Brightwater State School Newsletter 1 May 2015 Issue Number 06 Principal: Mr Paul Taylor Principal's Update Deputy Principal News Stars of the Week Classroom News School News Community News P&C News Friends of Brightwater Date Claimers School Information Friends of Brightwater Friend 1 of 28 Membership level Website link 13/05/2015 1:55 pm Brightwater State School Newsletter Stockland Gold Aspire Estate Agents - Alan Nash Silver Chimu Adventures Bronze Principal's Update Dear Parents Welcome back for term 2. I’m sure this term will be as eventful as term 1 with important assessment and reporting to take place before the end of the term. We have already ticked off two major events for the term with our cross-country and ANZAC services. I was once again overwhelmed by the school community support for both these events and immensely proud of the way our students and choir represented the school at the weekend ANZAC service. Walking Schoolbus: We have partnered with the Buderim Lions Club to initiate a walking schoolbus program for our school. This program kicks off on Thursday May 14 and will run every Thursday morning for the rest of the year. Students need to be registered to take part in the program. Registration forms can be collected via our school website, or downloaded here. Please return registration forms by Friday May 8. The Lions Club is also seeking support from some of our parents to volunteer to assist as walkers for this program. Please email if you would like to assist and we will pass on your details. Homework Survey: 2 of 28 13/05/2015 1:55 pm Brightwater State School Newsletter A project team within the school is looking at our current homework procedures with a view to developing a revised homework policy for our school. We are currently reviewing many aspects of our program and considering examples that support current best practice research. We acknowledge that homework has a significant impact on family lifestyle and feel it is important to consider the family in our review. We have devised a survey for parents to provide us with some feedback in this process. Please take a few minutes to go to and complete our online survey. Everyday counts: So far this year we have been averaging an attendance rate just under 95%. This term we have already seen a drop in our attendance rate and we would like to see this improve. Our goal is that we achieve at least an average attendance rate of 95% across the year. To simplify this percentage, this means that children should have less than 10 days absence per school year. I’m sure that most parents are aware of how important regular school attendance is to ensure children receive the best possible educational opportunities. Research and school data indicates that: there is a strong link between attendance in any particular year of schooling and children’s achievement – the more regular they attend school the more likely they will achieve year level standards. students not present in school are more likely to miss critical learning building blocks and are, as a result, less likely to feel a sense of mastery over the curriculum and their own learning. minimising the impact of family events on learning is critically important for a student’s academic success. Mondays and Fridays and days adjacent to public holidays are more likely to be absented by students. early establishment of good attendance behaviour is likely to have lasting benefits for students when they move into high school. the recommended attendance range is between 95 and 100% attendance rate. Over a 12 year period a student who attends 92% of the time will have lost almost 1 year of school contact. Children should only be absent from school when they are ill or if there are exceptional family circumstances. 3 of 28 13/05/2015 1:55 pm Brightwater State School Newsletter Days off or early pick up for extended holidays, birthdays, family visitors or personal convenience are not providing your child with the best opportunities to succeed. Uniforms: Our school is built on a foundation of high standards in all that we do. Observance of our school dress code is one way you can support us to ensure our students represent themselves and our school to the highest standards each and every day. Please remember that students are required to wear 100% black shoes, grey socks and a BWSS hat every day. Our optional sports uniform may be worn on Friday only and must be worn as a complete set. i.e. House shirt and navy shorts. Regular black shoes are preferred but plain white joggers may be worn with the sport uniform. Please consult the parent handbook or contact