Head’s Newsletter March 2015 ‘A Culture of Excellence’ Dear Parents and Students, Welcome to the second and final newsletter of the Spring Term! At Tadcaster Grammar School we believe that success at school is more likely if our students have the opportunity to take part in stimulating and exciting experiences beyond as well as within the classroom. Over three nights last week we were treated to a fantastic production of ‘Zombie Prom’. I couldn’t help feeling incredibly proud of our students and it was so great to see so many of them involved both on stage, in the band and behind the scenes. I know that the many parents in the audience will have felt exactly the same. They have such talent, but more importantly, they put in such a lot of hard work and demonstrated huge commitment over many weeks to get a wonderful show ‘on the road’. Recently, I have been reviewing all the other extra-curricular opportunities which have been made available during this academic year. I counted 25 visits, trips and activities already, including, amongst others: Duke of Edinburgh’s award, Skiing visits to both Italy and the USA, two recent visits to Berlin, Geography visits to Barcelona and Iceland, theatre visits, and trips to the Clothes Show at the NEC, the National Holocaust Centre and skills and careers events in Leeds. The list goes on! This, of course, does not include the substantial range of weekly clubs, sporting, music and drama activities, as well as our upcoming water sports week in Spain this summer. I would like to pay tribute to all my colleagues who, like me, believe these experiences are so important and give freely of their own time to make them a reality. It is their commitment which is so crucial in making TGS the special place that it is. We hear regular references in the news about the need to improve national levels of literacy. At TGS we have always known that secure literacy skills are incredibly important in determining a person’s life chances. For some time we have been working on our own plans to develop reading and other key literacy skills for all students across the whole curriculum. Of the many facts and figures recently placed before us I was shocked to see that only 17% of 15-17 year olds read daily. I would like to take this opportunity to ask all parents to actively encourage their children to read regularly. It will make a difference to their chances in school and beyond! To conclude, I was delighted to discover earlier this month about the students who will be transferring from primary school to TGS in the next academic year. I am absolutely delighted in the continuing confidence shown by parents in us and am really looking forward to welcoming the next generation of students when we meet them for transition events and when they eventually join the TGS ‘family’ proper in September! Have a great Easter holiday, Toulston Tadcaster North Yorkshire LS24 9NB Tel: 01937 833466 Fax: 01937 836082 Martyn Sibley Headteacher HOUSE NEWS Time certainly flies when you’re having fun or, of course, when you are working very hard! This term has most definitely been short and sweet, with lots going on for many members of the House. We have the Year 11s productively working towards their GCSE examinations and the Sixth Form preparing for their AS or final A levels – to these students I encourage you to keep on working; and to parents I thank you for your patience and support. Remember revision only really works if you are thinking about the content and not simply reading or making notes; please listen to the advice of all of the subject teachers. The Year 11 students have had a little glimpse into the potential future by receiving their mock English results – hopefully this will act to spur them on to ensure a positive outcome in the Summer. Year 12 and 13 also had a taste of a mock results day; this will hopefully focus their efforts as we move forward to the examination period. This half term we have also seen the fabulous ‘Zombie Prom’ which was great to see from all of those involved. A number of the House have also been involved in various sporting events, a Year 7 visit to Ipswich Town Football club and various Football and Rugby finals – well done to those Calcarians involved, it’s good to see us continuing with our sporting heritage. It’s not only the students; this term saw the return of the Inter-House Staff Volleyball tournament. We fielded a strong team and performed admirably, eventually finishing a strong third. We continue to fly high at the top of the house points table and this reflects the great efforts being put into all aspects of their day to day school life by all members of the House. The challenge is, as I’ve said before, that we need to maintain it!! Forms C2SMI and C7ACR leading the way in recent weeks—well done!! Can I take this opportunity to thank Mrs Lindsay and the Calcarian student leadership for organising our fund raising for Comic relief, Red Nose Day – With the help of some very keen bakers and a wet sponge or two we raise £222 for Comic Relief. Up and coming events may see some keen Calcarian spellers enter the annual TGS Spelling Bee; the crowned King or Queen Bee will win a visit to Harry Potter world! Year 11 post 16 interviews will be taking place in the last few days of term, and with the support of Mr Sykes, I look forward to having some positive conversations and supporting the students in their post 16 options. And finally, the holiday is here, time to reset, relax and return for the Summer Term ready to achieve those targets we have set as we’ve moved through this year. Don’t forget we will be celebrating all of this as a House in our Celebration Evening later in the year—Mr Punt Wow.....another half term passes us by. Once again I reflect and ask myself: 'How do students manage to do so much on top of their compulsory lessons?'