Edition 07 - 11 May 2015 - Birkdale South State School

451 Old Cleveland Road East
Birkdale 4159
Ph: (07) 3820 4333
Fx: (07) 3820 4300
Email admin@birkdalesouthss.eq.edu.au
Congratulations 3A for the most Bee Hives completed
From the Principal’s desk…
Dear Parents/Caregivers
Congratulations to all classes who have completed class
bee hives which is a collective indication of students
demonstrating good behaviour choices and can be as
simple as wearing a hat and/or not running on concrete.
Our students are responding to our school rules ie. BE SAFE,
BE RESPONSIBLE, BE RESPECTFUL and BE A LEARNER and our Positive Behaviour for Learning
Program rewards individuals, whole class and whole school.
Office hours 8am-4pm
Birkdale Sth
Term 1
Monday 11 May
National Volunteer Week
No parade—Naplan
Tuesday 12 May
Naplan (Language)
NAPLAN starts tomorrow for grade 3 & 5 students and is business as usual at BSSS. We will
not be stressing students and the results from the tests are only valuable when they are
triangulated with school based data.
Wednesday 13 May
Student attendance is a school priority this year as studies have shown student achievement directly correlates to student attendance. One day sick a week and/or 15 minutes
late to school of a morning has significant impact on your child’s learning. Please ensure
your child attends school every day if fit to do so.
Thursday 14 May
Naplan (Reading)
Rugby League
Naplan (Numeracy)
Friday 15 May
Naplan (Catch Up)
No Interschool sport
Monday 18 May
Yours in Education
Craig Douglas
Parade 2:40pm Q/W Gr 1
Chaplaincy Week starts
Tuesday 19 May
ICAS—digital tech
Wednesday 20 May
Yr 4 Daisy Hill excursion
Rainbow Free Dress Day
Class Rewards for Beehives 2-4
Menu of choices, classes can make
their own choice!
Class movies
Fruit tubes
Tech lab games
Outdoor games (eg Battleships)
Bring in a game for a session
Thursday 21 May
Free Pancake Breakfast—
Friday 22 May
Interschool sport
Monday 25 May
Parade 2:40pm Q/W Prep
Tuesday 26 May
Book Fair Starts 8am
Keeping Parents Informed
11 May 2015
Edition 7
Be Green! Read from the screen
and think before you print…
Deputy Chat...
Loreyse Agnew-Green
Volunteers are champions at BSSS
Today was the Volunteers Morning Tea – hosted by the Chaplaincy
and the P&C. Members of the school staff and student body would
like to sincerely thank all of the volunteers that give their time in our
school. Strong parent support is crucial to school effectiveness and
we are glad to see the numbers of parent volunteers growing.
We would not be able to offer our children
the wide range of learning and social opportunities that exist without the support and
generosity of our volunteers.
This week Tuesday 12, Wednesday 13 and Thursday 14 are designated for our NAPLAN assessments. Preparation includes early nights and full tummies. We are providing a top up each
morning for those still feeling hungry from 8- 8:30am at the hall foyer. Cereal and apples will
be on offer. Please note there will be NO Coderdojo before school this week IT Committee
Meeting (Tuesday) or Intervention Meeting (Thursday)
Under 8’s Day
At the end of last week the introductory letter for Under 8’s Day was sent home as a hard
copy to each child from Prep to Year 3. We hope that you have marked the calendar for
Friday 29 May and are organising supervision for your children on this day. Under 8’s is a free
dress day. In the week of May 18, a note will come home outlining the activities, with a map.
There will be a brief timeline and a note that is to be returned indicating who the supervisors
are and whether you are ordering the morning teas special from Mrs Bagley. Don’t forget to
purchase your disco tickets in the days leading up to Under 8’s – you can also organise your
sausage sizzle lunch. Please look out for these notes in your children’s take home folder. We
are getting excited – Under 8’s is always soooooo much fun!!!!!!
Don’t forget our Book fair “Kings Queens & Castles”, running in the week of Under 8’s Day
May 26 – 29.
Please note that the official Under 8’s week is in the week before we hold our Under 8’s Day –
at Birkdale South, this is our Chaplaincy Week .