the office if you have any questions regarding the dress code. Communication – notes on website: We are always seeking ways to establish clearer communication and provide families with the information they need in a timely fashion. Beginning this term we will be uploading all notices and permission notes to the school website. This will allow parents to access the official notice if the printed copy has been lost or not received. This will apply to all notices processed through the school office. Class teachers will still distribute class newsletters and calendars. Simply go to and look for the Quick Link in the bottom left. NAPLAN From the 13 to 15 of May our year 3 and 5 students will be undertaking the National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN). This annual assessment program is a point in time process that provides parents and schools with an indication of how students are performing in the areas of Literacy and Numeracy at the time of testing. 4 of 28 13/05/2015 1:55 pm Brightwater State School Newsletter What is NAPLAN? The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is an annual national assessment for all students in Years 3, 5, 7and 9. All students in these year levels are expected to participate in tests in reading, writing, language conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. All government and non-government education authorities have contributed to the development of NAPLAN materials. Why do students do NAPLAN tests? NAPLAN is the measure through which governments, education authorities, schools, teachers and parents can determine whetheror not young Australians are meeting important educational outcomes in literacy and numeracy. The tests provide parents and schools with an understanding of how individual students are performing at the time of the tests. They also provide schools, states and territories with information about how education programs are working and what areas need to be prioritised for improvement. NAPLAN tests are one aspect of a school’s assessment and reporting process; they do not replace the extensive ongoing assessments made by teachers about each student’s performance. For more information about NAPLAN: visit the NAP website To support our year 3 and year 5 students in the preparation for NAPLAN we have arranged for instructors to come into each year 3 and 5 class to teach the students relaxation techniques through movement and breathing. Each class will have 2 sessions run by a qualified instructor and class teachers will then be able to embed these practices into their daily schedule. The idea of this program is to give the students strategies that they can use during the test so they can remain relaxed and try their best. The best way you can help your child prepare for NAPLAN is to ensure your child has had a good night sleep, a healthy breakfast each day and reassure your child that NAPLAN tests are just one part of their school program. Please urge them to simply do the best they can on the day. 5 of 28 13/05/2015 1:55 pm Brightwater State School Newsletter NAPLAN 2015 tests timetable Tuesday 12 May Wednesday 13 May Thursday 14 May 40 minutes Reading Numeracy Writing 45 minutes 45 minutes 40 minutes Reading Numeracy Writing 50 minutes 50 minutes Language Conventions Year 3 40 minutes Language Conventions Year 5 40 minutes Parenting Tip Helping students get ready for the NAPLAN tests The most resilient children and young people are those who rise to meet rather than retreat from the challenges presented to them. Perhaps it’s best to view the NAPLAN tests as good learning experiences rather than dreaded pressure tests. Whether your child stresses or takes them in their stride here are some tips to help prepare for the NAPLAN tests: 6 of 28 13/05/2015 1:55 pm Brightwater State School Newsletter 1 Take your cues from your child: If your child doesn’t worry about them then neither should you. Be careful not to create a problem that doesn’t exist by incessantly talking about, or worse, worrying about the test. 2 Focus on doing their best and trying hard: Choose your words carefully when you speak with your kids. As with all their learning activities place your focus squarely on effort rather than results. The only pressure on kids should be to try hard rather than to do well. 3 Listen to any concerns they have: If your child confesses to some nerves then validate their feelings, rather than shut them down with a ‘get over it’ response. “Yes, sometimes tests can be a little scary, but they get easier every time you take them.” Use this as an opportunity to develop some emotional smarts, which starts with recognising how kids feel. 4 Give them some relaxation ideas: Anxious or nervous kids will benefit from some simple relaxation strategies. Taking some deep breaths, changing their thinking and exercising the morning of the test are some simple ways to help kids get some feeling of control. 