. It staggers me! I would like to give a special mention to our Y11 students who are at full stretch now with coursework deadlines, controlled assessments - oh...and revision! Year 11 is a short, intense year; however the best summer holiday of their entire lives is only round the corner! On our return after Easter the Year 11 students will have 18 compulsory school days until the exam season starts. Mr Bradshaw's top tip - ‘Revise, But Revise Smart’. If you do not know how, then please ask any of your teachers. Away from the Y11s, I would like to give a special mention to Ruby Barker who has been selling donuts in the main foyer. Ruby was raising funds for Progressio as part of her ICS placement. The Dawson Benchball competition is currently in full flow and great to see the students having a good old laugh!!! Have a great Easter break—Mr Bradshaw HOUSE NEWS Well we are rapidly approaching the Easter holidays and it has been a very short half term, but packed for our students, particularly our older ones. Year 11 students have had a mock exam result day to receive their English results, giving them a clear indication of the grade they may achieve in the summer. Many of them have reflected on how close they are to achieving their target grades and recognise the work that needs to be done over the Easter holidays to make sure they are ready for the exams. After the holidays they will have 19 days of lessons before their first written exam and practical exams start before this. Before the holidays, all Year 11 students will also be meeting myself or Mr Woodward to discuss their choices for post 16 education, which gives us an opportunity to offer support and wish them well in their exams. Our Sixth Form students will be receiving the results of their mock exams before the end of term and are anxiously watching the countdown clock in the Sixth Form centre. Many Fairfax students have received offers for Universities in anticipation of their results. We are currently looking for our best spellers in each form to take part in the school Spelling Bee. I am confident that we have the ability to win this and gain more house points and, more importantly, for the winning team, there is a visit to the Harry Potter Studios. Recently, we had a staff volleyball tournament and this time we let down the House as we were unable to compete with a full team. However we did win the friendly competition! (I have to say definitely not my strong point). I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy Easter and also to remind you that the Fairfax Celebration evening will take place on Monday 29 June at 6.30pm and I look forward to seeing you all there to help celebrate the achievements of all our students.—Mrs Weatherill Short and sweet! This half term has definitely been that. So what has been happening in Oglethorpe? Well the first round of the Interform countdown competition has begun and we are also looking for our strongest spellers in each form to take part in the school Spelling Bee. Last year the ultimate prize was a trip to the Harry Potter Studio in London, so definitely a prize worth fighting for. Year 11 students have had a mock exam result day to giving thEm a clear indication of the grade they may Year 11 student will also be meeting myself or Mr Benoit discuss their choices for post 16 education which gives us in making these often huge choices. receive their English results, achieve in the summer. Each before the end of term to an opportunity to offer support Our Sixth Form students have undertaken mock exams and they are also waiting for their results which will be handed out during a mock exam result session during the final week of term. The forms have also been busy during VT including 012MWO making pizzas. 