Disclaimer This book has been written by the author with input from individual contributors to educate business owners. All views expressed in this book are the views of the authors. They are not meant to be a substitute for professional services or advice, nor can it be guaranteed with regard to its accuracy or reliability with any recourse to the contributors. The articles have not been warranted for content, accuracy or any other implied or explicit purpose and the contributors do not accept liability for misuse of content in this e-book. Copyright All content included in this book is copyright and the intellectual property of the author. Apart from fair dealing you cannot claim the author's content as your own or reproduce the articles in any form without express permission from the author. As the reader, you may quote from this book and refer to the contents remembering to acknowledge the author when doing so. Copyright ©2012 Jo Saunders Contents Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................... 5 Why me?.......................................................................................................................................................... 5 The Business Growth Gap ................................................................................................................................. 7 What is a Virtual Assistant ?.............................................................................................................................. 8 What is an Offshore VA?................................................................................................................................. 10 Virtual Assistant Basics .................................................................................................................................. 11 Will I save money by using a VA? ............................................................................................................ 11 What is the standard rate for a VA?........................................................................................................ 11 Can one VA take care of all my support needs? ...................................................................................... 11 Who does a VA work with? .................................................................................................................... 11 Are VAs always female? ......................................................................................................................... 11 Does a VA work office hours? ................................................................................................................. 12 What systems does a business need to have in place, to enable a VA to be as effective as possible? ....... 12 Communicating with a VA .............................................................................................................................. 13 What is the best way to communicate with a VA? .................................................................................. 13 Do you need to meet with a VA? ............................................................................................................ 13 Email best practice ................................................................................................................................. 14 Confidentiality and Credibility......................................................................................................................... 15 How can I trust the VA is working on my tasks? ...................................................................................... 15 Should a VA supply a résumé or CV?....................................................................................................... 15 How does a VA demonstrate these qualities: reliability, meeting timelines, and being professional in the delivery of service? ................................................................................................................................ 15 How do VAs protect their clients confidentiality? ................................................................................... 16 Is there ever a conflict of interest where a VA works with the same type of client? ................................. 16 Getting Started............................................................................................................................................... 17 How do we start working with a VA? ...................................................................................................... 17 How do we pay a VA for services? .......................................................................................................... 17 What tasks can a VA take care of? .................................................................................................................. 18 Article Marketing ................................................................................................................................... 18 Audio Transcription................................................................................................................................ 18 Blogs...................................................................................................................................................... 18 Bookkeeping .......................................................................................................................................... 18 Customer Relations Management .......................................................................................................... 19 Customer Service ................................................................................................................................... 19 Database Management .......................................................................................................................... 19 Desktop Publishing................................................................................................................................. 19 Email Marketing ..................................................................................................................................... 20 Email / Postal Services............................................................................................................................ 