newsletter-2015-04-24 - Bracken Ridge State High School

24 April 2015
Dear Parents/Carers
Welcome to Term Two which will no doubt be as busy as the first one. I hope that the holiday break provided an opportunity to enjoy family time
as well as a chance to rest.
Thank you to all teachers and parents for your commitment to what was a productive interview evening on the last Tuesday of the previous term. I
encourage parents/carers to maintain contact with your child’s teachers, as necessary, to ensure maximum engagement and outcomes for each
The school community has already been involved in a number of activities and key events this term with many more to come. Whether it is on the
sporting field or learning in class, our students are continually encouraged to be engaged in every aspect of their school life.
This week our Year 11 and 12 Geography students headed to the North Pine dam to study the water treatment facilities and Year 9 students
enjoyed a motivational presentation titled Verbal Combat. Year 7 and 9 students were involved in a practice NAPLAN test this week which provided an opportunity for us to bring the two cohorts together in the MPSC and gauge the effectiveness of this arrangement before the students complete the formal NAPLAN program on 12, 13 and 14 May. This new arrangement for the year 7 students resulted in many positive comments from
the students themselves.
The school ANZAC Ceremony was held this morning and I would like to thank our Senior Coordinators for their organisation of this event. I am
sure all who attended would agree that while the ceremony remembers a sombre history it was incredibly moving yet at the same time absolutely
wonderful in the way in which it allowed our school community to acknowledge the ANZAC spirit and what it means for individuals and this country. Thank you to everyone who contributed to making this such a memorable occasion.
Another important event on our school calendar that is fast approaching is the 2015 EXPO when we open up our doors to the community and
provide an opportunity for everyone to see what really happens here in the classrooms at Bracken Ridge State High School. The EXPO is on
Tuesday 5 May and I would like to ask our community to spread the word and encourage friends and family who are considering which secondary
school to send their children to come and ‘check us out’. I always look forward to meeting our potential families and sharing information about this
great school which is filled with wonderful staff, students and exciting learning.
With the onset of the colder weather may I remind all that our endorsed school uniform has a winter alternative, now available through the Uniform Shop. Can I also remind everybody of the need for all students to be wearing the approved footwear as set out in the Uniform Guidelines
which all students are expected to comply fully with. Parents/carers support with this matter is gratefully appreciated and ensures the agreed
standard of dress and pride in association with our school is maintained.
Kind Regards,
Mrs Regina Garrick
Date Reminders for Term 2 - 2015
School review – opportunity to have your say
Our school is scheduled for a school review from 15 to 19 May, 2015
(three days).
The Department of Education and Training [DET] has introduced
new performance reviews for Queensland state schools in 2015. The
reviews do not rate or compare schools but provide independent and
quality feedback to help schools continue to improve outcomes of
All schools will have a review at least every four years. A final report
is made available to parents and the community on the school’s
The review team would like to hear from our school community and I
encourage anyone who is interested to have their say. Your feedback is important and will help us continue to deliver a quality education for students. If you are interested in speaking to the reviewers,
or would like more information about the review process, please
contact the office.
Further information about the reviews is available from the department’s website at:
Compulsory School Bucket Hat
The school bucket hat is a compulsory uniform item for students
when they are engaging in outdoor activities.
The P&C has heavily subsidised the cost of the first hat purchased
for each student and this offer will finish at the end of this term.
If you are still to purchase a hat for your son/daughter I encourage you to take up this offer ($5 per hat) before the term
(normal retail price from Term 2: $15.00)
* Important reminder: Please label your student’s bucket hats,
other items of clothing and personal belongings for prompt
return to owners.
Parents/caregivers can now email their student’s absences instead
of phoning.
