WORKING TOGETHER ON THE THINGS THAT MATTER 1 2 3 4 5 Suffolk Coastal District Council Elections, 7 May 2015 We will work together to promote sustainable economic growth within our town. We will promote and encourage everyone to take pride in our Town. We will promptly react to any problems around litter and graffiti. We will promote the needs of the local community in respect of policing and crime reduction. We will to the best of our ability represent the views and opinions of local residents on matters of concern in the community. When significant developments are being considered we will work together to represent the views and opinions of local residents. HOW YOU CAN HELP STEVE AND DOREEN You can help Steve’s and Doreen’s Campaign for Felixstowe East Ward by joining hundreds of local people displaying a poster, delivering leaflets or helping the campaign. If you would like to help please contact our team on: 01473 617665 or and Promoted by Fraser McFarland on behalf of Suffolk Coastal Conservatives, both of Unit B, Bristol Court, Betts Avenue, Martlesham, IP5 3RY. Printed by Leiston Press, Unit 1b Masterlord Industrial Estate, Leiston, IP16 4JD. STEVE GALLANT DOREEN SAVAGE Your local Conservative team in Felixstowe East Ward Discussing the proposed housing development on Ferry Road and the need to ensure that the right housing is provided in that area. Admiring the view and facilities provided at the new Harbourmaster’s HQ at Felixstowe Ferry with John White and Stephen Read (Harbourmaster). Looking at the tennis courts at OFCA. Funding towards the resurfacing of the courts has been granted by Suffolk Coastal District Council. About Steve About Doreen Steve is a 54 year old married man with two grown up children and four grandchildren. He has lived in Felixstowe for the last ten years. Doreen was born and educated in Felixstowe. She has 3 children and 6 grandchildren all of whom live in Felixstowe. Until his retirement in 2013 he was the local Policing Commander for Felixstowe and Woodbridge. He consistently exceeded all performance targets which were set. Drove down crime, antisocial behaviour and improved the provision of youth activities within the area. Doreen became a Town Councillor in 1983 and a District Councillor in 1987. Her career was in the legal profession. Doreen is proud of the way in which Felixstowe is developing and welcomes the present investment in the Town. He oversaw the introduction of Safe Neighbourhood Teams and successfully ran a number of annual Multi-Cultural community events within Felixstowe. Doreen is a member of the Trustee Board of Felixstowe Citizens’ Advice Bureau, a Trustee of the Old Felixstowe Community Association, Chairman of the Sea cadet Unit, a Governor at Felixstowe International College, a member of the Landguard Partnership and a Friend of the Seafront Gardens. He maintains an active interest in developing young people and was the driving force behind the introduction Volunteer Police Cadets within Suffolk. Doreen was awarded the MBE in 2009 for her services to Local Government in Felixstowe. Visit our new website
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