VOL 3 FRIDAY 6 MARCH 2015 Dear Students and Parents frequent writing. If you would like more ideas on how to support your child’s writing, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s English teacher. This week our newsletter outlines the many exciting, challenging and ACHIEVE educational As many of you are aware, this year opportunities we are offering an ACHIEVE program that our for our students in Years 7 to 10. students have This program is an exciting already had opportunity for students designed to contact with in the first month at accelerate their learning, develop Blackwater State High School. critical and creative thinking skills, and ultimately help your child WRITING As you are aware, our Explicit ACHIEVE their best possible results all educational endeavours Improvement Agenda has a focus on in throughout the program. Students improving our students writing skills have been selected for their abovefrom Years 7-12. As parents we ask average academic abilities and more you to become engaged and support importantly their attitude to learning this improvement agenda. Students are being asked to write in every and attendance. subject at the start of each lesson, we call this a “do now”. We ask you to become an active participant in your child’s education as a writer, some simple ways to do this includes: 1. Ask to see your child’s writing that they have been doing at school or at home. 2. Praise the child's efforts at writing. Forget what happened to you in school and resist the tendency to focus on errors of spelling, punctuation, and other mechanical aspects of writing. Emphasize the child's successes. For every error the child makes, there are dozens of things he or she has done well. 3. Encourage (but do not demand) STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT Over the next two weeks we will also be reviewing your child’s progress in their subjects. Follow up will include discussion with students about strategies to address concerns and possible change of subjects if necessary. Parents will also be contacted to discuss these concerns. If you have concerns about your student, now is the time to contact the school to discuss these and to make appointments to meet with teaching staff if necessary. Tutoring is running this year on Monday (English) and Thursday (Maths) afternoons in the Library. Linda Galloway, Principal BMA proudly supporting Blackwater State High School DATES TO REMEMBER Monday 9/3 - Thursday 12/3 Year 7 Camp Monday 16/3 Blackwater High P&C AGM - 5.00pm Monday 16/3 & Tuesday 17/3 Healthy Relationship Talks Wednesday 18/3 Writing Workshops Year 7 & 9 Thursday 19/3 Year 5 & 6 Information Night Wednesday 25/3 Year 6 Curriculum Taster Day Tuesday 31/3 Junior Secondary Celebration Night Thursday 2/4 Last Day Term One DATE CLAIMER Friday 22nd- Sunday 24th May 39th Annual Art Show DEPUTY PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Talking to Teenagers We all know that the teenage years are a difficult time. Hormones, body changes, trying to work out what to do in life, exams, assignments, homework, peer pressure….the list goes on! I have had the opportunity to talk to many parents over the last few weeks. Many parents are feeling helpless and are struggling to have their child open up to them. The school has a number of support services in place for students. The Student Welfare Team includes Mr Kronk (HOD Student Welfare), Ms Gibson (Junior Coordinator), Mr Tu’whangai (Senior Coordinator), Mrs Anita Linke (School Chaplain), Mrs Suzanne Russell (School Nurse) and Mrs Beth Dyer (Community Education Counsellor). The Student Welfare Team is located in C Block, and should be the first port of call for all students who need someone to talk to at school. If your child is experiencing issues at school, or any teenage issues and don’t want to open up to you at home, please encourage them to make contact with one of our support staff. At home, you can get your child to offer more information by changing the way you ask your questions. Rather than asking “How was your day?” which can be answered with a one word response of good, ok (or possibly even a grunt!), ask questions requiring them to give you information. I was once given a list of questions to ask a child every night: 1. What was the most interesting thing you learnt today? 2. What was the tastiest thing you ate today? 3. What was the funniest thing you saw or heard today? 4. Who did you sit with at lunch? 5. What was the best thing someone did for you today? 