ISSUE 28 MAY 15TH, 2015 Cap i t ol Hi ll H e ad li n e r A Message from Principal Bryan Dear Capitol Hill Families, TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1 Principal Bryan Page 2-3 School Wide Info. Page 4-6 Middle School Minute Page 7 Elementary Elements Upcoming Events 5/19/15 4th and 5th 6:30 -7:30 pm Grade Band 5/21/15 Concert Strings& 6:30-7:30 pm Orchestra Concert 5/22/15 WE ACT 1:45-2:45 pm Sponsored Variety Show 5/25/15 Safety and Advocacy: The safety and well-being of your child is our number one priority. If you dropoff your child in the morning, plan enough time to drop off your child on the sidewalk. Do not drop off your child in the middle of the street, not on Concordia, not on Mackubin. Please do not turn right from Concordia onto Mackubin. Thank you. Advocacy: The state legislative year is in it’s final days. If you have priorities which you’d like known by our legislators and/or our legislative leaders, please read on for a message from our Capitol Hill PTO: Want to advocate for more education funding from the State? Here’s how: Superintendent Silva asked parents (in her April 28th letter) to "join SPPS in calling on the House and Senate to adequately fund our schools including the per pupil formula at 2.0 percent, ELL, learning readiness, special education, and the teacher evaluation mandate." The superintendent suggested key legislators to email: Rep. Jenifer Loon ( and "cc";; and NOTE: If you have time, there are senators whom you can contact, but they do not have direct email accounts. They use "forms" on their sites and you can paste the SAME message as you did in your email to Rep. Loon. They are senators Tom Bakk, Dick Cohen, David Hann and Chuck Wiger. Governor Dayton and you can thank him for his leadership if you like! No School for Gr.1-8 5/26/15 Chipotle 5-8pm Fundraiser for Spain / FranceTrip 5/28/15 New Student 5-6 pm Open House 5/28/15 Gr. 1-5 Middle School 6:30 pm Band Concert If you want to follow this issue you can visit, thank you! Capitol Hill, where we celebrate learning. In Partnership, Patrick Bryan | Capitol Hill Office: 651-325-2500 | Twitter @CapitolHillGT SCHOOL WIDE ANNOUNCEMENTS You are Invited to Attend the Capitol Hill PTO Volunteer Appreciation Event! This year's PTO Volunteer Recognition Event (and last PTO meeting of the year) will be held at Green Mill Pizza at 1342 Grand Ave on Thursday, June 4th at 6:30 pm. All parents invited! If you have volunteered this year please come and be recognized. If you are the significant other of a volunteer come and see him or her be recognized. If you have not volunteered this year, come and recognize those that did and learn about the many ways you can volunteer next year. This is an adult-only event. PTO will provide pizza and salad. Cash bar for all beverages. We hope to see you there! Volunteers Needed for Taking Care of Capitol Hill Garden in the Summer!!! Can you help water the gardens this summer? We are responsible for watering and weeding the gardens along the side of building facing Mackubin, and next to the blue doors. Watering and weeding takes approximately 25-35 minutes 2-3 times a week. If you want to say yes, but need more information, email Ms. Starr and she can send you information or you can set up a meeting on site ( Please help keep our gardens useful learning places for outdoor education! Updates from Mr. Fulton Band lessons for all elementary students will conclude for the year on May 26th. Elementary students using school instruments must have them returned to Mr. Fulton in the band room by Friday, May 29th. Please be sure all cases are cleared of all personal items (reeds, pencils, etc.). Middle school students will keep their instruments until Thursday, June 4th. Thank you for another wonderful year of music making and see you at the concerts! Elementary 4th and 5th Grade Band Concert: Tuesday, May 19th at 6:30 p.m. Middle School Band Concert: Thursday, May 28th at 6:30 p.m. MAY 15TH , 2015 ORCHESTRA SPRING CONCERT DOUBLE HEADER Thursday, May 21st. 6:30 PM All Elementary Strings & Orchestra Students (students arrive for tuning 6:00) 7:00 PM All Middle School Orchestras All elementary and middle school string and orchestra students will be presenting our Spring Concerts