17th March 2015 - Chapel Hill State School

17 March 2015
**Chapel Hill State School does not endorse or recommend any of the following advertisements, notices or flyers;
this serves as a community noticeboard.**
If you do not wish to receive the Newsletter please send an email to unsubscribe@chapelhillss.eq.edu.au from
the email you wish to unsubscribe.
Please make sure the CUSTOMER ID (10 digit number with letter) is recorded before any other details and the
correct amount is applied. Part-payments are also accepted. Please refer to ‘Information for the Payment of
Invoices’ under School Notices.
18.03.15 KSHS German Immersion Info Evening 5.30 - 7pm
18.03.15 Raw Art Yr 6
19.03.15 Brisbane South Chess Tournament
20.03.15 Free Dress for Harmony Day
23.03.15 Raw Art Yr 3
23.03.15 Yr 1C PEEC
24.03.15 Yr 1B PEEC
24.03.15 C.A.T. Competition
24.03.15 P&C Special Meeting 7.30pm Arts Building
25.03.15 Yr 1A PEEC
26.03.15 Yr 1D PEEC
27.03.15 Yr 1E PEEC
27.03.18 Interschool Sport Yrs 5 & 6
30.03 - 01.04.15 Parent Teacher Interviews
02.04.15 "The Anzac Story" Yrs 3 - 6, 12 - 1.30pm School Hall
02.04.15 Last Day Term 1
20.04.15 Term 2 Commences
Dear Parents
Fortnightly newsletter from Term 2: Our newsletter goes out weekly and this causes time
pressures to generate, format, finalise and distribute the document. Term 2 will see the
newsletter move to a fortnightly release but with a Key Messages email going out on the
non-newsletter week. This will mean that families will still receive an email each week but
the more substantial newsletter report will be each fortnight. This fortnightly release will
allow more time to prepare and share all of our news so that we can provide quality
information and reports within a reasonable timeline.
Free Dress Day for Harmony Day at Chapel Hill SS on Friday.
Harmony Day is held every year in March to coincide with the United Nations International Day for the Elimination
of Racial Discrimination. The message of Harmony Day is ‘everyone belongs’. It’s a day to celebrate Australia’s
diversity – and its message aligns perfectly with our own School core value of ‘respect for others’.
Our Year 2 students have always had a special commitment to Harmony Day and this year will be no different
with their own special Harmony Day program running on Wednesday 1 April. I felt that the messages of Harmony
Day should be promoted across the whole school and therefore we have organised a Free Dress day on Friday
(including Yr 2). Harmony Day is about recognising and celebrating differences and so students have the option
to wear an outfit that shows their differences. Students may wish to wear a cultural, a favourite team or perhaps
their Karate outfit just to name a few options. Please note that we still need students to wear sun safe clothes and
school shoes (we will still have a rule ‘no hat – no play’). A gold coin donation from each student will be used to
support the Luekaemia Foundation.
Parent Teacher Interviews Start Monday 30 March
Communication and feedback are the key ingredients to improving student outcomes and that is why the Parent
Teacher Interviews are so important. Each classroom Teacher will be sending home an information flier that
includes a proposed booking schedule that needs to be completed and returned to School before the end of the
week. Parents unable to find a suitable timeslot are free to make individual arrangements as it is vital that all
families are able to share in this key information.
Students are now in the midst of assessments so these interviews will allow parents to gain a solid understanding
of student performance to date and this will lead to a clear understanding of where things are at and what can be
done to bring about improvements.
Upgrade of Internet Speed Finally Happening
Over a year ago we requested an upgrade to our internet service. The current speed is limited due to the lack of
infrastructure provided by Telstra. The Department is coordinating an update to the infrastructure to ensure that
we can support 21st Century learners.
After a number of calls last week I am happy to flag that in a few short weeks we will move to a fibre optic
solution that will mean our ‘pipe’ will widen to 4 to 7 times its usual speed. Given the growth of the school and the
reliance on internet in the office and the classrooms, we are going to notice a huge difference.
