Newsletter Biloela State High School acknowledges the traditional Gangulu people on whose land it stands. Biloela State High School GRIP Leadership Conference A group of our dedicated school leavers attended the GRIP student leadership conference held in Rockhampton on March 19. The conference is unique in that it concentrates specifically on training student leaders for their role as school leaders. The style, topics, and content of the conference focussed on what students can do in their time as leaders. The students all attended a main session, “Building great team DNA” in which they learnt the essential structure and characteristics of a successful team. House captains then had the opportunity to attend a session specifically tailored to their role focussed on student involvement in sporting events. This was followed by elective sessions which the students could choose to attend depending on their leadership role. These sessions included “How to maximise the Impact of your events”, “How to maximise the impact of your communication”,” How to lead in different situations” and “How leaders can maintain momentum”. All of these sessions focussed on a number of important leadership techniques and strategies which they will be able to employ in the events and tasks they will carry out as student leaders. Everyone that attended would like to thank Mr George for organising the excursion (even though he ignored Nathan’s insistence on healthy choices available at McDonald’s) and Ms Whitworth for accompanying them. It was a great opportunity to enhance existing leadership skills and form new strategies for future leadership endeavours. Issue 5 2 April 2015 COOL TIME AT COOL WATERS On Wednesday March 4, we farewelled 78 Year 7 students along with 4 teachers, Mrs Whitworth together with Mick and Nigel as they headed off to Cool Waters, Yeppoon. Ready to have some fun in the sun as we develop relationships, improve team work whilst getting to know our Year 7’s. Fortunately Cool Waters, suffered very little damage in the cyclone therefore were fully functioning for our camp. Activities included were canoeing, swimming, beach games, water park slides, jumping pillow, and that was just the first day. On day two we started the team building projects along with crab chasing, night walks, early morning runs and lots of games. The final day was a quieter day with only time for 1 activity and no water park time. We had fun making formal wear from plastic bags with Mrs Kearney, making balloon towers with Ms Reed, making decisions around being marooned on a deserted island with Ms Daniels and saving the world and walking the plank with Mrs Whitworth. The food was great with plenty of seconds to be had. With no major injuries or dramas, except for Mrs Kearney’s bus ride home, it was declared a very successful camp. FUN TEAMWORK FRIENDSHIP MEMORIES SHEP State Honours Ensemble Program Our students excelled at the Griffith University SHEP program Rockhampton along with high quality musicians from across our district. Mr Cosic supported our students over the three days of rehearsal and performance and both he and Mr Adie enjoyed the concert performance. Congratulations to Alec Ball and Alexie Nastasi on selection for principal Cellist and 1st violin. Important Dates 20 April 20—24 April 23 April 24 April 28 April 29 April 4—9 May 1 June First day of Term 2 Year 10 Work Experience Week Year 6 into 7 Transition Day Combined Schools Anzac Day Service 10am Biloela Civic Centre Parent Teacher Interviews 3:30—6pm School Cross Country Beef Week Rockhampton Year 8 Vaccinations (Clinic 2) YEAR 7 HABITS OF MIND Thinking about Thinking (Metacognition) Thinking Flexibly CHARACTER STRENGTH Kindness and Gratitude Biloela State High School - Cnr Gladstone Rd & Scoria St, Biloela Qld 4715 Tel: (07) 4992 8666 Fax: (07) 4992 8600 Website: PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Wellbeing - Michael Fuller Last Year, Andrew Fuller a leading expert in Adolescent Learning, spent time with us in Biloela. He showed us that many young people these days fail to get enough sleep each night due to their ‘obsession’ with technology (ie. Constant checking of their phone messages, Facebook, gaming, during the night). Some families institute systems where the phone, Ipad, tablet, is stored in another place - Have you set these limits for your young people? Michael described how the number of supportive "assets" a young person has is an important determiner of how they can cope in stressful situations - their resilience. It is important that we work as a community to ensure that we are equipping our students with the necessary skills and ‘assets’ to be resilient, active members of our society- especially now as they work through their school years and be well equipped for when they leave school. You can find out more about what Michael