013SBU are coming up with new team sports games which can be played outside as the weather gets nicer and the tutors not wanting to be left out won the Inter-House staff volleyball competition ( the winning team also included Mr Benoit, but he had gone to get changed when the photo was taken!) - Mrs Solk HOUSE NEWS Although very short, this half term has still been packed full of challenges and success for Toulston House. We are currently midway through our Inter-House Dodge Ball tournament. It has been great to the see the way in which our students have enjoyed this experience and the friendly rivalries that developed amongst Tutors during the competition! The final will be played on the 22nd April. Our Year 11 students have had a mock exam result day to receive their English results. This provided the opportunity to mimic the summer results day and subsequently gave them a clear indication of the grade that they may achieve in the summer. Each individual Year 11 student will also be meeting with myself, Miss Hussein and Mr Wren to reflect on their current attainment and also discuss their post-16 choices. Our Sixth Form students have recently been sitting their mock examinations and are currently waiting for their results. This will once again take the form of a mock results day to replicate the experience in the summer. I look forward with real anticipation to see how well they have performed. The forthcoming Easter holidays are a critical period for our students sitting their examinations and I trust that their revision is now fully underway. Revision timetables have been distributed to our Year 11 students and the feedback that I am receiving is very positive with regard to their approach to the summer examination period. The annual Spelling Bee competition will be taking place early next half term. The winning team will once again win a visit to the Harry Potter Studios in London. I am sure that you will agree that such a fantastic prize is certainly worth brushing up on our spelling over Easter! The Toulston Tutor team also took part in and Inter-House Staff games and finished in second place. A special mention must go to Miss Brydon for her superb performance. She certainly did Toulston proud! Have a fantastic Easter and I look forward to seeing you in the Summer Term—Mr Kumar This term has seen final rounds of the Bench ball competition. organised by our Sports Captain Callum McHenery. The matches have been fiercely competitive and our first semi-final went to sudden death, with W1 succeeding in the last second. Our second semi final was won by W12 in convincing style - the practice paid off. The final W1 v W12 was a very close match again going to sudden death. Every student tried their best, but in the end the winning form was W1. The involvement of all the students and the team spirit was evident in all the forms. It was lovely to see the older students encouraging the younger ones to take part. A true example of VT in action. I have really enjoyed every match. As good as “Super Saturday”! We raised £80 by selling Valentines hearts organised by W3 and have been selling raffle tickets for our Easter Draw, as well as sweets at Zombie prom. Thanks to Millie Nicholls, James Tucker, Eliza Clapham, Joseph Watkinson, Lily Clint, Hannah Woodall, Jess Render, Emily Baylis, Ben Crolla, Miss Thomas, Mr Sharratt and Mrs Murphy for their help. Congratulations to all the people involved in Zombie Prom for such an amazing production. I stayed behind all three nights it was so good. Wharfe students in the cast were Isobel Maloney, Megan Baines, Abigail Huddlestone, Emily Tinker, Jasmine Tucker, Georgina Thompson and Olivia Wilson. Obviously huge praise to Ms Duckworth, one of our tutors who directed, but also to Erin Karn and Laura McCarthy who helped with the props. Before the holidays all Year 11 students will be meeting myself or Mr Sibley to discuss their choices for post 16 education, which gives us an opportunity to offer support and wish them well in their exams. The Easter break is crucial for all those Year 10, 11, 12 and 13 students who start their exams soon and I hope that they will all use the time productively. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy Easter —Mrs Harrison Motivational Speaker Sets the Scene to Collaborate 4 Success A motivational speaker addressed and impressed more than 300 delegates from four North Yorkshire schools, who had joined forces to ‘Collaborate 4 Success’. So powerful and moving was Sir John Jones’ presentation that on occasions teachers were actually moved to tears. This is the second ‘Collaborate 4 Success’ teaching and learning conference to be hosted at Tadcaster Grammar School, this year’s event being co-ordinated by Steve Wren, Carole Walton from King James’s School in Knaresborough, Jane Summers from Sherburn High School and George Hollis, representing Thirsk School. “The feedback from the whole day’s programme was phenomenal, but especially the feedback from Sir John’s presentation,” said Ms Walton. Comments included: “An amazingly motivational speaker, which reminded me why we do our job” and “Great practical ideas to take back to school”. Sixteen workshops were held throughout the day highlighting numerous topics, including ‘How to create a winning team’, ‘How to successfully secure a leadership’, ‘Outstanding marking and feedback’, ‘Embedding revision’ and ‘How pastoral intervention can have an impact’. Most of the workshops were delivered by staff from the four schools; thus strengthening the model of peer learning the schools wish to embed. “I am delighted that our second ‘Collaborate 4 Success’ conference was such a powerful