Brightwater State School Newsletter 15 May 2015 Issue Number 07 Principal: Mr Paul Taylor Principal's Update Deputy Principal News Curriculum Corner Stars of the Week Classroom News School News Community News P&C News Friends of Brightwater OSHC News Date Claimers School Information Friends of Brightwater 1 of 19 Friend Membership level Website link Stockland Gold 19/05/2015 11:28 am Brightwater State School Newsletter Aspire Estate Agents - Alan Nash Silver Chimu Adventures Bronze Principal's Update Dear Parents It has been a busy two weeks since our last newsletter. In that time we have had many activities in our school that continue to demonstrate what a great place our school is. Last week we were lucky enough to be visited by the Sunshine Coast Mayor, Mark Jamieson, and a large contingent of supporters from the council, Sunshine Coast Police and Buderim Lions Club. These visitors to our school were impressed by our facilities remarked at how well presented, happy and well mannered our students are. We have also seen the successful completion of our first Parent learning week, our walking school bus, Mother's Day stall, cycle skills, District Cross Country and our NAPLAN testing program. A special thank you needs to be extended to the members of the P&C for the hard work they have put in collating the money form the Fun Run and the countless hours to prepare and run the Mother’s day stall. Uniforms Thank you to all the families who continue to support our Dress Code policy. With a sharp turn in the weather I would like to remind parents that a plain navy jumper / jacket / trackpants is ok to be worn if you do not have a school jumper or jacket whilst we are awaiting new stock. School track pants are available at the uniform shop and Navy tights may also be worn on cold days. School photos 2 of 19 19/05/2015 11:28 am Brightwater State School Newsletter Envelopes will be sent home next week for our school photo shoot on 26 & 27 May 2015. The photography company hopes to complete most photos on the 26 May with some family and group shots to be completed on 27 May. Under 8s Next Friday we are holding our under 8's celebration for Prep – Year 2 students. Please join us on the day for a fun filled morning. More details below. Kind regards, Paul Taylor, A/Principal Parenting Tip As a busy parent it’s easy to give your voice a work out when you don’t get the cooperation you want from your children. You know how it goes. You want your son or daughter to give you some help and they don’t respond. Perhaps, you want a child to stop annoying his or her sibling. Or you simply want your kids to QUIETEN DOWN inside. When your request for cooperation is ignored. So you do what over 90% of parents do. That is, you repeat yourself. Then if that’s still ignored you RAISE the volume. ‘I’ll yell at them. That should work!’ 3 of 19 19/05/2015 11:28 am Brightwater State School Newsletter Hmm, I’m not so sure. Usually yelling only succeeds in producing parent-deaf kids. If yelling, shouting or raising your voice is a habit you’ve developed to get cooperation then here’s a great strategy to use instead. Next time your kids ignore a reasonable request move close to them and quietly repeat your request once. No aggression, just expectation. It means you may need to stop what you are doing. So be it. Proximity is a powerful influencer. Great teachers know this. That’s why they move around in class so much: to teach and also to manage. So save your voice for conversation, encouragement and affection. Use your body effectively to manage kids. The key, of course, is to do it. Michael Grose, Director Parentingideas 2014 Deputy Principal News Parent Learning Week – A Crowd Puller I would like to thank our parent body for your support of our first Parent Learning Week. It was a huge success with 131 participants over five content areas. Feedback so far has been that parents are very grateful for the opportunity to learn strategies to support their children at home. I am sure you join me in thanking our dedicated staff who prepared and presented high quality sessions for our 4 of 19 19/05/2015 11:28 am Brightwater State School Newsletter school community. Please find below some parent feedback and a photo of our parents at one of the sessions. "I really enjoyed hearing about what OT's do. I didn't know they could support children with playing skills, emotional skills and attention disorders. Thank you Brightwater State School for organising this wonderful speaker." Julie Morrison - Parent Have a great fortnight. Shelley Butcher, Acting Deputy Principal Curriculum Corner Walking School Bus This Thursday May 14 marked our first Walk Safe Thursday, run with support of the Buderim Lions Club and Heritage Bank. Every Thursday morning volunteers from the Buderim Lions will be offering a walking school bus to our students. For every 10 walks that a student completes they will receive a certificate that entitles them to $10 to be deposited into a Heritage Bank Buderim account in