37 Maryborough St Bundaberg Qld 4670 Website: https://bundabergshs.eq.edu.au Email: the.principal@bundabergshs.eq.edu.au Phone: 07 4154 5333 Fax: 07 4154 5300 Subscribe to Online Newsletter! http://bundabergshs.schoolzinenewsletters.com/subscribe 19 May 2015 PRINCIPAL'S REPORT: As we move into the halfway point of Term 2, there are so many congratulations deserved in this newsletter for many students and staff. We have ensured that each achievement/event has its own article in this edition, so the students involved in the various activities receive the full attention they deserve. Chaplaincy Week We could not do what we do for our students without the support of our Student Services team who work tirelessly to make a difference every day for every student. This week is Chaplaincy week and it would be remiss of me not to open this newsletter with a huge thankyou on behalf of the staff and students at Bundaberg State High School for all you do for us Chappy Lynne and Chappy Craig. Our school is a better place because of the work you do to support all of us. Chaplaincy week should not be the only time we take to say thank you for making Bundy High a better place to be. The innovative programs that you deliver ensure our student’s learning is ongoing. The Mayor’s Chaplaincy Breakfast will be the perfect opportunity to show our thanks as a community for the work that each of our chaplains do. We have selected students and staff attending the event at the Civic Centre. I have taken pleasure over the past 2 weeks in seeing our staff and students in a variety of activities that truly demonstrate the diverse learning opportunities Bundaberg State High School offers our students. First, our rowers and their coaches and families demonstrated their commitment to the sport at their pre Head of River events held last weekend and one earlier his term. We have some very committed students and coaches who are looking forward to showing their talents in a few weeks’ time where I believe our students will shine in several categories. To the parents who assisted with boat loading, unloading, events on the days, on canteen, and from the bank as part of the amazing cheer squad, I know the students very much appreciate your support. We have parents and students who continue to fundraise each Friday night at bingo to ensure students have every opportunity to compete. Similarly, in Cross Country in both the Gin Gin individual event and then the teams event, our staff and students worked together to produce solid results, with some personal best times by students as the outcome. Well done to everyone who participated. Our Aussie Rules boys have also played Shalom in a knockout Aussie Rules comp and whilst we didn’t win, our boys did us proud. In addition we had our SEP students experience camping (many for the first time) in the rain! Most recently, our Biology students spent 3 days in the wilderness and were still able to come back smiling! The many events that take place each week are the result of endless hours of planning by our staff and I thank them all for the work they put in to make a difference for your students. NAPLAN It would be remiss of me not to praise our Year 7 and 9 students, and the organising staff for their efforts in NAPLAN last week. We have a responsibility in schools to work with students to improve literacy and numeracy, and NAPLAN is one of the ‘point in time’ tools that our staff can use to identify current gaps in student skills. Our staff members were as proud as I was last week as they saw the effort our students put in to completing the testing instruments, although I do think by Thursday many students seemed more excited by the snacks they received than the actual test items! At least we know they have their priorities right and it was very pleasing for staff to see students coming back for seconds of fresh fruit and homemade muffins! The data we receive back from NAPLAN at the end of Term 3 will allow our staff to plan future academic programs for our Year 7 and 9’s as they move into their future years of schooling. All of our junior year levels work with teachers constantly to improve their skills. Upcoming events On 29 May, we celebrate P and C Day. I take this opportunity to congratulate and thank the parents and carers who give up their time to make a difference for our students in some way. It is interesting that our National media continue to focus on drama, and negative stories, yet are somewhat oblivious to the fact that nearly 25 000 P and C volunteers work in our schools and turn over around $250 million annually in supporting school communities. Volunteers make our communities and they deserve to be recognised. Our P and C will in the next few weeks, finalise how they will donate more than $50 000 to our students for selected major works and learning programs – something that needs to be recognised! Our school is a better place as a result of the donations