WEDNESDAY 20TH MAY 2015 |ISSUE 15 Page 1 Bundaberg Special School Newsletter PRINCIPAL’S NEWS DATE CLAIMERS Term 2: Monday 20 April to Friday 26 June 2015. Monday 25 May- Stephanie Alexandra Parent cooking workshop. Banking every Tuesday Monday 25 May-Tuckshop Wednesday 27 May Storytime event for Junior & Primary Tuesday 2 June-The Big Samba performance After school finishes next Monday, our staff members will participate in a twilight Professional Development session. This 3.5 hour session will focus on the teaching of maths through the YuMi maths program and on profiling of the Essential Skills for the Classroom management for our Teachers and Teacher Aides. We are very fortunate to have Professor Tom from Queensland University of Technology to come to help us develop our skills in teaching maths to our students in a fun, hands-on manner. The P&C Committee will hold it’s monthly meeting in the Parent Room on 25 May starting at 9.00am. Everyone is welcome to attend. This meeting will be followed by a workshop for parents/caregivers and family members in the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen. Please see the information about this activity in the newsletter. A flyer about the workshop was sent home last week. I really encourage you to take up this opportunity to have a fun time in the kitchen while you learn some new skills and meet new people Michael Brett Principal Week Date Person responsible Topic 6 Monday 25 May Sharyn Schick 10am - 12pm Kitchen Workshop 9 Tuesday 16 June Leanne Cordero – Exercise Physiologist Free and low cost ways to be physically active and to eat healthily STUDENT ABSENCE EMAIL Postal Address | PO Box 5688, Bundaberg West QLD 4670 Delivery Address | Cnr of Dr Mays Road & Branyan Street, Bundaberg QLD 4670 Phone | (07) 4155 5222 Fax | (07) 4155 5200 Email | B U I L D IN G FU T U RE S TO G E T H E R Be a Learner Be Friendly Be Safe Bus/Taxi Transport Parents/Carers must advise the school when you need to cancel transport, change address or when students are attending respite. Processing of amended forms with Queensland Transport can take up to a week to process. If your child is absent from school for whatever reason and uses bus or taxi transport, it is the parents/carers responsibility to contact Turtle Coast Buses or the Bundaberg Cab Company directly to advise them of the change. Turtle Coast Buses: 0458 151 160 Bundy Cabs: 131 008 WEDNESDAY 20TH MAY 2015 |ISSUE 15 STUDENT OF THE WEEK JUNIOR SECTOR Prep 1A: Conissa Green for being a learner and regularly using PECS to request for food at mealtimes. Prep 1B: Liam Carris for being a learner and always participating in the ‘Stephanie Alexander’ program. Prep 1C: Liam Williams for being a learner by identifying that the weather was sunny. Year 2/3A: Chloe for being a learner by counting to 20. Year 2/3B: Sophie for being a learner by sequencing and writing in English rotations. JUNIOR PLAYGROUND AWARD Lincoln Lewington For being safe by staying in the playground area PRIMARY SECTOR Year 4/5A: Mia Balfour for being a learner and actively engaging in history. Year 4/5B: Dion Daley for being a learner and engaging during English. Great Rhyming! Year 5: Emily Robertson for being a learner and matching her colours during Intensive Interaction. Year 6: Reilly Wilson for being calmer at eating time. PRIMARY PLAYGROUND AWARD Jeffrey Whan for always being a great friend in the playground. SECONDARY SECTOR Year 7/8/9A: Lara Reid for always attempting her work. Year 7/8/9B: Stephanie Andrew for showing interest and enthusiasm in Maths and Art. Year 8/9: Rhiannon Gregory for always being enthusiastic at school. Year 7/8/9C: Jakob Otto-Daniels for great listening and choice making. SENIOR SCHOOL Student of the week- Senior School 12A Congratulations to Tom Massingham who was our Gotcha winner for this week. Tom demonstrated excellent sportsmanship skills at our weekly community access programLawn Bowls. Tom was caught out encouraging his peers, congratulating them for having a go and giving out lots of high fives for awesome bowling! Burnett Lawn bowls staff were totally impressed with Tom’s manners, respectful attitude in using the facilities, for being so friendly and willing to learn. Well done Tom, we are all so proud of you. Year 12B Student of the Week Richard Warden - For sitting while eating and demonstrating socially appropriate behaviours during recreation time. Page 2 CLASSROOM NEWS Health and Wellbeing Students are loving the experience