THE CATHOLIC PARISH OF BUNDABERG HYMNS, READINGS, RESPONSES & ACCLAMATIONS: God, who is rich in mercy … made us alive. Ephesians 2: 4 - 6 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A - Psalter Week 1 - 19 October 2014 Holy Rosary Church Corner Barolin & Woongarra Streets St Patrick’s Church 16 Powers Street West Bundaberg St Mary’s Church Corner Barolin & Boston Streets St James’ Church 38 See Street Bargara Parish Office Rossolini Place Level 1 / 66 Woongarra Street PO Box 79 Bundaberg Queensland 4670 Office Hours 8.30am - 3.30pm Monday to Friday Telephone 07 4151 6666 Facsimile 07 4153 3102 Email Website The Catholic Parish of Bundaberg Pastoral Team Fr John Daly - Parish Priest Fr John Fitz-Herbert - Parish Priest Assistant Rev Mr Andrew Hogan—Deacon Anne Sheehan Liturgy, Sacramental, RCIA Co-ordinator Joe McCorley— Team Member Denise Tuzes—Visitation & Funeral Co-ordinator Diana Pippia - Office Manager Nadia Fregonese - Reception Mass Times 07 4151 6666 (afterhours) CentaCare 1300 523 985 Towards Healing Helpline 1800 337 928 St Vincent de Paul 07 4151 5455 St Joseph’s School 07 4151 4771 Kaye Beston - Principal St Mary’s School 07 4152 2167 Madonna Davitt - Principal St Patrick’s School 07 4152 1380 Mark Fox - Principal Shalom College 07 4155 8111 Dan McMahon - Principal FOCUS: by Fr John Daly “We always mention you in our prayers and thank God for you all, and constantly remember before God our Father how you have shown your faith in action, worked for love and persevered through hope, in our Lord Jesus Christ.” These are St Paul’s words taken from his first letter to the Thessalonian people. (Our second Scripture reading this weekend: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5). Having had lots of time recently to reflect—being on holidays and also having a spell in hospital—I wish to make St Paul’s thankful words my own. I offer them to you the parishioner of the Parish of Bundaberg. I do pray for you at Mass each Sunday and other times. I am humbled by the number of people who tell me that they too pray for me. Prayer is God’s gift that binds us together in the embrace of God. St Mary of the Cross MacKillop once said “Believe in the whisperings of God to your own heart”. It seems to me that prayer is that listening to God’s whisperings, leading us to treat each other better in Christ. Like St Paul, I do thank God for you all. I am so fortunate to be a priest in this parish. I see goodness and generosity of people each day. There are numerous examples of your using your gifts in service for others. We may not be prefect but we are certainly going pretty well! And we will continue to do so if we receive Good News and be Good News for others—especially in difficult times and when there seems little good news on the world stage as presented by the TV news each evening. As St Paul says we receive the Good News and are really convinced of it through the Holy Spirit. Each of us—not just some of us—make up a local Church that is healthy and Good News for all when she or he shows faith in action, works for love and perseveres through hope. To live in faith, hope and love is to live in Jesus Christ. St Paul mentions in his writings that “only three things last: faith, hope and love and the greatest of these is love.” Nothing else is more important in this life and these three things alone last into eternity. Not to have to live them as fully as possible dose not make sense for a Christian. They are a sure compass for a happy life. LITURGY SPOT: Let us offer each other the sign of peace. With these words the assembly is invited to share in a sign, “that expresses peace, communion, and charity.” This is an opportunity for all gathered to give witness to the unity and peace or which we have just prayed during the Eucharistic prayer and to “prepare for the sharing of Communion: the great Sacrament of Unity.” In carrying out this gesture, we are not merely saying hello and greeting those around us, we are recognising Christ present in our midst in the consecrated elements and the assembly