5 Help them retain their perspective: One way to help children who become excessively anxious about an event is to ask what’s the worst thing that could happen? Okay, they may not do as well as they would like but the sun will still rise tomorrow, regardless of how well they do. Keeping perspective is a life skill that we all need to practise. A positive, caring parent attitude is one of the best gifts you can give a child when they are apprehensive or nervous about approaching any different situation whether it’s going on school camp, joining a new club or sitting a NAPLAN test. Michael Grose, Director Parentingideas 7 of 28 13/05/2015 1:55 pm Brightwater State School Newsletter Deputy Principal News Parent Learning Week At BWSS we value the role that parents and other family members play in the journey of educating children. To support you in this very important endeavour, each term we will be offering a number of parent workshops for you to attend. These workshops are designed to give you an insight into the strategies and language used in classrooms and to equip you with some strategies to use at home. RSVPs are essential as numbers will be limited in some sessions. Please RSVP via the booking website: by 8:00am Monday 4 May 2015. Places are limited. How to book online: Enter into your browser, enter the event code YYY3N, enter your details, and select your sessions. Please do not email or phone your RSVP. Available Workshops Workshop Name Date / Time Venue Cost Monday Numeracy 4.5.15 This workshop will involve 9.00am – 10.30am A payment of $5 to administration or participants engaging in SPA Multipurpose Prep – 6 Blurb Room $5 classroom style maths activities so that you are able to help your child with mathematics tasks at home. It will cover a range of different abilities and year levels and 8 of 28 13/05/2015 1:55 pm Brightwater State School Newsletter staff is required to secure your RSVP in the numeracy 1.15pm – 2.45pm demonstrate how children learn or developmentally. session. 5.30pm 7.00pm This session will inform parents about a new phonics program Tuesday Get Reading Right called “Get Reading Right” being 5.5.15 Prep C Nil implemented at BWSS. The Classroom 5.30pm – session will focus on how prep Prep 6.30pm parents can support their children at home in the area of phonics. Oral Language This session will be presented by Friday Development in the Early Years the school’s Speech Language 8.5.15 SSS Building Nil 9.00am – language and its connection to 10.00am literacy learning. P-2 Occupational Friday This session will be presented by SSS Building Therapy and its role 9 of 28 Pathologist and will focus on oral Nil a SC University lecturer. It will 13/05/2015 1:55 pm Brightwater State School Newsletter in student development P-6 focus on the role and services 8.5.15 provided by occupational 10.15am – therapists in supporting student 11.15am academic progress. Being offered later this term Tuesdays Series of 3 workshops designed to 26th 1,2,3 Magic help parents with behaviour May management strategies. 2nd SPA • June Prep - 6 9th Multipurpose Room June Nil Controlling difficult behaviour • Encouraging good behaviour Each session will run • Strengthening your relationship with your child 9:00am-12pm. Cross Country After a long wait, BWSS students were rewarded with beautiful weather for Cross Country day. Students enjoyed a morning of war cries, cheering for their teammates and of course a run around the school. I was impressed with the sportsmanship demonstrated by the children and high levels of participation. Special thanks go to Ms Gowing for her organisation of this event. Congratulations to Draco Team for taking out the 10 of 28 13/05/2015 1:55 pm Brightwater State School Newsletter Cross Country Carnival for 2015. Please click here to see our champs. ANZAC Centenary - Essay Competition Winner Congratulations to Josh Russell for winning the Kawana RSL essay competition. Year six students were invited to share their thoughts on what the 100 Year Centenary of the landing at Gallipoli meant to them. Click here to read Josh's entry. Mothers’ Day Stall To celebrate the wonderful job BWSS Mum’s do, the BWSS P&C have organised the annual Mothers’ Day stall. Items for sale will range from $1 to $5. Please see below the purchasing timetable for