Check the Workshop You Will Attend: Improving Behavior and Social Skills Matthews, NC - May 06, 2015 Winston-Salem, NC - May 07, 2015 Receipts Sent Via Email - Please Print Clearly! ATTENTION: Copy as needed for each attendee or print additional forms at Pricing* EMAIL OR PHONE # REQUIRED! Name*____________________________________________________ Email*___________________________________________________________ Profession/Job Title* ______________________________________________ Organization_____________________________________________________ Easy Registration! All prices are per person EARLY $199 | Single Person $189 | 2-4 People $169 | 5+ People REGULAR $219 | Single Person $209 | 2-4 People $189 | 5+ People *Early registration must be received 14 days prior to workshop. GROUPS: Registrations and payment must be received together via fax or mail. You may also register online if payment is with a single credit card. Billing Address*___________________________________________________ Address2 _______________________________________________________ City*_____________________________State*_______ Zip*_______________ High Impact, Live Workshops for Continuing Education Durham, NC - May 08, 2015 1. Online: 2. Phone: (800) 433-9570 3. Fax: (615) 376-8233 4. Mail: Summit Professional Education PO Box 908 | Franklin, TN 37065 Summit Professional Education PO Box 908 Franklin, TN 37065 EMAIL OR PHONE # REQUIRED! Phone*_____________________________________Ext._________________ (MM) (YY) (YRS) CE Renewal Date _________ / _________ License Cycle Length ____________ Improving Behavior and Social Skills PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE in Children and Adolescents PAID NASHVILLE, TN PERMIT NO. 989 Payment Required For Registration Check, credit card or company purchase order (PO#) MUST accompany this registration form. Practical Strategies and Interventions for ODD, ADHD, Autism, Learning Disabilities, OCD, and Other Related Conditions PRIORITY CODE: Price ____________ X Quantity ___________ = Total __________________ Check enclosed, payable to Summit Professional Education PO#: __________________ VISA MC Amex Discover Cardholder’s Name: ______________________________________________ Card #:__________________________________________________________ CSOCEN.0515.1 Exp. Date: _______________________ 3 Digit CSC/CVC: _________________ PLEASE RETURN ENTIRE PANEL Workshop Dates Benefits to Attending • Identify social skills deficits commonly associated in students who have ADHD, Autism, Learning Disabilities, Communication and Language Disorders, OCD, and ODD • Improve self-monitoring and social skills in public, therapy, school, and home venues High Impact, Live Workshops for Continuing Education Improving Behavior and Social Skills in Children and Adolescents Practical Strategies and Interventions for ODD, ADHD, Autism, Learning Disabilities, OCD, and Other Related Conditions Workshop Dates Matthews, NC May 06, 2015 Winston-Salem, NC May 07, 2015 Durham, NC May 08, 2015 Eric J. Nach, Ph.D., is a autism specialist, educator, and psychotherapist who has over 20 years of experience working with children, teens, and young adults with special needs and their families. He is the Special Education Department Chairperson and a Special Education Teacher at a public middle school in South East Florida. He teaches “Social Skills” classes and facilitates a program for children and teens on the autism spectrum. Benefits to Attending • Identify social skills deficits commonly associated in students who have ADHD, Autism, Learning Disabilities, Communication and Language Disorders, OCD, and ODD • Immediately stop and redirect anger and reduce tantrums • Improve self-monitoring and social skills in public, therapy, school, and home venues • Reduce distractibility, frustration, depression, anxiety, and disruptions in the classroom setting • Innovative activities to promote generalization and practice of skills in all venues • Detailed manual with over 100 proven intervention components and tools REGISTER SPEECH-LANGUAGE or call 800-433-9570 • Immediately stop and redirect anger and reduce tantrums • Reduce distractibility, frustration, depression, anxiety, and disruptions in the classroom setting • Innovative activities to promote generalization and practice of skills in all venues • Detailed manual with over 100 proven intervention components and tools Who Should Attend • OTs & OTAs • Preschool Teachers • SLPs & SLPAs • Child Development Specialists • PTs & PTAs • Pediatric Therapy Professionals • Special Education Teachers • Paraprofessionals, 1:1 Aides • School Psychologists/Counselors • Social Workers REGISTER or call 800-433-9570 SPEECH-LANGUAGE Matthews, NC May 06, 2015 Winston-Salem, NC May 07, 2015 Durham, NC May 08, 2015 Improving Behavior and Social Skills in Children and Adolescents Dates & Locations Matthews, NC May 06, 2015 Holiday Inn Express & Suites Charlotte Southeast Matthews 9420 East Independence Expy Matthews, NC 28105 (704) 443-3100 Winston-Salem, NC May 07, 2015 Best Western Plus Hanes Mall 3330 Silas Creek Parkway Winston Salem, NC 27103 (336) 893-7540 Durham, NC May 08, 2015 DoubleTree by Hilton RDU Airport 4810 Page Creek Ln Durham, NC 27703 (919) 941-6000 SCAN HERE QR Help? Practical Strategies and Interventions for ODD, ADHD, Autism, Learning Disabilities, OCD, and Other Related Conditions The rise of autism spectrum disorders in recent years has become epidemic to 1 in 68 children (CDC). Children, teens, and young adults with ASD’s and with other perceptual disorders are counting on professionals to teach them social skills to help them be successful in life. With scientifically-based social skill interventions, our young people can be more likely to be successful; socially, academically, and behaviorally. Clinicians, educators, and parents can work together to employ and generalize scientifically-based strategies. This brand new and unique, practical seminar will use real-life scenarios to identify social skills deficits along with proven strategies to treat and improve them. Utilizing proven examples