Pokémon Rumble World 1 Important Information Basic Information 2 Information Sharing 3 Online Features 4 Parental Controls Getting Started 5 Introduction 6 Controls 7 Saving/Deleting Data How to Play 8 Castle Town 9 Castle Town / Touch Menu 10 Stages 11 Switching Pokémon 12 Pause Menu Communications 13 Buying Poké Diamonds 14 StreetPass 15 SpotPass 16 Calling Someone Online Support Information 17 How to Contact Us 1 Important Information Please read this manual carefully before using this software. If the software is to be used by young children, the manual should be read and explained to them by an adult. ♦ Unless stated otherwise, any references to "Nintendo 3DS" in this manual apply to all systems in the Nintendo 3DS™ family. ♦ When playing on a Nintendo 2DS™ system, features which require closing the Nintendo 3DS system can be simulated by using the sleep switch. IMPORTANT Important information about your health and safety is available in the Health and Safety Information application on the HOME Menu. You should also thoroughly read the Operations Manual, especially the "Health and Safety Information" section, before using Nintendo 3DS software. Language Selection The in-game language depends on the one that is set on the system. This title supports five different languages: English, German, French, Spanish and Italian. If your Nintendo 3DS system language is set to one of these, the same language will be displayed in the software. If your Nintendo 3DS system is set to another language, the in-game default language will be English. For instructions about how to change the system language, please refer to the System Settings electronic manual. Age Rating Information For age rating information for this and other software, please consult the relevant website for the age rating system in your region. PEGI (Europe): www.pegi.info USK (Germany): www.usk.de Classification Operations Branch (Australia): www.classification.gov.au OFLC (New Zealand): www.classificationoffice.govt.nz Russia: minsvyaz.ru/ru/doc/index.php?id_4=883 Advisories This software (including any digital content or documentation you download or use in connection with this software) is licensed by Nintendo only for personal and non-commercial use on your Nintendo 3DS system. Your use of any network services of this software is subj ect to the Nintendo 3DS Service User Agreement and Privacy Policy, which includes the Nintendo 3DS Code of Conduct. Unauthorised reproduction or use is prohibited. This software contains copy protection technology to prevent reproduction and copying of content. Your Nintendo 3DS system and software are not designed for use with any existing or future unauthorised technical modification of the hardware or software or the use of any unauthorised device in connection with your Nintendo 3DS system. After the Nintendo 3DS system or any software is updated, any existing or future unauthorised technical modification of the hardware or software of your Nintendo 3DS system, or the use of any unauthorised device in connection with your Nintendo 3DS system, may render your Nintendo 3DS system permanently unplayable. Content deriving from the unauthorised technical modification of the hardware or software of your Nintendo 3DS system may be removed. This software, instruction manual and other written materials accompanying the software are protected by domestic and international intellectual property laws. ©2015 Pokémon. ©1995–2015 Nintendo Co., Ltd./ Creatures Inc. /GAME FREAK inc. Developed by Ambrella. Trademarks are property of their respective owners. Nintendo 3DS is a trademark of Nintendo. CTR-N-KCFA-00 2 Information Sharing User-generated content, or UGC, is content created by users, such as messages, Mii™ characters, images, photos, video, audio, QR Code™ patterns, etc. Exchanging UGC These are general precautions for exchanging UGC with other users. The extent of UGC exchange depends on the software. ● Uploaded content may be seen by other users. It may also be copied, modified and redistributed by third parties. Once sent, you cannot delete such content or limit its usage, so be careful. ● Any uploaded content may be removed without notice. Nintendo may also remove or hide content which is considered to be unsuitable. ● When uploading content or creating content for upload... - Do not include any information that can be used to identify you or a third party personally, such as your or a third party's name, email address, address or telephone number. - Do not include anything which could be damaging or offensive to another person, or make someone uncomfortable. - Do not infringe on the rights of others. Do not use content owned by a third party or that displays a third party (photos, images, videos) without their permission. - Do not include illegal content or any content which aids illegal activity. - Do not include any content which violates public morality. 