BayView Breeze 18th May 2015 STUDENT ABSENTEE LINE 3206 5266 STUDENT ABSENTEE EMAIL Principal’s Message Value of the Week – Be Respectful We show respect by speaking and acting with courtesy. We treat others with dignity and honour the rules of our family, school and nation. Respect yourself, and others will respect you. TERM 2 Monday 20 April – Friday 26 June 2015 PARADE Tuesday @ 1:45pm MONEY COLLECTION DAYS Tues and Thurs 8:15am – 9:15am CAFÉ Wed, Thurs & Fri NEW CUT OFF TIME IS 8am UNIFORM SHOP Mon 8am – 9:30am 2pm – 3pm Fri – 8am – 9am PCYC 0421 561 136 or Reference: Adopt a Garden I would like to introduce an initiative in our school to enable families to Adopt a Garden. This would enable a family to choose a small/medium/large garden area that they would like to care for. After five and a half years, some of our gardens are growing wonderfully, where some are struggling and in need of some TLC. With our Schools Officer, Mr Abell, looking after the large jobs of mowing and maintenance, he would love some assistance with the manicuring of our lovely gardens. If you Adopt a Garden, you may have time during the week or on weekends to do a spot of weeding. If you need extra plants or mulch all is needed is a request and it will be arranged for you to install or plant. In return we will arrange for Garden Plaque to be installed that will identify your Family Garden. If you would like to choose a garden or discuss the initiative please send your details to: Mr Abell will be in touch with you. Week 6 Parade As the hall is being used next week for a two day course, parade for Prep – Yr 3 will be held in the Central Covered Area from 1.50pm. Parents/Caregivers are welcome as normal. There will be no parade for Yr 4 – Yr 6 next week. Staffing Changes From the beginning of next week, Miss Kay will take on the position of eLearning/Technology Teacher at BayView State School. This position is vacant due to Ms White, being seconded to Brisbane School of Distance Education. This position will continue until the end of term 2. Mrs MacArthur will be the replacement teacher. Mrs MacArthur has been working with Miss Kay and 5Maroon during week 4 & 5. Car Park Behaviour The Zeigenfusz Rd carpark is a very busy place in the afternoons. We do have some strategies that if followed by all drivers, then all vehicles and pedestrians will remain safe. 1. Follow ALL traffic signs. 2. Giveway at the end of the bays. 3. Use KISS and RIDE zone to allow for drive through collection. 4. Time your pick up, give your child time to get to the pick up zone. 5. KISS and RIDE operates from 2.15pm-3pm 6. SINGLE PARKING only in the long term parking bay. STUDENT RULES 1. Students are NOT permitted to cross the carpark without adult supervision. 2. KISS and RIDE entry/exit only in GREEN ZONE. 3. Students are not permitted to enter/exit vehicles that are not parked legally. Above all, our school prides itself on the use of our VALUES. It is very important that our students see our parents demonstrating our VALUES in the carpark. School Crossing The School crossing on Vintage Drive now has the Crossing Identification Flags operating on a daily basis between the hours of 8am-9am and 2.30pm-3.00pm. At this stage the Crossing is NOT supervised, however it is now a legal requirement for traffic to stop for the safe movement of pedestrians. Unfortunately this does not mean that all vehicles will stop. I have reminded all students that personal safety, ultimately, rests with the individual. Very shortly the crossing will be supervised by two wonderful volunteers. A start date will be published when confirmed. Jumpers As the weather cools down in the mornings and afternoon, students are beginning to wear jumpers. Please be aware that there is a Winter Inclusion in our Dress code and although the school jumper is NOT compulsory it does look great and is very warm. The compulsory part is that all additional clothing; including jumpers, pants, stockings, undershirts must be NAVY or WHITE if they can be seen. Peter Black Principal Staff Introductions During Term 2 our newsletter will share with you, short biographies of our staff. This week will be our Specialist Teachers. Sonia Filkorn – Music Teacher Hello. I am the classroom music teacher at BayView State School. I teach academic music to students from prep to year 6. These classes are intended to teach students to read, write and play music. I studied music at the Queensland Conservatorium with an Honours Dissertation entitled “Facilitating Student Autonomy in the Extra-Curricular Music Program” and completed post graduate studies at The University of Queensland. As a freelance teacher, I have taught at over 40 schools throughout Brisbane and the Gold Coast. In addition to