and uplifting experience,” said Tadcaster Grammar School Headteacher Martyn Sibley. “The combination of an inspirational key note speaker and 'by teachers for teachers' workshops provided superb professional development for more than 300 colleagues. Most importantly, opportunities to open dialogue with teachers from partner schools will really improve what we can all provide for our students,” he stressed. SPORTING NEWS Year 7 Boys Commended On Their Efforts And Achievements on the Way To County Cup Finals Sadly, wins in both the League and Union Rugby Cup Finals eluded our Year 7 boys, but they need to be congratulated and commended on a sterling effort in both codes of rugby. The boys missed out on the they were narrowly defeated 26in the Rugby League Cup. opportunity of a double final when 22 on 3 March at home to Brigshaw Victory for the Year 7 Rugby Union place in the final was confirmed St John Fisher School. However, Pontefract, held on Saturday 21 School’s Sports Ground saw them tried! boys was within their grasp, as their with a 10-5 win against Harrogate’s the match against The Kings School, March at Queen Elizabeth Grammar defeated, 35-5, but oh how they “The boys had played both codes of rugby from September and hadn’t lost a single match until their defeat in the Rugby League Cup which is most commendable,” said Coach and PE teacher, Craig Whish. “They had worked extremely hard to adapt their skills set to both codes of rugby and reach both semifinals,” said Mr Whish. It’s a Try! “In the Rugby Union final, The King’s School had an extremely organised and strong side. However, Tadcaster played some excellent pieces of rugby, especially in the second half. I am incredibly proud of my boys’ achievement, attitude and commitment and wish them every success in the future,” added Mr Whish. MORE SPORTING NEWS Year 7 Football We Are The Champions! Tadcaster Grammar School Swimming Squad competed in the Grammar School at Leeds heats gala on Tuesday 3 March and won 28 races out of 33, coming second in three races and third in two. Thirty-three students then competed in the Leeds & District Swimming Finals on Tuesday 24 March, once again at GSAL and won! Out of the 40 races TGS won 26 and came second in 11. The Year 7 boys football team have had a fantastic season! They won the York & District West Football League, going undefeated. They then played in the League Final Play-off at Wigginton Grasshoppers FC against Huntington School. Unfortunately, despite their hard work they lost 3-0. There were some fantastic performances, including Captain Oli Field, MacKenzie Bowes and Ben Jennison. The previous night, the Year 7 boys football team played in the York & District Cup Final. In an even game, the score ended 0-0 at full time. Despite some close attempts and every boy giving their best, Huntington School scored two goals to win the game. Again there were some impressive performances, notably Harley Plummer. “The boys have been a credit to themselves and their work ethic, commitment and efforts are something they should be proud of,” said Mr Solk, Head of the PE Faculty. “Bring on next season!” Year 9 Girls Area Hockey Tournament Results: Drew 0-0 with The Mount Drew 0-0 with All Saints Drew 0-0 with Manor Beat Archbishop’s 1-0 Although unbeaten in the Tournament, the girls unfortunately did not make the Final. However, they all enjoyed it, despite it being absolutely freezing! Well Done! YET MORE SPORTING NEWS The Year 8 Football Team Has Won The York Cup Final With An Impressive 5-0 Victory! The Year 8 football team played in the York Cup Final on Tuesday 24 March and beat Fulford 5-0. This means that the Year 8 football team have achieved a double top, winning the League and Cup in the same season. After Easter they will try for the treble as they compete in the County Cup final. “The boys have been fantastic all season and have not lost a game in nearly a year,” said PE teacher and coach Craig Whish. “They have worked extremely hard and fully deserve the success they are experiencing,” he added. "We have worked very well as a team and produced some excellent football this season," said student Harry Clark. all BBC School Report Researching, scripting, filming and interviewing were all in a day’s radio reporting for Year 8 students at Tadcaster Grammar School, as they made their own preparations to take part in the BBC School Report. The ten students showed considerable maturity as they brought all the elements together. Interviews included student Oliver Swaby with Headteacher Martyn Sibley on current affairs and school related stories and Joe Newton with Cover Supervisor Chris Jones about his new book ‘The Tale of Two Great Cities’; a footballing journey as a player for both Manchester City in the 1960s and York City. Izzy Hartley and Lucy Green did a sterling job as they banished their initial nerves and interviewed BBC Radio York presenter Georgey Spanswick live on air about her ‘big’ birthday. Jules Bellerby did the honours, bringing the Radio York van into school and former student Liam Connolly, who is on placement