Noteworthy News Newsletter of the Santa Cruz County Branch Music Teachers’ Association of California SCCMTAC Calendar of Events March 6 - Friday, 9:00-10:30 - Board meeting, hosted by Ellen Khayat 8 - Sunday, 2:30 - Student Recital, Santa Cruz Public Library, 224 Church Street, Santa Cruz (upstairs meeting room) 15 - CM Branch Honors forms for piano (2015 version) to Vlada Volkova-Moran 19 - Thursday, 12:10 - Munch Mo, Santa Cruz Public Library, main branch 21 - Saturday, Certificate of Merit Evaluations, voice, St. Andrew Presbyterian Church 21 - Saturday, 2:00-4:30 - Watsonville Woman’s Club Annual Tea 29 - Sunday, Certificate of Merit Evaluations, piano/strings/ winds, UCSC April 3 - Friday, 9:00-10:30 - Board meeting, hosted by Kathleen Kasdorf 12 - Sunday, CM Branch Honors Recitals - 12:30 piano; 2:30 voice, strings, winds, Kuumbwa Jazz Center 16 - Thursday, 12:10 - Munch Mo, Santa Cruz Public Library, main branch 19- Sunday, 9:00-5:00 - Talent Bank Festival Auditions, Cabrillo College 26 - Sunday, 2:30 - TBAF Barbara Call Recital, Kuumbwa Jazz Center May 1 - Friday, 9:00-10:30 - Board meeting, hosted by Michael Rindt 8 - Friday, 10:00-noon - Teachers discussion group, topic TBA, hosted by Robin Murray 17 - Sunday, 3:00-5:00 - A Musical Mingling, adult recital, hosted by Joanne Tanner 21 - Thursday, 12:10 - Munch Mo, Santa Cruz Public Library, main branch June 12 - Friday, 9:00-10:30 - Board planning meeting, hosted by Carolyn Christian 12 - Friday, 11:00-2:30 - General Membership Meeting, Installation of Officers, lunch potluck, hosted by Samantha Allott 18 - Thursday, 12:10 - Munch Mo, Santa Cruz Public Library, main branch Deadline for April newsletter: March 20, 2015 cchristian43@gmail March 2015 Volume 29 Number 6 March 8th Recital, 2:30 PM - Carol Panofsky Our branch will be hosting a recital at the Central Branch of The Santa Cruz Public Libraries on MARCH 8th. We chose this date because it provides a great opportunity for your students to try out their CM repertoire in a public venue. The deadline for applications is February 26, but if you email me program information immediately upon receipt of this, your newsletter, I will almost certainly be able to fit your students on the program. The Library Meeting room is a really nice space, and we hope to see you there! Watsonville Woman’s Tea - Barbara Jirsa Don’t forget: the deadline for making reservations for the Watsonville Woman’s club Tea is March 7th (tickets are not available at the door). The Tea is on Saturday, March 21 at 2:00 (seating starts at 1:30). The contact person is Jane Amaral 359-3357 or The WWC is one of the biggest donors to our Talent Bank. Come raise a glass (and a pinkie) and enjoy a performance of past Talent Bank winners along with Tea! Practice-a-thon - Barbara Jirsa Remember to have your students finish up their Practice-athon by Certificate of Merit day (March 29th). Students need to collect their pledges and return them to me (Barbara Jirsa, 221 Nevada St. Santa Cruz, CA 95060) by April 5th (Easter) of the month if they want to be eligible for prizes. Students who participate will receive a personalized letter of thanks for their support of the Opportunity Grant program and a free cookie card at Pacific Cookie Co. Noteworthy News Talent Bank Awards Festival - Susan Parrish We are quickly approaching the Talent Bank Awards Festival on April 19, 2015. All final repertoire lists were due on March 1st to Susan Parrish. All changes in repertoire must have the approval of the Talent Bank committee or be subject to disqualification. Teachers will be notified of the TBAF schedule shortly. The performers should be moving into the final stages of their preparation which includes memorization. The TBAF memorization requirements are as follows: Piano and voice: at least two pieces must be memorized Strings: at least one piece must be memorized Winds and Chamber music: memorization is not required Here are a few strategies to help with memorization taken from the Nov/Dec 2014 edition of the Clavier Companion: * Memorize in small manageable sections - During performance performers recall a link series of several memorize sections. If the sections are too long we tend to remember only the beginning and the end of the segment and forget what's going on in the middle. Create memory cues for these short manageable sections. Memorize from back to front so that the end of the piece is memorized better than the beginning. * Memorize passages just before bedtime - Research shows that even after we stop practicing our brains continue to replay and consolidate the new memories and the neural connections that were formed are further activated. Memory consolidation