BayView State School, I teach flute privately and plays second flute and piccolo in the Redland Sinfonia. Aaron Glidden – Instrumental Music Teacher Hi, I’m Aaron Glidden. I have been an instrumental music educator at BayView, Thornlands, Cleveland and Ormiston Schools for the last 3 years. I taught in the classroom at Redland Bay and Roma state schools in the ten years prior to coming to Redland Bay. I have also taught Instrumental music in various schools in Brisbane, Charleville and Cunnamulla. I have taught as a classroom, and music specialist in Canada and the UK. I have 3 children, two of whom are still at BayView and one at Cleveland High. I have a Bachelor of Music Education, minor in Australian Literature and a post-graduate diploma in education. I also have a post-graduate diploma in conducting from Sydney University. My Performance highlights have included playing trumpet in the Queensland Navy Marching and Big Band, Madison Kat Rock and Soul band, the university of Queensland wind ensemble and Australian Wind Orchestra. I have completed tours to Hong Kong, Japan and California and participated in masterclasses in UCLA. I have participated in music education conferences in Melbourne, Perth, Tokyo and Chicago. I love working in any capacity with children and seeing them develop under my tutelage. My aspiration is to build an excellent music program at BayView. Dave Beasley- Physical Education Teacher & Sports Co-ordinator. I am a BayView SS Foundation Teacher with over 20 years teaching experience in Secondary, Primary & Outdoor & Environmental Centres & Schools. Curriculum areas taught include Health & Physical Education, Marine Studies, Science, Mathematics, Agricultural Studies & Environmental & Outdoor Education. Personal interests include farming, running, rugby & spearfishing. I LOVE teaching in MY Hall at BVSS! The In Tray Kiss and Ride Currently we have two options of managing this area. Firstly, the supervising staff waits for each car to arrive in the green section, find out who they are here to collect find their child and deliver them to their car. This process is slower and impacts on the flow of the Kiss and Ride process. Secondly, the supervising staff move backwards and forwards along the line of the front three or four cars, find out who they are here to collect find their child and deliver them to the designated area to wait for their car. This process involves a lot running up and down the line for us and leaves children who are waiting sometimes not supervised closely. It is also more time consuming. This is a very busy area in the afternoons, and to increase the efficient of the Kiss and Ride process it would be helpful if the parents who use this area could display the name of their child in the windscreen of their car (on the passenger sun visor is a great option as it can he clearly seen by staff). When cars picking up students display their names clearly in the windscreen the supervising staff can be prepared in advance, because they can see the name of the child being collected and have them waiting in the designated area. Your child will be more closely supervised in this area while they wait. This is a safer and smoother process. Oral language Research shows that children who have an extensive vocabulary and strong oral language development generally perform well and school and are successful learners The SPEAK program is all about developing Oral Language in children. It began two and a half years ago with the establishing of partnerships between Cleveland State School and the Cleveland Council Library. This has now expanded and encompasses many stakeholders whose focus is on the development of language in young children. There is also a strong emphasis on giving valuable information to parents and carers through the Chatter Matters evenings and workshops. The work of the SPEAK program has been recognised by other councils and schools with a view to replicating it in other areas. Department of Education, Training and Employment as a joint initiative with Queensland Health and Redland City Council have recognised the value of SPEAK by developing a free app. SPEAK was also a State Winner at the recent Showcase Awards for Excellence in Schools. • play. SPEAK App The SPEAK (Speaking Promotes Education And Knowledge) oral language app has been developed to help develop children’s speaking and listening ability. Research supports the importance of oral language, not only as the foundation for the development of literacy skills but also a strong indicator of later reading, writing and overall academic achievement. Children with a language impairment are six times more likely to have a reading problem than children without. It therefore makes sense to