from actual therapeutic settings, participants will be able to relate to the realism of the situations and the practicality of how to address them. Participants will be exposed and encouraged to practice using these strategies during hands-on activities. The goal of this seminar is to provide participant with over a hundred specific corrective valuable and realistic “tools” they can use right away when they return to their practice, school, institution, or home. About Your Program Instructor Eric J. Nach, Ph.D., is a autism specialist, educator, and psychotherapist who has over 20 years of experience working with children, teens, and young adults with special needs and their families. He is the Special Education Department Chairperson and a Special Education Teacher at a public middle school in South East Florida. He teaches “Social Skills” classes and facilitates a program for children and teens on the autism spectrum. Dr. Nach is the founder and president of the Support for the Autism Spectrum Group Inc.. He is an adjunct professor at Lynn University, teaching graduate level Autism Endorsement courses. Dr. Nach earned an “Autism Endorsement” from the State of Florida. Dr. Nach presented workshops at several CARD Annual Conferences. Dr. Nach’s experience extends to other related disorders including; (ADHD), (OCD), (SLD), (NVLD), and (EBD). He is a PEPSA Partner (Partnership for Effective Programs for Students with Autism) and collaborates with FAU CARD (Center for Autism and Related Disabilities) C.H.A.D.D. (Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder), and does presentations at schools for the Lynn University Community Outreach Project. Dr. Nach earned his Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Leadership from Lynn University, with a published dissertation entitled: Instructional Use of Research-Based Practices for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Learning Objectives 1. Identify social skills deficits in children, teens, and young adults with ADHD, Autism, Asperger’s, learning disabilities, communication and language disorders, OCD, and related conditions. 2. Cite practical, valid, and specific methods to improve social and academic performance. 3. List 7 components needed to improve social skills, while addressing perceptual abilities, friendships, and other important social and emotional challenges. 4. Determine which strategies to use to enhance, interpersonal and intrapersonal relationship skills, to increase community and family harmony. 5. Discuss how to integrate academic, psychosocial, sensory-motor, and perceptual interventions into a powerful symptom-controlling program. 6. Describe which aspects of social skills to focus on with those young people and families in need, while discussing the emotional and relationship needs of families. Join Our Faculty Summit Professional Education is currently seeking qualified professionals to develop and teach workshops nationally. Visit for more information. THE SUMMIT GUARANTEE Summit Professional Education is a national leader in high-quality educational products and services for today’s professional. Our seminars and training programs are designed to help professionals achieve improved performance and results in all areas. Our faculty is the “best of the best” in their fields of expertise, providing programs that really make a difference to participants. If for any reason you are not satisfied with the program, simply notify the registrar of your intent to withdraw from the program prior to the first morning break, turn in your workshop materials and receive a 100% refund or credit on a future program. REGISTRATION, CONFIRMATION & CERTIFICATES Confirmations of registration will be sent via email. A copy of your registration confirmation will serve as Continuing Education Credit Workshop Outline I. Understanding and Identifying Social Skills Deficits »» Assessments »» Types of social skills deficits »» Skills-based deficits »» Performances-based deficits »» Motivational deficits »» Discrimination deficits »» Teaching deficits II. Shared Characteristics of Those Impacted with Perceptual Challenges »» Autism, Asperger's, PDD-NOS, ADHD, learning disabilities, communication and language disorders, OCD, socialization challenges. »» ToM (Theory of Mind) III. Methods to Deliver Instruction and Improve Behavior »» One-to-one »» Small group (mixed gender, single gender, similar age and ability, "one size fits all") »» Virtual »» Parent and professional support (weekly topic update, progress reports) »» Set goals to work towards »» Role-playing and modeling IV. Strategic Lessons to Encourage Generalization of Newly-Acquired Skills »» Steps to follow to teach social skills »» Identify the social skill to be taught »» Provide reasons why the social skill is needed »» Use role-playing and modeling to help students visualize the skill »» Provide real-life examples »» Allow for guided practice »» Provide opportunities for independent practice »» Continue to monitor student progress Speech-Language Pathologists & Audiologists - This program is offered for 0.6 CEUs (Intermediate level, Professional Area). Occupational Therapists - Summit Professional Education is an AOTA Approved Provider of continuing education - provider #5873. This course is offered for 0.6 AOTA CEUs (6.0 contact hours). The assignment of AOTA CEUs does not imply endorsement of specific course content, products, or clinical procedures by AOTA. Physical Therapists - NC: As per North Carolina Board of Physical Therapy Examiners regulations if this seminar is approved by another state PT Board or APTA chapter it is accepted by the NCBPTE. This seminar has been approved by the Arkansas State Board of Physical Therapy, 6.0 hours. SC: The South Carolina Board of Physical Therapy Examiners has determined that a program approved by another state board qualifies as meeting state continuing education requirements. This course has been reviewed and approved by the Arkansas State Board of Physical Therapy, for 6.0 hours. TN: As per the General Rules Governing the Practice of