with the station at the moment, was also on site. “Once again our Year 8 students have taken part in the BBC’s annual School Report, a national initiative, through which students get to write and broadcast their own news and they should be very proud of the way they acquitted themselves,” said English Teacher James Watson. The students are to be commended for their professionalism and for the way they embraced the whole day,” he added. “We are very grateful to BBC Radio York for allowing Tadcaster Grammar School to take part once again and I would like to thank all those involved, including Georgey Spanswick, Jules Bellerby and also Jonathan Cowap, who also broadcast something for us on his programme later in the morning.” Those taking part in the BBC School Report were as follows: Joe Newton (reporter) Joe Condon (reporter) Isobel Hartley (camera and live on Radio York) Lucy Green (presenter and live on Radio York) Josh Dale (presenter) Oliver Swaby (reporter) Milo Ryan (reporter and camera) Allanah Booth (reporter) Aleks Rytwinski (reporter) Sophie Shooter (camera/script) Touring Rugby Trophy At Tadcaster The Women’s Rugby World Cup trophy, currently touring the country, made its way to Tadcaster. Carefully transported, courtesy of Kris Stafford, Community Rugby Coach with the RFU Development Team for Central Yorkshire (Leeds and Wakefield), the trophy came to Tadcaster Grammar School for two days, in order to help promote women’s rugby. The tour will finish in May 2015, having visited hundreds of clubs, schools, colleges and universities, including Tadcaster Grammar School, where Year 7 and 8 girls were able to see the trophy firsthand. Year 7 Students with the Women’s Rugby World Cup Trophy “We targetted Tadcaster Grammar to act as a feeder school, in order to encourage more U13 girls to join and participate in club rugby at Wetherby,” said Mr Stafford. “We have seen a massive growth of schools playing girls’ rugby and now we just need to get the transition out from school to club,” he stressed. “Following on from this, we are hoping to transport Year 7 and 8 girls from Tadcaster Grammar School for a training day at Wetherby RUFC at Grange Park in April, but any girls who are interested in training can attend on Wednesday evenings at 6.30,” he stated. Students at Tadcaster Grammar have really benefitted from the information given about the potential for women as rugby players. “We wanted to highlight the different avenues that this sport offers to girls to progress, not only as world champions, but potentially as Olympic medallists,” said Mr Stafford. “This is the second year that the RFU has worked in partnership with TGS to deliver girls’ rugby in both curriculum time and as an extra-curricular club,” said Kerry McGeechan, Head of Girls PE. “The girls have received fantastic coaching and thoroughly enjoyed the sessions and we are looking forward to creating further links with Wetherby Rugby Club. The girls have also had the opportunity to take part in rugby festivals with other schools who are trying to develop girls’ rugby.” Stepping Into Sport At Tadcaster With Family Of Schools Keith Aspden, Family of Schools Co-ordinator for Tadcaster and Sherburn hailed Step Into Sport as a resounding success. With new brightly-coloured t-shirts and a fun-packed schedule, which included swimming, dodge ball, basketball, football, dance fitness and rugby with Castleford Tigers’ coaches, children embraced the opportunity to get involved during the February half-term holiday and are looking forward to the next schedule of events. “Across the Tadcaster and Sherburn schools we were really pleased to offer popular holiday activities for children and young people during February half-term,” said Mr Aspden. For the Step Into Sport we introduced new t-shirts with a different colour for each school holiday,” he added. The next Step Into Sport series hosted by Tadcaster Grammar School will take place during the Easter holidays from 1-2 April and 8-10 April between 10am and 3pm. Open to boys and girls aged seven years and up, the two schemes will offer football, dodge ball and a visit to Tadcaster Swimming Pool. “Each participant will also receive a free Step Into Sport t-shirt,” emphasised Mr Aspden. The cost is £24 for two days and £36 for three days and places can be reserved by telephoning 01937 837614. The Tale of Two Great Cities by Chris Jones Our very own Cover Supervisor Chris Jones has published an autobiography entitled ‘The Tale of Two Great Cities’. Mr Jones tells the story of his varied and exciting journey from grass roots football to one lucky muddy Saturday afternoon in Urmston, then onwards into the Football League and playing for his two great City Clubs, Manchester City and York. Tune into our BBC School Report and hear Mr Jones being interviewed. To purchase a signed copy, please contact the School. Charity Begins at Tadcaster Grammar School Update on 5-Hour Football Marathon for Prostate Cancer UK Following on from the story reported in the February Newsletter, Tadcaster Grammar School Sixth Form students completed