WELCOME TO SANTA BARBARA HIGH SCHOOL Principal’s Message Welcome to Santa Barbara High School. Home of the Dons! It is my pleasure to welcome you to the 2014 - 15 school year. Our beautiful campus, a California Historical Landmark, has been a part of the Santa Barbara community for more than 130 years. As a new or returning Don, it is important to become actively involved in all aspects of our comprehensive program, including extra-curricular activities, and school events. Our goal is to provide a vibrant and safe environment for each student. We take pride in creating a setting that is supportive of our students’ personal, social, and academic development, while providing a variety of challenging educational experiences in the classroom, through clubs, sports, art, music, and performing arts activities. Students who attend school every day, perform to the best of their ability, and engage in a variety of activities during their high school years will have an outstanding academic and social experience at Santa Barbara High School. This student handbook contains very important information that will have an impact on your overall success. Please take the time to become familiar with its contents. As a student at Santa Barbara High School, you will be held accountable for knowing and understanding the rules, regulations and procedures that are addressed throughout this handbook. You will also be held to the highest level of expectation regarding your performance and behavior while on campus or attending schoolrelated activities. As a Don, we expect that you show respect for yourself and others, take responsibility for your own personal behaviors, and actively participate in our diverse school community. Your engagement in the educational process is crucial to your development and future success. We have an outstanding, dedicated staff available and ready to serve your educational needs. Should you have any questions or concerns, please come by my office, or I’ll see you around campus. Go Dons! John Becchio Principal Student Information Name ID Number Grade Counselor Non-Discrimination Statement It is the policy of the Santa Barbara Unified School District to promote a school environment free from any action having the effect, either directly or indirectly, of discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, age, sex, handicap, and marital status, sexual orientation, religious, or political orientation. Any act deemed discriminatory by a student, employee, or other citizen should be reported to school officials for investigation and appropriate action. SBHS Student Handbook Revised 3/26/2015 1 WELCOME TO SANTA BARBARA HIGH SCHOOL 2014-15 Student Handbook Mission Statement: We will work to develop a collaborative relationship among staff, students, parents, and our community to ensure that each student is prepared for post-secondary education. Vision Statement: Santa Barbara High School will continue to prepare all students to be dedicated life-long learners, outstanding citizens, and nurturing, healthy individuals. Expected School-wide Learning Results: Every Santa Barbara High School Student is a: D edicated Life-long learner who • Works conscientiously to achieve his or her academic potential • Speaks, listens, reads, writes, and thinks well in all core disciplines • Can identify, analyze, integrate, and apply content standards • Enriches his or her creative abilities, and cultural awareness through participation in and study of art, music, and ideas • Uses technology responsibly and knowledgeably O utstanding citizen who • Treats people with dignity and respect • Contributes time, energy, and talent to improve our community • Accepts responsibility for personal actions, opinions, and decisions • Plans and accomplishes goals in groups and individually • Solves issues democratically, resolves conflicts nonviolently with active listening • Demonstrates, in daily practice, personal responsibility for creating a positive school environment and conserving resources N urturing, healthy individual who • Participates in regular physical exercise • Avoids tobacco, drugs, alcohol, and harmful behavior to self and others • Applies the fair-minded principles of sportsmanship in all endeavors • Strives for nutritional, physical, and emotional well being • Attends school regularly, on time, and ready to learn “Once a Don, Always a Don” SBHS Student Handbook Revised 3/26/2015 2 Table of Contents Topic Page Topic Academics Academic Integrity Policy Acceptable Use Policy Awards Career Center Citizenship Class Changes Counseling Office Drop/Transfer Policy Homework Incompletes Intra/lnter District Transfers Library Media Center Program Changes Registrar Report Cards R.O.P. Schedule Changes Testing Schedule Transcripts Work Permits Administration/General Information (cont’d) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 25 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 Student Responsibilities Student Rights Staff Directory Vision Statement Visitor Policy SBHS Student Handbook Revised 3/26/2015 9 8 4 2 9 Activities (Co/Extra Curricular) ASB Student Council Athletics Clubs and Service Groups Eligibility General Information 10 11 9 9 24 Attendance Parent Information School Activities Student/Parent Responsibilities 13 13 14 Discipline and Conduct Alcohol/Illegal Substance Use Cell phones/Electronic Devices Closed Campus Disciplinary Guide Dress Code General Guidelines for Students Grounds for Suspension Hazing MTD Bus Riding Standard Disciplinary Procedures Student Responsibilities Staff Responsibilities Administration/General Information Bell Schedule Communication Directory ESLR’s Full Time Enrollment Graduation Activities Health Office Principal’s Message Mission Statement Nondiscrimination Statement Page 7 7 4 2 6 8 8 1 2 1 3 10 19 9 15 19 19 22 23 25 16 15 15 Directory Administrative & Office Staff (805) 966-9101 Mr. John Becchio Ms. Patty Diaz Ms. Elise Simmons Mr. Gabe Sandoval Mr. David Meister Ms. Karla Corral Ms. Christie DeGiacomi Extensions Principal Principal’s Secretary Assistant Principal Assistant Principal (9th-10th) Assistant Principal (11-12th) Assistant Principals’ Secretary Assistant Principals’ Secretary 5001 5006 5002 5003 5004 5007 5008 Counselor (A-Co) Counselor (Cr-Gr) Counselor (Gu-Lop) Counselor (Lor-On) Counselor (Or-Sau) Counselor (Sc-Z) College&Career Counselor School Psychologist School Psychologist Counselor Secretary 5136 5137 5139 5138 5133 5134 5036 5228 5227 5132 Mr. Joe Chenoweth Ms. Fran Strahl Ms. Laura Wooster-Dorfman 5009 5010 5013 Attendance Technician Attendance Clerk Community Liaison Intervention Business Office Cal Safe Center College & Career Center English Office and Testing Health Office Library Media Center Receptionist Registrar Youth Service Specialist Ms. Martha Garcia Ms. Mildred Cardona-Quintanilla Ms. Maria Jimenez Mr. Pedro Menchaca Ms. Lisa Higgins Ms. Judy Daniels Ms. Edith Cortes Ms. Hazel Anderson Ms. Jeannette Hirschberg Ms. Marsha Barr Ms. Doris Desales Ms. Dora Gonzalez/Maria Ms. Gaby Cabrera/Rose 5011 5012 5140 5143 5014 5113 5037 5100 5030/5226 5044/5045 5017 5130/5131 5141/5200 District Administration: Santa Barbara School Districts 720 Santa Barbara St. Superintendent 963-4331 Ext 6201 Counseling Ms. Marcy Porter Mr. Ruben Gil Ms. Martha Acevedo Mr. Alicia Adams Ms. Emily Ritchey Ms. Susan Snyder Mr. Spencer Barr Mr. Juan Gallardo Mr. Siebrin Simon Ms. Sarinna R. Rodenas Athletic Director Athletic Secretary ASB Advisor Attendance Board of Education: Dr. David Cash Ed.D. 963-4331 Ext. 6201 Members of Board of Education can be reached through the Superintendent’s Office. Welcome Welcome to Santa Barbara High School! Every member of the Dons team is here to help you get the most you can from your time here. Feel free to contact any of the staff listed above with any questions and concerns about your academic and social experiences here at SBHS. Keep and use this handbook as a means of understanding the rules and procedures of our school. All teachers, staff, parents, and students should be thoroughly familiar with its contents. Note that the table of contents does not contain references to all the material in this handbook. Please read it carefully. SBHS Student Handbook Revised 3/26/2015 4 Academics Academic Integrity : Cheating in any form is an attempt to disrupt the evaluation process and includes such behavior as permitting another student to copy from a test or homework, possession of cheat notes and/or answers to exam questions from extraneous sources, identical answers on unlike problems on an exam, plagiarism on papers, and so forth. When it has been determined that a student has cheated, the following will occur: a. First Incident: The teacher will notify the Assistant Principal in charge of discipline. The parents will be contacted and the parent, student, teacher and Assistant Principal will meet. The student may be suspended and will receive a zero on the paper/test on which the cheating occurred. In addition, a letter stating the facts of the incident will be placed in the student's cum file. b. Second Incident (need not be in the same class--during the next 12-month period): The above steps will be followed. In addition to the zero grade, the student will be dropped from the class. Students have the right to appeal all decisions to the Principal. Acceptable Use Policy: At the beginning of each school year, parents/guardians receive a copy of the district’s policy and administrative regulation regarding access by students to the Internet and on-line sites. Computers are used to support learning and enhance instruction. It is a general policy that all computers used through the district’s access to the Internet are to be used in a responsible, efficient, ethical, and legal manner. All students are strongly encouraged to read the details of the Acceptable Use Policy that they sign each year. Consequences for misuse range from temporary to permanent loss of computer and Internet access, detention, and suspension. Awards: Consideration for all school awards (e.g., Distinguished Dons, etc) includes participation in all mandated state testing. Career Center: The Career Center offers considerable information for career investigation. Regular features include career films, speakers, and career information "detective." The Center is located in room 32 and students and parents are welcome to visit. Citizenship Grading: Each teacher will give an evaluation of citizenship; measuring the student’s citizenship in that particular class, using the following ratings: Outstanding 0 Satisfactory S Needs Improvement N Unsatisfactory U Class Changes: Schedules will be given out on the first day of each semester and class/teacher changes may not be made unless approved by the counselor and/or administrator. The last day for student/parent initiated class changes will be 2 weeks after the first day of each semester. A student who drops a course during the first six weeks of the semester may do so without any entry on his/her permanent record card. A student who drops a course after the first six weeks of the semester shall receive a “WF” grade on his/her permanent record, unless otherwise decided by the principal or designee because of extenuating circumstances. Counseling Office: We encourage all students to communicate with their counselor as frequently as needed in order to insure a successful and well-planned high school program. Counseling offices are open from 7:30 am until 4:00 pm every school day. See us for: • Personal, academic, and career counseling • A resource person for staff, students, and parents • Communications between students and parents regarding performance, attendance, and post-high school training • Assist you in planning each semester’s class schedule • Periodic evaluation of student progress towards graduation • Test information, interpretation, and evaluation for students and parents • Help for students with special needs • Information on College outreach programs • Anything that will make you more successful here at Santa Barbara High School! Drop and Transfer Policy: Transfers from one class to another are granted