our P and C made in 2014 – student seating in undercover areas, swimming carnival sponsorship, academic and sporting excellence support, chaplaincy programs, and Taiko drums were part of the $50 000 donated last year. Thank you to each person who contributed to our great school. Karen McCord, Principal JUNIOR SECONDARY: Attendance Our Year 7, 8 and 9 students who attended school in Term 1 for over 95% or 100% of classes were presented with certificates on this week’s parade. These certificates will make an invaluable inclusion in the resumes of those students considering entering the casual workforce in the future, as they are a good example of commitment and reliability. All students who qualified for the 95% and 100% certificates will also go into the draw for a $20 and $30 iTunes voucher. Good luck with the draw and congratulations to the lucky winners! Regular attendance is always important as research shows that in Queensland, higher student attendance at school is associated, on average, with higher student achievement. However, regular attendance is particularly important at this time of the term with students starting to receive assignment tasks and prepare for end-of-term exams. Remember if your child is absent from school for any reason please notify the school at your earliest convenience. Junior Secondary Incentive Days Bucca Retreat & Bundy Bowl and Leisure/Reading Cinemas On the final day of Term 1, approximately 100 Year 7 and 8 students and 50 Year 9 students attended the Term 1 Incentive Day held at the Bucca Retreat (Year 7 and 8) and Bundy Bowl and Readings Cinemas (Year 9). The Incentive Day excursions were offered as a reward for those students ‘doing the right thing’ at school. All Year 7, 8 and 9 teachers were given the opportunity to nominate students from their classes based on a set of criteria about being respectful, being responsible, being safe and being committed. Examples for students demonstrating these qualities would include, having a minimum attendance of 95%, always completing homework, handing in all assessment on time and giving 100% in class. Those students receiving the most nominations were selected to participate in the first Incentive Day for 2015. During the day at Bucca Year 7 and 8 students participated in a range of fun activities including an obstacle course, canoeing and a water slide activity. These activities not only challenged students, but provided them with opportunities for working together in small groups and teams, while developing stronger ties with fellow students and teachers. Year 9 students started their fun-filled day at the Bundy Bowl and Leisure Complex with a game of ten pin followed by some time in the dodgem cars and games arcade, before enjoying some pizza in the park for lunch. The final part of their day was spent watching a movie at Readings Cinemas, before returning to school to start a 2 well-deserved break for the Easter holidays. A great day was had by all who attended. The next Year 7 and 8 Incentive Day is set down for the second last day of Term 2 at Bundy Bowl and Leisure Centre and Readings Cinemas, with the Term 3 and 4 Incentive Days being held at Australia Zoo and Aussie World/Dream World. The next Year 9 Incentive Day will be held at Chaverim, followed by whale watching in Term 3 and Wet n Wild in Term 4. To be eligible for nomination students must demonstrate an ability to BE RESPECTFUL, BE RESPONSIBLE, BE SAFE and BE COMMITTED at all times while at school. Good luck with the next round of nominations! Year 7 students proudly Year 8 students with their showing off their Term 95% and 100% certificates 1 Incentive Day Certificates from Term 1 Ian Tranent, Junior Secondary HOD ROSTRUM VOICE OF YOUTH COMPETITION: On Saturday 2 May, six Bundy High students participated in the local heats of the Rostrum Voice of Youth Public speaking competition, hosted by Bundaberg State High. Along with students from Kepnock State High and St Luke’s Anglican School, Natalia Frick, Kirsten Buckholz, Aiden Frick, Alex Buckholz, Zoe Garson and Kyle Schneider were required to write a 6-8 minute speech on a selected topic and present to an audience of peers, family and community representatives. Whilst public speaking is daunting to many people, these students delivered their speeches with impressive confidence and were fantastic representatives of our school. Congratulations to Year 8 student Alex Buckholz who was named runner up in the junior division, an especially impressive feat given that most of his competitors were from Year 10. A huge ‘thank you’ must go to all students for their excellent preparation and efforts on the day. Katy Gorlick, Rostrum Voice of Youth Coordinator/ Teacher CONGRATULATIONS MACSON COTTLE AND HAYLEY PERRY: A huge congratulations to two of our Year 8 students, Macson Cottle and Hayley Perry who have both been invited by the Bundaberg Swim Academy to join the ‘NZ 2015’ team. If