Vol 4 March 20_2015.pub - Blackwater State High School

Dear Students and Parents
wonderful, busy
and full start it
has been to this
year. I have been
learning demonstrated by students in
classes, and have been inspired by
the commitment shown by both staff
and students in ensuring that we
have high quality teaching and
learning in every classroom every
It is great to see everyone
hitting the ground running and laying
outcomes for students.
The reviews do not rate or compare
schools but, rather, give schools
independent and quality feedback to
help them improve teaching and
As with the audits, all
schools will have a review at least
every four years. A final report will be
made available to parents and the
community via our school website.
The review team would like to hear
from our school community, and I
encourage anyone who is interested
to have their say. Your feedback is
important and will help us continue to
deliver a quality education for our
students. If you are interested in
speaking to the reviewers please
contact the office to arrange a time.
If you would like more information
Blackwater SHS is committed to
about the review process please
improving writing at BSHS and I am
speak to our administration team.
proud to say that we certainly do this
well here. I thank every member of We seek to work with parents to
our teaching and support staff for ensure that students attend school
creating the conditions for this every and are given the best possible
day. Congratulations to all students opportunities to succeed in their
who are achieving their goals this chosen course of study. If there are
term, you have worked hard for the circumstances that make it difficult for
success you deserve.
your student to attend class, parents
should contact the school to seek
At the end of this term, we are
welcoming a school review from the
30 March – 2 April. The department Reports will be posted home at the
and end of the term followed by our
Employment has introduced new school open day and parent teacher
performance reviews for Queensland evening on Wednesday, 29 April.
State Schools in 2015. The reviews
replace the teaching and learning Finally, as some of you may be
audits, and are designed to help aware, I have been selected to be
improve part of the Anzac Day Premier’s
Award team to tour Gallipoli and
the Western front at the start of
Term 2. I will be chaperoning 70
students from all parts of
Queensland. If you would like to
follow our journey you can track
our tour and diary entries through
the school’s Facebook page.
Rebecca Godfrey will be acting
Principal in my absence, with Stan
Vipen acting Deputy Principal.
As this is our last Newsletter for
the term, I would like to wish all our
families, a happy and safe Easter
Linda Galloway
BMA proudly supporting
Blackwater State High School
Wednesday 25/3
Year 6 Curriculum Taster Day
9.00am - 12.00pm
Tuesday 31/3
Junior Secondary Showcase
4.00pm - 5.00pm
Thursday 2/4
Last Day Term One
Friday 22nd-Sunday 24th May
39th Annual Art Show
QMEA Opportunities
Last Thursday I had the pleasure of accompanying 13 Year 10 students to Emerald to take part in
two Queensland Minerals and Energy Academy (QMEA) events.
Five of our students attended the Toolkit for Schools at the Emerald CQUni campus. These
students got the opportunity to meet with tradesmen from a variety of fields and have a discussion
with each about the training they had taken for their job, their favourite and least favourite aspects
of their job and the opportunities available to them in each field. They then got to experience a taste
of these jobs through activities in the electrical, fabricating and operator fields.
Eight more students attended the 2015 QMEA Science Olympiad. They tackled various challenges involving rock
core sampling, chemical processing and rehabilitation. During each task, they were aided by a mentor from the
mines. The mentors were professionals from each field who also shared aspects of their jobs and the training
required to get there. Students had the chance to talk with the mentors and ask them about their jobs whilst
completing the tasks.
Congratulations to all students involved who displayed exemplary behaviour throughout the day and represented
their school with pride. Thanks to Mrs Mimi for driving the bus for the day.
Blackwater State High School is a QMEA school, which means our students have access to a wide variety of
opportunities provided by the QMEA which are a pipeline for students interested in resource sector careers. Other
opportunities available include the Expand Your Mind challenge day for Year 9 students, the Make It Now Trade
Camp (MINT) for senior students, the Ambassador program for aspiring leaders in the resources sector, Energy for
the Future and a variety of other camps and activities. Our students also have free access to the practice Aptitude
testing program. Students who participate in these events not only get information and advice about creating a
career in the industry, but they also get the chance to make a name for themselves and network with a variety of
local companies which can be a foot in the door for future careers. For more information, visit their website at
www.qmea.org.au or talk to our QMEA Ambassadors Tayla Tobane and Shania Buckingham, or you can come and
talk to me or Miss Gibson about getting involved.
Overall Attendance: 90.6%
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Year 12
Over the years, graduating students of
Blackwater State High School have gone on to
success in a range of jobs. Every newsletter, I
would like to showcase a past student to find
out what they are doing now, and their
memories of Blackwater SHS! If you are a past
student who would like to volunteer to be
showcased, or wish to volunteer someone else,
please contact the high school.
Rebecca Godfrey, A/Deputy Principal
We are nearing the end of term and most
students will be completing assessment
over the next few weeks. It is vital that all
students are present to ensure they
achieve their best result on assessment.
Year 7 Camp
Last week Year 7 students rose early
to make the trek to Seaforth camp
grounds for Blackwater High’s
annual Year 7 team building camp.
On arrival students made their way
down to the beach to soak up the
sunshine and swim in the safe
swimming enclosure.
The next day students visited an
island just off the coast via a
sandbank at low tide and explored
the caves and rock formations. They
activities on the beach which
included sand sculpting and a
treasure hunt. Later in the day they
headed to the local bowls club to
learn from four friendly locals how to
play the exhilarating game of lawn
On their last day at camp Seaforth
our Year 7’s took part in a scavenger
hunt around the town, which allowed
them to use each others strengths
and interact with the locals. That
night, camp leaders put on a bonfire
for students where they sang and
shared ghost stories. Overall, all
students involved had a great time
and I would like to thank Miss Barry
and Mr. T for their time and effort
and all the students positive
behaviour on our first Year 7 camp.