only for certain specific reasons such as lack of prerequisite, accidental repetition of a class, or administrative or clerical error. Dropping a class is not an option to protect a grade point average. A class can be taken over again to improve a GPA. SBHS Student Handbook Revised 3/26/2015 5 Full-time Enrollment: Per Board policy, students at Santa Barbara High School are required to take six classes each semester they are enrolled. Under all circumstances, students must be enrolled in district classes on campus for a minimum of 220 minutes (4 periods). Homework: Students should expect homework in their classes. The amount and difficulty of homework varies from class to class, depending on the academic level and nature of the class. Students and parents may request assignments directly from teachers when the student is absent. It is the responsibility of the student/parent to pick up these assignments. The school receptionist can assist with homework requests from students absent for disciplinary reasons or for lengthy medical issues. Incompletes: When a student is unable to complete a class due to an extraordinary reason (e.g., health related issue), the student can receive an Incomplete (I) grade. The student has six weeks into the next semester to complete the prescribed agreement/contract with the teacher. A grade of “F” will be issued if the Incomplete is not corrected within a six week period. Incompletes must be approved through written notification by the principal in advance. Intra District Transfer Policy: All intra district transfers are considered resident guests of Santa Barbara High School. We welcome students from within the district provided that they comply with the terms and conditions for intra district transfer students. Please be aware that non-compliance with any of the following terms will result in a revocation of your transfer: • Have excessive truant absences or tardies • Persistent conduct code violations Program Changes: No student or parent initiated program changes will be made 20 days after the beginning of each semester except in extraordinary circumstances and with administrative approval. Changes made after the first 20 days of first semester or 2nd semester will result in a drop/fail and will be posted on a student’s transcript. Registrar: The Registrar’s Office is responsible for all student academic records at SBHS. All enrollments, drops, intra/interdistrict transfer requests go through this office. You must also go through this office to change your address of record, telephone number, name of guardian, etc. 966-9101, ext 5130/5131. Report Cards and Progress Reports: Report cards are mailed to parents/guardians at the end of each quarter. Progress reports are mailed at the mid-point of each quarter to indicate particular problems or to commend outstanding performance. Not all classes will necessarily have a grade noted on the progress report. Only those classes where the current grade is D or F are required to be reported. Only semester grades (end of 2nd and 4th quarters) are used in determining student grade point average. R.O.P.: ROP Education at Santa Barbara High is a cooperative effort by the school and the community providing opportunities for students to discover their vocational interests and aptitudes by doing “real work.” Students must attend all classes during the school day and attend all the related instruction classes in order to participate in and pass the "work" portion of the program. Students must be at their chosen jobs for an average of ten hours per week for each period of enrollment. This course provides a maximum of ten (10) credits each semester and is open to 11th and 12th grade students only. Student Scheduling: Care is taken during the scheduling process to give the student and the parent every opportunity for input into the student’s schedule. Parents should make sure that their student’s schedule is in line with plans for the future and should contact the counselor prior to registration if they have any questions. There will be no schedule changes made unless a student has failed a class, has taken the course during summer school, or the course is not offered. Schedule Change Procedure: Schedule changes apply only to the beginning of each semester. If a schedule change must be made: 1. Pick up a schedule change form in the counseling office before or after school 2. Fill out the form and have it signed by parent/guardian. Students are to remain in their original class until they have received their new schedule. There is no guarantee that a requested change can be made. Counselors welcome the opportunity to discuss individual situations, and we encourage parents to contact a student’s counselor to arrange for conferences at their convenience to discuss any changes. Testing Schedules: Testing is nearly a yearlong effort and frequently dependent on student age, grade, and academic goals. Types of testing available include PSAT, SAT, ACT, Credit by Examination, CA High School Proficiency Examination (CHSPE), Competency Testing, CA High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE), Smarter Balance Test, Advanced Placement (AP) and others as necessary/requested. See your counselor for details on testing dates, expectations, costs (if any), and SBHS Student Handbook Revised 3/26/2015 6 requirements. Those tests, in particular, have significant impact on our school and its programs. Any request for exclusion from that test must go through the principal prior to starting date of testing. Transcripts: Students may request to have their transcript mailed by completing a request in the Counseling Office. A $7.00 fee is charged for each official transcript that is mailed by the school or given to the student. Work Permits: Work Permits are obtained in the Career Center. Any student under 18 years of age must have a valid work permit to have a job. A student who is truant or has excessive absences from school, classes, a grade point average of less than 2.0, or exhibits poor citizenship, may be denied a work permit or have the present one revoked. Administration Communication: In order for the school to keep parents/guardians informed and to ensure that contact can be made quickly if necessary, it is imperative that the Registrar’s Office be informed of any changes of address or phone number. Parents must bring to the Registrar a copy of a utility bill or other document indicating the new information. Report cards, newsletters, and other correspondence are mailed to the address on file. Bulletin Information: The Student Bulletin is published Monday and Wednesday, and is read or posted in every classroom. There is also a video bulletin show via CCTV every Friday morning during 2nd period. It is the student’s responsibility to know about the announcements in the bulletin. Copies of the written bulletin are available in the Assistant Principal’s Office. You may also check for daily updates and school news on the school website at www.sbhs.sbunified.org. Bell Schedule: Santa Barbara High School Bell Schedule 2014-2015 Period 1 8:00 to 8:56 56 mins 8:56 to 9:03 7 mins Period 2 9:03 to 10:04 61 mins Nutrition 10:04 To 10:15 11 mins Period 3 10:15 to 11:11 56 mins 11:11 to 11:18 7 mins Period 4 11:18 to 12:14 56 mins Lunch 12:14 to 12:54 40 mins 12:54 to 1:01 7 mins 1:01 to 1:57 56 mins 1:57 to 2:04 7 mins 2:04 to 3:00 56 mins Period 5 Period 6 SBHS Student Handbook Revised 3/26/2015 7 Santa Barbara High School Late Start Thursday Bell Schedule 2014-2015 Period 1 9:05 to 9:51 46 mins 9:51 to 9:58 7 mins 9:58 to 10:48 50 mins 10:48 To 10:55 7 mins 10:55 to 11:41 46 mins 11:41 to 11:48 7 mins Period 4 11:48 to 12:34 46 mins Lunch 12:34 to 1:14 40 mins 1:14 to 1:21 7 mins 1:21 to 2:07 46 mins 2:07 to 2:14 7 mins 2:14 to 3:00 46 mins Period 2 Period 3 Period 5 Period 6 Graduation Activities: Graduating seniors (including January grads) will have the opportunity to attend Commencement and all Senior Activities planned assuming the following guidelines are followed: • Graduating seniors who elect not to participate in commencement exercises or are denied participation due to citizenship will be signed-out on “Senior Check-Out Day.” They may pick up their diplomas on the day following graduation. • A student removed from any Senior Week activity for any reason will lose the privilege of the remainder of the activities and the graduation Commencement. • All non-graduating seniors may attend the Senior Prom. They may not participate in other Senior Week activities and they may not go to Disneyland or participate in Commencement exercises. Non-graduating seniors may not be members of the Prom King/Queen Court. • Any senior suspended from school will be in danger of losing all Senior Week Activity privileges including Commencement exercises. • All seniors risk any and all participation in senior activities if a school administrator determines that a student’s behavior and/or attendance is sufficiently poor to warrant such action. Specifically, seniors who are dropped from a class due to behavioral issues (three referrals) or thirty-six (36) period truant absences during the second semester, and/or any suspensions within nine weeks of graduation will warrant loss of participation in all graduation and graduation-related activities. A student who passes the California High School Proficiency Examination and does not continue enrollment will not receive a SBHS diploma and, therefore, excluded from all Senior Week functions including Prom and Commencement exercises. Health Office: Anyone becoming ill or injured should report to the Health Office. You must check out from the Health Office if you are to go home during school hours. Should the health clerk not be available, students must report to the Attendance office. Appropriate paperwork will be completed and, when necessary, a parent or guardian will be contacted. Students needing to take medication at school must have a Medication Consent Form signed by a parent and doctor. This form must be on file in the Health Office. Students may not self medicate with anything, including but not limited to, aspirin, allergy medications, etc. The consent form applies to all medications, both prescription and over the counter. In accordance with Ed. Code 49423, the Santa Barbara Unified School District policy is as follows: • All medications taken at school must be: • Supplied by the parent • Be in a labeled container • Contain the student’s name • Medication and dose must be stated on the label SBHS Student Handbook Revised 3/26/2015 8 Students needing to be excused from PE activities due to health reasons must bring a written request from a parent or doctor. This should be presented to the PE teacher prior to the class. Student Rights: Students, within legal constraints, may exercise their constitutionally protected rights of free speech, expression, and assembly as long as they do not interfere with the operation of the regular school program. • Students have the right to fair, consistent and respectful treatment by staff members and by other students. • Students, 18 years or older, or under 16 with parental consent, have the right to see their personal files, cumulative folders, transcripts, and other school records during school hours and in the presence of a counselor or administrator. Students have the right to insert rebuttals to content in their files. • Students have the right to due process. When a student is referred for disciplinary action, the student has the opportunity to offer his/her version of the incident to school authorities. • Students have the right to present complaints or grievances to school authorities and to receive authoritative replies within a reasonable time regarding the disposition of the complaints or grievances. Student Responsibilities: Students have the responsibility to maintain regular attendance, make a conscientious effort in classroom work, and adhere to school rules and regulations. Students share with the administration and faculty a responsibility to develop a climate within the school that is conducive to learning. No student has the right to disrupt the education of