gathered. We ritualise what we are called to be to the world: signs and instruments of God’s peace. i Roman Missal The Communion Rite. ii Making the Most of the Mass Pilgrims Quest, Aust. 2012 STEWARDSHIP: This week we thank all those who give their monetary gifts each weekend as symbol of their self offering to continue the mission of the church. Each year at tax time, we conscientiously give “to Caesar what belongs to Caesar.” Does my stewardship indicate that I am as faithful about giving “to God what belongs to God?” See Matthew 22:21 LITURGY TIMETABLE: SATURDAY, 18 OCTOBER: 6.00pm St Patrick’s Sunday MASS Sunday readings as per back page. SUNDAY, 19 OCTOBER: 7.00am St James’ MASS; 8.00am Holy Rosary MASS; 9.00am St Mary’s MASS; 5.30pm Holy Rosary MASS Sunday readings as per back page. MONDAY, 20 OCTOBER: Eph 2: 1-10; Lk 12: 13-21 9.00am St Patrick’s LWC TUESDAY, 21 OCTOBER: Eph 2:12-22; Lk 12: 35-38 9.00am St James’ LWC followed by Exposition of Blessed Sacrament until 10.30am; 10.00am St Mary’s ANOINTING MASS CANCELLED 12.15pm Holy Rosary MASS WEDNESDAY, 22 OCTOBER: Eph 3: 2-12; Lk 12:39-48 5.30pm St Patrick’s MASS THURSDAY, 23 OCTOBER: Eph 3: 14-21; Lk 12: 49-53 6.30am St Mary’s LWC; 12.15pm Holy Rosary MASS FRIDAY, 24 OCTOBER: Eph 4:1-6; Lk 12:54-59 12.15pm Holy Rosary MASS SATURDAY, 25 OCTOBER: Eph 4: 7-16; Lk 13: 1-9 7.30am St Mary’s LWC followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament SATURDAY, 25 OCTOBER: Ex 22: 20-26; 1 Thess 1: 5-10; Mt 22: 34-40 6.00pm St Patrick’s Sunday MASS SUNDAY, 26 OCTOBER: Ex 22: 20-26; 1 Thess 1: 5-10; Mt 22: 34-40 7.00am St James’ MASS; 8.00am Holy Rosary MASS; 9.00am St Mary’s MASS; 5.30pm Holy Rosary MASS RECONCILIATION: Saturday 11.00am - 12noon Holy Rosary Church, or by appointment. BAPTISMS: In the Bundaberg Region one month’s notice is required for all baptisms. All couples are asked to participate in one preparation session. Please contact Parish Office. WEDDINGS: By appointment. Please note that we require at least six months notice for marriages. Preparation also required. PRAYER GROUPS: BUNDABERG CHRISTIAN MEDITATION ~ Every Monday, 7.30 - 8.30pm, 6 San Vito Court. Contact Ian Tolley on 4152 8262. CHRISTIAN MEDITATION ~ There are two weekly sessions: Every TUESDAY 10.00am to 10.30am and FRIDAY 11.30am to 12noon. Held in the prayerful space of the Chapel in the Parish Office. Beginners are invited to join the regular meditators in this “prayer of the heart.” Contact Joe McCorley 0418 727 845, Parish Office 4151 6666 or just turn up! Joseph SILIC (Germany); Frances TINCKNELL; Fr Joseph MINTOFF (Malta); Rex O’SULLIVAN (Charleville); Greg SCHICK (Yeppoon) - brother of Fr Chris Schick; Bruna CAVUTO (Brisbane); Edna Shirley CHRISTENSEN; Frank CURRAN (Caloundra); Walter M a t t he w D O N A L D; P h y l l i s Rosalind RABEL; Giuseppe UCCISELLA; Eric CHAPMAN; May TIBBEY; John ORVAD; John MERLO (Brisbane); Beryl Joyce WAKEFIELD; Anne SMITH (Albury). “On this mountain, the Lord of hosts will prepare for all peoples, a banquet of rich food.” Isaiah 25:6 MEETINGS FOR THE WEEK: ROSARY TIMES ~ Tuesdays & Thursdays 5.25pm, Holy Rosary Church; Wednesday’s 5.00pm, St Patrick’s Church; Thursday’s 6.00am, St Mary’s Church. ST MARY’S CONFERENCE OF ST VINCENT DE PAUL ~ Monday 20 October, 4.30—5.30pm, Room 2, Catholic Community Centre. EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED EL SHADDAI ~ Saturday, 25 October, 1.00—4.00pm, Novakoski Centre. For more information contact Fely Hunter 4155 3953/0488 594 839; Lee Pendleton 4159 3938/0423 480 744; Melba Allen 0432 540 348. SUNDAY SCRIPTURE REFLECTION & DISCUSSION GROUPS ~ Tuesday mornings 10.30am at St James’ Church Bargara. Thursday nights 7.00— 8.15pm at Parish Office and for inquiries call 4159 5009 or 4151 6666 respectively. All welcome. BAPTISMS: This weekend, we welcome Macie Kathleen MAULE, Rhys Andrew MAU, Nate Anthony O’BRIEN into the Body of Christ through the sacrament of Baptism. WEDDINGS: We congratulate Rebekah Jane MAY & Felise Christopher KAUFUSI who were married this weekend in our parish. RECENTLY DECEASED: Donko BOSNIC (W.A.); Christopher MOSS; James Frederick GRAHAM; Bridget BRIESCHKE; Bob SCHOFIELD (Mackay); Salvina CASSAR (Malta); Ean REEVES (Sunshine Cosat); Nita Ada TROST; BUNDABERG CATHOLIC PLAYGROUP ~ Every Thursday, 10.00am - 11.30am, St Patrick’s Hall. Contact Kathy Harden 4155 3833 or 0429 625 730. BEREAVEMEN T G R OUP ~ Friday, 24 October, 11.30am, Parish Office. The Catholic Parish of Bundaberg Finance: Total Pledges ................ 