their five-hour football marathon, and raised more than £800 for Prostate Cancer UK’s Men United, which is £500 more than their original target. Charlie Gregory and James Fowler were inspired to organise the marathon for Prostate Cancer UK following on from a similar event last year. They felt that it is a cancer not many men are willing to acknowledge, believing it to be an awkward subject. “We are delighted that we took on this challenge to raise awareness and much needed money to help beat prostate cancer and the fact that we smashed our original target of £300 is great,” said Charlie. “We all found the going quite tough, especially the last hour when our legs felt like jelly, but we were determined to play on. We would like to thank all those people who supported us and have donated to this cause and by doing so, we all hope we have managed to get the message across that men are not immune from cancer,” he stressed. Mark Bishop, Director of Fundraising at Prostate Cancer UK, said: “We would like to thank Tadcaster Grammar School students for raising funds for Prostate Cancer UK. By doing this they have joined Men United, and are helping to make a real difference in furthering the fight against prostate cancer. “Whatever you do together, big or small, you’ll be helping us push for real change, from more effective testing to better treatments.” Since it was launched 12 months ago, Men United has caught the imagination, and a new zeal for change in men’s health with more than 200,000 people signing up to pledge support. Men from all walks of life, from footballers to lawyers and politicians to plumbers, have formed a growing army, raising funds to find the answers for the future through research and supporting men now. The new movement also lent its backing to a successful campaign to make drugs available to the men with prostate cancer who need them. People are being urged to search Men United, and sign up. To help Charlie and James and all those young men at Tadcaster Grammar School continue to raise money please visit https://www.justgiving.com/5hourfootball and give generously. More Charity Events at TGS Wear Red Day Update Thank you to all those who helped raise money on Wear Red Day in aid of the Children’s Heart Surgery Fund at Leeds General Infirmary, especially Tyler and Josh, Year 10 students in Fairfax House. The magnificent sum of £1,090.45 was raised and the School has received a massive thank you from the LGI. The school will also be featured in their next edition of Brave Heart to be published in April, a copy of which will be placed in the School scrapbook in Reception. Raising money for the Children’s Heart Surgery Fund is vital to support the continuing work of the Congenital Heart Unit in Leeds.” ‘Sponge’ Cake for Comic Relief Tadcaster Grammar School joined in the fundraising frenzy for Comic Relief Red Nose Day with a cake raffle, cake stall and sponge the teacher. Students in Calcaria House raised £222 through their joint efforts, headed by their House Leader Adam Punt. Mr Punt and fellow teachers Andy Sykes, John Bellwood and Elizabeth Lindsay got very wet and cold as they braved the onslaught of sponges from students who had paid for the privilege of throwing them. Local business Happy Tiers Yorkshire kindly donated a cake for the occasion and there were plenty of cakes and buns for sale on the cake stall. A massive thank you to everyone involved,” said Mr Punt. “To all Calcarian student leaders, bakers and to those members of staff who ‘offered’ to be sponged, your efforts were very much appreciated.” SCHOOL VISITS BROADENING HORIZONS AND KNOWLEDGE FOR STUDENTS Barcelona Ski Italy A weekend in Barcelona was all part of Geography AS Level work for Year 12 students from Tadcaster Grammar School. The 29 Sixth Form students spent time looking at the coastal management used in Sitges, as well as the re-branding of Barcelona following on from the Olympic Games in 1992. “Our young people worked really hard across the weekend to fully understand the issues, successes and processes in the two areas visited,” said Lucy Aylmer, Subject Leader for Geography. “They developed their fieldwork skills, which will hopefully lead to excellent results in this element of the course in the Summer,” she added. “ Thirty-seven students took part in the annual Year 8 ski visit to the Aosta Valley in Italy during February halfterm. Having arrived in Courmayeur after a 22 hour coach journey and been welcomed by so much snow, the students had their skis and boots fitted on the mountain. It was then onto the hotel, check-in, lunch and a chance to refresh! During the visit the students skied four hours per day (with a ‘restbite’ for lunch) and each day there was an après-ski activity. These included a pizza night (eat as much as you can), quiz, bumboarding, ice cream and a fancy dress presentation evening. The visit was action-packed and with some high quality skiing and instruction and some new friendships along the way, the students returned with plenty of positive experiences and memories to share with their family and