Issue 5 Newsletter 2015 - Burpengary Meadows State School

Burpengary Meadows State School Newsletter
Upcoming Events
Chappy News
P & C News
Cross Country
District Sport Trials
Helping Hands
From the Principal
Burpengary Early Years Centre
Extra Curricular Activities
Numeracy Information Sessions for Parents
Explore Moreton Bay
Upcoming Events
Uniform Shop Open
8.15am - 9.30am
8.30 - 10.30am
Parent Teacher
Monday 27th - Friday
1st May
Chappy Leita's Room
Class Rooms
Special P & C General
Yr 1 Fire Safety Talk
Wednesday 29th April
Auskick Program &
Tuesday 28th April
Travel Choice Awards
9am - 10am Hall
Wednesday 29th April
Cross Country
P & C Sausage Sizzle
Thursday 30th April
Sunday 3rd May
Senior - 8.45 -
8.30am - 3.30pm
Numeracy Sessions
for Parents
10.45am 29/04/2015
Burpengary Meadows State School Newsletter
Junior -11.00
Bunnings Morayfield
- 12.35pm
Session 1 - Tuesday
5th may 1.50pm 2.30pm
Mothers Day Stall
New Adopt a Cop
Wednesday 6th May
Tuesday 12th -
Thursday 14th may
Lote room - am
Wednesday 6th May
Chaplain's room - pm
1.45 - 2.30 pm
P & C Meeting
Yr 1 Excursion
Tuesday 12th may
7pm Admin
Wednesday 13th May
9am - 1pm
Edition 05- 28th April, 2015
Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome back to The Meadows for a very busy Term 2. We can look forward to many activities with Chaplaincy
Week, Reconciliation Week, NAIDOC and recognition days of National significance including Sorry Day, Mabo
Day and Under 8’s Day. Cross Country is this week, and the Art Auction in June.
NAPLAN testing for years 3 & 5 students begins on May 12 and Semester Reporting to parents will be complete
on Wednesday of Week 10.
Commemorating ANZAC is an opportunity for our students to join with many Australians and New Zealanders as
we remember the impact of war on all involved; remembering the strength and endurance required to prevail in
the face of adversity - of mateship – and the spirit of ANZAC - the sacrifice and heartache experienced by so
many service men and women and their families.
Our solemn ceremony took place last Wednesday afternoon. I have never been prouder of our students as they
viewed and participated in various aspects of the program - every student demonstrated deep understanding of
the seriousness of this formal occasion. Our captains of course conducted the ceremony with dignity and
honour. 29/04/2015
Burpengary Meadows State School Newsletter
We welcomed special guests:
• Mr Wyatt Roy Member for Longman,
• Mr Mark Ryan Member for Morayfield,
• BMSS P&C President Mrs Leah Staplehurst; and
We thank in earnest our special guests who made our tribute to ANZAC very special:
• Mr Steve Boucher from Deception Bay sub branch RSL for his emotionally stirring reading of the Ode,
• Mr Daryl Welsh, Trooper – 2nd/14th Lighthorse
• Miss Tiffanie Turnbull, recipient of the Premiers ANZAC Prize, for a most poignant speech aligning the
spirit of ANZAC with our identity - a wonderful gift for students,
• Ms Christine Stuart, Indigenous Community Advisor for her informative welcome to country,
• Mr Stuart Boston Dart for his moving Last Post
• BMSS Senior School Choir
Class wreaths were made beautifully by students from every class and laid with grace by students guided by
Sports Captains.
The choir was sublime singing a moving song; ‘The Spirit of ANZAC’, written and recorded by Miss Chadwick
especially for this centennial commemoration of Gallipoli for ANZAC Day 2015.
Mateship Day
All students were ready for action in their camouflage gear as once again our staff and students in years 4-6
applied great strength of character and participated in earnest to demonstrate mateship in the spirit of ANZAC.
The work of teachers and engagement of students in themed activities to overcome set obstacles designed to
enhance trust and communication skills. Well done teams!!