6. What was the best thing you did for someone else today? Whilst they are simple questions, they often lead to more discussion, or even quick answers can give insight about what is going on at school. Attendance TARGET: 90% Overall Attendance: 91.6% Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 93.8% 95.4% 90.5% 89.3% 89.1% 92.6% Well done to Years 9, 10 and 11 who have all increased their attendance! We are close to all year levels being above our target attendance. WHERE ARE THEY NOW? Over the years, graduating students of Blackwater State High School have gone on to success in a range of jobs. In every newsletter, I would like to showcase a past student to find out what they are doing now, and their memories of Blackwater SHS! If you are a past student who would like to volunteer to be showcased, or wish to volunteer someone else, please contact the high school. Our first past student featured is Amanda Fernie. Thank you for your contribution! Amanda is an excellent role model for our students. She shows incredible passion for her job and has always strived hard to reach her goals. Her job has taken her across the world and given her the opportunity to meet some amazing people. Please read about Amanda’s journey later in this newsletter. Rebecca Godfrey, A/Deputy Principal. EVERY DAY MATTERS When your child misses a day, they fall further behind, which reduces their chance of success. Ensure they are away only when they are sick. Always encourage them to see their teacher for any work missed. Junior Secondary received a tuckshop voucher for their outstanding behaviour and effort. Year 7 Caitlyn Doyle - For consistent excellent behaviour and effort. Jayden Sims – For always being mature about his behaviour, completing all work to the best of his abilities, sharing his ideas with the class readily and his outstanding effort on the Writing day. Girls, Science and the Environment Congratulations to Laura Newman Year 9, Mali Glasson Green (Year 8 Scholarship Student) and Lauren Collocott (Year 8 Scholarship Student) for being successful applicants for the Science Environment (S.E.A) Technology Camp being held at Boyne Island on Monday 9th – Thursday 12th March. This is a prestigious opportunity for our successful applicants to join students from all over Queensland. Students will experience taking part in team building, problem solving and high and low ropes courses at the Boyne Island EEC. In addition to jumping off a ten metre high pole, students will be attached to a number of data probes, to collect and later analyse, including an accelerometer, a video camera, a heart rate monitor and microphone. This, amongst other opportunities such as Technoteering and working with real scientists are just some of the exciting and challenging experiences the girls can look forward to. These students were chosen to apply for the positions available because of their ongoing dedication to school work, excellent behaviour and academic achievements. All of these girls have demonstrated a strong ability to lead by example, model best practice, work collaboratively and meet high expectations in all areas of their learning and school life. We can look forward to hearing all about the wonderful adventures Laura, Mali and Lauren have experienced at S.E.A. camp in the future weeks. Have fun girls! Lisa Jefferis, HOD Junior Schooling Outstanding Students Last week the following students Year 8 Elissa Russell – For working hard towards all the classroom tasks and activities and engaging in studying. Shamahla Washington - is always prompt and prepared, her book work is immaculate, and she also completes all work to the best of her ability. Year 9 Taylah Glover - She always does as she is told without question, is always polite and courteous, friendly and is a nice young lady that achieves well in all aspects of schooling. Keisha Byrne - for excellent effort and behaviour in the Writing day. Georgia Gibson Junior Secondary Coordinator Senior Secondary Free Live Online Information Session For Blackwater State High School Students and Scholarships Available in 2015 Student Exchange Australia New Zealand is a not-for-profit organisation that is registered with all state and territory Departments of Education around Australia and with the Ministry of Education in NZ. We are the first and only secondary exchange organisation in Australia and New Zealand to be certified to ISO 9001 (Quality Management System) and we ensure the highest standards of care and support to our participants. We would like to invite your students and families to our next FREE Live Online Session on Wednesday, 18th March - 5.30pm. The LIVE Online session gives students and families the opportunity to learn more about becoming an exchange student and the various scholarship options that are available. Students can find out more about our exchange programs to over 25 countries, listen to former exchange students share their