Macson and Hayley accept, they will be traveling to Auckland (New Zealand) in August. Swimmers who were invited to join the NZ team have swum national qualifying times at meets during the past season as well as competing at their Regional Championships in the current season. We once again congratulate Macson and Hayley on their great success in swimming and being invited to be a part of the NZ 2015 team. CROSS COUNTRY NEWS: This term has started with three cross country events. We held our school event on Friday 24 April and had fantastic participation from students across all year levels. Well done to the following students who finished first in their age group: 12 Years Henry Batterham and Ella Hagan-Jenkins 13 Years Aiden Frick and Kijah Stephenson 14 Years Cooper Mortensen and Brianna Johnson 15 Years Jaden Bond and Angela Duffield 16 Years Heath Mick and Hannah Blee 17 & Over Jack Reynolds and Kara Fines The Inter-School Cross Country was run in Gin Gin on Wednesday 29 April and Bundy High took along 36 runners. The course is notorious for being tough and strenuous but all runners finished with determination. Congratulations to the following students who ran in Gin Gin: Henry Batterham, Michael Nagas-Newby, Lucy Dennien, Amie Sibbald, Aiden Frick, Brayden Shield, Caleb Szegfu, Ryan Munn, Kijah Stephenson, Katie McCord, Tarn Zoto, Alex Claridge, Shannon Searle, Kimberley Duck, Jaden Bond, Matthew Eichmann, Travis Reid, Connor Lassig, Angela Duffield, Madison Morrall, Heath Mick, Daniel Smith, Corey-James Walker, Hannah Blee, Bianca Franchetto, Melissa Duck, Kara Fines, Sophie Strunks, Sofie Dyrstad, Liam, Doss, Bella Doss, Tyrone Doyle, Nathaniel Edwards, Decklin Kenzler, Timothy Klein and Zara Pukallus. (L-R) Nathaniel Edwards, (L-R) Sophie Strunks, Kijah Stephenson, Jaden Sofie Dyrstad, Kara Fines Bond, Zara Pukallus Alex Farrell, Sports Coordinator WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON WINTER SPORT: Winter sport will start in Term 3 this year but preparations have already begun. The sports available for winter sport this year are: Rugby League, Soccer, Basketball, Netball (girls), AFL 9’s (U/ 15 mixed), Hockey (mixed), Lawn Bowls and Table Tennis. Each sport is available to both boys and girls with various divisions in each. At this stage we are chasing nominations from all students to gain an idea of what teams to nominate. You can nominate by writing your name outside R Block before 29 May. Remember, if you don’t nominate then there may not be a team to play on. Winter sport starts Term 3, Week 2 until Week 7 with finals played on Friday 4 September. Any questions can be directed to Miss Farrell in R Block. Alex Farrell, Sports Coordinator GRIN AND TONIC THEATRE TROUPE PERFORM AT BUNDY HIGH: Additional congratulations to Kijah, Jaden, Nathaniel and Zara for finishing first in their division and for Kijah, Jaden, Nathaniel, Angela, Madison, Heath, Corey, Hannah and Tyrone being selected to compete at the Wide Bay trials in Murgon on 26 May. Also, many thanks to staff members Josh Nugent, Di Barrett and Lychelle Smith for assisting with this event. On 24 April, Grin and Tonic Theatre Troupe visited Bundy High. The two actors, Jack McGovern and Meg Haslam presented the fun, fast and furious dramatic performance ‘Livid’, showcasing some of Shakespeare’s well-known tragic heroes ; Macbeth, Hamlet and Othello. Bundaberg State High School also competed in the Team’s Cross Country at St Luke’s on Wednesday 6 May. This event consisted of teams of three running 2km each in a relay format. It was a great afternoon with Bundy High having 9 teams nominated. All students ran very well and said they will do it again next year. Special congratulations goes to Kara Fines, Sophie Strunks and Sofie Dyrstad for winning their age group. Well done to all who ran. After the performance, Year 9-12 Drama students were invited to workshops which were run by Kellie Lazarus (Grin and Tonic General Manager), teaching students some of the basic techniques and conventions of Physical Theatre, Directing and Improvisation. The students all enjoyed the performance and learnt some of the key techniques and skills of their current area of study. Keep up the great work Bundy High! On behalf of all of the drama students, we would like to thank Jack and Meg for performing at Bundy High. On behalf of the drama student cohort, I would like to thank Grin and Tonic Theatre Troupe for coming to Bundy High and putting on an amazing performance. 