ANZAC March at Burpengary
Mr King has reported that our students represented BMSS excellently. Their presentation and behaviour were
impeccable – a fitting conclusion to our week of respectful recognition and remembrance.
Thank you all students, parents and teachers who assisted and participated in this inaugural Burpengary march
for the Gallipoli centenary on ANZAC Saturday.
Parent Teacher Interviews
Parent Teacher Interviews this week are a great opportunity for you to connect with your children’s teachers in a
meaningful way to really dig into their work in class and life at school. I trust that you finding this opportunity
valuable in sharing information that will ensure your child/ren have the best possible opportunities to learn and
Attendance and Outcomes
The Education Department has recently released a paper which has researched attendance and its link to
student outcomes using the NAPLAN testing tool. The paper investigates reasons for absence from school and 29/04/2015
Burpengary Meadows State School Newsletter
having taken a snapshot of schools where poor attendance has improved, notated what those schools do in their
context, to improve attendance.
Student attendance at Burpengary Meadows State School as a whole school percentage is most excellent when
compared with attendance across Queensland. BMSS students and families can be very proud of the consistent
effort and focus on ensuring that all students are given the best opportunities possible to succeed in their
learning and active participation in the social construct of school life.
Life, as we know, can sometimes take interesting and challenging twists which can make continuing excellent
attendance difficult on occasion. If ever you need help is this regard, please let us know and we will do our best
to find ways to help.
The MySchool website has recently released the latest NAPLAN and school data. You will note that our work
with students to address those most at risk has been successful in that overall, our improvement agenda and
progress are steadily ascending. Most recent participation in excellence programs and differentiated
assessment and curriculum will also reap positive outcomes in the futures.
Travel Choice and RACQ student education program are our proactive programs to assist student safety in and
around school and the community.
Thank you to those parents and carers who consistently take the time and care to safely escort their children in
school carparks.
Yesterday afternoon I saw a family of children run out of the school gate and chase the family car until it stopped
near the top of Stop, Drop Go. This is not considered a safe activity for children as the risk of being run over and
seriously injured or even worse, killed, is very great.
If you know that your children are in the habit of chasing a moving car, please alert them to the risk and advise
them of safer ways to approach a vehicle that is not moving.
Children traveling to and from school by car have three safe and authorised options:
• School carpark and adults walk students into school grounds,
• Street park and students utilise crossings; or
• Stop Drop Go & students walk from the bottom gate on the hall side of the carpark fence.
Pedestrian Crossings are the supervised crossings for crossing both Rowley and Kurrajong Roads.
CREEC or local streets and roads provide legal parking and are convenient places to park and walk - students
are then able to use both supervised crossings on Kurrajong and Rowley Roads as required.
Council parking officers and police occasionally check roadways and footpaths around the school to ensure that
we all maintain safe parking habits and consider optimal student safety.
I am very thankful to all parents and carers who maintain safe parking and driving in our school zone. Safety
First! 29/04/2015
Burpengary Meadows State School Newsletter
Parent sessions for Numeracy with Mrs Ross and Mrs Patience are running next Tuesday. These are great fun
and show you the new ways that students access Maths knowledge.
Our new P&C executive will begin in earnest this term and I look forward to our moving the school forward
together during the next 12 months into 2016.
I thank you for your continued support and wish you a wonderful term as we work together to assist your children
in their learning for life.
Liz Mackie PSM
Cool Weather Uniform
With the start of some cooler weather in the mornings, some children are starting to wear jumpers to school.
School approved uniform includes:
* BMSS school jacket (Blue with red sleeves and school crest) available from the Uniform Shop;
* BMSS school jersey (Navy with polo neck and school crest) available from the Uniform Shop;
* Plain Navy Blue pullover or zip jacket.
P & C News 29/04/2015
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HI Meadows Families,
This term is full of exciting going events, so stay tuned for what's coming up;
12-14 May - Chappy Naplan Breakys in partnership with Woolworths Narangba
15th May - Chappy Fundraising Movie Night. BIG HERO 6 starting from 5.30 with food and treats available for
purchase. A great night for the whole family, so put it on the clan derived, and come support our Chaplaincy
Service here at BMSS. More information will come home next week.
