast Menu includes: Fruit Salad, Cold Cereal, French Toast, Fresh Scrambled Eggs, Sausage Links, Bagels and Croissants served with cream cheese and butter, Assorted Danish and Donuts, Fruit Juices, Coffee & Tea This is a wonderful opportunity for the families of St. Edward’s to celebrate Father’s Day by taking Dad to breakfast and by sharing a meal with your parish family. Sponsored by St. Edward the Confessor Parish You are cordially invited to attend the 10th Annual Lakeside Gala Wine Tasting Auction Fundraiser for St. Edward’s Thursday, June 25, 2015 from 7 – 11 p.m. The Candlewood Inn, Brookfield, CT $75 pp, which includes wine tasting and hors d’oeuvres, four course gourmet dinner with wine. If you wish to donate something or have questions about a possible donation, please contact Ellen Waltimyer at 203-746-9256. Thank you. Tickets available in the office or after mass in the gathering space
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