EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN USC School Of Dentistry DATE UPDATED: Feburary 18, 2005 TABLE OF CONTENTS USC SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN INTRODUCTION II-1 Emergency Notification and Telephone Numbers II-2 General Evacuation Procedures II-3 Emergency Roles and Responsibilities II-4 Emergency Response Staff II-6 Emergency Response Kit II-7 FIRE Emergency Procedures II-8 MEDICAL EMERGENCY II-10 BOMB THREAT Procedures II-11 CHEMICAL SPILL or Release II-12 EARTHQUAKE II-13 POWER OUTAGE II-14 Emergency Evacuation for Persons With Disabilities II-15 Classroom And Laboratory Emergency Procedures II-17 DEN School Of Dentistry Emergency Information II-21 EMPLOYEE ROSTER II-22 A-I RECOVERY PROCEDURES II-23 INTRODUCTION The primary purpose of this plan is to ensure the safety and well-being of staff, faculty, students and visitors in USC School Of Dentistry when an emergency occurs. A secondary purpose is to protect our assets and ensure that our programs recover following a major emergency or disaster. Pages 1-16 describe basic emergency communication, response, and evacuation procedures, including emergency roles and responsibilities. Pages 17-20 provide emergency information for use in classrooms and teaching laboratories by instructors. Page 21 provides building emergency information, including floor plans. Page 22 contains the employee roster, to be used at the time of an emergency evacuation to help account for all personnel. Pages 23-24 contain recovery procedures. Copies of this plan will be maintained in the primary administrative office and in the possession of emergency response staff, and updated as needed. II-1 EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION AND TELEPHONE NUMBERS IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, CALL: (213) 740-4321 Call this number at the Department of Public Safety to report all emergencies, including fires or fire alarms, bomb threats, injuries requiring medical assistance, hazardous materials incidents, or any other incident requiring rapid response. Provide all information requested, including name, location, nature of emergency, and your telephone number. The Public Safety control center will dispatch DPS officers, the fire department, Environmental Health and Safety responders, Facilities Management staff, or any other assistance required. If possible, also call the main office at x0-6060 and provide notification of the emergency. Other Useful Telephone Numbers: Public Safety Non-Emergency Environmental Health and Safety Facilities Management 740-6000 740-6448 740-6833 General USC Emergency Information: USC Emergency Information Line USC Website 740-9233 www.usc.edu Backup: htpp://emergency.usc.edu USC School Of Dentistry Emergency Information: In a major emergency, the Dean’s/Director’s Office may receive information on the current situation from the University Administration and emergency response staff by phone or email. If possible, this information will be passed on to faculty and staff members. II-2 GENERAL EVACUATION PROCEDURES In many emergency situations, building evacuation will be necessary. Following are the USC School Of Dentistry’s general evacuation procedures. Additional information about specific types of emergencies is available in later sections of this plan. 1. Building occupants will be notified of the evacuation by the sound of the building fire alarm, by verbal instruction from building emergency staff, or by self-evident hazardous conditions. 2. All staff, faculty, and visitors must leave the building immediately if the fire alarm is activated, or if directed to do so by building emergency staff. 3. Building emergency staff will guide and assist the evacuation to the extent possible. 4. All occupants should exit the building through the nearest safe exit or exit stairwell. Elevators should never be used in an emergency evacuation. 5. In this building, emergency exits and exit stairwells are located: (Insert building exit locations, FOR EXAMPLE:) • Main exit on south side of building (front entrance) • Alternate exit at rear of building next to elevator lobby • 2nd alternate exit on west end of building • 3rd alternate exit on east end of building • Occupants of upper floors must use one of the two stairwells, located at the east and west ends of the building. Also see the floor plan located in the back of this publication. 6. If the nearest exit or exit stairwell is obstructed by smoke, fire or other hazards, proceed to an alternate exit or exit stairwell. 7. During stairwell evacuation, remove high heels, and hold on to the handrail. Allow enough room for others to enter the flow of traffic in the stairwell. 8. Once outdoors all occupants should move to the USC School Of Dentistry evacuation assembly area, located in parking lots adjacent to the building 9. Staff members should ensure that proper assistance has been summoned if necessary by calling the Department of Public Safety at 740-4321. 10. Once assembled, building emergency staff will account for all occupants, in order to inform arriving emergency services if anyone is missing or possibly still inside the building. 11. Building emergency staff will also inform arriving emergency personnel of information about the emergency in the building, including location of hazards and any problems known. 12. Building occupants should not re-enter the building until cleared by emergency personnel. II-3 EMERGENCY ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES A. CHIEF EMERGENCY COORDINATOR The Chief Emergency Coordinator oversees response to any emergency situation for the department. This includes responsibilities often described under the term Fire Safety Director, but more generally applies to all emergencies. The Chief Emergency Coordinator may be the Dean, Director, or Department Chair, or an individual assigned by them. In the event of an emergency, the duties of this position include: 1. During an evacuation, ensure that proper assistance has been summoned if necessary. 2. Ensure that the emergency response kit is brought to the assembly area by a designated Staff member, including the employee roster. 3. Ensure that emergency response staff or floor wardens initiate evacuation procedures, providing instructions to occupants. 4. At the evacuation assembly area, receive status reports on the various zones of the building from emergency response staff. Ensure that response staff assesses head count, using the roster maintained in the emergency kit. 5. Meet arriving emergency services personnel, providing information on location of the emergency, layout of the building, any problems requiring assistance, and location of personnel. 6. Help to ensure that building occupants do not enter the building until cleared to do so by emergency services. 7. If there are individuals in the building who require assistance in evacuation due to disability, ensure that assistance is provided. 8. In a large-scale campus emergency, help coordinate staff response in handling minor problems, and report major problems to Public Safety, or to the campus Emergency Operations Center. 9. If necessary, ensure that faculty and staff members are informed of key developments such as temporary suspension of programs, building closure, special alerts, and other information. 10. On an ongoing basis, ensure that this emergency plan is kept current. II-4 B. BUILDING EMERGENCY RESPONSE STAFF Designated staff members of the USC School Of Dentistry will serve as the building’s emergency response staff. Each response staff member has been assigned responsibility for a designated zone of the building. Their assignment is to assist in coordinating response to an emergency, ensuring that appropriate initial action has been taken, including activation of the alarm system if necessary and summoning emergency assistance. Specific responsibilities during an emergency evacuation include: 1. Make a quick check of your zone to ensure that everyone has been notified of the need to evacuate the building. Strongly advise all building occupants that they must leave the building immediately. This should be done quickly and in a manner that does not endanger your safety. 