Quandamooka Children’s Dance Festival
Set down for Tuesday June 2, the middle of Reconciliation Week, at the Redlands Show
Grounds – Plaza. This festival is a cultural gathering for indigenous children of the Redlands
and their school Jajums (children's) dance groups. This will be the first time the event is hosted. The vision is for children in our Redlands District from Prep to Year 12 to gather and participate in arts, crafts, language and dance experiences that witness the passing of local, firstnation culture through the generations and into the future. Dance is at the heart of the gathering, where those schools who already participate in dance, can share their skills and those
who would like to learn can prepare a dance to share with their school during NAIDOC
Week. This festival is an initiative of the Redlands Moving Together Group with the endorsement of the Minjerribah & Moorgumpin Elders in Council and the support of those organisations involved in our Community Partnership Agreement.
Premier’s Reading Challenge
In 2015 all Birkdale South Students have been entered into the annual
Premier’s Reading Challenge. This year the challenge takes place between May 18 and August 28. Students in years Prep to year 2 are challenged to read/experience 20 books. Students in years 3-4 are challenged to read 20 books. While students in 5-6 are challenged to read 15
books (this is to take into account that students at this level are reading
novels and will take longer to read 1 book). Each class will send home a
letter and a bookmark by Friday the 15 May. Each student will also have
a reading record sheet which can be kept at school or at home depending on the request of your child’s classroom teacher.
The types of texts that are applicable for the challenge are various and
Printed books
E-books, virtual books and digital publications
Graphic novels and comics
Audio books
Newspapers, magazines and recipe books.
Students are encouraged to read both fiction and non-fiction texts suited
to their reading ability for the duration of the challenge.
We look forward to 100% participation from across our school, good luck and happy reading.
Fiona Lane HOC
What a big week this is, all year 3 and 5 students will be taking part in the national testing of
reading, writing, language conventions and mathematics, I wish them all well.
One of our year 6 students has made it through to the second round of judging in the Write4Fun
writing competition. She has also been offered the opportunity to have her short story published
in their annual publication ‘The Write Track’. It is so very exciting for Birkdale South State School
to have a published student author. Congratulations Shae S. We wish you complete success.
Last term I discussed the importance of building a strong vocabulary base with your children. This
is something we address explicitly within our reading program here at Birkdale South. This week
I’d like to make mention of oral language development and how important this is when thinking
about building vocabulary. Oral language is the ability to speak and listen.
Children who are included in rich increasingly complex conversations have an advantage in
understanding the structure and sounds of language. Understanding the Reading Process, (June
Oral language develops most effectively through one on one conversation with someone who is
able to model more sophisticated language structures and vocabulary. It is developed also by
opportunities where students are asked to elaborate on their thinking, extending conversations
by adding new and varied information, reinforcing language structures by repetition, and
through taking turns to speak and listen then respond in appropriate ways.
If you have any questions about how you can work on oral language at home with your child
feel free to contact me via an e-mail. Remember to include your child/ren’s name and class so
that I can follow up with their classroom teacher.
Thanks for taking the time to read HOCs corner, I look forward to sharing more with you in the
Positive Behaviour for Learning...
Megan Willmott
PBL - Be a Learner
This is a very good time to be focusing on being a learner when we have Naplan taking
place and reporting is not too far away.
Classroom Bee Hive Tally
In all areas of Birkdale South State School children show they are a learner when
Learn from examples
Learn from mistakes
Demonstrate the keys to success – Confidence, Getting Along, Persistence,
Organisation, Resilience
In the classroom they show they are a learner when they:•
“Have a go”
Be ready to learn – disposition and equipment
Take an active role in the classroom
Be a risk taker with their learning
Always do their best
Be Safe! Be Responsible! Be Respectful! Be a Learner!
Deadly News...
Kim Paulson
The Australian Aboriginal Flag—meaning
Black—represents the Aboriginal people of Australia
Yellow disk—represents the sun, the giver of life and
Red—represents the red earth, the red ochre used in
ceremonies and Aboriginal peoples’ spiritual relation
to the land.
Workplace Health and Safety...
Narelle Davy
Can we
contact you
if your student
is sick or
Please ensure we have
your up to date contact
information in the event
of an emergency.
Medications – Keeping all students safe
Any parent whose child is taking medication (whether of a permanent or temporary nature)
should follow these guidelines:
Make sure that the medication is accompanied by written instructions on timing and
dosage rate for the child. Forms are available from the office for your completion.
Medications must be labelled with a chemists' label showing the student's name,
type of medication and dosage.