20 Event Organisation................................................................................................................................. 21 Graphic Design ....................................................................................................................................... 22 Legal Secretarial ..................................................................................................................................... 22 Meeting Support .................................................................................................................................... 22 Personal/Executive Assistant .................................................................................................................. 22 Personal Services ................................................................................................................................... 23 Personnel Management ......................................................................................................................... 23 Power Point Presentations ..................................................................................................................... 23 Research ................................................................................................................................................ 24 Recruitment........................................................................................................................................... 24 Secretariat Services ................................................................................................................................ 24 Spread Sheet and Charts ........................................................................................................................ 25 Social Media .......................................................................................................................................... 25 Telemarketing ........................................................................................................................................ 26 Website Management............................................................................................................................ 26 Word Processing .................................................................................................................................... 26 VA Checklist ................................................................................................................................................... 28 How to Work With a Virtual Assistant / Specialist ........................................................................................... 28 7 Tips for Working with a VA........................................................................................................................... 29 Where do I find a VA?..................................................................................................................................... 30 VA Organisations ............................................................................................................................................ 32 A Clayton's Secretary VA Directory ......................................................................................................... 32 Alliance for Virtual Business ................................................................................................................... 32 Australian Virtual Business Network ....................................................................................................... 33 International Virtual Assistants Association ............................................................................................ 33 Virtually Yours Virtual Assistants ............................................................................................................ 34 VA Portal ............................................................................................................................................... 34 Other Useful Links .......................................................................................................................................... 35 Summary........................................................................................................................................................ 36 Contributors ................................................................................................................................................... 37 About the Author ................................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. SPECIAL OFFER ............................................................................................................................................... 39 Introduction Inspiration for writing this book came whilst preparing to present to a local networking group about what a Virtual Assistant is and how they can help small business. Hearing the confusion around what is understood about the role of a Virtual Assistant and being around the industry for a number of years, I decided to create this book. The aim of this book is to educate and explain just what a professional Virtual Assistant is, how they work, what they do and how you the business owner can leverage their skills and experience to help you grow your business. Why me? I started my business part time while employed, in the event management and marketing field. When I took the leap to focus on my own business full time in 2009, I joined the Virtual Assistant industry and offered business support services to my clients who were mostly organisations and event providers. I bundled my event management and marketing skills, along with graphic design and extensive administrative experience into my business model. In building my business I found much support from the various virtual business organisations and forums, attending the annual Online International Virtual Assistant Convention (OIVAC) and the Australian Virtual Assistant Conference (AVAC) in Melbourne. I went on to establish a group for virtual business in Western Australia - WA Virtual Business, to network and support each other. I was invited to join the founding Steering Committee