Protocol: Ordering Supplies - Crane Center for Early Childhood

Protocol: Ordering Supplies
Ordering supplies for the office and classroom:
A regular office supply order for the CCEC is placed every two months. This order includes items
such as: printer paper, toner, and coffee.
Supplies for the SFC classrooms, including baby wipes, diapers, etc. are ordered on a monthly
basis, when teachers return a completed Order Supply Form to the Data and Operations
An inventory of additional and surplus supplies is kept in the basement at SFC, and items can be
signed out with the approval of the Data and Operations Coordinator.
Specialty items such as cameras, assessment materials, keyboard trays etc. are ordered
separately, using the steps below.
To place a special request supply order:
1. Email
2. Provide your order details, including:
a. A brief business purpose for your purchase
b. Quantity of items requested
c. Price per item
d. Description of item
e. Link to item, if applicable
3. The Administrative Coordinator will submit an eRequest for your item.
4. Pending approval, the item will be ordered and shipped to the appropriate location.
Ordering business cards:
SFC and CCEC staff may order business cards through the center and are encouraged to use business
cards as a means of representing our organization in a professional manner.
To order:
1. Fill in the highlighted areas below with your information and e-mail this document to the
Administrative Coordinator.
2. If you have offices at both Arps Hall and the Schoenbaum Family Center, you can choose one
address to list on your business cards.
3. After receiving your order request, the Data and Operations Coordinator will submit an eRequest
and request a proof from Uniprint.
4. The Administrative Coordinator will e-mail you the proof for your approval.
5. Upon your approval, the Administrative Coordinator will place the order for your business cards
and they will be shipped to your office.
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Example of how your business card will look when printed:
Example of completed information for a business card:
Bobbie Bowling
Director of Operations
Schoenbaum Family Center (SFC)
Crane Center for Early Childhood Research and Policy (CCEC)
175 E. 7th Avenue, Columbus, OH 43201
614-292-5197 Office
If you work at SFC you will use this information:
First and Last Name
Title 1
Optional: Title 2
Crane Center for Early Childhood Research and Policy (CCEC) OR Schoenbaum Family Center (SFC)
Schoenbaum Family Center at Weinland Park
175 E. 7th Avenue Columbus, OH 43201
Optional: Insert your office phone number Office
Optional: Insert your cell phone number Mobile
Optional: Project website
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If you work in Arps you will use this information:
First and Last Name
Title 1
Optional: Title 2
Crane Center for Early Childhood Research and Policy (CCEC)
356 Arps Hall, 1945 North High Street Columbus, Ohio 43210
Optional: Insert your office phone number Office
Optional: Insert your cell phone number Mobile
Optional: Insert your fax number Fax
Optional: Project website
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