Chapel Hill SS Celebrates Pi Day
On Saturday it was the 3rd month and the 14th day of 2015 and this aligns to the mathematical value of Pi
(3.1415…). Our IGNITE teacher (Mrs Freyne) had set down a challenge to our keen and capable students to see
if they could beat our previous record recall of the value of Pi. Jake from Year 5 managed to get to 109 places in
perfect order while Jye in Year 3 had a valiant attempt to reach 69 places. Ben C (Year 6) excelled in the
challenge by recalling 129 places of Pi. This is a remarkable result and it was great to see a room filled with
students cheering on all of the competitors. We already have students starting to prepare for next year’s
Student Resource Scheme and Voluntary Financial Contribution
Many thanks to all parents who have already forwarded payments for the SRS and VFC for 2015. Each family
has received a copy of information about the SRS and VFC. If you did not receive a copy, please visit the
Office. If you wish, a payment plan for either scheme can be organised by filling out the details on either the SRS
or VFC forms. When payment is made, both forms need to be returned to the box in the office. An invoice and
receipt for the SRS will be issued and sent home with your child. Only a receipt will be issued for the VFC and
sent home with your child.
Kenmore State High School German Immersion Program
An Information Evening about the German Immersion and Extension Program at Kenmore State High School will
be held on Wednesday 18 March at 5:30pm – 7:00pm in Q Block (Performing Arts Block). Brochures were sent
home last week for Yrs 3 - 6. Expression of Interest Forms are available at the Office. They will also be available
at the Information Evening, or by calling 3327 1538.
Stewart Jones
Last Wednesday evening, I had the privilege of attending a presentation on the “Casey Caterpillar” Handwriting
Program by our Prep B Teacher, Mrs Shea. I have acquired writing samples from some Year 1 students to show
the benefits of this program.
Bridie 1D
Chloe 1D
Sessions are as follows:
 Growing up Writing – the Power of Writing in Prep (POSTPONED until Term 2 - TBA)
 Supporting Your Beginning Reader (Wednesday 13 May - 6.00pm-7.00pm.)
RSVP is essential. Contact Val on: vbeve1@eq.edu.au
Having completed the sessions, you will leave with a new knowledge of:
The importance of building letter-sound knowledge concurrently with learning to read & write.
 The role of sight words in the reading-writing process.
 The best thing to say and do when your child asks ‘How do you spell….?’
 What to do or say when your child is stuck on a word without telling them what it is, or saying ‘sound-itout’.
 How to get your child to stop reading like a robot.
 How to get your child to monitor their own reading and make self-corrections, rather than relying on you!
Please note: It is anticipated that parents / volunteers assisting with reading/writing in our Prep 2015 classrooms
will attend these sessions.
Rhonda Martin and Sam Baguley
Deputy Principals
Congratulations to the following students who have achieved a Silver Certificate. Certificates will be handed out
in the classroom next week.
Oliver 1A
William 1C
Ajay 1C
Sarah 1E
Arianna 2A
Violet 2A
Harriet 2A
Gisele 2C
Charlie 2D
Ethan 3A
Cael 3A
Shaelyn 3D
Zikr 3E
Aleczander 4B
Tobias 4C
Declan 5A
Gold Certificates
Please be aware that if your child has achieved a Gold Medallion, you will be emailed when it is to be presented
on Assembly.
Shelley Fanning
Acting Head of Curriculum
Results of Pi Day Memory Challenge
Those who were present in the Arts Building last Thursday witnessed a number of astounding feats of
Our Junior (Years 3 and 4) prize winners were: Rosie (Year 4), who came second with an excellent score of 51
digits of pi, and Jye (Year 3), who won this section by correctly remembering an impressive 69 digits.
Our Senior (Years 5 and 6) prize winners amazed the audience with their scores: Jake (Year 5) recited 108 digits
correctly, and Ben (Year 6) made it to 129 correct digits, to take out the section. These were both incredible
We congratulate all those who took part and thank them for the time and effort they put into training for this event.
A number of students have already started preparing for next year's competition!
Requirements for Computational and Algorithmic Thinking
Those students in Years 5 and 6 who have registered for the C.A.T. Competition on Tuesday 24th March should
have received a letter to take home yesterday with some further instructions about this activity.