of the Australian Chapter of the Alliance for Virtual Business in 2011. I facilitate a monthly Virtual Roundtable for Alliance members, whereby we discuss various industry topics. I also joined the organising committee of OIVAC for 2012. In 2011 I rebranded my business to focus on helping clients leverage online marketing, by planning, executing, training and managing their social media and email marketing. I run workshops helping professionals use LinkedIn to build their brand and speak on social media. I have used a variety of Virtual Assistants myself and now via this book, aim to help other busy people grow by leveraging the expertise of a Professional Virtual Assistant. Get a FREE Social Media Marketing Plan template by pasting this link into your browser: http://www.wildfiresocialmarketing.com/wildfire/freebies Jo Saunders Wildfire Social Marketing www.facebook.com/wildfiresocialmarketing The Business Growth Gap Are you in that place between starting out and needing to employ help but can’t see how to get there or what to do in the meantime? Are you feeling overwhelmed and tired trying to do everything in your business? With an employee comes a huge overhead, in financial terms and management terms. It may not be the space you wish to be in, or you may be in this space but find you still don’t have enough help at hand, particularly in terms of specific skills and projects. This is where a Virtual Assistant can step in to bridge the gap. Having a professional Virtual Assistant on your team means you can get things done and focus on the things you need to focus on, in order to grow your business. The full cost of an employee is much greater than their salary. You are obliged to pay superannuation, workers’ compensation, find space in your office for them to work, provide them with all the equipment required, and organise regular training at your cost. The cost of an employee can be 2.5 times their salary and you are locked into providing ongoing work to meet the employment contract needs, unless they are a casual employee, and then there are minimum requirements to meet. You may consider using a Temp Agency, but once again there is a commitment to minimum hours of engagement and a much higher hourly rate. You may need to train them and will need to provide them with equipment and a physical work space. If you want the same person again they may not be available. A Virtual Assistant may be a better solution to your support needs as needed. What is a Virtual Assistant ? A professional Virtual Assistant or VA, is a highly-skilled independent contractor, an entrepreneur with many years corporate experience, who provides remote administrative, technical or creative business support to clients, from their office. They build an alliance with their clients, from solo entrepreneurs to medium-sized enterprises and organisations. They can develop long term relationships, with the benefit of continuity, trust and loyalty. A VA has a commitment to training, often hold industry certification and are members of professional Virtual Assistant organisations. VAs have extensive experience in administrative support and management roles, spanning various industries, in many areas, including finance and accounts, website management, event management, desktop publishing, secretarial support, research, recruitment, human resources, social media marketing and traditional marketing. They come from positions such as Office Manager, Executive PA, Legal Typist, Copywriter, Event Manager, Marketing Manager, Secretary and Bookkeeper. A Virtual Assistant will invoice you for the work they have completed, any items relating to it, and nothing more. It is a flat inclusive fee often billed on an hourly rate or via a retainer agreement or package. There are no additional costs for insurance, superannuation or leave to factor in. There are no costs for training and equipment. VAs buy their own equipment, and organise their own training as part of their business costs. A Virtual Assistant is one term in use, but there are many others being used, depending on the service being provided to particular markets, such as Virtual Business Manager, Virtual Business Consultant or Online Business Manager among others. For the purpose of this book, we will use the term VA, but we actually mean a virtual specialist covering many support roles. What is an Offshore VA? The term VA is often confused with the “offshore VA” who is generally an employee operating from a call centre, rather than a professional business owner. Offshore VAs operate in various locations around the world, such as India and the Philippines and offer many services for a fraction of the cost, via sites such as Elance and oDesk, but be sure they can indeed meet your needs. The type of work and level of risk may dictate whether this is the right solution for your needs. A professional Virtual Assistant adds value to your business and understands what running a business is like, because they too run a business. They are responsible for their business operating costs, taxes, insurance, equipment and training, leaving you less to worry about. Being informed about which model of VA you are working with will impact your decision to engage a professional VA or offshore VA. Do your homework and check whichever VA you engage has the skill set you require to perform the tasks and has the experience to meet your needs as a professional business partner. Professional VAs will have a LinkedIn Profile, Facebook Business Page and website where you can get a feel for their work, view testimonials and recommendations, validate their experience and view their service offering. Virtual Assistant Basics Will I save money by using a VA? Partnering with a professional VA and having them take care of the tasks you don’t enjoy, don’t have the expertise in or skill to undertake, or really don’t need to be doing, will free up your time to focus on other things, such as core business, marketing and networking to grow your business. Having strong, reliable support will also allow you to take time out of your business, giving you the lifestyle you want. What is the standard rate for a VA? VAs each set their own rate as a business owner and specialist. Certain skills are priced in a higher bracket and some VAs operate under a package model. Rather than look at the