Term 1 Week 8 16th March 2015 Newsletter 8/2015 School Vision: LEARNING TOGETHER: ENJOYING THE V.I.E.W.S. (Values, Individuality, Excellence, Worth, Sustainability Beaches Orthodontics Dr Bobby Griffin Dr Don Gilchrist Redlynch to Northern Beaches area Specialist Orthodontist Preferential rates for school children 12 Danbulan St, Smithfield 4878 E: admin@beachesorthodontics.com.au W:www.beachesorthodontics.com.au 4038 1036 No referral necessary Cairns Beaches s son a e Physiotherapy ily r 15 am n f h 20 e e rs arc Naomi Hogan nfo g MPhysiotherapist (BPhty (Hons), BHMS) u to enin cairnsbeachesphysiotherapy.com.au e u p Sports, D Muscle &- O Joint Injuries; Hydrotherapy; Back & Neck Pain; & Hydrotherapy Core Stability Training; Exercise Prescription; Workplace Injury Rehabilitation; Postural Assessment & Retraining; DVA Cairns Snake Catcher Caravonica State School acknowledges the Traditional Custodians, the Djabugay people, of the country in which this school is located and pays respect to their Elders past and present. **NOTE: New email address Principal Michelle Davis ** principal@caravonicass.eq.edu.au Deputy Principal Joanne Ladner ** deputyprincipal@caravonicass.eq.edu.au Business Services Manager Raelene Bruce bsm@caravonicass.eq.edu.au Administration Officers Debra Casey Marcia Bird Jodie Rooney Guidance Officer Jane Brentnall - (Wed & Thurs) Contact Us: P O Box 198, Smithfield Qld 4878 4037 4333 Fax 4037 4300 Matt Hagan - 0467 473 883 Snake/Reptile Removal and Relocation Discreet Removal Service for Businesses Servicing all Locations Roof Inspections Available 24/7 Office Hours Mon - Fri 8:30am - 3.30pm School Website www.caravonicass.eq.edu.au NO SNAKE TOO BIG OR SMALL www.cairnssnakecatcher.com.au Outside School Hours Care 4037 0500 oshc@caravonica.com.au Tuckshop 4055 0106 P&C pandc@caravonicass.eq.edu.au School Watch 13 17 88 Thought of the Week You are braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. A.A.Milne Christopher Robin Smithfield Phone: 07 4038 2633 Principal’s Pen Our Annual Obstathon, will take place on Friday 20th March. My thanks goes to Neil Webster who is busy organising this event for us and to all the students who are busy raising funds for their class teachers. Details of this event have been sent home with the children. Essentially this is a fun day for the children and if last year’s fun morning was anything to go by there is lots of laughter and smiles all day [and lots of muddy and dirty faces and clothes as well!!]. All of the funds raised go directly toward your child’s classroom activities and consumables. These funds are managed by the classroom teachers and are spent on learning activities in which the children are directly involved. This is a very easy but important fundraiser for each class – the more money the class raises the more additional materials can be purchased for the class to use during the year. And money is not carried over – each teacher spends all moneys raised on the children in their current class, after all they are the ones who took the time to support their class and fundraise! We look forward to your support. Sponsorship money from the Obstathon needs to be returned to school as soon as possible after the event so we can finalise class budgets. Every child will be encouraged to participate on the day [it is a fun whole of school event] so please make sure you pack spare clothes and a towel!! Last year I came across an interesting article which spoke about the importance of reading for our children and the data was quite clear – the article was called Why Can’t I Skip My 20 Minutes of Reading Tonight? This article looked at the reading habits of 3 students and compared their vocabulary development, fluency and comprehension. 3 big predictors of reading success. The article said if student ‘A’ reads 20 mins each night they will read 3600 mins in a school year. If student ‘B’ reads 5 minutes each night they will read 900 mins in a school year. If student ‘C’ reads 1 minute each night they will read about 180 mins in a school year. By the end of year 6 student ‘A’ will have read the equivalent of 60 whole days and student ‘B’ the equivalent of 12 days [imagine how little student ‘C’ will have read in days!]