3 Online Features This software allows you to purchase Poké Diamonds (p. 13), and invite other players' Mii characters (p. 16) through your internet connection. ♦ For information about connecting your Nintendo 3DS system to the internet, refer to the Operations Manual. T hi s s oft ware s u pp ort s N int e nd o Network™. Nin te nd o Ne t work is an o nl in e s e rvic e wh ic h al l ows yo u t o p l ay w it h o t he r pl aye rs al l o ve r t he w orl d , down l o ad n ew ad d-on content and much more! Online Precautions ● If you post, send or otherwise make available any information or content through wireless communication please make sure not to include any information that can be used to identify you personally, such as your name, email address, your address or your telephone number, as others may be allowed to see such information and content. In particular, when choosing a user name or nickname for your Mii characters, please do not use your real name as others may be able to view your user name and the nicknames of your Mii characters when using wireless communication. ● Friend codes are a part of a system that allows you to establish a friendship with other users, so that you can play, communicate and interact with people you know. If you exchange friend codes with strangers, there is a risk that you could receive information or messages with offensive language or inappropriate content and that strangers may see information about you that you do not want strangers to see. We therefore recommend that you do not give your friend codes to people you don’t know. ● Do not engage in harmful, illegal, offensive or otherwise inappropriate activity that might cause problems for other users. In particular, do not post, send or otherwise make available any information or content that threatens, abuses or harasses other persons, infringes on the rights of others (such as copyrights, portrait rights, privacy rights, rights of publicity or trademarks) or that may make other people feel uncomfortable. In particular, when sending, posting or making available photos, images or videos displaying other people, make sure to obtain their permission beforehand. If inappropriate conduct is reported or confirmed, you may be subj ect to penalties such as being banned from the Nintendo 3DS Services. ● Please note that Nintendo servers may become temporarily unavailable without prior notice due to maintenance following any problems, and online services for certain software may be discontinued. 4 Parental Controls You can use the following Parental Controls to restrict certain features of this software. ♦ For more information about Parental Controls, refer to the Operations Manual. ● Nintendo 3DS Shopping Services Restricts the purchase of Poké Diamonds (p. 13). ● Online Interaction Restricts the visits of your friends' Mii characters via SpotPass™ (p. 15) and the ability to invite other players' Mii characters via the internet connection (p. 16). ● StreetPass Restricts the sending/receiving of Mii characters via StreetPass™ (p. 14). 5 Introduction In Pokémon™ Rumble World, you control a Toy Pokémon and can advance through many stages. As you advance and collect more Pokémon, your Adventurer Rank (p. 8) goes up, opening up more features to enjoy. Useful Po ké Diamonds Th is g ame c an be pl ay ed at no c os t , bu t yo u c an us e P o ké Di amo nds t o h el p y ou p rog res s t hro ug h t h e g ame . Pok é Di amo nds c an be pu rch as ed or obt ained throug h g amepl ay, and y ou c an u se t he m for s ho pp ing or cont inuing a chal l eng e after a l os s ( p. 10) . For more info , s ee Buying Poké Diamonds (p. 13). Ch an g in g t h e d at e or t ime on y our s y st e m may t emp oraril y delay associated event s. 6 Controls In this game, you'll control various features by pressing buttons and selecting menu items on the lower screen (Touch Screen) (p. 9). Co nt rol s (C ast l e To wn and Stag es) Move / Talk ( I n t he cas t l e town) Jump ( I n t he cas t l e town) Move A (I n a stag e) Move B (I n a stag e) Dis pl ay t h e Switch Menu Tak e phot os of t he u pp er s c ree n and l ower screen + Dis pl ay t h e Pause Menu ♦ During an event, you can skip the . event by pressing Menu Contro ls S el e ct an option / C onfirm Back N e w N int e nd o 3 DS Contro ls I f y ou u se a Ne w Nint e nd o 3DS s y s t em o r a Ne w Nin t en do 3DS X L s ys t e m, functions the same as / . 