2. Direct all building occupants not to use the elevator, but to proceed to the nearest stairwell. Direct them to exit the building and proceed to the assembly point in closest parking lot adjacent building. 3. If the nearest stairwell is obstructed by smoke, fire, or other hazards, direct occupants to the alternate exit. 4. If any occupant requires assistance in moving down the stairwell due to a disability, ensure that appropriate assistance is provided. See “Emergency Evacuation for Persons With Disabilities” later in this section. 5. Proceed to the evacuation assembly area and assess the personnel headcount for your zone. 6. Provide a status report to the Chief Emergency Coordinator on any problems, including individuals who are missing and may still be in the building, any problems requiring immediate assistance by emergency services, and any disabled individuals who require evacuation assistance. 7. Help to ensure that building occupants do not re-enter the building until cleared to do so by emergency services. 8. Assist in disseminating emergency instructions or information. 9. Assist in providing information to emergency services as they arrive. II-5 EMERGENCY RESPONSE STAFF 1. Chief Emergency Coordinator Primary: Guy M. Bell e-mail gbell@usc.edu Alternates: Dr. Joyce Galligan Marshell Miller e-mail galligan@usc.edu marshell@usc.edu 2. Emergency Response Zone Staff FLOOR Basement ZONE NAME Marshell Miller William Derby Jaime Gonzalez PHONE X03564 X06480 X00444 First Floor John Covington Donna Campian X01579 X01566 Covington@usc.edu dcampian@usc.edu Second Floor Bill Yates Dr Joyce Galligan Elmer Duran X07907 X07165 X00440 wyates@usc.edu galligan@usc.edu Third Floor Donna Castillo Maria Longines Melissa Trinidad X15554 X08274 X06795 dvcastill@usc.edu longines@usc.edu mtrinida@usc.edu Fourth Floor Victoria Newcomer Marc Greenidge Gina Jackson X6568 X01526 X 01448 newcomer@usc.edu greenidg@usc.edu gmj@usc.edu II-6 HOME EMAIL marshell@usc.edu derby@usc.edu jeg@usc.edu eduran@usc.edu EMERGENCY RESPONSE KIT The USC School of Dentistry will maintain a basic emergency kit for general use in the main administrative office. In an emergency evacuation, the kit will be transported by main office staff outdoors to the evacuation assembly area. The kit contains: 1. A copy of this emergency plan, along with a current employee roster. The roster will be used in accounting for building personnel after an evacuation. 2. First aid supplies. In some emergencies, our personnel may have to provide first aid to those with non-life threatening injuries. 3. Flashlights and extra batteries. 4. AM/FM radio and extra batteries. 5. Small emergency water supply. In addition, it is recommended that all staff and faculty members maintain a personal emergency kit in their work area. This kit should include: Water and non-perishable food. Emergency space blanket. First aid supplies Personal medication and extra eye glasses Portable AM/FM Radio (spare batteries) Flashlight (spare batteries) Money (small amount). Work gloves (optional) List of essential phone numbers, including an out-of-state family contact number II-7 FIRE EMERGENCY PROCEDURES IF YOU DISCOVER A FIRE OR SMOKE 1. Remove anyone from immediate danger. 2. Confine the fire by closing doors as you leave the area. 3. Activate the closest fire alarm to alert building occupants. 4. Call DPS, 213-740-4321 or use a campus emergency phone. Give the following information: Building Name: DEN USC School of Dentistry Floor or Room Number Size or type of fire Your location 5. Attempt to put the fire out with a portable fire extinguisher ONLY when: You have been properly trained The fire is small (wastebasket size) You are not alone A safe escape route is present If this is not true, simply close the door and evacuate. 6. Evacuate by the nearest exit or exit stairwell. Do not block/wedge exit doors in an open position. The doors must remain closed to keep smoke out and keep stairwells safe for evacuation and fire personnel. 7. Go to your pre-determined Evacuation Assembly Point, located in parking lots adjacent to building depending on exit used. 8. Once assembled, help to account for personnel and report to the emergency staff if any occupants are unaccounted for and may be still in the building. IF YOU HEAR OR SEE A FIRE ALARM 1. Never assume the fire alarm is a false alarm 2. Move to the safest exit or stairwell 3. Close doors as you leave the area 4. Exit the building 5. Proceed to the designated meeting area. II-8 6. Wait for further instructions from DPS officers or the Fire Department. 7. If you are in a laboratory and hear the fire alarm, shut down any hazardous equipment or processes as you exit, unless doing so presents a greater hazard. Fire Alarm Note: When the fire alarm is activated in this building, the sound will be a loud buzzing sound. IF TRAPPED INSIDE YOUR OFFICE OR AREA: 1. Wedge cloth material along the bottom of a door to keep out smoke. 2. Close as many doors as possible between you and the fire. 3. Telephone DPS at 213-740-4321, and notify of your situation. 4. If windows are operable, and you must have air, open the window. 5. Break windows as a last resort, as they cannot be closed if necessary. 6. If necessary signal through the window to let the Fire Department know your location. II-9 MEDICAL EMERGENCIES In the event of a medical emergency: 1. Call DPS at 740-4321 to request assistance. Provide the following information: •Building name School of Dentistry 925 West 34th Street, Los Angeles •Floor or room number •Nature of injury •Location of injured person •Age of injured person •Sex of injured person •Current condition •Any known medical history 2. In addition, notify the School of Dentistry emergency coordinator. 3. Remain with the person with the medical emergency. Do not move them unless they are in immediate danger of further injury. NOTE: If the injured person is a university employee, the supervisor must notify University Risk Management at (213) 740-6199. II-10 BOMB THREAT PROCEDURES University personnel receiving telephoned threats should get as much information as possible from the caller, using the form below, and report it immediately to the Public Safety Department at (213) 740-4321. Bomb threats received through the mail or by other means are also to be reported immediately. The Department of Public Safety will assess the threat and advise building occupants if it is necessary to evacuate the building. If it is necessary to evacuate, assemble in the parking lot and remain 300 feet away from the building until advised to return. Exact time of call______________________________________________________ Exact words of caller___________________________________________________ QUESTIONS TO ASK 1. When is the bomb going to explode?_____________________________________ 2. Where is the bomb?__________________________________________________ 3. What does it look like?_______________________________________________ 4. What kind of bomb is it?______________________________________________ 5. What will cause it to explode?__________________________________________ 6. Did you place the bomb?______________________________________________ 7. Why?_____________________________________________________________ 8. Where are you calling from?___________________________________________ 9. What is your address?________________________________________________ 10. What is your name?