experience and learn about our scholarships and discounts on offer in 2015.We offer scholarships and discounts worth over $100,000 to students each year. These include 5 x Language, 2 x International Affairs, 2 x Indigenous and 3 x Digital Video Scholarships. "You come back a different person, with so much more confidence & you feel that you can conquer the world" Jessica, Semester Program to Italy. For more information please see me in the Library. Julie Beak A/HOD Senior Schooling CH Netball Trials On Monday 2nd March, girls from grades 7-11 attended the netball trials in Emerald for a potential selection in the Central Highlands Netball Team for their age group. The students who attended were: Under 15s Elissa Russell, Jasmine PitchforkKelly, Hayley West, Cheyenne Pinch, Tara Wilson Open Girls Tasma Vesey, Shenae Grant, Shanae Mundt, Demi Brown, Kirrilee Lancaster All girls played extremely well and demonstrated our school values throughout the entire day, making me proud to be their teacher at Blackwater State High School. Special mention must go to Tasma Vesey and Shenae Grant for obtaining a position in the Central Highlands representative team that will play in the CAP trials later on this week. Congratulations girls, game well played! Mrs Sharpe Interschool Chess Competition Two students from Blackwater State High School travelled to Rockhampton on Thursday 19th February to compete in an interschool chess competition. The tournament was run by Gardiner Chess & hosted by The Cathedral College. This event is an opportunity for students in the Central Queensland Region to come together to learn more about the game of chess and to have an opportunity to play against students from other high schools. The students were split up into a round robin format to compete against other high schools during the event. The other schools in attendance included Heights College, Emerald Christian College, Rockhampton Grammar School, Rockhampton State High School and Central Queensland Christian College. Both Mali Glasson Green & Harry O’Brien-Smith played extremely well with at least two round wins each. Miss Kellie Wardle Uniform Policy Our students are certainly looking great in their uniform, however some students are being reminded about the school dress code. All students are required to wear the Blackwater State High School Uniform. When enrolling at Blackwater State High School, students and parents are accepting the school’s dress code. The school community, led by the BSHS P&C Association supports a student dress code and has endorsed a compulsory uniform. The following is an extract from the policy which outlines the day dress required of all students. Please note that the school sports uniform is complete with both the BSHS shirt and shorts. Short black shorts styles are not part of the uniform and students will be required to collect a uniform note if they continue to wear these to school. A detention will also be issued as per our policy. DAY UNIFORM Blackwater State High School has high standards regarding school uniform. Students in all year levels are required to wear the complete school DAY UNIFORM in a manner which promotes a positive image of the school to the community. Specifically, all students are required to wear the Day uniform; • to and from school; • at school; • at school events; and on excursions • Sports uniform can be worn by Junior Secondary Students (Year 7-9) on timetabled Sport days, Senior students who study both Recreation Studies and Physical Education may wear the Sport uniform all day. Any student unable to wear a particular part of the uniform on any day, needs to carry a note of explanation from parents. Students who turn up to school out of correct uniform and without a note from home will be given the chance to either a) borrow the correct piece of uniform from the school bank, or b) return home to collect the correct uniform. Students who refuse these options will face consequences as per our “Responsible Behaviour Plan for Students”. 2015 Next Step survey The Queensland Government is conducting its annual statewide survey of all students who completed Year 12 in 2014. The Next Step survey is a brief, confidential survey that gains a comprehensive picture of the employment, study and life choices made by Queensland school completers in the year after they finish Year 12. Between March and June, all our students who completed Year 12 last year can expect to receive instructions to complete a webbased survey or a telephone call from the Queensland Government Statistician’s Office to complete the survey. Please encourage them to take part. If their contact details have changed, please assist the interviewer with their updated details or forward