7 Saving/Deleting Data Saving Your Data Your game progress will be saved automatically whenever "Saving" is displayed at the upper left of the upper screen. For example, saving will occur when you shop or when you exit a stage. To save and quit the game, go to the Pause Menu (p. 12), and choose "Save and Quit" while you are in the castle town. I f y ou t ry t o o v erwrit e t he sav e dat a on y ou r SD c ard wit h da t a saved on your comput er or ot her de v ice , it wil l not b e re ad . Yo u cannot us e this method as a way to back up your save dat a. Del eting Your Data To delete your game data, you must delete the entire application. To do so, please follow the steps below: 1. Go to the HOME Menu to access "System Settings", and then select "Data Management". 2. Select "Nintendo 3DS" and then "Software". 3. Find "Pokémon Rumble World" in the list and select it, and then touch "Delete". I f y ou de l et e yo ur g a me d at a, you will l ose any Poké Diamonds y ou h av e pu rch as ed . Del e t ed Po ké Diamon ds cann ot b e restored. ♦ Dat a t hat has b ee n d el e t ed c ann o t be res t ore d. Pl ease c on s ide r carefu l l y be fore deleting your game dat a. ● Do no t t u rn th e powe r o ff, res et t he sy s t em or re mov e G ame C ards / SD c ard s whil e sav ing . Mak e s u re n ot t o g et d irt in t h e t ermin a l s. T he se ac t io ns co ul d result in permanent data l oss. ● Do no t use e xt ernal acc es sorie s or s o ft ware t o mo dify yo ur sav e dat a, as th is ca n l ead t o an in ab il it y t o p rog re ss or l os s o f sav e d at a. Any mod ific at i on i s permanent , so be careful. 8 Castle Town In the castle town, you can talk to Mii characters and Pokémon, and you will find various facilities. When something happens or will be displayed. changes, Pokémon You're Controlling Touch Menu (p. 9) Player Status Your current Advent urer Rank ( As you captu re more sp ecies o f Po ké mon , yo ur Adv ent urer Rank g oes up.) N umb er of b efri en de d P ok émo n / up pe r l imit o f Pokémon you can befriend Quant ity of Poké Diamonds C urrent ( Y ou can o bt ain in st ag e s and us e i t for s hop pi ng an d t he l ike.) ♦ When the number of befriended Pokémon is equal to or greater than the upper limit of Pokémon you can befriend, you can challenge the king's request, but you cannot ride a hot-air balloon to go to a stage. In that case, you'll need to say good-bye to some of your befriended Pokémon (p. 9) to reduce the number to less than the upper limit. Facil it ies in t he C astl e Town Initially, the following facilities are available. As you progress in the game, more facilities will become available. Ballo on Sto p The stage wheel determines which stage (p. 10) you'll go to on your hotair balloon ride. ♦ The hot-air balloon deflates after you use it. You can have another ride after a certain period of time passes, or you can use Poké Diamonds to ride again right away. Castl e You can respond to the king's requests (Challenge Battles). Depending on the results, you can receive rewards such as Poké Diamonds. Shop You can buy various items with Poké Diamonds and . You can purchase Poké Diamonds (p. 13) here, too. 9 Castle Town / Touch Menu Tap the Touch Menu on the Touch Screen. Profil e Playe r Info See your game records. Titles See the titles you can get for meeting various game conditions. Once you achieve a title, your Mii character can display it by pressing . Mii S ettings Change the Mii character you use, its appearance and messages, and the info communicated to other players. ♦ To change your Mii character's outfit, select "Change Clothes". ♦ To change messages, select "Edit Messages". ♦ To change your Mii character's appearance when displayed in another player's list of Adventurers, select "Expressions", "Backgrounds" and "Frames". Pokémon Captured Po kémon View Pokémon you've seen so far. Pokémon you've captured will appear on a white background. Say Good-Bye to P okémo n When you say good-bye t o behind. Pokémon, they will leave Favorites Go t o t he Swit c h Me nu ( p. 11 ), se l ec t a P oké mo n, an d pres s t o make t he Pokémon a favorit e. in dic at es yo ur Th e s y mbo l favo rit es . I f y ou d on ' t want t o s ay g o od-b ye t o a Pok émo n, make it one of your favorites. Adventurers See info about the Mii characters of other players who have come to visit you. Select a Mii character, and you'll learn information such as where it lives and when it visited. Press to see more details. Press to register it as a favorite. ♦ You can