04-0718 April 5, 2015 Easter

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St Edward the Confessor Church, New Fairfield, CT. 06812
In the event you use a
Welcome Envelope, please be
sure to write your full name &
address (as there may be others with
the same last name) & envelope # (if
you know it) so you may get proper
credit for your donation. Thank you!
Offertory Blessings
Due to early transmittal of the Easter Bulletin, our
offertory numbers will be reflected in the April 12th
bulletin. Thank you for your generous support of
St. Edward’s!
APRIL 12TH, 2015
Anton Comizio R/B The Family
Reading 1: Acts 4:324:32-35
Reading 2: 1 Jn 5:15:1-6
Alleluia Jn 20:29
Gospel: Jn 20:1920:19-31
James Kawulicz R/B The Family
Monica Allen R/B The Family
Liturgical Year B
Stanley Jablonski R/B Ziggy & Halina Blechschmidt
Herbert Krug R/B Bob & Marge Jano
APRIL 9, 2015
William White R/B The Briganti's
Jean Mancuso R/B The Ladies Guild
FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 2015
Gabriel Felicio R/B The Fives Family
Fran Emanuele R/B The Allen Family
Helena Larson R/B Barbara Roper
Toni DiNardo R/B Joann & Bill Mihal
SUNDAY, APRIL 12, 2015
Michael Buckley R/B The Casey Family
Harry Heim R/B Joan Draxdorf
Jose Maldonado R/B Paul & Kimberly Yanez
Lucille Graziosa R/B The Family
The Sanctuary Lamp will burn for Alice & Stanley Kozlowski at
the request of The Family.
The Chapel Lamp will burn for Lucille Graziosa at the request of
The Family.
Jane Feidelson, Gerald Fitzgerald, Theresa Stroh,
Jim Lewis, Karen Fox, Hannah, Richard
Share the gift of music with your
child or grandchild! The Easter /
Pentecost session of Making
Music Praying Twice begins April 23rd and is only 7
weeks long. Come sit in on the last class of the current
session if you'd like to see firsthand how this research
based and faith inclusive program can benefit even our
littlest babies. Secular music is also very much a part of
the program.
Please email Marlene at marlenedrygas@saintedwardchurch.org or
call 203-746-1142 for more information or to attend class
on April 9th. Classes are for children newborn to 5 years of
age with a parent or caregiver. Have fun with music; increase
your child, or grandchild’s, music aptitude, sing, play rhythm
instruments and more. Beautifully illustrated children’s songbooks and CD’s are included. More information is also on St.
Ed’s website.
The St. Edward’s youth
group is again planning to
attend the Steubenville East
youth conference this year
in July. Whenever a teen
wishes to attend the
conference and struggles with a financial burden, we
do whatever we can to help bridge the gap. The cost of
attending is $285 per person for the weekend. In the
past, parishioners have supported teens with either
partial or full assistance for this retreat program. If you
would like to help with this program, please contact
Fr. Karol at the parish office. We are hoping to bring a
group of about forty this year; with God’s help! Thank
you for your support of our teens!
Periodically we need to clear out our prayer
list so if you, or are a loved one is sick and
would like to be on our prayer list please
contact the parish office at 203-746-2200.
Thank you!
The next bottle and can truck will be
here the weekend of April 11th & 12th
Please remember to
separate glass from plastic. Thank you!
St. Edward the Confessor, New Fairfield, CT. www.saintedwardchurch.org
Feast of Divine Mercy Sunday Celebration
The Feast of Divine Mercy Sunday will be celebrated
St. Edward the Confessor Church, New Fairfield,
with a Prayer Service on April 12, 2015
2-3PM Confessions
Eucharistic Exposition at 3PM
Divine Mercy Chaplet @ 3PM
Benediction, and veneration of Divine Mercy Image at
closing. All are welcome. Divine Mercy Chaplet prayers
will be provided.
Jesus promised St. Faustina, “The soul that will go to
confession, (be in a state of grace) and receive Holy
Communion on the Feast of Divine Mercy shall obtain
complete forgiveness of sin and punishment.”
Diary 699.
The Divine Mercy Novena prayers, available on entrance
table, begin on Good Friday and end 9 days later.
Prayer Shawls are a warm embracing token of love
for someone in need or for someone in happiness.
We typically meet the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the
month in the church hall. Our next mee'ng is:
Saturday, April 18th at 9:00am in CR C. Join us for
fellowship and fun! All skill levels welcome!
We are in need of a permanent usher for the
6PM Saturday evening mass. If you regularly
attend this mass and would be willing to help
with the usher and collector responsibilities
please let Gloria or Lennie know after mass.