price, look at the value. As in any business, choose the most appealing specialist for the task, based on skill, experience and price, rather than just on price alone. Can one VA take care of all my support needs? Be sure to partner with a VA that fits you immediate needs, which will make for a better relationship and provide maximum value. You may need to engage various VAs to meet all your needs. Initially start with a few tasks and increase as needed. Who does a VA work with? A VA can support any business or organisation, including small business, non-profits, Consultants, Coaches, Speakers, and other VAs. Some tend to have a niche market they work with, so you may come across a VA who is a specialist in your industry. Are VAs always female? While the majority are female, due to the nature of much of the work, and the fact that many come from secretarial and Personal Assistant backgrounds, who are traditionally women, there are some males in the VA community. Many male VAs have an IT or project management background in addition to general administration. Does a VA work office hours? This will depend on the individual. Given a VA is not an employee but a business owner themselves, they will communicate hours of work, turn-around time, additional fees for ‘rush’ jobs or out of hours work in the Agreement provided to the client. Some VAs will work in the evening, without charging you extra, because they choose to work this way. Other VAs may operate 9am – 3pm to suit their needs. If they are not available, a system will be in place to leave messages. Check the Agreement the VA has supplied and work with them to come up with mutually agreeable terms. Don’t expect your VA to be ‘on call’ unless this is set out in the Agreement. Additional costs may be incurred for that level of service, if it is available. That service may not be available with all VAs. It may take time to adjust from operating with an employee who is available, to becoming the client of another business and not having instant access to support. Having a clear communication method and process is important. What systems does a business need to have in place, to enable a VA to be as effective as possible? A VA will have their own system for working with clients. Some use online project management tools such as Huddle, Basecamp or Client Spot and other cloud solutions. Having a clear idea of the services required and any processes you need the VA to manage will help. Having a communication process and nominating the preferred method of contact is crucial. Communicating with a VA What is the best way to communicate with a VA? A professional Virtual Assistant operates remotely, therefore they will communicate and share information in many ways such as via email, Skype, phone, social media, online project management tools, file sharing such as Dropbox, or even fax. Establish your preferred methods of communication at the start of the relationship and always schedule any meeting times if relevant. Be clear and concise in communications and communicate deadlines well in advance. Specify upfront as to when a project or task needs to be completed by, give clear instructions for specific tasks and projects, and establish at what stages you need to be consulted or informed of the status. If expectations are upfront and clear, they can be managed easily. Be sure expectations are realistic especially in relation to turnaround time. Be aware that a VA has other clients and work needs to be scheduled, so good planning and clear communication is crucial. Do you need to meet with a VA? If you use a local VA you may actually meet in person, but this isn’t the way a VA generally operates. Some VAs can work with clients years before meeting! Being virtual shouldn’t limit the relationship and having a clear communication plan will assist the relationship. Establish monthly goals around tasks and projects, establish a way of reporting if required, and make time to ‘meet’ on a regular basis, be it monthly or quarterly . It may also be relevant to invite your VA to your regular team meeting if you have an ongoing relationship with them. If it is a physical meeting at your office, have them attend via Skype. Just as you are paying your staff to attend, your VA is also working therefore this will be included in their invoice. It may be a good use of time to keep communication open and keep them in the loop just as you would with other team members. It all depends on the type of relationship and how involved they are in your business. Do remember though that they are not an employee. Email best practice Keep emails to one topic per email where possible unless it is a task list or update from a meeting. Addressing one topic per email will provide clarity and a clear path. In the subject include the topic and action required. Eg FYI: “topic”, For action: “topic”. Communicating in the same way as your VA will improve the communication process. Confidentiality and Credibility How can I trust the VA is working on my tasks? In a nutshell trust will come over time. Switching from employer mindset to being a client is a big shift. A professional VA does not need to be micro-managed. Obtain an estimate on time/cost initially and seek clarification if there is a variation. Agree on the scope of work, preferred communication method, timeframe and rates, and let your VA get on with their work. A VA will set their own hours of work, so be sure to check when they are available. Keep in mind that they will schedule the work, which may be done after regular office hours, but this is their prerogative. Should a VA supply a résumé or CV? A VA is a business owner and isn’t an employee. Therefore a résumé isn’t standard practice. Most VAs would have a LinkedIn profile, an ‘About’ section of their Facebook page, an ‘About Us’ page on their website, or a Biography available. Between these resources and testimonials, as with any professional business, you will get a feel for their skills and history to give them credibility. How does a VA demonstrate these qualities: reliability, meeting timelines, and being professional in the delivery of service? Check the prospective VA’s social media channels such as Facebook Page and LinkedIn. Check their website and blog and look at their terms and conditions. Ask for testimonials and samples of their