register up to 900 Mii characters as favorites. Please note that you can delete a Mii character even if you registered it as a favorite. Visitors You can invite visits from other players' Mii characters by selecting "StreetPass" (p. 14), "SpotPass" (p. 15), and "Call Someone Online" (p. 16). The Mii characters you invite will come to the castle town to play. Mii Character V isits T a l k t o M ii c harac t ers in t he ca s t l e t o w n, and t h ey w i l l g iv e y o u p re se nt s or t ak e y ou t o a st a g e where the Mii has been rec entl y. Al s o , Mi i ch arac te rs wil l sometimes appear wit hin a st ag e. I f y ou he l p a Mii c harac t er t h at app ears t o be in t ro ub l e, it wi l l be g ratef ul and will fol low you as a supporter. ♦ If it s HP g aug e reache s z ero, t h e Mii ch aract e r wil l disappear from t he st age. 10 Stages To proceed through each stage, you control a Toy Pokémon and move forward while fighting against wild Toy Pokémon. The direction you should take is indicated by a green arrow. Wild Toy Pokémon An HP gauge will be displayed when you inflict damage. Pokémon You're Controlling The blue HP gauge is displayed. You can switch Pokémon (p. 11) whenever you like. Opposing Pokémon's Name and Type Stage Name The more stars you see by a stage name, the rarer the Pokémon that will appear. Pokémon in a Stage Pokémon you haven't seen yet will appear in silhouette. Pokémon you haven't captured yet will appear in pale colours. Combos The combo number goes up as you defeat more Pokémon in a row. Mega Evolution Panel Touch it, and Pokémon will Mega Evolve. ♦ After your game progress reaches a certain point, Pokémon will be able to Mega Evolve. De feat in g Wil d T oy Pokémon When the HP gauge of a wild Toy Pokémon reaches zero, the Pokémon is defeated, and you can (p. 8) it dropped. pick u p Sometimes you can befriend the Pokémon. Boss es a nd Cl earing Stag es If you reach the end of a stage, you'll have to face a Boss. You can see the Boss's HP gauge at the bottom of the upper screen. To clear the stage, defeat the Boss and hop into the balloon. Lose or Continue If the HP gauge of the Toy Pokémon you're controlling runs out, you'll be defeated and returned to the castle town. However, you can use Poké Diamonds to switch Pokémon and continue the stage. 11 Switching Pokémon The Toy Pokémon you control can be switched for another of your befriended Pokémon at any time, except when under attack. ♦ While the Switch Menu is displayed, gameplay is paused. Switch Menu To switch Pokémon, press to display your list of befriended Pokémon. You can sort or filter the list by so that you can pressing easily search through your list of Toy Pokémon. ♦ Select "Filter" and then "Pokémon Type" to view the list of Pokémon types and their corresponding icons. Power The Switch Menu shows the power of your befriended Pokémon. ♦ Press to display the Pokémon's Special Trait and any special effects of moves. Pokémon's Special Trait and Name Pokémon with a Special Trait have special effects. Type Power Move Info Name and type of Move A. If the Pokémon has a Move B, the information for it will be displayed on the right. The number of stars indicates the power of the moves. Blue stars indicate that the Pokémon type and the move type are the same, and black stars indicate that they are not the same. Pokémon's HP 12 Pause Menu Pres s to display the Pause Menu. The menu displayed differs depending on the location. Manual View this electronic manual. Take Photos Press to take photos. Your photos will be saved on the SD card. ♦ You can also take photos by pressing + anytime during the game. Ch arac ter Ro l es (Castl e Town) When you progress in the game to a certain point and buy "Casting Power" in the shop, you can assign Mii characters to various roles such as the king. ♦ Assigning Mii characters to roles doesn't change the story in the game. Passw ords (Castl e Town) Enter the correct password, and you'll receive a new Pokémon, an item of clothing for your Mii character, etc. Passwords and further details can be found at the official website for Pokémon Rumble World (www.pokemon.co.uk/ RumbleWorld, operated by The Pokémon Company International). Options Touch "Attack Control" to choose Automatic Attack or Manual Attack. With Automatic Attack, if you approach a Pokémon, the Pokémon will automatically be attacked with Move A. With Manual Attack, you press to use Move A. (Even if you choose Automatic Attack, you can still press buttons to use moves.) In the castle town, you can select "Communication Settings" to activate or deactivate StreetPass (p. 14) and SpotPass (p. 15). Save an d Qu it (Castl e Town) Save and quit the game. After "Saving" disappears from the screen, press to return to the HOME Menu, or turn off the power. Ret urn to t he C astl e (S ta g e) / Re turn t o the Cast l e T ow n (Chall eng e Battl e) Quit an adventure in a stage or Challenge Battle and return to the castle town. When you return from a stage, you’ll first report to the king in the castle, and then you'll return to the castle town. The hot-air balloon will deflate, but you'll keep any Pokémon you captured before you quit. 13 Buying Poké Diamonds You can purchase Poké Diamonds from Nintendo eShop (wireless internet connection required). Buying Poké Diamonds How to Buy Poké Diamonds 1. Select "Buying Poké Diamonds " at the shop (p. 8). 2. You'll be directed to Nintendo eShop. ♦ You can decide how many Poké Diamonds you want to purchase. 3. Choose how many Poké Diamonds you want to purchase and follow the on-screen instructions. 4. Select "Purchase" to complete your purchase. T hing s t o K no w abo ut Buying Poké Diamo nds ● You can view your past Poké Diamond purchases in Nintendo eShop's Account Activity section. ● Poké Diamonds can only be used on the system used to buy them and will be lost in case of a system transfer. ● Poké Diamonds are made available by Nintendo as a digital product in the form of a license (right) to trade or exchange for other digital products within the game “Pokémon Rumble World”. Poké Diamonds, as well as other digital products traded or exchanged for Poké Diamonds, can only be used within the game, cannot be transferred to a third party (unless a transfer is permitted within the game) and cannot be exchanged for legal tender or any item or right outside of the game. Ad ding N int e nd o e S ho p Fund s You must have sufficient Nintendo eShop funds to purchase Poké Diamonds. If you do not have enough funds, you can tap "Add Funds" to add more. You will need a Nintendo eShop Card, a Nintendo eShop activation code, or a credit card to add funds. ♦ To save time when adding Nintendo eShop funds again, it is possible to register the credit card information and protect it with a password. ♦ The credit card information can be deleted at any time through "Settings/Other" in Nintendo eShop. 14 StreetPass Mii charact ers y ou passed b y w il l visi t (StreetPass) If you have activated StreetPass for this game and you pass by another player who has done the same, you'll automatically exchange info about each other's Mii character. The other player's Mii character will visit your castle town and other spots, and your Mii character will visit the other player's castle town and so on. Activating S treetPass You can activate StreetPass when you progress in the game to a certain point. To deactivate or reactivate StreetPass, go to the Pause Menu (p. 12), and touch "Options", "Communication Settings", and then "StreetPass". 15 SpotPass Farawa y Mi i charact ers wil l visit (SpotPass) While the system is in Sleep Mode, even when the software is not running, the SpotPass feature will periodically connect to the internet (if available). If you receive data via SpotPass, the Mii characters of faraway friends will visit your castle town and other spots, as well as let your Mii travel to other players. ♦ Data received via SpotPass is saved to the SD card, so make sure you always have an SD card inserted into your system. Using SpotP ass You can activate SpotPass when you progress in the game to a certain point. To deactivate or reactivate SpotPass, go to the Pause Menu (p. 12) and touch "Options", "Communication Settings", and then "SpotPass". 16 Calling Someone Online Farawa y Mi i charact ers wil l visit (internet) Connect to the internet, and you can invite Mii characters of faraway players to visit your castle town and other spots, as well as let your Mii travel to other players. ♦ For information about connecting your Nintendo 3DS system to the internet, refer to the Operations Manual. Internet Select "Visitors" (p. 9) in the Touch Menu, and then touch "Call Someone Online". The first time you connect each day, you can select "Invite someone for free". To invite other Mii characters more than once on the same day, you need Play Coins. ♦ You can collect Play Coins by walking around with your Nintendo 3DS system while the system is powered on. 17 How to Contact Us For product information, please visit the Nintendo website at: www.nintendo.com For technical support and troubleshooting, please refer to the Operations Manual for your Nintendo 3DS system or visit: support.nintendo.com
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