Species Plates Manzanita Treatments 42 A. nevadensis in California's Sierra Nevada Species Plates Santa Cruz Manzanita Arctostaphylos andersonii MV Species Plates habitat & Dr. Parker, Santa Cruz County auriculate-clasping at base of leaves, which are also bifacial and overlapped depressed-globose, sticky fruits Santa Cruz Pacific Ocean Range of A. andersonii FORM: tree-like, 2-5m STEM: twig (and nascent inflorescence axis) densely tomentose or short-nonglandular-hairy and long-glandular-hairy LEAVES: overlapped; blade 4–7cm, 1.5–2.5cm wide, oblong, boat-shaped, bifacial, lacking stomata on upper leaf, glabrous, light-green, base lobed, clasping, tip acute FRUIT: depressed-globose; glandular and sticky with separable stones HABITAT: open sites or forest edge, redwood or mixed-evergreen forest, occasionally in chaparral near coast; <800m OBSERVATIONS: Empire Grade, Santa Cruz Co. restricted to the southern Santa Cruz Mountains IDENTIFICATION: boat-shaped leaves, auriculate-clasping at the base, pointed at the ends and curved upwards; of auriculate species, only A. andersonii and A. pajaroensis generally have bifacial leaves; A. pajaroensis has rough shredded bark compared to the smooth red bark of A. andersonii; one of its nearest relatives is A. regismontana which differs in having dull gray-green, non-bifacial leaves that are glandular and sticky REMARKS: one of 12 auriculate-leaved manzanitas in the Central Coast Range A Field Guide to Manzanitas 43
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