_________________________________________________ CALLER’S VOICE (circle) Male Female Calm Disguised Nasal Angry Broken Stutter Slow Sincere Lisp Rapid Giggling Deep Crying Squeaky Excited Stressed Accent Loud Slurred Normal If voice is familiar, whom did it sound like? ____________________________________ Were there any background noises?_____________________________________________ Person receiving call:_______________________________________________________ Date:___________________Telephone number call received at:__________________ II-11 CHEMICAL SPILL OR RELEASE SMALL/NON-HAZARDOUS SPILL Spills that do not endanger workers in the immediate area may be cleaned up by laboratory personnel who have been trained by their PI or lab supervisor and are properly equipped to handle the situation. Chemical spill guidelines should be established by the PI or lab supervisor and should take into consideration the following: (1) (2) (3) (4) The hazards of the chemical(s) involved. The amount of the chemical(s) spilled. The possible spill locations. Availability of spill clean up materials or kits. LARGE/HAZARDOUS SPILL If the spill is large, if the chemical is not easily identified, or if the chemical is extremely hazardous, then: 1. Alert/notify personnel from affected and adjacent areas. 2. If possible use sign and/or barricade to isolate the area. 3. Evacuate the area and close the door. 4. If the release cannot be contained in the area, activate the nearest fire alarm pull station. 5. Call (213) 740-4321 on a campus phone. Public Safety will dispatch officers, and will also summon a hazardous materials response team from the Environmental Health and Safety Office. 6. Stay upwind of the building. Note: Use your Department Emergency Assembly Point only if it’s in an upwind location. 7. When responders arrive, provide detailed information on the spill or release. 8. Do not re-enter the building until authorized to do so by emergency response personnel. II-12 EARTHQUAKE The following procedures apply to major earthquakes that cause strong shaking. 1. If indoors, drop, cover, and hold. Protect yourself from falling objects such as light fixtures, bookcases, cabinets, shelves, and other furniture that might slide or topple. Stay away from windows. If possible, get under a table or desk. Hold on and be prepared to move with it. If no shelter is available, seek cover against an interior wall and protect your head and neck with your arms. 2. Do not stand in a doorway. The earthquake safety procedure of moving to a doorway is obsolete, and doorways offer no greater protection than any other area. In fact, some individuals have been injured while moving toward or standing in a doorway during an earthquake. 3. If outside, move away from structures, power poles, or other possible hazards. Stay in an open area. 4. During the shaking, do not run for exits or attempt to leave the building, since heavy objects or debris may be falling in your path. 5. Do not use the elevators. 6. When the shaking stops, check for injuries to personnel in your area. Do not attempt to move seriously injured persons unless they are in immediate danger. Render first aid assistance if required. 7. Check the area for safety hazards such as building damage, fires, spills of flammable or combustible liquids, or leaks of flammable gases. If the area or building appears to be unsafe, begin evacuation procedures. 8. Turn off ignition, heat, and gas sources before evacuating if it is safe to do so. This may include laboratory equipment, workshop equipment, or electrical equipment in offices. 9. Exit the building and go to the assembly point to report on injuries, damage, and potentially hazardous conditions. 10. Call Public Safety at (213) 740-4321 to report any serious injuries or other immediate emergencies. If the phone line is busy, send a runner to the campus Emergency Operations Center to notify them of any needed assistance and emergencies that may exist. 11. Once you have exited the building, do not reenter until the building has been inspected by trained USC emergency personnel. 12. Use the telephone system only for urgent matters. Listen to battery-operated radio for emergency information. II-13 POWER OUTAGE Response to a power outage will depend on the circumstances. If possible, information should be obtained from Facilities Management Services on the extent and likely duration of the outage. However, in many cases, the likely duration cannot be determined. USC School Of Dentistry Emergency power is provided only for emergency systems, and does not provide power for equipment or normal electrical outlets, unless special arrangements have been made in advance. 1. Assess the extent of the outage in your area. Report status to the Chief Emergency Coordinator. 2. Report the outage to DPS at 740-4321, and to Facilities Management Services at 740-6833. 3. Help persons in darkened work areas move to safety. 4. Check elevators to determine if anyone is trapped inside. If so, immediately call for help; do not attempt to force open doors and rescue them. Wait for a qualified elevator mechanic. 5. Unplug desktop computers, equipment, and appliances during the outage, especially if not connected to a surge protector. 6. Shutdown any equipment or process that could be hazardous if the power suddenly returns. 7. If practical, secure current experimental work, then move it to a safe location. Get assistance – hazardous spills are a significant risk during transport of chemicals on carts. 8. Keep lab refrigerators and ultra-low freezers closed during the outage. Take any steps possible to protect materials dependent on power. 9. Check to ensure appropriate personnel have been notified if there are critical areas that need power, such as animal areas or other special needs. 10. Request direction from the Chief Emergency Coordinator regarding whether to evacuate or stay in place. II-14 EMERGENCY EVACUATION FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES Appendix Evacuation for Persons With Disabilities This section provides a general guideline of evacuation procedures for persons with disabilities during fire and other building emergencies. Individuals with disabilities must identify their primary and secondary evacuation routes, and seek out colleagues who are willing to serve as evacuation assistants. Other faculty and staff members can help by becoming aware of others who may need assistance in an evacuation. MOBILITY-IMPAIRED –WHEELCHAIR In most buildings people will need to use stairways to reach building exits. Elevators cannot be used because they have been shown to be unsafe in an emergency. For persons in wheelchairs located on the first floor, they may use building exits to the outside ground level. For disabled individuals on upper floors, it is not safe to attempt to move a wheelchair down a stairwell. One effective approach to this situation is the following: Stay In Place: • Working with an evacuation assistant, select a room with an exterior window, a telephone, and a solid or fire-resistant door. Remain with the disabled person in this room, and send someone to the evacuation assembly area to notify emergency personnel of the location of the person in need of assistance. It is also possible to place the disabled person near a stairway landing to await assistance, although this area may not be protected from smoke and other hazards. • Fire Department personnel, who are trained in emergency rescue, can then enter the building and assist the person in exiting the building, either down the stairs or using the emergency elevator recall. • While staying in place, the wheelchair user should keep in contact with emergency services by dialing (213) 740-4321 and reporting his or her location directly. Stairway evacuation of wheelchair users should be conducted by trained professionals from the fire department. Only in situations of extreme danger should untrained people attempt to evacuate wheelchair users. If this must be attempted, one possibility is the following: 2 Person Cradle Carry 1. Wait until other evacuees have moved down the stairwell. 