Please ensure that participants have the following items ready to bring for the Competition: two 2B pencils, a
good quality eraser, a ruler, a calculator with new or near-new batteries and a dictionary.
Janet Freyne
IGNITE Coordinator
Hi Everyone,
Be true to yourself, your words and your differences.
On Friday, we will be celebrating Harmony Day which is an opportunity for our students to celebrate their
uniqueness and also their differences. We have explained to students that Harmony Day reminds us that no
matter what our differences are, whether they are different tastes or values, whether we were born in a different
country or support a particular sport’s team, we all respect each other, and include everyone. Most of all, it
reminds us that we all belong. We belong here within the Chapel Hill School Community, and we all belong
together in the wider community of Australia.
Often we grow up in areas where people are mostly alike (at least in appearance) and sometimes when we come
into contact with people who are different, it can be uncomfortable and unsettling. Helping children by exposing
them to people of all kinds – from different cultures, religions and with different beliefs, shows them that it is OK
to be unique and this should be celebrated. Certainly it is that variety that makes life so interesting and diverse.
I know that in one classroom around the school, the children have been starting and ending each Monday with a
greeting from another language. What a great way to get them actively thinking about other people and their
different cultures.
Best wishes for a good week
Fiona Foley
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
The support and generosity that I have received from the students and parents has been overwhelming!! Words
cannot describe how much I appreciate your assistance in raising money and awareness for the Leukaemia
Foundation’s World’s Greatest Shave.
I’ve uploaded some photos on my profile page. If you’d like to check them out the link is:
Thanks again for your support
Bridget Cook
Music Teacher
Student Achievements
Student Awards
Congratulations to the following students who received Student of the Week Awards: Evie 4A, Maylia 6C, Ethan
PC, Indigo 3A, William 3E, Finley PA, Toby 1A, Bailey 1E, Max 4C, Stella 2C, Yannick PD, Jaxon PB, Oliva 1C,
Violet 6A, Ari 2B, Ben 3D, Taneen 4B, Rania 5A, Charlotte 5C, Kelly 6B, Lydia 3B, Anouk 5B.
Regional Trials
Congratulations to the following students for their selection in the West Akuna Australian Football and Netball
District Teams for 2015. Regional Trials for AFL will be 31/03 & 01/04 and Netball will be 21/04 & 2/04:AFL
- Lachlan & Harry
Netball - Grace, Sian,Clara and Bridget
Cross Country
Cross country training has commenced.
At this stage times will be Mon. 1.35pm and Thurs. 1.35pm
Information For The Payment Of Invoices
During the year, invoices and permission slips will be sent home for various activities.
Permission Slips
All permission slips need to be returned to the box in the Office by the due date.
All invoices need to be attended to by the due date using one of the following options listed below:
1. In person by placing your cash payment in an envelope in the box at the Office.
2. Cheque payable to CHSS and placed in the box at th Office.
3. Credit Card. Details of your Credit Card need to be written on the form provided at the bottom of the invoice
and placed in the box at the Office.
4. Direct Deposit to CHSS account. It is most important that as many details as possible are given - Customer ID
Number, Invoice Number and Student Name.
*Please ensure that the amount deposited is the amount that you have been invoiced.
Please note that if you are paying by cash, cheque
or credit card the invoice needs to accompany the payment and placed in the box in the Office. Please do NOT
cut the invoice/payment slip. If you wish to combine more than one invoice this is quite acceptable. When the
payment is processed a receipt attached to the invoice will be sent home with your child.
