Services this week: St Barnabas (StB) St Thomas (STM) & Pusey House (PH): Day Monday 25 May Tuesday 26 May Mass times Observance 8:00am (Pusey Monday in Whitsun Week House) Prayer intentions 9:00am (StB) Tuesday in Whitsun Week Mount Street/ Abbey Road Feria Cranham Terrace/ Cripley Place Feria Allam Street/ Park End Street Wednesday 12:30 pm 27 May (STM) Thursday 12:30pm 28 May (StB) Friday 29 May Saturday 30 May Walton Well Road/ Cripley Rd The Parish of St Barnabas & St Paul, Jericho Whitsunday 24th May 2015 Welcome to St Barnabas: in particular a very warm welcome to visitors. Do please stay for some refreshments at the end of the mass, and give us the opportunity to meet you. 10.30 am Parish Mass Introit Hymn: 142 (t.205) First Reading: Deuteronomy 16.9-‐12 Celia Glover Second Reading: Acts 2.1-‐11 Paul South Gradual All stand for the Alleluia Gospel: John 14.15-‐31a Deacon Sunday Schools leave Sermon Fr Mark Intercessions Henry Gibbon Offertory Hymn: 420 Communion Hymn: 137 Recessional Hymn: 136 (t.94) St Anthony of Padua, Priest King Street/ and Teacher of the Faith, People living on Boats 1231 No morning St Joan of Arc, Visionary mass 1431 Combe Road/ Becket Street 5:30pm Vigil of the Sunday (STM) 12:30pm (STM) Trinity Sunday 8.00 am: Mass (StB) Sunday 9.00 am: Morning Prayer (STM) 31 May 10.30 am: Parish Mass (StB) 6.30 pm: Evening Prayer (StB) Confessions and Churchings by appointment with the clergy. Please remember to inform the clergy of cases of sickness, or of the need for the Sacrament of Anointing, or Holy Communion at home. Pastoral Contacts Parish Priest: Fr Jonathan Beswick 557530 Assistant Priests: Fr Mark Stafford 07713 614336; Fr Richard Martin 510694 Parish Deacon: Fr John Hanks 438572 Licensed Lay Ministers: Jenny Pittaway 717429; Maggie Ellis; Sue Gillingham 552837 Churchwardens: Hanneke Wilson 558066; Henry Gibbon 07425 138425 Parish Administrator: Youth and children’s worker: Karen Westhaver Treasurer: Hannah Doney 842732 Director of Music: Martin Parish website: NB: PLEASE KEEP (HAND)BAGS WITH YOU AT ALL TIMES. THANK YOU. THIEVES HAVE BEEN VISITING CHURCHES IN THIS AREA. 6:30 pm Evening Prayer Notices for the week: Whitmonday Mass: NB 8am at Pusey House. Artweeks: a huge thank you to all who supported this event -‐ artists, stewards and refreshers alike. It was a good week for the Kingdom. Christian Aid Week: please return envelopes asap: last date is next week, 31st May. Thank you to all who have contributed so far. Church cleaning: many thanks to all who helped with this yesterday. Youth Group: The next gathering of the parish youth groups will take place on Tuesday 26th of May, 3pm, at Pusey House. Please have a word with Thomas, or Fr Mark if you, or someone you know, might like to attend. Wine Club Supper: this Thursday, 28th May, at 7:00pm at St Giles’ Café. Only four places left: please let Hanneke know. It will, amongst other things, be an opportunity to thank Paul and Claire for all of their hard work over the years as our Wardens. The Mad Hatter’s Hamper: the prize draw this summer is the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party hamper. Tickets are now on sale. Thank you to all who contributed to make it such a stunning centrepiece. Churchwardens: we give great thanks to Paul and Claire for their many years of faithful service to the parish as our Church Wardens. They have now handed over their staves to Hanneke and Henry, who assumed office on 5th May. Our thanks to, and prayers for, Henry and Hanneke as they assume this important role in our common life. We pray for those who have died recently, among them Ivan Jurix, Rex Smith and Christine Coin; for those whose anniversaries fall at this time, among them Dawson Smith, Alma Perman, Linda Slade and Frank Martin; for those whom we have known and loved; and for all who have died in the faith of the Risen Christ. May they rest in peace. Fr Damian Feeney: We pray for Fr Damian and his family, as they settle into a new role and a new parish in Wolverhampton this month. We give thanks for their friendship and support during their time in Oxford. Bishop Colin will be spending the morning in the parish on St Barnabas Day itself, Thursday 11th June. We will be going out locally for lunch together after the 12.30pm mass, and it would be lovely to gather a group together for this. If you are interested, please have a word with Fr Jonathan. We pray for Bishop Colin at this time of greatly increased responsibility. Friendship Walk: the annual interfaith walk of witness takes place on Thursday, 11th June, starting from the Synagogue at 6pm. All welcome. Its great fun and a good way to make new old-‐friends. Jericho Street Fair 2015: Saturday June 13th, from 12 noon. High-‐end bric-‐a-‐ brac (not jumble….), books, plants, scones etc. are all needed. Please speak to Maggie or Paul S. about this, and set aside a box at home in which to gather your contributions. Children’s Stall: we will also be running a Junior Choir/Sunday School ‘children’s toys and books’ stall at the fair. Please speak to Ann B. about this, and, again, have a think about good contributions for this. Thank you. Patronal Festival 2015: St Barnabas Day will be celebrated on Sunday 14th June, at 10.30am. We look forward to welcoming choir and friends from Worcester College to join us. Offers of help with refreshments (a la ‘smoko’) are most welcome: please speak to Gilly Goff. Note for Children and Families: Children are most welcome at St Barnabas and are a vital and treasured part of our life together. We try to provide as many ways as possible for children to take their place in our common life. Parents: please do feel free to explore the space together with your child; this is often the best approach, rather than anxious restraint. Please keep close to your child if he or she is very young-‐there are many steps and corners. We recognize that children are often noisy in different ways from adults! Mutual tolerance and respect are key, for all of us. There are vestries at the front right of the church, through the door, available for feeding, changing, resting: please ask. Cloakrooms are at the back of the church, through the door by the servery. There is a Sunday School most weeks. Roughly once a month we stay together in church for the mass, and there is ‘creche’ space in one of the vestries. Children need to be accompanied for this. Do please ask one of the clergy or Sunday School leaders if you need help. *** Advanced notice: ‘Run Jericho’ will take place on the morning of Sunday 21st June, so there will be some road-‐closures in place in Jericho until 10am. Parking will not be available at the school that morning, but will be available in the University Press Car-‐Park, off Great Clarendon Street, opposite the school field. I hope that we will all redouble our efforts to be here regardless of the added complication! The event is a fund-‐raiser for the school PTA, which is a very good cause. We have requested that it be held at another time or on another day, but it seems, somehow, impossible for the organisers to do this.
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