continues during sleep; this step results in more stable memories. * Change the way you practice - Work away from the instrument (instrumentalists can work in the air, pianists can play on a table top, singers can recite the lyrics or sing without accompaniment). Vary the tempo & rhythmic variations, dynamics, Distract yourself - Practice other things or take a short break, then go back to memorization. This will get you accustomed to the recall process more quickly. Work those neurons! * Practice mentally - Once the brain has formed a memory of the skill, it is activated every time the skill is imagined. Mental practice that focuses on what a piece sounds like, looks like on the page or on the keyboard or feels like in our bodies, activates the neural connections associated with that skill. Mental practice conducted while lying down and relaxing the entire body helps musicians associate a feeling of common ease with the memory of the skill of performing the music. Use all of your senses - See the music, see your body while you're playing it and away from your instrument, feel the sensation of your body as it is producing the music, hear the music while you were playing it, hear the music while you were not playing it. Analyze the music and recall that analysis while you're making the music. * Record a rehearsal - If you want to experience the pressure of performing, turn on the recorder! This will help you identify problem areas caused by nerves. Tyler Hayford Concert - Barbara Jirsa MTAC Members Kathleen Purcell and Ivan Rosenblum to Perform - Ivan Rosenblum The Santa Cruz Chamber Players Presents: Classical and “All That Jazz” - Sat., March 28th 8 p.m. & Sun., March 29th 3 p.m., Christ Lutheran Church, 10707 Soquel Dr., Aptos Information: 831.425.3149 Music by Marais, Beethoven, Schumann, Piazolla, Schulhoff, Scriabin, Richard Rodgers and Nicolai Kaspustin Ivan Rosenblum, Pianist and Artistic Director Kathleen Purcell, Flutist Kristin Garbeff, Cello page 2 Tyler Hayford performed for the home crowd at the Kuumbwa Jazz Center in January. He demonstrated the skill and sensitivity that earned him membership in MTAC’s Young Artist Guild; his expressiveness has grown since his participation in the YAG concert at the MTAC convention last summer. His program included Bach’s Prelude and Fugue in G minor (from the Well-Tempered Clavier), Beethoven’s Pastoral Sonata, the Andante Espressivo movement from Brahms’ Sonata #3, and Rachmaninoff’s Piano Sonata #2. The enthusiastic crowd of over one hundred attendees included many students, teachers, and family friends and community members of all ages. Tyler mentioned that he was inspired by seeing former YAG members perform here (Ashley Hsu and David Wu both performed house concerts in recent years) which could be incentive to our branch to continue to bring these fabulous young performers in the future! March 2015 CM Story March 2015 - Ellen Khayat The dates of our 2015 CM Evaluations are fast approaching: Saturday, March 21, for Voice and Sunday, March 29, for Piano, Winds, and Strings. Student Evaluation Reports are printed with their chosen repertoire, and teachers will be contacted in early March with their student’s arrival and evaluation times and their own work assignments. Teachers should have students practice their technique as a routine, with only the outline boxes provided in their syllabus to refer to. Getting students used to performing evaluation pieces in evaluation order should be considered as well. They should be acquainted with evaluation language: technique, sight-reading, repertoire. Make sure each student has his or her own music to take to CM and that measures are numbered in all books. Numbers in left hand margin for each line is sufficient. The music should be clipped to the selection being performed. Borrow or buy any extra copies of music you need well in advance of CM day. And of course NO PHOTOCOPIES are allowed. If the Evaluator even sees a photocopy, the student receives an automatic RAL (Remain at Level). Here’s a Checklist to go over with your Parents and Students: Piano Reception will open at 8 p.m. Students are expected to check in at the Reception Table no later than their given ARRIVAL TIME; however, the test room at UCSC will be open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. so students can get their exams completed earlier or later than their evaluation time if they so choose. Students who have an evaluation time of 3 p.m. or later should arrive early enough to ensure that they can complete their written exam and ear training prior to the 5:00 p.m. test room closure. Sometimes, despite our best efforts, the schedule can run late at the end of the