fellow students. • Students have the responsibility to protect school property and to assist the school staff in operating a safe school for all enrolled students. • Students have the responsibility to respect rights of fellow students, teachers, administrators, and all others who are involved in the educational process. • Students have the responsibility to attend class with all required materials, prepared to work and to stay on task for the class period. • Students have the responsibility to use discretion in distributing or displaying materials which may be considered obscene, libelous or which advocate commission of unlawful acts. They should consult with the school administration or appropriate school advisor to determine such legal definitions. Visitor’s Policy: Santa Barbara High School is a closed campus and students are not permitted to bring visitors to school. The administration may grant permits to special visitors such as foreign students and potential new students who want to observe classes. All visitors on campus are required to check-in with the receptionist to sign-in (to identify purpose for visit, location of visit, and time of arrival). Visitors here to speak with students will not make individual appointments during school hours; they must be scheduled for before school, lunch, or after school. Campus visitations from college representatives, business employers, military recruiters, and other career pathway representatives will coordinate their visits through either the Counseling Office or the College and Career Center. Visitors will sign-out as well as wear a visitor’s pass visible at all times. Santa Barbara High School Students found on any other campus during school hours (ours or theirs) are subject to a 3-day suspension. Activities “School Spirit” is the attitude of individuals towards contributing to the total school program. It is based upon a large number of interests and appreciation within the individual. School Spirit involves such things as self-improvement, cooperation, and encouragement of one another. True spirit within the individual is contagious. True spirit is also positive in nature and not utilized to put-down other students, to mock them, make fun of, or harm their reputation. SBHS Student Handbook Revised 3/26/2015 9 Eligibility Requirements for Co/Extra-Curricular Activities: • Citizenship (reviewed quarterly) • Scholastic GPA (reviewed quarterly) • Attendance – In order to participate, all students must be in attendance, and in all classes throughout the day on the day of any event, including practice, rehearsal, or any school related activity such as sports contests, play or musical productions, dance productions, etc. Any exceptions must be cleared in advance by the Assistant Principal responsible for the event. • Students must be making normal progress toward graduation • ASB/Class officers must additionally abide by the leadership contract. Athletes must abide by the athletic contract. Clubs and Service Groups: Active clubs at SBHS are listed on the back of the Bulletin. Students who are interested in forming a new club can see the ASB advisor or Assistant Principal responsible for Activities. Student Identification Cards: ID cards are given to all students one time at no charge. This card is used to check out books and for identification on campus and at all school events. Students must have their ID card with them at all times while on campus or attending a school event. A $20 Associated Student Body (ASB) fee validates your card for student discount prices for all athletic contests, school dances, and performing arts productions. A considerable savings is realized by the validation, and all students are encouraged to use it. All students participating in co-curricular activities are expected to purchase a validation. The fees generated help offset the tremendous expenses involved with all co/extra-curricular activities. Student Government/ASB: All students running for student office (class or ASB) must be cleared through the Assistant Principal’s office. Students with attendance, grades, or disciplinary problems may not be cleared. Social and Co/Extra-Curricular Activities: Social activities at SBHS include dances, proms, and club activities. Some student activities are also classes that contribute to elective credit towards graduation. These include: A Cappella Choir Concert and Jazz Bands Olive & Gold (yearbook) Madrigals Theatre Journalism Marching Band Student Government Alcohol/Illegal Substance Use/Possession Policy 1. The jurisdiction of the school on alcohol/illegal substance use related issues include any violation that takes place at school or during school sponsored/sanctioned activities on or off school grounds. Violations taking place on the way to school or from school, including use prior to attending school or school related events, fall under the jurisdiction of the school. 2. Consequence for sale/distribution of alcohol/illegal substances will result in an immediate suspension with a recommendation for expulsion. 3. Consequences for use or possession of alcohol/illegal substances/drug paraphernalia: 3.1 Five-day suspension from school, parent notification, and conference with parents. 3.2 Notification to the Santa Barbara Police Department and possible arrest. 3.3 Recommendation for expulsion unless the District determines that to do so would be inappropriate given the particular circumstances. In lieu of expulsion, students shall be provided the option to participate in the Substance Use Prevention and Education Resource Program (S.U.P.E.R.). 3.4 Students will be suspended from all co-curricular activities/athletics for 30 days. Students may return to their co-curricular activity/athletics providing all requirements of the S.U.P.E.R Program have been completed. Any exceptions to this policy may be appealed to the Director of Student Services. SBHS Student Handbook Revised 3/26/2015 10 4. In order for the student to continue to attend the school in which the incident occurred, or any other school in the district, he/she must enroll and successfully complete the S.U.P.E.R Drug Education/Counseling Program. If an alternative to the S.U.P.E.R Program is recommended, the Director of Student Services may approve an alternative program if it meets District requirements. Students referred to the S.U.P.E.R Program who are attending the Santa Barbara Unified School Districts on an inter-district transfer permit will have their permit canceled and be referred to their school of residence. 5. Consequences for a second violation during the remainder of the student’s Santa Barbara Unified School District career: 5.1 See 3.4 above, possible recommendation for expulsion without the possibility of enrolling in the S.U.P.E.R Program. 5.2 Recommended expulsion. Involuntary transfer to another school within the Santa Barbara Unified School Districts, if expulsion is not recommended. Athletics Tradition: Dons athletes have distinguished themselves throughout Southern California and have brought recognition to Santa Barbara High School for over 130 years. The school, community, parents, and athletic program will be judged by the way an athlete conducts him/herself both on and off the field. To be a member of a Don’s athletic team demands that a young person must be a good citizen not only at school but also in the community. He/she must abide by all training rules and maintain good grades in all classes. He/she must be well groomed and follow the regulations of Santa Barbara High School. Failure to uphold the traditions expected of athletes will indicate that he/she is not worthy of representing our school. Much will be demanded of our athletes, yet the rewards as a member of a team and as an individual will be great. All students are encouraged to try out for a team. Eligibility, rules and regulations governing interscholastic sports are primarily determined by CIF, yet all potential Santa Barbara High School athletes are expected to follow all guidelines set forth by the school and maintain a positive presence in our community. Santa Barbara High School cooperates fully with the CIF and the Channel League, which includes Buena, Dos Pueblos, San Marcos, and Ventura, to maintain the highest standards in athletics and sportsmanship. To compete in interscholastic athletics a student must: • Be under the age of 19 • Have attended a four-year high school for no more than eight semesters • Must have taken 20 units in the preceding grading period and passed with a C average • Be residentially eligible • Be an amateur • Be making normal progress towards graduation Santa Barbara High School fields teams in the following sports; Fall Sports Winter Sports Football Girls Water Polo Girls Tennis Girls Basketball Girls Volleyball Girls Soccer Girls Golf Wrestling Boys Water Polo Boys Soccer Cross Country Boys Basketball Spring Sports Swimming/Diving Baseball/Softball Boys Volleyball Boys Tennis Boys Golf Track & Field Boys LaCrosse Girls La Crosse During the fall 2008, Cheerleading was formally added as a sport at Santa Barbara High School. While Cheerleading is not acknowledged as a CIF sport, our Cheerleaders and Competition Cheer Team are recognized as demonstrating all the necessary requirements of our many CIF teams. Schedules for every sport are available in the Athletics Office and are available through our website at www.sbdons.org or www.highshoolsports.net. Conduct of Athletes and Participants: As representatives of Santa Barbara High School, all athletes and participants in extra-curricular activities are expected to exhibit strong moral character and behave in a manner consistent with this code and SBHS Student Handbook Revised 3/26/2015 11 the rules and regulations of the school. These standards will be enforced before, during and after school, as well as weekends, whether on or off the playing field. All rules apply during the entire school year. 1. Severe or continued misbehavior: the use or possession of illegal drugs, alcohol or intoxicants of any kind will not be tolerated. 2. All athletes/participants are expected to refrain from smoking or chewing tobacco. Athletes/participants in violation of this code will be disciplined and subject to: a. Immediate suspension from the team or extra-curricular activity. b. Loss of athletic/extracurricular eligibility for the following semester. Students may regain eligibility by the successful completion of a substance abuse rehabilitation program approved by school administration. All athletes/participants are expected to display responsible behavior, respect the rights of others and cooperate in executing school policies and rules. Student Insurance: Every student participating in interscholastic athletics must be covered by adequate medical and accident insurance. Verification of medical insurance coverage must be on file before a student is eligible to participate. Information on low-cost, district-approved insurance is given out in the information packet or may be picked up in the Athletics Office. Completed insurance forms and payment should be returned to the Athletics Office. General non-athletic accident insurance is highly recommended. Attendance: All Students, including our student athletes, must be in school all day in order to practice or participate in a game, practice, rehearsal or performance. Requests for exceptions must be made through the appropriate Assistant Principal. A second truancy from any class or classes will result in suspension from the next contest and if habitual, may be cause for suspension for the season. An athlete/participant is expected to consult or telephone the coach/advisor if a practice or performance is to be missed. Head coaches and advisors are responsible for enforcing their team's policy. While traveling away from school, we represent our community and school. An athlete/participant's appearance and conduct is expected to display our pride. Any misconduct will result in suspension from contests and/or practices. Athletes/participants must travel to and from contests in transportation provided for, or arranged by, the school. Exceptions are injuries that would require transportation by the participant's parent/guardian or an administrator. A display of unsportsmanlike conduct toward an opponent or official or use of profanity during a practice or contest will result in counseling by the coach or advisor and possible suspension. No athlete/participant may quit one sport or extra-curricular activity and go out during that same season for another without the mutual consent of both coaches/advisors. 