St. Edward's is participating in
2015. Volunteers come together on this
day and give their time and talent to repair a home for someone in the community who is unable to do this themselves. We will have an informational
sign up meeting on April 19th at 6:15 p.m., after the
5:15 mass in the parish hall. If you would like to
participate in this program, please try to attend this meeting. HOMEFRONT forms can be found in the parish
office or on our website For questions, contact Doris
McDermott at (203) 746-5539.
For those who wish to remember a loved
one in a unique way, we have established a
fund for flowers for the Tabernacle,
Blessed Mother, St. Edward and Adoration Chapel.
All contributions to this fund will be used to adorn
the sanctuary of St. Edward parish. A notation will
be made in the bulletin monthly of the people in
whose memory the flowers have been given.
This is dedicated to the spiritual reflection, revelations & experiences that our ministry leaders, minCORNER istry members and parishioners experience within
our parish activities &/or ministries. These reflections will be posted in the bulletin each week.
Email your responses to: dtomasetti@saintedwardchurch.org,
drop off your written submission to the parish office or submit via
the website on the “Reflections Corner” Link.
Pope Francis and the
Promise of Family
An event to offer inspiration,
encouragement and creative solutions to the
challenges of married life and parenting in
today’s world as envisioned by Pope Francis. Featuring
Dr. Scott Hahn and Kimberly Hahn & Dr. Allen Hunt.
Saturday April 18, 2015 from 8:30am-5:00pm
Including Mass with Bishop Caggiano at
All Saints School
39 W. Rocks Rd., Norwalk, CT.
Cost is $45/person or $75/couple
which includes a continental breakfast and lunch
To register or for more information please contact
Angela Mantero amantero@diobpt.org or call
Faith Formation Registration has begun for
the 2015-2016 school year! Letters & registration forms have been mailed out to all who are
currently registered. If you did NOT receive
your packet in the mail please call the office. PLEASE
take advantage of our Early Bird special and register
before April 30, 2015. Payment plans are available
for you. Registration forms and fee schedule for new students are available on the website. Incoming first graders
will need a copy of their baptismal certificate. Please consider volunteering! Any questions please call the Faith
Formation Department at 203-746-4270.
PARENTS: The year is winding
down; please mark your calendars for
the remainder of FF classes:
Grades 1&2 - April 7
Grade 6 – April 9th
Grade 7 – April 6th( added class) bus transportation from
NFMS will be provided.
The clergy
and staff of
St. Edward’s
wishes you and your
family a very blessed
The 2015 Annual Catholic Appeal’s goal for
St. Edward’s is $200,000. With the generosity and
support of our parishioners, I know we can
achieve this goal. I would like to personally thank
you for your donation towards this very worthy
cause. I ask that you kindly and prayerfully consider
a gift to the Appeal this year. You may make your
contribution directly by contacting the Parish Office
or on our website link.
Dr. Dan Joynt Ph. D. is a WCSU Professor and
a CT Licensed Professional Counselor working
with individuals, couples and families. He can
be reached either at 203-770-3171 or by a
message to the Parish Office (746-2200). There
is no cost for a first session. Special consideration is
available for subsequent counseling services.
Wednesday, April 8th 5:00pm
Parents: Bring your child to
Reconciliation before they receive
their First Holy Communion
Diocese of Bridgeport Jubilee
First Holy Communion and Rehearsal
Mass of Wedding Anniversaries
Communion: Sunday, April 26 1:30pm
The Diocese of Bridgeport will
Rehearsal: Wednesday, April 22 from
a Mass commemorating
significant wedding anniversaries
Communion: Sunday, May 3rd 1:30pm
at Saint Theresa Church,
Rehearsal: Wednesday, April 29th 4:00-5:30pm
Trumbull, on Sunday, May 17, at 3:00 P.M.
For rehearsal: Your child needs to be dropped
Bishop Caggiano will be the Principal Celebrant
off to the church promptly at 3:50pm. Parent
at this special Mass which will include the
meeting at 5:15pm in the Church.
renewal of marriage vows and presentation of
Nazareth Program Registra$on is HERE!!
Space is limited. If you are interested in the
Nazareth Program for your families’ Faith Forma$on needs, please check out our website for
more informa$on about Nazareth or contact
Beverly Steiger at
commemorative certificates. Couples
celebrating an anniversary in 2015 which ends in
“0” or “5,” or anyone celebrating 50+ years are
invited to register with their parish by May 8.
St. Edward’s will have our Annual Marriage
Jubilee on Sunday June 7th at the 11:00 mass
with a reception to follow in the hall. More
information to follow.
PIE 32 Retreat: Danbury Emmaus is having a retreat for adults
18 and up who have completed high school on May 1-3, 2015 at
the Seton Newman Center in Danbury CT. It will be a weekend
you will never forget! Come deepen your rela)onship with God
while you make friendships that will last a life)me! It is a weekend of great Faith, great Food, new Friends, and lots of Fun! For
more informa)on, please call Kris)n Nauheimer at 203-5125285 or visit us at www.danburyemmaus.org.