be proactive in the early years of a child’s life and the SPEAK app helps this happen. SPEAK provides lots of fun, free activities, ideas and information for parents, carers and educators to support and nurture oral language development in children from 0–6 years of age. The information and activities were developed by the department with the help of speech pathologists, educators and health professionals. Get downloading now! How does it work? It is a user-friendly app that aims to help parents, carers and educators teach their children oral language skills from a young age. The app supports adults to develop an understanding of the importance of oral language for life success, and provides ‘on the go’ parents with ideas and activities to encourage and foster talk in their young children. It can also be used in educational environments for professional learning opportunities. The app is broken into five age areas, (0 months+, 13 months+, 2.5 years+, 3.5 years+ and 4.5 years+) each with ten talking points. In each age area there are four sections which all provide free activities to enhance and encourage oral language in young children. The four areas include: • social • connecting • literacy and numeracy and Target audiences The app is aimed at parents and carers, grandparents, educators, health professionals and the general public, and has already been downloaded by people across the world. SPEAK is for everyone who wants the best start in life for their child and provides a fun, convenient way to make chatter matter! The SPEAK app is available for free download from the iTunes store and Google Play and compatible is with apple and android devices. Debbie Kiehne Deputy Principal Curriculum Corner OUTSTANDING PAYMENTS Reading Eggs and Reading Eggspress has been implemented in our classroom’s literacy program and focusses on a core reading curriculum of phonics and sight words using skills and strategies essential for sustained reading success. Reading Eggspress focuses on reading comprehensions skills which obviously affects student’s success in school. is an online math practice system for grades Prep -12. It includes a "Full Curriculum" section where students practice hundreds of math topics in 10-question increments, a "Live Mathletics" section where students race with math problems against other students around the world in real-time, games, Rainforest Maths, printable resources, interactives, video tutorials, and a reporting system. Reading Eggs, Reading Eggspress and Mathematics subscriptions cost $17 per student. It is a requirement to pay this levy to enable the continued use of these online programs. If you have already paid the Reading Eggs and Mathematics Levy of $17 per student, we thank you and please disregard this request. If you have not paid yet, you can either pay Kelli at the office on Tuesday or Thursday 8.15am – 9.15am or complete the payment details on the flyer that has been sent to you via email. Medication at School If your child requires medication during school hours, please deliver it to Corporate Services along with a letter from your Practitioner and the pharmacy labelled medication. Without this letter and pharmacy label we are not permitted to administer medication. Lex Nicholson Head of Curriculum Targeted Learning News Targeted Learning-Support-A-Reader Volunteers BayView State School would like to invite all Volunteer Helpers in our Support-A-Reader (SAR) Program. This iniatitive promotes the development of Literacy Skills in young children. Volunteers, will be engaged in supporting our young students with their fluency and comprehension of reading. If you feel that you are able to support the school in this way, please contact one of the Targeted Learning Staff on 3206-5222 or send us an email to Shiolan Ferrer (, Sue Donnelly ( or Stef Potter ( I'd also like to welcome Allen and Justine, who have come on board with this program and continue to thank Val and David for their ongoing support. From the Corporate Services Team Internet Payments are preferred Account details are: BSB: 064-149; Account: 10049137 You must include student’s name, and a reason for payment in the reference section, so we can identify the payee. Eg (J Smith, Music Camp). Please refrain from using BPAY if you have more than one child at school. Student Achievements Class Prep/1Lime Prep Blue Prep Red Prep Green 1 Purple 1Orange 1 Yellow 1/2 Magenta 2 Aqua 2 Olive 2 Crimson 2/3 Cobalt 3 Azure 3 Coral 3 Orchid 3 Saffron 4 Emerald 4 Amber 4 Teal 4 Indigo 5 Maroon 5 Ruby 5 Sapphire 5 Opal 6 Amethyst 6 Zirconia 6 Turquoise Gotcha Encouragement Student of the Week Ellie Lincoln Baylee Jake Will Lachlan Angelina Madison Levi Setan Riley Chase Daisie-May Heath Baelin Jessica Samantha