Fuller has to say by checking out this website: http:// New School-based Apprenticeships We are very excited to announce the following School-based Apprentices: Jaice Hooper (Apprenticeship) Certificate III in Meat Processing (Retail) with CQ Quality Meats and Dylan Bishop (Aprenticeship) Certificate III in Kitchen Operations with Settlers Motor Inn. We thank these employers for providing these great opportunities for our students and employing locally! Wednesday Tutoring a Great Success Congratulations, both to the students who have taken advantage of after-school tutoring on Wednesday afternoons and the wonderful band of senior students and teachers who are supporting them. Watching Michael, Maddie, Beylinda and others assist our younger students with the flair of a seasoned teacher tells us we will see great futures for these young leaders. This program will continue next Term. Our Focus on Literacy and Numeracy This year, as well as having a clear focus on quality literacy and numeracy learning in class, we have instituted dedicated literacy and numeracy lessons in the junior school. Mr David Hall, Our Teaching and Learning Head of Department, is leading a group of teachers to focus on these important foundations to learning. At home, learning can continue by talking about interesting current topics to broaden student knowledge as well as catching your young people spell correctly and speak in proper sentences. Thanks to all parents for being partners in learning. Remember, one of the best ways to be good at literacy and numeracy is to read! Every student should be reading at home regularly. Enjoy Your Holiday Break Our school rules are: Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe and Be Your Best. They are a great set of rules for school and they can be applied at home and on holidays! We especially want students to be safe and have an enjoyable and restful break. Holidays are a great time to read a book to help you to be your best and we hope our young people enjoy meeting new people in a respectful and responsible way this Easter. John Adie, Principal YEAR 12 MULTI ARTS During Term 1 Miss Outteridge’s year 12 Multi Arts class have been studying digital photography. This week, internationally renowned wildlife photographer Tim Flach kindly sent signed postcards of some of his amazing photographic work for the students to keep. We would like to send a big thank you to Mr Flach and his team for such a kind gift. Lions Youth of the Year District level It is with immense pleasure to announce that Michael McLure won the district level of Lions YOTY! It was delightful to see Michael’s success on the night. He travelled down to the Sunshine Coast to represent our school, and has done us proud once again. Michael was the overall winner for the night. The two impromptu topics were: “If I was prime minister for the day…”And, “Describe the world around you when you are 100.” Michael now goes on to the state finals in Brisbane in two weeks’ time, and I look forward to watching Michael in the next round of competition. This is just another reminder for us of some of the many talented students we have in our great school. Do you have cattle on your farm? If so, you are able to be the host employer for your student to allow them to complete a Certificate II in Agriculture while they study in Year 10, 11 or 12. This qualification is offered through RITE (Rural Training and Employment) Contact Sally Moller for more information on 49928666. CHANGE OF ASSESSMENT 11/12 AHS— Exam is now on Wednesday May 6 Year 8 School Immunisation Clinic 2 Date changed from Monday May 18 to Monday June 1 Clinic 3 Monday 26th October From the Deputies’ Desks Combined Callide Valley Schools ANZAC Service ANZAC Day 2015 marks the 100th Anniversary of the Gallipoli landings. To mark the special occasion the Callide Valley cluster of schools will be holding a combined ANZAC service at the Biloela Civic Centre on Friday April 24. Parents and families are invited to attend the service. If you wish to attend please be there at 9:45am for a 10:00am start. BSHS, Biloela SS, Thangool SS, Mt Murchison SS, Prospect Creek SS and St Josephs will all take part in the service. Students from BSHS will walk to and from the Civic Centre for the service. Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews Tuesday April 28 Students have received their term 1 interim reports on Tuesday this week. Teachers will have indicated whether they wish to meet with parents and their child to discuss the student’s progress. Parents may also choose to meet with teachers’ to discuss their child’s progress. Information to access the online booking system has been included with your child’s report card. Instructions and access to the online booking tool can be found at: . The interviews will take place in N, H & G blocks (those facing Gladstone Road) from 3:30pm to 6:00pm. Queensland Core Skills Practice Test Dates Year 12 students’ who intend to take the Queensland Core Skills (QCS) test in September this year must sit the two practice tests that will be running in order to best prepare students for this exam. The first round of practice exams will be run in week 1 of term 2 on Tuesday 21st and Wednesday 22nd April. The practice exams will take place in N block. Students will be given full feedback on their practice test results and this will allow them to target specific areas for the actual tests. Students not sitting the QCS tests will have a normal timetable for these lessons with minimal disruption to their lessons. Acting Deputy Principal for term 2 and first half of term 3 I will be taking leave from BSHS during term 2 and the first 6 weeks of term 3. During term 2 my replacement will be Jody Clark. Mrs Clark is an experienced teacher who has acted in the role of Deputy Principal previously at her base school Clontarf Beach SHS. Mrs Clark has a wealth of experience in the Senior Secondary phase of learning will place her in good stead to take on the role of Senior Secondary Deputy Principal. The replacement for term 3 will be announced at a later date. Dan Coxen Deputy Principal JAPANESE—BSDE Caleb is studying Year 10 Japanese through the Brisbane School of Distant Education (SDE). His teacher has rewarded his efforts during lessons, and in his study sessions throughout the term, and his success in assessment with a Student of the Term Award. This is not Caleb’s first Award in this subject. He gained a Subject award for his success in Year 9 for the same subject last year. The on-line environment demands commitment from students and self-motivation. Caleb has these qualities in abundance. Congratulations. Parents Supporting Quality Education Biloela High P&C Email: NEXT GENERAL MEETING APRIL 20 AT 7PM FUNDRAISER in AUGUST Become involved and volunteer your expertise. We would welcome your input for this event. Sub Committee Meeting Monday May 4 at 7pm Junior Secondary We are very excited to welcome the current Year 6s students from our feeder schools on Thursday April 23 for the first stage of the Transition Process. The students are able to get a sense of what ‘high school’ life is all about, as well as meet some key members of staff throughout the day. Evidence has shown us that this is an integral part of welcoming new prospective students into our community and we look forward to providing a day full of great experiences to enhance student’s future learning. Term 1 has allowed the school community to get to know our newest members of the school, Year 7 and 8s. The Year 7 students gave us some fantastic feedback on the experiences they enjoyed at the Year 7 Camp in March. The camp built new friendships, leadership qualities as well as provided staff to enjoy a different side of school life with students and build stronger connections. Year 8 students will have their camp in May at Fairbairn Outdoor Education Centre and this will focus on leadership skills and qualities to build a strong leadership culture in our Junior Secondary School. Year 8 camp forms need to be returned to the school office no later than Friday May 8. The Year 9 students have settled well into their senior roles within the Junior Secondary School and have demonstrated and modelled outstanding behaviours for our new students. Students are clearly following the Jewellery Policy which we have been focussing on in Term1. For further clarification around what is acceptable please refer to the policy in the Student Diary. I would like to wish all students and families a safe and very happy Easter. I look forward to seeing students eager to learn in Term 2. Students will also have taken home their interim reports and this is a great opportunity to have discussions and set goals for the next term. Lisa Whitworh Deputy Principal HARMONY DAY Our school celebrated Harmony Day in style last week. We held a number of activities to celebrate Australia’s cultural diversity. Care groups created posters with the motto “Everyone Belongs”. We dressed in International dress on Friday or in orange – the Harmony Day/No Bullying colour. On Thursday some very special students who were born overseas spent the morning teaching students at Biloela State Primary school about their culture. The students presented wonderfully. Teaching primary school students is not easy, especially when English is your second language! The students at primary school really enjoyed learning how to play a game from a different culture. Harmony Day. There are some fascinating statistics about Australia’s diversity that can be good conversation-starters. Did you know: around 45% of Australians were born overseas or have at least one parent who was 85% of Australians agree multiculturalism has been good for