News November 2014 Volume 31 Issue 11 Gatherings still open for 2015 They are going fast, only 4 dates still available to host a gathering in 2015 June 6 August 1 December 5 Call Sally Ainslie to select your date. (704) 661-4806 Girl’s Chrysalis Flight Nov. 13—16, 2014 Send off at Hickory Grove Church 6401 Hickory Grove Rd CANDLE LIGHT Saturday Nov. 15 Trinity UMC 8:30 PM 6230 Beatties Ford Rd Boy’s Chrysalis Flight Feb. 27—Mar 1, 2015 Bring out your caterpillars May you feel the Grace Of God and have a Happy And Blessed Thanksgiving. November Fourth Day Talks From Oct Gathering October Gathering: Steve Adams Clergy Respnse—Donnie Michem Steve and his wife, Allison, went on their weekend Donnie drew an analogy between Being a Fan of Jewalks in spring of 2008. It was at a time when they sus and Being a Follower of Jesus to know the differwere both searching for a deeper connection to God. ence between Cheez its and Cheese Nips. To the naPrior to his walk, Steve was very active in his church. ïve tongue, who could tell? But to her son, a HUGE fan of Cheez its, the Cheese Nips just don't satisfy He was on many committees and played a part in all the activities at church. Yet, there was no deep con- the hunger. Steve and Allison were still hunger for something else. Even though they were busy “doing nection to God. After his walk and two weeks later church”. It was not until they met the risen Lord, that when Allison returned, they shared the “mountain the hunger was satisfied and they began being the top” experience and realized they had both discovchurch. ered angels. Messengers from God. They both believe that the angels on that weekend and in the Em- She referenced the book, “Not A Fan” by Kyle Idlemaus Community have been placed in their live for a man and challenged us to become aware of the difreason. ference between playing church and being the These new friends / family members have been with church. That Idleman would say our churches oar full them through the early days & weeks of a premature of fans when what Jesus requires is followers. birth of a great nephew. The same circle of people have prayed for 2 lost sons, another son in a horrible DeColores car accident and parents of friends. Besides prayer partners, this circle of friends have rejoiced together over new careers, graduations, weddings, new babies, and unexpected blessings. Sharing quiet times November Gathering: Amy Upchurch Walk 123 and joyful laughter. During his Fourth Days his family has traveled many Stay tuned for the recap of Amy’s talk. In an effort to get the current information out. I have to cut this roads. Some smooth sailing, others with lots of short. rough spots. God has been right by his side every step of the way. Recently he has been on mission trips, taken disciple study and now starting Christian Believer. Study has turned him into a reading, something he was not before. Still to come in his fourth days are the joys of running a new business, having his youngest daughter start college and a huge step of walking his first born down the aisle this fall. He (and Allison) are gaining a son. And they Praise the Lord for all He has done. CCEC Newsletter November 2014 2014 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Thu, Nov 13 CCEC Board Meeting, 7 PM Sat, Dec 6 CCEC Gathering 6 PM - Servanthood Training 6 PM—Fellowship 7 PM—Worship River Hills Community Church Thu, Dec 11 CCEC Board Meeting, 7 PM The Board Meets at 7 PM at Central Steele Creek Presbyterian. The 2nd Thursday of every month, except during walk months. All are welcome. Dec 6th —Gathering Servanthood training 6:00 at River Hills Community Church 104 Hamiltons Ferry Rd Lake Wylie, SC 29710 Phone: (803) 831-1615 Located at the corner of Charlotte (Hwy 49) And Hamiltons Ferry Rd New DEADLINE for upcoming walks Bethelwoods is requiring a full commitment 90 days in advance. Mens Walk 130 April 16—19 Womens Walk 131 April 23—24 Deadline is Dec. 25th. Applications and payments must be received by Dec. 23 in order for the community to offer Spring walks. Please pray that early sign up will be easy and people will be excited to Walk to Emmaus. CCEC Newsletter November 2014 2014 Board of Directors Kathy Yokeley Community Chairperson 704-542-5395 Sally Ainslie Community Vice Chair / Worship Chair 704-661-4806 Judy Chmura Secretary 386-717-6980 Megan Rogers Treasurer 704-576-0435 Rev. Jim Humphries Community Spiritual Director 704-763-1827 Rev. Jill Smith Community Assistant Spiritual Director 704-737-8092 Julie Smith Community Records / Team Selection 704-458-2097 Joyce Lemmond Agape 704-875-9779 John Woog Fourth Day Activities 704-502-0205 Frank Vogt Housing 704-807-9643 Rose Goodson Literature 704-578-0162 Priscilla Brown Newsletter / Internal Communications 803-614-0219 W. Joe McGrath Transportation 704-588-3079 Stephanie Stowe Registrar 704-999-6245 Mary Magee Weekend Volunteer / Co-ord. Chair 704-277-3659 Chuck Mauney Ext. Communications/Outreach Chair 704-458-4689 Randy Bunnell Worship Committee Vice Chair 704-905-6177 Jace Stowe Board Chair Emeritus 704-823-0208 Did you know there is a Central Carolinas Emmaus Facebook Group? This Facebook group is open to all who have attended the Walk to Emmaus, or similar weekend. Because this group may contain sensitive information about the Walk, it is a closed group. If you would like to be added to this group, please send an email to and include your Facebook INFORMATION… Do you have information for the good of the Community that you would like to share? Please send any info to Priscilla Brown at If you would like something posted on the Website, please contact Chuck Mauney at Thank you. Central Carolinas Emmaus Community PO Box 33863 Charlotte, NC 28233
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