classes. Wednesday 11 of 28 6.5.15 Thursday 7.5.15 Friday 8.5.15 9.00 – 9.15 1I, 6K 4G, 4J PM, 6B 9.15 – 9.30 1C, 3S 2B, 2K PC 9.30 – 9.45 1S, 5K 3V, 3B PH 9.45 – 10.00 1N, 5J 3R, 2G PT 10.00 – 10.15 1D, 5G 2R, 4K PR 13/05/2015 1:55 pm Brightwater State School Newsletter 10.15 – 10.30 2F, 6S 4W, 4/5B PS 1st Break Catch-up time 10.30 – 11.00 Book Covering The Resource Centre staff are again calling for volunteers to support us to cover over 300 books (and growing daily) that have been processed and are waiting to go on shelves. We would be grateful for any time you can donate to this worthy cause. Have a wonderful fortnight. Shelley Butcher, Acting Deputy Principal Head of Differentiation News ANZAC Day Brightwater school students commemorated the 100 year Centenary of the ANZAC landing at Gallipoli with a touching school ceremony held in the SPA on 24 April. Our school leaders are to be commended for the roles they played in leading the ceremony. Special thanks to guests Mr Kevin Hurmann and Mr Charlie Hooper from Kawana RSL Sub-Branch for their attendance. Students did a fantastic job of honouring our service men and women during the service. Representatives from each class laid wreaths both during the ceremony and again after at our special memorial garden, which was kindly donated by the Kawana Waters RSL Sub-Branch. The BWSS community also showed their respects with a large turn out at the Kawana Waters RSL Sub-Branch 12 of 28 13/05/2015 1:55 pm Brightwater State School Newsletter Service. I’m sure you will agree our school choir made us proud with their rendition of ‘Lest We Forget’ and the Australian and New Zealand Anthems. Congratulations choir students and thank you to all students and parents for your attendance. If you have any photos from the ceremony feel free to email them to us. A special thank you to all staff and students for the efforts you all put in to make the service so special. We would especially like to thank Mrs Sandra Cuthbert, our choir teacher, who put in many hours with our choir students to have them sounding so professional for both ours and the Kawana Waters Services. Mrs Sue Buchanan for working with all our students to create the World Peace Tree and our other art pieces, which were on display during the service. A big thank you also to Mr Knight who worked tirelessly to create the audio visual presentations for the day. Finally thank you to the parents for your attendance it was great to see so many people there to help us mark this occasion. We remember and thank all those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom and country on this ANZAC Day. Click here to view our ANZAC gallery. Erin Saarinen, Head of Differentiation Stars of the Week The stars of the week listed below will be announced on the next applicable year level parade. Class 13 of 28 Student PC Vinnie PH Issac 13/05/2015 1:55 pm Brightwater State School Newsletter 14 of 28 PM Lyla PR Ava PS Araminti PT Kya 1C Alex 1D CIan & Ella 1I Aleesha 1N Mollie 1S Amara 2B Fergus 2F Ruan 2G Lily 2K Makayla & Cooper 2R Annabella 3B Cooper 3R Angel 3S Kaiya 13/05/2015 1:55 pm Brightwater State School Newsletter 3V Mia 4G Manny 4J Jack 4W Kobi 4/5B Mckenzie & Nils 5G Ebony& Samson 5J Zoe 5K Ryan 6B Max 6K Jordan 6S Ethan Classroom News Prep Welcome back! We hope you had a great Easter holiday and it is great to see that everyone has settled back into the Prep routines so well. This Term we are starting our show and tell and an information hand out and a show and tell roster will go home with each student. We will be sharing a mystery bag, a story from a long time ago, things with patterns, retelling a 15 of 28 13/05/2015 1:55 pm Brightwater State School Newsletter story in our own words and showing items made of different materials. It will be wonderful to see the Prep students sharing in front of the class and watch their confidence grow! Some of the Prep classrooms are beginning to look for parent helpers. If that is your class, a note and a roster will be made available. The teachers look forward to seeing more parents and helpers in the classroom for literacy and math and don’t forget we are always looking for volunteers to help cut up fruit in the morning. The Preps are very excited about starting Guided Reading this Term and it is great to see them using their camera words and phonemes to stretch out words and read! We can’t wait to get started and work on our learning this Term. Click here to view our Prep gallery. PE Cross Country Our Cross Country Fun run was a great success last Wednesday. The sun was shining and the students were all eager to get out there