2. The two helpers stand on either side of the individual. 3. They reach under the individual and lift them out in a cradle. 4. Helpers control the descent by walking slowly and cautiously. 5. NEVER LEAVE A WHEELCHAIR IN A STAIRWELL. II-15 Office Chair Evacuation 1. Transfer the physically challenged individual to a sturdy office chair 2. 1 helper gently leans the chair backwards 3. The other helper faces the chair and holds onto the front legs of the chair. Both will lift the chair simultaneously. 4. The helpers control the descent by bending their legs slowly and keeping their back straight. MOBILITY IMPAIRED - NON-WHEELCHAIR Persons with mobility impairments who are able to walk independently should be able to negotiate stairs in an emergency with minor assistance. The individual should wait until the heavy traffic has cleared on the stairwell before attempting to exit. HEARING IMPAIRED Some buildings on campus are equipped with fire alarm strobe lights; however, many are not. Persons with hearing impairments may not hear audio emergency alarms and will need to be alerted to emergency situations by other building occupants. VISUALLY IMPAIRED Most people with a visual impairment will be familiar with their immediate surroundings and frequently traveled routes. Since the emergency evacuation route may be different from the commonly traveled route, persons who are visually impaired may need assistance in evacuating. The assistant should offer his/her elbow to the individual with a visual impairment and guide him or her through the evacuation route. During the evacuation the assistant should communicate as necessary to ensure safe evacuation. Building emergency response staff should assess the needs of any building occupants with special needs within their zone prior to an emergency. Ask if there are staff or faculty members who will need assistance in the event of an evacuation, and arrange for nearby individuals to serve as evacuation assistants. II-16 Classrooms and Teaching Laboratories Emergency Procedures For Faculty, Lecturers, and Teaching Assistants Instructor’s Responsibility It is incumbent upon all those working in classrooms or laboratories to understand appropriate emergency procedures and assist students in responding appropriately to emergency situations. This also applies to those academic activities conducted in other buildings on campus. Consistent with this responsibility instructors must: • • • • Provide his or her class or audience with general information relating to emergency procedures. This information should be shared during the first week of class or at the start of a seminar. Know how to report an emergency from the classroom or laboratory being used. Ensure that persons with disabilities have the information they need. The instructor should be familiar with the student’s evacuation plan and be able to direct visitors with disabilities. Take responsible charge of the classroom and follow emergency procedures for all building alarms and emergencies. Supplemental Information As an instructor, what do I need to know about Emergency Preparedness? The instructor is an authoritative figure for the student, and can influence how the student responds in an emergency. Calm, collected, and clear directions by the instructor will have a calming effect on the students. 1. EVACUATION ROUTES – University buildings have posted floor plans on walls showing evacuation routes. Become familiar with evacuation routes in buildings you use. 2. EMERGENCY ASSEMBLY POINTS - After the class leaves the building, it is important for them to go to a pre-determined area where people can be accounted for. This “safe area” will be a designated Emergency Assembly Point where the class will not interfere with responding emergency services nor place themselves at risk of injury from the emergency. Agree with your students on your assembly point. Accounting for all students can be very difficult, particularly with a large class. It might be possible for the instructor to use the class roster, use a head count, or have students see if the students seated next to them are at the assembly point. 3. EVACUATION FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES - If there is a person with a disability in the class, the instructor should be knowledgeable of their response and who may be assisting them. If the classroom is on the first floor, the student may immediately evacuate with others. On an upper floor, since elevators cannot safely be used in an emergency evacuation, another strategy for evacuation assistance must be used. Number 9 below identifies possible strategies for assistance. II-17 4. After exiting and accounting for students, notify emergency personnel of persons missing or trapped or persons with disabilities who require assistance. 5. FIRE ALARMS - When a fire alarm sounds, everyone must exit the alarmed area immediately. • Equipment or processes that may be hazardous if left unattended should be shut down. • Verify that everyone leaves and that all the doors are closed. Closed doors significantly reduce fire and smoke damage. 6. EARTHQUAKES - Most of the injuries that occur during earthquakes are caused by interior items falling on the building occupants, such as books, shelves, light fixtures, ceiling tiles and office equipment. Consequently, the first thing to do during an earthquake is to have everyone take shelter if possible under a desk or table. If this is not possible, shelter near an interior wall away from window, and protect your head and neck. After the shaking stops and if there is building damage, tell the class to collect their possessions calmly and evacuate the building to the Emergency Assembly Point. Caution them to watch for brick and other exterior building materials that may have been knocked loose by the earthquake. Procedures that may be hazardous if left unattended should be shut down. 7. HOW TO REPORT AN EMERGENCY - Be familiar with the location of nearby telephones, and call (213) 740-4321 to report any emergency. 8. What emergency preparedness materials should I have with me at class? • • Roster Important telephone numbers (in addition to emergency numbers) Department Administrator/Manager _______________ Other - as appropriate _______________ 9. EVACUATION FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES If there is a person with a disability in the class, the instructor should be knowledgeable of their response and who may be assisting them. MOBILITY-IMPAIRED –WHEELCHAIR In most buildings people will need to use stairways to reach building exits. Elevators cannot be used because they have been shown to be unsafe in an emergency. If the class session is on the first floor, disabled students may use building exits to the outside ground level. For disabled individuals on upper floors, it is not safe to attempt to move a wheelchair down a stairwell. The recommended procedure is: II-18 Stay in Place • Working with an evacuation assistant, select a room with an exterior window, a telephone, and a solid or fire-resistant door. While the disabled person remains in this room, the assistant reports to the evacuation assembly area and notifies the on-site emergency personnel of the location of the person with a disability. • Fire Department personnel, who are trained in emergency rescue, can then enter the building and assist the person in exiting the building, either down the stairs or using the emergency elevator recall. • By staying in place, the wheelchair user may keep in contact with emergency services by dialing 911 and reporting his or her