Newsletter Biloela State High School acknowledges the traditional Gangulu people on whose land it stands. Biloela State High School Issue 6 1 May 2015 ANZAC DAY—100 Years The 100th anniversary of the ANZAC landing at Gallipoli was commemorated by our students with three ceremonies - Wahroonga Retirement Village, combined schools ceremony and the annual Biloela ANZAC March. The combined schools ceremony was well attended by schools and community members from the district. It was pleasing to see a very strong cadet presence from the students of our school. The ANZAC March was attended by over 170 students, with our School Captain Belynda Walsh providing a very moving address. The ANZAC’S and the sacrifices they made for our country were respectfully honoured on this solemn occasion. LEST WE FORGET Important Dates 4—9 May 5—8 May 12—14 May 14 May 14 May 15 May 18—20 May 19—26 May 1 June Beef Week Rockhampton Senior Geography Camp NAPLAN Year 7 & 9 Red Food Day Hawaiian Theme School Social 6pm BSS Hall Callide Valley Show Holiday Year 8 Camp at Fairbairn Dam 2015 Biloela Eisteddfod Year 8 Vaccinations (Clinic 2) HABITS OF MIND Gathering Data through all Senses CHARACTER STRENGTH Prudence and Spirituality STUDENT DIARY TOPICS Research & Operational Skills Biloela State High School - Cnr Gladstone Rd & Scoria St, Biloela Qld 4715 Tel: (07) 4992 8666 Fax: (07) 4992 8600 Website: PRINCIPAL’S REPORT 100 years of Anzac Tradition It was with a great deal of pride that our school students and teachers marched in the 100th Anzac Day Parade last week. The sound of the bugler calling us to remember with our committed school cadets in the background was a moving experience and one that will ensure this new generation of students and community will not only continue, but will strengthen our resolve to remember the strength and sacrifice of our valiant armed services personnel as we move into the second century of remembrance. I believe we had a record number of students involved or participating in some way at the Dawn Service or the Community Parade. Some students marched, some enjoyed a family remembrance watching from the side of the road and others participated with other groups that marched. Belynda Walsh, our school captain, showed her respect for the Anzac Tradition with a heartfelt speech to those who gathered to remember and this topped off a moving ceremony for our community. Thank you also to our partner schools who joined use for a combined ANZAC Ceremony at the Civic Centre. Our school was very pleased to have led this experience for our feeder primary schools. The images on the front page of this newsletter tell the story! NAPLAN tests in Week 4 These tests that provide a snapshot of our student progress in literacy and numeracy are coming up. We continue to work on how we are focussing on quality reading, writing, spelling, grammar and punctuation and numeracy skills for our students. This year literacy/ numeracy classes have been introduced to specifically focus in these areas and we have been looking closely at reading and writing. We thank our students for the efforts they have been making and hope they are able to show the improvement we have seen in class on these tests coming up. Thank you for showing your best! Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews Thank you to the many families that took the opportunity to discuss the progress of their young people with our teachers this week. If you missed a teacher because they were away sick or you have now decided you would like an interview, please call the school to arrange an interview. This can be arranged at any time. Cyber Safety This is an important topic that we re-visit regularly at school. Despite this, we continue to see students using social media and digital communication tools to tease or make fun of other students. This often happens at home and late at night but can occur whenever young people react poorly to a situation. We remind students that their digital trail follows them. We know that employers can search for this trail for a prospective employee. It is so easy when we are upset or angry to fire off a horrible text message or post something on-line, but the effects of this for the other person as well as the sender can be long lasting. Another important safety matter is the importance of knowing who you are talking to on-line. Students should only friend people they know. I thank our families for reinforcing the message that we need to be safe on-line and use our smart phones wisely. John Adie Principal SENIOR HPE—GOLF Biloela State High School would like to thank the people who have provided our school and students with numerous golf buggies, clubs and balls. Our students have been fortunate to be given this opportunity to be able to participate in golf. Due to the availability of this equipment, it has enabled students to spend a greater amount of time playing golf. We would also like to thank Doug for sharing his enthusiasm, time, expertise and love of the game with our students. This certainly motivated our students to be involved in golf as some spent afternoons at home hitting golf balls up the paddock. I have been teaching Senior HPE and golf at Biloela SHS for the past 4 years, this would have to be the biggest improvement I have seen in the ability of our students with golf. Due to the amount of one on one time and expertise they received from Doug and also the opportunity for more students to have their own equipment to use each lesson. This enabled them to get the maximum practice and participation in class time, thanks to the resources that were supplied. We are very appreciative of the kind donations to enhance our school program. Sammi-Jo Hyland QCAA Chief/Community Representatives QCAA invites expressions of interest from community members to nominate for the position of chief community representative or community representative for the QCS test. To maintain the accountability, security and proper conduct of the test, the QCAA appoints members of the community to each test centre to complete duties on behalf of the QCAA. The representatives must be available on all days required. Applicants must have a valid email address. Please find attached to this newsletter information about the role and how to apply for one of these positions or refer to the website: For further information please contact Jody Clark Deputy Principal on 49928666. Application forms can be collected