After 33 years of service, Deacon
David Vaughn will be retiring from
active ministry. We would like to show
him our appreciation for his service to
our parish as he moves into this new
stage in his life. Next Sunday, April 12th
we will say goodbye to Deacon Vaughn
at the 11:00 Mass and have a reception
afterwards to thank him for his years of
service. Please join us!
Beginning April 7th, Glory Gatherings will
meet Tuesdays at 7-8PM in the cry room.
On First Tuesdays there will be special prayer
time for your healing. Come and be refreshed. The Word of the Lord brings restoration. 2015 is
your time for His Grace to carry you and your concerns. .
. . for God all things are possible. Mt 19:26. Ask and it
will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and
the door will be opened to you. Mt 7:7. Open your
heart and receive treasure, freedom and hope God has
just for you. As you listen to the Holy Spirit He imparts
wisdom, words of knowledge, prophetic words, healing
and scriptures that remind us of God’s promises for us.
All are welcome.
R o s a r y
P r a y e r
G r o u p
Come join us for the Rosary. The Rosary is a powerful prayer where we can meet the Blessed Virgin
Mary. We can meditate on the mysteries of the lives of Jesus
and Mary. We meet on Saturday mornings in the chapel at
9:00 am. Come relax and enjoy this very therapeutic prayer!
“The right to life is the first
among human rights.”
– Pope Francis
In an effort to keep our children safe, we
are being required to re-certify our Safe
Environment certificates if it has been a
number of years since you went through
the Safe Environment program. If you
are required to re-certify, you will be receiving a
letter in the mail explaining the steps necessary.
You will be directed to www.virtus.org. A background check may also be required. Any questions
please contact Eileen in the parish office.
“Among the vulnerable for whom the church wishes to care
with particular love and concern are unborn children, the
most defenseless and innocent among us. Nowadays efforts
are made to deny them their human dignity and to do with
them whatever one pleases, taking their lives and passing
laws preventing anyone from standing in the way of this.
…Precisely because this involves the internal consistency of
our message about the value of the human person, the church
cannot be expected to change her position on this question…
It is not ‘progressive’ to try to resolve problems by
eliminating a human life…”– Pope Francis’ Apostolic
Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium #213-214
Ball Room Dancing
Make-Up Dates!
When: April 6, 13, and 20
Where: Church Hall
Instructor: Parishioner, Bill O’Keeffe
The next Respect life meeting will be
Tuesday, April 14th from 77-8pm in
CR A. All are welcomed.
Monday, April 06, 2015
6:30 PM
7:00 PM
7:30 PM
7:30 PM
7th Grade FF Last Class/Hall
Parish Counsel Mee$ng/CR A
Ballroom Dancing/Hall
Prayer Group/Cry Room
Al-Anon/MR 9
Tuesday, April 07, 2015
9:30 AM
3:00 PM
Toddler Tea/Hall MR 1-4
1st & 2nd Grade FF Last Class/Consolidated School
3:00 PM
4:30 PM
6:30 PM
7:00 PM
Children & Youth Choir/Church
Cherub Choir/Church
AA Mee$ng/Hall
Glory Gatherings/Cry Room
Wednesday, April 08, 2015
5:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:30 PM
First Communion Reconcilia$on/Church
Nazareth Informa$on Mee$ng/MR 9
Adult Choir Prac$ce/Church
Thursday, April 09, 2015
9:15 AM
9:30 AM
10:30 AM
3:00 PM
6:30 PM
7:00 PM
7:30 PM
Making Music Praying Twice/MR 7 & 8
Ladies Guild Sewing Group/Hall
Alzheimer's Support Group/CR A
6th Grade FF Last Class/Hall
Knights of Columbus Officers Mee$ng/CR C
Knights of Columbus Business Mee$ng/Hall
Boy Scout Ad ALteri Dei Medal/CR B
Friday, April 10, 2015
10:00 AM Abili$es Beyond Disabili$es/MR 9
8:00 PM Women's AA Mee$ng/Area 9 & Kitchen
Saturday, April 11, 2015
7:30 AM
8:00 AM
8:30 AM
9:00 AM
Men's Ministry Mee$ng
Miraculous Medal Novena/Prayer Chapel
Holy Yoga/MR 1-4
Rosary Prayer Group/Prayer Chapel
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Divine Mercy Sunday
10:00 AM
12:00 PM
2:00 PM
3:00 PM
6:30 PM
Special Needs Class/CR C
Mass in honor of Deacon Dave Vaughn
Recep$on for Deacon Dave aBer 11AM Mass/Hall
Emmaus Mee$ng/MR 9
Confessions, Divine Mercy/Church
Divine Mercy Chaplet & Adora$on/Church
Sr. Youth Group/Hall