their own name. The supervised walk will be held every Thursday for the rest of the school year. It is a great opportunity for students to get active and meet new friends in a safe way. In order for your child to participate you must first complete the registration form. More information on pick up points and terms and conditions can be found on the flyer attached. Click here to see some photos of our walking bus. 5 of 19 19/05/2015 11:28 am Brightwater State School Newsletter Thank you to The Buderim Lions Club and Heritage Bank Buderim for giving our students this fantastic opportunity. National Walk Safe to School Day Next Thursday 21 May we will be participating in The National Walk Safely To School Day. You can register on the Sunshine Coast Council website if you would like your child to be in the running to win some great prizes. On this day we encourage anyone who is able to ‘ditch the car’ and walk to school. If you need to drive to school, try parking the car a distance away so you can walk some of the way with your child. This is a great opportunity for you to reinforce and model road safety with your child. Year 6 Canberra and Snow Tour 2015 Update In the next week you should receive more information in regards to our Canberra and Snow Tour for our year 6 students. By now you should have paid your first two instalments (most recent payment of $300 was due 15/5) towards the trip. Please ensure that your payments are up to date. We leave the Sunshine Coast on Sunday 9 August and will return Thursday 13 August. We will be holding a parent information evening later this term to answer any questions that you might have regarding the tour. Students will need to provide their own waterproof snow gloves and sunglasses/snow goggles for the day at the snow. Please note Aldi is having a snow gear sale this Saturday 16 May so you may be able to get these items and any thermals/warm clothes at a reduced cost. All other ski gear (jacket, pants, poles, skis, helmet and boots) are included in the cost of the trip and students will not be permitted to bring their own equipment due to limited space on the bus. Cyber Awareness 6 of 19 19/05/2015 11:28 am Brightwater State School Newsletter This week our students have focused on being a positive digital citizen. Each class has been unpacking how to be cyber safe. Our lower years classes have come up with an agreed set of rules for acting safely online. Our upper primary classes have been looking at their own digital foot print and what information is appropriate to share on-line and what information should be kept private. For more information on how you can support your child to be cyber aware and act in a safe and positive way on-line visit Erin Saarinen, Head of Differentiation Stars of the Week The stars of the week listed below will be announced on the next applicable year level parade. Class 7 of 19 Week 3 Week 4 PC Ella Archer PH Ashleigh Maceo PM Cooper Bronte PR Bradley Florence PS Leila Vann PT Tristan Kasey 1C Lola Ashton 1D Amy Bryce 19/05/2015 11:28 am Brightwater State School Newsletter 1I Indiana Luke 1N Coby Jacob 1S Jahl Shakeira 2B 8 of 19 Tyler 2F Chloe Jessica 2G Eden Brian 2K Ryder Mia 2R Charlee Micah 3B Parmidia 3R Alexia 3S Havaiki Luca 3V Caleb Jacob 4G Ayla Lara 4J Connor Lily 4W Sophie Harrison 4/5B Halen Kyen 5G Evie Tom 5J Ethan / Bayley Gracie 19/05/2015 11:28 am Brightwater State School Newsletter 5K Shamia Tatyanna 6B Alex Riley 6K 6S Charlie Sol Alana Classroom News Prep Hello Prep Families, WOW! Week four is over already, how time flies! You will have noticed that earlier in the week we sent home a Phoneme and Camera Word booklet with your child. This booklet is for you to keep at home so that you can help your child practice their phonemes and camera words. In class we are working hard at learning how to identify and write all of our Unit 1 and Unit 2 phonemes as well as read, spell and write all of our Unit 1 (light blue) and Unit 2 (yellow) camera words. Please work through the booklet with your child, following the instructions on the inside front cover. Don’t forget to check the Brightwater Skoolbag App or login to our edStudio to keep up to date with what is happening in Prep. Also, we have all of our fantastic online resources that you can use to help support your child’s learning at home - Phonics Hero, Reading Eggs and Mathletics. What a fun way to help support your child! 