6th Period Athletics: In order to be scheduled for period 6 athletics, a player must be recommended by the coach of the team and the P.E. Department Chairperson. Any player recommended and voicing consent to be placed in the athletic period, also accepts without reservations all of the conditions set forth in the Santa Barbara High School Athletic/Extra-curricular Code. It is each athlete/participant's obligation to become familiar with these policies, to sign the agreement and to have a parent/guardian sign the agreement. THIS AGREEMENT MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE COACH/ADVISOR PRIOR TO PARTICIPATION IN ANY SCHOOL ACTIVITY. Athletic Council: An athletic council, composed of one coach, two SBHS instructors, the Athletic Director, and an administrator, will review all appeals regarding violations of this code and contract by athletes. Because participation in extracurricular activities is a privilege extended to all and not a basic right of all students, the school has the authority to revoke this privilege. We fully expect our athlete's/participant's standards to be morally sound and their general attitude to reflect leadership. Discipline Guidelines: In accordance with the Alcohol/Illegal Substance Use/Possession Policy at Santa Barbara High School, the following guidelines will be followed for all students, including student athletes; 1. The jurisdiction of the school on alcohol/illegal substance use related issues include any violation that takes place at school or during school sponsored/sanctioned activities on or off school grounds. Violations taking place on the way to school or from school, including use prior to attending school or school related events, fall under the jurisdiction of the school 2. Consequence for sale/distribution of alcohol/illegal substances will result in an immediate suspension with a recommendation for expulsion. SBHS Student Handbook Revised 3/26/2015 12 3. Consequences for use or possession of alcohol/illegal substances/drug paraphernalia: 3.1 Five-day suspension from school, parent notification, and conference with parents. 3.2 Notification to the Santa Barbara Police Department and possible arrest. 3.3 Recommendation for expulsion unless the District determines that to do so would be inappropriate given the particular circumstances. In lieu of expulsion, students shall be provided the option to participate in the S.U.P.E.R Program. 3.4 Students will be suspended from all co-curricular activities/athletics for 30 days. Students may return to their co-curricular activity/athletics, providing all requirements of the S.U.P.E.R Program have been completed. Any exceptions to this policy may be appealed to the Director of Student Services. Attendance Philosophy: Santa Barbara High School staff and students work together to create an atmosphere of accountability and responsibility. Every staff member must be accountable for consistent and accurate attendance. Every student will make choices that demonstrate the values of accountability and prompt, consistent attendance. The Santa Barbara High School policy is intended to promote attendance in class as the highest priority. When a student is absent, it is not possible to recreate activities that take place in classes on the day a student is absent. Labs, lectures, discussions, and demonstrations cannot be repeated for individual students. The primary responsibility of the student is to be in class to maximize his/her opportunities for success. Excessive tardiness and absences have a direct correlation to poor student performance and are detrimental to the learning environment. Parents, students, teachers and administrators all have a shared responsibility to ensure that a quality education is priority. Santa Barbara High School’s attendance policy is directed toward achieving that goal, and allows for adequate flexibility to provide for a reasonable degree of tardiness and absences. Attendance Policy: Students will be dropped from a class when they have accumulated ten (10) tardies or five (5) truant absences. Tardiness: It is the responsibility of the student to be on time to all classes. Seven minutes are allowed for students to pass from one class to another. Teachers will make the determination regarding excused or unexcused classroom tardies. Exceptions will be made by administration decision only. While Ed Code allows for up to 30 minutes late, instructors are not responsible for providing make up work for students who are habitually tardy. Truancies: A student is truant when absent from school or a class without permission of the school or parent. Truant students will be assigned two hours of discipline for each hour of school missed and may be cited by the Police. No make-up work is permitted. Students may not leave school without being checked out by the Attendance or Health office. Absences: All unexcused tardies and absences will be dealt with in the same manner as truancy. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to notify the school within 72 hours of an absence by either a telephone call or a note to the attendance office. Students who are absent for most of the school day due to illness, will not be permitted on campus to attend a class, take a test or turn in a paper/homework. Absent students who are seen on campus are considered truant. Information for parents: Telephone for reporting student absences: 966-9101 ext. 5011 or ext. 5012. A Spanish version of the entire Attendance Policy is available in the office by request. Students are required to attend school unless they have parental permission to be absent. Absences, Excused: Illness, dentist or doctor appointments normally will be excused with parent verification. A verification of an appointment by the doctor or dentist (i.e., doctor’s stamp, receipt, etc., but NOT a doctor signature) must also be presented when the student returns to school. Full credit in the class will be given upon completion of make-up work or tests. Students must see their instructor for the time limit for make-up work and/or tests. SBHS Student Handbook Revised 3/26/2015 13 Absences, Excused (not ill): These are absences due to death in family, religious, and educational instruction. Absences for reasons such as court appearance, college visits, or family trips MUST be given prior approval by school administration before student is absent from school. Notice must be received no later than two weeks before absence begins. Full credit will be given upon completion of make-up work or tests. Students must see their instructor for the time limit for make-up work and/or tests. Illness or Injury During School: A student who feels too ill to continue school must obtain a pass from his/her teacher to report to the Health Office. Failure to report to back class or to the Health Office will be considered truancy. Off Campus Passes: Requests by a parent for a student to visit a doctor, dentist or other appointment should be made prior to the appointment time. The student must bring a note, stating the time it will be necessary for the student to leave campus. The note must be submitted to the Attendance Office before 7:45 a.m. or during lunch. When returning from the appointment, verification from the doctor/dentist (doctor’s stamp, receipt, etc., but NOT a doctor signature) will be required. 18 Year Old Waiver: In order for 18 year old students to sign their own notes, a parent waiver must be on file in the Attendance Office. Make-up Procedure: Students shall "make-up" assignments and tests during the time allotted by the make-up procedure. Students will have only one opportunity to do so unless extreme circumstances, as verified by the Attendance Office, cause further absence on the "make-up" deadline date. Make-up work shall be reasonably equivalent to, but not necessarily identical to, the work missed during the excused absence. The student must initiate the process. Phone Messages: The main objective of a school is to educate the student. In order to do that, the student must be in class. When a student is called out of class to receive phone messages that are not an extreme emergency or can really wait until the student gets home it becomes a disruption to the education of the student. Neither staff nor students have time to deliver or receive messages. Please have your child call you at lunch to see if there has been a change in that day’s schedule. Attendance: Student/Parent Responsibilities and Guidelines Full Day Absences: Full day absences must be cleared within 72 hours. A student can clear a full day absence by: a. Having a parent call the school to report the full day absence within 72 hours. b. Upon his/her return, the student can bring a note to school signed by the parent, clearing the absence. Students returning to school after an absence, with a note from a parent, can drop the note off at the attendance office for verification. Students returning to school after an absence whose parents have called to excuse the absence can go straight to first or second period. All Absences not cleared within 72 hours of the absence will be considered truant absences and assignments will not be made up for credit. Parents will be notified by phone and by mail regarding truant absences. Partial Day Absences: Students leaving campus for any reason throughout the normal school day must check out through the attendance office. A student may check out during the day if: a. They have a signed note by the parent stating the reason for leaving and the time required to check out. The note must have a parent signature and a phone number to verify the reason. If the student is leaving for medical reasons, i.e. doctors, dentist, etc., the note must have the doctors name so the appointment can be verified. b. A parent phones the attendance office and checks the student out. Students leaving campus for any reason must sign out at the attendance office. SBHS Student Handbook Revised 3/26/2015 14 Students must sign in at the attendance office when they return to campus. Students must be in school all day in order to practice or participate in a game, practice, rehearsal or performance. Requests for exceptions must be made through the appropriate Assistant Principal. Students leaving campus for any reason and not checking out through the attendance will be considered truant for that particular class period. A parent phone call will not clear a truant absence when a student has left campus without authorization. Students Arriving Late to School: All students must sign in (signature and arrival time) at the attendance office before going to class. A note signed by his/her parent or a phone call must be received within 72 hours in order to clear the absence. Discipline Guidelines Student Responsibilities: All students are expected to comply with school regulations, to pursue the required course of study and to accept the authority of the Principal and the school staff. The goal in discipline is for the student to grow and develop in self-control and self-direction. Students receiving a third discipline referral in the same class will be dropped from that class at the request of the instructor. Each student shall have freedom and encouragement to express his/her individuality in school. This freedom will exist so long as this conduct does not intrude upon, or endanger the freedom of others. Conduct that infringes on the freedom of his/her peers to receive educational instruction or violates this basic premise will not be tolerated. It is the intent of the Board of Education to establish a rational position between freedom for each individual and the necessity for sufficient order to permit the operation of the instructional