the survey to their new address so they can participate. Thank you for your support of the Next Step survey in 2015. Further information on Next Step is available online at www.education.qld.gov.au/nextstep/ or on toll free telephone 1800 068 587. Blackwater State High School P&C Annual General Meeting Monday 16 March, 2015 Blackwater SHS Administration Building 5.00pm Everyone welcome AMANDA FERNIE Community Notices Years Attended: 1996 - 2000 Job: Research Ethics Policy Officer, Griffith University Where I live now: Brisbane What I did after finishing school: After graduating Year 12, I went on to study a Bachelor of Applied Science, Animal Studies, majoring in Wildlife Biology at the University of Queensland. My undergraduate degree was followed by an Honours year where I assessed the usefulness of an enrichment technique for various primate species held in captivity. I then completed my PhD in Animal Behaviour and Welfare, also at the University of Queensland, where I created and implemented a Great Ape Welfare Index. After completing my PhD I went on to work as the Orangutan Development and Training Specialist for the Frankfurt Zoological Society in Sumatra, Indonesia where I developed the skills of local staff in orangutan care and tracking procedures, designed and implemented an environmental enrichment program for rehabilitant orangutans, as well as assessed and monitored the progress of released orangutans. Before commencing my current role at Griffith University, I assisted the Jane Goodall Institute’s Tchimpounga Sanctuary in the Republic of Congo by caring for young orphaned chimpanzees, comparing the behaviour of the older chimpanzees still receiving care at the Sanctuary with their wild conspecifics and developing wildlife research ethics documents. Favourite class at school: Biology and Art Favourite memory of BSHS: I have many fond memories from BSHS, even though the annual camp at Shoalwater Bay meant sleeping under a hoochie in the freezing cold. Being involved in Cadets was a lot of fun and helped develop my leadership skills. Advice for current students: • Pay attention and work hard during school. If there is something you don’t understand, ask for help. • • Read and write as much as possible. Get involved in activities outside of school and pursue your own special interests. • Create a 5 year plan for after high school – for every aspect of your life. • Find a mentor! Lemba was rescued from the illegal pet trade and sent to Tchimpounga Sanctuary for rehabilitation. It is unlikely she will ever be released into the wild as she caught polio from humans and has limited sensation in her legs. Blackwater Tennis Hot Shots will start next term from the 29th April 2015, this is for all juniors aged 5 – 12 years and will run for 6 weeks. To register your child or for more information please contact 0419785781 or email mitchnat@bigpond.com Sister City Kite Flying Day Sunday 15th March, 10.30 am Hunter Street, Sporting Complex Blackwater Gold Coin Sausage Sizzle In remembrance of the 2011 Japanese Tsunami Disaster. Pathways to Resilience Building Resilience in Families seminar Learn as a family how to develop strengths and gather supports that build resilience. Life for any family includes ups and downs, challenges and unexpected twists and turns in the road. A family’s ability to negotiate this journey and keep going depends on the skills they are working on along the way. There are certain skills and strategies that have been identified as important for the development of resilience. Some are internal skills we can build and develop, whilst others are external - which encompass the relationships in children’s lives. Presentation Topics: Self regulation, Thinking skills, Knowing your strengths, Positive outlook, Participation in family life, Relationships, Role models, Support people. Cost: Free of charge Date: Thursday 12th March 6.30 pm - 8.00pm Venue: Bushkids, 5 Clermont Street, Emerald PRINCIPAL Mrs Linda Galloway TUCKSHOP CONVENOR Melissa Barnes (49869521) PARENTS & CITIZENS President: Position Vacant DEPUTY PRINCIPAL Mrs Rebecca Godfrey SCHOOL CAPTAINS Senior School Captains - Tayla Ludlow-Tobane & Reece Williams Senior Vice Captains - Linden Leishman & Gacinta Nelson-Bamford Junior School Captains - Abby Holden & Harry O’Brien-Smith P&C ASSOCIATION MEETINGS Meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of every month at 5.00p.m in the Common Room. All welcome! SPORTS HOUSES Bedford - Blue « Eden - Yellow « Tartrus - Red SCHOOL WATCH Please report any unusual activity within the school grounds (131 788) COMMUNITY EDUCATION COUNSELLOR Ms Beth Dyer (49869501) GUIDANCE OFFICER (49869506)
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