Upcoming Events - Burpengary Meadows State School

Burpengary Meadows State School Newsletter
Upcoming Events
From the Principal
P & C News
Walk Safely to School Day
News from Chappy Leita
Caboolture Early Years Center
Numeracy Information Sessions for Parents
Extra Curricular Activities
Active Kids
Upcoming Events
Uniform Shop Open
Wednesday 10th June
8.15am - 9.30am
8.30 - 10.30am
Chappy Leita's Room
Year 5
Year 6
Athletics Day
Sexuality Education
Sexuality Education
Session Two
Session Twp
Thursday 18th June
Monday 15thJune
Tuesday 16th June
Yr 4, 5 & 6
Gold Passports
Behaviour Passport
Last Day of Term
Celebration Afternoon
Wednesday 24th June
Friday 26th June
Friday 26th June
No Parade
Yr 1-3
Yr 4 -7
1.35pm - 2.35pm
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Burpengary Meadows State School Newsletter
Edition 08- 10th June, 2015
Dear Parents and Carers
A very busy term is nearing closure. In recapitulating, the term has hosted many school events and functions
to celebrate the achievements of our students and the development of facilities to enhance student access to the
learning environments that will engage them in the creative thinking and inspiration that underpins excellence.
Each newsletter has recorded these events and milestones during the course of the term, recognising their
significance in shaping the cultural customs that underpin our focus on students – their learning, resilience,
safety, social awareness and responsibility.
Thank you to all who have contributed to the scaffolding and events that have made this term a fun filled,
energetic, high achievement and excellence focussed term for all students.
Additional Programs
A number of our outstanding students are participating in programs of excellence which are being provided
through partnership with our local high schools, Burpengary State Secondary College and Narangba Valley State
High School.
Science, Maths and Engineering - SMA (The Science Maths Academy), CO2 and PULSE are
programs which focus on extending students in these fields.
English - Traditionally, we have participated in the cluster public speaking competition and last year a National
writing competition, which heralded the accomplishments of one of our students, Georgia K, as particularly gifted
in this area. More recently, in partnership with our school cluster, we have established a writing extension
program and following the launch, will participate in an additional excellence program being offered to our
students through Burpengary State Secondary College.
The criteria for participants in these programs is based on triangulation of all available outcomes data.
Creativity – Optiminds for senior students has been an annual event.
Arts - While we offer excellence programs through Gleeks and Rock Band, Choir is designed to develop all
students. The Strings and Multi-Instrumental programs are also available to students who are identified through
the selection process and further extension is available through Instrumental Camp participation. The annual
Talent Quest and Art Auction and school Concert are also wonderful exhibitions of talent and provide students
with opportunities to demonstrate their gifts in a whole school context.
Success Team Project
Last week the structured Success Team Project will begin. This project has implemented a coaching and
feedback strategy across the school which dovetails our ASoT agenda. Our Coach, Ms Cassy Patience is
liaising with a district Coach to bring expertise to the teaching of reading for every student and teacher at BMSS.
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Burpengary Meadows State School Newsletter
Ms Ross’s Maths sessions for parents are a wonderful opportunity for parents to learn new skills for assisting
students at home. They are increasingly well attended and will run again next term.
Preparation has been underway to develop Literacy sessions for parents to assist students at home using
“Support a Talker” and ”Sounds to Letters”. These sessions will be advertised shortly, so don’t miss out!
Thank you to our teachers for demonstrating genuine professionalism and to our coach, Ms Patience and Ms
Ross, our Maths parent educator. Your inspiration and effervescent enthusiasm have been pivotal to this
School Sports Days
This Thursday, middle year’s students will participate in the events of sports day which will enable selection for
representing BMSS at a district level.
Early Years Carnival will be held in term 3 as there is not a district selection process for the younger students.
I wish all students great success as team participants actively demonstrate sportsmanship and apply their best
effort through healthy team spirit. I am certain that all teams will perform to their best and Romans, Vikings,
Aztecs and Spartans will achieve many inspirational moments that will make the day a success inspired by their
sports captains.
Art Auction
The Art Auction of 2015 was a great success, continuing this as one of the customs that brings our wonderful
school community together to celebrate student achievement while raising funds to support the continued
development of “arts” in the school. Class art works in the ‘gallery’ were most creative and the walk through,
very aesthetically pleasing. Bidding on the beautiful canvases - class masterpieces - was very robust, raising a
notable contribution of over $2300 towards arts in the school. Thank you all families for digging deep – the
inspired collaborative works will I’m sure take pride of place in 23 lucky homes.
Particular thanks to teachers for their creative leadership and our Arts Team led by Miss Chadwick and Miss
Mortimer. The organisation behind the event, was mammoth. Thank you also to auctioneer, Ms Chadwick and
gallery curator, Miss Mortimer. As always, student leaders and captains applied their earnest dedication and
effort so valuable to the success of all events.
The afternoon was a wonderful celebration of the spirit of our great school and thoroughly enjoyed by all.