program. Students in route to or from school or in attendance at school functions are subject to the authority of the school. School Staff Responsibilities: School staff members are expected to exercise a reasonable enforcement of school regulations and are responsible for counseling students regarding potential deficiencies or problems. The staff also has a responsibility, whenever possible, to notify parents of potential academic or social problems before they occur. This may include both school and after school activities which interfere with the students ability to be successful. The Principal may implement necessary procedures, rules and regulations to render effective the policies of the Governing Board relating to standards of behavior. Teachers shall be responsible for the instruction of pupils in rules and regulations of proper conduct, and be responsible for proper and adequate control of pupils. The responsibility and the authority of any teacher extend to all pupils of the school district. Parent Responsibilities: Parents are expected to cooperate with the school authorities regarding the regular attendance and behavior of their children. Parents shall be held responsible for the willful misbehavior of their children, as indicated by section 1714.1 of the Civil Code and Education Code 48909 and 48200. The Principal of each school shall take steps to insure that all rules pertaining to the discipline of pupils are communicated to students at the beginning of each school year and to transfer students at the time of their enrollment in the school. Specific Procedures for Disciplinary Action: Pursuant to all State law and Santa Barbara Unified School District Policies and Procedures, the following steps are taken to enforce necessary regulations. The following list of minimum and maximum actions does not imply or require that school staff use a "step-by-step" progression of increasing severity when dealing with a violation. Disciplinary action is dependent upon the situation, the previous behavior record of the student, and other background circumstances. SBHS Student Handbook Revised 3/26/2015 15 Revised and approved (except for guidelines number 7 and 28) by Board Action on May 13, 2008 EDUCATION CODE 48908 - DUTIES OF PUPILS All pupils shall comply with the regulations, pursue the required course of study, and submit to the authority of the teachers of the schools. Discipline Guidelines: A student may be disciplined, suspended, or expelled for any of the acts listed below, if the act occurs while on school grounds, while going to or coming from school, during the lunch period (on or off campus), or during, going to, or coming from any school-sponsored activity at any school or on any school district’s grounds. EC48900(r). OFFENSE 1ST OFFENSE 2ND OFFENSE 1 Assault and/or battery on a school employee [EC 48915 A(5), SBUSD BP 5131 & SBUSD BP 5144.1] Due to the potential seriousness of this offense, an infraction of this rule will result in 5 days suspension, and recommendation for expulsion. Law enforcement notification. None permitted. ADDITIONAL OFFENSES None permitted. 2 Offering or selling a controlled substance or alcoholic beverage or intoxicant [[EC 48915(c2), EC48900D, SBUSD BP 5131.6, SBUSD BP 5131 & SBUSD BP 5144.1] Brandishing a knife or explosive or possession of any firearm [EC 48915C, SBUSD BP 5131& SBUSD BP5144.1] Due to the potential seriousness of this offense, and the requirements of the CA Ed Code 48900/48915, this will result in 5 days suspension and recommendation for expulsion. Law Enforcement notification. None permitted. None permitted. Due to the potential seriousness of this offense and the requirements of CA Ed Code 48915, this will result in 5 days suspension, and a recommendation for expulsion. Fire Marshall and/or Law Enforcement notification. None permitted. None permitted. Sexual Assault, Committing or attempting to commit sexual assault or committing sexual battery [EC 48915 (c)(4), SBUSD BP 5131, & SBUSD BP 5144.1] Possession of a knife or other dangerous object at school or school activity [EC 48900B, SBUSD BP 51317 & SBUSD BP 5144.1] Due to the potential seriousness of this offense and the requirements of CA Ed Code 48915, this will result in 5 days suspension, and a recommendation for expulsion. Fire Marshall and/or Law Enforcement notification. None permitted. None permitted. 5 days suspension and possible recommendation for expulsion. Fire Marshall and/or Law Enforcement notification. 5 days suspension and recommendation for expulsion. None permitted. 3 4 5 6 7 OFFENSE 1ST OFFENSE 2ND OFFENSE Willfully causing serious injury to another person, except in self defense [EC 48915 A(1), EC 48900 A(1) EC 48900 A(2), SBUSD BP 5131 & SBUSD BP 5144.1] Possession, under the influence and/or use of any controlled substance, alcoholic beverage or intoxicant [EC 48900C, SBUSD BP 5131, SBUSD Due to the potential seriousness of this offense and the requirements of the CA Ed Code 48900/48915, this will result in 5 days suspension and recommendation for expulsion (48915 only). Law Enforcement notification. 5 days suspension and referral to other appropriate programs, parent conference, and mandatory counseling referral (SUPER program) and/or Teen Court services to be completed within 45 5 days suspension and recommendation for expulsion. SBHS Student Handbook Revised 3/26/2015 16 5 days suspension, parent conference, law enforcement notification, & referral to Daniel Bryant/Teen Court, which includes a clinical alcohol/drug assessment, a six-week Parent program ADDITIONAL OFFENSES None permitted. 5 days suspension, parent conference, law enforcement notification, and recommendation for expulsion. BP 5144.1 & SBUSD BP 5131.6] school days. Law Enforcement notification. (voluntary) and one of four treatment options. Aids or abets the infliction or attempted infliction of physical injury to another person [EC48900S, SBUSD BP 5131 & SBUSD BP 5144.1] Robbery and/or extortion [EC 48915 a(4) and EC 48900E, SBUSD BP 5131 & SBUSD BP 5144.1] 5 days suspension, parent conference, Teen Court services, possible Law Enforcement notification. 5 days suspension, Law Enforcement notification, recommendation for expulsion. Due to the potential seriousness of this offense, and the requirements of the CA Ed Code 48900/48915, this will result in 5 days suspension and recommendation for expulsion (48915 only). Law Enforcement notification. 5 days suspension and recommendation for expulsion. None permitted. 10 Terroristic Threats [EC 48900.7, SBUSD BP 5131 & SBUSD BP 5144.1] Up to 5 days suspension and/or possible recommendation for expulsion and Law Enforcement notification. 5 days suspension and recommendation for expulsion. None permitted. 11 Fire setting [EC 48915 a(2), EC 48900 b & c, SBUSD BP 5131 & SBUSD BP 5144.1] 5 days suspension, Fire Marshall and Law Enforcement notification, and recommendation for expulsion. None permitted. 12 Hate crime or violence [EC 48900.3, SBUSD BP 5145.3, SBUSD BP 5131, SBUSD BP 5136 & SBUSD BP 5144.1] Up to 5 days suspension, parent conference, Teen Court services, Fire Marshall and Law Enforcement notification, and possible recommendation for expulsion. Up to 5 days suspension, parent conference, referral to counseling or Teen Court Law Enforcement notification. Possible recommendation for expulsion. 5 days suspension, parent and law enforcement notification, recommendation for expulsion. None permitted. 13 Obscene acts, habitual profanity or vulgarity [EC 48900i, SBUSD BP 5131 & SBUSD BP 5144.1] Alternative means of correction and/or up to 5 days suspension, Teen Court services, and parent conference. Up to 5 days suspension, Teen Court services, and parent conference. Up to 5 days suspension. 8 9 OFFENSE 1ST OFFENSE 2ND OFFENSE 14 Possession, sale and/or trade of drug paraphernalia [EC 48900J, SBUSD BP 5131, SBUSD BP5131.6 & SBUSD BP 5144.1] 5 days suspension and possible recommendation for expulsion. Law enforcement notification. 15 Theft, attempted theft, or possession of stolen school or personal property [[EC 48900G, EC 48900L, SBUSD BP 5131 & SBUSD BP 5144.1] Up to 5 days suspension, parent conference, and/or Teen Court services; mandatory counseling (SUPER program). Law Enforcement notification. Up to 5 days suspension, restitution, parent conference, and Teen Court services. Possible law enforcement notification and possible recommendation for expulsion. 16 Vandalism/destruction of school or private property [EC 48900F, SBUSD BP 5131 & SBUSD BP 5144.1] Alternative means of correction and/or up to 5 days suspension, Teen Court services, and parent conference. Law enforcement notification and possible recommendation for expulsion. Up to 5 days suspension, Law Enforcement notification and possible recommendation for expulsion. SBHS Student Handbook Revised 3/26/2015 17 Up to 5 days suspension, Law enforcement notification and possible recommendation for expulsion. BOARD DID NOT APPROVE THIS ITEM. A STUDY GROUP WILL BE FORMED TO ADVISE THE BOARD None permitted. ADDITIONAL OFFENSES 5 days suspension and recommendation for expulsion. Law enforcement notification. 5 days suspension and possible recommendation for expulsion. Law enforcement notification. Up to 5 days suspension, Law Enforcement notification and possible recommendation for expulsion. 17 Possession or use of tobacco [EC 48900H, SBUSD BP 5131 & SBUSD BP 5144.1] 18 Harassment, threats or intimidation, including via electronic transmissions [EC 48900.4, SBUSD BP 5145.3, SBUSD BP 5131 & SBUSD BP 5144.1] 19 Bias-related incident (racial, ethnic, religious, sexual orientation, etc.) or hazing, degrading (slurs) and disgracing any person attending the school [EC 48900Q and EC 48900K, SBUSD BP 5145.3, SBUSD BP 5131 & SBUSD BP 5144.1 20 Willful disobedience/defiance and/or disrupting school activities [EC 48900K, SBUSD BP 5131 & SBUSD BP 5144.1] 21 Sexual harassment [EC 48900.2, SBUSD BP 5145.3, SBUSD BP 5145.7, SBUSD BP 5131 & SBUSD BP 5144.1] 22 Sale of any look alike substance representing drugs or alcohol [EC 48900D, SBUSD BP 5131 & SBUSD BP 5144.1] Alternative means of correction and/or up to 5 days suspension, parent conference, and Teen Court services. Alternative means of correction and/or up to 5 days suspension, Teen Court services, and parent notification and possible Law Enforcement notification. Alternative means of correction and/or up to 5 days suspension and possible recommendation for expulsion. Teen Court services, parent conference, and possible Law Enforcement notification. Up to 5 days suspension and parent conference. Up to 5 days suspension and parent conference. Up to 5 days suspension, parent conference, Teen Court services. Possible Law Enforcement notification. Up to 5 days suspension, Law Enforcement notification and recommendation for expulsion. Up to 5 days suspension and possible recommendation for expulsion. Alternative means of correction and/or up to 5 days suspension, parent conference, and possible Teen Court services. Up to 5 days suspension, parent notification, referral to counseling or Teen Court services, possible Law Enforcement notification. Up to 5 days suspension, parent conference, Teen Court services. Up to 5 days suspension and parent conference. Up to 5 days suspension, parent conference, Teen Court services. Law enforcement notification. Up to 5 days suspension and parent conference. Referral to Teen Court Services Up to 5 days suspension and possible recommendation for expulsion. 5 days suspension, parent notification, and recommendation for expulsion. Law enforcement notification. 5 days suspension and recommendation for expulsion. Up to 5 days suspension, parent conference, Teen Court services, and possible recommendation for expulsion. Law enforcement notification. ADDITIONAL OFFENSES Up to 5 days suspension and/or parent conference or Teen Court services OFFENSE 1ST OFFENSE 2ND OFFENSE 23 Possession of unauthorized articles (i.e., pornographic material, chains, electronic devices) [EC 48901.5 and EC48900K, SBUSD BP 5131 & SBUSD BP 5144.1] Parent notification; item confiscated until parent retrieval at conference. (Cell phones, electronic devices referred to site administration after school.) Parent notification; item confiscated-to be returned to parent only, alternative means of correction, Teen Court services. 