Take the medication to the office where a staff member will be responsible for administering the medication and ensuring that it is kept
in a safe place.
When the treatment is finished please collect the medication from the
The above procedures apply to all medications including aspirin, paracetamol
and cough mixtures. Staff are unable to administer any medication without
your written consent or if the above procedures have not been adhered to.
Thank you for your assistance.
Curriculum Resource Donation
Birkdale South State School would like to send a huge thank you to Sonja Naraas from Blake
Education who, through one of our amazing families (the Carter family) has donated 20 boxes of excess teaching resources to our school. We are extremely grateful for the generosity
afforded to our school by our highly supportive community.
Classroom Spotlight...
Lower School— Prep to 3
2B are currently exploring a Science unit all about living things and life cycles. At the beginning of our unit we completed a KWL in which we
brainstormed a list of facts we already know about
life cycles. We also have some class pets to help
us study life cycles. There is a picture of one below.
Can you guess what it is?
Can you guess what it will turn into?
I am sure by the end of the unit, 2B will be able to
tell you what they are and what they change into.
Special Project
The year three students were given a great opportunity by Mr Douglas and the Qld Government, by funding a project called “Greater Results Guaranteed”.
The students were able to only to work with their classroom teachers, but also with Mrs Kennedy and Mr Hughes with reading and writing and maths, and also Miss Cikoja and Mrs
Meleisea with reading.
Mrs Kennedy and Mr Hughes had the best time getting to know the Year three students and
helping them to improve in these subject areas. They worked in small groups with their teachers and were able to have specific learning activities focussing on their individual needs.
Overall, year three students have demonstrated some fantastic results throughout the program. It has been another great addition to the Birkdale South School academic program.
School Leaders’ Report
Congratulations to all inter-school sport participants for showing the school rules on
Friday. Everyone was very respectful to all the other schools and had fun at the
same time. On Friday everyone was learning something new about their sport and
being responsible while staying safe.
So we congratulate everyone for doing their best having a go and showing all four
school rules.
Specialist Hightlights...
The Team
Ellen Gibbs Classroom Music, Joanne Wolfe Instrumental Music, Julie Schmidt Strings
Ryan Sensei Language, Jean Schenk Library and
Dean Johnson and Yvette Butterworth Sports Physical Education
♫♪ Music
Miss Gibbs
Classroom Music Spotlight
This week we are featuring 4A who have begun
learning about the instruments of the orchestra.
Students have been going through an online
interactive learning experience that focuses on
the four families of the orchestra: Brass, Woodwind, Strings and Percussion. Students go on an
imaginary safari to find all of the instruments and
learn about how they work and what they sound
like by referring to Benjamin Britten’s musical
composition “Young Persons Guide to the Orchestra”.
Upcoming Events
Birkdale South’s Got Talent is well underway with the first heat for the Junior section last Tuesday. The judges were really impressed by the variety and quality of performers and the audience manners were really good. There will be 3 more heats over the next few weeks and all
are welcome to attend. Heats are held each Tuesday 2nd break in the Hall and students need
to be prepared for their heat with backing music on CD, mp3 player or phone. Heat details
are on the Music Room window so please remind your child to check when they are performing. The date for finals has not been set yet but will be announced once heats are finished.
Practice Times
Junior Choir
Wednesday 1st
Senior Strings - Wednesday & Fridays
(Group lesson during the day
Seniors—Wed & Junior –Fri
Senior Rehearsals Lunch time—
Senior Choir
Tuesday 1st Break
Junior Band - Thursday
(Group lessons during the day)
Boys Choir
Friday 1st Break
Senior Band - Wednesday 3 to 4pm
(Group lessons during the day)
Thank you to the Music Captains and Chappy John for judging the
competition this year. Also thank you to Mrs Murphy for stepping in
with Miss Gibbs as Sound Tech wizard for the first heat.
Ensembles—Choir, Band, String
Well done to Year 6 Senior Choir students for presenting a beautiful set of songs to the residents of Sylvan Woods Nursing home last
Ms Wolfe
Friday. Your singing really brightened their
(Junior & Senior
day and made the Mother’s Day CelebraBand)
tion very special. Thank you also to Chappy
John for coming along and helping out on
Ms Schmidt
the day.
(Junior & Senior String
Beginner’s Music Week
Students in Junior Band and Junior Strings should have brought
Ms Gibbs
home an information note about the Beginner’s Music Week being
(Junior & Senior
held in week 7 of this term.