Instrumental Music
On Wednesday evening, June 10, our Instrumental music students will celebrate their progress with a concert for
parents and friends in the hall. I am looking forward to hearing their harmonic partnerships as they entertain us
all with their music
Sorry Day and NAIDOC
We commemorated Sorry Day with hands and messages of condolence on the oval last Thursday. Thank you
Ms Heron, for coordinating the event – it was well placed and has become our annual custom to highlight the
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Burpengary Meadows State School Newsletter
stolen generations and the heartache that has impacted the lives of so many. We will celebrate NAIDOC Week
in week 10 when Mrs Christine Stuart, our Indigenous Community Advisor, will conduct an art session for our
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. Parents of these students are also invited to participate or
observe and will receive a letter shortly.
Chaplaincy Activities
Playgroup has been wonderful for parents with young children – thank you Leita and all Mums who have helped
in keeping this running smoothly for our school community.
Leita has also organised the food for recent breakfasts for NAPLAN and Senior Leaders Walk to School Day.
Thank you to Narangba Woolworths for donating such beautiful fruit for the breakfasts – it was crunchy and so
fresh – students (and staff) loved it!
Leita is also running sessions for year 6/7 students to assist them with building resilience in readiness for the
move to high school. These sessions began some time ago to enable as many students as possible to access
the program. (Access to the program is through school referral.)
Liz Mackie PSM
P & C News
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Burpengary Meadows State School Newsletter
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Burpengary Meadows State School Newsletter
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Burpengary Meadows State School Newsletter
Walk Safely to School Day Results
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Burpengary Meadows State School Newsletter
Entertainment Book
If you would like to help raise some money for Chaplaincy, see the girls in the office or order online
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Burpengary Meadows State School Newsletter
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Burpengary Meadows State School Newsletter
Caboolture Early Years Centre
The early years centre is a state funded organisation that offers support to families with children aged 0-8.
Anyone can access this service. There are also Child health workers available for appointments or drop in on
various days. There is a parent room in our building where you can weigh your baby at any time.
We are based in the house at the top of the car park in the grounds of Burpengary Meadows State School. We
run various programs and hope to respond to the needs of this local community.
Next term we will be offering a circle of security parenting course of a Tuesday evening. This course is great for
carers who wish to explore and develop their relationship with their child/children.
Mondays: Playtime for children aged 0-5. 9:30-11:30. All families welcome. This group operates throughout
school holidays.
Fridays: Pre-walkers group for carers and babies up to walking stage. 9:30-11:30. Continues throughout school
Tuesdays next term:
3:15 – 4:15 Body Brain Beat: This is a series of fun activities designed to stimulate the sensory-motor system
for better integration, visual memory, auditory skills, calm, focus, muscle tone, balance and co-ordination. For
enquiries please call Robyn on 5428 1477
6-8pm: Next term we will be running a Circle of Security Parenting Program which aims to help carers
understand and support their children’s needs. Please call Barb on 3888 6349 if you are interested or would like
more information.
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Burpengary Meadows State School Newsletter
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Burpengary Meadows State School Newsletter
If you are interested in attending the numeracy sessions, please see the office girls and register.
Extra Curricular Activities
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Burpengary Meadows State School Newsletter
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Burpengary Meadows State School Newsletter
BMSS Annual Student Council Art Auction
This year, the BMSS Annual Student Council Art Auction raised approximately $3700 which
will help Student Council to fund different projects around the school. All the students and
teachers put in a lot of hard work and were very proud of the pieces they produced. Thank
you to all the parents who came on the day to look at the displayed art work and to place a
bid on a canvas. If you would still like to purchase your child’s art then it is not too late.
Please see the lovely ladies in the office and they will help you with this. Looking forward to
seeing everybody at next year’s auction.
Active Kids
Moreton Bay Regional Council’s Active Kids Free Park Sessions will be running again this June/July School
Holiday (Monday 29 June until Friday 10 July 2015).
Active Kids Park Sessions offer a range of FREE activities, games and sports run in local parks for residents of
Moreton Bay. The sessions are free and don’t require any prior bookings, participants just need a hat, enclosed
shoes, water bottle and a snack for a fun morning in the park.
Active Kids Park Sessions are designed to introduce children aged 3-12 years old to new skills, in a fun and
supportive atmosphere. All activities are delivered by experienced and qualified staff in local parks across the
Moreton Bay region.
The Moreton Bay Regional Council appreciates your support in advertising the Active Kids Free Park Sessions to
your school community. Hardcopy posters and brochures will be mailed to your school and a digital copy has
been attached to this email along with the programs logo.
If you would like any further information, posters or brochure please contact Moreton Bay Regional Council
Physical Activity Officer Robert Olding on 3283 0239 or email robert.olding@moretonabay.qld.gov.au
A full schedule of activities and more information visit www.moretonbay.qld.gov.au/activekids
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Burpengary Meadows State School Newsletter
153 Rowley Road
3491 4333
3491 4300
Our Sponsors
Please click on any advertisement to email the
affiliated business or view further details such as
company brochures, flyers or promotions
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Burpengary Meadows State School Newsletter
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Burpengary Meadows State School Newsletter
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Burpengary Meadows State School Newsletter
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