The History of FORTRAN I, II, and III

The History of Fortran Presented by Maj Stenmark Based on The History of FORTRAN I, II, and III by John Backus. The Rise and Fall of High Performance Fortran: An Historical Object Lesson by K. Kennedy, C. Koelbel and H. Zima. Once upon a Dme … Computer Science in 1954 Why FORTRAN? • 
“AutomaDc programming” HandwriSen assembly IBM 704 Efficient compiler! John Backus FORmula TRANslaDng system •  ScienDfic compuDng •  FORTRAN I, starDng 1954 •  FORTRAN II, 1958, FuncDons, global variables •  FORTRAN III, 1958, never released •  FORTRAN 77, If-­‐esle •  Fortran 90 Immature high-­‐performance •  Fortran 95 High-­‐performance •  Fortran 2003 Object-­‐oriented •  Fortran 2008 concurrent Early FORTRAN • 
Variables 1-­‐2 characters FuncDons 3 characters Expressions Assignments Blanks ignored FREQUENCY, GOTO, DO-­‐loops, STOP, PAUSE •  No blocks, if, type declara3ons! The Translator • 
Compiler, step-­‐wise SecDon 1: Read file, store in tables SecDon 2: OpDmal code. Difficult SecDons 3-­‐6: OpDmal register allocaDon. •  a * b * c + a * b as (a * b) * c + (a * b) Translator trivia •  FREQUENCY –  Monte Carlo simulaDon •  Release in 1957. On decks. Then magneDc tape! hello.f90 Program Hello Print *, "Hello World!" End Program Hello Compiling: $ gfortran -­‐o hello hello.f90 gfortran: varning: kunde inte förstå kern.osversion ”14.3.0 $ ./hello Hello World! ProjecDle.f90 PROGRAM ProjecDle IMPLICIT NONE REAL, PARAMETER :: g = 9.8 ! acceleraDon due to gravity REAL, PARAMETER :: PI = 3.1415926 ! you knew this. didn't you REAL :: Angle ! launch angle in degree REAL :: Time ! Dme to flight REAL :: Theta ! direcDon at Dme in degree REAL :: U ! launch velocity REAL :: V ! resultant velocity REAL :: Vx ! horizontal velocity REAL :: Vy ! verDcal velocity REAL :: X ! horizontal displacement REAL :: Y ! verDcal displacement READ(*,*) Angle, Time, U Angle = Angle * PI / 180.0 ! convert to radian X = U * COS(Angle) * Time Y = U * SIN(Angle) * Time -­‐ g*Time*Time / 2.0 Vx = U * COS(Angle) Vy = U * SIN(Angle) -­‐ g * Time V = SQRT(Vx*Vx + Vy*Vy) Theta = ATAN(Vy/Vx) * 180.0 / PI WRITE(*,*) 'Horizontal displacement : ', X WRITE(*,*) 'VerDcal displacement : ', Y WRITE(*,*) 'Resultant velocity : ', V WRITE(*,*) 'DirecDon (in degree) : ', Theta END PROGRAM ProjecDle High performance Fortran •  Parallel compuDng systems •  Data parallel – single thread of control –  Communicate data between processes •  Shared-­‐memory over one bus –  Parallel loops •  Distributed memory –  Programming complexity HPF • 
Support scalability Data parallelism: distributed arrays Single thread of control Implicit communicaDon Produce high performance code! Included a standard library HPF Library Language REAL A(1000, 1000), B(1000, 1000) !HPF$ DISTRIBUTE A(BLOCK, *) !HPF$ DISTRIBUTE A(CYCLIC, *) DO J = 2, N A(I,J) = A(I, J+1) + 2 * B(I, J) + …. ENDDO Language REAL A(1000, 1000), B(1000, 1000) !HPF$ DISTRIBUTE A(BLOCK, *) !HPF$ DISTRIBUTE A(CYCLIC, *) !HPF$ ALIGH B(I, J) WITH A(I, J) DO J = 2, N !HPF$ INDEPENDENT A(I,J) = A(I, J+1) + 2 * B(I, J) + …. ENDDO Why HPF didn’t succeed • 
Immature compiler technology Too few features Inconsistency in the implementaDons DifficulDes to debug Impact •  SDll used! •  SupercompuDng: weather, computaDonal physics, fluid dynamics, chemistry. •  First high-­‐level language. Exercise 1/2 Write a program that reads an integer n from the console and then recursively calculates and outputs the nth Fibonacci number. That is n = 4 should output 3. Save the code in fib.f90. Exercise 2/2 Write a program that reads a number n from the console and then, using n steps, stepwise integrates the funcDon eiθ from A) 0 to θ = π B) 0 to θ = 2π Save the program in compl.f90 Running instrucDons •  Login to the server: $ ssh Create a new folder and go there $ mkdir fortran $cd fortran Compile your files: $ gfortran -­‐o fib fib.f90 (fib will be the name of your program) And run it: $./fib Send your files to Maj.