Physical Therapy, Rule 1150-1-.12 of the Tennessee State Board of Physical Therapy, workshops attended by the licensee which have been approved for continuing education units (CEUs) by another state licensing board qualifies as course approval. This course has been approved by the Arkansas Board of Physical Therapy for 6.0 contact hours. VA: Summit Professional Education is approved by the Board of Certification, Inc. (BOC) to provide CEs for Athletic Trainers (NATA). According to rule 18VAC112-20-131 Subsection B-1.g of the Virginia Board of Physical Therapy this workshop can be offered to physical therapists and assistants for 6.0 Type I CEUs. Educators - NC: Contact your Local Education Agency for workshop approval towards professional development requirements, 6.0 hours. SC: Contact your Public School System Renewal Credit Coordinator to see if this workshop fits your Professional Growth Plan, 6.0 hours. TN: Professional License Renewal Activities should focus on goals of the educator and should be approved by the person who conducts the local evaluation for the educator, 6.0 hours. VA: Educators must have prior approval for professional development activities from the chief executive officer or designee in your local school district if you are employed in a Virginia educational agency (including school districts). Take this brochure to your local district for approval, 6.0 hours. Professional Counselors - Summit Professional Education is an NBCC-Approved Continuing Education Provider (ACEP) and may offer NBCC-approved clock hours for events (or programs) that meet NBCC requirements. Sessions (or programs) for which NBCC-approved clock hours will be awarded are identified in the program bulletin (i.e. brochure or in the catalogue or Web site), 6.0 hours. The ACEP is solely responsible for all aspects of the program. Social Workers - Summit Professional Education, provider # 1201, is approved as a provider for social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB), through the Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. Summit Professional Education maintains responsibility for the program. Social workers participating in this course will receive 6.0 clinical continuing education clock hours. SC: not presented by a social worker. Psychologists - Summit Professional Education is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Summit Professional Education maintains responsibility for this program and its content, 6.0 hours. Child Development, Early Intervention, Daycare, and Other Specialists - This seminar qualifies for 6.0 continuing education hours as required by many national, state and local licensing boards and professional organizations. If you can supply Summit with a specific certifying agency and contact information we will seek pre-approval upon request on your behalf. Save your course outline and certificate of completion, and contact your own board or organization for specific filing requirements. These events contain intermediate level content. V. Supporting Children, Teens, and Young Adults Across Environments »» Classroom and school venue »» Home setting »» Public areas Workshop Schedule Your instructor will break for 15 minutes in the morning and afternoon at appropriate times. 7:30am – Registration & Coffee 8:00am – Workshop Begins 11:30am - 12:30pm – Lunch On Your Own 3:30pm – Workshop Adjourns Some facilities may charge for parking, which is at your own expense. your receipt for fees paid at the time of registration. Walk-ins are welcome but must register onsite. Please notify us at least thirty (30) days in advance if you have special needs or require assistance. Certificates are mailed to the seminar location 5 business days in advance. If your certificate is not available the day of the seminar, please complete a certificate request onsite and a copy will be sent to you. Hotel locations must occasionally be adjusted. Please provide an email address and phone number to receive any important updates. attendee. If the cancellation is made within ten days or less, refunds will not be granted for any reason. A credit voucher will be issued that may be used toward a future seminar. Credit vouchers are transferable and do not expire. In cases of inclement weather where the seminar is conducted as scheduled, you may request a credit voucher toward a future seminar. If we must cancel or change the seminar for any reason, our liability is limited to the cost of tuition. If you register and do not attend, you are still responsible for payment. SUBSTITUTION & CANCELLATION POLICY Substitutions may be made at any time. Requests for cancellation must be received in writing by fax or mail ten (10) days prior to the seminar in order to receive a refund less a $20.00 administrative charge per canceled W-9: To download a copy, logon to FEID Number: 47-1189590 SATISFACTORY COMPLETION Participants must pay tuition fee, sign in, attend the entire seminar, complete an evaluation and sign out in order to receive a certificate of completion. Participants not fulfilling these requirements will not receive a certificate. Failure to sign in or out will result in forfeiture of credit for the entire workshop. No exceptions will be made. Partial credit is not available. WORKSHOP HANDBOOK Included with your registration you will receive a comprehensive manual compiled by the instructor. DISCLOSURES: Guidelines exist whereby all speakers must disclose any relevant relationships. Eric J. Nach is compensated by Summit as an instructor. He has a non-financial relationship with the Support for the Autism Spectrum Group. SCOPE OF PRACTICE: Workshop content is not intended for use by participants outside of the regulatory scope of practice of their license(s). You are responsible for knowing what lies within and without your professional scope of practice. This content of this program is germane to children, students and clients ages 3-18. Have continuing education credit questions? Please email our CE Department at for the latest approval status. 800-433-9570 |
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