. That’s quite a stark difference in time spent learning new vocabulary, practising reading skills and focusing on comprehension. Just some food for thought! Finally I would like to thank everyone who attended the Induction Ceremony of our school leaders for 2015 this morning. Attendance of family members and friends of the students make occasions such as this very special - one of their lifetime memories to be cherished and celebrated. The photo opportunities were endless! Our school leaders for 2015 are a wonderful group of students and are a credit to our school and to their families. I know that they will provide a strong leadership team for all of our students at Caravonica in 2015. Enjoy your week, Michelle P&C AGM Monday 16th March 6.30pm In the Staff Room Everyone welcome Page 2 Page 3 16 March 2015 Term Calendar Thurs 26 Feb to Thurs 2 April Mon 16 March Swimming Program 9am - 1D; 9.30am - 2C; 10am - 1B; 10.30am - 21A; 11.40am - 4A; 12.10pm - 1C; 12.40pm - 4B P & C Meeting 6.30pm Fri 3 April Mon 6 April to Fri 17 April ICAS Tests Closing date for payment Fri 1 May Good Friday Public Holiday Sat 11 July to Mon 13 July Homestay 2015 Easter School Holidays Tues 19 May - Digital Tech $8 Wed 3 June - Science - $8 15 to 19 June - Writing - $17 Tues 16 June - Spelling - $11 Tues 28 July - English - $8 Tues 11 Aug - Mathematics - $8 STUDENT OF THE WEEK Each week students are presented with certificates acknowledging their personal best achievement. Today the following students were congratulated: Macey - 1B Sienna - 1C Fynn - 1C Meah - 1C Owen - 1D Summer-Rose - 1D Taylor - 3C Max - 4B ATTENDANCE CUP Full Attendance: For a child to have full attendance she/ he must be at school for a full day 9-3. This term I will review the achievement by identifying the class with the best full attendance across a week from Friday to Thursday. Best Full Class Attendance: Week ending Thursday 12 March 2015. Best full class attendance 4B with 99.7% of children here every day between 9-3. Congratulations and well done to 4B! JANES JOTTINGS Jane Brentnall - Guidance Officer Parents have needs too • Enjoy your job - As employment caters to financial security it is important it is something you enjoy. If you don’t then this will impact on not only your own health and well-being but your families as well. • Be healthy - Look after your health through good eating habits as well as exercise. When you look good you feel good. As one needs to be a parent for a very long time (at least 18 years), being healthy makes the job easier. Exercise also helps the mental health - you can work through a lot of problems when you are on the go. More suggestions next week. POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR FOR LEARNING The purpose of PBL is to facilitate a school-wide process that promotes behavioural, social and academic success for all at CSS PBL focus for week 8 and 9: Keeping our School Beautiful: We all love to play and work in a clean environment. Students at Caravonica can ensure this continues by: • Placing their rubbish into the provided rubbish bins • If they see other rubbish on the ground place it into the bins Double gotcha’s to those students who help keep our environment clean! GOTCHA AWARDS Gotcha Awards: Congratulations to Jaquiem - 1D, Jessie - 6A and Avie - 6C. Total points for each house: Barrons - 77, Cascades - 82 and Placids - 98. OBSTATHON Our annual Obstathon is scheduled be held this Friday, 20th March, weather and oval conditions permitting. All children should have received their newsletter and sponsorship form last week. Please encourage them to participate and collect sponsors. This has proven to be a very popular event in previous years and all monies raised are spent in the classroom. Forms MUST be in by the day of the Obstathon. A proposed schedule of class times is as follows. 9:10-9:30 3A, 3C, 3/2B 9:30-9:50 4A, 4B, 4/3D 9:50-10:10 5A, 5C, 6/5B 10:10-10:35 6A, 6C Prep-Year2 classes will be as follows: 9:00-9:20 Prep C 9:20-9:40 1C 9:40-10:00 1D 10:00-10:20 1B 10:20-10:40 21A 10:40-11:00 2C 11:40-12:00 Prep A 12:00-12:20 Prep B Should the event be postponed due to oval conditions, we still ask that all forms and any money collected thus far be brought in this Friday. Money in an envelope to the office (name, class, “Obstathon”, amount enclosed), forms to class teacher. CARAVONICA RUGBY LEAGUE TEAM Caravonica have had their first loss for the 2015 Development Cup campaign with a 36-10 loss to Woree State School. Unfortunately, once again, we were short of players with only 11 turning up. We scored an extra player from Cody the courageous brother of Beau and a couple of Cairns West boys and everyone tried their heart out but we were beaten by a better side on the day. Justin and one of our CWSS boys were tryscorers and Rithysen was very sneaky out of dummy half. Drayden was excellent again, Beau was outstanding in a new position at fullback and Phoenix tried hard. Could ALL boys please be at training on Monday at lunch time and let me know if they’ll be at the game Wednesday? Next game will be at Jones Park on Wednesday afternoon versus White Rock at 5:40pm. Please be at the ground by 5pm at the latest. Mr Lees Tuckshop volunteer helpers needed Wednesday and Friday QSCHOOLS APP The QSchools app lets you connect with your state school to get up-to-the-minute