24 Use of Physical Force upon another person [EC 48900 a(1), SBUSD BP 5131 & SBUSD BP 5144.1] Up to 5 days suspension and parent conference. Law Enforcement notification. 5 days suspension and recommendation for expulsion, Law enforcement office notification. 25 Falsification and/or forging or altering school correspondence, passes or absence re-admits [EC48900K, SBUSD BP 5131& SBSD BP 5144.1] Upbraiding, insulting, or abusing teachers or other school personnel [EC 48900K, SBUSD BP 5131& SBUSD BP 5144] Up to 5 days suspension, parent conference, Teen Court services, and possible Law Enforcement office notification. Up to 5 days suspension and/or alternative means of correction, parent conference, and Teen Court services. Up to 5 days suspension, parent conference, Teen Court services. Up to 5 days suspension and parent conference. Due to the potential seriousness of this offense, an infraction of this rule will result in 5 days suspension, None permitted None permitted 26 SBHS Student Handbook Revised 3/26/2015 18 27 On any other campus without permission [EC48900K, SBUSD BP 5131 & SBUSD BP 5144.1] 28 Academic Integrity (e.g., Cheating/Plagiarism) [EC48900(k) & SBUSD BP5131] 29 Misuse of computers and/or the Internet (see computer “Acceptable Use Policy” in Appendices) [EC48900K, SBUSD BP 5131 & SBUSD BP 5144.1] Note: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. and recommendation for expulsion. Law enforcement notification. Up to 5 days suspension and/or alternative means of correction, parent conference, and Teen Court services. Alternative means of correction (to include grade reduction on the assignment in question) and/or parent conference, and possible suspension up to 5 days. Up to 5 days suspension and/or alternative means of correction, loss of access for specified time. Possible recommendation for expulsion. Up to 5 days suspension and parent conference. Up to 5 days suspension parent conference, and possible course failure. Alternative means of correction (to include grade reduction on the assignment in question) and/or parent conference, Teen Court services, possible suspension up to 5 days. Up to 5 days suspension, parent conference and loss of access to school computers for a specified time. Teen Court services. Possible recommendation for expulsion. Up to 5 days suspension, parent conference, and possible course failure. BOARD DID NOT APPROVE. BOARD REQUESTED FURTHER STUDY & REWRITE. Up to 5 days suspension, parent conference and loss of access to school computers for the rest of the school year. Possible recommendation for expulsion. No electronic devices (with the exception of calculators and cell phones) are allowed on campus. While on school grounds during the school day, all electronic devices must be turned off from the first bell until dismissal (end of school day). The administration is not responsible for the loss or theft of personal items. Education Code 48903 provides for the recommendation for expulsion or involuntary transfer to another school site any student who has accumulated 20 days of suspension (or 30 days if already transferred to another school for adjustment purposes). Education Code 48900R provides that these disciplinary guidelines apply to students on any school campus (in or out of district) and that a pupil may be suspended or expelled for acts that are enumerated in this section and related to school activity or attendance that occur at any time, including, but not limited to, any of the following: (1) While on school grounds. (2) While going to or coming from school. (3) During the lunch period whether on or off the campus. (4) During, or while going to or coming from, a school sponsored activity. Board Policy 5145.12 provides general guidance with regards to student searches. In all cases, school officials will not conduct a search absent reasonable suspicion. Misuse of electronic devices (e.g., computers, cell phones, ipods, etc.) can result in additional legal and school consequences. Misuse of electronic devices, regardless of time and place that disrupt the educational environment will also result in application of these disciplinary rules. All school lockers and all of their contents are subject to search. Students are advised not to share lockers: Unauthorized contents of a locker are presumed to belong to the student assigned to it. General Guidelines for Students Automobile Search Policy: By entering school property, the person driving any vehicle is deemed to consent to complete search of the vehicle, all its compartments and contents, by school officials or law enforcement personnel, for any reason whatsoever. This notice applies to all vehicles of any type and is in force 24 hours a day. Backpacks: Santa Barbara High School is not responsible for lost or stolen backpacks. Students should not leave their backpacks unattended at any time. When going through the cafeteria lines at lunch, backpacks should be left with a friend. Do not leave backpacks on top of lockers. In P.E., make sure your backpack is locked in your long P.E. locker. It is recommended that students carry only their notebooks, textbooks and writing implements in the backpack. Do not carry personal property such as wallet, money, calculator or other valuables. These items should be kept in a locked book locker. Campus Conduct: Skateboards, bicycles, or roller blades are not permitted at any time, in any area on campus including parking lots. A show of overt affection will not be permitted on campus. Cell Phones and Electronic Devices Cell Phones/Electronic Devices: Santa Barbara Unified School District Ed. Code allows cell phones on campus; however, these items are not to be used. Should the cell phone/electronic device be confiscated; 1st offense, the student must pick it up in the office after 6th period. If it is confiscated a second time, it will be returned to the parents ONLY. If it is confiscated a SBHS Student Handbook Revised 3/26/2015 19 third time, it will be returned after final exams in June. Santa Barbara High School takes no responsibility for any student owned electronic devices. Students bring these devices to school at their own risk. Dress Code: Reasonable care and neatness in regard to dress and appearance is required of all students. Shoes must be worn on campus and in the classroom. The SBUSD dress code is enforced at Santa Barbara High and the general atmosphere of a school must be conducive to learning. Should a student’s general attire or appearance represents a danger to his/her health or welfare or attracts undue attention to the extent that it becomes a disruptive factor in the school, the principal, designee, or teacher will ask the student to make the necessary changes. In the event the change does not take place in the time allowed, the principal/designee will prescribe the necessary action to be taken by the school under the rules and regulations prescribed by the State Education Code and the School Board Polices. In addition, it is recognized that the school shares with parents a responsibility for teaching its youth appropriateness of dress. In the interest of health, safety, cleanliness, decency and decorum among students the following regulations have been adopted by the Board of Education: In general, wearing apparel will be determined at the discretion of the parent. However, at any time when there is evidence that a choice of clothing or a student’s appearance potentially endangers the student’s health or safety, or otherwise interferes with the educational process and mission of the school, the school staff will intervene and take corrective action. • In all matters relating to individual dress and grooming, students are required to exercise good judgment, exhibit responsible behavior and endeavor to reflect respect for themselves, their school, and their community. • Students are expected to follow all school rules governing safety and specialized programs that may require the wearing of protective clothing, safety glasses or other similar equipment. • Clothing and personal items (backpacks, fanny packs, gym bags, water bottles, etc.) shall be free of writing, pictures, or any other insignia which are crude, vulgar, profane or sexually suggestive, which bear any symbol or insignia of alcohol or drugs, that is inflammatory, or indicates/advocates hatred based on group membership. • The wearing of clothing that represents any group, gang, organization, or philosophy which advocates violence or disruption, has any history of violence or disruption of the objectives of the school’s instructional program is unacceptable. • Clothes must fit properly and must conceal undergarments at all times. See-through or fishnet fabrics, halter tops, spaghetti swaps, off-the-shoulder or low-cut tops, bare midriffs and skirts or shorts shorter than mid-thigh are prohibited. • Shirts must be worn on campus during the school day. • Clothing that is unduly revealing or attire which detracts in any way (e.g., displaying inappropriate messages) from the educational mission of the school’s instructional program is unacceptable. • Coaches and teachers may impose more stringent dress requirements to accommodate the special needs of certain sports and/or classes. • Prior to sending students to the office/administration for dress code violations, teachers will talk to students about their dress and seek voluntary compliance with the policy. Gambling: School law prohibits gambling on campus. Neighborhood Policy: It is important to remember that courtesy and consideration for our neighbors is of top priority in order to promote good community relations. Littering, loitering and vandalism reflect negatively on Santa Barbara High School. Each student should be most careful to be a good neighbor. No Smoking: Effective July 1, 1995, smoking and the use of tobacco products were prohibited on all district property, including district vehicles, at all times by all persons, including students, employees, and visitors at any school or district site or attending any school-sponsored activities, athletic events, and meetings. This “zero tolerance” for tobacco is also in effect during summer school. Respect for Equipment and Facilities: Each student is expected to assume responsibility for care of all school property. If a student damages or loses school property, the parent will be held responsible for paying for the damage incurred or replacement of the property. Damage of a malicious nature will be cause for disciplinary action. The student’s parent will be responsible for the financial expense. Sexual Harassment Policy and Complaint Procedure (Policy 5145.7): The SBUSD pledges its best efforts to ensure that no student is subject to sexual harassment or discriminated in the educational setting. SBHS Student Handbook Revised 3/26/2015 20 Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to establish a strong commitment to prohibit harassment in the educational setting, to define sexual harassment and to set forth a procedure for investigating and resolving internal complaints of harassment. Prohibited sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to, unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, visual or physical conduct of a sexual nature when: (Education Code 212.5) 1. Submission to the conduct is explicitly or implicitly made a term or condition of an individual’s academic status or progress. 2. Submission to or rejection of the conduct by an individual is used as the basis for academic decisions affecting the individual. 3. The conduct has the purpose or effect of having a negative impact on the individual’s academic performance, or of creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive educational environment. 