from the front office. Completed application forms must be received by the school office no later than 9am Friday May 22. CHANGE OF ASSESSMENT 12RST— Research Assignment is now on Monday May 18 12LEG— Short Response Exam is now on Thursday May 14 12LEG— Multi modal research response in now due during Senior Exam Block June 15—19 7C HPE— Research Assessment is now due Thursday May 27 Thursday May 14 Biloela SS Hall Junior Secondary Secondary— —6pm 6pm— —8pm Senior Secondary Secondary— —7pm 7pm— —9pm $5 per person Come along and hula Do you have cattle on your farm? If so, you are able to be the host employer for your student to allow them to complete a Certificate II in Agriculture while they study in Year 10, 11 or 12. This qualification is offered through RITE (Rural Training and Employment) Contact Sally Moller for more information on 49928666. From the Deputies’ Desks Senior Secondary Junior Secondary ANZAC Day—Wahroonga On Thursday of last week our junior leaders joined with school cadets at Wahroonga Nursing Home. Alec Ball did a great job playing the Last Post and Rouse without fault. This opportunity to honour the ANZACs and reflect on sacrifice with the residents of Wahroonga gave students the opportunity to fully understand the impact of war on those that fought and those that looked after the home front. Combined School ANZAC Service Friday brought the inaugural Callide Valley Combined Schools ANZAC ceremony. It was a great morning in which our students performed incredibly well. They met the high expectations that we set in terms of their behaviour and level of respect that honouring our ANZAC diggers demands. The ceremony last week brought together nearly 1200 students from the local area and thanks must go to the school communities of Mt. Murchison, Prospect Creek, Thangool, Biloela State School and St. Joseph’s Catholic School for their willingness to mark such a historical occasion. The ceremony was made more significant by the presence of a 60+ strong Cadet presence ably led by Captain Brendan Beahan. QCS Practice Test Tuesday and Wednesday of last week saw our OP eligible year 12 students sit 4 exam papers. Students were very well prepared and worked diligently, having to concentrate for 2 hour sessions. I was very impressed with their work ethic and dedication to the exams and we look forward to seeing the results and receiving the feedback from the external markers in the near future. Year 10 Work Experience Students did a great job in their first taste of the real world. Some students excelled in their placement and have been offered part time and casual positions as a result. We would like to thank the many Biloela and surrounding businesses for accepting our students into their workplaces for this very important experience. Parent- Teacher- Student Interviews These interviews were held on Wednesday night this week and it was really pleasing to hear discussions around students doing well and what they could do to improve. Thanks to parents and teachers who gave up their time to take part in these valuable conversations to further develop and encourage students. Deadly Choices Deadly Choices will begin for students in Year 7-10 on Wednesday May13. Notes will be distributed shortly for students who are invited to attend. Deadly choices is a great program that seeks to promote the health and well-being of students and assist them in making better choices. Specialist Recruiting Indigenous Team The Defence force recruiting team will be visiting Biloela SHS on Wednesday May 27. They will be talking to students about opportunities in the Defence force for Indigenous students. Who am I? I am currently Head of Department for Business & IT at Clontarf Beach State High School where I have been for the last 8 years. I am also a House Leader and heavily involved with student welfare. I am passionate about students being the best they can and having ‘the right’ opportunities to be successful regardless of where they live. I have an extensive knowledge about VET (Vocational Education and Training), QCS (Short Response Marker for the last 7 years), QCE and the processes of QCAA. I am very excited to be in Biloela and grateful for the warm welcome I have received from school and local community. Jody Clark Deputy Principal A big thank you to all students who participated in the ANZAC Day Ceremonies within the community. We have received great feedback on the behaviours and attitudes of all our Junior Secondary students and we thank you for representing our school in such a positive manner. It has been a very busy start to term 2. Students prepared themselves for the Cross Country on Wednesday this week. Students from Year 7 & 8 were fortunate enough to have already familiarised themselves with the course throughout their HPE lessons in week 1. The Year 6 to 7 Transition Day was held last Thursday allowing students from feeder schools to experience a day in the life at high school. Students were timetabled to elective classes and experienced two classes each from the Arts and ITD faculties. Feedback was fantastic and we were overwhelmed with the response to day with more than expected numbers arriving. Our Year 9 Mentors showed excellent leadership skills by chaperoning the students throughout the day. NAPLAN The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is an annual assessment for students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. It has been an everyday part of the school calendar since 2008 and we are preparing students for the test which will occur on Tuesday 12th Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th May. Students have been working towards continual improvement in identified areas as well as extending their understanding of literacy and numeracy fundamental concepts. NAPLAN tests the sorts of skills that are essential for every child to progress through school and life, such as reading, writing, spelling and numeracy. NAPLAN is made up of tests in the four areas (or ‘domains’) of: reading writing language conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) numeracy. NAPLAN tests skills in literacy and numeracy that are developed over time through the school curriculum and allow us to meet the needs of our learners and improve their needs according to the data gathered. Should you require any further information on the NAPLAN test you can access a parent/carer information section at, or please contact me either via