SPCC Sponsorship - Saskatchewan Cheerleading Association

SPCC Sponsorship
The 9th Annual Saskatchewan Cheerleading Association Provincial Cheerleading
Championship is in full swing! This year the event will take place all in one weekend,
on Saturday March 21st, 2015!
The Saskatchewan Cheerleading Association (SCA) believes in unlocking the maximum
potential of cheerleading and dance athletes and coaches in our province and providing
a first rate provincial competition to showcase their talent. We are looking for sponsors,
and hope your organization will consider supporting this wonderful opportunity.
The SCA is a non-profit association which strives to:
• adhere to standardized safety regulations for the sport of cheerleading and dance
• act as a regulating body for cheerleading in Saskatchewan in part with Cheer Canada
• provide support in the promotion of cheerleading within schools & communities
• encourage athletes to develop skill level and enthusiasm
The SCA is consolidating back to a one weekend event for both scholastic and all-star
teams. This year the event is being held in the community of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
at the city’s Yara Center activity complex. This event encompasses competitors in both
scholastic and all-star programs within cheerleading, pom squad, and jazz teams from
all over the province! Athletes as young as 4 years old will be demonstrating the
strength, fitness, co-ordination, athleticism, safety, and enthusiasm that combined
create the sport of cheerleading. In 2014 we had about 1400 competitors, and
approximately 2100 spectators take part in the competition throughout the weekend.
With the way the sport is growing we expect this year to be even bigger and better!
As an organization run by a small team of volunteer executive board members, the SCA
relies heavily on corporate support to help offset competition expenses including but not
limited to the printing and distribution of materials, venue rental, safety considerations
like mats and first aid attendants, awards, and judging expenses such as transportation
and accommodations.
A variety of sponsorship levels are available to choose from. Each level comes with its
own unique set of benefits, and recognition.Any level of financial support is welcome
and appreciated. Please review the attached form for compete details, there's a level for
Please contact Shanda Leftley, Events Director for the SCA, to discuss in detail your
contribution to making this year’s SCA Provincial Championship a success!
Shanda Leftley
Events Director, eventsdirector@sca.ca
Saskatchewan Cheerleading Association, www.sca.ca
SPCC Sponsorship
Saskatchewan Cheerleading Association Provincial Cheerleading
Championship 2015 Sponsorship Levels
The SCA Saskatchewan Provincial Cheerleading Championship is the culmination of
the competitive cheer season in Saskatchewan. School and All-Star teams are excited
about competing against one another to finish off another season. The event has media
coverage in print, on radio, and on television. As a non-profit organization with limited
funding, the SCA looks to businesses in the community to help host a professional style
The SCA offers the following recognition to our sponsors for their support and
Presenting Sponsorship ($3,000+)
Saskatchewan Cheerleading Association Provincial Cheerleading Championship
presented by “Your Company Name” Includes:
• Banner space directly to the left and right of the competition mat and advertising at the
event (maximum banner size 8'x6')
• Full page ad in 10 SCA Membership Emails
• Full page ad in the event program
• Name and logo in event poster for distribution in Saskatchewan schools and clubs,
event program & coaches' packages as presenting sponsor
• Company logo and link to company website from SCA website (from date of
agreement until September 1, 2015) as well as a link from the competition information
• Inclusion of company name and/or logo on all event correspondence & signage
• Company logo and contact information on event DVD (if one is produced)
• Verbal recognition by M.C. as the presenting sponsor throughout the event
Gold Sponsorship ($2,500-$2,999)
Gold Sponsorship of the competition includes:
• Half page ad in 8 SCA Membership Emails
• Name and logo in event poster for distribution in Saskatchewan schools and clubs,
event program & coaches' packages as gold sponsor
• Name and logo on SCA website as a gold sponsor with a link to company website on
event information page (from date of agreement to September 1, 2015)
SPCC Sponsorship
• Company name/logo on all event information
• Verbal recognition by M.C. as a gold sponsor throughout the event
Silver Sponsorship ($2,000-$2,499)
Silver Sponsorship of the competition includes:
• Half page ad in 6 SCA Membership Emails
• Name and logo in event poster for distribution in Saskatchewan schools and clubs,
event program & coaches' packages as silver sponsor
• Name and logo on SCA website as a silver sponsor with a link to company website on
event information page (from date of agreement to September 1, 2015)
• Verbal recognition by M.C. as a silver sponsor throughout the event
Bronze Sponsorship ($1,000-$1,999)
Bronze Sponsorship of the competition includes:
• Quarter page ad in 4 SCA Membership Emails
• Name and logo in event poster for distribution in Saskatchewan schools and clubs,
event program & coaches' packages as bronze sponsor
• Name and logo on SCA website as a bronze sponsor with a link to company website
on event information page (from date of agreement to September 1, 2015)
• Verbal recognition by M.C. as a bronze sponsor throughout the event
Supporting Sponsorship ($25-$999)
Supporting Sponsorship of the competition includes:
• Name listed in 3 SCA Membership Emails
• Name in event poster for distribution in Saskatchewan schools and clubs, event
program & coaches' packages as supporting sponsor
• Name on SCA website as a supporting sponsor (from date of agreement to September
1, 2015)
SPCC Sponsorship
Spirit Award Trophy Sponsorship (2) ($400)
The Spirit Award is truly something special. Each year at Provincials, every team
receives a ballot to vote for another team that they feel exemplifies the qualities
that we want cheerleading to be known for - sportsmanship and enthusiasm. Two
awards are presented (one each day of the competition) to the team that was
voted to have the best spirit by their peers.
Spirit Award sponsorship includes:
• Your name or your business name on the Spirit Award trophy nameplate
• Name in the event poster for distribution in Saskatchewan schools and clubs and
event program as the Spirit Award trophy sponsor
• The opportunity to have a representative from your business to present the trophy
• Name and logo on the SCA website as the Spirit Award sponsor with a link to your
website on event information page (from date of agreement to September 1, 2015)
Coach of the Year Sponsorship ($200)
The Coach of the Year Award is always a hard decision to make. Teams nominate
their coach and send in an application package outlining why they think their
coach is great. In past years the applications have been very creative, and it is
clear that there are many amazing coaches in our province. The SCA Executive
carefully reviews all the applications and is faced with the tough decision of who
to present the award to.
Coach of the Year sponsorship includes:
• Name in the event poster for distribution in Saskatchewan schools and clubs and
event program as the Coach of the Year sponsor
• Name and logo on the SCA website as the Coach of the Year sponsor with a link to
your website on event information page (from date of agreement to September 1, 2015)
If you have any questions or would like to be a sponsor, please contact
Shanda Leftley, Events Director by email @ eventsdirector@sca.ca
We look forward to hearing from you!