day. Please caution parents and students that they might encounter delays. Students, please bring a book to read. Cellphones are not permitted in the testing area or evaluation rooms and should be checked with the test room attendant. Students should bring a book and/or a sketch pad, NOT electronic devices, in the event they need to wait. Pencils and paper keyboards will be provided for student use in the test room. Although earbuds will be provided for ear training, invite your students to bring their own if they prefer. Branch dress standards are in effect for CM evaluations as well as for Branch Honors Recitals. Allow extra time for travel, traffic, parking ($4 fee). I find credit card payment of the parking fee is easiest. Campus maps are available at http/ Parents may wait in the lobby or outdoors. The entire process typically takes about an hour or an hour and a half (somewhat longer for upper levels). Teachers should feel free to direct any questions to Ellen or other members of the CM Committee. We are here to help. CPE Concert: We Really "Banded" Together! - Nicki Kerns Those who came to the CPE concert on February 8 were in for a very special afternoon. Not only did the concert feature the standard group of fabulous performers and a pair of "firsts" for CPE, the audience was also treated to stellar performances by several members of Susan Bruckner's piano ensemble group from Cabrillo, the 88 Keys Piano Club. Those club members-Kiefer Taylor, Adam Fixler, Stefanie Malone, and Lauren Urroz, treated the audience to two delightful pieces by Kevin Olson, including his 2 piano 8 hand piece, Rush Hour, which inspired some enthusiastic fist-pumping from Kiefer and Adam during the piece as they mimed a truck driver honking a big rig's horn. Other gems included Kiefer and Lauren's arrangement of selections from Mary Poppins and a mashup of Phantom of the Opera and Star Wars (I can't even describe it; you had to be there to fully appreciate its over-the-top creativity), as well as a mashup of two Chopin Etudes. throughout their performance of Bach's Double Keyboard Concerto in C. Lavinia Livingston and Nicki Kerns also sparkled - literally, thanks to beaded and sequined gowns - with their performance of two movements from the suite from Prokofiev's ballet, Cinderella. Somehow a silver high-heeled shoe got left behind onstage as those two exited after their performance, but a gallant stage hand bravely returned the glass slipper - I mean, silver shoe - to the gal whose foot it fit and they lived happily ever after and - whoops! I got sidetracked; back to the review! You can view this piece, along with the shoe, on YouTube at: v=_eMdwLk7sNA&feature=share A technological first for CPE took place with Tom and Karen Cole's gorgeous rendering of Samuel Barber's Souvenirs. They didn't have sheet music - they had iPads onto which their music had been downloaded! Secured by custom holders designed and built by Tom, it was a marvel to watch them simply slide a finger across the screen instead of flipping a page. More traditional programming was also thoroughly enjoyed by the nearly sold-out audience. Vlada Moran and Leah Parker-Zumberge gave a sweet performance of Faure's "Dolly" suite, and Ivan Rosenblum with Lynn Kidder sparkled page 3 (Continued on pg 4) Noteworthy News (CPE recital continued) Branch Officers The other first for CPE was the performance of an original transcription for 2 pianos 4 hands by yours truly of Stairway to Heaven (yes, THAT one) which I performed with Lynn Kidder. What made this so unusual for CPE was that not only was it classic rock, but my rock band, The Raytones, came down and performed with us! From what I could tell, the audience loved it and comments overheard in the lobby after the concert confirmed that they wanted more. In this writer's never-ever-humble opinion, this year's CPE concert was a smashing success. We raised over $1,600 for Talent Bank, we had new performers join us, we had iPads, and we had a band - which also brought in an audience who would otherwise never have come, thus exposing them to the magic that is piano ensemble music. Bravi tutti on a job President: Michael Rindt Vice President: Cheryl Dougan Treasurer: Barbara Jirsa Recording Secretary: Kathleen Kasdorf Corresponding Secretary: Mariann Eichhorn Membership Secretary: Carolyn Christian Directors: Certificate of Merit: Ellen Khayat Event Coordinator: Carol Panofsky Publications/website: Robin Murray Noteworthy News Newsletter of the Santa Cruz County Branch of the Music Teachers’Association of California Next copy deadline: March 20, 2015 Send contributions to: On the web - page 4
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