Please ensure the following details are stated in your email to us:
Name of student :
Duration of absence:
Reason of absence:
Name of parent/caregiver:
Year 8-12 Maths Challenge
Junior Summer Metro Finals Rd 1
Year 7/8/9 Winter Interschool Sport Selections
School Cross Country Carnival 1:00pm to 2:50pm
Year 10/11 Winter IS Sport Selections
Year 8 Social Science Excursion
NAPLAN 7 & 9
Year 8 Winter IS Sport Training
NAPLAN 7 & 9
Round 1 Winter IS Sport
NAPLAN 7 & 9
P&C Executive Meeting 2:00pm
Japanese Master Class (Year 10-12)
District Cross Country Carnival—Kedron SHS
RD 1 Winter IS Sport
ICAS Computer Skills Competition
P&C Meeting 7:00pm
RD 2 Winter IS Sport
Chappy Trivia Night
Free Dress Day—Red food day
RD 2 Winter IS Sport
Regional Cross Country Carnival
Maths Teams Challenge ( All year levels)
RD 3 Winter IS Sport
Careers Expo Years 10 to 12
Kokoda Challenge
Absence Emails
Anzac Day Service (P1)
Summer IS Sport District Finals
Debating Workshop 2
Year 11/12 Drama Excursion– viewing live theatre all day
Year 11/12 OP Art Excursion—Gallery at South Bank
Year 7/8 & 9/10 Drama—Seal Theatre performance MPSC
RD 3 Winter IS Sport
Year 8 PI Cyberia
RD 4 Winter IS Sport
ICAS Science Competition
Student vs Teachers Volleyball
Musical Rehearsal & Matinee
Musical Performance
RD 4 Winter IS Sport
RD 5 Winter IS Sport
Yr 11/12 Drama Live Theatre evening excursion
Yr 8 HPV & Chickenpox Immunisation
P&C Executive Meeting 2:00pm
Yr 10 QUT Uni Experience
P&C Meeting 7:00pm
Yr 9/10 Drama Excursion to Movie World
Yr 7/8 Pre-athletic events and Sports Training
Yr 10/11/12 Pre-athletic events and Sports Training
Work Experience for YR 10 & 11/12 VCB & VWP
Thank you to our student Cadets who have assisted in our ceremony this year.
Our thanks also go to the Sandgate RSL Sub-Branch for their par&cipa&on in our ceremony.
Bracken ridge State High School would also like to thank all present today for showing their support for our fallen soldiers
and the soldiers that con&nue to protect our country.
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Bracken Ridge SHS - Strategic Direction for 2015:
Every year each state school develops its Annual Implementation Plan [AIP] which focuses on identifying the strategies to be implemented in
addressing school needs and departmental priorities for the year. It represents an important aspect of the DET planning and accountability process. I am pleased to advise our school community that our submitted plan has been approved and endorsed. Furthermore our proposed 2015
GRG Agreement has also been approved and signed by the Director-General, Department of Education and Training. Both documents will be
uploaded onto the school website before the end of this month. In a snapshot our priorities for 2015 include:
Reading, Writing, Numeracy:
Increasing the percentage of students meeting National Minimum Standards (NMS) in Reading and Writing
Maintain (as a minimum) the percentage of students meeting NMS in Numeracy and extend the percentage beyond NMS
Increasing the percentage of students reaching U2Bs in Reading, Writing and Numeracy
Increasing the percentage of students achieving a QCE exiting at Year 12
Maximising students attendance – Every day every lesson counts
Pedagogical Framework – Explicit Instruction
Focusing on teaching quality through the development of professional knowledge, practice and engagement; principal leadership and
I would like to encourage our school community members to view these documents on-line for more detail and in order to get a better
understanding of what we are endeavouring to achieve in our school. A shared understanding will help ensure greater success.
Our improvement agenda (priorities) focus on a range of strategies and actions that will help to maximise learning outcomes for all of our
Uniform Shop
school chaplaincy)
All uniforms are now in stock.
For those looking to sell their home soon…
Boys Formal Shirts size 16 have arrived.
Winter uniforms are also available:
Track Pants - $46.
Jackets - $65.
Fleecy Jumpers - $35.
Opening hours: Monday and Wednesday. 8.30 to 11.30am.
If you engage Steadfast Realty Qld to sell your home by taking up this offer, $500 from the commission earned will be
donated to school chaplaincy.
Steadfast Realty Qld will guarantee great service, a competitive commission rate and more, while supporting your school
chaplain. Sellers would need to mention this offer as part of
the sale process.
Contact Phil Henley to find out more - 0439 990 320 -
Lisa Cooke.
Uniform Convenor
"The school chaplaincy program is a great resource for our
kids, by using my services you will be supporting them at no
extra cost to yourself." Phil Henley
Parents/caregivers are reminded to label all their students
clothing, shoes and personal belongings for prompt return to
There is a large amount of non-labelled student lost property
held in our main office waiting for collection:
Any items that remain uncollected by the end of Term will be
donated to a local charity.
Senior Schooling News
Smith Family
Work experience for 2015
We had a presentation from the Smith family on a wonderful program for
year 10 students – there is a mentoring program being offered on Thursday afternoons, 3-4pm in A13 from May for students to be linked with
business mentors.
Each year Royal Brisbane Womens Hospital (RBWH) offers a four day
Work Experience program for high school students in Years 10 –
12. This program will be held five times in 2015.
There are spaces available on the following dates:
14 July – 17 July (Tue – Fri) – several places available
15 Sept – 18 Sept (Tue – Fri) – several places available
6 Oct – 9 Oct
(Tue – Fri) – multiple places available
Unfortunately due to demand for places exceeding availability RBWH
can only offer a maximum of four places to each school.