Junior Band students will be involved for the whole week, participat- egibb34@eq.edu.au
ing in music activities being held each day at the Sleeman Sports
Complex, Chandler. The cost for the week is $90, this includes all
activities, 1 meal and a music week T shirt. Registration and medical forms along with payment need to be returned to the school office by the end of week 4.
Junior String students will be involved for just one day of the week and there is no cost to participate. Registration and medical forms need to be returned to the school office by the end
of week 4.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact Ms Wolfe (band) at jwolf4@eq.edu.au
or Ms Schmidt (strings) at jesch4@eq.edu.au
The Senior Band has been invited to perform on the first day of the music week at Chandler.
An information and permission note will be sent home shortly.
Lessons and Naplan
All Band and String lessons with Ms Wolfe and Ms Schmidt will go ahead as normal during
NAPLAN week, however all drum, keyboard and guitar lessons have been cancelled for this
week only.
Reading is the most important skill you can teach a child.
Of all the skills children learn, it is one you can influence
the most. We invite you to visit our Scholastic Book Fair
and experience a celebration of reading that provides
families the opportunity to get involved in a universal mission: encouraging kids to open a world of possibility.
The theme this year is Kings, Queens and Castles: Enter
the Kingdom of Books! Giving kids access to good books
and the opportunity to choose their own books will motivate them to read more, and like
most acquired skills, the more children that practice reading, the better they’ll achieve.
Since there will never be a substitute for a parent’s direct involvement in their child’s education, please visit our Book Fair.
Book Fair Dates: Tuesday 26 May to Monday 1June
Shopping Hours: 8:00am to 3:30pm
Sport and Physical Education
Junior Netball
BSSS A team
Hilliard A team
BSSS B team
Hilliard B team
Hilliard A team
Hilliard B team
Senior Netball
BSSS A team
BSSS B team
Junior Boys Soccer
BSSS A team
Hilliard A team
BSSS B team
Hilliard B team
Interschool Sport
Our Interschool Sport program is finally underway. The cancellation of
round 1 due to the extreme weather will possibly mean there will be
catch-up round towards the end of the term. Our soccer teams competed against Hilliard SS at John Fredericks Sports field while our netball teams also competed against Hilliard SS at Pinklands. The results
Sporting Recognition
Congratulations to Coby V for making it
into the district team for softball.
Congratulations also to Kynan M for his
place in the district Cross Country team.
800m training is on Tuesday, Wednesday
and Thursday mornings at 8am sharp.
Rugby League on Wednesday afternoon (Juniors currently unbeaten!)
Senior Boys Soccer
BSSS team
Girls Soccer
BSSS team
Hilliard Team
Term 2 Focus
Year 2 have been working hard during their PE
lessons in preparation for Sports Day at the end
Hilliard team
1 of the term. So far they have practiced ball
games and novelty events as well as high
jump. All students have had a great time during high jump practiced to ensure they have the
correct technique.
How many other schools would have
indoor high jump training.
Finance and Admin
Megan Murphy
Year 6 Adventure Days
Beginners Music Week East –
Year 4 Daisy Hill excursion
Due Date
$30 by Tuesday 12 May and remainder by Tuesday 2 June
Wednesday 13 May
Thursday 14 May
Year 5 GOMA excursion
Monday 1 June
**please note change of due date as
we need to have final numbers for
train booking.
Year 5 Camp
Thursday 10 September
$110 & $40
School Fees for 2015
**Please Note – it is very important to bring in the Participation Agreement forms when paying for
the fees not matter the payment method eg online, cash at window
Lost Property
Parents are requested to clearly name all items of clothing worn to school with the child’s last
name. At this time of year the lost Property Box is full of items not named, not clearly named or first
names only. Clearly named items are returned to the child’s classroom on a weekly basis.
Newsletter Emails
Recently, we moved over to a new email system. There have been some issues with parents not
receiving this newsletter via email. If you have not received this newsletter via email, please notify
the office.
Our Prep classes are in need of old computer keyboards. If you have any to donate, please hand
in to the office. Thank you.
Absence letters were handed out last week. If you received one, could you please hand back to
the office by Wednesday 13 May.
