Wednesday 20 April, 2015 WEEK 1 TERM 2 FROM THE PRINCIPAL Dear Parents and Students, The horrible waste of life evidenced in the Gallipoli campaign and the many other stories from the Western Front should give us as Catholics and Christians pause to reflect as we celebrate the 100 year Gallipoli anniversary. Catholicism teaches us that we should do everything we can to avoid war. War, really, represents a failure – our failure to see our enemy as brothers and sisters, our failure to find alternatives to fighting and humanity’s failure to embrace love rather than hate. Yet we should also separate the act of war from those people who are part of it. The Gallipoli anniversary will also be a chance to thank those people who served our country, who sacrificed their lives or their physical and mental wellbeing in service of their community. This Saturday, we are encouraging as many students as possible to join us as a school group to march in the Bundaberg ANZAC parade. The students have been invited to to wear the name and or medals of any family member past or present who served in the defence forces in times of conflict and peacekeeping as their personal thank you to that person. See below for more details. Frank Gilbert Drive BUNDABERG 4670 Ph: 07 41522167 Fax: 07 41527660 Email: Office Hours Monday - Friday 8AM – 4PM School Hours 8:40AM – 3:00PM TUCKSHOP Wednesdays & Fridays MASS TIMES SATURDAY 6PM St. Patrick’s SUNDAY 7AM St. James 8AM Holy Rosary 9AM St. Mary’s 5:30PM Holy Rosary Youth Led Mass 5:30PM Holy th Rosary 4 Sunday of Month Parish Office Ph: (07) 4151 6666 Parish Bulletin http:/ PRAYER FOR ANZAC CENTENARY As we mark the ANZAC Centenary, we remember all who lost their lives in wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations. On ANZAC Day, we especially remember the courageous actions undertaken by the ANZACs during WW1. We pray for the airmen, sailors and soldiers who died in battle, sacrificing their lives while on duty. We remember their bravery and pray for the families who lost loved ones. As we strive for peace in our country and world, help us to become instruments of your peace. Amen. ANZAC Day March ANZAC Day is this Saturday. We always have a number of students who attend the Bargara dawn service or march with the school in the annual citizen’s parade. This year we would like as many students as possible to join us at one of these celebrations. Students can wear medals and/or names of any family member or friend who has served or who is serving in the defence force. Details are below: Bundaberg City March Assemble 8.15AM – Bourbong Street between Targo and Tantitha Streets near Dick Smith store. The march will commence from this area, turn at the cenotaph and proceed down Barolin Street, crossing Quay Street into ANZAC Park. Bargara Dawn Service Assemble 5AM - Liberty Service Station, cnr Bargara Road & Tanner Street. The march will proceed from here to the foreshore. Uniform: Correct day uniform including school hat or prep uniform for our Prep students (Students may want to bring a water bottle) Supervision: Staff will be present. Parents and family members are welcome to walk with us. Second Hand Uniform Register The P&F have created a register for parents who wish to sell or buy second hand uniforms. The register can be found in the office. Welcome We have a number of new students joining our school community this term. Welcome to the following students and their families: Sophie SCARBOROUGH-KRENES (1H); Taige (4B) & Ricky HOLT (3G); Ava SHELLEY (2 O); Harrison COOKE (1?) Prayers... Please keep Jean O’Shea, our school cleaner in your prayers. Jean is currently undergoing medical treatment. Prep Open Day – Tuesday 28th April 9:00AM-10:30AM On Tuesday 28th April Prep will host an Open Day for prospective Prep students and their families to experience what St Mary’s has to offer. If you know of anyone who has a child commencing Prep in 2016, please advise them of this opportunity. Interviews for 2016 Prep enrolments, will be happening this term. Any current school families who have a child commencing Prep in 2016 are asked to contact the office and collect an enrolment package. Madonna EASTER EGGS P&F FUNDRAISER. We still have some unsold boxes. If you think you can sell some please collect a box or two. APRE NOTES ANZAC Day Liturgy This Friday we will have our Anzac Day liturgy at 9am. This will be led by Fr Andrew Hogan and Yr 5P. Everyone is most welcome to attend. David Boge APRE CURRICULUM NOTES International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) – School Entries The following students have registered interest in completing the International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) this year. We hope they achieve well. Joel Clancy, Molly Sellers, Caitlin Warham, Robin Melancon, Ken Arriola, Noah Dunhill, Emilia Grima & Ethan Sologinkin. Carmel Asthon APC FROM THE SPORTS DESK Cross Country Our school cross country is on next Thursday from 3:30pm onwards. Students born in 2003, 2004 and 2005 are encouraged to participate. Students who run a qualifying time then have Bundaberg trials on May 5th at St Luke’s. Students who nominate themselves have received more information about our school cross country. Below are some details to explain its format and requirements: WHEN: WHERE: EVENT TIMES From 3:30 p.m. Thursday April 30 St Mary’s School (start on oval) All students must wear appropriate footwear to run in. All students must wear appropriate clothing to compete in. It is encouraged that everyone brings a water bottle. 