STATE BANK OF HYDERABAD STAFF ASSOCIATION ANDHRA PRADESH STATE UNIT (Regd. No. B-2848) Central Office, Gunfoundry, Hyderabad – 500 001 Phone: 23387696, 23387-396,300,262, 217 Fax No. 040-66661941 e. mail. website – CIR. NO. SA-AP/ 01 /2015 Date:04.06.2015 ALL THE MEMBERS: (Andhra Pradesh, Telangana & Delhi Zone Branches) Dear Comrades, 4th CONFERENCE OF SBH STAFF ASSOCIATION – A.P. STATE UNIT ON 5th JULY 2015 AT AMRUTHA GARDEN, HYDERABAD ROAD, BESIDE EENADU UNIT, NIZAMABAD. It is matter of great significance that the SBH Staff Association – Andhra Pradesh State Unit which includes the zones in the states of Telangana, Andhra Pradesh and Delhi will be holding its 4th Conference on 5th July 2015, in the back ground of UFBU successfully concluding our 10th Bipartite Settlement on 25.05.2015, with a sense of great satisfaction. We are holding this meeting in a year when our beloved organization - AIBEA is celebrating its glorious existence of 70 long years. An amazing development is taking place at this juncture. Instead of growing old our AIBEA and also SBH Staff Association is growing younger and younger. More than 60% comrades are below the age group of 30 years. These young comrades of the emerging future do not have the knowledge of past, they are unaware of the history of AIBEA. The responsibility lies on the seniors to educate them about the philosophy and ideology of our organization. We need to deliberate on these issues in the ensuing conference. There are issues relating to our SSBEA. Even though, we have gloriously come out achieving our 10th Bipartite on 25th May 2015, before we could actually ripe the fruits of the settlement, another agitation awaits us. In trade union, fighting for our legitimate demands is never ending. Hence, a strike call for our SSBEA demands on 4th June 2015 and also a strike on 24th June2015, where call is given by AIBEA. At bank level, it is a matter of great satisfaction that our bank continuously for 5th year registered profit in excess of 1000 crores. Though the profits are increasing, NPA continues to be a night mare. Lot of hard work is required in this area at all levels. This conference will provide us an opportunity to rework our strategies and reschedule our priorities, through meaningful deliberations in making us further determined to face the challenges ahead of us. All the arrangements for holding the memorable 4th Conference at Nizamabad have been finalized. Com. B.S. Rambabu, General Secretary, APBEF & Secretary, AIBEA will be the inaugurator to our Conference. The Chief General Manager of our Bank Shri V. Viswanadhan has consented to be the CHIEF GUEST to our Conference. Contd……2…….. ::2:: Com. Jagdish M Bhavthankar, General Secretary, SBH Staff Association, Shri Venkata Swamy, President, ABOA, Unit: SBH, Com. V.P. Rajendra, Former President and Com. K. Narahari, Former General Secretary, SBH Staff Association will be the GUESTS OF HONOUR to our Conference. The Inaugural Session of the Conference will start at 09.30 A.M. sharp by hoisting the AIBEA flag. The Delegate Session will transact the business as mentioned in the Agenda, being issued shortly, from 2.30 P.M. to 5.30 P.M. on SUNDAY the 5th July 2015. The arrangements for breakfast will be between 7.30 a.m. to 09.00 a.m., Lunch between 1.30 p.m. to 2.30 p.m. on the day of Conference at the venue. Comrades, who require assistance for Lodging arrangements are requested to contact Com. V. Kishan Rao, Deputy General Secretary, Nizamabad, Mobile No. 944-044-2025. One delegate minimum from each branch is eligible to attend the conference. The branches, where membership strength is 30 and above, one additional delegate for every completed 15 members is eligible. For ex: upto 15 members – 1 delegate, 30 members – 2 delegates, 45 members – 3 delegates and so on. Over and above such elected representatives, observers from the branches are requested to attend the conference in huge numbers, to enrich knowledge about Trade Union movement and also developments in the Banking Industry. We are confident that all our members will extend their support and co-operation to make the memorable 4th Conference of SBH Staff Association – Andhra Pradesh State Unit a grand success and a memorable event. With Conference Greetings, Yours Comradely, (A. KOTESWARA RAO) GENERAL SECRETARY --- Congratulations!!! Comrades 4th June 2015 Strike was a grand success. Our Comrades all over the country effectively exhibited their anger against the atrocities of SBI Management. Continue the same zeal for our strike on 24th June 2015, we are fighting for a genuine cause and the victory shall be ours. - Comrades, march on with confidence. AIBEA - ZINDABAD ---- SSBEA – ZINDABAD SBH STAFF ASSOCIATION - ZINDABAD
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