Georgia Gibson
Junior Secondary Coordinator
Schools Officer / Janitor
Permanent Full time Position
The School officer’s role is to contribute to the effective operations and
maintenance of the school by providing a high level of facilities and
grounds care and perform a range of tasks as directed to support the
Principal and Business Services Manager in the safe operations of the
school. Application Packs are available at the school office. Applications and resumes can be dropped to the school or forwarded to the
Business Services Manager, Blackwater State High School, PO Box
148, Blackwater, 4717 or emailed to mbell184@eq.edu.au. Closing
date is 27th March 2015.
Applicants will remain current for 12 months.
Websites - http://www.blackwatershs.eq.edu.au
For further information access the
following website:
your first
Australia Post now
offers an easy and
simple way to get
your tax file number.
Julie Beak
A/HOD Senior Secondary
Position Vacant
Beauty Industry
Year 11 & 12 Students
How do I apply for a TFN?
Follow these three simple steps:
Step 1. Online form
Complete the online form
Beauty Salon opening in Blackwater,
students interested in Beauty and also
in Business Administration in this
Step 2. Print summary
After submitting your application,
print your application summary – you
will need it for Step 3.
Step 3. Australia Post interview
Visit the Australia Post office locator
to find a participating retail outlet
near you. To complete your
application, you must attend an
interview to present your proof of
identity documents within 30 days.
You can either book an appointment
or simply attend a participating
Australia Post retail outlet for an
interview. Bookings are not essential.
Don’t forget to take your printed
application summary as well as
original proof of identity documents
to your interview.
Go to www.ato.gov.au/TFNapply to
find out more.
Career opportunities in
International College of Hotel
Management – Career Weeks
ICHM is the only Swiss Hotel
Association School outside of Europe
and offers a worldwide internship
considering a career in either
Hospitality or Business may like to
attend one of the 2015 Career
Weeks. Monday July 6th – Friday
July 10th.
Monday September
28th – Friday October 2nd.
Submit application of interest
for a School Based Traineeship
in this industry.
After school casual position.
Please see Ms Chadwick-Lyall in
the Library office.
Work Experience
Year 11 & 12 placement block last
week of Term, Monday 30th March
to Thursday 2nd April.
If no application is submitted for
cannot be arranged.
Julie Chadwick-Lyall
Youth Support Officer
Year 10 Business
Year 10 Business students have created a
“Save the Animal” poster display focussing
on endangered species as part of their
“demonstration of operating and computer
and keyboard skills” unit of study. Posters
are on display in the Library.
Ms Wendy Wilson
Energy and Electricity Unit
Science is an exciting subject for a lot of our students at BSHS. Here
some students experiment with making circuits using cells, wires and
light bulbs in an Energy and Electricity Unit. Congratulations on your
consistent great efforts in science. Keep up the great work!
Miss Stefanie Kirk
Community Notices
Years attended: 2000 - 2004
Job description:
Currently I work for BMA at its Gregory Crinum Mine which is
an underground mine but was once an open cut mine as
well. My role onsite is the Environmental Advisor and my
primary purpose is to ensure legal compliance with our
licence conditions and to provide specialist environmental
advice on impacts to land, air and water. We also conduct
environment monitoring/testing as well as mine site rehabilitation and closure
planning. The job is extremely diverse and my career as an Environmental
Scientist has given me great opportunities to work on projects all over Australia.
What I enjoy most about my role is having a good mix of office and outdoor work
as well as assisting others to improve the way we currently do things to ensure we
have minimal impact on our environment.
What did I do after finishing high school?
After finishing high school I moved to Rockhampton to study a Bachelor of
Environmental Science at Central Queensland University. I tried to gain as much
experience as I could over my uni breaks and after about 3 years of study I was
lucky enough to be offered a job with Thiess (Mining and Construction company)
and completed their graduate program over 2 years.
Favourite memory of BSHS:
For me it was the Year 11 Biology camp and the friendly tuckshop staff.
Advice for current students:
Make mistakes, but always learn from them as the people that are toughest on you
will be the ones that want to see the best out of you (so be nice to your teachers).
Believe in yourself and don’t ever be afraid to ask questions!
CWA Public
Saturday 28th March
Cnr Ardurad Rd & Railway
9am for 10am start
Morning tea available
The Blackwater branch has been
operating for almost 88 years and
because of the lack of interest is
about to go into recess.
Riding for the Disabled
Wednesday 1st April 2015
at 7:00 pm at the Pony
Further details can be obtained from
the Secretary, Deb Bamblett on 07
4982 7537 or 0427 449 516. All
interested parents and citizens are
encouraged to attend. Volunteers
are urgently needed to enable the
RDA to continue for the current year.
Hot Shots will start next term from
the 29th April 2015, this is for all
juniors aged 5 – 12 years and will
run for 6 weeks. To register your
child or for more information please
contact 0419785781 or email
Free Tutoring
Monday afternoons in
the Library
3.15pm - 4.00pm
Thursday afternoons in
the Library
3.15pm - 4.00pm
Mrs Linda Galloway
Melissa Barnes (49869521)
President: Mr Ken Matthews
Mrs Rebecca Godfrey
Senior School Captains - Tayla Ludlow-Tobane & Reece Williams
Senior Vice Captains - Linden Leishman & Gacinta Nelson-Bamford
Junior School Captains - Abby Holden & Harry O’Brien-Smith
Meetings are held on the 2nd
Monday of every month at 5.00p.m in the Common Room.
All welcome!
Bedford - Blue « Eden - Yellow « Tartrus - Red
Please report any unusual activity within the school grounds
(131 788)
Ms Beth Dyer (49869501)
Ms Karen Kane (49869506)