information including: push notifications and emergency announcements; newsletters and documents; calendar events and news; tuckshop and uniform shop information; school hours and contact details; social media feeds. Available for free download from iTunes Store, Google Play, Windows Store and Windows Phone Store. Visit http://qld.gov.au/QSchools 16 March 2015 YEAR 5 EXCURSION Last Thursday, year 5 went to the Holloways Beach Environmental Education Centre, for an excursion so that we could learn about structural and behavioural adaptations of plants and animals. While we were there we went to an incredible aquarium, we spent time beachcombing and we did a magnificent mangrove walk. It was the most spectacular day. By Alex 5C BAND NEWS All students of Mr Fox and Mr Christodoulides are to be involved in our CSS Concert Band. Rehearsals start Friday 20th March at 7.50am before school every week in the music room. Please remember that a requirement to participate in Instrumental Music lessons is that all students must commit to a school based ensemble/ performance group. This is the FUN BIT! See you all there. Mr Fox/Mr Christodoulides COMMUNITY Caravonica Hotshots Tennis Tennis lessons on Monday and Friday mornings 8am-8.45am - 8 week term $85.00 To enrol please contact Dana Vincent 0414856917 or email dana@fusiontenniscairns.com After school tennis also available at Freshwater Tennis Club. The Young Company Spin along to TYC for our Awesome Autumn Drama School (5yrs13yrs) Holiday Programs. Get your training gear on for Program 1: Quidditch Cup: Let the Games Begin 7/4 – 10/4, 9am – 3pm, Cairns City) with special guest costume artist Hayley Gillespie. Search through the live source code with Program 2: Minecraft: Return of Herobrine (13/4 – 16/4, 9am – 3pm, Cairns City). Explore acting, costumes, lighting, sound and multimedia elements, finishing with a creative performance on the final afternoon. Learn the essentials of stage performance through improvisation, role-play and characterization activities and then perform in front of a live audience with costumes, sets, props, sound effects, live projections and theatrical lighting!! For more information phone 40414066, email info@theyoungcompany.com.au or visit our website www.theyoungcompany.com.au. Northern Beaches Scouts Monthly market 2nd Saturday of month. 8am to 12pm $15 per site. Scout Den Leisure Park Rd, Smithfield. More info 0410516595. Girl Guides Aust Girls aged between 5 and 17. For fun friendship and adventure. Contact Melanie Portelli 0416041510 or email melpor26@gmail.com Cairns Junior Choral Society For children who love to sing - ages 8 to 18. The choir meets every Tuesday evening from 5.30pm in their hall on Grove St. Reasonable fees and family discounts apply. Call Mrs Toni Dunstan for more info 0437942019 Bears Junior and Cubs Baseball Want to play baseball? Season April to September. Train at Loridan Drive Junior Sporting Reserve, Brinsmead/Kamerunga Road, Brinsmead. More info contact Kendra Fuller 0408154760 or Toni Behrendorff 0412248192 or bearsjuniorbaseball@gmail.com Cairns Hockey Come and try Hockey for FREE. Every Friday arvo in March. Cairns Hockey Grounds, cnr Rutherford and Sheridan Streets - 5pm. Cairns SLSC Sign on day 2015 Sat 28th March 10am-2pm Cairns Surf Life Saving Club, Palm Cove (entrance via Cedar Road) All ages and abilities welcome (5 years and over) Free BBQ sausage sizzle Surf.admin@cairnssurfclub.com.au; phone 40591263 On the 26th and 27th February year 5 went on an excursion to the amazing Holloway’s Beach Environmental Education Centre because in Science we are learning about structural and behavioural adaptations. We went beachcombing, walked through the mosquito-infested mangroves and we went into the interesting aquarium. We also saw a beautiful family of Tawny Frog Mouth Owls and a small crocodile named Snappy Tom. It was a fabulous day. By Lilli 5C On Thursday we went on an excursion to HBEEC so that we could look at how plants and animals adapt to their harsh environments. There were amazing activities at the Centre. We had to go beachcombing on the magnificent beach and then we went into the colourful aquarium. Most of all I liked the aquarium because I fed two of the little fish. I had a fantastic day. By Kiara 5C Last week, my class and I went to the Holloways Beach Environmental Education Centre so that we could learn about plant and animal adaptations. Although there were heaps of irritating mosquitoes I was excited to see all of the amazing animals. The spectacular staff at the centre were really kind and I was able to hold a blue starfish! I had a magical day. By Paige 5C Support the Advertisers who appear on the back page of the Newsletter as they have supported us
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