location directly. Stairway evacuation of wheelchair users should be conducted by trained professionals from the fire department. Only in situations of extreme danger should untrained people attempt to evacuate wheelchair users. If this absolutely must be attempted, two assistants should lift the person from the wheelchair by slipping their arms underneath the person from each side, using a “cradle carry” to carefully bring them down the stairs. Never carry a disabled person slung over your back, as this may injure them. Mobility Impaired - Non-Wheelchair Persons with mobility impairments who are able to walk independently should be able to negotiate stairs in an emergency with minor assistance. The individual should wait until the heavy traffic has cleared on the stairwell before attempting to exit. Hearing Impaired Some buildings on campus are equipped with fire alarm strobe lights; however, many are not. Persons with hearing impairments may not hear audio emergency alarms and will need to be alerted to emergency situations by other building occupants. Visually Impaired Most people with a visual impairment will be familiar with their immediate surroundings and frequently traveled routes. Since the emergency evacuation route may be different from the commonly traveled route, persons who are visually impaired may need assistance in evacuating. The assistant should offer their elbow to the individual with a visual impairment and guide him or her through the evacuation route. During the evacuation the assistant should communicate as necessary to ensure safe evacuation. II-19 CLASSROOM EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 1. When you hear the fire alarm sounding continuously: • Everyone should calmly collect their coats and books and exit the classroom, lecture hall, or laboratory. Please turn off the gas supplies in laboratories. • Leave the room/lab and go the nearest building exit. Know the location of alternate exits. • Always exit by the stairs, never the elevator. • Go to the emergency assembly point. 2. When there is a power outage... • Everyone should stay in their seat to see if the outage is temporary and to let their eyes adjust to the lower light level. • If the outage appears to be long term, everyone should calmly collect their materials and carefully exit the building. 3. If there is an earthquake... • Drop and cover your head for protection from material that might fall from the ceiling or walls. • After the shaking stops, evacuate the building if it appears to be unsafe or if directed to do so by the instructor. • Use stairways to exit the building after an earthquake, not elevators. • Go to the emergency assembly point. II-20 USC School Of Dentistry EMERGENCY INFORMATION Building information that may be needed in an emergency should be inserted in this section, including general information about the building, emergency systems, and floor plans. Assistance in compiling this information may be obtained from the USC Environmental Health and Safety Department, Fire Safety Office, at 740-6838 or 821-1439. Information should include: BUILDING ADDRESS: 925 West 34th Street. LA, CA. 90089-0641 NUMBER OF FLOORS: Five floors FIRE ALARM: Audible alarm with strobe light AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER: Yes FIRE ALARM PULL STATIONS: Yes AUDIBLE ALARM DEVICES: Yes SMOKE DETECTORS: Yes FIRE EXTINGUISHERS: Yes, dry chemical on all floors EMERGENCY EXITS: Yes EMERGENCY POWER: Two Circuits at Jefferson/Biegler buildings Emergency power generator on roof of Loading Dock EMERGENCY LIGHTING: Yes, interfaced with circuits/generator UTILITY SERVICE SHUTDOWN LOCATION: Roof/Basement mechanical rooms ELEVATOR INFORMATION: Permit # Q104230 FIRE DEPARTMENT LOCKBOX: Yes, located above first floor elevators FLOOR PLANS: See attached II-21 USC SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY EMPLOYEE ROSTER Staff Roster Mr. Christopher Abbott CSA 103, HSC Ms. Zarita Abbott DEN 203 Ms. Carrie Abelson 3151 S. Hoover St. Ms. Diana Angie Acosta DEN 271 Ms. Dulce Acosta DEN 127 Mr. Ricardo V. Acosta DEN 4341 Ms. Suzanne Adolphson DEN 124 Ms. Carmen Aguilar 3131 S. Hoover Oral Dr. Mainul Ahsan Ms. Rosa Alcantar-Armas 3131 S. Hoover St. Mr. Daniel Alcaraz DEN 153 Ms. Betty Ruth Alexander DEN 247 Ms. Teresa Anguiano DEN 144 Ms. Sabrina Anthony DEN 114 Ms. Leticia Y Araiza DEN 257 Ms. Juana P Arreola DEN 107 Dr. Devarajan Asokan CSA 103, HSC Ms. Chan Auth 3131 S. Hoover St Ms. Nasrin Dandansaz Bahari CSAa 103, HSC Ms. Banita G. Barnes DEN 153 Ms. Yovana Barreto DEN 108 Ms. Cara L. Batson DEN 120 Ms. Rachelle Bautista DEN 4314 Mr. Aldo Becerra 3131 S. Hoover St. Ms. Carolyn Bedoian DEN 4335 Mr. Guy Bell B-47 Ms. Peggy J. Bell 3151 S. Hoover St. Mr. David Beyan DEN 6 Ms. Sandra A. Bolivar DEN 201 Mr. James Borden DEN 6 Ms. Acinta Braithwaite 545 S. San Pedro, 2nd fl. Mr. Pablo Ochoa Bringas CSA 117 Ms. Lakesha Marie Brittmon DEN 120 Ms. Benice Brown DEN 230 Total: 314 Current Room Dept Extension Research Laboratory Technician I X22467 Executive Assistant to the Dean (213) 740-0089 Office Assistant I X18200 Administrative Assistant (213) 740-6485 Admin. Assistant II (213) 740-3410 Dental Assistant II (213) 740-7633 Accounting/Financial Mgr. (213) 740-7405 Dental Assistant II x00212 Postdoctoral Research Assoc Dental Assistant (213) 740-2012 Dental Assistant II X10813 Office Assistant II (213) 740-8755 Dental Assistant II (213) 740-5094 Dental Assistant II 01334 Dental Dispensary Aide X06927 Dental Assistant II X01550 Postdoctoral Research Associate x22467 Administrative Services Coord. I (213) 821-8220 Research Associate X22467 1st. Floor Patient Ser. Magr. (213) 821-0813 Dental Assistant II X01552 Dental Assistant II (213) 740-5325 Administrative Assistant II (213) 347-6300 X Dental Assistant II X02012 Project Manager (213) 821-6271 Facilities Manager 213/740-0192 Registered Dental Hygienist X020112 Shipping Clerk X02725 Student Services Director (213) 740-2841 Assistant Manager x02730 Dental Assistant I 213/347-6300X22 Laboratory Manager (323) 442-3187 Dental Assistant II x05325 Academic Clinic Coordinator (213) 740-2678 CCMB II-22-A Research DEAN COMH Oral Health Center CLNA GPD D Clinical FACP/IMPL CLNA Oral Health Care Center CCMB FACP/IMPL Oral Health Care Ctr CLNA DMPH CLNA Adv. Pros. Clinic Clinical Affairs CCMB FACP/IMPL Oral Health Ctr CCMB CLNA Clinical Affairs PERI COMH FACP COMH CLNA Facilities Manager PERI BKST ADMS BKST COMH BSCI CCMB CLNA GPD F Ms. Yvette Brown DEN 4204 Mr. Daniel Brunken LL52 Mr. Peter Busse CSA 103 Ms. Guadalupe Cadena 3151 S. Hoover St Mr. Edward R. Cainglit OHC Ms. Susie Cameron DEN 119 Ms. Donna L. Campian DEN 302 Mr. Jorge Carhuamaca DEN 265 Ms. Sonia Carrillo DEN 318A Ms. Claudia Castillo 545 S. San Pedro Ms. Donna Valera Castillo 312A Mr. Mauro Catbagan DEN 239 Ms. Elizabeth Cerda-Campos DEN 254 Ms. Bertha Alicia Chabolla DEN 302 Ms. Jane Chan DEN 247 Ms. Pauline Chang DEN 4111 Ms. Tina Charley DEN 151 Ms. Hui Chen CSA 103 Ms. Julie Chen DEN 201J Ms. Lisha Chen CSA 103 Ms. Weizhen Chen DEN 4107 Mr. Randy Ching DEN 116 Ms. Cassandra Cobb DEN 144 Ms. Danielle Colanto Ms. Nanci V. Collantes DEN 271 Ms. Catherine M. Conti DEN 229 Ms. Margaret Cook 3131 S. Hoover Street Ms. Yolanda M. Cornelious DEN 127 Mr. Ricardo Correa DEN 4360 Mr. John Covington DEN 129 Mr. Chris Creighton 4338A Ms. June Cromwell DEN 318 Ms. Xiao Mei Cui CSA 103 Ms. Ursula Czoik DEN 218 Ms. Antolette Mercado Dalnay DEN 201 Mr. George A Damian DEN 151 Current Room Dept Extension Administrative Assistant II X07633 Material Handler II X01003 Research Associate X22467 Dental Assistant II X02012 Registered Dental Hygienist I (213) 740-2012 Administrative Services Coord. I (213) 821-5736 Specialized Equipment Assistant (213) 740-8274 Network/Database Administrator 213-740-8794 Dental Assistant II (213) 740-2012 