work and test out their service with a small job to get a feel for their customer service skills, professionalism and reliability. How do VAs protect their clients confidentiality? Professional VAs will operate under terms and conditions generally specified in their Agreement or Contract. Because they are a business owner, they need to protect their own business as well as the client relationship, which would include confidentiality and security of client files. Is there ever a conflict of interest where a VA works with the same type of client? VAs operate under a code of ethics as detailed in their Agreement of Contract. Some VAs carry the Ethics Check Certification and others link to a VA organisation’s Code of Ethics such as this one http://www.administrativeconsultantsassoc.com/ethics. Getting Started How do we start working with a VA? Create a list of tasks that you don’t need to do or want to do. Establish which one you could start to outsource. Make contact with 2 to 3 VAs and determine which will be the best fit. Once you have selected a VA to perform the tasks required, the VA will generally provide you with an Agreement or Engagement Letter to commence a business relationship and outline the terms, services and fees. Once signed, the relationship can start. First work out the tasks you want to outsource and the process your VA will use. Most importantly be willing to let go and develop a relationship with your VA. How do we pay a VA for services? VAs either take payment upfront or after the project. Some will set up a retainer package to suit your needs with payment due before starting, some issue invoices at the end of the month, and others at the completion of the task or project. Payment terms and methods will be detailed in your Agreement and on the invoice. Most common methods of payment are direct deposit, PayPal or credit card. What tasks can a VA take care of? A VA can perform many tasks from general administration to highly specialised tasks. Here is a list of 101 Ways To Use a Virtual Assistant, from the International Virtual Assistants Association: http://www.ivaa.org/general/custom.asp?page=101WaysToUseaVA A – Z of tasks a VA or specialist virtual business can do: Article Marketing Submit your articles to article directories Write base articles for you to tweak Audio Transcription Transcribe recorded audio files Blogs Set up and manage your blog Create blog posts from supplied content Moderate comments Link to your social media Create social media posts to drive traffic Bookkeeping Data entry Accounts Payable Accounts Receivable Debtor follow up Invoicing Customer Relations Management Research best CRM solution for your needs Set up of an online CRM CRM management and data entry Enter details from business cards collected at events CRM training Create a 'Client Feedback Survey' and distribute to your clients Analyse responses to your survey and provide you with a summary report Coordinate a client mail-out including print and postage Customer Service Send introduction letters to new contacts Client liaison / nurturing Organise client gifts Provide virtual reception services Database Management Create and manage an Access database Import and export of contacts Desktop Publishing Document scanning and conversion to PDF Design certificates Document template design Design and print labels Design of client newsletters Design of fliers, brochures and price lists Design of invitations Email Marketing Set up email marketing client Import current database Manage your email lists Create email templates Create subscriber forms for web and social media Create and distribute your eNewsletters Provide email marketing reports on open rates and click through rates Source newsletter content Create auto-responders Get a FREE Social Media Marketing Plan template by pasting this link into your browser: http://www.wildfiresocialmarketing.com/wildfire/freebies Email / Postal Services Manage your business email, such as @admin or @enquiries email address Email screening Respond to first level enquiries on your behalf Forward emails that require attention Collect your postal mail - collect local mail or have your mail forwarded to us Scan and email of your postal mail Vacation mail service Design and upload your email signature Event Organisation Seminar, workshop and conference planning Social / networking event planning Create and mail invitations and manage RSVPs Create registration forms Set up and manage online event registration Venue research Venue and catering management Create marketing material Create press releases Manage advertising Social media marketing Design and print name badges Create and print handouts and workbooks Create slides from supplied content Create a feedback form Collate feedback results Create and send confirmation and reminder emails Source marketing products Set up the event on Facebook and LinkedIn Share event info via Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter Create a schedule of Tweets and posts to promote the event Graphic Design Logo design Print design, such as business cards, brochures, newsletters Pull up banner design Vehicle branding Web custom graphics Photo editing Profile image creation Legal Secretarial Prepare correspondence and court documents from your dictated recordings Conduct property searches Confirm appointments Meeting Support Prepare agendas and distribute to attendees Create reports Attend meetings and take minutes Prepare minutes from your notes or recordings Arrange resources including meeting venue and catering Personal/Executive Assistant Manage your diary Send client gifts for birthdays or special occasions Send Christmas cards and gifts to your clients and colleagues Pay your bills or send you reminders when they are due Assist in locating seminars and conferences for you to attend Proofread your articles/documents before you post/send Order your monthly stationery supplies online Obtain quotes, coordinating ordering, delivery and payment Take care of travel arrangements (including flights, car hire, accommodation) Prepare a comprehensive itinerary Manage your business while you are on holidays Project management Design filing systems System design Decluttering strategies Personal Services Do your online shopping (from ordering gifts to online grocery orders) Assist in the planning