Payment Due
Prep - Resource Pack overdue
Prep - Ocean Life $8.00, Footsteps $10.00 overdue
Yr 1 PEEC $30.00 due Thursday 19 March
Yr 1 - Resource Pack overdue
Yr 1 - Beenleigh Historical Village $28.00 overdue
Yr 1 - Footsteps $20.00 overdue
Yr1 - Raw Art Program $24.00 overdue
Yr 2 - Resource Pack overdue
Yr 2 - Footsteps $20.00, Raw Art Program $24.00 overdue
Yr 3 - Resource Pack overdue
Yr 3 - Footsteps $20.00, Raw Art Program $24.00 overdue
Yr 3 - PEEC $23.00 overdue
Yr 4 - Footsteps $20.00, Raw Art Program $24.00 overdue
Yr 5 - Starlab $8.50, Footsteps $20.00, Raw Art Program $24.00 overdue
Yr 5 & 6 - Interschool Sport as invoiced. Due Friday 27 March
Yr 6 - Footsteps $20.00, Raw Art Program $24.00 overdue
Yr 6 - Camp Deposit $400 due Thursday 2 April
Instrumental Music Program - as invoiced. Due Friday 20 March
Chess Program $65.00 due Friday 20 March
Student Resource Scheme (SRS) due Tuesday 31 March (No Invoices)
Voluntary Financial Contribution (VFC) due Tuesday 31 March (No Invoices)
A reminder to parents/carers to notify the School about your
child's health
Please Note: Students who bring any medication (antibiotics etc) to School MUST hand it to their teacher or
School Office in the morning for safekeeping. Students may collect this medication at the end of the School Day.
Many thanks for your cooperation in this matter.
Chapel Hill State School is committed to supporting students' health and wellbeing. We would appreciate
parents/carers providing the School with any relevant health information that is required to support the student at
school. This information is also collected at enrolment but needs to be updated regularly, or if a new health
condition develops.
Information about medically diagnosed conditions such as allergies, asthma, diabetes and epilepsy and other
health conditions that may require School staff to provide support to students, including administering medication
and performing health procedures, should be provided to the School. Additionally, any health need that may
impact on School activities such as sports, outings (including camps) should also be discussed with the School.
Information should be provided in writing through the Medication Request Form (below) and any specific health
plans (only to be completed and signed by the medical practitioner) should be included. Please contact the
School to discuss any specific requirements.
Please inform the School Office of any changes to contact details or the contact details of the people nominated
as emergency contacts.
Thank you for your assistance in this regard. All information is kept confidential and only disclosed to the relevant
staff required to supporting your child.
Please click here for CHSS Medication Request Form
**Please take this form to your GP so that they can sign it, otherwise the School will be unable to administer any
For any enquiries, please contact the School Office via telephone (3871 4888).
Child Absent From School
Parents are reminded that if their child is away from School, could they please phone the School early in the
morning. Parents can ring our ABSENTEE LINE ON 3871 4860 and leave an appropriate message. Please note
that if there is no message explaining your child's absence it will be an "unexplained" absence.
Late Arrival to School
Students who are late to School need to go to the School Office to confirm their arrival and collect a 'Late Arrival
Card' to give to their teacher.
Picking up during School Hours
If possible, please send a note to your child's teacher explaining a pick-up time or if not planned before your child
departs, please ring the Office. Your child is then to be collected from the Office (NOT the Turning Circle) and
Parking in Tinbeerwah
If you use the Tinbeerwah entrance PLEASE BE AWARE OF THE NO STANDING ZONE! Please drive carefully
and slowly AND BE AWARE OF OTHER CHILDREN. DO NOT STOP in the NO STANDING zones - Cars found
to be stopped WILL BE FINED (police could be in attendance). Many thanks for your cooperation.
Picking Up and Dropping Off Students
It is asked that all parents please pay special attention when driving into and out of the School. With the new
students at School there may be some students who are unfamiliar with these normal routines.
Please adhere to the parking signs that are displayed in the grounds and on the neighbouring roads (Tinbeerwah,
Hakea Crescent, Ironbark Road). Please note the turning circle at the top of the driveway is a pick-up and dropoff zone only.
Please note that there have been instances where cars have parked across the driveways of homes surrounding
the Chapel Hill School area (Goolman Street). Please refrain from doing so and be aware that if this continues to
occur, the owners of these homes will be notifying the police. Thank you for your cooperation.
Turning Circle
A reminder to all parents that the School STOP DROP and GO section in the Turning Circle can be used up until
8:15 a.m. to access the Out of School Care facility. After this time there are two, 2 minute parks at the end of the
Turning Circle that may be used. It is important not to park and leave your car in the STOP DROP and GO
section after 8:15 a.m. as it restricts traffic flow.