friends. Ipswich Town FC Year 7 students had the opportunity to have an insight into the professional world of a footballer and football club, with a pro-matchday experience at Ipswich Town FC. The school has continued to build on its positive relationships with this club, having been invited back for a third time. On arrival at Portman Road, the students were given a tour of the stadium. This included a visit to the dressing rooms (already set up for the match the following day), the board room, the press room and the dugouts on pitch side. After lunch, the students had a two hour coaching session next to the stadium led by the Ipswich Town FC Academy coaching staff. This was a well planned and challenging session that the students enjoyed thoroughly. Next morning the students took part in a football tournament arranged by the teachers at a local football complex. After lunch it was off to the stadium to watch the SkyBet Championship game – Ipswich Town v Brentford, which ended 1-1. The group then travelled back to school to reflect on their positive experiences gained over the two days. MORE SCHOOL VISITS Humanities students visit The National Holocaust Centre Year 9 Humanities students visited the National Holocaust Centre over two days at the start of March this year. During the visit students were encouraged to focus on the role of the individual and the choices they made between 1933 and 1945. Students then had the unique opportunity to listen to a Holocaust survivor and ask them questions which further deepened their knowledge and understanding of the Holocaust. James Griffiths (Director of Learning) at the National Holocaust Centre, said: “The learning programmes at The National Holocaust Centre encourage students to focus on the importance of the ‘choices’ individuals make. They also teach students about the consequences of not challenging discrimination and propaganda and failing to value diversity.” Mr Crease, Subject Leader for History, said: “We consider the Holocaust to be one of the most important things that we teach in the Humanities Faculty. Visiting the centre offers students a very special opportunity to hear from, and ask questions of, a Holocaust survivor about their experiences and how that has affected their world view. The benefits of hearing about something like this first hand to students learning is immense.” Jacob Cockeram a student in Year 9 said: “I think it is worthwhile going to the Holocaust Memorial Centre as we as a society need to understand what happened and learn from people’s mistakes to help advance our culture.” ‘Full House’ at Popple Well Springs Residents at Tadcaster’s Popple Well Springs have been enjoying bingo sessions, thanks to students at Tadcaster Grammar School. Year 9 students, Jemima Browning , Verity Kaiper-Holmes and Grace CoxRawnsley, had a wonderful time interacting with the residents and will be leading monthly sessions until the end of the Summer term. Furthermore, the residents really enjoyed themselves too and are really looking forward to next month! Berlin Exchange Students from Tadcaster Grammar School spent two days during half term at Melanchthon-Gymnasium in Berlin, as part of an exchange visit, and were treated to the many sights and sounds of the bustling city by their German counterparts. It was an action-packed week for the 14 students who stayed with host families in East Berlin, spending two days in the school and accompanying their hosts to all lessons. A walking tour of Berlin was enjoyed by all, with visits to many historical sites and to Deutscher Bundestag, the German Parliament. “Our new German friends showed us around Berlin explaining to us, in German, all the main sights and we had a fascinating visit around the German Parliament,” said Amanda Crossley, Partnership Development Manager, who accompanied the students, along with German teacher Mrs Baker. “The first morning we met at the School we were treated to breakfast with all their students and the Deputy Headteacher and this was a lovely introduction. At the end of those two days in the school our students felt that Tadcaster Grammar School is much stricter and the school day over there is much shorter,” she added. German Students Enjoy Yorkshire Hospitality Tadcaster Grammar School then played host to students from Germany as the second phase of an exchange visit. Following the recent visit by 14 TGS students to MelanchthonGymnasium in Berlin, 15 of their students enjoyed reciprocal hospitality taking in the sights and sounds of York, Leeds and, of course, Tadcaster. Spending time in lessons and an evening performance of the school musical Zombie Prom was all on the busy schedule and further afield walking the walls in York, and visiting Cliffords Tower, the Shambles, the Minster, York Museum and the National Railway Museum were also on the agenda. Tadcaster Grammar School students were given the task of researching various historical sites and delivered their speeches in both German and English. “Our guests from Berlin spent the day with us in York and said what a beautiful city it is, especially