Australia apart from English the most common languages spoken in Australia are Mandarin, Italian, Arabic, Cantonese, Greek, Vietnamese, Tagalog/Filipino, Spanish and Hindi more than 60 Indigenous languages are spoken in Australia 92% of Australians feel a great sense of belonging to our country? RESOURCE CENTRE NEWS Please check out our school’s website and while you are there, our Library catalogue. The address is: Once there, click on the Facilities button at the top, then the Resource Centre drop down button. Here you will see some of the basic details including opening hours and borrowing procedures. At the end of that page, there is a link to our Catalogue. The catalogue itself is straight forward. You can do a subject or topic search, like “environment”, or a title, author or series search, if you use the drop down menu to the right of ‘subject’. There are also recommended website searches on the catalogue page. For the younger grades particularly, this is very useful. The sites have all been screened by educators, so not only are they relevant, but they are also quite credible, remembering of course, that this does not mean that they are bias-free. Some of the sites are from organisations in our community that have particular viewpoints, so this always needs to be taken into account. If they are concerned about the viewpoint offered, they should raise the issue with their teachers, so that it can be discussed in class. To access the websites, you can click on the “Websites Search” link on the right of the screen. You will notice that the drop-down menu then includes author, subject, series etc, but excludes ‘title’. To look for books and other resources held in the Library, you will need to click on the “Library Search” link on the right of screen again, so that title searches can be included. You might notice too, that there is a “JUNIOR SEARCH” link in this menu on the right that even younger students will find useful. Older siblings will need to borrow the resources, but you could get your younger students to access the screened websites through this tool. INVOICE PAYMENTS You would have received your invoice from the school, if not please contact the school office. There are a number of options for payment: BPay - if you use this please be aware the amount paid will come off the oldest invoice on the system and from the oldest sibling. This is done automatically by the system. If you wish otherwise please advise the office. Direct Deposit—if you use this please ensure you put some sort of identification on the payment so we can deposit this amount to the correct account and student. If you want it to come off a specific account you will need to inform the school otherwise it will come off the oldest invoice on the system. Cash payment at the school counter. We have eftpos available at the school or you can fill out paperwork to have your fees taken off your credit card every month. Paperwork is available at the office to do this. You can set up with your bank a fortnightly direct deposit so that the amount can be taken out and deposited into our account on a regular basis and helps spread the payments. Please ensure there is some notification with it to identify who is paying into our account. Please be aware if you want these amounts to come off specific students or accounts you need to notify the office. If not advised, we will take it off the oldest account. Homework Club Does your student need some extra help or support finishing their homework or assessment? Our senior students are trialling a homework club on Wednesday afternoon from 3:05 until 4:00pm in the school Resource Centre. A light afternoon tea will be provided for students. Free Microsoft software for students’ personal computers All state school students from Prep–Year 12 can now download multiple free copies of the Microsoft Office 2013 Suite to their personal home and mobile computer equipment. Students who want the free software will need an active Managed Internet Service (MIS) login, school email account and password. Visit the below website to get started. The username and password will be the same as the what the student uses to access school computers. Our display this fortnight is inspired by Mrs Donohoe’s Year 11 Legal Studies unit on Criminal Law. The local police station was very obliging in giving us some missing person and domestic violence posters, fingerprint pages, cyber bulling and online safety pamphlets, evidence bag and tape. The students and staff have all enjoyed the teacher wanted posters in our display. Enjoy the next two weeks with your families! Debbie Johnston and Brenda Banks Resource Centre Staff HOSPITALITY On March 12-14 Hospitality classes professionally prepared and served Tapas, Morning & Afternoon Teas and lunches for 150. Well done.
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