4. Submission to or rejection of the conduct by the individual is used as the basis for any decision affecting the individual regarding benefits and services, honors, programs, or activities available at or through the school. Types of conduct which are prohibited in the district and which may constitute sexual harassment include, but are not limited to: 1. Unwelcome sexual flirtations or propositions 2. Sexual slurs, leering, epithets, threats, verbal abuse, derogatory comments or sexually degrading descriptions 3. Graphic verbal comments about an individual’s body, or overly personal conversation 4 Sexual jokes, notes, stories, drawings, pictures or gestures 5. Spreading sexual rumors 6. Teasing or sexual remarks about students enrolled in a predominantly single-sex class 7. Touching an individual’s body or clothes in a sexual way 8. Purposefully cornering or blocking normal movements 9. Limiting a student’s access to educational tools 10. Displaying sexually suggestive objects Notifications A copy of the district’s sexual harassment policy and regulation shall: 1. Be included in the notifications that are sent to parents/guardians at the beginning of each school year (Education Code 48980) 2. Be displayed in a prominent location near the school principal’s office (Education Code 212.6) 3. Be provided as part of any orientation program conducted for new students at the beginning of each quarter, semester or summer session (Education Code 212.6) 4. Appear in any school or district publication that sets forth the schools’ or districts’ comprehensive rules, regulations, procedures and standards of conduct (Education Code 212.6) 5. Be provided to employees and employee organizations Enforcement The Superintendent or designee shall take appropriate actions to reinforce the district’s sexual harassment policy. As needed, these actions may include any of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Removing vulgar or offending graffiti Providing staff in-service and student instruction or counseling Notifying parents/guardians Notifying child protective services Taking appropriate disciplinary action. In addition, the principal or designee may take disciplinary measures against any person who is found to have made a complaint of sexual harassment that he/she knew was not true. Policy: SANTA BARBARA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICTS Adopted: March 24, 1993 Santa Barbara, California Revised: March 10, 1999; December 12, 2001, April 27, 2010 Sexual Harassment Policy-Board Policy 5145.7 SBHS Student Handbook Revised 3/26/2015 21 Student Use of Parking Lots: There is an assigned area for student parking. Only cars with an approved permit may park in the two (2) student lots. All other cars must park on the street. Any car parked in the student lots without a permit will be ticketed and towed away. Student cars parked in either faculty or visitor parking areas will be ticketed or towed away. Any type of violation of the California Vehicle Code by the student will terminate the student's right to bring a vehicle onto campus. Grounds for Suspension and Expulsion Following a hearing, the school may suspend or expel a student when school policy or state education laws have been violated. When a student is temporarily suspended from a class or school, the parent is responsible for control of the student during the school day. The student may not be on school grounds while on suspension. General Information (Ed.Code 48900): A pupil shall not be suspended from school or recommended for expulsion unless the superintendent, principal or principal designee of the school in which the pupil is enrolled determines that the pupil has: a. (1) Caused, attempted to cause, or threatened to cause physical injury to another person a. (2) Willfully used force or violence upon the person of another, except in self-defense b. Possessed, sold, otherwise furnished any firearm, knife, explosive or other dangerous object unless (in the possession of any such object) the pupil had obtained written permission to possess the item from a certificated school employee, which is concurred in by the principal or the designee of the principal c. Unlawfully possessed, used, sold or otherwise furnished, or been under the influence of any controlled substance listed in Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 11053) of Division 10 of the Health and Safety Code on alcoholic beverage, or an intoxicant of any kind d. Unlawfully offered, arranged, or negotiated to sell any controlled substance listed in Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 11053) of Division 10 of the Health and Safety Code, an alcoholic beverage or an intoxicant of any kind and either sold, delivered or otherwise furnished to any person another liquid, substance, or material and represented the liquid, substance, or material as a controlled substance alcoholic beverage or intoxicant e. Committed or attempted to commit robbery or extortion f. Caused or attempted to cause damage to school property or private property g. Stolen or attempted to steal school property or private property h. Possessed or used tobacco, or any products containing tobacco or nicotine products, including, but not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, clove cigarettes, smoke-less tobacco, snuff, chew packets, and betel. However, this section does not prohibit use or possession by a pupil of his or her own prescription products when cleared through Health Office i. Committed an obscene act or engaged in habitual profanity or vulgarity j. Had unlawful possession of, or unlawfully offered, arranged, or negotiated to sell any drug paraphernalia, as defined in Section 11014.5 of the Health and Safety Code k. Disrupted school activities or otherwise willfully defied the valid authority of supervisors, teachers, administrators, school officials, or other school personnel engaged in the performance of their duties l. Knowingly received stolen school property or private property m. Possessed an imitation firearm. As used in this section, “imitation firearm” means a replica of a firearm that is so substantially similar in physical properties to an existing firearm as to lead a reasonable person to conclude that the replica is a firearm n. Committed or attempted to commit a sexual assault as defined in Section 261, 266c, 286, 288a, or 289 of the Penal Code or committed a sexual battery as defined in Section 243.4 of the Penal Code o. Harassed, threatened, or intimidated a pupil who is a complaining witness or witness in a school disciplinary proceeding for the purpose of either preventing that pupil from being a witness or retaliating against that pupil for being a witness, or both p. A pupil may not be suspended or expelled for any of the acts enumerated unless that act is related to school activity or school attendance occurring within a school under the jurisdiction of the superintendent or principal or occurring within any other school district. A pupil may be suspended or expelled for acts that are enumerated in this section and related to school activity or attendance that occur at any time, including, but not limited to, any of the following: (1) While on school grounds (2) While going to or coming from school (3) During the lunch period whether on or off the campus (4) During, or while going to or coming from, a school sponsored activity q. The act of aiding or abetting the infliction or attempted infliction of physical injury to another person as in act for which a person may be suspended, but not expelled SBHS Student Handbook Revised 3/26/2015 22 Suspension for Sexual Harassment: A student may be suspended or expelled if he/she has committed sexual harassment as defined in Ed. Code 48900.2. The conduct as described in Section 212.5 must be considered by a reasonable person of the same gender as the victim to be sufficiently severe or pervasive to have a negative impact upon the individual’s academic performance or to create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment. Gang Behavior: Gang attire, graffiti, hand signs and gestures, or anything else indicating affiliation with or support of gangs is prohibited. Disciplinary consequences can range from counseling to expulsion/arrest depending on the severity of the infraction. Further, repeated offenses will result in escalated consequences Hate Violence: A pupil may be suspended Ed. Code 48900.3 from school or recommended for expulsion if the superintendent or the principal of the school in which the pupil is enrolled determines that the pupil has caused, attempted to cause, threatened to cause, or participated in an act of, hate violence, as defined in subdivision (e) of Section 33032.5. Harassment, Threats, or Intimidation: A pupil may be suspended Ed. Code 48900.4 from school or recommended for expulsion if the superintendent or the principal of the school in which the pupil is enrolled determines that the pupil has intentionally engaged in harassment, threats, or intimidation, directed against a pupil or group of pupils, that is sufficiently severe or pervasive to have the actual and reasonably expected effect of materially disrupting class work, creating substantial disorder, and invading the rights of that pupil or group of pupils by creating an intimidating or hostile educational environment. Hazing: In June 2003, the Legislature defined a new offense that may result in suspension or expulsion. Hazing is defined as an initiation into a student body or organization that causes bodily danger, physical harm, personal degradation, or disgrace that results in physical or mental harm. California Education Code Section 48900 has been amended to authorize a superintendent or principal to also suspend or recommend for expulsion any pupil that engages in, or attempts to engage in, hazing. Terrorist threats against school officials or school property, or both: A pupil may be suspended Ed Code 48900.7 from school or recommended for expulsion if the superintendent or the principal of the school in which the pupil is enrolled determines that the pupil has made: (a) Terrorist threats against school officials or school property, or both. (b) For the purpose of this section, “terrorist threat” shall include any statement, whether written or oral, by a person who willfully threatens to commit a crime which will result in death, great bodily injury to another person, or property damage in excess of one thousand dollars ($1,000), with the specific intent that the statement is to be taken as a threat, even if there is no intent to actually carrying it out, which, on its face and under the circumstances in which it is made, to so unequivocal, unconditional, immediate, and specific as to convey to the person threatened, a gravity of purpose and an immediate prospect of execution of the threat, and thereby causes that person reasonably to be in sustained fear for his or her own safety or for his or her immediate family’s safety, or for the protection of school district property, or the personal property of the person threatened or his or her immediate family. Emergency Procedures Fire Drills: The fire drill signal is a series of bells. The teachers will provide instructions concerning drill procedures. Earthquake Drills: In the case of an earthquake, students should duck and cover, turn away from windows, and bury their face in their arms protecting the head. Students are advised not to run out of the building. The individual should stay away from all buildings if outside. Classes will be escorted to the football field upon hearing the appropriate signal. Extra/Co Curricular Activities Senior Activities: All students (9-12) must clear any discipline hours owed before they can purchase tickets to any and all senior activities. This rule also includes any student who has left Santa Barbara High School for any reason but still owes discipline hours. Hold Harmless: To participate in any extracurricular activity, a hold-harmless form, signed by the parent, must be on file. Students must attend all day of classroom instruction the day of any extracurricular activity in order to participate in that activity, practice, contest, or performance. SBHS Student Handbook Revised 3/26/2015 23 Eligibility Standards: As adopted by the Board of Education, students are required to achieve a 'C' (2.0) average on their last report card with no more than one fail before they are