597 Amount Pledged .......... $8,703.70 Total Given ................... 6,958.70 IN THIS PARISH: Younger ladies you are invited to join the CWLA Younger Set at their next dinner. It will be held on Tuesday, October 21st at Sabrosa Steakhouse at 6.30pm. If you are attending please advise Maureen Ewing on 4152 1263 by Monday night. ALL ABOUT MARY CONCERT Bundaberg Orpheus Singers: October 18, 7.30pm Uniting Church, Barolin Street; October 19, 2.00pm Shalom College Performing Arts Precinct. Funds raised in the raffle and from the sale of refreshments will go to Pink Ribbon Day, fundraising for Breast Cancer research. PLACE OF STILLNESS ADVENT RETREAT DAY: Saturday 22 November 2014, Good Shepherd Ministry Centre George Street Bundaberg. Suggested donation $20 or as you are able. For further enquires and booking please contact Dilys on 0421 733 394 or email IN THE DIOCESE: If there are sufficient numbers, The Catholic Parish of Bundaberg will organise a bus to travel from Bundaberg to Rockhampton return to attend Deacon Andrew Hogan’s Ordination held at St Joseph’s Cathedral on Wednesday, 3 December 2014. If you are interested in attending this special occasion please contact the parish office on 4151 6666 by Friday 7 November. Travel confirmation and cost will be advised. Annual World Mission Month appeal this weekend One of the stories told by the missionaries who work in Jamaica is the challenge of teaching children who come to school without having had anything to eat. Hunger is a significant impediment to learning. In the Gospel for this weekend, we hear a parable, not about hunger, but about abundance. Yet the story of the feast and the wedding celebration is not just a tale about those who have much; it’s also a metaphor that is meant to speak to each of us about the need to respond, when an invitation is offered. This Sunday, in the Mass, you will be invited to support the Church, and those who represent it, as they look to ‘reach out’ and ‘bring life’ to people in need. On behalf of those who will benefit from your generous response, we say thank you. David McGovern, Brisbane Director (on behalf of Fr John Grace) WORLD NEWS: Pope Francis’ Daily Homily - National Catholic Reporter - National Jesuits News - UCAN - Thank You Pat Orvad and family would like to express their deepest gratitude and appreciation to all who attended John’s Funeral Mass, gave Mass Offerings, and for the thoughtful gestures that have been bestowed upon them during this time of bereavement. “Sacred Scripture continually speaks to us of an active commitment to our neighbour and demands of us a shared responsibility for all of humanity. This duty is not limited to one's own family, nation or state, but extends progressively to all . . . so no one can consider himself or herself extraneous or indifferent to the lot of another member of the human family Pope John Paul II, Centesimus Annus, no. 51 NEW PARISHIONERS: Are you new to our parish? We would like to make contact with you and welcome you to our parish. Please contact the priest or Mass Assistant after Mass, the parish office at your convenience, or complete the section below, tear-off, and place in the collection box as it comes around. SURNAME: _____________________________________ GIVEN NAMES: _____________________________________________ ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE: ________________________________________ MOBILE: ______________________________________________ EMAIL: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
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