The mentors will support students in their career pathways and subject
selections. They also offer a 3 day mentoring program at Downe Mining
where students can explore the job opportunities in the mining industry –
not just underground mining but office, transport, logistics, hospitality, HR
and other possibilities.
Mrs Karen Huff
HOD Senior Secondary
If any students are interested in work experience come and see Diane to
put your name down.
Chaplain News
Can I please remind students in Yrs. 10/11/12 the importance of having a
USI number, as you will NOT receive any Certificates issued to you if
you do not have this? Information sheet on how to activate a USI number is attached in this newsletter. Once activated give to Diane in the
Office or email
Any students in year 10/11/12 wishing to do a Cert I Construction or a
Cert II in Auto – The Australian Skills Group at Brendale are offering
courses, commencing next term.
Tomorrow night is the night we receive the NEW Entertainment
Books for 2015/2016! If you have already purchased your new Entertainment book, you will have it ready to use Friday. If you haven't yet
purchased your book there is plenty of time still! This little book of
vouchers or electronic app will save you a truck load.
Vacancies available
Cert II in Warehousing Operations
For further information & to apply online, please visit website:
Out of the $65, $13 goes straight towards Bracken Ridge SHS Chaplaincy. If you receive our Chappy Newsletters, you would have read
that our days have now decreased to three days, due to funds. Help
Bracken Ridge SHS reach their four day Chappy Service once again.
Looking for Year 10 or Year 11 Students
Muffin Break at Chermside – Cert III in Hospitality
Oporto Myer Centre – Cert III in Hospitality
The Coffee Club – Post Office Square Brisbane City – Cert III
Expressions of interest for Apprentice Chefs School Based are
being taken for Post School Career as a Chef – email your resume to:
The new Memberships are available now and packed with thousands
of up to 50% off and 2-for-1 offers. For just $65, you’ll receive over
$20,000 worth of valuable offers. Use just a few of these offers and
you’ll more than cover the cost of your Membership.
Trudi Howard BRSHS Chaplain
Students looking at gaining a School Based traineeship need to have an
updated resume and give a copy to Diane in the Office or email you
resume to
Diane Heinze
Teacher Aide Senior Schooling
IGA – Deagon
Proud Sponsor of School Based Traineeships
BRSHS Students
Congratula ons to Callum Whi ngton on gaining a school
based traineeship.
“Come in to the store and see this week’s specials”
The National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy [NAPLAN]
is an annual assessment of students in years 3, 5, 7 and 9. It has been
an annual event for schools since 2008.
On Tuesday 12, Wednesday 13 and Thursday 14 May, Year 7 and
Year 9 students at Bracken Ridge State High School will undertake the
2015 NAPLAN tests.
NAPLAN is made up of tests in the four domains of Reading, Writing,
Language Conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and Numeracy. NAPLAN assesses skills in literacy and numeracy that are developed over time, through the school curriculum. NAPLAN is not a pass or
fail test, but rather shows how individual students are progressing in
literacy and numeracy skills against the national standards for all Australian children.
All students are to participate in the tests. Please make sure your student brings the right equipment for the tests. They are required to have
at least two (2) 2B or HB pencils, an eraser, a sharpener and a calculator. (Please note that the calculator is required only for Thursday’s test)
Pacers are not permitted. Students may use a black or blue pen for the
Writing Task if they wish.
Students may be withdrawn from the testing program by their parent/
carer in consultation with the school. Withdrawals are intended to address issues such as religious beliefs and philosophical objections to
testing. The completion of formalised documentation is required for this
to occur. Copies of this form are available from our school office and
must be submitted by 8 May 2015.
An individual student NAPLAN report will be issued by the school later in
the year. Parents can use this information to monitor how their child is
progressing and to identify any areas of concern. Parents may also wish
to use their child’s results to discuss progress with teachers.
More information is available at
Pathways to Employment with McDonald’s Australia have an opportunity for students to attend a Pathways to Employment Program on
May 11 & 12.
Pathways to Employment are designed to help students to understand their own abilities and preferences, the workplace and how
they can design and navigate their future.
Students who participate may apply for a casual Crew position.
These students will be guaranteed an initial interview at their chosen
McDonald’s restaurant and have the opportunity to progress through
the recruitment process.
Date & Time: May 11 & 12 at 9:30—2pm (Two days)
Location: McDonald’s Australia Head Office & Training Centre
1364 Gympie Road, Aspley (Level 2)
Dress Code: School uniform/School directed attire
What to Bring: Just yourself. Lunch is provided both days. Please
inform us of any dietary requirements ASAP. You may bring additional food.