Support Team
The Team
Danee Cikoja Support Teacher Literacy and Numeracy, Megan Willmott Special Education
Teacher, Dorin O’Sullivan Guidance Officer, Sue Dahl Advisory Visiting Teacher—Behaviour
exams will
commence at
9:00am promptly
Parents, NAPLAN exams will occur on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week
(12th – 14th May). I’m sure you want to assist
to ensure your child has an opportunity to
perform at their personal best.
Here is a list of ways that you can help:
Make sure your child has a good night’s sleep;
Have a healthy breakfast that contains low G.I foods like whole grain toast, eggs, baked
beans, yoghurt, fruit (especially bananas) or toasted cheese sandwiches for long-lasting
Have their bags packed and uniform and shoes out the night before so that the morning run
goes smoothly;
Don’t make a big deal out of it. If your child needs reassurance, tell them something like,
“You’ve put in heaps of preparation, just do your best and don’t worry about it.”
Drop them off to school at least ten minutes early so your child isn’t rushed or anxious.
Thank you in anticipation of your support. Danee Cikoja
School Banking
School Banking Day
Every Wednesday
Karen Standring
$422.26 raised through school banking!
Thanks to the fantastic efforts of our students we have raised just over $420.00 for the school through
School Banking commissions for Term 1. Congratulations!!
The school receives commission from the Commonwealth Bank for every activated account and
every deposit made at school. These funds will go towards benefiting all the students at Birkdale
We had 43 activated accounts and 773 deposits made for last term which is a great effort.
Saving regularly is an important habit to get into, whether you’re saving a little or a lot. Keep up the
great work and remember to bring in your deposits each WEDNESDAY.
Published student author
Shae S
The Dream
Mother looked awfully distressed as the authorities explained the situation. She was very concerned. “We understand that your children will
miss you but this trip is too important. You must come with us. The convicts are famished. They haven’t eaten since” …
“Emily! Bedtime!” A short young girl was lying on her bed reading her favourite novel about Australia
in the 18th century. She had long brown hair with vibrant blue eyes full of wonder and creativity.
“Ok mum” Emily replied as she sluggishly hopped into her bed, putting the book on her bedside
table. As she slowly fell asleep she lay wondering about her book.
Emily woke to the sweet sound of chirping birds except, she wasn’t in her own bed. Emily was on a
small, flimsy wooden bed. She felt a shiver up her spine. Emily got up and closed the window when
a small, Scottish woman entered the room. “Ello’ love I have ye’ clothes for ye’ I’ll leave so ye’ can
try em’ on eh’ ” after the woman had left, Emily tried on the clothes. They were a perfect fit. Emily
went down the stairs to look for something to eat. After she’d eaten her food, she discovered a library. As she read it occurred to her how she would get home but she didn’t mind at the moment
she enjoyed the quiet.
Later in the evening the Scottish woman returned with a plate of food. “Your supper Miss” she
bowed “Um, thankyou?” the Scottish woman looked up “Is everything’ alright miss. I hope ye’ food
is high enough to ye’ standards.” Emily thanked her once again and assured her the food would be
After Emily had finished her supper she went back to the room she woke in. A wave of sadness
washed over her. She didn’t know how she would get home.
Emily’s mind stirred all throughout the night as she thought of the same question. As Emily thought of
her parents the pain in her chest grew more and more. Tears started rolling down her face as she
slowly fell asleep.
Emily woke to the sound of the Scottish lady shouting and screaming wildly. She went halfway down
the stairs to find a ferocious, snarling dingo. It started to approach her showing its sharp pointy
fangs. Emily ran up the stairs hiding under the covers of the bed. “Help me!” she cried. She closed
her eyes and wished. She wished she was back with her family, safe in their arms. They’d know exactly what to do.
Then everything started disappearing. The growling stopped and Emily found herself back in her
own bed. It was a dream. Emily couldn’t believe her eyes. She was back in her comfy, soft bed. Emily ran down the stairs and gave her family a big hug. She was relieved to be back home, safe and
Chappy’s Chat
John Rutter
Chappy Week!
Hi Everyone, Next week at school we are celebrating “Chappy Week”! What a privilege it is
to be your School Chaplain; and to say thanks for all the support I receive we have lots of fun
stuff planned for you guys at school next week.
On Monday 18 May and Tuesday 19 May we will be having a ball game competition for
Grades 4, 5 and 6 in the hall at break times! This will be an elimination play off so get your
teams together of 8 members and sign up at Chappy Central this week! And I’ll try and get
the teachers to put a team in for the finals!