back to back on Thursday May 21st. We have had an extraordinary year and have a lot of fine music to show for it!! Orchestra families, please look for detailed information about arrival times, places and concert dress for the various groups, in an email and on my portion of the Capitol Hill website. Everyone in our Capitol Hill community is invited to celebrate our musicians. Middle School Transition Lessons for 5th grade Students at Capitol Hill! The transition from 5th to 6th grade is a major milestone for students. At Capitol Hill, we are working collaboratively to provide a smooth transition for students into 6th grade by introducing middle school to our 5th graders while they are still in their elementary learning environments. Our 5th Grade Transition Lessons give students a sneak preview of the middle school experience. Interactive activities have been developed to give students an orientation into their new learning environment and a jumpstart on the skills they will need to be ready. Each lesson contains information to prepare students for what to expect from the first day of school: What are their responsibilities? What to expect in their classes? How to organize their day? How to open their locker? These lessons will allow our 5th grade students to make meaningful connections before beginning their newest journey. If you have questions, contact Lori Sundelius, elementary School Counselor at | Capitol Hill Office: 651-325-2500 | Twitter @CapitolHillGT SCHOOL WIDE ANNOUNCEMENTS Capitol Hill Cares! WE ACT Service learning Students Sponsor Variety Show Fundraiser for a Global Cause! Over 100 middle school students have worked during their lunches with Ms. Raymond and Ms. Jackson on Tuesdays during this entire school year with the mission of providing service locally and globally. For their final act, they are organizing a talent/variety show on Friday, May 22nd from 1:45-2:45pm. They will be selling concessions during this event. Any cash donations will also be accepted. All proceeds will go to Free The Children Organization. Free The Children is an international charity and educational partner that believes in a world where all children are free to achieve their fullest potential as agents of change. We work domestically through We Day and We Act to educate, engage and empower youth to become active local and global citizens. MAY 15TH, 2015 Burning poison ivy leaves release chemicals that can irritate your eyes, nose, or lungs. You may need medical care if you breathe the smoke. Keep your skin covered to avoid contact with these plants. Wear a long-sleeved shirt, long pants, gloves, and closed shoes if you're in an area where these plants may be lurking. Tie the bottoms of your pants legs or tuck them into your hiking boots. Gardeners should always wear gloves. You can also use a lotion containing bentoquatam, which acts as a barrier between urushiol and your skin. Urushiol begins to stick to your skin within minutes. If you know you have come into contact with poison ivy, oak, or sumac, immediately wash the area with lukewarm water and soap. If water is unavailable, rubbing alcohol or alcohol wipes can remove urushiol. Keep the affected area cool, dry, and clean. Wash your clothes and clean your boots or shoes. Hose down any garden tools. See your doctor if the rash is close to your eyes or is widespread over your body. Head to the emergency room if you have severe reactions in addition to the rash, such as nausea, fever, shortness of breath, extreme soreness at the rash site, or swollen lymph nodes. Call 911 if you are having any trouble breathing or feel faint. A dog or cat's fur usually protects its skin from urushiol. But urushiol can stay on a pet's fur and rub off on you. If your pet explores areas where poisonous plants are wear gloves. FROM DR. GARCIA LEAVES OF 3: LET IT BE As the end of our school year approaches, and you are outside a lot more, please be cautious when venturing into areas where there are potentially poisonous plants. If you do happen to touch one of the plants below, especially if you develop itching or see a rash, notify your parents to check you right away. Poison ivy is the only one of the three plants that always has three leaves, one on each side and one in