phone or email. Further, some students are able to apply for exemptions or some parents may withdraw their students under certain circumstances. Should you require further information on this, please contact the school. Lisa Whitworh Parents Supporting Quality Education Biloela High P&C Email: NEXT GENERAL MEETING May 18 at 7pm FUNDRAISER in AUGUST Become involved and volunteer your expertise. We would welcome your input for this event. Sub Committee Meeting Monday May 4 at 7pm Year 8 School Immunisation Clinic 2 Date changed from Monday May 18 to Monday June 1 Clinic 3 Monday 26th October RESOURCE CENTRE NEWS INVOICE PAYMENTS We hope you all enjoyed your time with family over the holidays. Most classes seem to have hit the term running, with assessment items coming in, and results from previous items being contemplated. Pictured are some of our early birds, taken this week, well before school started. Before we get too far into the term, now is a great time to remind your students to return all those text books they no longer need. If you know they have hunted them down during the holidays, just ask them whether the resources have actually found their way to school and the return slot in the Library! I’m sure you know that overdue books like hiding in bags for weeks, just like they’ve done in bedrooms. We have many new resources for our students throughout the year levels. They include one particularly relevant for the past week: At this point of time you would have received your fee invoice from the school in term 1. If you have not paid this fee invoice in full, you should have entered into a payment plan. With this option it is vital that you strictly adhere to the terms of the agreement. If this does not occur by Thursday May 14 as per previous correspondence received, your student will not be able to remain in non curricular activities and elective senior subjects. If you have any queries please contact the school office. There are a number of options for payment: BPay - if you use this please be aware the amount paid will come off the oldest invoice on the system and from the oldest sibling. This is done automatically by the system. If you wish otherwise please advise the office. Direct Deposit—if you use this please ensure you put some sort of identification on the payment so we can deposit this amount to the correct account and student. If you want it to come off a specific account you will need to inform the school otherwise it will come off the oldest invoice on the system. Cash payment at the school counter. We have eftpos available at the school or you can fill out paperwork to have your fees taken off your credit card every month. Paperwork is available at the office to do this. You can set up with your bank a fortnightly direct deposit so that the amount can be taken out and deposited into our account on a regular basis and helps spread the payments. Please ensure there is some notification with it to identify who is paying into our account. Please be aware if you want these amounts to come off specific students or accounts you need to notify the office. If not advised, we will take it off the oldest account. Anzac Girls - An Extraordinary Story By the end of the Great War, forty-five Australian and New Zealand nurses had died on overseas service and over two hundred had been decorated. Their strength and dignity were remarkable. Using diaries and letters, Peter Rees takes us into the hospital camps and the wards, and the tent surgeries on the edge of some of the most horrific battlefronts of human history. But he also allows the friendships and loves of these courageous and compassionate women to shine through and to enrich our experience. Profoundly moving, Anzac Girls, is a story of extraordinary courage and humanity shown by a group of women whose contribution to the Anzac legend has barely been recognised in our history. Peter Rees has changed that understanding forever. Matthew Reilly’s new book The Great Zoo of China It is a secret the Chinese government has been keeping for forty years. They have found a species of animal no one believed even existed. It will amaze the world. Now the Chinese are ready to unveil their astonishing discovery within the greatest zoo ever constructed. A small group of VIP’s and journalists has been brought to the zoo deep within China to see its fabulous creatures for the first time. The visitors are assured by their Chinese hosts that they will be struck with wonder at these beasts, that they are perfectly safe, and that nothing can go wrong. Of course it can’t… Guinness Book of Records 2015 needs no introduction! These are always popular… Welcome back everyone, to another busy term. Debbie Johnston and Brenda Banks Resource Centre Staff Homework Club Does your student need some extra help or support finishing their homework or assessment? Our senior students are trialling a homework club on Wednesday afternoon from 3:05 until 4:00pm in the school Resource Centre. A light afternoon tea will be provided for students. The Interact Club is always looking for new members from any year level as many hands make light work. Feel free to attend a meeting. They are held in AV1 every second Monday at 11:40am. Listen out in the notices for meeting days. If you have any queries, please feel free to ask the current executives: Samuel Skinner, Sussanna Melville, Emma Zillman and Liam Kerr. The Interact club is a school based group that raises money for local, national and international charities and is related to the Rotary club. We raise funds and sometimes collect items for a number of events throughout the year. DATE CLAIMERS: Currently we are organising a clothes swap event for next Friday 8th May 5 – 6:60pm in the courtyard where we auction clothes, shoes and accessories. Many items are sold for a mere $2! We are currently selling tickets ‘Guess the number of a jelly beans in jar’ to be drawn on the 14th May. ARE YOU THINKING OF A LEADERSHIP POSITION IN SENIOR? Being in Interact has many positive factors. The Interact leaders are selected for the yr. 10 members at the end of the first semester, which helps to form a gateway into other leadership positions in yr. 12. All of last year’s executives are now leaders of the school and its student council. Interact also counts towards awards such as a service award at awards night, and as it is a charity, looks great on a resume.
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