Matilda Taylah Deegan Ryan Charlotte Maija Joshua Oska Kalab Kirra Bianca Jessica Noah Lucas Alex Savannah Kadence Saige Lincoln Henry Tyler Marley Eve Xavier Phoenix Hayden Morgan Jayah Cooper Amity Emerson Deegan Tyra Mia Bethany Chanel Oska Kalab Cameron Halle Cody Cooper Jade Laila Toby Mitchell Katie Bailey Abby Keeley Boston Jessica Griffin Elleira Eden Tanisha Tianna Elenya Jack Anneleise Jackson Physical Education News Run Club Run Club is Tues and Thurs mornings from 7:30am (Prep – 6). All welcome. Cluster Carnivals – TERM 2, 2015 Term 2 Cluster Carnival Days will be held on Fridays: 29th May & 12th June Wakakirri Creative Arts News Term 2, 2015 We are still requiring more of the following materials. Please donate to 5 Maroon’s classroom. Week Date Rehearsals Who Event Type Week 5 1822 May Normal rehearsals BayView Voices Junior Choir Exc Wednesday 20th May Choral Fanfare at Rochedale State School Week 6 2529 May 1-5 June Normal rehearsals Beginner Band Beginner Strings Exc Monday 1st June – Friday 5th June: Regional Beginner Music Week (for beginning grade 3 and 4 students only) Week 7 Week 8 8-12 June Week 9 1519 June 2226 June Week 10 No rehearsals Normal rehearsals Normal rehearsals Normal rehearsals School Selected Students School Tuesday 23rd June: Awards Parade Performance Choir We are currently preparing for our Choral Fanfare performance this Wednesday 20th May. Choral Fanfare is a Biennial event for all Queensland State School Choirs. We are preparing a 10 minute program and will travel by bus to perform at Rochedale State School from between 12pm2pm. Both our BayView Voices and Junior Choir will be involved and we will stay for the whole session to watch the other schools. Parents and friends are welcome to attend. Permission slips are due no later than Tuesday 19th. Instrumental Music/ Strings All Year 3 and Year 4 beginner instrumental music students are invited to attend the Beginner Band and Strings Week, an annual event open to all beginning students in their first year of tuition. The Beginner Band and Strings Week will be held in week 7 at Sleeman Sports Complex. About 500 students will attend from schools across the Redlands to participate in ensemble rehearsals, choir, dance and watch concerts by semiprofessional musicians. As there is a clash between Beginner Band Week and Year 5 Camp, Year 5 students will not be able to attend. Any outstanding forms need to be returned to Corporate Services this Friday, 22nd May. • • • • White material Red felt Pillows to cut up for stuffing Animal outfits that we could borrow (ideally woods animals). These will be returned. Miss Sonia Filkorn Music Teacher Chappy News Let’s celebrate Chappy week! School Chaplains have supported student wellbeing in Queensland schools for 25 years! What does chaplains do? We provide social, emotional and spiritual support in school as well as model positive values, attitudes and behaviour to students. We also provide a helping and supportive hand to extra-curricular activities, community development and contribute to Professional teams in school and organisations. The top 5 issues students face: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Friendships and peers Bullying Family breakdown/ parent separation Mental health, depression and anxiety School behaviour or disengagement One of the most important features of school chaplaincy is that we work as a support role to the work of other school-based support staff. We do not counsel, but we strive to promote wellbeing, prevent future problems and engage “at risk” students in early intervention. School Chaplaincy brings hope to a young generation! Help us to continue our service by supporting our program! This week we will be selling cupcakes! If you are a keen baker, we would love your support! Let me know: If you are happy just to eat cupcakes, we would love that too! When: Wed, Thurs and Fri during first break Where: Cafe Price: $2 Now the good news! Slushie Tuesday has turned into Slushie Monday!!!! Slushies will be available from next Monday during first lunch for $2 at the Cafe!!! We thank you in advance for your support!!! Book Club News – Issue 4 Bookclub Issue 4 materials have been sent home this week. All orders need to be placed by 29th May. There has been some confusion with the Loop online ordering system. Scholastic had listed our school as “Bay View State School” (2 words) and some people had trouble finding it. I have been in touch with Scholastic and they now have our school listed as Bayview State School. Please make sure that you click on our school correctly to ensure your order comes back to our school. Thank you for your ongoing support of our Bookclub as our school gains valuable resources as a result of