9 of 19 19/05/2015 11:28 am Brightwater State School Newsletter Thanks to everyone for helping to prepare their child for their Show and Tell presentations. It has been so wonderful to see them share so confidently in front of their Prep classmates. Click on the photo to view our Prep gallery. If you haven’t already done so, please remember to bring in your child’s family Photos for History. Make sure you read all of the information for our P- 2 Under 8’s Day coming up on 22 May 2015. Thanks for your support! A special thank you to those that have volunteered their time to help out either in the café, cutting up fruit, at the Mother's Day stall, or in our classrooms. Prep Teachers Under 8’s Day We hope you are excited about our 4th annual Under 8’s Activity Day here at Brightwater State School! We love a good party, and nothing could be worth celebrating more than being young . . . ‘under 8’ in fact . . . and being a Brightwater Student! We are hosting an exciting activity morning here at school. The children from Prep to Year 2, will all be involved in a range of activities including fruit loop bracelets, water play, bubbles, construction, pasta necklaces, paper butterflies, chalk drawing, playdough, disco, painting, hula hoops, beading, sack races, newspaper hats, face painting, a photo booth and much, much more! This year we also have a yummy attraction – a beautiful, healthy fruit snack table . . . for everyone to enjoy! In order to do this, we are asking that each child from Prep to Year 2 bring in one piece of fruit and drop it off to 10 of 19 19/05/2015 11:28 am Brightwater State School Newsletter Miss Morales and Mrs Colam’s classroom (Prep M – closest to library) before school on the day. Or you can drop it in to Prep M the day before. Then come and visit the table during the activity morning when you feel a bit hungry!!! Yum! There will even be the fun photo booth again this year! How exciting! Take a photo with your friends so you’ll never forget the day! Come along and join in all the fun – everyone is welcome! Our school students will move freely among the activities. We do ask however, that all younger siblings stay with their parents at all times please. Friday 22 May 2015 9:00am until 10:20am A big thank you to all the Teachers, Teacher Aides, School Leaders, Year 6 students, and everyone else involved for organising an amazing array of activities and experiences for your children. Hope to see you there! Year 4 Cycle Skills Program Our Year 4's should now be some of the safest cyclists using our off- road cycle pathways. Why? Because last week these students participated in a Cycle Skills program, a joint venture organised and funded by Sunshine Coast Council and the Travel Smart Sunshine Coast Team. The focus of the theory session on Thursday was ensuring all students understood their responsibilities as bike riders. It was a surprise to some students that pedestrians have right of way on pathways and that your bike must have a working bell - even toddler bikes. The students learnt how to check to ensure their bikes are working correctly. A - air, 11 of 19 19/05/2015 11:28 am Brightwater State School Newsletter B - brakes, C - chain and gears, D - direction (aligning the handlebars and front wheels). Friday was bike riding day - but first - bike and helmet check. As many of the student's helmets were not correctly adjusted, this was a great opportunity to ensure safe fit of helmets. Click on the photo above to see our year 4's in action. Now it was onto the course for straight line riding, looking and scanning, cornering, braking and signalling. The cycle coaches set up traffic simulations, with the students participating eagerly in all the activities. Rebecca Johnston, Kacey Willoughby & Glenda Gill, Year 4 Teachers School News Student Resource Scheme Payment for this year’s scheme should now be finalised or approved payment plans in place. We will now begin reviewing outstanding accounts and if appropriate suspending access to online learning platforms. If you require more information please contact the school office. Thank you. 2016 Prep enrolments We are now accepting Prep enrolments for next year. If you have a child who will be attending Prep at our school in 2016 please contact the office to complete a registration form. If you know of families living in our catchment area could you please advise them we are now taking 2016 Prep enrolments. Student Absence Line Please advise the school when your child is absent from school, you can do this by: 12 of 19 19/05/2015 11:28 am Brightwater State School Newsletter Skoolbag App or Email, or phoning the school absence line, 5438 3166. When phoning the absence line please leave the date, your child’s name, class, reason for absence and expected date of return to school. This absence line is checked regularly throughout the day as the busiest time in the Administration Centre is from 8:15am to 9:30am calling the absence line will help you to get your call answered swiftly and not being delayed waiting for the administration staff to answer the main line. Community News Parentspace Parentspace is connecting and supporting parents and carers of adolescents. Please click here to view the term 2 flyer showing FREE workshops with dates and time. Parenting, Eating and Activity for Child Health A new free healthy lifestyle program called PEACH™ - Parenting, Eating and Activity for Child Health - is running on the Sunshine Coast. The program is funded by the Queensland Government and being delivered in your area by the Child Healthy Weight Team from the Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service. Limited spots are available for each program. If you would like to reserve a spot on the next program please call 1800 263 519 or 5450 4766 or visit for more information or click here to view the brochure. 