3 Wendy Christensen, Mother of Rachel and Karly Year 9 BUNDABERG CAREERS EXPO: Bundaberg Careers Expo is being held on Tuesday 26 May at the Civic Centre from 4-6pm (public session) with a huge range of careers on display. For further information, please click on the below link. Kyle Schneider, Year 12 Drama Student/Senior School Captain JAPANESE HOMESTAY EXPERIENCE: As a family we were a little nervous about hosting as we’d never hosted an international visitor before. Will she like us? Will she be missing home? What if she’s unhappy here? Lots of questions ran through my mind before she arrived. I needn’t have worried. Honoka was a happy and outgoing girl. As we drove off from collecting her, her first sentence to us was “I’m so nervous” which we replied, “So are we!” I never would have thought we would have so much fun and laughter. How could hitting a small paper beach ball around the house make us laugh so much? How much fun can you have with a Japanese toy called Kendama? She enjoyed our yard, the stars in our night sky, our house and beaches but she also enjoyed the downtime we had a few times just hanging out at home. I won’t forget the late night we had sitting on the lounge just chatting and learning about each other’s countries and families. I think it’s a fantastic opportunity for these young visitors and their hosts. She settled in well and we enjoyed communicating with her, there were blank stares and sign language but we managed to get by. Rachel was so keen to host a visitor, she wouldn’t let it go since missing out in Year 8. In fact, what was created was a lifelong friendship and we are so grateful for the opportunity. We would love to host again but I will need to think on it and decide whether our goodbye tears were worth it! (Ok, I know they were) SIGNING AFTERNOON TEA: I have read that the best way to learn a language is to immerse yourself in it. That is exactly what happened a few weekends ago when we held a ‘Signing Afternoon Tea’. A group of 8 ladies got together, all of various signing abilities, for an afternoon of NO TALKING - ONLY SIGNING. Yes, believe it or not, it happened. There was coffee, cakes and lots of laughter as we tried to work out what the different signs meant and what was actually being said. It was so much fun we thought we would make it a regular event with the next ‘Signing Smoko’ being held on 13 June 2015 from 2-4pm. Please bring a plate and a friend interested in learning to sign. RSVP cstua44@eq.edu.au by 5 June. Chrisy Stuart, Teacher Aide NATIONALLY CONSISTENT COLLECTION OF DATA – SCHOOL STUDENTS WITH DISABILITY: What is the national data collection? The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (the national data collection) is an annual collection that counts the number of school students with disability and the level of reasonable educational adjustment they are provided with. The national data collection will count students who have been identified as receiving an adjustment to address a disability 4 under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (the DDA). The DDA can be accessed from the ComLaw website at http://www.comlaw.gov.au/ Please click on the below link to read the full article with details. Nancy Paterson, H.O.S.E.S. SUPPORT OUR CHAPPY: Recently you would have received a flyer promoting an appeal with a difference supporting chappy Craig. Our chaplains work hard at Bundaberg State High School supporting students, staff and their families. Craig receives no government funding and is only here through the generous donations of individuals, churches and businesses. We know money is tight so that is why this appeal is so different, as it won’t cost you a cent. Everyone pays CTP insurance with their vehicle registration and the price and coverage is set and controlled by the Qld government. What this appeal through the team at Partner Program has been able to do is to get a $20 donation sent to a charity organisation ‘school chaplaincy’ when switching to QBE insurance. Not only do you get the best possible insurance coverage from this leading company but you also make a difference in the lives of many young people by supporting the chaplains who support them. So why not change over your CTP so that the great work of chaplains can continue in Bundaberg State High School? How to do it? You will need to nominate and make this change now so that at the next registration notice this can take effect. Please don’t wait until your rego notice comes as it is much harder to do then. You can either: Fill out the form sent home (a link is also provided below if you didn’t receive one) and return to Chappy Craig at school or go online to www.partnerprogram.com.au click on the CTP link on the front page - then in the drop down box type Bundaberg State High School - then fill out your information. It’s that simple!!! The next time you pay your registration, $20 of it will go to supporting our young people through the chaplaincy program. Thank you in anticipation of your support. PARENTING IDEAS INSIGHTS ARTICLE: Below you will find a link to an article written by Michael Grose from Parenting Ideas Insights about building parent-school partnerships. This fortnight’s article is call, ‘Don’t Yell, Move Closer’: As a busy parent it’s easy to give your voice a work out when you don’t get the cooperation you want from your children. FACTS ON HEAD LICE: Head