Dental Assistant I 213 397 6300 Admin. Serv. Coord. II 213-821-5554 Central Service Technician X06589 Administrative Assistant (213) 740-8523 Dental Dispensary Aide (213) 740-8274 Dental Assistant (213) 740-1547 Research Lab Tech III/Supervisor (213) 740-3163 Collector X01932 Research Assoc (323) 442-3595 Marketing Coordinator 213 821 5281 Research Lab Technician III/Sprvsr (323) 442-2467 Research Associate (213) 740-1404 Laboratory Manager (213) 740-1561 Dental Assistant II x15684 Administrative Assistant I Administrative Assistant I (213) 740-8139 Sr. Clinic Administrator 01969 Office Assistant I (213) 740-2012 Senior Patient Records Clerk (213) 740-1546 Computer Services Consultant I 213-821-6556 Dental X-Ray Technician II (213) 740-1579 Public Communications Mgr I (213) 821-5344 Dental Assistant Supervisor (213) 740-0406 Research Scientist (323) 442-3190 Student Services Manager (213) 740-1001 Special Events Coordinator (213) 740-2841 Biller X01587 CLNA II-22-B POHC, Spcl. Patients Clinical Affairs CCMB FACP Oral Health Center DH PERI CLNA 3rd Floor Dispensary IT Information Technology CLNA Ortho COMH Union Rescue Mission DIV 5 CLNA IMS PERI OMTL CLNA Oral Health Center BSCI CCMB DIV 3 Continuing Education CCMB PERI REST Dental Lab CLNA DEAN CLNA Clinical Affairs/Billing Office FACP Oral Health Care Ctr CLNA Records IT Information Technology OMFI PR ORTH BSCI CCMB ACAD ADMS CLNA Billing Department Current Mr. Bryan Davis 3151 S. Hoover St. Mr. Frederick Davison III DEN 6 x02725 Ms. Brandi Dayley DEN 318 Ms. Shampa De DEN 218 Ms. Maria I De La Cruz DEN 318 Ms. Bethany DeBoer CSA 103, HSC Ms. Patricia Ann Denny DEN 4114B Mr. William Derby DEN B21 Ms. Paula (Jacoba) DeWet DEN 204A Mr. Douglas Diaz DEN 21 08567 Ms. Chang Du CSA 103, HSC Mr. Elmer O. Duran DEN 212 Ms. Liz N Duran Mobile Clinic Ms. Victoria Dy DEN 212 Mr. Larry Eisenberg DEN 201J Ms. Gloria Espinoza DEN 218 Mr. Antonio Esquivel Den 201 Mr. Sergio Estavillo Ms. Genovena I. Estrella 3151 S. Hoover St., LA, Ms. Sylvia Evancich-Lauro DEN 149 Ms. Giezelle Factora DEN 144 Ms. Sharon Fahn CSA 103 Ms. Yuwei Fan CSA 103, HSC Ms. Kathy Farzad DEN 218 Ms. Marguerite Field DEN 4321 Ms. Georgina Finch DEN 1st Floor Ms. Cecelia Fincham USCSD 218 Ms. Amada R. Flores DEN 151 Ms. Martha Flores DEN G20 Ms. Sylvia Flores DEN 21 Mr. James L. Ford DEN 230 Ms. Glenda Franco DEN 4341 Ms. Rhonica Ann Fussey DEN 213 Ms. Yolanda Galeazzi DEN 247B Ms. Yvette Gallegos DEN 144 Ms. Alma R. Galoostian DEN 312 Dept Room Extension Central Service Technician X02012 COMH Oral Health Center Dental Assistant II X03277 Postdoctoral Research Associate 213 740 1001 Dental Assistant II X03277 Research Lab Tech III/Super. X22467 Laboratory Manager (213) 740-2184 Library Assistant x06480 Payroll Services Director (213) 740-0443 ORTH Grad Ortho ACAD Research ORTH Grad Ortho CCMB Research Research Associate 22467 Budget/Business Analyst (213) 740-0440 Dental Assistant I 323/833-5941 Budget/Business Analyst (213) 740-0441 Data Management Coordinator (213) 740-8294 Administrative Assistant I X01562 Student Service Advisor I X02851 Director, Financial Aid Registered Dent. Hygienist I X02012 Administrative Services Coordinator - Clinical (213) 740-8112 Dental Assistant I (213) 740-8140 Administrative Services Coord. I (323) 442-3720 Postdoctoral Research Associate X23170 Research Associate X01001 Administrative Services Manager X11423 Dental Assistant II (213) 740-1550 Program Assistant 213-821-5892 Administrative Services Coord I (213) 740-9523 Dental Assistant I (213) 740-0412 Library Assistant II X08578 Administrative Assistant (213) 740-5006 Administrative Assistant (213) 740-0406 HD Payroll/Personnel Tech (213) 740-0435 Medical Records Clerk X15821 Dental Assistant II X03410 Dental Assistant II X00406 CCMB II-22-C BSCI LIBR FINC FINC COMH Mobile Clinic FINC ACAD ADMS Student Affairs Financial Aid DH OMFS COMH BSCI CCMB CCMB ACAD DIV 1 CLNA Receptionist BSCI Academic Affairs CLNA PEDO LIBR CLNA GPD E ORTH FINC Human Resources CLNA Medical Records ORTH Specialty Program Current Mr. Richard M. Garcia DEN 4314 Mr. Jason Gee DEN 4220 Ms. Maria Elena Gonzales DEN 218 Ms. Charmeen Gonzalez DEN 124C Mr. Jaime Gonzalez DEN B12 Ms. Veronica Elizabeth Gonzalez DEN 253A Ms. Latasha Green 545 S. San Pedro St., LA, Mr. Mark Greenidge DEN 4366 Ms. Virginia V. Guerrero DEN 127 Ms. Eileen Guzman Dr. Nora Haghparast DEN 4220 Ms. Juana Hakemi DEN 239 Ms. Paula Hall DEN 129 Dr. Jun Han CSA 103, HSC Ms. Shaneka Harding 3151 S. Hoover St. Mr. Roger B. Harris DEN 52 Dr. Michael J Hartenstine DEN 4108A Ms. Cheanell L. Henderson DEN 144 Ms. Theresa R. Henry DEN 318 Ms. Susana Hernandez DEN 238 Ms. Julie Hey DEN 4301 Ms. Hoang-Yen Thi Ho CSA 103, HSC Ms. Mary Hollins DEN 239 Mr. Maurice Holton DEN 257 Dr. Ryoichi Hosokawa CSA 103, HSC Mr. Jen-Ming Huang DEN 4110 Ms. Floria Hwang CSA 103, HSC Ms. Blanca Interiano DEN 239 Ms. Emily Isaac DEN 257 Mr. Dante S. Isabelo DEN 47 Mr. Ruben S. Isabelo Mr. Yoshihiro Ito CSA 103 Ms. Sarah J. Ives DEN 246 Ms. Gina Jackson DEN 4383 Ms. Lashawn Jackson URM Ms. Vanessa Jackson DEN 212 Dept Room Specialized Equipment Assistant X01423 Research Associate X15825 Administrative Assistant II (213) 821-5931 Dental Assistant II (213) 740-1552 Specialized Equipment Assistant (213) 740-0444 Specialized Equipment Assistant (213) 740-1541 Dental Assistant II 213/347-6300X22 Administrative Asst (213) 740-1526 Patient Admitting Coordinator (213) 740-1576 Clinical Assistant Postdoctoral Research Associate X 05393 Central Services Technician (213) 740-6589 Dental X-Ray Tech II (213) 740-1579 Postdoctural Research Associate x22467 Secretary I X18230 Material Handler II (213) 740-1003 Postdoctoral Research Assoc. X03867 Dental Assistant II X05094 Administrative Assistant x04914 Central Sterilization Technician X06589 Administrative Assistant II x01072 Research Lab Tech I X23188 Central Sterilization Aide (213) 740-6984 Dental Dispensary Aide (213) 740-6927 Postdoctoral Research Associate X22467 Research Assistant X15724 Research Lab Tech I x23189 Central Service Technician (213) 740-6589 Dental Dispensary Aide X06927 Facilities Attendant (213) 740-3564 Specialized Equipment Assistant Research Associate (323) 442-3191 Biller (213) 821-5829 Executive Secretary (213) 740-1448 Dental Assistant I 213-347-6300 Accounting Technician (213) 740-0442 II-22-D COMH Extension Mobile Clinic ACAD OMFS ENDO FINC CLNA COMH Union Rescue Mission DIV 4 CLNA Patient Admitting Clinical Affairs DIV 1 IMS OMFI CCMB COMH AEGD CLNA Clinic Supply DIV 2 research CLNA Special Patients Grad. Ortho IMS DH Advanced Specilaity CCMB Research Lab Tech IMS CLNA CCMB Research DIV 2 Bio. Sciences& Neuro IMS CLNA Clinical Clinical CCMB CLNA ACAD DIV 1 FINC Community Health Current Dept Room Extension Ms. Shaoyun Jiang CSA 103 Ms. Marina Lazzara Jimenez DEN 124 Ms. Sandra Johns DEN 203 Ms. Diane Johnston DEN 237 Mr. Dwight Johnston DEN 47 Ms. Adrian Jones Den 239 Ms. Sharon Jones DEN 218 Ms. Jennifer Jordan Ms. Aide Juarez DEN 239 Ms. Epifania Juarez DEN 4349 Mr. Manuel Juarez DEN 52 Ms. Martha Juarez DEN 239 Ms. Victoria Mangosing Juatco DEN 4218 Dr. Kaveh Karimzadeh DEN 4280 Ms. Diane Kidd DEN 257 Mr. Joseph Nolan Laborde, III CSA 103, HSC Mr. Thanh T. Lai DEN 4349 Ms. Alison Laino 3131 S. Hoover St. Mr. Randy LaStrapes DEN 239 Ms. Erica Laws 3131 S. Hoover St. Mr. Timothy Lee DEN 4360 Ms. Velika Lee DEN 4111 Mr. Ya-Ping Lei CSA 103 Mr. Tommy L Lewis, Jr. DEN 4108 Ms. Min Li CSA 103 Ms. Shu Li DEN 201J Dr. Zhounan Liu CSA 103 Ms. Maria Longines DEN 257 Ms. Victoria Lopez 3131 S. Hoover St. Mr. Julio C Lopez-Martinez 1st Floor Lobby Mr. Brad Lowry DEN 218 Ms. Jane Luna 3131 S. Hoover Street Mr. Jai S. Makhija DEN 151 Ms. Ana Maldonado Mr. Octavio Maldonado DEN G-20 Ms. Sunthyaseth Mam DEN 218 Research Associate (323) 442-2467 Director of Quality Assurance 