Inside - St. Barnabas Catholic Church, Mazomanie WI

MAY 23 & 24, 2015
4:00 PM Karen Lawler
8:00 AM Mill Creek Pam Taylor
9:30 AM St. Barnabas Janice Brunner
4:00 PM Dennis O’Connell & Volunteer
8:00 AM Mill Creek Steve Harrington & Peter
9:30 AM St. Barnabas Jerry & Mary Gust
Gift Bearers:
Saturday 4:00 PM Volunteers
8:00 AM Mill Creek Steve & Linda Harrington
9:30 AM St. Barnabas Volunteers
3:40 PM Karen Lawler
9:10 AM St. Barnabas Mary Gust
Pastor……………………….Fr. Osvaldo Briones
Contact info: 370-2751
Cluster Administrator…………Fr. John Blewett
Contact info: …………………………… 370-3784
St. Aloysius office …………………….. 643-2449
Parish website
Parish Secretary & Rel. Education Coordinator &
Bulletin Editor: Fr. Osvaldo Briones
Office Hours:
Tuesday & Thursday 8:30 AM- 11:30 AM
We are looking for some volunteers to answer
phone calls. Please contact Fr. Osvaldo
Holy Cross Parish Council (Peter Chlebeck) 795-4321
Prayer Chain Requests (Mary Gust)……795-2555
Cemetery (Steve Hutson)…...…..….………767-2533
Saturday, May 16, 2015
8:00 AM TLM † Wilma Bernards
4:00 PM
† Jim & Ron Endres
Sunday, May 17, 2015
8:00 AM Mill Creek Living & Deceased members of H. C. Parish
9:30 AM St. Barnabas † Marcia (Richgel) Marks
Monday, May 18, 2015
8:00 AM
Intentions of Fr. William F. Cleves
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
8:00 AM
† Judy Schendel
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
8:00 AM † Judy Schendel
10:00 AM Nursing Home † Alice Marie Wittwer
Thursday, May 21, 2015
8:00 AM
† Bernadine Williams
Friday, May 22, 2015
St. Rita of Cascia
8:00 AM
† Pat & Connie Lucey
Saturday, May 23, 2015
8:00 AM TLM † Mahala Kruchten
4:00 PM
† Dale Anderson
Sunday, May 24, 2015
8:00 AM Mill Creek † Hannah Zoromski
9:30 AM St. Barnabas Bernadine Krantz Williams
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Thursday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Latin Mass
St. Barnabas Saturday at 8:00 AM
St. Norbert's daily at 6:30 AM, Sunday at 11:00 AM,
St. Mary's, Merrimac 1st Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Individual confessions are heard one hour before Mass begins and
Thursday from 4-4:45 PM
Baptisms and Baptism preparation sessions are by appointment.
Anyone interested in beginning the initiation process of conversion into the Catholic Church call the Parish Office at 795-4321.
Please contact the Parish office when you become engaged.
Sacrament of the Sick, Anointing and Eucharist
Contact Fr. Osvaldo, Fr. John, or St. Aloysius any time day or night.
Seminarians Capital Campaign
Diocese of Madison
1st in more than 50 years
Ascension of the Lord
MAY 16 & 17, 2015
You need to have a path
Part 3
Channel of grace
The Lord watches over us and guides us sometimes
acting directly on the soul and sometimes, through
chosen people, which will be like channels of His
Expressly says the Lord: He who hears you hears
me (Lc 10, 16); to which you forgive the sins they
are forgiven... And rest assured that I will be with
you until the end of the time (Mt 28, 20).
God can also work in our soul through parents, a
friend or an acquaintance. The spiritual director is,
however, that designated person who knows the
path, to whom we opened our soul and he is a
teacher, a doctor, a friend who accompanies us on
our journey, he is the Good Shepherd in things involving God business. He points out the possible
obstacles, suggests goals in inner life to fight effectively in concrete things, he encourages us in all
circumstances. God in a simple and discreet way is
present in him. He helps to discover new horizons
and awakens in the soul hunger and thirst for God.
Lukewarmness (always lurking) would like to extinguish on us that hunger and thirst for God. Spiritual director gives us light to recognize our vocation, or reaffirms us on it if we already know it.
The spiritual director channel our desires for holiness; fighting against spiritual mediocrity and
against sin. Therefore, these desires (at least ‘a desire to have desires’) to be better, to grow in
friendship with Jesus Christ and care for others, are
the foundation of spiritual direction. The Church
recommends this practice since the early centuries,
as an effective way to progress in Christian life.
Inner life, God's love, is forged day by day, week
after week, restarting many times over the same
purposes. In order to move forward is necessary
to have some concrete goals, clear objectives;
knowing where we are going. The traveler -and
every Christian is a homo viator, a traveler- needs
to know the end, the purpose, of his journey, and
what path has to choose.
But sometimes the path is lost because «in life it
is not enough with unspecific directions, somehow too general, it is essential knowing the way.
We live often without a path. That is the origin of
many of our hardships and our troubles.
»Young people, for example, walk dazzled by a
very diverse future in which there are many possibilities. This makes them often feel hesitant and
they do not find a concrete pace to follow in the
march of life. So young people can often end up
in useless concerns. They have not a way. Future
is still for them something unclear, no concrete.
And, in mature life also, it sometimes happens
that men live subordinated to lost memories of
unfulfilled dreams, and all this produce in the soul
a sterile melancholy. We are without a road, spiritually stuck in a situation that is always the same,
no new interior landscapes.
»Many times we have to recognize that we are
living in a canyon landscape, always the same
defects. We can live tied up to pride, irritability,
bad temper, suspicion; chained to intolerance, laziness; tied up to cowardice that leads us to give
up on things in the first obstacles...» (A García Dorronsoro, Tiempo para creer (4a ed.). Rialp. Madrid 1993, p.
Ordinarily, no one can guide himself on the path
that leads to God. Our lack of objectivity, infatuation with which we see ourselves, laziness, can
blur the path (so clear, perhaps, at beginning!).
And when there is no clarity, it comes spiritual
stagnation, discouragement, lukewarmness. Support that they can provide us in this case is huge!
Similarly to «a ship that has a good helmsman, it
arrives safely to port, so also the soul that has a
good shepherd easily reaches port, with the help
of God; even after he made many mistakes» (San
Juan Clímaco, Escala del Paraíso, PG 88, 579-1254).