13 of 19 19/05/2015 11:28 am Brightwater State School Newsletter News from your P&C Association School Banking We have been advised by Commonwealth Bank that tokens cannot be shared or accumulated as it clashes with the system and is also against bank policy. They have also informed us that students who don't promptly claim their reward on attaining 10 dollarmite tokens are in danger of losing them. Stock piling is not allowed. Café News Menu We have been able to source Queensland Yoghurt Company yoghurt, it is absolutely delicious! We have the honey flavour and you can also choose this with added passionfruit syrup. Another option is adding yoghurt to the fruit salad! I have made a lovely batch of “Bliss Balls”. They are made of date, dried apple, oats, cinnamon and cocoa. Great way to get some fibre into the kids without them even knowing!!! They are selling for a low 60 cents a ball! Donations We are implementing a new system for parents who might not be able to volunteer in the café, who still want to contribute so I have prepared a list of items that can be donated to the café to help with baking. Please note these items will only be accepted if they are sealed, unopened and within useby date. Items requested are: Pitted dates, dried apples, chicken stock, wholemeal flour, castor sugar, brown sugar, cocoa, plastic teaspoons, 14 of 19 19/05/2015 11:28 am Brightwater State School Newsletter plastic forks, sultanas, honey, tinned tuna (in spring water, 185g), pens, whiteboard markers, fruit, lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, cucumber, jatz crackers, milk, eggs. Class Café Roster Please find below the Term 2 roster for the café. It is really important that we have parents come in and help during their roster days as we are a big school now and one person is unable to get all the lunches out in time! On a Monday & Tuesday we need at least 3 people in the café, Thursday at least 4 and Friday at least 5 people!!! Our kids get 15 minutes to eat their main lunch, if we are late getting the food out, that just gives the kids less time. School Week 15 of 19 Week Commencing Classes 1 20-Apr 6B, 6K, 6S 2 27-Apr 5G, 5J, 5K 3 4-May PC, PH, PM 4 11-May PR, PS, PT 5 18-May 3R, 4J, 4/5B 6 25-May 4W, 4G, 1N 19/05/2015 11:28 am Brightwater State School Newsletter If you have any feedback, comments or suggestions please email café or come in and see me! Deb Hitchman, Café Convenor How to contact the P&C Contact email: Facebook: search Brightwater SS P&C Association or (**must complete P&C 2015 membership form for access to Facebook Group**) Meetings are held second Wednesday of each month and existing and new members are encouraged to attend. Kind Regards Your Exec Team OSHC - Camp Australia News Please click here to read the latest news from Camp Australia. Friends of Brightwater 16 of 19 19/05/2015 11:28 am Brightwater State School Newsletter The 'Friends of Brightwater State School' supporters project has been established to enable strong and lasting relationships with community groups and businesses to enrich student learning. This concept enables the school and the community to work together to ensure that the young people within our community are receiving a well-rounded, high quality education resulting in productive citizens. Thank you to our current friends; Stockland, Aspire Estate Agents and Chimu Adventures for their generous support of student learning at our school. Date Claimers 17 of 19 Wednesday 20 May 2015 Junior Assembly - 2:15pm Friday 22 May 2015 Under 8's Day Monday 25 May 2015 Permission & Payment Year 6 Workshop Closes Tuesday 26 & Wednesday 27 May 2015 School Photos Wednesday 27 May 2015 Senior Assembly - 2:15pm Friday 29 May 2015 Permission & Payment Year 5 Excursion Closes Friday 29 May 2015 Newsletter Day Monday 1 June 2015 Year 6 Workshop - Gary Crew Author visit Friday 5 June 2015 Year 5 Excursion - St Helena Island Thursday 25 June 215 School Disco 19/05/2015 11:28 am Brightwater State School Newsletter School Information Administration Centre hours 8:00am to 3:30pm Finance hours 8:00am to 10:30am School hours 8:40am to 2:45pm Student Absence line Assembly 5438 3166 Wednesday 2:15pm Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8:00am to 10:30am. Uniform Shop Phone 5438 3163. Email: Click here for Uniform price list Student banking Monday Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 8:00am to 1:30pm. Phone 5438 Cafe 3159. Email: Click here for the latest Cafe menu. P&C Meetings Email Next Meeting: Wednesday 10 June 2015, 9:00am 20 Dianella Drive 18 of 19 19/05/2015 11:28 am Brightwater State School Newsletter Mountain Creek, QLD, 4557 0754383111 0754378348 19 of 19 19/05/2015 11:28 am
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