at this time of year with the daffodils and tulips on display,” said Ms Crossley. “We had a wonderful day sightseeing, which included a fascinating guided tour of the Minster and our German friends also enjoyed the shops in the Shambles and fudge tasting,” she added. Zombie Prom Tadcaster Grammar School’s musical production for 2015 was Zombie Prom and what a showstopper! A little known production, but with plenty of laughs and catchy tunes in this ‘girl loves ghoul’ rock and roll musical set in a 1950s comic book sci-fi world, the cast of more than 50 students had a ball and won their audience over every night. A recording on BBC Radio York with Martin Barrass was extra publicity for the show and Jordan, Erin and Lucy talked with ease accompanied by Miss Duckworth.. WELL DONE TO ALL INVOLVED IN ZOMBIE PROM! IT’S NO APRIL FOOL AS CHOCOHOLIC CHRISTINE IS IN DECHOX Christine Egan, Student Support for Key Stage 3, never thought she would see the day when she gave up chocolate, but she has and not only for one day, or even a week, but a whole month in aid of the British Heart Foundation's first ever DECHOX campaign. In her own words she tells the reason why: "I am very proud to be part of the British Heart Foundation’s first ever DECHOX campaign. This is to raise money for lifesaving research into heart and circulatory problems and involves giving up chocolate for the month of March. "I became aware of it when Angela Glister, our Transport Manager, sent me a light-hearted e-mail in February to ask if I thought this was something I could do. Within seconds I sent my answer ‘absolutely not’ but the more I thought about it, the more I realised that I could and should show resilience, challenge myself in true Dawson House fashion and Rise to the Challenge. "My family, friends, parents, colleagues and students were very worried about my decision as I am the world’s number one Cadbury chocoholic (Cadbury World being one of my favourite places to visit) and they were concerned about how I would cope. They asked how I would be able to face chocolate-free days as I am ‘addicted’ and ‘obsessed’ with it, particularly when the shops have been full of Easter Eggs (yum!) and chocolates for Mothers’ Day. Brilliantly, they are supporting me both motivationally, by reassuring me daily about how well I am doing and financially by sponsoring me. I have really appreciated their generosity and kindness. "The DECHOX is most definitely the hardest thing I have ever done, but I will continue to follow the super example set by Tadcaster Grammar School in raising funds for charities and good causes. I have raised more than £100 so far, but would be very grateful for more sponsor money. If you would like to sponsor me, please get in touch as every penny makes a positive difference. In the meantime, I will be counting down the days, hours, minutes and seconds until the 1 April and I can open the special bar of chocolate that is waiting for me at home and the box of chocolates promised by Mr Sibley! “Who would have thought that March could last so long?!” More Dates for the Diary Dates for the Diary HOUSE CELEBRATION EVENINGS Oglethorpe…………………... 23 June - 6.30pm Fairfax………………………….. 29 June - 6.30pm Toulston……………………….. 7 July - 6.30pm Wharfe…………………………. 9 July - 6.30pm 22 April…. Spring Festival (Concert) 8 May…… Big Band Pie and Pea Supper Calcaria………………………… 13 July - 6.30pm Dawson………………………… 14 July - 6.30pm IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM THE EXAMS OFFICE Examinations Equipment Students must provide all their own equipment for Summer examinations. Ordinary pencil cases or boxes are not allowed in the examinations room and students should bring their equipment in a clear plastic bag or transparent pencil case. Students must arrive at their allocated examination room no later than 10 minutes before the published start time (8.55am/1.15pm), having with them the necessary equipment needed to complete written examinations. The following equipment should be brought to EVERY examination: 2 Pens—BLACK INK ONLY 2 HB pencils Ruler (marked with millimetres) Pencil sharpener (preferably one which catches the shavings) Rubber For certain examinations you will also need the following: Compass Protractor Calculator (e.g. in Maths, Science) Coloured pencils Set texts (e.g. in English Literature) PLEASE NOTE: It is students’ responsibility to ensure they have these items with them at the start of the examination. Mobile phones, MP3 players, etc. are NOT PERMITTED in examination rooms and should be switched off and handed in to invigilation staff. HAPPY EASTER FROM EVERYONE IN WHARFE HOUSE AND AT TADCASTER GRAMMAR SCHOOL! An Easter Egg hunt with students and members of staff from Wharfe House was a fitting end to this half term and the winners of the Easter Raffle were: Lindt-Lindor Egg—Paul c/o Jessica Hutchinson O1JBW Cadbury Mini Egg—Megan Baines W6 Choceur Bunny—Ros Knapton Choceur Bunny—Dan Colling D1 5x Cream Eggs—Ben Greer C5 5x Cream Eggs—Alice Greensmith O9 5 x Cream Eggs—Lucy Allis O10
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