and do their best. Thanks to all of those parents/guardians who attended to show their support. Draco House was the winner on the day. Congratulations to the Age Champions who were presented with a Championship medal: 16 of 28 9 Years Boys: Caleb 9 Years Girls: Ruby 10 Years Boys: Kobi 10 Years Girls: Macey 13/05/2015 1:55 pm Brightwater State School Newsletter 11 Years Boys: Caleb 11 Years Girls: Hope 12 Years Boys: Rohan 12 Years Girls: Alana The top 5 runners from each 10-12 years race will be participating in the Coastal District Cross Country Carnival next Monday 4 May at Currimundi and we wish them the best of luck! The fundraising money for our Fun Run has been slowly coming in and our opportunity to buy more sports equipment is looking great so far! Big thanks go to all of those families who raised money for our school. State Junior Surf Lifesaving Titles On the weekend of 20 March last term several of our Brightwater students competed for Kawana Waters SLSC at the State Junior Surf Lifesaving Titles. The following students did extremely well: Caleb - 5 Gold, 1 Silver medals (two of these were individual golds, in surf race and ironman, the rest team events) Alana - 1 Gold, 2 Silver, 2 Bronze medals (one individual bronze in her ironwoman, the others in team events) Hope - 1 Gold, 2 Silver medals (in team events) Max - 1 Silver medal (in team event) It is great to see so many of our talented students participating in these fantastic events outside of school. Well done to all of you. Margie Gowing, PE Teacher 17 of 28 13/05/2015 1:55 pm Brightwater State School Newsletter Dance Excellence – Sunshine Coast Eisteddfod Over the past term our Dance Excellence Team has been working hard with Miss Karla Corkill from Starz Dance Academy on a dance item to perform in the Sunshine Coast Schools Eisteddfod this Friday night, May 1 at the Caloundra Events Centre. This is the first time that Brightwater State School has entered into the Dance Eisteddfod. The dance looks fantastic and we wish our performers the best of luck. Thank you to the girls for your dedication and commitment to the Dance Excellence Program and thank you to Miss Karla for choreographing the routine. Erin Saarinen, Head of Differentiation School News Uniform Shop Standard uniform shop hours are Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 8:00am to 10:30am alternatively you can order online at: Messages to Students It is essential that teachers and children are able to work in class each day with minimal disruptions. We request, if possible, please remind or advise your child before coming to school of any changes to their normal pick up routine. It would be appreciated if you need to have a message passed onto your child during the day this is done no later than 2pm. This will assist in your child receiving your message prior to the end of the school day. 2015 Student Resource Scheme (SRS) 18 of 28 13/05/2015 1:55 pm Brightwater State School Newsletter As per the SRS participation agreement form, 2015 payments should be finalised by the end of the second week of the term, Friday 1 May. If you haven’t already finalised payment for this year could you please make payment by Friday 8 May 2015 or contact us to discuss other payment options. We are more than happy to negotiate payment plans, if this option suits you best, to ensure your child continues to have access to items provided under the scheme. Change to contact details It is important to notify the school of any changes to contact details, including those nominated as emergency contacts. Changes are required in writing, either by completing a change of details form available at the Administration Centre, by email or by writing a note. Community News Parentspace is connecting and supporting parents and carers of adolescents. Please click here to view the term 2 flyer showing FREE workshops with dates and time. News from your P&C Association P&C News Welcome back everybody after the Easter break. The P&C team certainly has a great attitude as we move forward within the school community. We welcome Tracey Charleson to the team as our new Communications Officer. Tracey will be the link between the P&C and the school to make sure we get efficiency through our communications. We have some great plans and events in the pipeline that we will share with you all as the details fall into place 19 of 28 13/05/2015 1:55 pm Brightwater State School Newsletter and we always welcome new members, ideas, suggestion and feedback. Please make sure you have completed your P&C 2015 Membership form and returned it to the office, the café or email to – one