of personal events (weddings, parties or travel) Book appointments Personnel Management Develop and/or update your Employee Handbook Create Policy and Procedure manuals Prepare welcome packages or orientation material for new employees Prepare employee review templates and send you reminders to conduct review Research training providers and book staff training identified in your training needs analysis Power Point Presentations Design PowerPoint templates Create a PowerPoint presentation Create hand out documents Create a web version of presentations and upload to SlideShare Research Research prospects Research venues Research suppliers Research potential purchases and obtain quotes Research software Research competitors Research gifts Recruitment Professional résumé writing Prepare job descriptions and place advertisements Take enquiries & review applications Conduct preliminary phone interviews and compile a short-list Research candidate online presence such as LinkedIn Profile Conduct reference checking and verify past employment Schedule interviews with candidates Prepare and send unsuccessful letters / emails Secretariat Services Acting as the first point of contact for organisations Governance Public Officer Managing new members Managing member renewals Annual General Meetings and special meetings Event co-ordination Minutes and Agendas for Board Meetings Spread Sheet and Charts Create basic spreadsheets Create complex spreadsheets Design templates Produce charts and reports Social Media Create your custom social media strategy Determine suitable platforms Set up your social media accounts Review your existing social media presence and strategy Design cover images, profile images and tab icons Design Twitter and YouTube backgrounds Research and install appropriate Facebook apps to extend the page functionality Create custom Facebook tabs Integrate email marketing Provide buttons for use on your website to encourage traffic Provide training on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, Google+ Create a content calendar and marketing plan Create content from your blog, newsletter, interviews or e-Book for updates Schedule posts and Tweets using social media management tools Add events to Facebook and LinkedIn and share via Twitter Review your social media plan and provide reports Get a FREE Social Media Marketing Plan template by pasting this link into your browser: http://www.wildfiresocialmarketing.com/wildfire/freebies Telemarketing Call prospects from supplied databases / list Create effective phone scripts that work Create follow up email templates for various scenarios Book appointments and manage online diaries Report on results Website Management Create a WordPress website Mange and update your website Manage plugins Report on web traffic Manage your hosting Manage or order your domains Word Processing Typing (create letters, reports, style guides, tenders and contracts) Develop and / or update manuals Create template documents and spreadsheets Refresh old template documents Editing and formatting of reports, manuals and other documents Format and author e-books PDF conversion - web optimisation Write tenders Legal and medical typing Minute taking and agendas Zzzzzzzzzzzz Helping you sleep easily! VA Checklist Here is a list of what one VA needs from her client: # a clear written brief on what particular task is required to be undertaken # an indication of a time frame so work load can be prioritised # enough notice to be able to complete the task # supply of all the information needed in order to complete the task # be available within a reasonable timeframe in case questions/problems come up # preferably use an online file-sharing tool, e.g. Dropbox or Google docs to make sharing files and communicating more efficient and streamlined How to Work With a Virtual Assistant / Specialist 1. Find the best person for the task 2. Sign a clear agreement, including Terms of Service 3. Agree on rates and invoice terms 4. Have a clear outline of the tasks / project work required 5. Establish preferred method of communication 6. Agree on task deadlines 7 Tips for Working with a VA 1. Communicate with clarity around expectations at the beginning of your project to avoid misunderstandings. 2. VAs don’t work ‘standard’ business hours. Be assured that work is being done but not necessarily during the day on a week day. 3. Communicate your availability so the VA can reach you at appropriate times if a phone call is required. Having a communication plan means reasonable expectations can be agreed upon and managed. 4. Plan ahead and communicate your deadlines so your VA can schedule effectively. Your VA will do their best to accommodate urgent tasks but be aware it may not always be possible. 5. Understand that a VA is not an employee but instead a business owner who will view your business from a different perspective - they should be seen as a business partner. 6. VAs are experienced specialists in their field and do not need to be micro-managed. 7. If things aren’t working so well, communicate with your VA. Schedule a regular virtual meeting and set monthly goals around tasks and projects to be sure you are both on the same page. Where do I find a VA? You may find VAs at local networking events, social media, online directories, or have a look at these VA related organisations: http://vadirectory.net/ http://www.avbn.com.au/ http://www.virtuallyyours.com.au/ http://allianceforvirtualbiz.com/ http://www.ivaa.org/ http://www.VAnetworking.com/ http://www.BeMyVA.com/ There are many other organisations around the world. Many organisations and networking groups have online directories of their members. The above VA groups list their members and areas of expertise. Many local groups will also have a member directory with services listed, which is a great way to find a local VA. Other than using Google to search for a VA with the skill set you require, consider the following: # Local networking groups # Local business organisations # Word of mouth referrals from VAs or clients # Referrals from a Business Coach # Online networking groups # Online business directories # Yellow Pages # Social Media # LinkedIn groups # Facebook # Twitter # YouTube VA Organisations Here are a few VA organisations to start your search. membership, so members are of a certain