School Banking
School Banking is on each Thursday morning from 8.20am in the Tuckshop area
Donation of $3,317.74 to the School Library
The 2014 school banking commission of $1,658.87 was matched by the P&C and $3,317.74 was donated to the
School Library. This money will be put towards Mrs Massey’s purchasing priorities for 2015, which include:
increasing the multiple copies of books for literature circles;
graphic novels for reluctant readers;
extra copies of particularly popular series;
replacement copies of much loved books that have had to be retired; and
new books from engaging local and international authors.
Thank you to everyone who was involved in School Banking Program during 2014. Being able to make this
donation to the School Library is just one of the benefits of participation. Thank you also to the P&C for matching
the commission raised by the School Bankers.
113 students deposited last week. This week was our biggest school banking day so far! Just a reminder,
students can participate by using the:
 School Banking Desk – Students can bring their banking wallets to the Tuckshop Area between 8.20am
to 8.45am each Thursday morning.
 School Banking Quick Deposit Box – From 8.20am each Thursday morning there is a Quick Deposit
Box located next to the school banking desk. Banking wallets dropped in the box for later
processing. They will be returned to the student’s teacher.
 School Banking Bag – Each Thursday morning Prep and Year 1 students and their siblings can place
their banking wallet into their classroom’s School Banking Bag. This bag can also be used for their
sibling’s banking wallet/s and their reward card coupon if they are ready to redeem 10 tokens for a
If you have any queries in relation to the School Banking Program please do not hesitate to email me
at jane.hallam@hotmail.com.
Jane Hallam
School Banking Co-ordinator
P&C PATCH chsspandc.org.au
P&C Special Meeting
The Chapel Hill State School Parents and Citizens Association will be holding a special meeting on Tuesday the
24 March at 7.30PM in the Arts Building to receive nominations for the vacant Secretary and Treasurer Executive
In order for the P&C to function financially these positions need to be filled in a timely manner.
Wages, scheduled maintenance expenses and outstanding accounts cannot be paid without an approved
Executive cohort.
All members of the community are welcome to attend as well as the current members of the P&C.
The Education Department has also just amended the Constitution for 2015 and our P&C will need to approve
this new essential document and implement it accordingly.
No other topics will be discussed at this special meeting so it will be short and sweet.
Please come along and help us get rolling for the year ahead.
Kyla Bailey
P&C President
Tuckshop News
Tuckshop opening hours are Wednesday, Thursday & Friday from 8.30am.
Sushi & Vietnamese Roll Orders
Please don’t forget to order your child’s Sushi and Vietnamese rolls before 10am this Wednesday if they would
like this choice for lunch on Thursday.
Tropical Gelato
Our suppliers are still out of stock of Tropical Gelato. They hope to have further stock available in the coming
Please click on the following:
Please click here for the Tuckshop Volunteer Form
Thank you to next week's Tuckshop Volunteers
Wednesday 25 March: Robyn, Alison HELP NEEDED
Thursday 26 March: Julie, Robyn, Rachel
Friday 27 March: Kerrie, Therese, Amanda, Olga, Sally
Nicky Simons
Tuckshop Convenor
Uniform Shop
New Uniform Shop Opening Hours: Monday 8.00am - 8.50am
Please click her for Uniform Price List
Order online at www.Flexischools.com.au and items will be delivered to your child's classroom on Mondays
8:00am - 8:45am. Please note that orders placed over the weekend will only be delivered on the following
Monday (please check your invoice for date of delivery).
Cotton polos have arrived and have been delivered to your child's classroom.
If you have time to spare on Monday mornings we'd love your help. Please let us know.
Contact us at chssuniformshop@gmail.com
Robyn Neill and Jenny Strodl
Uniform Shop Convenors
**Chapel Hill State School does not endorse or recommend any of the following advertisements or
notices; this section serves as a community noticeboard.
Newsletter Notices
If you would like to place a notice or advertisement in the Newsletter please email Val at vbeve1@eq.edu.au by
Monday 11am. The Newsletter will be emailed on Tuesday.
For further information regarding pricing please email Val or call the Office on 3871 4888.