lice are small egg-laying insects found on Human heads. Live eggs are glued to the hair shaft within 1.5cms from the scalp. Adult female lice lay up to eight eggs per day. Eggs that are further than 1.5cms from the scalp are dead or hatched and do not need to be treated. Head lice are a very common problem in schools and institutions everywhere in the world. While they are not a threat to health and do not transmit disease, they do cause a lot of distress and anxiety for families and schools. Anyone can get head lice. Treatment should be applied when live lice are found on the head. To break the cycle all infected people should be treated at the same time. There are two methods of treatment: • Non -insecticidal treatment using the conditioner and combing technique. Repeat the conditioner and combing method every second day to remove the young lice as they hatch. Continue until no live lice are found for 10 consecutive days. • Treatment with synthetic or natural insecticides or chemicals. No chemical treatment kills all the eggs. A second treatment should be applied in 7 days after the initial treatment. If you would like more information or you find your treatment method has stopped working you can try another method. Please see www.health.qld.gov.au head lice fact sheet, or contact the school nurse, Child Health (on 4150 2700), pharmacists or our family doctor. Gayle Schmidt, School Based Youth Health Nurse WBHHS HEART WEEK FROM 3-9 MAY: Promoting Australians to MOVE MORE SIT LESS. The modern age and all its associated demands have fundamentally changed how much time we spend sitting at home, during travel and work. There’s no doubt that in turn this shift has contributed to a change in health problems including cardiovascular disease, obesity and type 2 diabetes. Physical inactivity is a silent killer and a significant contributor to the burden of heart disease in Australia. It doesn’t take a huge amount of time and effort and your body and heart will thank you. Heart Week is encouraging everyone to spend less time on their seat and more time on their feet. They encourage everyone to be sitting for less time during work, rest and/or play. So why not try some of the following suggestions that will help you become more physically active: • Try leaving your car at home and walk or cycle to your destination. Or take public transport and walk to and from the bus station. If you need to take the car park a little farther away and walk a little to your work place or destination. • At work try walking over to a colleague’s desk instead of sending an email or calling. • Take regular breaks instead of sitting and while standing take a stretch or two, perhaps while waiting for the printer. 5 • Avoid using escalators and lifts whenever possible, take the stairs instead. • Don’t want to miss your favourite TV show. Multi-task and stand to watch it while performing household chores or activities. Better still do a quick walk around the house or to and from the kitchen to make a cuppa. • Head to the park with the kids, grandkids or pets after school for a walk or play – it will keep everyone away from the TV and you can keep on your feet by joining in. Remember every little bit helps. You don’t have to run a marathon to feel the health benefits from physical activity. Learn more about ‘Move More Sit Less’ from Heart Week by the Heart Foundation. Gayle Schmidt, School Based Youth Health Nurse WBHHS FLOURISH FAMILY FUN DAY: School holiday event, ‘Welcome Baby Celebration and Teddy Bears Picnic’ plus many fun activities for the kids at Boreham Park on Monday 29 June 9-11:30am. STORIES FROM THE DEAF COMMUNITY: 6 NEW SMOKING LAWS: From 1/1/15, smoking is banned at all Queensland state and non-state schools and 5 metres beyond their boundaries. The law applies at all times – during and after school hours, on weekends and school holidays. The buffer is a 5 metre non-smoking area around the school, beyond the school land boundary, including structures such as bus shelters and car parks. The buffer does not extend into residential or business premises that share a boundary with school land. To report a breach contact 13 QGOV (13 74 68). MESSAGE FROM BUNDABERG REGIONAL COUNCIL: Overfilling bins makes collection difficult Ever wondered how much is too much to stuff into your kerbside collection bin? Unfortunately, overfilling your kerbside collection bins can sometimes mean Bundaberg Regional Council isn’t able to service them. Our collection trucks can’t lift bins that weigh more than 75kg. If material is protruding from the bin or waste is tightly jammed in to the bin, this may also mean the bin cannot be serviced as under Council’s guidelines, the bin lid must be closed and the contents must be able to be removed without manual intervention. For more information on Council’s Waste and Recycling Services head to http://www.bundaberg.qld.gov.au/
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