213-740-1774 Administrative Serv. Coord. II X08095 Administrative Assistant I (213) 740-1547 General Maintenance Worker (213) 740-0404 Central Service Technician X06589 Administrative Assistant I (213) 821-6727 Administrative Services Coordinator I Central Service Technician (213) 740-6589 Admin. Serv. Coord/Clinical X06206 Postal Clerk II (213) 740-1003 Central Service Technician (213) 740-6984 Contracts and Grants Coordinator (213) 740-6793 Research Associate x08089 Dispensary Aide (213) 740-6927 Research Lab Tech. II X22467 Department Business Manager (213) 740-6206 Dental Assistant II (213) 740-2012 Central Services Technician (213) 740-6589 Dental Assistant II X02012 MIS Manager (213) 821-5275 Research Lab Technician II X03163 Research Lab Tech III/Supervisor (323) 442-3165 Research Lab Tech. II X03862 Research Associate (323) 442-3190 Marketing Manager X08381 Budget/Business Analyst (323) 442-3169 Dental Dispensary Aide (213) 740-6927 Administrative Assistant II (213) 740-2012 Clinic Assistant X02805 Systems Programmer IV X15892 Receptionist x00212 Biller X01932 Administrative Services Coordinator 1 Dental Assistant II X00412 Admin. Assist I 50% X01001 II-22-E CCMB FACP/DH Oral Health Care Ctr DEAN Strategic Planning CLNA Clinical Sterilization IMS ACAD IMS DIV 1 Community Satellite CLNA Clinical Operations IMS BSCI DIV 2 CLNA CCMB research COMH Division 1 FACP/IMPL Oral Health Care Ctr IMS FACP AEDG IT Information Technology CLNA Oral Microbiology Testing Lab BSCI CCMB DIV 2 CCMB CE Continuing Education CCMB CLNA 2nd Floor Dispensary FACP/IMPL Oral Health Care Ctr CLNA 1st Floor Receptionist ACAD FACP Oral Health Center CLNA Billing Dept. Clinical Affairs PEDO ACAD Mr. John Marfield DEN 201 Ms. Anisa A. Marino DEN 4319 Ms. Christine Y Martin CSA 103,HSC Ms. Teresa Martinez DEN 151 Mr. J. Audley B. Marzo DEN 201a Ms. Maria C. Mata Den-20 Ms. Lynn Hiroko Matsumoto DEN 4366 Ms. Joanne L. Mayne DEN 202 Ms. Cynthia McDowell DEN 246 Mr. Ronald Mellow CSA 103 Ms. Emily Melton DEN 4307 Ms. Abigail Mendoza DEN 151 Mr. Arnel Mendoza DEN 4312 Mr. Frank Mendoza DEN 6 Ms. Sandra Mendoza DEN 144 Ms. Yvonne Mercado DEN 102 Ms. Maria Meza 3131 S. Hoover St. Ms. Marshell Miller DEN 47 Ms. Syrene Miller DEN 4321 Ms. Elsa G. Miranda CSA 103 Ms. Cindy Mitchell DEN 4368 Ms. Patricia Mitchell DEN 218 Ms. Diana Mondorf DEN 108 Ms. Brenda Alleta Moore Oral Health Center Ms. Pauline Moore 3131 S. Hoover St. Ms. Magdalena Morales CSA 103 Ms. Cecilia Moreno DEN 4314/Mobile Clinic Mr. Michael Moreno DEN 6 Ms. Jacqueline Muro DEN 124C Ms. La Shan Myles DEN 239 Ms. Evangelina Navarro DEN 247 Ms. Victoria Newcomer DEN 4338A Mr. Dan C. Nguyen CSA 103, HSC Ms. Jennifer G. Nolan DEN 263A Ms. Melissa Nuestro DEN 102 Ms. Socorro Ocampo Current Room Dept Extension Admission Counselor II 213-740-2841 Administrative Assist. II (213) 821-2336 Research Technician II X22467 Biller X01932 Financial Aid Counselor II (213) 740-2841 Adminisrative Services Coordinator II x00412 Administrative Services Coord I (213) 740-1526 Executive Director Development (213) 740-0428 Administrative Assistant (213) 740-4517 Buyer1 (323) 442-3220 Administrative Services Coordinator II (213) 740-2679 Biller 213 740 1932 MIS Director(Decentralized) (213) 821-2914 Counter Clerk x02725 Dental Assistant II X08140 Clinic Assistant X01545 Biller (213) 740-2012 Office Assistant II (213) 740-3564 Administrative Services Coordinator II (213) 821-1423 Senior Research Administrator (323) 442-2467 Admin. Services Manager 213-740-1527 Dental Registrar (213) 740-1001 Dental Assistant II X01080 Receptionist 213 740-2012 Secretary II X18230 Administrative Assistant I (323) 442-3170 Dental Assistant II (323) 683-3447 Manager x07598 Administrative Assistant II (213) 740-1080 Central Service Tech. (213) 740-6589 Dental Assistant (213) 740-2805 Director of Public Relations (213) 740-6568 Research Scientist 323/442-3191 Administrative Assistant 213-821-6747 Account Representative X02805 Administrative Assistant I ADMS II-22-F ACAD CCMB CLNA Billing ADMS Admissions, Student Affairs CLNA Pediatric Dentistry DIV 4 DVLT CLNA GPD A CCMB PEDO CLNA Billing IT BKST CLNA Clinica Affairs FACP Oral Health Care Ctr CLNA Clinical Affairs/FPHR DMPH BSCI CCMB DIV 4 ACAD CLNA Grad. Endo FACP Oral Health Ctr CCMB COMH BKST ENDO IMS CLNA PR CCMB IMPL CLNA DH POHC Current Room Dr. Kyoko Oka CSA 103 Ms. Claudia Ester Ortega DEN 126 Ms. Yira Ortega 1st Floor Reception Area Ms. Talia Larine Pacheco 1st floor Reception Ms. Francisca Padilla DEN 263A Mr. Stephen George Pake DEN 202 Ms. Carol Parker-Stojakdvich DEN 4342 Ms. Veronica Parra DEN 254 Ms. Lois Stein Pereira DEN 212 Ms. Sonali Perera DEN 4331 Ms. Evangelina Canales Perez DEN 1st Floor Ms. Michelle Bailey Perry DEN 319 Ms. Kimberly Peyton DEN 4335 Ms. Darlene Piernas DEN 213 Mr. Ryan S. Pineda DEN 201 Ms. Sonia Pineda DEN 239 Ms. Nimusha Punnen 4342 Ms. Nellyn Rae Quizon 3151 S. Hoover Street Ms. Olga Julia Ramirez DEN 4314 Ms. Cristina E. Ramos DEN 144 Ms. Kelley Randle DEN 212 Ms. Maria R. Rangel DEN 179 Ms. Marlene Rebamontan DEN 4342 Ms. Lois Reid DEN 212 Ms. Jo Remillard DEN 21 Ms. Irene M. Reyna DEN 4341 Ms. Julia Reyna CSA 103 Ms. Haidy Rivas DEN 149 Wendy Rivera DEN 201 Ms. Florence Roman DEN 146A Ms. Michelle Romero DEN 146 Mr. George Rosado DEN 318A Ms. Jennifer Rosales DEN 218 Ms. Raquel Saez 201J Mr. Takashi Saito CSA 103, HSC Ms. Luisa Salinas 3151 S. Hoover St., LA, Dept Extension Postdoctoral Research Associate x23191 Office Assistant II (213) 740-8110 Clinic Assistant x 02805 Receptionist X02805 Office Assistant II X 16736 Development Officer I (213) 740-0428 Dept. Contracts and Grants Coord. I X15798 Advanced Specialty Manager (213) 740-7403 Senior Administrative Director (213) 821-5613 Secretary II (213) 740-7955 Information Operator (213) 740-2805 Dental X-Ray Technician II X04677 Special Project Manager X15394 Director, Personnel and Faculty Affairs (213) 740-0435 Admissions Counselor II (213) 740-2851 Central Service Technician (213) 740-6589 Program Specialist X15798 Registered Dental Hygienist X02012 Office Assistant III 323/833-5941 Administrative Serv. Coord. I (213) 821-5684 Appt. & Promotions Coord. 213/821-5588 Dental Assistant II x01583 Research Lab Tech III / Supervisor (213) 740-6798 Course Coordinator (213) 740-1591 Library Assistant II X01440 Administrative Services Mgr. (213) 740-7633 Postdoctoral Research Assoc. x23192 Dental Assistant II (213) 740-1583 Admissions Counselor I x02841 Administrative Services Coordinator I (213) 740-9487 Dental X-Ray Technician II CCMB Administrative Services Coordinator I (213) 740-0169 Receptionist 213-740-1001 Administrative Assistant I 821-2127 Research Associate X22467 Dental Assistant III (213) 821-8209 ORTH II-22-G CLNA Receptionist IMPL DVLT DIV 1 Community Health CLNA FINC OMFI CLNA Receptionist OMFI COMH Community Health Program FINC ADMS Academic Affairs IMS COMH PERI Oral Health Center COMH Union Rescue Mission CLNA DIV 3 CLNA PERI CE LIBR CLNA Advanced Specialty BSCI CCMB CLNA ADMS CLNA Radiology OMFS ACAD CE Continuing Education CCMB FACP/IMPL Oral Health Care Ctr Current Room Ms. Theresa Samora DEN 129 Ms. Griselda Sanchez DEN 4341 Ms. Imella Sanchez DEN 4318 Mr. Jose Sanchez DEN 4314 Ms. Fatima Lorena Santamaria DEN 237 Mr. Valentino Santos PEN 105 Ms. Virginia F. Santos DEN 4314 Dr. Tomoyo Sasaki CSA 103, HSC Mr. Enrique Saucedo OHC / AEGD Dr. Christoph Schaudinn DEN 4215 Dr. Mouhammad Hazem DE14 4342 Mr. Rory K. Shields DEN 124C Dr. Nobuyuki Shiomi CSA 103,HSC Ms. Yan Si DEN 4114 Mr. Tom Sirikulbut DEN 302 Ms. Susan May Smith CSA 103 Ms. Tina Stafford DEN 311 Mr. Reed Stanley DEN 4115 Mr. Brian W. Steele DEN 201 Mr. Randall M. Story DEN 4108 Ms. Truzane Styles DEN 239 Ms. Eileen Suffet DEN 218 Mr. Amador Taclan DEN 239 Ms. Jona Takashima 4114A Ms. Taralee Teeples DEN 312 Ms. Judith D. Tefft