standard. Some run checks as part of A Clayton's Secretary VA Directory Overloaded with your admin needs and don't know where to start? Frustrated with the time you need to spend doing your general business 'housekeeping'? Here's why you should use our services: # No need to make several calls. Fill out the form at 'post your job' and you'll have 3 - 4 of our Virtual Assistants contacting you. # Tell us only once. Your message will go out to our whole team so you won't need to keep repeating yourself to find help. # Experience. All of our members have minimum 5 years' working experience with many 20+ years. # Informative. You can view the profiles of all of our members to find the right VA for you. # One stop shop. You don't have to keep looking in many places, we have all the support you need here. # Free! No agency fees for finding the right VA(s) for you. http://www.vadirectory.net Alliance for Virtual Business A4VB Australia is the Alliance for Virtual Businesses’ chapter in Australia. The role of the host organisation, A4VB, is to provide appropriate information, education, coaching, training, networking and mentoring for up and coming and also existing virtual businesses. A4VB is about learning, sharing and networking to support each other in our business goals and needs. The A4VB is also about building relationships to enable us to work together to further grow and develop our businesses and help them to become strong and profitable. The Alliance is also a place where existing business owners can find their perfect match when looking for their virtual business needs. If you are an aspiring, emerging, or seasoned virtual business we invite you to join our community and share your knowledge, experience and expertise with other encouraging entrepreneurs. http://a4vb.com.au/rfps/ Australian Virtual Business Network AVBN is the only Australian network to fully prequalify and skills test its applicants before they join to ensure that they meet minimum requirements for virtual business operators in the areas of experience, skill, ethics and professionalism. So the hard work of due diligence has already been done for clients. The above is a primary point of difference between AVBN and other networks together with the fact that it is comprised of only the best Australian-only virtual businesses since membership criteria is so strict. However we do not accept membership from agencies or companies who employ staff. AVBN is not an agency so clients are not charged to be partnered with a virtual business service provider. http://www.avbn.com.au/ International Virtual Assistants Association The International Virtual Assistants Association (IVAA) is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the professional education and development of members of the Virtual Assistance profession, and to educating the public on the role and function of the Virtual Assistant. The IVAA provides continuing education, networking opportunities, member benefits and optional certification to its members, as well as provide a member directory and Request for Proposal (RFP) system for parties interested in utilising the services of member virtual assistants. Are you in need of some specialised or occasional assistance to grow your business? Working with a Virtual Assistant can be the perfect solution when you need ongoing help (but don’t need a full-time employee) or when you need a specialist for an important project or two. From general administrative support to creative and technical projects, search our member directory or submit your own Request for Proposal (RFP) to find the perfect match for your needs. http://www.ivaa.org/ Virtually Yours Virtual Assistants Virtually Yours (VYVA) connects you to Virtual Assistants. Our Virtual Assistants are independent business owners with their own business plans and rates. We take the legwork out of finding the perfect Virtual Assistant for you and your business. # Are you looking for a highly skilled Virtual Service Provider to help your business? # Need help finding time to do what you do best? # Want to offload the tasks you hate to do, but know what must be done? – Bookkeeping, Transcription, Social Media, Web Management and so on? # Want to find out about working with Virtual Providers and handy tips for business management? If you find yourself wasting a lot of time on administrative tasks, because you either lack the skills or haven’t got the resources to hire a full-time secretary, then working with an Administrative Virtual Assistant is the solution you have been looking for! If you are looking for a service provider who can support you virtually (off-site) with other services such as Author Support, Event Management, Speaker Support, IT Support, Copywriting and Editing, you’ve come to the right place. Virtually Yours Virtual Assistants do all your work remotely while you go about running your business, saving you time and money! http://www.virtuallyyours.com.au VA Portal The portal is a multi-VA business which means we have a team of hand-selected VAs already checked and ready to be utilised without having to search the net and other networks trying to source the VA who has the expertise required. Of course from time to time, there will be tasks that we don’t have the skill set for but Debbie will be only too happy to find a suitable candidate amongst the many forums she and Colleen belong to. http://virtual-assistant.com.au Other Useful Links http://blog.execstress.com/2011/08/outsource-or-insource-things-to-consider/ https://www.facebook.com/WAVirtualBiz http://www.wavirtualbiz.com/what-is-a-virtual-assistant-business http://www.absolutelyvirtual.com.au/Successful-relationship-with-VA.pdf http://www.virtualassistantforums.com/ http://www.vanetworking.com/ http://australianvaconference.com/ http://www.administrativeconsultantsassoc.com/ http://www.flyingsolo.com.au/working-smarter/outsourcing/working-virtually-adefinition Summary If you are planning to take your business up a level, use the ideas in this book to identify the tasks you can outsource and where to find the right help. Getting support in your business can be affordable and within reach, without being locked in to the conditions of taking on an employee. Create your own virtual team so that you can be more productive, profitable and have more time to invest in things