of coming to the Health and Wellbeing room and enjoying learning experiences centred around this vital topic. All lessons begin with a brief relaxation exercise which helps to ensure that our minds are open to new ideas and that our bodies are relaxed and calm. The health and wellbeing room is a calm and happy place and we have a new red ‘conversation couch’ to give students a comfortable place to sit when developing their conversation and communication skills. Learning experiences cover many aspects including safety, relationships, health, emotions and body changes. From prep to year 12, students are encouraged to ask questions and participate positively in the various activities. Intensive Interaction. What is it? It is an approach for developing social interaction and communication skills to people with significant intellectual and multiple impairments, and autism, people who are preverbal, and people who are ‘difficult to reach” or in a world of their own and who show no interest in interacting with those around them, and people who have a range of selfinvolving behaviours. Does this description remind you of anyone you know? Well each week, the Intensive interaction PLC will be sharing some HOT TIPS on how to successfully socially engage with these people. It is about giving them the control of the conversation. Tip for this week: Follows the leadRemember the learner should control the conversation, wait and watch carefully so you don’t accidentally make the first move. In a sense, the individual envelopes the learner in a communicative context, so that no matter how the learner acts, the more skilled partner can shape their own response so that it facilitates a further opportunity for the learner to contribute. It is necessary to ‘tune-in’ to the learner, constantly read and assess the person for things that you can respond to in order to create ‘communication moments’. Try this regularly each day…you will soon notice ‘little things’…..good luck, until next week… _____________________________________________ Prep 1C are continuing to work on communication and maths number goals and have also started looking at capacity in maths using pasta and rice. The children are using words such as ‘more’, ‘full’ and ‘empty’. We are studying our families in history and have started some community access activities associated with this. We are doing these with the children in 2/3B. Last week we went in the bus and looked at some of the houses of the children who live in Bundaberg. This week we are going to travel out to Bargara to do the same. Everyone loves going in the bus. We have also been learning our colours for Sports day and making some shakers to use on the day. WEDNESDAY 20TH MAY 2015 |ISSUE 15 SCHOOL NEWS School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) News Raising children doesn't have to be a battle. Proponents of positive discipline teach that kids can—and will—behave without threats, bribes, yelling and physicality. Over the coming weeks, we will analyse the seven tips that will set you on the path to better behaviour—and a stronger, more peaceful connection with your child. Tip 4 : Give attention to the behaviour you like—not the behaviour you don't. Children often act up because they want your attention, so sometimes it pays to ignore those actions you don't want to see more of. Tantrums and whining? Play deaf or walk away, and your child will learn that there's a better way to communicate. It is vital, of course, that the child has an appropriate means of communication (this may be verbally, through the use of sign language or picture cards or another means that helps them to appropriately communicate to you what it is that they want or don’t want). Next week we will focus on the importance of redirection. This week’s SWPBS rule is: Be Safe: Keep your area tidy. Next week’s SWPBS rule will be: Stay in designated areas. Our School Wide Positive Behaviour Support Committee meets every fortnight on Wednesday from 8.00am til 8.30am in the Staffroom. Parents and Carers are welcome and encouraged to join us. Until next week: “Be the Three” Library News FUN @ OUR STORYTIME SESSION NEXT WEEK On Wednesday 27th May parents, carers and younger siblings are invited to join us to celebrate National Family Reading Month @ our STORYTIME session for our younger students where we will be reading the very funny Pig the Pug by Aaron Blabey “Pig was a Pug and I'm sorry to say, he was greedy and selfish in most every