The Back Page…
Cross Country
Our school Cross-Country Carnival will be held on Wednesday, 6 May 2015
(during Period 4). Vigorous physical activity is a key part of a healthy lifestyle,
with significant short and long-term benefits. As such, all students are
expected to participate in the school cross-country. Of course, there are
reasons why students are unable to take part (genuine illness or injury) and it
would be greatly appreciated if parents would please provide a note of
explanation. Students who are unable to participate will be required to act as
officials for the afternoon.
The School uniform must be worn on the day; however, at lunch students can
change into House colours. Please ensure that all clothing is suitable and
practical for the event. Students are also strongly encouraged to SLIP, SLOP,
SLAP and SLURP during the event. It is essential students bring a hat, drink
plenty of water, apply sunscreen before the event (the school will also supply
sunscreen) as well as bring any medication such as an asthma puffer if your
child is asthmatic. We would also like to remind parents that all students are
required to attend and we look forward to their enthusiastic support.
Kylie Price, HPE,
Rehearsals for High School Musical are progressing well, with all involved showing a great deal of commitment and enthusiasm. We are
looking forward to our extended rehearsals, which start in term two.
We are currently gathering props for the production. If anyone is able to
donate/lend us any of the following items, we would be extremely grateful.
• Old/broken mobile phones
• New Year decorations and accessories (glasses, hats, tiaras, banners, signs)
• Handheld gong
• Boom box
• Camping table and chair sets- fold out type (5 sets needed in total)
• Roller skates (3 x size 9, 1 x size 5)
• Fake plants/flowers in pots
• Old/broken laptop
• Working desk lamps x 2
If you can assist us with any items, please contact the Arts staff on (07)
3869 7225 or email Lindsay Green on
We can’t wait to share this exciting production with you in June! Stay
tuned for information about ticket sales.
Drama News
On 31 March, year 9 Drama students travelled down to Nashville State School to perform for the year 2, 3 and 4 students. They performed a poem by Roald Dahl and a variety of Paul Jenning’s stories, which they had transformed into short plays. These were very
much enjoyed by the audience. All the students worked with great commitment, attending lunchtime and after school rehearsals to ensure the performance was well polished and of a high standard. We look forward to seeing more entertaining performances from the
year 9 Drama students throughout the year.
Over the term this series will highlight key LEARNING
to student effort and outcomes.
BEHAVIOURS that make a difference
Robyn Davey (Teaching and Learning)
When talking to our students about learning behaviours we start with "choose your attitude". The impact of a positive attitude towards learning
and to yourself as a learner cannot be underestimated. The relatively new school of positive psychology seeks to help us to understand the benefits of focussing on what’s right in our world or what can improve our overall levels of contentment and quality of life.
The 5 Cs CARE program supports learning and well being at Bracken Ridge High. It focuses on 5 positive key behaviours, and talks about how
developing the skills of Commitment, Cooperation, Courtesy, Consideration and Common Sense can help everyone at school to become the
most competent learner they can be. A positive attitude to the school day, to learning, to problem solving is a great start.
What does a positive attitude look like, sound like, feel like?
In the Middle Years of school students are developing the skills of recognizing their attitude to something in particular, understanding that it is within their power to reframe the situation in a positive or problem solving way, choose a positive attitude to it and then to do this independently or with
minimal help from a parent on teacher. Students need lots of scaffolding to learn these skills. Teachers help students to develop positive attitudes
to learning and to themselves as learners, seeking to continuously improve, set achievable goals, and keep trying.
At home you can try:
Talking out loud when you reframe situations that are affecting you and the steps you take to move forward in a positive way. Helping students to
recognize the impact their attitude can have on others. Try to avoid "the blame game" where everything is always someone else's fault. Noticing
when they are making the effort to reframe their thinking (even if they don't always succeed).
Choosing a positive attitude is supported in the first instance by the expectations that students see themselves as capable, competent learners. Teachers reinforce this regularly using individual student success to grow a ‘can do’ culture in the learning environment. Young students become more self aware when teachers and parents use challenging situations as coaching opportunities to help students recognize the power of
optimism and also problem solving. Praising students for choosing to be solutions focused and believing in themselves is the foundation to encouraging a positive attitude to life and learning.
At home you can try:
Praising children when they persevere with challenging tasks.
Articulating their individual strengths.
Helping children to see the learning that comes out of difficult situations.
Praising positive attitudes and thoughts.