eligible to participate. Only one of the subjects may be physical education and the student must currently be enrolled in and passing at least 20 semester units of new work to be eligible. The student must have also passed 20 semester units of work at the completion of the last regular grading period. It is the student’s/parent’s responsibility to be aware of CIF eligibility when dropping classes. These standards apply to the following extracurricular activities: Athletics, Spirit Team, Marching Band and attached units, Dance Team, Drill Team, Leadership, extracurricular play production, and music performances. Dances: Dances are held for students who attend Santa Barbara High School. Students must possess a valid Santa Barbara High I.D. card before being admitted. Proper school conduct is expected of all students. A student may bring a student who does not attend Santa Barbara High by submitting a Guest Pass Application in the Assistant Principal’s Office. Guest Pass; A student may bring a guest to certain events by submitting a Guest Pass Application in the AP Office. The application must be submitted for approval by the Assistant Principal three days prior to the event. C.S.F.: The California Scholarship Federation is a statewide organization with approximately 9,000 chapters in both public and private schools. The purpose of C.S.F. is to recognize scholarship in academic areas. Membership is not automatic and each semester students must apply for membership based on the previous semester's grades. Final Exams Final exams are given in all classes during the last two days of each semester. All students must take these finals – there are no exceptions or "early finals." Should a student become ill or gets a prior approved excused absence for extreme circumstances from the Assistant Principal, the student may receive an incomplete and take the final at a later date. The make-up exam must be taken no later than the 4th week of the following semester. IMPORTANT! Any student who checks out of Santa Barbara High School prior to the end of the semester, and/or before completing finals, will receive check-out grades ONLY. Students WILL NOT receive final grades or semester credit. Food Services The food service area, in addition to being a lunch area, is also a place where good human relations can be developed. Here, each student is expected to practice the general rules of good manners, which one would expect to find in the home. Some simple rules or courteous behavior, which make the lunch period pleasant and relaxed include: a. Observing good dining room standards at the table b. Leaving the table and the surrounding area clean and orderly c. Putting trash in the proper containers. Lockers It is recommended that items be removed overnight particularly on weekends and holidays. Do not place valuable items in your locker! Students are expected to exhibit good judgment and appropriate behavior in the locker areas or locker privileges will be taken away. Physical Education class teachers or coaches will assign P.E. lockers to students. Students will receive a new locker each year. Students may not share a locker, deface (paint, mark, adhere stickers to) the locker, remove the lock from the assigned locker or change lockers. Lockers are the property of the school and are provided for the convenience of the students. Neither Santa Barbara High School nor the Santa Barbara Unified School Districts makes any assurance or guarantee as to the safety of contents within the locker. Items placed in student lockers are done so at the risk of the user. Neither the school nor school district provides any type of insurance for items that are stolen or damaged as a result of being placed in the locker. Please remember that lockers are not in secure areas nor are there any type of dedicated supervision for locker areas. All lockers must be cleaned out at the end of the school year and the lock removed for the summer. SBHS Student Handbook Revised 3/26/2015 24 Lost and Found Any items found on campus should be turned in to the AP Office. Unclaimed items are turned over to a charitable organization at the end of each semester. Library Media Center The library is located at the northwest side of the campus and all SBHS students are urged to make good use of this facility. Library use is scheduled for classes with their teachers, individual students with authorized passes, during lunch, and after school for all students. Students have access to current magazines, newspapers, pamphlets, and an excellent book collection that includes foreign language titles as well as popular paperbacks. A librarian is available to students preparing research papers or for enjoying recreational reading. The library hours are from 7:30 am 4:00 pm. Certain rules must be observed if both student and faculty are to receive the maximum use from the library. • All students using the library must sign the attendance record • Students must present their I.D. card to check out materials • Books can be borrowed for three weeks and may be renewed. Magazines can be checked out for a week. Audiovisual materials are available for use in the library. • Reasonable quiet is expected in the library. Anyone making a disturbance of any kind will be asked to leave, and could have library privileges suspended. Students losing or damaging library materials must pay for them. • Students should feel free to ask the librarian to help them to locate materials and to use the catalog and computer resources, Readers Guide and other library tools. • Word processing equipment is available. Special Material: Many references and current magazines are available for use in the library only. Overdue and Lost Books: If materials are kept over 2 months, the student will be billed. Lost books should be paid for immediately so that outstanding debts do not interfere with registration and graduation. Payment of Bills: Pursuant to California Ed. Code 48909, SBHS will hold a pupil’s parent or guardian liable for any lost or damaged equipment, materials, or books. Textbooks: Textbooks are issued for individual student check out with I.D. only. • Students are responsible for any textbook signed out to them. When textbooks are issued, the student should enter his/her name on the nameplate in ink. Covers on textbooks are required and are available in the library. • Damaged textbooks are charged to the student, unless damage is reported at the time of check-out. • All textbooks are issued using a bar code number. The student must return the textbook that was issued to him/her. A fee is charged for bar codes missing from a textbook. • Books issued to a teacher as classroom sets are not to be removed from the classroom without permission from the teacher. The teacher will have the student sign out the book, making the student solely responsible for that book. • When a student drops a class or withdraws from school, all textbooks must be returned to the library. • If a textbook is found, it should be returned to the library so that the owner of the book can be notified. • Students must be clear of all debts for lost or damaged text and library books, school equipment or other fines and school debts before being permitted to register for classes, receive a report card or receive a graduation diploma. Metropolitan Transit District (MTD) Passengers are expected to quickly take a seat. If all seats are full, passengers are expected to stand holding the overhead safety bar with one hand. While the bus is in motion, passengers are expected to behave in a pleasant manner. There are three disciplinary levels used by MTD. They are briefly discussed below. Keep, in mind that when riding the bus to/from school, you are also subject to school disciplinary rules. SBHS Student Handbook Revised 3/26/2015 25 Loss of MTD Bus Riding: The Santa Barbara Metropolitan Transit District (MTD) takes safety very seriously. Passengers who do not practice good safety and who do not follow MTD safety rules can and will be refused bus service. TIER 1: Loss of the right to ride the bus for one full day. Tier 1 includes any minor behavior that generally makes it uncomfortable for other passengers to enjoy the bus ride and for which the driver has asked the behavior to be stopped at least once. TIER 2: Loss of the right to ride the bus for one full month. Tier 2 includes any safety-related behavior that impedes the safe operation of the bus and/or is a safety risk to other passengers and the driver. TIER 3: Loss of the right to ride the bus for a minimum of 3 months or longer to be determined by MTD as appropriate. Tier 3 includes any behavior that injures, causes damage, or is illegal. Out of Bounds Campus Areas Varies by Campus within the Santa Barbara Unified School Districts. During the regular school day, students are not permitted to enter a campus other than the one to which they have been assigned. Patriotic Observance and Student Announcements A patriotic observance is conducted each day during morning announcements. The printed Student Bulletin is distributed to all members of faculty and staff every Monday and Wednesday. The daily announcements are read by faculty. Students are encouraged to listen to the daily announcements for information on activities, sports, and other important information from the Counseling Office and Career Center. Video announcements are presented in all classes one day each week. Student ID Card and ASB I.D. Card: At the beginning of the year, all students are automatically given a photo I.D. card. Students are required to carry their card with them at all times. I.D. cards are required for entrance to many school events; for purchases made at the Student Store, for checking out books at the library and for obtaining schedules, report cards & transcripts from the Registrar’s Office. In case of a lost I.D. card, the student should ask for a replacement. Replacement cards will be sold to students at a cost of $3 each with the total cost per year not to exceed $100. Should the student not pay for the card at the time of printing, a fine card will be created. Students with fines will not be able to purchase tickets for dances or other school related activities, nor will official records be provided until all fines have been cleared up. ASB Card: With the purchase of an ASB validation , students receive a discount to all home athletic events with the exception of CIF play-off games. In addition, students with a card will pay a discounted price to many school activities, such as dances and performances. It is recommended that all students purchase an ASB card to help support all extra curricular activities. Student Use of Elevators Elevator Policy: The use of school elevators is restricted to those with prior authorization only. The following policy covers the usage of elevators by students: • • • Students are not permitted to use the elevator without written permission from the Principal or Assistant Principal. Only those students with physical disabilities sufficient to prevent safe use of the stairways and ramps are permitted to use the elevators. Students whose disabilities prevent them from carrying books and other necessary articles may be accompanied on the elevator by another student to provide assistance. Keys will be issued to permanently disabled students. Lost keys will require payment ($20) for replacement. There is also a time delay before a new key is issued. Students violating this policy will face disciplinary consequences up to and including suspension. Withdrawal or Transfer from School Forms for withdrawal or transfer may be obtained from the Registrar’s Office. The procedure requires that the student clear school debts, lockers, textbooks and sign out of all classes before withdrawing from school. Permission to transfer or to withdraw must be obtained from the school. Parents wishing to withdraw their students must present their reasons either in person or in writing. Students will need to check out of each class. State law states that all minors must attend school until the age of 18. SBHS Student Handbook Revised 3/26/2015 26
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