CSA 103 Ms. Mary Ann Thompson 3131 S. Hoover St. Ms. Patricia Thompson DEN 218 Ms. Priscilla Tirado DEN 4365 Dr. Jennifer Treglown DEN 4109B Ms. Melissa Trinidad DEN 310 Ms. Mary Kathryn Urell DEN 218 Ms. Sharon Uyeda DEN 204A Ms. Carmen M. Uzueta DEN G20 Ms. Claudia Vargas DEN 133 Ms. Margarita Vargas DEN 129 Dental Assistant II (213) 740-1552 Dental Assistant II (213) 740-7633 Administrative Services Coordinator/Clinical (213) 740-4816 Engineering Technician II X1423 Dental Assistant II X01547 Research Lab Tech III (323) 442-3176 Administrative Services Manager (323) 683-3447 Postdoctoral Research Associate x22467 Admin. Serv. Coord. I (213) 821-8230 Postdoctoral Research Associate X09833 Research Associate (213) 821-5757 Dental Assistant II (213) 740-1552 Postdoctoral Research Assoc. X22467 Research Lab Technician I X02184 Administrative Assistant X08274 Research Lab Tech III (323) 442-3403 Administrative Services Coordinator I (213) 740-0411 Computer Service Engineer II (213) 740-2681 Admissions Counselor I X02841 Research Associate X03867 Material Handling Supervisor (213) 740-6589 Executive Director (213) 740-1001 Dental Assistan II X06984 Visiting Scientist X01406 Administrative Services Coordinator X04242 Research Associate (323) 442-3404 Administrative Services Coord I (213) 821-8227 Project Manager (213) 821-5892 Office Assistant I X01524 Postdoctoral Research Associate x04906 Admin. Serv. Mgr (213) 740-6795 Administrative Assistant I X01001 HD Payroll/Personnel Assistant X04018 Dental Assistant I (213) 740-0412 Administrative Services Coord. I (213) 740-7548 Dental X-ray Tech. I 01579 II-22-H Dept Extension ENDO PERI Advanced Speciality COMH Mobile Clinic CLNA BSCI CCMB DMPH CCMB DMPH URM DIV 5 Research COMH ENDO CCMB DVLT Diagnostic Sciences CLNA BSCI CCMB ORTH IT Information Technology ADMS Student Affairs DIV 2 Research IMS ACAD CLNA DIV 2 Diagnostic Sciences ORTH BSCI CCMB CLNA GPD C ACAD Academic Affairs DIV 4 BSCI DIV 3 ACAD PRSL PEDO COMH OMFI Finance, Planning and Current Room Ms. Rosa M. Vargas DEN 133 Ms. Norma Vasquez DEN 124C Mr. Edward Vaynman CSC 224A Ms. Claudia Villegas DEN G20 Mr. Lincoln Alexander Wallace DEN 47 Ms. Judith Walter DEN 4244 Ms. Sheronda Walton DEN 144 Dr. Hong-Jun Wang CSA 103 Dr. Yan-Ling Wang Ms. Larice Washington DEN 127 Ms. Jane Watanabe DEN 227 Ms. Xin Wen CSA103 Ms. Wendy Whitfield DEN 4240 Ms. Joanne Williams DEN 254 Ms. Irene Roybal Williamson DEN 102 Mr. Cedric J. Woolfork DEN 204B Mr. Jian-Bao Xie CSA 103 Mr. Tadashi Yamamoto Dr. Kiyomi Yamazaki Mr. William Yates DEN 239 Ms. Eva Ying-Chi Yen DEN 201 Mr. Benton Yoshida CSA 103 Ms. Kimberly Youngdale DEN 202 Dr. Zhaokun Yu DEN 4366 Ms. Nancy Zastudil DEN 201 Dr. Hu Zhao CSA 103 Mr. Yan-min Zhou DEN 4273 Mr. Danhong Zhu CSA 103, HSC Total: Secretary II X01582 Administrative Serv. Coord. I (213) 740-1552 Laboratory Manager (323) 442-3204 Dental Assistant II (213) 740-0412 Specialized Equipment Assistant (213) 740-0404 Accounting/Financial Mgr. (213) 740-6796 Dental Assistant II (213) 740-5094 Research Associate (323) 442-2467 Specialized Lab Tech Dental Assistant II (213) 740-9011 Administrative Services Manager (213) 740-7785 Research Associare 23165 Administrative Services Manager (213) 740-1500 Administrative Assistant I (213) 740-7403 Office Assistant II (213) 740-9103 Director,Budget/Finance Serv. X07093 Research Lab Tech II (213) 392-3595 Research Associate Research Associate, Misc Clinic Administrator (213) 740-7907 Admissions Program Manager (213) 740-2841 Research Lab Tech III/Sprvsr (323) 442-3165 Assistant Director of Development (213) 740-0428 Research Lab Tech. III (213) 740-1007 Administrative Assistant I X02851 Postdoctoral Research Assoc. X22467 Research Lab Tech. II (213) 740-1400 Research Lab Tech III/Supervisor (323) 442-3165 314 II-22-I Dept Extension ADMS HPDPE/ DIV I ENDO BSCI CCMB PEDO CLNA Clinical CCMB CLNA Emergency Clinic CLNO CCMB DIV 2 CLNA Advanced Specialty FINC Finance Planning BSCI CCMB CCMB IMS Clinical Operations ADMS CCMB DVLT REST Prosthodontics ACAD CCMB Research BSCI CCMB CCMB RECOVERY PROCEDURES Once the initial emergency response to an incident has been completed, the recovery phase begins. It is important to restore USC School Of Dentistry programs within an appropriate time to avoid major loss or disruption that could have long-term negative impacts. Recovery will require timely contingency response and action. An emergency situation may result in recovery problems ranging from relatively minor to severe. They could include scenarios such as: • • • • • Loss of power to the facility for up to 3-4 days. Loss or disruption of a key information system or application. Loss of the entire facility for several weeks or more. Loss of key personnel. Loss of academic space such as classrooms and laboratories. In the event of a major loss or disruption, administration and appropriate staff and faculty members will form a Recovery Team to implement recovery procedures, potentially including the following: EMPLOYEE AND STUDENT ASSISTANCE Depending on the nature of the emergency, employees and students may need assistance. The Recovery Team will ensure that those employees and students requiring assistance are referred to the appropriate resource, on-campus or in the community. LOSS OF POWER OR OTHER BUILDING SERVICES In the event of loss of power or other building services, the Recovery Team will assess the impact and take steps to protect vital assets. RELOCATION If the building is closed due to damage or hazardous conditions, the Recovery Team will lead an effort to relocate to an alternate site. The Team will prioritize which programs and activities must be resumed quickly, and which can be deferred until a later time. Critical resources to allow the program to function at a new site will also be identified. ACADEMIC PROGRAM RECOVERY If classroom spaces utilized become unavailable, the Recovery Team will work with the University to find alternate spaces, revise the class schedule, and resume instruction within an appropriate time. The Recovery Team will also work with researchers to assess risks and potential losses to research projects and programs due to the emergency situation. The team will assist researchers in preventing or recovering losses that are most critical to projects. At the same time, the efforts of researchers themselves to take appropriate precautions to protect key information and research data are essential. II-23 DISRUPTION OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS In the event that information systems are lost or disrupted due to physical damage, hardware failure, or software problems, staff members will implement a contingency plan to recover any lost systems or data. This may involve retrieval of an off-site backup tape, replacement of a network server, or establishment of an alternate processing site. The Recovery Team will identify those systems or applications that are critical and must be restored rapidly, and those that are less essential that can be deferred until full systems are available again. RESEARCH DATA AND INFORMATION Faculty members should take appropriate precautions to protect vital research data and information against loss. Duplicate copies of any vital information or data should be maintained in an off-site location. If the data is computerized, tape backups should be stored off-site. COST RECOVERY In the event of damage to equipment or furnishings purchased by USC School Of Dentistry, the Recovery Team will provide documentation of the loss, and will coordinate with USC Risk Management and other University offices in submitting insurance or loss reimbursement claims. (Deductibles apply, and not all types of losses are covered. All loss documentation must be specific and detailed.) II-24
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