17 -25 May - Chappy Week (incorporating Under 8s day and Education Week) Great activities and promotions
throughout the week. 29/04/2015
Burpengary Meadows State School Newsletter
SHACK - Holiday Day Camp for Burpengary/Narangba Communities this June/ July Holidays.(Formerly
BOUNCE CAMP) Registrations opening soon for Year 3-6 students.
We look forward to serving our school community and invite you to join in the fun. LOOK forward to seeing you
around over the next few weeks.
Stay tuned for other activities and events on the not to distant horizon
Until next fortnight
Chappy Leita
PARENTS 29/04/2015
Burpengary Meadows State School Newsletter
If you are interested in attendeding the numeracy sessions, please see the
office girls and register.
Cross Country
District Sport Trials 29/04/2015
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Burpengary Early Years Centre
This term we will be offering two parenting courses. These are:
Circle of Security:
1-2-3 magic:
May – 16th June.
This program teaches parents of children from 2-12 years how to deal with their
children’s difficult behaviour. An easy to learn and use signalling system requires the parent to use less
talk and less emotion which in turn encourages the development of children’s ability to manage their
emotional reactions to parental boundaries. This course has three sessions that will be run fortnightly on
the mornings of 20th May, 3rd June and 17th June.
Bookings are required for both courses. Please phone 3888 6349 to book or for any enquiries.
Helping Hands Burpengary Meadows
*Before School Care from 6:30am until 8:20am,
*After School from 2.40pm to 6.30pm.
The Service provides breakfast and afternoon tea and a variety of learning
Bookings can be permanent, rotational roster and casual basis. Enrolling parents
are eligible for Child Care Benefit and Child Care Rebate.
We invite and welcome everyone to come and visit the Service.
Contact Details are:
Phone: 0448 125 960 29/04/2015
Burpengary Meadows State School Newsletter
The Service is providing activities one afternoon a week in the undercover area
for siblings waiting patiently for the school bell.
Please come and see us if you require any information about the Service.
Each school year the Service provides an Extended Learning Activity each term.
The program runs for 5 weeks. Term 2’s ELA Program will be advertised soon.
Thank you to all of the children and families who attended our Vacation Care
program during the school holidays. The daily activities were enjoyed by all
involved, some of our favourite activities included skating, button collage trees,
chipmunks at Morayfield and Easter activities.
Monday 27th of April the school is holding a Parent and Teacher afternoon.
Helping Hands will be provided a care facility for children from 18mths to 4 years
of age from 3:00pm to 5:30pm in the Chaplains room. If your family will require
this care you are required to complete the register forms provided at the school
Who Done It Program
Extra Curricular Activities 29/04/2015
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Explore Moreton Bay by Walking in May
Moreton Bay Regional Council is excited to announce the Explore Moreton Bay
by Walking in May program. This program delivers a range of free and low cost
walking experiences and small events for children, families and adults to highlight
the diverse walking opportunities on offer throughout the region.
Explore Moreton Bay by Walking in May includes a range of free after school
‘Active Kids’ activities, these activities are free and do not require any bookings.
Primary aged school children can enjoy Obstacle Challenges, Self Defence and
Kidzone fitness activities in parks across the Moreton Bay region during the
month of May.
Moreton Bay Regional Council would appreciate your support of this program by
promoting it within your schools community. If you would like any
brochures/poster send out to your school or digital elements for school
newsletters etc. please contact Moreton Bay Regional Council on the below
A full schedule of activities is available online at 29/04/2015
Burpengary Meadows State School Newsletter
If you have any questions regarding this program, please do not hesitate to
contact or phone 3205 0555
Kind regards
Robert Olding
Physical Activities Officer
Sport and Recreation Unit
Community and Cultural Services
Moreton Bay Regional Council
1 Irene Street REDCLIFFE QLD 4020
P: (07 3283 0239
F: (07) 3205 0599
153 Rowley Road
3491 4333
3491 4300
Our Sponsors
Please click on any advertisement to email the
affiliated business or view further details such as
company brochures, flyers or promotions 29/04/2015
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