Assessment and Treatment of Fears and Anxiety in Children
Griffith University
Parents, is your child fearful of certain situations or do they seem to experience ongoing feelings of anxiety? At
Griffith University, we are conducting a large-scale study for children (10 to 13 years of age) with anxiety that
includes a thorough assessment and a novel, home-based treatment using computers and telephone contact
from a trained clinician. We are providing this service at no cost to families. To find out more about this project,
please contact our team on 07-3735 3349, cadrp@griffith.edu.au.
Male Cockatiel (named Gussy) lost in Chapel Hill area on Saturday 14 th.
If found, please contact 37202856.
Awesome Kids Holiday Workshops!
Does your Child need to build their confidence, or maybe they want to try something new and exciting! Speak Up
Studio is holding four days of holiday workshops from 14th April-17th April, at our Red Hill Studio space for your
kids to enjoy!
Tues 14th April is Drama Day (Roald Dahl Inspired performances and Drama activities)
Wed 15th April is Filmmaking Day (Activate Entertainment Film Making Classes)
Wed 15th April is Kids Movie Night (Popcorn, Games, Beanbags and The Lego Movie)
Thur 16th April is Musical Theatre Day (Frozen, Tangled, Seussical, and Matilda)
Fri 17th April is Arts and Crafts Day (Make your own Pokemon Cards, Grassheads, Dr Seuss Dream Machines
and Felt & Fabric Creatures)
For more detailed information please visit http://speakupstudio.com.au/ call 1300 SpeakUp or email
C & K Kindy
Indooroopilly C & K currently has vacancies for Pre-Prep age children on Mondays, Tuesdays and every second
Wednesday (5 day fortnight). We are a small one unit, community based Kindergarten located just off Moggill
Road. Please call 3878 2578.
Youth Bridge Fun Day
Ready for something new? If you like mental challenges (for example card games, chess or sudoku) how about
trying your hand at Bridge? Have fun, face new challenges every time you play, and enjoy heaps of opportunities
to play with your friends, both in person and online. As a bonus, this game can help to improve your
concentration, as well as your mathematics, logic and problem solving skills.
Over the Easter holidays, get to know and play introductory bridge in a single day.
 Meet other Qld youth players
 Pizza lunch (and ice cream!) provided
 IT'S FREE All players 8 to 25 years welcome
Sunday 19 April 2015
Toowong Bridge Club, 22 Roy Street, Auchenflower,
Brisbane. Phone: 3871 0661
10.15 am – 12.15 pm: Morning teaching/coaching session.
12.15 pm - 1.00 pm: Lunch.
1.00 pm - 3.00 pm: Extra afternoon session for older players (15 to
25 years), or younger players with experience. Board games (e.g.
Monopoly) will be available in the afternoon for those who remain
from the morning but want to give bridge a break.
Just turn up! – No bridge partner required.
For more information, contact Paul Brake on 5570 4261 or paul.brake95@gmail.com
Surfers Paradise Festival 3 - 18 April
It our favourite time of the year when we celebrate the fun-loving, care-free buzz of Surfers Paradise with loads of
FREE family fun! This year's festival features food, art, music, and entertainment in the precinct, with an actionpacked program guaranteed to suit the whole family. Click here for further inforation:
For more information visit www.acetennisaustralia.comor call 3103 8672
Please click here for more information regarding TERM 1 2015
1st Screening of Fair Food- The Documentary in Qld!
Australia’s food system is broken but
innovative farmers, businesses and
Smiling for Smiddy supports
cancer research that has
communities are creating something
better. In the absence of vision and
national and international
impact. Funds enable the
leadership from most tiers of
governments, and the corporate agri-
dedicated team of scientists
at Mater Research to
food sector, these Fair Food pioneers
are taking action themselves.
undertake potentially lifesaving research into the
causes, prevention and
improved treatments of
When: 7pm Wednesday April 1st
Where: Schonell Cinema, UQ, St Lucia
Cost: $25 Go to ticketbud.com, search “Fair Food” under find event
Why: All proceeds raised from this screening support ovarian cancer
research through Smiling for Smiddy/Mater Research by sponsorship of
CHSS parent David Wadsworth riding for Smiling for Smiddy.
Can’t come to
Thanks for your support CHSS!