simple form is all that it takes. Save the Date (put these dates onto your fridge or into your phones for a handy reminder) P&C Monthly Meeting Mother’s Day Stall Wed 13 May Wed 6, Thurs 7 & Fri 8 May 9am Sports Hall (SPA) 9am Sports Hall (SPA) Class Reps A big thank you to everyone that has already volunteered to be our Class Reps! We still need to fill just a few more spaces in 1S, 2F, 2R, 3B, 3R, 3V, 4G, 4J, 5G, 5J, 5K, 6B and 6S. If you are interested in helping out please contact the P&C. This role is really crucial to ensure that communication is delivered effectively and efficiently – class reps will liaise with the P&C Communications Officer and the other parents/carers in the classroom – if you are someone that likes to be up with current events and information then this is the role for you. Email us now or Facebook One of the most efficient ways to stay up to date with news, events and information from the P&C is through the P&C Facebook page. Just search Brightwater SS P&C. Before you can be added as a member, we need the P&C 2015 membership application completed. You can collect this from the office, the café or request a copy to be emailed to you and when you have completed it, simply return to the café or email through and presto…you’ll be a part of the P&C Facebook page. Simple and rewarding. 20 of 28 13/05/2015 1:55 pm Brightwater State School Newsletter If you think you are already a member and do not receive e-mails from the P&C, please drop us an e-mail to with your name so we can make sure our database it up to date. We do have a lot of e-mails which bounce back to us so they are obviously incorrect at our end. We would love to correct these errors so we can make sure we communicate effectively with everyone. Fundraising Mother’s Day Stall We will be holding our annual Mother’s Day stall on Wednesday 6, Thursday 7 and Friday 8 May in preparation for Mother’s Day on Sunday 9 May. The stall will be your one stop shop for all the kids needs for their wonderful Mum’s, Nana’s, Grandmas, Nona’s – all those amazing women that give so much and ask for nothing in return. The Mother’s Day stall give the kids an opportunity to select a gift (or gifts) during school hours which will save any last minute panic and stress on all the Dad’s/Carers/Significant Others so it really is a win win situation. Gifts will be priced from $1 to $5. We are looking for anyone that may have some time spare after school drop off on these 3 mornings to assist with the stall. If you have any time available, please contact Melissa Barr on Cross Country The sponsorship form and money is now due back to the school. If you haven’t already done so, can you please return both the form and the money to the café as soon as you can so we can finalise everything. We thank you for your time and effort that you have put in to make this a successful event at the school. Label Kingdom and Ezcover Fundraiser - Ongoing We have teamed up with Label Kingdom to get a 10% commission for the P&C on any purchases from their website, so for all your label needs visit: At the checkout include our unique ID: 030081 21 of 28 13/05/2015 1:55 pm Brightwater State School Newsletter Ezcover give the P&C a 5c donation from every book cover ordered. Go to their website; choose Brightwater State School from the drop down box; enter the code ZFA186 and they will double the donation to 10c when ordering online. School Banking Every Monday we run school banking and are looking for some people to be able to offer their assistance each week. If you have an hour to spare after drop off, then please get in touch with Eliza. Remember that you need to claim your prizes once you have accumulated 10 tokens. If you do not have a reward slip from the CBA, then please put a note in with your child’s next school banking deposit requesting for a reward slip to be put in. Rewards available now include E.T. DVD, planet handball, invisible ink martian pen, intergalactic rocket. Remember, you have to claim for the previous or present term rewards and tokens cannot be accumulated past 10 as per the CBA’s policy. For any further information, please contact Eliza through Café News Next week I am attending 2 courses and will have relief convenors filling my role (Tues 5 May & Thurs 7 May). If you are able to spare some time on these days please come and help out as I’m sure they’d love some extra hands! The Café is now selling the School Hair Accessories that were previously available from the office. Menu Our new Term 2 menu is available on Munch Monitor, Facebook or our School Website. We now have a gluten free range of products (pizzas, banana bread, pasta bolognaise, fried rice to name a few!) and we will also have a vegetarian roll available. These will be on a trial basis and if they are a success we will 22 of 28 13/05/2015 1:55 pm Brightwater State School Newsletter continue them on our menu. For Term 2 our menu also includes some winter lines – pasta bolognaise, fried rice, pork & gravy rolls, garlic bread, and we will have a new pizza – BBQ chicken! Munch Monitor Reminder Snack Money! At 2nd break students can use their MM account to purchase over the counter snacks. The system will only allow them to purchase from their account if the parent has selected “Allow Snack Money”. Please update this to your preference. You can set a daily or weekly limit. To do this from your MM account: ->My Account > Student Profile > select your child > Allow Snack Money? > Yes or No > Daily or Weekly Allowance > Weekly Limit You can also upload a photo of your child onto their account. This will help café staff to ensure they are serving the correct child for that account. Class Café Roster Please find below the Term 2 roster for the café. It is really important that we have parents come in and help during their roster days as we are a big school now and one person is unable to get all the lunches out in time! On a Monday & Tuesday we need at least 3 people in the café, Thursday at least 4 and Friday at least 5 people!!! Our kids get 15 minutes to eat their main lunch, if we are late getting the food out, that just gives the kids less time. School Week 1 23 of 28 Week Commencing 20-Apr Classes 6B, 6K, 6S 13/05/2015 1:55 pm Brightwater State School Newsletter 2 27-Apr 5G, 5J, 5K 3 4-May PC, PH, PM 4 11-May PR, PS, PT 5 18-May 3R, 4J, 4/5B 6 25-May 4W, 4G, 1N 7 1-Jun 3B, 3S, 3V 8 8-Jun 2G, 2K, 2R 9 15-Jun 2B, 2F, 1S 10 22-Jun 1C, 1D, 1I If you have any feedback, comments or suggestions please email café or come in and see me! Deb Hitchman, Café Convenor 24 of 28 13/05/2015 1:55 pm Brightwater State School Newsletter P&C Brightwater Directory Are you a skilled tradie? Do you have artistic flair? Perhaps a concreter or florist, chef or greenskeeper? A health practitioner or hardware specialist? Entrepreneur or engineer? We know that everyone has talents – some obvious and some hidden, whatever that talent is, we want to hear from you, so if you would like to be part of the P&C Brightwater directory, please email Tracey ( with all your business details. How to contact the P&C Contact email: Facebook: search Brightwater SS P&C Association or (**must complete P&C 2015 membership form for access to Facebook Group**) Meetings held second Wednesday of each month and existing and new members are encouraged to attend. Kind Regards Your Exec Team Friends of Brightwater The 'Friends of Brightwater State School' supporters project has been established to enable strong and lasting relationships with community groups and businesses to enrich student learning. This concept enables the school and the community to work together to ensure that the young people within our community are receiving a well-rounded, high quality education resulting in productive citizens. Thank you to our current friends; Stockland, Aspire Estate Agents and Chimu Adventures for their generous 25 of 28 13/05/2015 1:55 pm Brightwater State School Newsletter support of student learning at our school. Date Claimers Monday 4 May 2015 District Cross Country Wednesday 6 - Friday 8 May 2015 P&C Mother's Day Stall Monday 4 - Friday 8 May 2015 Parent Workshop's (see above for schedule) Wednesday 6 May 2015 Junior Assembly - 2:15pm Thursday 7 - Friday 8 May 2015 Year 4 Cycle Safety Tuesday 12 - Thursday 14 May 2015 NAPLAN Wednesday 13 May 2015 P&C Meeting 9:00am Wednesday 13 May 2015 Senior Assembly - 2:15pm Friday 15 May 2015 Newsletter Day School Information Administration Centre hours Finance hours 26 of 28 8:00am to 3:30pm 8:00am to 10:30am 13/05/2015 1:55 pm Brightwater State School Newsletter School hours Student Absence line Assembly 8:40am to 2:45pm 5438 3166 Wednesday 2:15pm Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8:00am to 10:30am. Uniform Shop Phone 5438 3163. Email: Click here for Uniform price list Student banking Monday Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9:00am to 1:30pm. Phone Cafe 5438 3159. Email: Click here for the latest Cafe menu. P&C Meetings Email Next Meeting: Wednesday 15 May 2015, 9:00am 20 Dianella Drive Mountain Creek, QLD, 4557 0754383111 0754378348 27 of 28 13/05/2015 1:55 pm Brightwater State School Newsletter 28 of 28 13/05/2015 1:55 pm
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