10 yrs (2km) Born 2005 3:30 p.m. 11 yrs (3km) Born 2004 3:45 p.m. 12 yrs(3km) Born 2003 4:00 p.m. Congratulations… Some of our students competed in the Surfboard Riders Competition at Agnes Water on the weekend. Congratulations on the following results: BONNIE STEPHENSON (5P) 3rd place in Under 12’s GEORGIE STEPHENSON (3B) 1st place in Under 10’s CHARLOTTE TAYLOE (2P) 3rd place in Under 10’s LITURGIES AND ASSEMBLIES WEEK DATE th 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Friday 24 April Friday 1st May Friday 8th May Friday 15th May Friday 22nd May Friday 29th May Friday 5th June Friday 12th June Friday 19th June Friday 26th June LITURGIES 9:00AM ASSEMBLIES 12:20PM ANZAC Day Liturgy – 5P First Friday Mass – 5SB 1H 1KP 3B 3T First Friday Mass – 4B 2PA 4B 6C 6J 4P 2R 3G 2O 5SB DATES TO REMEMBER APRIL Saturday Tuesday Thursday MAY Friday - Friday Tuesday Monday Tues – Thurs Friday Saturday Sunday Tuesday Thursday JUNE Friday Monday Monday Thursday Friday 25 28 30 01-08 05 11 12-14 15 16 24 26 28 05 08 15 18 26 ANZAC Day march Prep “O” Day St Mary’s Cross Country Speech & Drama Eisteddfod commences Speech choirs at Eisteddfod Prep Mothers Day Beauty Salon NAPLAN Celebration of Confirmation Celebration of First Holy Communion Pentecost Sunday “Sorry Day” Show Holiday Jazz concert at Shalom – Years 4, 5 & 6 attending Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday Field events day Years 4-6 Athletics Carnival – whole school Last day of Term 2 8:30AM 9:00-10:30AM 3:30PM JULY Monday 13 Term 3 commences MUSIC NOTES All Bands are back on this Thursday and Choir this Wednesday…don’t forget!! THREE ESSENTIAL SKILLS THAT UNLOCK YOUR CHILD’S FULL POTENTIAL Scientific research over the past 10 years shows… Keeping the beat makes your child more intelligent and better behaved. Rhythm training, handclapping skills & learning rhythm patterns can help increase your child’s IQ, and future school success. The more your child learns to follow rhythm the more patient they are, more able to concentrate as well as less prone to tantrums. Learning to Sing is the secret behind reading. Tests of melodic abilities predict a person’s phonetic abilities-crucial for early reading skills. Music is found to be the “ear fitness training” for the brain, developing listening skills, study skills, better memory, making them better at recognising new words and memorising them. Reading music helps academic skills. Clapping and singing from notes trains your child to turn visual stimulus into actions. If you want your child to understand mathematics and learn it more easily, making music from notes is the way forward. For Sale 1 pair near new black pants suitable for choir/band member size 7 (generous 7) Only $5. See Kris or Milee Flanders at school should you wish to get them for your choir or band child. Music Dates August 4-7th- Choirs & Bands at Bundaberg Eisteddfod. Please don’t hesitate to contact either Ian King (Thursdays) or Helen Osborne (Monday - Thursdays) if you have any questions about music in the school. Helen Osborne School Music Teacher SPEECH & DRAMA The Speech & Drama Eisteddfod will commence on Friday 1 May and continue until 8 May. Some Classes will be performing in Choral Speaking Groups. Your child will advise if he/she is involved. Choral Speaking will be held at the CIVIC CENTRE ON TUESDAY 5 MAY. More details closer to the date. Some children have entered solo sections. The Playhouse Theatre is the venue for the eisteddfod with the exception of Tuesday 5th May for groups. A program will be published closer to the date which will show days, sessions and sections for your child’s performance. There will be a copy of the program at the school office. Solo performances are great confidence builders. Although daunting for first timers, the experience of performing on the stage for an appreciative audience is a great incentive. Children have entered at least two sections. I believe this is important as performing in only one section is a bit of an anti-climax. Every performer receives an adjudication sheet at the end of the session, which offers positive feedback. So that your child is prepared and confident, would you please encourage memorising of words. It is parents’ responsibility to take your child to these performances. I will be in attendance on all days, with the exception of Saturday and Sunday May 2nd and 3rd. I am at St. Mary’s on Wednesdays during both breaks. Please remind children to see me on these days and to bring copies of their pieces. These sessions are very rushed due to limited time with each student, but it is important that they receive regular encouragement and feedback. Ring me on 0438 094062 if you have any queries. Paula Gallagher PHYSICAL EDUCATION PMP Thank you I would like to thank all Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 parents/grandparents who helped in any way with the PMP program in Term 1. You have been an invaluable asset to me, the Program and especially the children. Prep - PMP Term 2 Timetable Changes and Help Required The Prep children have had a great start to the year. The PMP has been going very well with the children enjoying themselves and progressing very nicely as they learn many foundational skills in many areas. I would like to thank all parents who have helped in Term 1. Without them all, the Program would not have operated as well as it has. However, Prep S has actually been short throughout the whole of Term 1. A very BIG THANKYOU to those helpers who have gone over and above with their commitments to the children by helping in more than one class. Without these parents, some