Unique Student Identifier
The USI was launched on 1 January this year, and is now a part of
meeting VET data collection and reporting requirements. Over 1.5
million USIs have already been created, and most of Australia’s training
organisations are now connected to the USI registry system, making it a
part of their business.
The key is to become USI-ready as soon as possible. If you don’t already have your USI, create one today. It’s free and easy to do. You’ll
also be on the way to having a lifetime record of all your training that
you can access online anywhere. Students who have not lodged their
USI with Diane at the office will NOT receive their Senior Certificate or
Vet Certificates at the end of the year. This is a federal government
requirement and you will need your USI for ANY courses you enrol in
post school. It is becoming critical now that all yr 10/11/12 students
need to create their own USI – the school cannot do it for them.
We need Tuckshop volunteers for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 9:30am-2pm on a regular basis. We don’t expect your
help every week, but once a fortnight or month would be great.
Please ring Dawn on 3269 7250 if you are interested or for more
From the Youth Health Nurse
What is mental health?
Good mental health is a sense of wellbeing, confidence and selfesteem. It enables us to fully enjoy and appreciate other people, dayto-day life and our environment. When we are mentally healthy we
form positive relationships
use our abilities to reach our potential
deal with life’s challenges
How can we improve our mental health?
A few tips for positive mental health are:
talk about or express your feelings
exercise regularly
eat healthy meals
get enough sleep
spend time with friends and loved ones
develop new skills
relax and enjoy your hobbies
set realistic goals
Be humorous
Remember to laugh
All these things build our resilience and benefit our wellbeing.
For more information on building resilience go to the online learning
module "Mindstrength" at:
Bonnie Green (Youth Health Nurse)
‘Student Advantage’
Microsoft Office 2013 Suite
Students can now download a free copy of the
Microsoft Office 365 Suite. This suite provides students with a subscription to the full versions of
Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote.
After downloading, students will have the latest
Office suite at home, on their personal PC’s, Macs
and other mobile devices (up to five in total).
Homework Help
Bracken Ridge Library has a regular Home Work Help program
that provides homework and reading assistance for children from
Prep all the way through to Year 12. This valuable program is
held 3.30pm-5pm every Wednesday during school term and is
free of charge. It is a great way to assist school age children
with their homework or to encourage reading. It is a friendly and
informal event that encourages children in a welcoming environment.
Students can visit the Learning Place student space
Seize the Day Study Awards
Grants for Young People affected by Cancer
QSchool app -Please consider downloading
the free QSchools app to your devices.
This app allows users to receive information on their device, including;
push notifications, emergency announcements, newsletters, documents,
calendar events, news, tuckshop and uniform info, school hours, contact
details and social media feeds. The app may prove useful to students,
parents, and other members of our school community. It integrates seamlessly with our school website.
You can download this app (for free) from our website or:
Cancer Council Queensland’s Seize the Day Awards are financial
grants of $200 to $2500 to help with the costs of post-secondary
You can apply for a grant if you are a Qld. resident aged between
16 and 21 years who is planning to commence or continue postsecondary education next year and have experienced cancer
personally or with a close family member.
Applications are open from April to July each year, with recipients
announced in December.
To apply or for more information, see the Youth health Nurse, visit or call Cancer Council on 13 11 20.
Bonnie Green
Youth Health Nurse BRSHS
Are you a parent of a child with type 1 diabetes?
Every day, thousands of Australian children suffer the effects of type 1 diabetes and families struggle with illness management and children’s behavioural and emotional adjustment.
Positive Parenting for Healthy Living is an adaptation of the successful Triple P- Positive Parenting Program offering practical ideas and support
for parents of children with type 1 diabetes. This innovative group program is designed to help parents manage their child’s illness, assist children in coping with their illness and emotions, and prevent and manage difficult child behaviour.
Over the next few months and for a limited time only, parents of 2-10 year old children with type 1 diabetes are able to access Positive Parenting for Healthy Living Triple P as part of a University of Queensland research project. Parents will be able to attend the program free of charge,
and will be asked to complete 2 sets of assessment measures (questionnaire and family observation) over a 6 month period, as part of the
study. Contact Amy Mitchell on (07) 3346 1202 or email, or visit for
more information.
“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new
eyes”. (Marcel Proust, 19th century novelist)
Volunteer to host an international high school student through Southern Cross Cultural Exchange
and prepare to be amazed at how this unique and rewarding experience can help bring your family
together, understand themselves better and see the world in a new light.
We have students aged 15-18 arriving from France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Scandinavia in July
2015 who are seeking welcoming families all over Australia, in both rural and urban communities. They will live like a local, attend a local secondary school, arrive with their own spending
money and comprehensive insurance cover – all arranged by Southern Cross Cultural Exchange.