the center. Its leaves are shiny with smooth or slightly notched edges. Poison oak looks similar, though larger and lobed like an oak leaf, with a textured, hairy surface. It can have groups of three, five, or seven leaves. Poison sumac leaves grow in clusters of seven to 13 leaves, with one leaf at the end. The itchy rash forms within 24 to 72 hours of contact, depending on where it touches. It usually peaks within a week, but can last up to two to three weeks. A rash from poison ivy, oak, or sumac looks like patches or streaks of red, raised blisters. The rash usually does not spread unless urushiol is still making contact on the skin. | Capitol Hill Office: 651-325-2500 | Twitter @CapitolHillGT MIDDLE-SCHOOL MINUTES MAY 15TH, 2015 Middle School Sports Schedule Softball & Badminton Schedule 2015 May 19th, AWAY vs Linwood Monroe, start time 4:30 May 20th & 21st Badminton Tournament @ Washington 3:45 start Spain and France Fundraiser @ Chipotle Mark your calendars for the Spain and France trip fundraiser at Chipotle, on Grand and Victoria in St. Paul. Tuesday, May 26th, from 5-8 pm. BASEBALL SCHEDULE May 18th, PLAY-OFF TBD TRACK & FIELD BOYS & GIRLS 2015 May 19th @ Harding start time 4:30 Last weekend, Spanish students had an AMAZING time at Concordia Language Villages in Bemidji, MN. 100% Español!!! Thank you to the families to came out to Highland High school Transition night on Wednesday, May13th. A special thanks go out to all the parents who help to answer questions and facilitate discussions about articulation from Capitol Hill to Highland Senior High. | Capitol Hill Office: 651-325-2500 | Twitter @CapitolHillGT Congratulations to all of our Capitol Hill Model United Nations Delegates! | Capitol Hill Office: 651-325-2500 | Twitter @CapitolHillGT MIDDLE SCHOOL MINUTES Attention 8th grade families: Capitol Hill Magnet 8th Grade Recognition Monday, June 8th, 2015 5:00 -6:00 pm- Recognition Ceremony Who: 8th grade students and Families Location: Capitol Hill Large Gym Speakers, performances, presentation of certificates, and picture keepsake 6:00 -6:30 pm- Reception Celebration and Photograph Opportunity Who:8th Grade Students and Families Location: Blue Atrium 6:30 - 7:15 pm- Dinner Who: 8th Grade Students only Location: Small Gym 7:15 - 8:15 pm- Dance Who: 8th Grade Students Only Location: Capitol Hill Large Gym 8:15 pm- Parent Pick up (Blue Doors) Dress attire is semi-formal. ***Doors for the ceremony will open at 4:30 pm We have many volunteer /donation opportunities, we appreciate your and thank you in advance for your support! MAY 15TH, 2015 -Day of the Event: Set Up/Decorate (need 10 volunteers) • Pick up needed supplies in the morning (need • 3 volunteers) If you are interested in volunteering please contact Terri Jackson at Capitol Hill PTO invites all 8th Grade Families !! Please join us for a Taco Bar dinner at Billy's On Grand while our students are dining and dancing at Capitol Hill. The event is from 6:30 to 8:15 p.m. in the Party Room at Billy's. A beef, chicken and vegetarian taco bar will be served. Dinner cost is $8.95 per person + a cash bar for all beverages. Payment at Billy's the night of the event. Please RSVP on the Capitol Hill FB eventbrite invitation or to Elizabeth Wrobel at Include your name and number of family members attending. Donations: We need gift cards for our 8th grade student raffle which takes place during their dance. We would really appreciate $5 or $10 dollar gift cards to caribou, i-tune cards, Buffalo Wild wings, Chipotle, Dairy Queen etc.. You can donate the gift cards to the main office.(please label on the envelope-8th grade recognition) We also need donations of cupcakes(250), water(500 bottles) for our 8th grade students. You may bring all the donated items to the main office. Volunteer Opportunities: -Before the Event (need 3 volunteers) Help to purchase decorations, balloons, table clothes, paper products for dinner.(we will reimburse for the recognition fund) | Capitol Hill Office: 651-325-2500 | Twitter @CapitolHillGT ELEMENTARY ELEMENTS MAY 15TH, 2015 1st graders exploring at the Arboretum! Fourth Graders on The Big River Journey! | Capitol Hill Office: 651-325-2500 | Twitter @CapitolHillGT
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