your orders. Uniform Shop It is easy to order: Flexischools – there is sizing and photos for each item to help you select the right item and size. Rainbow Breeze Cafe PREPS can now order café through Flexischools Hi Parents/Caregivers MEAL DEAL When: Thursday 11th June 2015 Cost: $6.00 There will be 3 choices for your beautiful children which include a sausage roll or Sushi or Mac n Cheese. A choice of water or a popper. A packet of either BBQ or Chicken Jumpy’s and an apple. Please go to Flexischools for the menu. Volunteers We are always happy to have new volunteers. Please contact me directly on if you can spare some time either Wednesday, Thursday or Friday as we would love to see you. Reminders: Order cut-off time: The cut off time for lunch orders to be placed via Flexischools is 8.00am, however you may place your next week’s order at any time after cut-off. • • • Sushi orders: sushi is only available on Thursday’s, but the cut off time is Wednesday noon. Sick children / cancelling orders: If your child is sick and either doesn’t come to school or goes home you You must cancel your Flexischools order by 9:00am in order for your account to be credited. To order online: 1.To order online simply go to 2. Click “Register Now” to create account 3. Top-up your balance 4. Start ordering immediately Thankyou for your continued support Emma & Team P & C News PIE DRIVE Order your pies now to have for State of Origin night Game 2. Family sized pies are baked locally at Brown’s Bakery, Gluten Free individual pies are baked at Beefy’s Bakery. Ask your neighbours, friends and family if they will support your school? Return Forms by: 29 May Collection Date: Tuesday 16 June from the Café between 2-3 PM Additional forms available from Corporate Services PCYC NEWS Our work mobile 0421 561 136 or our email address Calendar of Events May 2015 Mon Tues Wed Thurs 7 Mothers Day Stall 14 Fri 1 Yr 6 Campers Return 2:40pm 8 Mothers Day Stall 15 Volunteers Morning Tea 9:15am 4 5 6 11 12 13 Student Banking 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 Yr 5 Final Camp Payment Due 27 Free Dress “State of Origin” Student Banking 28 Language Cluster Day monies due Cluster Sport monies due 29 Yr 5/6 Cluster Carnival Pie Drive money due Book Club monies due Band Camp monies Due For families interested in enrolling their child at PCYC, head to and follow the links for Bayview online enrolment. Once the children are enrolled you can contact us on 3206 5296 or 0421561136 or via email to make your bookings. Please remember we are not here from 9am until 2pm but we are more than happy for you to leave a text message or email and we will get back to you. If you need to see us after the school bell, please wait until 3:15pm as we are extremely busy with our main focus on the children during this time. Courtney – Bayview Coordinator and the PCYC Staff Wray Organic Fundraiser June 2015 Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri 1 Yr 5 Camp Girls LOTE Cluster Day 8 Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday 15 2 Yr 5 Camp Girls 3 Yr 5 Camp Girls / Boys 4 Yr 5 Camp Boys 5 Yr 5 Camp Boys 9 10 Student Banking 11 Meal Deal Yr 2 Ocean Money Due 12 Cluster Carnival Yr 5 &6 16 Prep Track and Field 9am – 11am Pie Drive Collection 23 Awards Parade 17 Yr 1 – 3 Field Events 9am – 11am 18 19 24 Yr 1 – 3 Track Carnival 9am – 11am Student Banking 25 Yr 4 – 7 Track Carnival 22 29 30 Rainbow Relaxations – Term 2 26 Last Day of Term PJ Day – Free Dress Rainbow Relaxations offers your child the opportunity to learn to relax and let go of daily stresses and worries. I offer this in a safe and fun environment at Bayview State School. Term 2 will be held over 8 weeks - the first class will be starting on Monday 27th April through to Monday 22 June 2015 (8th June - Queens Birthday Public Holiday - no class on that day) Rainbow Class: 3-4pm (Prep - Yr 3) Sunshine Class: 4-5pm (Yr 4 - Yr 6) For all bookings or any enquires please call Marie 0402416132 or email Community Notices TAKE HOME A BIG BROTHER OR BIG SISTER Give your children the wonderful opportunity to have an international big brother or big sister by hosting one of our exceptional international students arriving in Australia in July 2015 for their 3, 5 or 10 month programs. Our international students from France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Finland will live as a local, attend a local secondary school, arrive with their own spending money and comprehensive insurance cover – all arranged by Southern Cross Cultural Exchange. Visit us at, email or call us toll free on 1800 500 501, request our international student profiles, and capture the spirit of family and friendship!
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