which are important to you, whether business related or personal. Build the team you need and create the lifestyle you deserve. Contributors A Clayton's Secretary http://vadirectory.net Kathie M. Thomas pioneered the Virtual Assistant industry in Australia and established the first VA network in the southern hemisphere. Through a desire to work at home and be present for her family of 5 daughters, she registered her business in March 1994 and took it online in January 1996. Kathie has written many articles online and has been published in books and magazines. A Clayton’s Secretary’ was created as a home-based secretarial support service in 1994. As the Virtual Assistant industry developed ‘A Clayton’s Secretary’ changed its focus from entirely secretarial to administrative and other services, to encompass the virtual needs of all clients. Absolutely Virtual http://www.absolutelyvirtual.com.au/ Monika Newman, Principal of Absolutely Virtual, has more than 20 years experience in secretarial, Personal Assistant and administrative positions. She has worked with a variety of companies, ranging from small to large multinational enterprises; they include import/export, travel, government, major oil companies and independent consultants. Absolutely Virtual can work with you in an ongoing capacity, for long-term or one-off projects. This will be achieved through effective communication, ongoing education, monitoring outcomes, and continued improvement in delivery of client services. Absolutely Virtual, giving your business that professional edge. AKA Virtual PA http://www.akavirtualpa.com.au/ AKA Virtual PA is your one-stop-shop for all of your secretarial and administrative requirements. Specialising in Associations (Secretariat), Coaches and Public Speakers. Running your own business can be stressful and time consuming, so don’t spend valuable time on tasks that you can outsource. Focus on your own business requirements and have the freedom to grow your own client base. Enjoy the flexibility of having your AKA Virtual PA as close as an email or phone call away. You can have peace of mind that your work is being done by an accredited office professional with many years experience in the secretarial field. Linda Harachi http://www.facebook.com/myaustraliansecretary Linda Harachi’s experience with secretarial and administrative support spans 20 years. She began her career by completing a Diploma in Secretarial Studies and has worked overseas, in the private sector and in the Western Australian state government. Linda has also run a successful VA business, My Australian Secretary which has a new focus on the horizon. MJS Virtual Business Support http://www.mjsvirtual.com.au We provide a reliable, efficient and flexible virtual business support service for small business and solo entrepreneurs. We help to streamline your business processes so you can really take your businesses to the next level. Partner with MSJ Virtual Business Support and receive personalised service and high quality, professional support that you can rely on. My Own P.A www.facebook.com/MyOwnP.A Based on the Gold Coast, the Principal of My Own P.A, Sarah Cronin, possesses 12 years of experience within the legal sector as an administrator and paralegal as well as over two years as a VA. With exceptional organisation, a flair for the written word, high attention to detail and a firm commitment to completing projects on time, My Own P.A is dedicated to consistently providing services of the highest standard. ..."Life just got easier"! About the Author Jo Saunders is the Director of Wildfire Social Marketing, a Perth based marketing and events consultancy specialising in social media and online marketing strategy, implementation and support. Wildfire Social Marketing help our clients get fired up and found in the online media space, by leveraging social media tools to promote events, build your profile, increase your brand exposure, grow your business and increase profits. We offer training to small business and organisations in Perth, Western Australia and beyond. With 20 years’ experience in office management, graphic design, marketing and event management, working in person and virtually, Jo brings passion, creativity and innovation to your business. Jo was invited to join the Steering Committee of the Australian Chapter of the Alliance for Virtual Business and currently facilitates the Virtual Roundtable. She organised Global Virtual Assistant Week in Perth in 2011, is on the Online International Virtual Assistant Convention Committee (2012) and runs a local networking group called WA Virtual Business. Wildfire Social Marketing is a Certified Australian Virtual Business, and Jo was nominated for the Thomas Leonard International Virtual Assistant of Distinction Award in 2011. If you need help with your LinkedIn presence, Facebook Page, Blog, Twitter and email marketing strategy, contact Jo. She loves to help make you look good online! Contact Details: Address: Phone: Email: Website: LinkedIn: Facebook: Twitter: PO Box 11, North Perth WA 6006 0422 431 039 jo@wildfiresocialmarketing.com www.wildfiresocialmarketing.com http://au.linkedin.com/in/josaunders www.facebook.com/wildfiresocialmarketing @joatwildfire SPECIAL OFFER Get a FREE LinkedIn profile review from Wildfire Social Marketing. We will review your existing profile and provide feedback with suggestions for improvement in the key areas. Available to the FIRST 20 people who contact us via the link below. If you miss out we will send you a super special offer and free LinkedIn ebook To claim this offer: http://www.wildfiresocialmarketing.com/wildfire/vabookoffer Questions: offer@wildfiresocialmarketing.com Want a FREE Social Media Marketing Plan? Get a FREE Social Media Marketing Plan template by pasting this link into your browser: http://www.wildfiresocialmarketing.com/wildfire/freebies Endorsement “You need a team. That is how you increase your profits. Outsourcing business tasks is a fantastic way to get the support you need. Virtual assistants can help you do less and make more. Are you ready to get started? Jo Saunders’ book is a how-to guide to get you going! I highly recommend it for all business owners.” – Loral Langemeier, five-time bestselling author, speaker and coach. LiveOutLoud.com
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