way. ... “and enjoying some fun activities. Session times Junior Sector 9.30am in J Block Primary Sector 12.00 in the library We hope you can join us. Miss Sarah —————————————————————————- THE BIG SAMBA PERFORMANCE from Nexus Arts Steve Schulz takes a roomful of students, buckets of percussion instruments and a whole heap of energy to create The Big Samba. All students get to have an instrument and join in this Brazilian Carnival Music. We have heard such great reviews that we know our students are going to love it. Steve will be doing a performance for the whole school on Tuesday the 2nd June at 12 o’clock at a cost of $5.50 per student. Invoices will be sent home with an envelope to return with your child’s payment. Please make sure to clearly mark students name and class and what the payment is for. Payment is due by Friday 29 May. ————————————————————————— Invitation to Parents Stephanie Alexandra Parent Cooking Workshop What: Be Safe, Be Friendly, Be a Learner. ————————————————————————- P&C NEWS MAY TUCKSHOP SPECIAL IS “FRIED RICE—$4.00” Place your child’s name and order on an envelope, enclose the money and send it in to the child’s teacher. ————————————————————————SCHOOL BANKING School banking will be held over until next week due to illness of the ladies who process the banking. Making Fresh Pasta with Sauces (traditional tomato and Creamy cauliflower) Time: Monday 25th may 10am - 12pm Presenters: Sharyn Schick (Stephanie Kitchen Co-ordinator) MONDAY TUCKSHOP The next tuckshop will be on 25th May. Choose from the healthy options menu and delivered at first break. In addition to the menu there will be a SPECIAL offered once a month.. Page 3 Alexandra Francine Lowther (Kitchen Assistant) Cost: Free: including enjoying your prepared meal afterwards. RSVP: Please contact school office on 41555222 between hours of 8am and 4pm The object of this workshop is to develop practical cooking skills in a friendly and supportive environment. Enjoy the interaction with other parents whilst achieving the confidence and ability to use these skills and recipes at home. WEDNESDAY 20TH MAY 2015 |ISSUE 15 Sleep Group COMMUNITY NEWS 2015 Workshop Schedule Rebuilding after Separation An experiential workshop Separating or divorcing from a relationship or marriage can be an emotional and challenging time. This eight week program can help you care and understand your own emotional needs and to start rebuild life again. When: Thursday 2 June 2015 Time: 6pm to 8.30pm Contact: UnitingCare Community on 41538400 (Booking essential) Where: 3A River Terrace, Bundaberg Cost: Gold Coin Mindfulness and a path of kindness, wisdom and happiness An experiential workshop. Mindfulness is an ancient tradition and is about waking up, connection with ourselves, and appreciating the fullness of the each moment of life. This eight session workshop will guide participants through various mindfulness techniques. When: Thursday 11&18 June 2015 ( 2 sessions) Time: 9.30am to 3.00pm Contact: UnitingCare Community on 41538400 (Booking essential) Where: 3A River Terrace, Bundaberg Cost: $10 per person First 6 Month Group Designed for new parents with babies up to 6 months. 4 week program with 2 hour sessions covering adjustment to parenthood, sleep and settling, play and development and intro of solids. Tuesday 9th June 9.30am—11.30am Child Health 1st Floor Margaret Rose Centre 312 Bourbong Street Bundaberg Phone 41502700 to register Toddler Group (1-3 years) 2 hours parenting session discussing development, play, food, sleep and oral care after baby turns 12 months Thursday 11th June 9.30am-11.30am Child Health 1st Floor Margaret Rose Centre 312 Bourbong Street Bundaberg Phone 41502700 to register Page 4 2 hour parenting session discussing sleep and settling behaviours in babies up to 12 months. Tips and techniques. Thursday 18th June 9.30am-11.30am Child Health 1st Floor Margaret Rose Centre 312 Bourbong Street Bundaberg Phone 41502700 to register Sector News The Primary Sector are well into their History unit and have had the opportunity to investigate the concepts of old and new. On Tuesday the Bundaberg Vintage Car Club kindly donated some of their time and cars for the students to have a look at. Parked beside some modern cars the 1965 Humber Vogue and a 1920’s Rugby clearly stood out as something different. A big thank you to the two gentlemen who proudly shared their pride and joy with us. It was enjoyed by all.
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