classes would not have had enough helpers. There has been a change in the timetable for my classes this term which may alter the number of helpers available per class. The new Term 2 timetable is below. I sent home a note on Monday, requesting and confirming help. If you didn’t receive it and would like to help, please let your child’s class teacher know ASAP. Make sure you have noted your child’s class time. All classes have started this first week back in Term 2, Wednesday, April 22nd. Time for PMP Prep C Prep S Prep G 22nd April – 3rd June Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday 7 weeks 8:40am – 9:25am 9:25am –10:10am 10:10am - 10:55am PMP will run for 7 weeks this term, followed by 2 weeks of athletics preparation and a fun day to finish the term. There will be no PMP in Term 3, but it will resume again in term 4 for about 5 weeks. Linda Fulton Specialist PE Teacher DENTAL VAN VISIT – TERM 2 The mobile Dental Clinic has arrived at St Mary’s and will be offering the opportunity to have a free dental examination to all consenting students from Pre Prep (4 years of age) – Year 6. Medical/consent forms were distributed to all students last term. All Dental Forms must be completed in ink. COMMUNITY NEWS Children’s Chess Sunday Tournaments Children’s Sunday tournaments will be held on the following dates: 26 April 31 May 21 June 19 July 30 August 25 October 29 November BRC Relay for Life Team Movie Premiere Enjoy a night of laughs and fun at the Bundaberg Premiere of Carl Barron’s first movie “Manny Lewis” (Rated M) Thursday April 23, 6.30pm at the Moncrieff Entertainment Centre. Tickets are just $18 which includes a glass of wine with nibbles. Proceeds to Bundaberg Regional Council Staff's Relay for Life Team. Manny Lewis is a story about a lonely comedian who, at the height of his career, finds something is missing in his life and sets out on a quest to find love. Tickets must be pre-purchased and are available now at the Moncrieff Box Office or phone 4130 4100 for credit card bookings. Get your family active and eating well Local families can now sign up the free healthy lifestyle program called PEACH™ - Parenting, Eating and Activity for Child Health. Registrations are now open for a group to commence in Bundaberg in term 2, 2015. There are a few places available but get in quick, the group is filling up fast! The program is fun for kids and helps parents and carers make healthy eating and activity a part of every-day life. It is available to families with a child aged between 5-11 years who is above a healthy weight their age. It consists of 10 group sessions that run for 90 minutes each. The first 9 sessions are held weekly within the school term. Ongoing individualised family support is offered through the second half of the program ending with one final group session. Some of the topics covered include nutrition skills, relationships with food and eating, changing family lifestyle behaviours and making healthy eating affordable. While the parent sessions are taking place, children enjoy active play with a trained child physical activity facilitator. The program is funded by the Queensland government and being delivered by the Queensland University of Technology. If you would like more information about the PEACH™ program or to register please contact free call 1800 263 519 or visit Bundaberg in Union Come and “TRY” Rugby Union / Touch / Sevens. ALL WELCOME Girls and Boys — U6s to U18s Every Friday from 6pm, all ages train and play. Food and drinks available. ATW Sports Complex, Corner Thabeban and Richie St, Bundaberg. Contact Club President, Jeff Messitt, 0459 203 596, The Junior Rugby Club has supportive and passionate coaches, is all-inclusive and the players have a great time. The club is a registered with QGrants as a Get Started sport club. Tennis Hot Shots - Games Girls & boys who wish to gain the experience of playing tennis games using modified equipment in 3 different levels (Red, Orange & Green ball) at the Rotary Park Tennis complex, 69B George Street, South Bundaberg next to St. Vincent de Paul are asked to register with Kevin: 4152 0753 / 0409 520753. The new season will commence: Saturday 2nd May 2015. Tennis Hot Shots - Learning Bundaberg Tennis Academy together with Bundaberg & District Junior Tennis Assoc Inc are inviting players from 5-12 years of age who would like to experience the "Learn n Play" programs using the modified courts, balls and equipment at Rotary Tennis Court complex, 68B George Street, South Bundaberg. Classes are conducted by professional coaches Kevin Banner & Murray Whitbread: 0407 639824 for Term 2 on Wednesday 22nd April: 4-5pm and Saturday 2nd May: 8-9am & 9-10am. Registrations are being taken by Kevin: 4152 0753 / 0409 520753 International Composting Awareness Week In the lead up to International Composting Awareness Week in May, Bundaberg Regional Council is encouraging residents to think about alternatives for disposing of food scraps. When organic materials like food scraps are buried in landfill it increases greenhouse emissions through the production of methane gas. Most of this organic waste can be recycled through composting which would not only benefit the environment and reduce the strain being placed on our waste facilities but also ensures the nutrients in the food scraps are recycled and helps to improve the soil quality in your garden. Find out more about Council’s Waste and Recycling services at Mumma’s Nest Market – Sunday 9th May Click here for information regarding this event.
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