Wednesday 20 May will be our “Rainbow Free Dress Day” which means for a gold coin donation, you can come to school dressed in whatever coloured clothing you would like (As long
as it’s a colour of the rainbow….) and we will also be selling our Chaplaincy little Cakes as
usual but this week they will also be in a rainbow theme.
For Grades 1, 2, and 3, I will be having games out the front of Rainbow central, so come and
join in the fun!
And Thursday 21 May Wait for it…… we are putting on a FREE pancake breakfast at Rainbow
Central! So come early to school (and bring your Mum or Dad) for some yummy pancakes.
Served from 8:15am, it will be my pleasure to serve you breakfast.
Chaplain’s Garden
Further to my last newsletter, the “Chaplain’s Garden” based on the wonderful children’s
book ‘I Grow in Grandad’s Garden’ is almost finished and I look forward to putting it to good
use during and after Chappy Week. This garden replicates ‘Grandad’s Garden’ in that there
are four areas of the garden that Grandad Brian and his Granddaughter Ellie take time to sit
at to work through life’s challenges and grow emotionally. This is firstly being thankful for what
you have; secondly, consciously letting go of things that have hurt you in the past, learning
the lessons and focusing on your future; Thirdly, understanding how and why to make good
choices, even if they are hard ones that take courage; and finally the fourth area is keeping
on track with your big picture dreams and aspirations for your life. Being true to who you are
and why you were put on this earth.
In my personal experience and certainly now through my study in Youth Work and Chaplaincy, I see that by systematically breaking down this process into these four simple stages plus
giving yourself time to emotionally visit these spaces, are great life skills to have.
If established early in our life, will hopefully put us in good stead for making healthy and inspired choices in our lives. But this garden is not just for our young people; I will be visiting the
stages of this garden often and I welcome and encourage parents and our valued teachers
to take some time here also.
20 May
A new winter menu tuckshop list should be coming home soon. Please note that
the new prices are effective from Monday 18 May. Please read the new menu to
make sure you have enough money to cover your child’s order. We have kept the
cost down as much as possible, but with some items our distributor prices has increase. Here is the new price for the ice blocks as they are not listed in the menu.
P&C News
President—Cathy Bidois
Dragon Popper
Icy Twist
Zooper Dopers
Zooper Dopers
Friday 29 May
Under 8’s Disco in the Hall
Monday 8 June
Queen’s Birthday—Public holiday
Monday 22 June
Holiday Raffle Drawn
Friday 26 June
Last Day of Term 2
Tuckshop closed (open for drinks
and chips sales only)
Paddle Pops
Mothers' Day Stall
We hope all our mums had a great Mothers' Day and enjoyed their gifts chosen by
their children from our stall. A big thank you to the mums who helped wrap and sell
the gifts.
Under 8's Disco
Date claimer for our Disco is Friday May 29 from 12.30 until 1.30. A sausage sizzle will
be available from approx. 11.45am. All students in prep to grade 3 are welcome to
attend as a finish to Under 8s Day. Tickets only $5 and on sale from Wed 27th onwards. Drinks, lollies, ice blocks and chips will also be on sale. We will be looking for
volunteers to work in the canteen for this event.
Rosina Tucker
Fundraising and Events Coordinator
Raffle Tickets
Today you should have received your raffle tickets. First Prize is a family holiday for 2
Adults & 2 Children to North Stradbroke Island, 2nd prize $150 Athletic Foot voucher
and 3rd Prize is a $50 fuel voucher Please returned the tickets and money to the
tuckshop, the P&C has a wooden box in which to place the return money/tickets.
Liz Riggs
Fundraising and Events Coordinator Assistant
Uniform Shop News
Sports Day coloured T-shirts need to be ordered at the Uniform shop by 2 June at
the latest to get them in time. At $10 each they are good quality and some colours
are very hard to find elsewhere.
Book Club
Please remember no money is accepted for orders. Online ordering only.
Tuckshop Roster
Week 10
Week 1
11th May – C Bastow
12th May – J Gidley
13th May – S Adams & P Penna
14th May – K Padlie & L Riggs
15th May – C Clark, D Reid & A
Week 2
18th May – C. Bastow
19th May – N. Landers
20th May – S Adams & P Penna
21st May – K Padlie, L Riggs & C
22nd May – C Clark, D Reid & A
Uniform Shop
Opening Hours
Tuesday and Thursday
8 to 10am